Results for 'Petyr Beck'

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  1.  16
    LARS: A Logic-based framework for Analytic Reasoning over Streams.Harald Beck, Minh Dao-Tran & Thomas Eiter - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence 261 (C):16-70.
  2. Comparison constructions.Sigrid Beck - 2011 - In Klaus von Heusinger, Claudia Maienborn & Paul Portner (eds.), Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural Language Meaning. De Gruyter Mouton. pp. 2--1341.
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    Essays by Lewis White Beck: Five Decades as a Philosopher.Lewis White Beck & Predrag Cicovacki - 1998 - Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press. Edited by Predrag Cicovacki.
    A comprehensive collection of essays by the philosopher Lewis White Beck.
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    The actor and the spectator.Lewis White Beck - 1975 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    Can a machine think? More pointedly, if I am a machine, can I think? Beck answers these questions by analyzing two clusters of metaphors -- one of which dramatizes human beings as spontaneous agents (actors), and the other sees them as observers attempting to explain causally their own behavior and that of the actor (spectators). Using a hypothetical scene with two spectators, each explaining an action, and each representing a different way of viewing the world, Beck points up (...)
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  5. Early German Philosophy: Kant and His Predecessors.Lewis White Beck - 1969 - Cambridge, Mass.,: St. Augustine's Press.
    This comprehensive history of German philosophy from its medieval beginnings to near the end of the eighteenth century explores the spirit of German intellectual life and its distinctiveness from that of other countries. Beck devotes whole chapters to four great philosophers -- Nicholas of Cusa, Leibniz, Lessing, and Kant -- and extensively examines many others, including Albertus Magnus, Meister Eckhart, Paracelsus, Kepler, Mendelssohn, Wolff, and Herder. Questioning explanations of philosophy by the racial or ethnic character of its exponents, (...)'s conclusion is that German philosophy developed as a series of diverse responses to the historical experiences of the German people. The peculiarities of German philosophy must be viewed in the light of German political problems and educational structures. In particular he stresses the importance of the connections between philosophy and Germany's intellectual, literary, religious, and political history. (shrink)
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  6. Mundane hallucinations and new wave relationalism.Jacob Beck - 2021 - Noûs 57 (2):391-413.
    Relationalism maintains that mind-independent objects are essential constituents of veridical perceptual experiences. According to the argument from hallucination, relationalism is undermined by perfect hallucinations, experiences that are introspectively indistinguishable from veridical perceptual experiences but lack an object. Recently, a new wave of relationalists have responded by questioning whether perfect hallucinations are possible: what seem to be perfect hallucinations may really be something else, such as illusions, veridical experiences of non-obvious objects, or experiences that are not genuinely possible. This paper argues (...)
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  7. Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity.Ulrich Beck, Mark Ritter & Jennifer Brown - 1993 - Environmental Values 2 (4):367-368.
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    Alexis Carrel and Carl Beck—: A Historical Footnote.William C. Beck - 1986 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 30 (1):148.
  9. On Perceptual Confidence and “Completely Trusting Your Experience”.Jacob Beck - 2019 - Analytic Philosophy 61 (2):174-188.
    John Morrison has argued that confidences are assigned in perceptual experience. For example, when you perceive a figure in the distance, your experience might assign a 55-percent confidence to the figure’s being Isaac. Morrison’s argument leans on the phenomenon of ‘completely trusting your experience’. I argue that Morrison presupposes a problematic ‘importation model’ of this familiar phenomenon, and propose a very different way of thinking about it. While the article’s official topic is whether confidences are assigned in perceptual experience, it (...)
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    In Search of the Proper Scientific Approach: Hayek's Views on Biology, Methodology, and the Nature of Economics.Naomi Beck - 2009 - Science in Context 22 (4):567-585.
    ArgumentFriedrich August von Hayek is mainly known for his defense of free-market economics and liberalism. His views on science – more specifically on the methodological differences between the physical sciences on the one hand, and evolutionary biology and the social sciences on the other – are less well known. Yet in order to understand, and properly evaluate Hayek's political position, we must look at the theory of scientific method that underpins it. Hayek believed that a basic misunderstanding of the discipline (...)
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  11. Conceptual and Practical Problems of Moral Enhancement.Birgit Beck - 2014 - Bioethics 29 (4):233-240.
    Recently, the debate on human enhancement has shifted from familiar topics like cognitive enhancement and mood enhancement to a new and – to no one's surprise – controversial subject, namely moral enhancement. Some proponents from the transhumanist camp allude to the ‘urgent need’ of improving the moral conduct of humankind in the face of ever growing technological progress and the substantial dangers entailed in this enterprise. Other thinkers express more sceptical views about this proposal. As the debate has revealed so (...)
