Results for 'Pierre Laurens'

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  1.  26
    Self-reported physician attitudes and behaviours towards incarcerated patients.Kevin Pierre, Kiarash P. Rahmanian, Benjamin J. Rooks & Lauren B. Solberg - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Physicians anecdotally report inquiring about incarcerated patients’ crimes and their length of sentence, which has potential implications for the quality of care these patients receive. However, there is minimal research on how a physician’s awareness of their patient’s crimes/length of sentence impacts physician behaviours and attitudes. We performed regression modelling on a 27-question survey to analyse physician attitudes and behaviours towards incarcerated patients. We found that, although most physicians did not usually try to learn of their patients’ crimes, they often (...)
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    Le Porte-Feuille d'un Philosophe, ou Mélange de pièces philosophiques, politiques, critiques, satyriques&galantes, etc. [Collected by the Abbé H. J. Dulaurens.].Henri-Joseph du Laurens, Pierre Bayle & Marteau - 1770 - Chez Pierre Marteau, Fils.
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    Le Modèle à la Renaissance.Claudie Balavoine, Jean Lafond & Pierre Laurens (eds.) - 1986 - Paris: J. Vrin.
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  4. Pierre Gassendi-Du principe efficient, c'est-à-dire des causes des choses.Laurens Schlicht - 2010 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 63 (4):55.
  5. Pierre Gassendi-Le principe materiel, c'est-à-dire la matière première des choses/De la liberté, de la fortune, du destin et de la divination/Du principe efficient, c'est-à-dire des causes des choses.Laurens Schlicht - 2010 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 63 (1):55.
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    Algunos trabajos recientes sobre el epigrama griego Some Recent Studies about Greek Epigram.Begoña Ortega Villaro, Manuel Baumbach-Andrej Petrovic-Ivana Petrovic & Jean Irigoin-Francesca Maltomini-Pierre Laurens - 2012 - Minerva: Revista de Filología Clásica 25:237-250.
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    Solving the conundrum of intra‐specific variation in metabolic rate: A multidisciplinary conceptual and methodological toolkit.Neil B. Metcalfe, Jakob Bellman, Pierre Bize, Pierre U. Blier, Amélie Crespel, Neal J. Dawson, Ruth E. Dunn, Lewis G. Halsey, Wendy R. Hood, Mark Hopkins, Shaun S. Killen, Darryl McLennan, Lauren E. Nadler, Julie J. H. Nati, Matthew J. Noakes, Tommy Norin, Susan E. Ozanne, Malcolm Peaker, Amanda K. Pettersen, Anna Przybylska-Piech, Alann Rathery, Charlotte Récapet, Enrique Rodríguez, Karine Salin, Antoine Stier, Elisa Thoral, Klaas R. Westerterp, Margriet S. Westerterp-Plantenga, Michał S. Wojciechowski & Pat Monaghan - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (6):2300026.
    Researchers from diverse disciplines, including organismal and cellular physiology, sports science, human nutrition, evolution and ecology, have sought to understand the causes and consequences of the surprising variation in metabolic rate found among and within individual animals of the same species. Research in this area has been hampered by differences in approach, terminology and methodology, and the context in which measurements are made. Recent advances provide important opportunities to identify and address the key questions in the field. By bringing together (...)
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    Louis Pierre Gratiolet, Paul Broca, et al. on the question of a maturational left–right gradient: Some forerunners of current-day models.Lauren Julius Harris - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (4):730-731.
  9. 'Much Better Instructors' Adam Smith and the Role of Literature in Moral Education.Lauren Kopajtic - 2023 - In Paul Sagar (ed.), Interpreting Adam Smith: Critical Essays. Cambridge University Press. pp. 194-213.
    In the final edition of the Theory of Moral Sentiments (TMS), Smith recommends several literary authors—Racine and Voltaire, Richardson, Marivaux, and Riccoboni—as “much better instructors than Zeno, Chrysippus, or Epictetus,” specifically in their illustrations of relationships of love and friendship as well as the “private and domestic affections,” like “parental tenderness” and “filial piety” (III.3.13-4). Smith does not here explain how literature performs this instructive function, and his remarks on the function of literature are scattered across TMS and the Lectures (...)
