Results for 'Philippe Touchet'

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  1.  10
    L’autre, l’impossible présence.Philippe Touchet - 2014 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 64 (3):12-30.
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  2. Maximize Presupposition and Gricean reasoning.Philippe Schlenker - 2012 - Natural Language Semantics 20 (4):391-429.
    Recent semantic research has made increasing use of a principle, Maximize Presupposition, which requires that under certain circumstances the strongest possible presupposition be marked. This principle is generally taken to be irreducible to standard Gricean reasoning because the forms that are in competition have the same assertive content. We suggest, however, that Maximize Presupposition might be reducible to the theory of scalar implicatures. (i)First, we consider a special case: the speaker utters a sentence with a presupposition p which is not (...)
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  3. Straightening the ‘value-laden turn’: minimising the influence of extra-scientific values in science.Philippe Stamenkovic - 2024 - Synthese 203 (20):1-38.
    Straightening the current ‘value-laden turn’ (VLT) in the philosophical literature on values in science, and reviving the legacy of the value-free ideal of science (VFI), this paper argues that the influence of extra-scientific values should be minimised—not excluded—in the core phase of scientific inquiry where claims are accepted or rejected. Noting that the original arguments for the VFI (ensuring the truth of scientific knowledge, respecting the autonomy of science results users, preserving public trust in science) have not been satisfactorily addressed (...)
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  4. Elements of Argumentation.Philippe Besnard & Anthony Hunter - 2009 - Studia Logica 93 (1):97-103.
  5.  46
    Reflexive judgement and wolffian embryology: Kant's shift between the first and the third Critique.Philippe Huneman - unknown
    The problem of generation has been, for Kant scholars, a kind of test of Kant's successive concepts of finality. Although he deplores the absence of a naturalistic account of purposiveness (and hence of reproduction) in his pre-critical writings, in the First Critique he nevertheless presents a "reductionist" view of finality in the Transcendental Dialectic's Appendices. This finality can be used only as a language, extended to the whole of nature, but which must be filled with mechanistic explanations. Therefore, in 1781, (...)
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  6. The Allais paradox: what it became, what it really was, what it now suggests to us.Philippe Mongin - 2019 - Economics and Philosophy 35 (3):423-459.
    Whereas many others have scrutinized the Allais paradox from a theoretical angle, we study the paradox from an historical perspective and link our findings to a suggestion as to how decision theory could make use of it today. We emphasize that Allais proposed the paradox asa normative argument, concerned with ‘the rational man’ and not the ‘real man’, to use his words. Moreover, and more subtly, we argue that Allais had an unusual sense of the normative, being concerned not so (...)
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    Intensity profiles of emotional experience over time.Philippe Verduyn, Iven Van Mechelen, Francis Tuerlinckx, Kristof Meers & Hermina Van Coillie - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (7):1427-1443.
    A full understanding of emotions and emotion characteristics can only be reached when their dynamic nature is taken into account. As such, a primary objective of the present study is to describe and account for variability in temporal profiles of experienced emotional intensity. Participants were asked to make detailed drawings of intensity profiles of recently experienced episodes of anger, sadness, joy and affection. Functional data analysis revealed three features that together accounted for 84% of the total variability: (i) steepness at (...)
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  8. Life’s demons: information and order in biology.Philippe M. Binder & Antoine Danchin - 2011 - EMBO Reports 12 (6):495-499.
    Two decades ago, Rolf Landauer (1991) argued that “information is physical” and ought to have a role in the scientific analysis of reality comparable to that of matter, energy, space and time. This would also help to bridge the gap between biology and mathematics and physics. Although it can be argued that we are living in the ‘golden age’ of biology, both because of the great challenges posed by medicine and the environment and the significant advances that have been made—especially (...)
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    Determinants of the shape of emotion intensity profiles.Philippe Verduyn, Iven Van Mechelen & Evelien Frederix - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (8):1486-1495.
  10. Trust in Early Development.Philippe Rochat - 2010 - In Arne Grøn & Claudia Welz, Trust, sociality, selfhood. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
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    De l'un et du multiple. Sur la doctrine Russellienne des classes des Principles.Philippe de Rouilhan - 1990 - Hermes 7:15.
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    Une société sous contrôle ?Philippe Sabot - 2012 - Methodos 12:1-12.
    L'article cherche à montrer comment la pensée de Foucault permet d'aborder la question sociale à partir de la question carcérale (donc de l'enfermement des délinquants et des criminels) et de la question pénale (donc de la rationalité juridico-politique et des modalités d'administration et de gestion des peines).
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    Machiavel himself... » : Hume et le « secrétaire de Florence.Philippe Saltel - 2008 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 133 (1):31.
