Results for 'Philippe Roisse'

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  1.  33
    L'Historie du Sceau de Salomon ou de la coincidentia oppositorum dans les "Livres de Plomb".Philippe Roisse - 2003 - Al-Qantara 24 (2):359-407.
    Bajo su apariencia supuestamente cristiana, La Historia del sello de Salomón nos incita de manera muy particular a reconstruir los restos de tradiciones esotéricas musulmanas, que en otros Libros Plúmbeos se muestran de manera menos clara. La traducción francesa que ofrecemos, junto con la edición crítica del original árabe de este texto inédito, acompañadas de las versiones latinas de los traductores pontificios y de Bartolomé de Pectorano por un lado, y de la castellana de Adán Centurión por otro, constituyen una (...)
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  2. Straightening the ‘value-laden turn’: minimising the influence of extra-scientific values in science.Philippe Stamenkovic - 2024 - Synthese 203 (20):1-38.
    Straightening the current ‘value-laden turn’ (VLT) in the philosophical literature on values in science, and reviving the legacy of the value-free ideal of science (VFI), this paper argues that the influence of extra-scientific values should be minimised—not excluded—in the core phase of scientific inquiry where claims are accepted or rejected. Noting that the original arguments for the VFI (ensuring the truth of scientific knowledge, respecting the autonomy of science results users, preserving public trust in science) have not been satisfactorily addressed (...)
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  3. Are “All-and-Some” Statements Falsifiable After All?: The Example of Utility Theory.Philippe Mongin - 1986 - Economics and Philosophy 2 (2):185-195.
    Popper's well-known demarcation criterion has often been understood to distinguish statements of empirical science according to their logical form. Implicit in this interpretation of Popper's philosophy is the belief that when the universe of discourse of the empirical scientist is infinite, empirical universal sentences are falsifiable but not verifiable, whereas the converse holds for existential sentences. A remarkable elaboration of this belief is to be found in Watkins's early work on the statements he calls “all-and-some,” such as: “For every metal (...)
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  4. 'Knowable' as 'known after an announcement'.Philippe Balbiani, Alexandru Baltag, Hans van Ditmarsch, Andreas Herzig, Tomohiro Hoshi & Tiago de Lima - 2008 - Review of Symbolic Logic 1 (3):305-334.
    Public announcement logic is an extension of multiagent epistemic logic with dynamic operators to model the informational consequences of announcements to the entire group of agents. We propose an extension of public announcement logic with a dynamic modal operator that expresses what is true after any announcement: after which , does it hold that Kφ? We give various semantic results and show completeness for a Hilbert-style axiomatization of this logic. There is a natural generalization to a logic for arbitrary events.
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  5. Elements of Argumentation.Philippe Besnard & Anthony Hunter - 2009 - Studia Logica 93 (1):97-103.
  6. The impartial observer theorem of social ethics.Philippe Mongin - 2001 - Economics and Philosophy 17 (2):147-179.
    Following a long-standing philosophical tradition, impartiality is a distinctive and determining feature of moral judgments, especially in matters of distributive justice. This broad ethical tradition was revived in welfare economics by Vickrey, and above all, Harsanyi, under the form of the so-called Impartial Observer Theorem. The paper offers an analytical reconstruction of this argument and a step-wise philosophical critique of its premisses. It eventually provides a new formal version of the theorem based on subjective probability.
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  7. Spurious Unanimity and the Pareto Principle.Philippe Mongin - 2016 - Economics and Philosophy 32 (3):511-532.
    The Pareto principle states that if the members of society express the same preference judgment between two options, this judgment is compelling for society. A building block of normative economics and social choice theory, and often borrowed by contemporary political philosophy, the principle has rarely been subjected to philosophical criticism. The paper objects to it on the ground that it indifferently applies to those cases in which the individuals agree on both their expressed preferences and their reasons for entertaining them, (...)
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  8. Maximize Presupposition and Gricean reasoning.Philippe Schlenker - 2012 - Natural Language Semantics 20 (4):391-429.
    Recent semantic research has made increasing use of a principle, Maximize Presupposition, which requires that under certain circumstances the strongest possible presupposition be marked. This principle is generally taken to be irreducible to standard Gricean reasoning because the forms that are in competition have the same assertive content. We suggest, however, that Maximize Presupposition might be reducible to the theory of scalar implicatures. (i)First, we consider a special case: the speaker utters a sentence with a presupposition p which is not (...)