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    The Budé Anthology Continued Pierre Waltz and Guy Soury (avec le concours de Jean Irigoin et Pierre Laurens): Anthologie Grecque. Première Partie, Anthologie Palatine; Tome viii (Livre ix, Épigr. 359–827). Texte établi et traduit. (Collection Budé.) Pp. x + 293 (texte double). Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1974. Paper, 75 frs. [REVIEW]David A. Campbell - 1977 - The Classical Review 27 (01):15-16.
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    Lauren Redniss. Radioactive: Marie and Pierre Curie: A Tale of Love and Fallout. 208 pp., illus., bibl. New York: HarperCollins, 2010. $29.99. [REVIEW]Charlotte Bigg - 2013 - Isis 104 (1):179-180.
  12. Scientific realism without reference.Pierre Cruse & David Papineau - 2002 - In Michele Marsonet (ed.), The Problem of Realism. Ashgate. pp. 174--189.
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    Peter Auriol on the Metaphysics of Efficient Causation.Can Laurens Löwe - 2017 - Vivarium 55 (4):239-272.
    _ Source: _Volume 55, Issue 4, pp 239 - 272 According to Peter Auriol, OFM, efficient causation is a composite being consisting of items belonging to three distinct categories: a change, an action, and a passion. The change functions as the subject bearing action and passion. After presenting Aristotle’s account of action and passion, which constitutes the background to Auriol’s theory of causation, this paper considers Auriol’s interpretation of Aristotle’s account in contrast to an alternative interpretation defended by Hervaeus Natalis (...)
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  14.  65
    Aristotle and John Buridan on the Individuation of Causal Powers.Can Laurens Löwe - 2018 - Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy 6 (1).
    This paper examines Aristotle’s account of the individuation of causal powers, which dominated much of scholastic thought about powers, and argues that John Buridan rejected it. It contends that Buridan criticizes Aristotle’s account on two counts. First, he attacks Aristotle’s view that we ought to individuate powers by appeal to their respective activities. Second, Buridan objects to Aristotle’s “single-track” account, which correlates one type of power with only one type of activity. Against this, it is argued, Buridan adopts a multi-track (...)
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    Beyond Discrete Choices – Investigating the Effectiveness of a Proximity Nudge With Multiple Alternative Options.Laurens C. van Gestel, Marieke A. Adriaanse & Denise T. D. de Ridder - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    La prudence chez Aristote.Pierre Aubenque - 1963 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
    " Faire d'Aristote un Aufklârer serait méconnaître ce qu'il y a en lui de religiosité authentique, cette intuition de la transcendance et du chorismos, qui sont la raison profonde de sa prudence spéculative. Faire d'Aristote un tragique serait méconnaître cette confiance en l'homme, en sa recherche et en son action, qui tranche sur les lamentations du chœur de la tragédie et sur une certaine résignation socratique et, avant la lettre, stoïcienne. Mais Aristote exalte l'homme sans le diviniser ; il en (...)
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    Ziel und Struktur der physikalischen Theorien.Pierre Duhem, Friedrich Adler & Ernst Mach - 1998 - Meiner, F.
    Pierre Duhem (1861-1916) gehörte zu jenen Wissenschaftlern, die im ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert an der Umbildung der Physik im großen Stil arbeiteten und damit an der Vorbereitung der wissenschaftlichen Revolution beteiligt waren, die durch Planck und Einstein herbeigeführt wurde. Duhems klassisches Werk der modernen Wissenschaftstheorie hat auf die Entwicklung des logischen Empirismus nachhaltigen Einfluß ausgeübt. Das von Duhem beigezogene reichhaltige Material und seine konzisen Fallstudien stellen eine Fundgrube für jeden dar, der sich ernsthaft mit Wissenschaftstheorie beschäftigt.
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  18. (1 other version)Social space and symbolic power.Pierre Bourdieu - 1989 - Sociological Theory 7 (1):14-25.
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    John Duns Scotus versus Thomas Aquinas on action-passion identity.Can Laurens Löwe - 2018 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 26 (6):1027-1044.
    ABSTRACTThis paper examines Thomas Aquinas’ and John Duns Scotus’ respective views on the action-passion identity thesis. This thesis, which goes back to Aristotle, states that when an agent causes a change in a patient, then the agent’s causing of the change is identical to the patient’s undergoing of said change. Action and passion are, on this view, one and the same change in the patient, albeit under two distinct descriptions. The first part of the paper considers Aquinas’ defence of this (...)