    Le parti d'appuyer la pensée de la chose politique sur l'histoire est commun à Hume et à Machiavel ; cette parenté attire l'attention sur les jugements portés par le philosophe écossais sur son prédécesseur florentin et, plus encore, sur le rapprochement des deux pensées. Dans la « manière » des réflexions politiques de Hume, la primauté du fait réel, l'adresse à un lectorat prenant part à l'exercice du pouvoir, la méthode d'élaboration de préceptes subtils sont autant d'éléments de ressemblance avec (...)
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    Individuality as a Theoretical Scheme. II. About the Weak Individuality of Organisms and Ecosystems.Philippe Huneman - 2014 - Biological Theory 9 (4):374-381.
    Following a previous elaboration of the concept of weak individuality and some examples of its instances in ecology and biology, the article focuses on general features of the concept, arguing that in any ontological field individuals are understood on the basis of our knowledge of interactions, through the application of these general formulas for extracting individuals from interactions. Then, the specificities of the individuality in the sense of this weak concept are examined in ecology; I conclude by addressing the differences (...)
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  15. The actor-network fantasy.Philippe Stamenkovic - 2025 - Dialogues in Sociology 1:1-4.
    Latour’s actor-network ‘theory’ (ANT), and more generally Latour’s constructivist and relativistic work, has since long been debunked. (1) It does not make any sense, mixing all conceptual categories together (humans and non-humans, facts and moral prescriptions, science and politics); (2) nevertheless, it pretends to explain important issues such as our current environmental crisis and what to do to overcome it; (3) consequently, it can have extremely damaging political consequences. Latour’s ANT may perhaps be considered as a work of art but (...)
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  16. Indexicality and de se reports.Philippe Schlenker - forthcoming - In Maienborn von Heusinger & Mouton Gruyter Portneder, Handbook of Semantics.
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    Kant’s Concept of Organism Revisited: A Framework for a Possible Synthesis between Developmentalism and Adaptationism?Philippe Huneman - 2017 - The Monist 100 (3):373-390.
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  18. Raymond Ruyer, la biologie et la théologie naturelle [Raymond Ruyer, biology, and natural theology].Philippe Gagnon - 2012 - In Michel Weber & Ronny Desmet, Chromatikon VIII: Annuaire de la philosophie en procès — Yearbook of Philosophy in Process. Éditions Chromatika. pp. 157-176.
    This is the outline: Introduction : le praticien d’une science-philosophie; Épiphénoménisme retourné et subjectivité délocalisée; Dieu est-il jamais inféré par la science ?; La question du panthéisme; Le pilotage axiologique et la parabole mécaniste; L'unité domaniale comme ce qui reste en dehors de la science.
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    Blood, Politics, and Social Science.Philippe Fontaine - 2002 - Isis 93 (3):401-434.
    Long before his last book, The Gift Relationship: From Human Blood to Social Policy, was published in early 1971, Richard M. Titmuss , a professor of social administration at the London School of Economics, had been a major figure in the debates over the welfare state. The Gift Relationship was the culmination of an eventful relationship with the Institute of Economic Affairs, a think tank that advocated the extension of rational pricing to social services. By arguing that the British system (...)
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    Capitalist Sorcery: Breaking the Spell.Philippe Pignarre - 2011 - Palgrave-Macmillan. Edited by Isabelle Stengers.
    Machine generated contents note: -- Acknowledgements -- PART I: WHAT HAPPENED? -- Inheriting from Seattle -- What Are We Dealing With? -- Daring to be Pragmatic -- Infernal Alternatives -- Minions -- PART II: LEARNING TO PROTECT ONESELF -- Do You Believe in Sorcery? -- Leaving Safe Ground -- Marx Again... -- To Believe in Progress No Longer? -- Learning Fright -- PART III: HOW TO GET A HOLD? -- Thanks to Seattle? -- The Trajectory of an Apprenticeship -- Fostering (...)
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  21.  39
    Meaningful Blurs: the sources of repetition-based plurals in ASL.Philippe Schlenker & Jonathan Lamberton - 2021 - Linguistics and Philosophy 45 (2):201-264.
    In several sign languages, plurals can be realized with unpunctuated or punctuated repetitions of a noun, with different semantic implications; similar repetition-based plurals have been described in some homesigns and silent gestures. Unpunctuated repetitions often get approximate ‘at least’ readings while punctuated repetitions typically correspond to ‘exactly’ readings. The prevalence of these mechanisms could be thought to be a case in which Universal Grammar does not just specify the abstract properties of grammatical elements, but also their phonological realization, at least (...)
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  22.  22
    Challenging the Modern Synthesis: Adaptation, Development, and Inheritance.Philippe Huneman & Denis M. Walsh (eds.) - 2017 - New York, US: OUP Usa.
