Results for 'Philippe Kourilsky'

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  1.  13
    Du bon usage du principe de précaution: réflexions et modes d'action.Philippe Kourilsky - 2002 - Paris: O. Jacob.
    Nucléaire, clonage, OGM, sang contaminé : sans cesse invoqué en matiére d'environnement, de santé, d'alimentation, le principe de précaution est l'objet de multiples controverses. De quoi s'agit-il? Trop de précaution ne risque-t-il pas de bloquer des avancées scientifiques ou techniques cruciales pour l'avenir? Une clarification était nécessaire. Car l'important aujourd'hui est de donner à ce principe un contenu positif, c'est-à -dire une définition assortie d'un mode d'emploi qui puisse être compris de tous et servir à tous. Philippe Kourilsky (...)
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    The contribution of narrative semiotics of experiential imaginary to the ideation of new digital customer experiences.Philippe Taupin - 2019 - Semiotica 2019 (230):447-473.
    Innovating new experiences is an innovation strategy that increases product differentiation and the perceived value of offers for future autonomous cars. Young Chinese customers are a relevant target group of lead users to co-create those experiences. We address the co-creation of memorable and engaging experiences with targeted potential users and the building of the meaning of experiential imaginary that results from innovations (based on digital media) echoing the need for sensory atmospherics while strolling in the city. We aim at understanding (...)
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    Determinants of the shape of emotion intensity profiles.Philippe Verduyn, Iven Van Mechelen & Evelien Frederix - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (8):1486-1495.
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    Individuality as a Theoretical Scheme. II. About the Weak Individuality of Organisms and Ecosystems.Philippe Huneman - 2014 - Biological Theory 9 (4):374-381.
    Following a previous elaboration of the concept of weak individuality and some examples of its instances in ecology and biology, the article focuses on general features of the concept, arguing that in any ontological field individuals are understood on the basis of our knowledge of interactions, through the application of these general formulas for extracting individuals from interactions. Then, the specificities of the individuality in the sense of this weak concept are examined in ecology; I conclude by addressing the differences (...)
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    Meaningful Blurs: the sources of repetition-based plurals in ASL.Philippe Schlenker & Jonathan Lamberton - 2021 - Linguistics and Philosophy 45 (2):201-264.
    In several sign languages, plurals can be realized with unpunctuated or punctuated repetitions of a noun, with different semantic implications; similar repetition-based plurals have been described in some homesigns and silent gestures. Unpunctuated repetitions often get approximate ‘at least’ readings while punctuated repetitions typically correspond to ‘exactly’ readings. The prevalence of these mechanisms could be thought to be a case in which Universal Grammar does not just specify the abstract properties of grammatical elements, but also their phonological realization, at least (...)
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    Blood, Politics, and Social Science.Philippe Fontaine - 2002 - Isis 93 (3):401-434.
    Long before his last book, The Gift Relationship: From Human Blood to Social Policy, was published in early 1971, Richard M. Titmuss , a professor of social administration at the London School of Economics, had been a major figure in the debates over the welfare state. The Gift Relationship was the culmination of an eventful relationship with the Institute of Economic Affairs, a think tank that advocated the extension of rational pricing to social services. By arguing that the British system (...)
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    KD is nullary.Philippe Balbiani & Çiğdem Gencer - 2017 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 27 (3-4):196-205.
    In the ordinary modal language, KD is the modal logic determined by the class of all serial frames. In this paper, we demonstrate that KD is nullary.
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    Remarks about the unification type of several non-symmetric non-transitive modal logics.Philippe Balbiani - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (5):639-658.
    The problem of unification in a normal modal logic $L$ can be defined as follows: given a formula $\varphi$, determine whether there exists a substitution $\sigma$ such that $\sigma $ is in $L$. In this paper, we prove that for several non-symmetric non-transitive modal logics, there exists unifiable formulas that possess no minimal complete set of unifiers.
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    Kant’s Concept of Organism Revisited: A Framework for a Possible Synthesis between Developmentalism and Adaptationism?Philippe Huneman - 2017 - The Monist 100 (3):373-390.
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    Unpacking the Narrative Decontestation of CSR: Aspiration for Change or Defense of the Status Quo?Déborah Philippe & Aurélien Feix - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (1):129-174.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has repeatedly been described as an “essentially contested concept,” which means that its signification is subject to continuous struggle. We argue that the “CSR institution” (CSRI; i.e., the set of standards and rules regulating corporate conduct under the banner of CSR) is legitimized by narratives which “decontest” the underlying concept of CSR in a manner that safeguards the CSRI from calls for alternative institutional arrangements. Examining several such narratives from a structuralist perspective, we find them to (...)