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    Character and deed.Lewis White Beck - 1943 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 4 (4):547-553.
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  13. The cosmopolitan vision.Ulrich Beck - 2006 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    In this new book, Ulrich Beck develops his now widely used concepts of second modernity, risk society and reflexive sociology into a radical new sociological ...
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  14. Analog Mental Representation.Jacob Beck - forthcoming - WIREs Cognitive Science.
    Over the past 50 years, philosophers and psychologists have perennially argued for the existence of analog mental representations of one type or another. This study critically reviews a number of these arguments as they pertain to three different types of mental representation: perceptual representations, imagery representations, and numerosity representations. Along the way, careful consideration is given to the meaning of “analog” presupposed by these arguments for analog mental representation, and to open avenues for future research.
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    The World as Will and Representation.Lewis White Beck - 1959 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 20 (2):279-280.
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    The will to injustice. An autoethnography of learning to hear uncomfortable truths.Eevi E. Beck - 2022 - Ethics and Education 17 (2):211-229.
    ABSTRACT Activists and writers on injustice have highlighted as a structural problem that injustice is experienced differentially. What injustices of privilege lie hidden in my daily academic life? Three deeply discomforting moments relating to Class, climate, and Whiteness privilege, form the core of an account of gradually admitting to my passive acceptance of injustice in the form of privileges from which I benefit. My ignorance has perpetuated privilege despite this not being my conscious will. From this crisis, the paper explores (...)
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    Kant studies today.Lewis White Beck - 1969 - La Salle, Ill.,: Open Court.
  18.  25
    Are counterfactuals in and about time?Sarah Ruth Beck & Eva Rafetseder - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    We discuss whether the two systems approach can advance understanding of children's developing counterfactual thinking. We argue that types of counterfactual thinking that are acquired early in development could be handled by the temporal updating system, whereas those that emerge in middle childhood require thinking about specific events in time.
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    Die Modernisierung der Moderne.Ulrich Beck & Wolfgang Bonss (eds.) - 2001 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    The Logic of Modern Psychology.Lewis White Beck - 1940 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 1 (2):240-243.
  21. Perception is Analog: The Argument from Weber's Law.Jacob Beck - 2019 - Journal of Philosophy 116 (6):319-349.
    In the 1980s, a number of philosophers argued that perception is analog. In the ensuing years, these arguments were forcefully criticized, leaving the thesis in doubt. This paper draws on Weber’s Law, a well-entrenched finding from psychophysics, to advance a new argument that perception is analog. This new argument is an adaptation of an argument that cognitive scientists have leveraged in support of the contention that primitive numerical representations are analog. But the argument here is extended to the representation of (...)
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  22. Rethinking naive realism.Ori Beck - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (3):607-633.
    Perceptions are externally-directed—they present us with a mind-independent reality, and thus contribute to our abilities to think about this reality, and to know what is objectively the case. But perceptions are also internally-dependent—their phenomenologies depend on the neuro-computational properties of the subject. A good theory of perception must account for both these facts. But naive realism has been criticized for failing to accommodate internal-dependence. This paper evaluates and responds to this criticism. It first argues that a certain version of naive (...)
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    A “little bit illegal”? Withholding and withdrawing of mechanical ventilation in the eyes of German intensive care physicians.Sabine Beck, Andreas Loo & Stella Reiter-Theil - 2008 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 11 (1):7-16.
    Research questions and backgroundThis study explores a highly controversial issue of medical care in Germany: the decision to withhold or withdraw mechanical ventilation in critically ill patients. It analyzes difficulties in making these decisions and the physicians’ uncertainty in understanding the German terminology of Sterbehilfe, which is used in the context of treatment limitation. Used in everyday language, the word Sterbehilfe carries connotations such as helping the patient in the dying process or helping the patient to enter the dying process. (...)
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    Zur Bedeutung von struktureller Verantwortung in den internationalen Beziehungen Das Beispiel der Klimakrise.Valentin Beck - 2024 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 68 (4):282-293.
    This article analyses what it means for the attribution of responsibility to adopt a structural perspective on macro-social phenomena. To this end, a specific form of responsibility, namely ‘structural responsibility’, is distinguished from and placed in relation to personal and interpersonal moral responsibility. It is argued that only with the attribution of structural responsibility can we appropriately take account of macro-social problems including those that are predominant in international relations. Using the example of climate responsibility, the article explains in a (...)
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    In Pursuit of a ‘Single Source of Truth’: from Threatened Legitimacy to Integrated Reporting.Cornelia Beck, John Dumay & Geoffrey Frost - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (1):191-205.
