Results for 'Petra Klímová'

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  1.  19
    Adamův obraz v anglických encyklopedických pracích raného novověku.Petra Klímová - 2014 - Pro-Fil 14 (2):25.
    Obsah této studie se zaměřuje na mýtus o prvotním hříchu a jeho dopadu na encyklopedické práce v raném novověku. Jejím hlavním cílem je zde zodpovězení otázky do jaké míry byly encyklopedie tímto příběhem ovlivněny a následně popsat konkrétní změny, které byly tímto mýtem zapříčeněny. Hlavní pozornost je věnována zejména nejvýznamnějším anglickým encyklopedickým pracím v raném novověku a to Cyclopaedii (1728) od Ephraim Chamberse a Lexiconu Technicumu (1704) od Johna Harrise.
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    (1 other version)Wavelength sensitivity in blindsight.Petra Stoerig & Alan Cowey - 1989 - Nature 342:916-18.
  3.  27
    Current Research on the Impact of Foreign Language Learning Among Healthy Seniors on Their Cognitive Functions From a Positive Psychology Perspective—A Systematic Review.Blanka Klimova & Marcel Pikhart - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:522211.
    The purpose of this review study is to explore the existing research focusing on the impact of foreign language learning among healthy seniors on their cognitive functions from the positive psychology perspective. The methods are based on a literature review of available sources found on the research topic in two acknowledged databases: Web of Science and Scopus. The search period was not limited by any time period since there are not many studies on this topic. Altogether seven original studies were (...)
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    Learning a Foreign Language: A Review on Recent Findings About Its Effect on the Enhancement of Cognitive Functions Among Healthy Older Individuals.Blanka Klimova - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:355309.
    Currently, there is an increasing number of older population groups, especially in developed countries. This demographic trend, however, may cause serious problems, such as an increase in aging diseases, one of which is dementia whose main symptom consists in the decline of cognitive functioning. Although there has been ongoing pharmacological research on this neurological disorder, it has not brought satisfying results as far as its treatment is concerned. Therefore, governments all over the world are trying to develop alternative, non-pharmacological strategies/activities, (...)
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    Conflicts in interpretation.Petra Hendriks (ed.) - 2010 - Oakville, CT: Equinox.
    Conflicts in Interpretation applies novel methods of constraint interaction, derived from connectionist theories and implemented in linguistics within the framework of Optimality Theory, to core semantic and pragmatic issues such as polysemy, negation, (in) definiteness, focus, anaphora, and rhetorical structure. It explores the hypothesis that a natural language grammar is a set of potentially conflicting constraints on forms and meanings. Moreover, it hypothesizes that competent language users not only optimize from an input form to the optimal output meaning for this (...)
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  6. Aware or unaware: Assessment of cortical blindness in four men and a monkey.Petra Stoerig, Aspasia Zontanou & Alan Cowey - 2002 - Cerebral Cortex 12 (6):565-574.
  7.  50
    Special issue on “Cultural and cognitive dimensions of innovation” edited by Petra Ahrweiler and Riccardo Viale: Introductory Article.Petra Ahrweiler - 2013 - Mind and Society 12 (1):5-10.
    The Special Issue is started with the observation that the tension of mind and society, i.e. cognitive and sociological/cultural dimensions in knowledge production and innovation, is a well-known topic of academic discourse in Science and Technology Studies. The introduction mentions some historical hallmarks of the involved perspectives and discussions to outline the background of the Special Issue. The purpose of its contributions, which are briefly presented at the end of the introduction, is to review this long-existing tension of cognitive and (...)
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    Der Religionsbegriff der Religionswissenschaft im Spiegel von Nichtreligion und Nonkonformität: Religiöse Normierung als blinder Fleck eines implizit emischen ReligionsverständnissesDieser Artikel beruht auf einem Vortrag, den die Autorin auf der Jahreskonferenz von SSSR und AAR 2014 in Indianapolis gehalten hat: Petra Klug, „What Can the Study of Religion Learn from the Study of Nonreligion – and Vice Versa?,“ SSSR & RRA Annual Meeting.Petra Klug - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 23 (1):188-206.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft Jahrgang: 23 Heft: 1 Seiten: 188-206.
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    Context in neurolinguistics.Petra B. Schumacher - 2012 - In Rita Finkbeiner, Jörg Meibauer & Petra B. Schumacher (eds.), What is a Context?: Linguistic Approaches and Challenges. John Benjamins. pp. 196--33.
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  10. Conceptualizing religious discourse in the work of Fëdor Dostoevskij.Svetlana Klimova - 2007 - Studies in East European Thought 59 (1-2):55-64.