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  20. Self-Interest Before Adam Smith: A Genealogy of Economic Science.Pierre Force - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    Self-Interest before Adam Smith inquires into the foundations of economic theory. It is generally assumed that the birth of modern economic science, marked by the publication of The Wealth of Nations in 1776, was the triumph of the 'selfish hypothesis'. Yet, as a neo-Epicurean idea, this hypothesis had been a matter of controversy for over a century and Smith opposed it from a neo-Stoic point of view. But how can the Epicurean principles of orthodox economic theory be reconciled with the (...)
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  21. The Problem of the Subject.Pierre Schlag - 1991 - University of Toronto, Faculty of Law.
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    Opera omnia.Pierre Gassendi, Henri Louis Habert de Montmor & Tullio Gregory - 1658 - F. Frommann.
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  23. Du symbolique au symbole ou du symbole au symbolique? Remarques intempestives in Les sacrements de Dieu.Pierre Gisel - 1987 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 75 (3):357-370.
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    L'éthique néo-aristotélicienne.Pierre Goldstein - 2021 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    This book compares the range of different contemporary neo-Aristotelian moral theories. It shows that the most successful are those that remain faithful to the program proposed by Elizabeth Anscombe.
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    Genomics in Industry: issues of a bio-based economy.Patricia Osseweijer, Laurens Landeweerd & Robin Pierce - 2010 - Genomics, Society and Policy 6 (2):1-14.
    What value does genomics hold for industry? Ten years after the White House Press conference where the human genome sequence was first presented, we ask in which ways and to what extent the developments in genomics have been integrated into industry. This enables us to assess whether this integration has been as successful as expected, but also which unexpected developments in genomics advances have triggered additional benefits for industry. Genomics has contributed to the beginning of a global transition to a (...)
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  26. Rethinking the state: Genesis and structure of the bureaucratic field.Pierre Bourdieu, Loic J. D. Wacquant & Samar Farage - 1994 - Sociological Theory 12 (1):1-18.
  27. Synthetic grammar learning: Implicit rule abstraction or explicit fragmentary knowledge.Pierre Perruchet & C. Pacteau - 1990 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 119:264-75.
  28. (1 other version)To save the Phenomena.Pierre Duhem, Edmund Doland & Chaninah Maschler - 1970 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 21 (3):303-304.
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    Thomas Aquinas on the Metaphysics of the Human Act.Can Laurens Löwe - 2021 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers a novel account of Aquinas's theory of the human act. It argues that Aquinas takes a human act to be a composite of two power-exercises, where one relates to the other as form to matter. The formal component is an act of the will, and the material component is a power-exercise caused by the will, which Aquinas refers to as the 'commanded act.' The book also argues that Aquinas conceptualizes the act of free choice as a hylomorphic (...)
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  30.  9
    Remarques sur l'Imagination.Pierre-Maxime Schuhl - 1954 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 144:242 - 243.
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    Souvenirs d'enfance et réminiscences.Pierre-Maxime Schuhl - 1963 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 153:260.
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    Études biologiques.Pierre-Maxime Schuhl - 1940 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 129 (3/4):266 - 271.
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    Terry Pinkard. Hegel’s Naturalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. ISBN 978-0-19-986079-1. Pp. xii+213. £20.49.Elise Frketich & Can Laurens Löwe - 2018 - Hegel Bulletin 39 (1):162-168.
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  34.  50
    The Blessed Virgin and the Two Time-Series: Hervaeus Natalis and Durand of St. Pourçain on Limit Decision.Can Laurens Löwe - 2017 - Vivarium 55 (1-3):36-59.
    This paper examines the accounts of limit decision advanced by Hervaeus Natalis and Durand of St. Pourçain in their respective discussions of the sanctification of the Blessed Virgin. Hervaeus and Durand argue, against Aristotle, that the temporal limits of certain changes, including Mary’s sanctification, should be assigned in discrete rather than continuous time. The paper first considers Hervaeus’ discussion of limit decision and argues that, for Hervaeus, a solution of temporal limits in terms of discrete time can coexist with an (...)
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  35. Pragmatism in cognitive science: from the pragmatic turn to Deweyan adverbialism.Pierre Steiner - 2017 - Pragmatism Today 8 (1):9-27.