    This paper explores one organisation’s journey into non-financial reporting, initially motivated by a crisis in public confidence that threatened the organisation’s legitimacy to the present with the organisation embracing integrated reporting. The organisation’s journey is framed through a legitimation lens and is illustrated by aligning internal reflections with external outputs guided by predominant paradigms of good practice, such as the GRI guidelines and more recently integrated reporting 〈IR〉. We find that the organisation’s relationship with external guidelines has evolved from pragmatic (...)
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  26. Normative Models and Their Success.Lukas Beck & Marcel Jahn - 2021 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 51 (2):123-150.
    In this paper, we explore an under-investigated question concerning the class of formal models that aim at providing normative guidance. We call such models normative models. In particular, we examine the question of how normative models can successfully exert normative guidance. First, we highlight the absence of a discussion of this question – which is surprising given the extensive debate about the success conditions of descriptive models – and motivate its importance. Second, we introduce and discuss two potential accounts of (...)
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    Sir David Ross on duty and purpose in Kant.Lewis White Beck - 1955 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 16 (1):98-107.
  28.  13
    (1 other version)Investigating Emerging Biomedical Practices: Zones of Awkward Engagement on Different Scales.Stefan Beck, Jörg Niewöhner & Michalis Kontopodis - 2011 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 36 (5):599-615.
    This special issue of Science, Technology, & Human Values critically explores a new stage in which the life sciences and biomedical practices have entered. This new stage is marked by postgenomic developments and an increased interest of life sciences in the everyday lives of people outside laboratories and clinical settings. Furthermore, particular attention is given to many chronic and degenerative disorders such as cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, or developmental disorders. These developments coincide—or have become entangled—with a new set of interests (...)
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  29. Two forms of responsibility: Reassessing Young on structural injustice.Valentin Beck - 2023 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (6):918-941.
    In this article, I critically reassess Iris Marion Young's late works, which centre on the distinction between liability and social connection responsibility. I concur with Young's diagnosis that structural injustices call for a new conception of responsibility, but I reject several core assumptions that underpin her distinction between two models and argue for a different way of conceptualising responsibility to address structural injustices. I show that Young's categorical separation of guilt and responsibility is not supported by the writings of Hannah (...)
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    On the semantics of comparative conditionals.Sigrid Beck - 1997 - Linguistics and Philosophy 20 (3):229-271.
  31.  19
    Beobachtungjen zur kirke-episode in der odyssee.Götz Beck - 1965 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 109 (1-4):1-38.
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  32. Constructions and inferred entities.Lewis White Beck - 1950 - Philosophy of Science 17 (1):74-86.
    1. Terminological Considerations. Since Russell enunciated the principle, “Wherever possible logical constructions are to be substituted for inferred entities,” or “Wherever possible, substitute constructions out of known entities for inferences to unknown entities,” the terminological situation has become confused. Russell defined neither “construction” nor “inferred entity.” “Construct” soon came to be used for “construction,” perhaps to avoid the ambiguity whereby the latter term was used to refer to both a process and a result. But many writers now use “construction” or (...)
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  33. A Commentary on Kant's Critique of Practical Reason.L. W. BECK - 1960 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 19 (3):438-439.
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    Six Secular Philosophers: Religious Themes in the Thought of Spinoza, Hume, Kant, Nietzsche, William James and Santayana.Lewis White Beck - 1997 - Burns & Oates.
    Beck discusses the works on religion of the six philosophers he considers most germane to contemporary issues: Spinoza, Hume, Kant, Nietzsche, James, and Santayana. "I have tried to choose men whose independence of mind was such that they often appeared to their contemporaries to be enemies of religion". He first addresses the question, What is secular philosophy? And then explains the differences between the "families" of secular philosophers, before examining both their life and works.
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    Unclean.Richard Beck - 2012 - Cambridge: Lutterworth Press.
    I desire mercy, not sacrifice." Echoing Hosea, Jesus defends his embrace of the "unclean" in the Gospel of Matthew, seeming to privilege the prophetic call to justice over the Levitical pursuit of purity. And yet, as missional faith communities are well aware, the tensions and conflicts between holiness and mercy are not so easily resolved. At every turn, it seems that the psychological pull of purity and holiness tempts the church into practices of social exclusion and a Gnostic "flight" from (...)
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    Reproduktive Freiheit für wen?: Einige Nachfragen zur Geltungsreichweite und Anwendbarkeit der Prinzipien der reproduktiven Autonomie und der wohltätigen Fortpflanzung.Birgit Beck - 2020 - Zeitschrift Für Ethik Und Moralphilosophie 3 (1):127-135.