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  9. Understanding purpose: Kant and the philosophy of biology.Philippe Huneman (ed.) - 2007 - Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
    A collection of essays investigating key historical and scientific questions relating to the concept of natural purpose in Kant's philosophy of biology.
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    Intensity profiles of emotional experience over time.Philippe Verduyn, Iven Van Mechelen, Francis Tuerlinckx, Kristof Meers & Hermina Van Coillie - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (7):1427-1443.
    A full understanding of emotions and emotion characteristics can only be reached when their dynamic nature is taken into account. As such, a primary objective of the present study is to describe and account for variability in temporal profiles of experienced emotional intensity. Participants were asked to make detailed drawings of intensity profiles of recently experienced episodes of anger, sadness, joy and affection. Functional data analysis revealed three features that together accounted for 84% of the total variability: (i) steepness at (...)
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  11. Does optimization imply rationality?Philippe Mongin - 2000 - Synthese 124 (1-2):73 - 111.
    The relations between rationality and optimization have been widely discussed in the wake of Herbert Simon's work, with the common conclusion that the rationality concept does not imply the optimization principle. The paper is partly concerned with adding evidence for this view, but its main, more challenging objective is to question the converse implication from optimization to rationality, which is accepted even by bounded rationality theorists. We discuss three topics in succession: (1) rationally defensible cyclical choices, (2) the revealed preference (...)
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  12. Temporal Experiences and Their Parts.Philippe Chuard - 2011 - Philosophers' Imprint 11.
    The paper develops an objection to the extensional model of time consciousness—the view that temporally extended events or processes, and their temporal properties, can be directly perceived as such. Importantly, following James, advocates of the extensional model typically insist that whole experiences of temporal relations between non-simultaneous events are distinct from mere successions of their temporal parts. This means, presumably, that there ought to be some feature(s) differentiating the former from the latter. I try to show why the extensional models (...)
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    Determinants of the shape of emotion intensity profiles.Philippe Verduyn, Iven Van Mechelen & Evelien Frederix - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (8):1486-1495.
  14. Emergence made ontological? Computational versus combinatorial approaches.Philippe Huneman - 2008 - Philosophy of Science 75 (5):595-607.
    I challenge the usual approach of defining emergence in terms of properties of wholes “emerging” upon properties of parts. This approach indeed fails to meet the requirement of nontriviality, since it renders a bunch of ordinary properties emergent; however, by defining emergence as the incompressibility of a simulation process, we have an objective meaning of emergence because the difference between the processes satisfying the incompressibility criterion and the other processes does not depend on our cognitive abilities. Finally, this definition fulfills (...)
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  15. Le réalisme des hypothèses et la Partial Interpretation View.Philippe Mongin - 1988 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 18 (3):281-325.
    The article discusses Friedman's classic claim that economics can be based on irrealistic assumptions. It exploits Samuelson's distinction between two "F-twists" (that is, "it is an advantage for an economic theory to use irrealistic assumptions" vs "the more irrealistic the assumptions, the better the economic theory"), as well as Nagel's distinction between three philosophy-of-science construals of the basic claim. On examination, only one of Nagel's construals seems promising enough. It involves the neo-positivistic distinction between theoretical and non-theoretical ("observable") terms; so (...)
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    What is Super Semantics?Philippe Schlenker - 2018 - Philosophical Perspectives 32 (1):365-453.
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  17. The actor-network fantasy.Philippe Stamenkovic - 2025 - Dialogues in Sociology 1:1-4.
    Latour’s actor-network ‘theory’ (ANT), and more generally Latour’s constructivist and relativistic work, has since long been debunked. (1) It does not make any sense, mixing all conceptual categories together (humans and non-humans, facts and moral prescriptions, science and politics); (2) nevertheless, it pretends to explain important issues such as our current environmental crisis and what to do to overcome it; (3) consequently, it can have extremely damaging political consequences. Latour’s ANT may perhaps be considered as a work of art but (...)
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  18. Value Judgements and Value Neutrality in Economics.Philippe Mongin - 2006 - Economica 73 (290):257-286.
    The paper analyses economic evaluations by distinguishing evaluative statements from actual value judgments. From this basis, it compares four solutions to the value neutrality problem in economics. After rebutting the strong theses about neutrality (normative economics is illegitimate) and non-neutrality (the social sciences are value-impregnated), the paper settles the case between the weak neutrality thesis (common in welfare economics) and a novel, weak non-neutrality thesis that extends the realm of normative economics more widely than the other weak thesis does.