    Since its origin in the early 20th century, the modern synthesis theory of evolution has grown to represent the orthodox view on the process of organic evolution. It is a powerful and successful theory. Its defining features include the prominence it accords to genes in the explanation of development and inheritance, and the role of natural selection as the cause of adaptation. Since the advent of the 21st century, however, the modern synthesis has been subject to repeated and sustained challenges. (...)
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  23.  40
    Death: Perspectives from the Philosophy of Biology.Philippe Huneman - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This book addresses several key issues in the biological study of death with the intent of capturing their genealogy, the assumptions and presuppositions they make, and the way that they open specific new research avenues. The book is divided into two sections: the first considers physiology and the second evolutionary biology. Huneman explains that biologists in the late 1950s put forth a research framework that evolutionarily accounts for death in terms of either an effect of the weakness of natural selection (...)
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    La justice animale : de l’éthique à la politique.Valéry Giroux & Jean-Philippe Royer - 2014 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 9 (3):25-30.
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    In Defense of Logical Universalism: Taking Issue with Jean van Heijenoort.Philippe Rouilhan - 2012 - Logica Universalis 6 (3-4):553-586.
    Van Heijenoort's main contribution to history and philosophy of modern logic was his distinction between two basic views of logic, first, the absolutist, or universalist, view of the founding fathers, Frege, Peano, and Russell, which dominated the first, classical period of history of modern logic, and, second, the relativist, or model-theoretic, view, inherited from Boole, Schröder, and Löwenheim, which has dominated the second, contemporary period of that history. In my paper, I present the man Jean van Heijenoort (Sect. 1); then (...)
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  26. Une conception néo-poppérienne de l’explication en sciences sociales et ses difficultés internes.Philippe Mongin - 2012 - Dialogue 51 (3):503-515.
    This article discusses the rationality principle, especially in Popper's version, on the occasion of a commentary of Maurice Lagueux's book, Rationality and Explanation in Economics (2010).
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  27. Against Adaptation: Lacan’s “Subversion” of the Subject.Philippe Van Haute - 2002
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    Farabi et l'école d'Alexandrie: des prémisses de la connaissance à la philosophie politique.Philippe Vallat - 2004 - Paris: J. Vrin.
    Farabi et l'école d'Alexandrie, est la première étude consacrée à l'ensemble des thèmes de l'œuvre de celui qui fut l'un des plus grands philosophes arabes.
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    From Viruses to Genes: Syncytins.Philippe Pérot, Pierre-Adrien Bolze & François Mallet - 2012 - In Witzany Guenther, Viruses: Essential Agents of Life. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 325--361.
  30.  26
    How the Modern Synthesis Came to Ecology.Philippe Huneman - 2019 - Journal of the History of Biology 52 (4):635-686.
    Ecology in principle is tied to evolution, since communities and ecosystems result from evolution and ecological conditions determine fitness values. Yet the two disciplines of evolution and ecology were not unified in the twentieth-century. The architects of the Modern Synthesis, and especially Julian Huxley, constantly pushed for such integration, but the major ideas of the Synthesis—namely, the privileged role of selection and the key role of gene frequencies in evolution—did not directly or immediately translate into ecological science. In this paper (...)
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  31.  43
    Justice and Democracy: Are they Incompatible?Philippe Parijs - 1996 - Journal of Political Philosophy 4 (2):101-117.
  32.  43
    Neuroleptic-induced anhedonia: Some psychopharmacological implications.Philippe Soubrie - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (1):76-77.
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    Frame-validity Games and Lower Bounds on the Complexity of Modal Axioms.Philippe Balbiani, David Fernández-Duque, Andreas Herzig & Petar Iliev - 2022 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 30 (1):155-185.
    We introduce frame-equivalence games tailored for reasoning about the size, modal depth, number of occurrences of symbols and number of different propositional variables of modal formulae defining a given frame property. Using these games, we prove lower bounds on the above measures for a number of well-known modal axioms; what is more, for some of the axioms, we show that they are optimal among the formulae defining the respective class of frames.
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    An anthropology from a process perspective?Philippe Gagnon - unknown
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    La théorie des Würfe de von Staudt – Une irruption de l’algèbre dans la géométrie pure.Philippe Nabonnand - 2008 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 62 (3):201-242.
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    Determinants of Emotion Duration and Underlying Psychological and Neural Mechanisms.Philippe Verduyn, Pauline Delaveau, Jean-Yves Rotgé, Philippe Fossati & Iven Van Mechelen - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (4):330-335.
    Emotions are traditionally considered to be brief states that last for seconds or a few minutes at most. However, due to pioneering theoretical work of Frijda and recent empirical studies, it has become clear that the duration of emotions is actually highly variable with durations ranging from a few seconds to several hours, or even longer. We review research on determinants of emotion duration. Three classes of determinants are identified: features related to the (a) emotion-eliciting event (event duration and event (...)