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    Donkey anaphora: the view from sign language (ASL and LSF).Philippe Schlenker - 2011 - Linguistics and Philosophy 34 (4):341-395.
    There are two main approaches to the problem of donkey anaphora (e.g. If John owns a donkey , he beats it ). Proponents of dynamic approaches take the pronoun to be a logical variable, but they revise the semantics of quantifiers so as to allow them to bind variables that are not within their syntactic scope. Older dynamic approaches took this measure to apply solely to existential quantifiers; recent dynamic approaches have extended it to all quantifiers. By contrast, proponents of (...)
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    An anthropology from a process perspective?Philippe Gagnon - unknown
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    Ins and Outs of Systems Biology vis-à-vis Molecular Biology: Continuation or Clear Cut?Philippe Backer, Danny Waele & Linda Speybroeck - 2010 - Acta Biotheoretica 58 (1):15-49.
    The comprehension of living organisms in all their complexity poses a major challenge to the biological sciences. Recently, systems biology has been proposed as a new candidate in the development of such a comprehension. The main objective of this paper is to address what systems biology is and how it is practised. To this end, the basic tools of a systems biological approach are explored and illustrated. In addition, it is questioned whether systems biology ‘revolutionizes’ molecular biology and ‘transcends’ its (...)
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  14.  22
    Challenging the Modern Synthesis: Adaptation, Development, and Inheritance.Philippe Huneman & Denis M. Walsh (eds.) - 2017 - New York, US: OUP Usa.
    Since its origin in the early 20th century, the modern synthesis theory of evolution has grown to represent the orthodox view on the process of organic evolution. It is a powerful and successful theory. Its defining features include the prominence it accords to genes in the explanation of development and inheritance, and the role of natural selection as the cause of adaptation. Since the advent of the 21st century, however, the modern synthesis has been subject to repeated and sustained challenges. (...)
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    Death: Perspectives from the Philosophy of Biology.Philippe Huneman - 2023 - Springer Verlag.
    This book addresses several key issues in the biological study of death with the intent of capturing their genealogy, the assumptions and presuppositions they make, and the way that they open specific new research avenues. The book is divided into two sections: the first considers physiology and the second evolutionary biology. Huneman explains that biologists in the late 1950s put forth a research framework that evolutionarily accounts for death in terms of either an effect of the weakness of natural selection (...)
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  16. Research ethics and international epidemic response: The case of ebola and marburg hemorrhagic fevers.Philippe Calain, Nathalie Fiore, Marc Poncin & Samia A. Hurst - 2009 - Public Health Ethics 2 (1):7-29.
    Institute for Biomedical Ethics, Geneva University Medical School * Corresponding author: Médecins Sans Frontières (OCG), rue de Lausanne 78, CH-1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland. Tel.: +41 (0)22 849 89 29; Fax: +41 (0)22 849 84 88; Email: philippe_calain{at} ' + u + '@' + d + ' '//--> Abstract Outbreaks of filovirus (Ebola and Marburg) hemorrhagic fevers in Africa are typically the theater of rescue activities involving international experts and agencies tasked with reinforcing national authorities in clinical management, biological diagnosis, sanitation, (...)
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    Farabi et l'école d'Alexandrie: des prémisses de la connaissance à la philosophie politique.Philippe Vallat - 2004 - Paris: J. Vrin.
    Farabi et l'école d'Alexandrie, est la première étude consacrée à l'ensemble des thèmes de l'œuvre de celui qui fut l'un des plus grands philosophes arabes.
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    Capitalist Sorcery: Breaking the Spell.Philippe Pignarre - 2011 - Palgrave-Macmillan. Edited by Isabelle Stengers.
    Machine generated contents note: -- Acknowledgements -- PART I: WHAT HAPPENED? -- Inheriting from Seattle -- What Are We Dealing With? -- Daring to be Pragmatic -- Infernal Alternatives -- Minions -- PART II: LEARNING TO PROTECT ONESELF -- Do You Believe in Sorcery? -- Leaving Safe Ground -- Marx Again... -- To Believe in Progress No Longer? -- Learning Fright -- PART III: HOW TO GET A HOLD? -- Thanks to Seattle? -- The Trajectory of an Apprenticeship -- Fostering (...)
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    In Defense of Logical Universalism: Taking Issue with Jean van Heijenoort.Philippe Rouilhan - 2012 - Logica Universalis 6 (3-4):553-586.
    Van Heijenoort's main contribution to history and philosophy of modern logic was his distinction between two basic views of logic, first, the absolutist, or universalist, view of the founding fathers, Frege, Peano, and Russell, which dominated the first, classical period of history of modern logic, and, second, the relativist, or model-theoretic, view, inherited from Boole, Schröder, and Löwenheim, which has dominated the second, contemporary period of that history. In my paper, I present the man Jean van Heijenoort (Sect. 1); then (...)