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  19. The Doctrinal Paradox, the Discursive Dilemma, and Logical Aggregation theory.Philippe Mongin - 2012 - Theory and Decision 73 (3):315-355.
    Judgment aggregation theory, or rather, as we conceive of it here, logical aggregation theory generalizes social choice theory by having the aggregation rule bear on judgments of all kinds instead of merely preference judgments. It derives from Kornhauser and Sager’s doctrinal paradox and List and Pettit’s discursive dilemma, two problems that we distinguish emphatically here. The current theory has developed from the discursive dilemma, rather than the doctrinal paradox, and the final objective of the paper is to give the latter (...)
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  20. Iconic variables.Philippe Schlenker, Jonathan Lamberton & Mirko Santoro - 2013 - Linguistics and Philosophy 36 (2):91-149.
    We argue that some sign language loci (i.e. positions in signing space that realize discourse referents) are both formal variables and simplified representations of what they denote; in other words, they are simultaneously logical symbols and pictorial representations. We develop a 'formal semantics with iconicity' that accounts for their dual life; the key idea ('formal iconicity') is that some geometric properties of signs must be preserved by the interpretation function. We analyze in these terms three kinds of iconic effects in (...)
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    Emerging Technologies and the Future of Philosophy.Philippe Verdoux - 2011 - Metaphilosophy 42 (5):682-707.
    This article examines how a class of emerging technologies—specifically, radical cognitive enhancements and artificial intelligence—has the potential to influence the future of philosophy. The article argues that progress in philosophy has been impeded, in part, by two specific constraints imposed on us by the natural architecture of our cognitive systems. Both of these constraints, though, could in principle be overcome by certain cognitive technologies currently being researched and/or developed. It surveys a number of these technologies, and then looks at a (...)
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  22. A concept of progress for normative economics.Philippe Mongin - 2006 - Economics and Philosophy 22 (1):19-54.
    The paper discusses the sense in which the changes undergone by normative economics in the twentieth century can be said to be progressive. A simple criterion is proposed to decide whether a sequence of normative theories is progressive. This criterion is put to use on the historical transition from the new welfare economics to social choice theory. The paper reconstructs this classic case, and eventually concludes that the latter theory was progressive compared with the former. It also briefly comments on (...)
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    La justice animale : de l’éthique à la politique.Valéry Giroux & Jean-Philippe Royer - 2014 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 9 (3):25-30.
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    Capitalist Sorcery: Breaking the Spell.Philippe Pignarre - 2011 - Palgrave-Macmillan. Edited by Isabelle Stengers.
    Machine generated contents note: -- Acknowledgements -- PART I: WHAT HAPPENED? -- Inheriting from Seattle -- What Are We Dealing With? -- Daring to be Pragmatic -- Infernal Alternatives -- Minions -- PART II: LEARNING TO PROTECT ONESELF -- Do You Believe in Sorcery? -- Leaving Safe Ground -- Marx Again... -- To Believe in Progress No Longer? -- Learning Fright -- PART III: HOW TO GET A HOLD? -- Thanks to Seattle? -- The Trajectory of an Apprenticeship -- Fostering (...)
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    Identification and economic behavior: sympathy and empathy in historical perspective.Philippe Fontaine - 1997 - Economics and Philosophy 13 (2):261-.
    In modern economics, the use of sympathy and empathy shows significant ambiguity. Sympathy has been used in two different senses. First, it refers to cases where the concern for others directly affects an individual's own welfare . Second, the term has served the purposes of welfare economics, where it is associated with interpersonal comparisons of the extended sympathy type, that is, comparisons between one's own situation in a social state and someone else's in a different social state . On the (...)
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    In Defense of Logical Universalism: Taking Issue with Jean van Heijenoort.Philippe Rouilhan - 2012 - Logica Universalis 6 (3-4):553-586.
    Van Heijenoort's main contribution to history and philosophy of modern logic was his distinction between two basic views of logic, first, the absolutist, or universalist, view of the founding fathers, Frege, Peano, and Russell, which dominated the first, classical period of history of modern logic, and, second, the relativist, or model-theoretic, view, inherited from Boole, Schröder, and Löwenheim, which has dominated the second, contemporary period of that history. In my paper, I present the man Jean van Heijenoort (Sect. 1); then (...)
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  27. A Game-Theoretic Analysis of the Waterloo Campaign and Some Comments on the Analytic Narrative Project.Philippe Mongin - 2018 - Cliometrica 12:451–480.