    ZusammenfassungDer vorliegende Kommentar wirft, nach einer knappen Zusammenfassung der Argumentation des Beitrags von Tatjana Tarkian, einige grundsätzliche Fragen auf, welche die Geltungsreichweite und Anwendbarkeit der Prinzipien der reproduktiven Autonomie und der wohltätigen Fortpflanzung betreffen. Welche prospektiven Eltern sind Adressat*innen der Prinzipien der reproduktiven Freiheit und der wohltätigen Fortpflanzung? Stellen diese Prinzipien universell und überzeitlich gültige allgemeine Prinzipien dar, die generell in jeder Situation reproduktiver Entscheidung Berücksichtigung finden sollten? Lassen sie sich nur unter der Voraussetzung bestimmter Bedingungen bzw. im Rahmen bestimmter (...)
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    Kant and the Problem of Metaphysics.Lewis White Beck, Martin Heidegger & James S. Churchill - 1963 - Philosophical Review 72 (3):396.
  38. A Phenomenological Analysis of Anxiety as Experienced in Social Situations.Timothy J. Beck - 2013 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 44 (2):179-219.
    In this study, three individual descriptions of anxiety as experienced in social situations were analyzed so that a general structure representing social anxiety could potentially be obtained. The descriptions analyzed produced results that not only overlapped with already existing literature from various perspectives on the topic, but also highlighted certain key factors that have largely been unaccounted for by prior studies. By utilizing the Descriptive Phenomenological Method in Psychology , these factors were brought to light in more depth and clarity (...)
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    Quantum processes in the brain: A scientific basis of consciousness.Friedrich Beck & John C. Eccles - 2003 - In Naoyuki Osaka (ed.), Neural Basis of Consciousness. John Benjamins. pp. 49--141.
  40.  22
    Selected essays on Kant.Lewis White Beck - 2002 - Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press. Edited by Hoke Robinson.
    A collection of Lewis White Beck's most important essays on Immanuel Kant's philosophy.
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  41. Analogue Magnitude Representations: A Philosophical Introduction.Jacob Beck - 2015 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 66 (4):829-855.
    Empirical discussions of mental representation appeal to a wide variety of representational kinds. Some of these kinds, such as the sentential representations underlying language use and the pictorial representations of visual imagery, are thoroughly familiar to philosophers. Others have received almost no philosophical attention at all. Included in this latter category are analogue magnitude representations, which enable a wide range of organisms to primitively represent spatial, temporal, numerical, and related magnitudes. This article aims to introduce analogue magnitude representations to a (...)
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    The actor and the spectator: foundations of the theory of human action.Lewis White Beck - 1974 - Bristol, England: Thoemmes Press.
    Can a machine think? More pointedly, if I am a machine, can I think? Beck answers these questions by analyzing two clusters of metaphors -- one of which dramatizes human beings as spontaneous agents (actors), and the other sees them as observers attempting to explain causally their own behavior and that of the actor (spectators). Using a hypothetical scene with two spectators, each explaining an action, and each representing a different way of viewing the world, Beck points up (...)
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  43. Between perception and thought.Jacob Beck - 2024 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 110 (1):294-301.
  44. (1 other version)The Actor and the Spectator.Lewis White Beck - 1975 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 10 (3):208-211.
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    The Creative Mind.Lewis White Beck - 1947 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 7 (4):659-661.
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  46. Two Conceptions of Phenomenology.Ori Beck - 2019 - Philosophers' Imprint 19:1-17.
    The phenomenal particularity thesis says that if a mind-independent particular is consciously perceived in a given perception, that particular is among the constituents of the perception’s phenomenology. Martin, Campbell, Gomes and French and others defend this thesis. Against them are Mehta, Montague, Schellenberg and others, who have produced strong arguments that the phenomenal particularity thesis is false. Unfortunately, neither side has persuaded the other, and it seems that the debate between them is now at an impasse. This paper aims to (...)
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    Das faktum der vernunft: Zur rechtfertigungsproblematik in der ethik.Lewis White Beck - 1961 - Kant Studien 52 (1-4):271-282.
  48. Am I My Brother's Keeper? On Personal Identity and Responsibility.Simon Beck - 2013 - South African Journal of Philosophy 32 (1):1-9.
    The psychological continuity theory of personal identity has recently been accused of not meeting what is claimed to be a fundamental requirement on theories of identity - to explain personal moral responsibility. Although they often have much to say about responsibility, the charge is that they cannot say enough. I set out the background to the charge with a short discussion of Locke and the requirement to explain responsibility, then illustrate the accusation facing the theory with details from Marya Schechtman. (...)
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  49. A commentary on Kant's Critique of practical reason.Lewis White Beck - 1960 - [Chicago]: University of Chicago Press.
  50.  23
    World Risk Society.Ulrich Beck - 2012 - In Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis, Stig Andur Pedersen & Vincent F. Hendricks (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 495–499.
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