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  20.  26
    How the Modern Synthesis Came to Ecology.Philippe Huneman - 2019 - Journal of the History of Biology 52 (4):635-686.
    Ecology in principle is tied to evolution, since communities and ecosystems result from evolution and ecological conditions determine fitness values. Yet the two disciplines of evolution and ecology were not unified in the twentieth-century. The architects of the Modern Synthesis, and especially Julian Huxley, constantly pushed for such integration, but the major ideas of the Synthesis—namely, the privileged role of selection and the key role of gene frequencies in evolution—did not directly or immediately translate into ecological science. In this paper (...)
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  21. La chair du don. Relecture d'un échange médiéval.Philippe Richard - 2011 - Gregorianum 92 (1):67-88.
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  22. Penser le divin en nous.Philippe Riviale - 2024 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    À la pensée de l'infini, il nous vient une idée de Dieu; c'est une élaboration de notre entendement fini, imparfait. Nous avons appris, par ceux qui nous ont précédés, combien profonde et difficile est cette idée. Toute notre civilisation s'est édifiée sur le fondement que nous nommons judéo-chrétien, mais hellène aussi, quoiqu'en ce temps qui est nôtre nous en sommes venus à rejeter cette expérience. D'ailleurs, le triomphe de la civilisation marchande a recouvert d'un manteau d'oubli une longue accoutumance, au (...)
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    La Guerre et les philosophes: de la fin des années 20 aux années 50.Philippe Soulez & Jonathan Barnes - 1992
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  24. Ethique Et Infini Dialogues Avec Philippe Nemo.Emmanuel Lévinas & Philippe Nemo - 1984
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  25.  43
    Justice and Democracy: Are they Incompatible?Philippe Parijs - 1996 - Journal of Political Philosophy 4 (2):101-117.
  26.  70
    Real Freedom, the Market and the Family.Philippe Van Parijs - 2001 - Analyse & Kritik 23 (1):2.
    The conception of social justice presented and defended in Philippe Van Parijs, "Real Freedom for All" entails, among other implication, the justification of an unconditional basic income. It was the subject of seven critical comments that forms issue 22 and part of 23 of ANALYSE & KRITIK. In this article, Van Parijs offers a comprehensive reply.
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    Le salut, ou, L'évangile selon Spinoza.Philippe Cauchepin - 2016 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La bonne nouvelle (l'évangile), c'est que tous les hommes, sans distinction de culture ou de religion, sont en tant qu'êtres de la Nature dotés de raison et d'intuition et sont, de ce fait, capables d'acquérir une connaissance vraie de cette Nature dont ils font partie et donc de leur propre nature. Ils sont déterminés par cette Nature à être heureux. Cet ouvrage démontre comment Spinoza a conçu et la métaphysique de la Substance et l'éthique, en vue de nous introduire à (...)
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  28. Jacques Maritain et la Suisse romande.Philippe Chenaux - 1994 - Nova et Vetera 69 (4):280-293.
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    Relational Representation Theorems for Extended Contact Algebras.Philippe Balbiani & Tatyana Ivanova - 2020 - Studia Logica 109 (4):701-723.
    In topological spaces, the relation of extended contact is a ternary relation that holds between regular closed subsets A, B and D if the intersection of A and B is included in D. The algebraic counterpart of this mereotopological relation is the notion of extended contact algebra which is a Boolean algebra extended with a ternary relation. In this paper, we are interested in the relational representation theory for extended contact algebras. In this respect, we study the correspondences between point-free (...)
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  30. Against Adaptation: Lacan’s “Subversion” of the Subject.Philippe Van Haute - 2002
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    Changes of Swimmers’ Emotional States during the Preparation of National Championship: Do Recovery-Stress States Matter?Philippe Vacher, Michel Nicolas, Guillaume Martinent & Laurent Mourot - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Les deux déterminations du dire dans 'Acheminement vers la parole'.Philippe Verstraeten - 1986 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 84 (1):25-44.
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    Les dispositifs techno-sémiotiques: Signes ou objets?Philippe Verhaegen - 1999 - Hermes 25:111.
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  34. Le dessin de l'enfant.Philippe Wallon, Anne Cambier, Dominique Engelhart & Michèle Delgorgue - forthcoming - Paideia.
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  35. L'avenir du passé : Médiévisme et sciences de l'imaginaire.Philippe Walter - 2011 - In Yves Durand, Jean-Pierre Sironneau & Alberto Filipe Araújo, Variations sur l'imaginaire: l'épistémologie ouverte de Gilbert Durand: orientations et innovations. Bruxelles: E.M.E..
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    Innovations religieuses et pensée théologique.Philippe Weber - 1993 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 24 (2):163-194.