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  37. "La pensée d’A.N. Whitehead et la dynamique du champ science et religion".Philippe Gagnon - 2024 - Connaître : Cahiers de l'Association Foi Et Culture Scientifique 61:77-93.
    This is the outline: 1. Introduction – Quelques remarques sur Dieu 2. Science et religion vont-elles se rencontrer ? 3. Le conflit va-t-il tout emporter ? 4. Au coeur du problème : une version sclérosée du dogmatisme 5. Quelle posture pour la rencontre entre science et religion ? 6. Y a-t-il une synthèse à l’horizon ? À quelles conditions ?
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    Humans evolved to become homo negotiatus . . . The rest followed.Philippe Rochat - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (5):714-715.
    Social animals need to share space and resources, whether sexual partners, parents, or food. Humans, however, are unique in the way they share as they evolved to become Homo negotiatus; a species that is prone to bargain and to dispute the value of things until some agreement is reached. This evolution had far-reaching consequences on the specific makeup of human psychology – a psychology that has for trademark a compulsive preoccupation with the self in relation to others. I propose that (...)
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    La psychanalyse et le religieux: Freud, Jung,Lacan.Philippe Julien - 2008 - Paris: Cerf.
    Questionnement sur le rapport entre psychanalyse et religion. Sous l'angle historique, l'ouvrage étudie trois courants, Freud, Jung, Lacan, chacun à partir d'une origine familiale différente : juive, protestante, catholique. L'auteur en déduit que la religion n'existe pas, mais qu'il existe des religions particulières s'incarnant dans le psychisme humain.
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    The Self in Infancy: Theory and Research.Philippe Rochat (ed.) - 1995 - Elsevier.
    This book is a collection of current theoretical views and research on the self in early infancy, prior to self-identification and the well-documented emergence ...
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  41. Adaptation and Multilevel Selection: What Does the Evolutionary Transitions Program Tell Us?Philippe Huneman - unknown
  42. Hölderlin i Grecy.Philippe Lacoue -Labarthe - 2011 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 4 (19).
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    Violence de masse et sécession comme réparation : le cas du Kosovo.Philippe Roseberry - 2012 - Philosophiques 39 (2):421.
    L’interprétation d’un acte de violence de masse est toujours délicate puisqu’elle confère un certain statut au groupe visé. Ce statut peut devenir un facteur important dans la décision de la communauté internationale de reconnaître ou non l’indépendance d’un groupe et de son territoire. Cet article examine le cas de la reconnaissance du Kosovo par la communauté internationale, en février 2008, et soutient que cette reconnaissance a été rendue possible par l’utilisation d’arguments basés sur le statut collectif de victime de nettoyage (...)
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  44. "Une voie moyenne entre les discours sur la 'souffrance' des animaux et leur réduction au statut de biens meubles".Philippe Gagnon - 2024 - In Marie Pelé & Catherine Vialle, La vulnérabilité de l'animal en question : Vulnérabilités du vivant II. Paris: Éditions du Cerf. pp. 87-103.
  45.  6
    The Chicago school of ecology’s evolutionary superorganism and the clements-wright connection.Philippe Huneman - 2025 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 47 (1):1-35.
    “Organicism” often refers to the idea that ecosystems or communities are, or are like, organisms. Often implicit in early twentieth century, it has been theorized by Clements, relying on physiological and developmental concepts. I investigate the fate of this idea in major attempts of a theoretical synthesis of ecology in the first part of the twentieth century. I first consider Bioecology (1939), by Clements and Shelford, which elaborates clementsian organicism as a general framework for plant and animal ecology. Then I (...)
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    Realizability and the varieties of explanation.Philippe Huneman - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 68:37-50.
  47.  27
    Changes of Swimmers’ Emotional States during the Preparation of National Championship: Do Recovery-Stress States Matter?Philippe Vacher, Michel Nicolas, Guillaume Martinent & Laurent Mourot - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Critical Notice on Raymond Ruyer, *Cybernetics and the Origin of Information.Philippe Gagnon - unknown
    Critical notice on Raymond RUYER, Cybernetics and the Origin of Information, translated by Amélie Berger- Soraruff, Andrew Iliadis, Daniel W. Smith, and Ashley Woodward, with an introduction by Ashley Woodward, Lanham, London, Rowman & Littlefield, 2024, XXVII-214 p.
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    Les deux déterminations du dire dans 'Acheminement vers la parole'.Philippe Verstraeten - 1986 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 84 (1):25-44.
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    Les dispositifs techno-sémiotiques: Signes ou objets?Philippe Verhaegen - 1999 - Hermes 25:111.
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