    The paper has a twofold aim. On the one hand, it provides what appears to be the first game-theoretic modeling of Napoleon’s last campaign, which ended dramatically on 18 June 1815 at Waterloo. It is specifically concerned with the decision Napoleon made on 17 June 1815 to detach part of his army against the Prussians he had defeated, though not destroyed, on 16 June at Ligny. Military historians agree that this decision was crucial but disagree about whether it was rational. (...)
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    Farabi et l'école d'Alexandrie: des prémisses de la connaissance à la philosophie politique.Philippe Vallat - 2004 - Paris: J. Vrin.
    Farabi et l'école d'Alexandrie, est la première étude consacrée à l'ensemble des thèmes de l'œuvre de celui qui fut l'un des plus grands philosophes arabes.
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    Iconic plurality.Philippe Schlenker & Jonathan Lamberton - 2019 - Linguistics and Philosophy 42 (1):45-108.
    ASL can express plurals by repeating a noun, in an unpunctuated fashion, in different parts of signing space. We argue that this construction may come with a rich iconic component: the geometric arrangement of the repetitions provides information about the arrangement of the denoted plurality; in addition, the number and speed of the repetitions provide information about the size of the denoted plurality. Interestingly, the shape of the repetitions may introduce a new singular discourse referent when a vertex can be (...)
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  30. Against Adaptation: Lacan’s “Subversion” of the Subject.Philippe Van Haute - 2002
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    From Viruses to Genes: Syncytins.Philippe Pérot, Pierre-Adrien Bolze & François Mallet - 2012 - In Witzany Guenther, Viruses: Essential Agents of Life. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 325--361.
  32.  8
    Michel Foucault et le christianisme.Philippe Chevallier - 2011 - Lyon: ENS éditions.
    Des premiers rites baptismaux à la confession moderne, les références au christianisme sont constantes dans l'œuvre de Michel Foucault. Cette constance s'inscrit dans un questionnement philosophique plus large sur notre actualité : comprendre le rapport que nous avons aujourd'hui à nous-mêmes demande de s'interroger sur les actes de vérité que l'Occident a instaurés depuis les premiers siècles chrétiens. Que faut-il dire et manifester de soi pour être transformé dans son être, pardonné, sauvé, jugé ou guéri)? Ce livre propose une étude (...)
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    Justice and Democracy: Are they Incompatible?Philippe Parijs - 1996 - Journal of Political Philosophy 4 (2):101-117.
  34. "La pensée d’A.N. Whitehead et la dynamique du champ science et religion".Philippe Gagnon - 2024 - Connaître : Cahiers de l'Association Foi Et Culture Scientifique 61:77-93.
    This is the outline: 1. Introduction – Quelques remarques sur Dieu 2. Science et religion vont-elles se rencontrer ? 3. Le conflit va-t-il tout emporter ? 4. Au coeur du problème : une version sclérosée du dogmatisme 5. Quelle posture pour la rencontre entre science et religion ? 6. Y a-t-il une synthèse à l’horizon ? À quelles conditions ?
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  35. Nonlinearity in the epidemiology of complex health and disease processes.P. Philippe & O. Mansi - 1998 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 19 (6):591-607.
    The challenges posed by chronic illness have pointed out to epidemiologists the multifactorial complex nature of disease causality. This notion has been referred to as a web of causality. This web extends theoretically beyond risk markers. It includes determinants of emergence/non-emergence of disease. This web of determinants is a form of complex system. Due to its complexity, the determinants within such system are not linked to each others in a linear, predictable manner only. Predictability is possible only on a short-term (...)
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    Humans evolved to become homo negotiatus . . . The rest followed.Philippe Rochat - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (5):714-715.
    Social animals need to share space and resources, whether sexual partners, parents, or food. Humans, however, are unique in the way they share as they evolved to become Homo negotiatus; a species that is prone to bargain and to dispute the value of things until some agreement is reached. This evolution had far-reaching consequences on the specific makeup of human psychology – a psychology that has for trademark a compulsive preoccupation with the self in relation to others. I propose that (...)
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  37. "Une voie moyenne entre les discours sur la 'souffrance' des animaux et leur réduction au statut de biens meubles".Philippe Gagnon - 2024 - In Marie Pelé & Catherine Vialle, La vulnérabilité de l'animal en question : Vulnérabilités du vivant II. Paris: Éditions du Cerf. pp. 87-103.
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    Determinants of Emotion Duration and Underlying Psychological and Neural Mechanisms.Philippe Verduyn, Pauline Delaveau, Jean-Yves Rotgé, Philippe Fossati & Iven Van Mechelen - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (4):330-335.