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    Humans evolved to become homo negotiatus . . . The rest followed.Philippe Rochat - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (5):714-715.
    Social animals need to share space and resources, whether sexual partners, parents, or food. Humans, however, are unique in the way they share as they evolved to become Homo negotiatus; a species that is prone to bargain and to dispute the value of things until some agreement is reached. This evolution had far-reaching consequences on the specific makeup of human psychology – a psychology that has for trademark a compulsive preoccupation with the self in relation to others. I propose that (...)
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    Before announcement.Philippe Balbiani, Hans van Ditmarsch & Andreas Herzig - 2016 - In Lev Beklemishev, Stéphane Demri & András Máté, Advances in Modal Logic, Volume 11. CSLI Publications. pp. 58-77.
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    The Self in Infancy: Theory and Research.Philippe Rochat (ed.) - 1995 - Elsevier.
    This book is a collection of current theoretical views and research on the self in early infancy, prior to self-identification and the well-documented emergence ...
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    Every world can see a Sahlqvist world.Philippe Balbiani, I. Shapirovsky & V. Shshtman - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev, Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 69-85.
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    Every world can see a Sahlqvist world.Philippe Balbiani, I. Shapirovsky & V. Shshtman - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev, Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 69-85.
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    Physics in Catholicism.Philippe Gagnon - 2013 - In Anne Runehov & Lluis Oviedo, Encyclopedia of Sciences and Religions. Springer. pp. 1718-1729.
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    Délos : études de morphologie urbaine III.Philippe Fadin Fraisse - 2021 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 145 (145.2):527-575.
    This new contribution to urban morphology studies outlines the investigations carried out in the Ghlastropi region, over a vast urbanized zone that covers the area between the House of Masks and the western coastline beyond the Dioskourion. Several observations can be made. The urban forms that can be reconstructed from surface remains vary according to topography and natural conditions. To the south of the House of Masks and the Guest house, the urban fabric is less dense than that of the (...)
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    Citoyenneté et démocratie.Philippe Fleury - 2017 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La 4e de couv. indique : "Les deux notions n'ont pas toujours été associées. La citoyenneté dans le monde gréco-romain a de multiples sens, allant du cosmopolitisme critique de Diogène à la soumission aux lois d'Athènes, incarnée par Socrate. La démocratie, née en Grèce, longuement stipendiée par Platon, se métamorphosera jusqu'à s'imposer comme évidence politique avec Tocqueville. Mais depuis le XIXe siècle, ce modèle montre ses limites, avec la mondialisation. Elle se transforme sans cesse, avec la montée du populisme, le (...)
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    Philosophie de l'histoire et cosmopolitisme.Philippe Fleury - 2015 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Le cosmopolitisme, concept antique, n'appartient pas à l'origine à la philosophie de l'histoire. Il subit différentes métamorphoses ; présent chez les Cyniques et chez les Stoïciens, mis en réserve par l'humanisme de la Renaissance, il réapparaîtra en force à l'époque des Lumières. Critiqué par Rousseau, soutenu par Kant, il ne cesse d'être actuel dans la globalisation ou la mondialisation à travers diverses instances, dont l'ONU. Sur la scène européenne, il inspire les débats actuels contradictoires des eurosceptiques et des eurofédéralistes. La (...)
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    Society on the Edge: Social Science and Public Policy in the Postwar United States.Philippe Fontaine & Jefferson D. Pooley (eds.) - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    The social sciences underwent rapid development in postwar America. Problems once framed in social terms gradually became redefined as individual with regards to scope and remedy, with economics and psychology winning influence over the other social sciences. By the 1970s, both economics and psychology had spread their intellectual remits wide: psychology's concepts suffused everyday language, while economists entered a myriad of policy debates. Psychology and economics contributed to, and benefited from, a conception of society that was increasingly skeptical of social (...)
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    (1 other version)Morphologie urbaine.Philippe Fraisse - 2014 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 138 (2):767-769.
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    L'expérience de Dieu avec Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.Philippe Gagnon - 2001 - Saint-Laurent: Éditions Fides.
    Teilhard de Chardin is a fascinating character! Born in 1881 and deceased in 1955, he remains strikingly contemporary. In response to a world shattered by the atrocities of World War I, he progressively elaborates the vision of a world entirely unified through a Center beyond itself. This perception is inserted at the heart of an intellectual endeavor wherein faith and scientific pursuit call onto each other, intertwined in a dialogue of a rare fruitfulness. Books such as The Phenomenon of Man, (...)
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  49. Emerging co-awareness.Philippe Rochat - 2003 - In Gavin Bremner & Alan Slater, Theories of Infant Development. Blackwell. pp. 258-283.
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    Iconic enrichments: Signs vs. gestures.Philippe Schlenker - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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