  36.  65
    Rationality and Freedom in Hobbes's Theory of Action.Laurens van Apeldoorn - 2014 - History of European Ideas 40 (5):603-621.
    SummaryThomas Hobbes's theory of action seems to give up on the idea that actions are ‘up to us’. Thomas Pink has argued that this counter-intuitive stance should be understood as the implication of his radical assault on the scholastic Aristotelian model of action. Hobbes rejects the existence of the immaterial soul. This means that he must also reject the existence of so-called elicited acts of the will, which form the primary locus of human agency. In this paper an alternative interpretation (...)
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  37. Uneasy Genius: The Life and Work of Pierre Duhem.Stanley L. Jaki & Pierre Duhem - 1987 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 38 (3):406-408.
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    Climate Adaptation Limits and the Right to Food Security.Ivo Wallimann-Helmer, Laurens M. Bouwer, Christian Huggel & Sirkku Juhola - 2021 - In Hanna Schübel & Ivo Wallimann-Helmer (eds.), Justice and food security in a changing climate. Wageningen Academic Publishers. pp. 109-115.
    Avoiding severe impacts from anthropogenic climate change requires not only substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions but also further implementation of adaptation measures. In many regions with smallholder farming systems adaptation can help ensure food security despite significantly changing climatic conditions. However, the space for adaptation measures has limits. In this paper, we investigate hard and soft adaptation limits and discuss their relevance to food security in smallholder farming food systems. We argue that soft adaptation limits can be defined by (...)
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  39. .Pierre Conway (ed.) - 1962 - College of St. Mary of the Springs.
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  40. Poėtika i politika: [sbornik stateĭ: alʹmanakh Rossiĭsko-frant︠s︡uzskogo t︠s︡entra sot︠s︡iologii i filosofii Instituta sot︠s︡iologii Rossiĭskoĭ Akademii nauk].Pierre Bourdieu (ed.) - 1999 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo "Aleteĭi︠a︡".
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  41. Introspection as practice.Pierre Vermersch - 1999 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 6 (2-3):17-42.
    In this article I am not going to try and define introspection. I am going to try to state as precisely as possible how the practice of introspection can be improved, starting from the principle that there exists a disjunction between the logic of action and of conceptualization and the practice of introspection does not require that one should already be in possession of an exhaustive scientific knowledge bearing upon it. . To make matters worse, innumerable commentators upon what passes (...)
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    Bol « mégarien » de Tarente.Pierre Wuilleumier - 1932 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 56 (1):399-402.
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    Spinoza: Kunstnere uten estetikk?Pierre Zaoui - 2003 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 21 (2-3):88-103.
  44. ‘This man is my property’: Slavery and political absolutism in Locke and the classical social contract tradition.Johan Olsthoorn & Laurens van Apeldoorn - 2022 - European Journal of Political Theory 21 (2):253-275.
    It is morally impossible, Locke argued, for individuals to consensually establish absolute rule over themselves. That would be to transfer to rulers a power that is not ours, but God’s alone: ownership of our lives. This article analyses the conceptual presuppositions of Locke’s argument for the moral impossibility of self-enslavement through a comparison with other classical social contract theorists, including Grotius, Hobbes and Pufendorf. Despite notoriously defending the permissibility of voluntary enslavement of individuals and even entire peoples, Grotius similarly endorsed (...)
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    Critique and Totality.Pierre Kerszberg - 1997 - State University of New York Press.
    Presents an original and rigorous reading of the entire project of Kantian critique, demonstrating the essential role that cosmology plays in Kant and those he influenced.
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  46. Firing Back: Against the Tyranny of the Market 2.Pierre Bourdieu & Loïc Wacquant - 2006 - Science and Society 70 (1):134-137.
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  47. (1 other version)Sur l'histoire du concept de vitesse d'Aristote à Galilée.Pierre Souffrin - 1992 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 45 (2-3):231-267.
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  48. There are nowadays professors of philosophy, but not philosophers.Pierre Hadot, J. Aaron Simmons & Mason Marshall - 2005 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 19 (3):229-237.
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  49. Le sentiment religieux. Etude de psychologie.Pierre Bovet - 1919 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 7 (32):157.
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  50. Pédagogie religieuse et éducation fonctionnelle.Pierre Bovet - 1942 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 30 (24):195.
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