    Emotions are traditionally considered to be brief states that last for seconds or a few minutes at most. However, due to pioneering theoretical work of Frijda and recent empirical studies, it has become clear that the duration of emotions is actually highly variable with durations ranging from a few seconds to several hours, or even longer. We review research on determinants of emotion duration. Three classes of determinants are identified: features related to the (a) emotion-eliciting event (event duration and event (...)
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    The Self in Infancy: Theory and Research.Philippe Rochat (ed.) - 1995 - Elsevier.
    This book is a collection of current theoretical views and research on the self in early infancy, prior to self-identification and the well-documented emergence ...
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  40. A note on verisimilitude and relativization to problems.Philippe Mongin - 1990 - Erkenntnis 33 (3):391-396.
    This note aims at critically assessing a little-noticed proposal made by Popper in the second edition of "Objective Knowledge" to the effect that verisimilitude of scientific theories should be made relative to the problems they deal with. Using a simple propositional calculus formalism, it is shown that the "relativized" definition fails for the very same reason why Popper's original concept of verisimilitude collapsed -- only if one of two theories is true can they be compared in terms of the suggested (...)
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    Changes of Swimmers’ Emotional States during the Preparation of National Championship: Do Recovery-Stress States Matter?Philippe Vacher, Michel Nicolas, Guillaume Martinent & Laurent Mourot - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Reflexive judgement and wolffian embryology: Kant's shift between the first and the third Critique.Philippe Huneman - unknown
    The problem of generation has been, for Kant scholars, a kind of test of Kant's successive concepts of finality. Although he deplores the absence of a naturalistic account of purposiveness (and hence of reproduction) in his pre-critical writings, in the First Critique he nevertheless presents a "reductionist" view of finality in the Transcendental Dialectic's Appendices. This finality can be used only as a language, extended to the whole of nature, but which must be filled with mechanistic explanations. Therefore, in 1781, (...)
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    L'idée d'objet.Philippe Lacour, Felipe Matos Lima Melo, Jade Oliveira Chaia, Mariana Mendes Sbervelheri, Michelly Alves Teixeira & Rogério Santos dos Prazeres - 2021 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 9 (2):181-192.
    O texto aqui traduzido foi publicado originalmente na Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale, em janeiro de 1901. Trata-se de um dos artigos publicados por Alain, pseudônimo utilizado por Émile Chartier. A tradução foi realizada pelo Grupo de Tradução do Departamento de Filosofia da Universidade de Brasília, coordenado pelo Professor Philippe Lacour. O grupo se propõe a traduzir regularmente obras de filosofia ainda inéditas em língua portuguesa e disponibilizá-las em periódicos de acesso livre. O trabalho de tradução é produzido (...)
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  44. Anselm's Argument and Berry's Paradox.Philippe Schlenker - 2009 - Noûs 43 (2):214 - 223.
    We argue that Anselm’s ontological argument (or at least one reconstruction of it) is based on an empirical version of Berry’s paradox. It is invalid, but it takes some understanding of trivalence to see why this is so. Under our analysis, Anselm’s use of the notion of existence is not the heart of the matter; rather, trivalence is.
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    Special Issue Editor’s Introduction: “Revisiting the Modern Synthesis”.Philippe Huneman - 2019 - Journal of the History of Biology 52 (4):509-518.
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    Blood, Politics, and Social Science.Philippe Fontaine - 2002 - Isis 93 (3):401-434.
    Long before his last book, The Gift Relationship: From Human Blood to Social Policy, was published in early 1971, Richard M. Titmuss , a professor of social administration at the London School of Economics, had been a major figure in the debates over the welfare state. The Gift Relationship was the culmination of an eventful relationship with the Institute of Economic Affairs, a think tank that advocated the extension of rational pricing to social services. By arguing that the British system (...)
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    Les deux déterminations du dire dans 'Acheminement vers la parole'.Philippe Verstraeten - 1986 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 84 (1):25-44.
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    Les dispositifs techno-sémiotiques: Signes ou objets?Philippe Verhaegen - 1999 - Hermes 25:111.
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    • Compte-rendu de l'ouvrage SAUVADET Th., Le capital guerrier, Concurrence et solidarité entre jeunes de cité, Paris, Armand Colin, 2006.Philippe Vienne - 2008 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 125:388-390.
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  50. Le dessin de l'enfant.Philippe Wallon, Anne Cambier, Dominique Engelhart & Michèle Delgorgue - forthcoming - Paideia.
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