    I interpret Dostoevskij’s religious concepts in terms of mythogenesis and mythopoesis. Dostoevskij’s religious concepts arose on the basis both of his personal emotional experience and of the discourse of popular Orthodoxy. They demonstrate the antinomial nature of Russian spirituality, and are typified by his conception of the family, which illustrates the communal basis of the individual personality. The antimomial idea of the family is most fully developed in Dostoevskij’s novel The Brothers Karamazov, in which the four models of fatherhood correspond (...)
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  11.  24
    Bonhoeffer: God’s Conspirator in a State of Exception.Petra Brown - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    Theologian. Conspirator. Martyr. Saint. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was killed in the waning days of World War II, having been implicated in the July 20th assassination attempt on Hitler. Since his death, Bonhoeffer’s life and writings have inspired contradictory responses. He is often seen as a model for Christian pacifist resistance, and more recently for violent direct political action. Bonhoeffer’s name has been invoked by violent anti-abortion protestors as well as political leaders calling for support on a ‘war on terror’ in the (...)
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    Content and context in incremental processing: “the ham sandwich” revisited.Petra B. Schumacher - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 168 (1):151-165.
    The interplay of content and context is observable in a moment to moment manner as propositional content unfolds. The current contribution illustrates this through data from real-time language comprehension indicating that propositional content is not computed in isolation but relies in important ways on context during every step of the computation of meaning. The relevant notion of context that we have to adopt includes all aspects of possible worlds and draws on a variety of knowledge representations, which in a first (...)
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  13.  10
    Parrhesia: Foucault und der Mut zur Wahrheit.Petra Gehring & Andreas Gelhard (eds.) - 2012 - Zürich: Diaphanes.
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  14.  19
    Are There Any Cognitive Benefits of Computer-Based Foreign Language Training for Healthy Elderly People? – A Mini-Review.Blanka Klimova - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The purpose of this mini-review is to investigate if there are any cognitive benefits of computer-based foreign language training for healthy older individuals aged 55+ years. The author conducted a literature search of peer-reviewed English written research articles found in Pub Med, Web of Science and Scopus. The findings of this mini-review reveal that the research on the cognitive benefits of computer-based foreign language training for healthy older individuals is small-scale. The limited research findings of only three relevant studies indicate (...)
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    Civil Society Discourse in Russian Modernism and French Post-Modernism.Svetlana Klimova - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 20:121-127.
    Various approaches to civil society research are considered. Two key problems caused by impact of post-modernism are discussed, that are: crises of identification with the society and problems of personal identity. A particular personality crisis that is specific for contemporary Russia is noticed. The crisis is caused by the combination of two factors. They are: social abandonment, atomization and loneliness and total relativism produced by expansion of post-modernism. The second factor influences the Western citizenship as well. That’s why “re-emergence” of (...)
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  16.  14
    Dostoevsky - Strakhov - Tolstoy: Toward to the Story of One Conflict.Svetlana M. Klimova - 2021 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 25 (1):72-88.
    The well-known epistolary conflict between Fyodor Dostoevsky and Nikolai Strakhov over the latter's slander of the great Russian writer's terrible sins is considered in the article from the point of view a philosophical anthropology and relations not two but between three participants of this story: Dostoyevsky, Strakhov and Tolstoy. This conflict is presented through anthropological, existential, and class prisms of description, based on a reconstruction of Strakhov's concept of man as a controversial, dual, and undefined being reflected in Dostoevsky's work. (...)
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  17.  15
    Philosophy of Mind and Awareness of Philosophy in the Interior of the Soviet Age.Svetlana M. Klimova - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (5):126-148.
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    Russian Intelligentsia in Search of an Identity: Between Dostoevsky’s Oppositions and Tolstoy’s Holism.Svetlana Klimova - 2020 - Brill | Rodopi.
    This monograph considers the problem of the Russian intelligentsia’s self-identification in its historic-philosophical aspect and compares the spiritual and biographical opposition of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy in the 19th and 20th century.
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    Spinoza and Tolstoy in Valentin Asmus’ comparative analysis.Svetlana Klimova - 2021 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (3):345-357.
    The paper investigates the dependence of Leo Tolstoy’s ethical, religious and political ideas on Benedict Spinoza’s philosophy. The Soviet philosopher Valentin Asmus offered a solution to this problem by attempting to emphasize rationalist elements in Tolstoy’s teachings while glossing over his religious inclinations. Asmus treated Tolstoy’s “life’s religion” as a peculiar form of humanist ethics, just like Spinoza’s idea that “God” is merely infinite Nature. Asmus compared the Spinozist and Tolstoyan understanding of the relationship between metaphysics and ethics. He also (...)
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    Thinking eternally and continuously. The Russian experience of Mamardashvili.Svetlana Klimova - 2019 - Studies in East European Thought 71 (3):199-215.
    The philosophy of Mamardashvili can be presented through the prism of his experience of living through Soviet history, which became a “beneficial vantage point”, and through his understanding, not just of deeply theoretical, but also existential Russian themes. His particular style—“the living through thought” in the presence of the other reflected a covert protest and spiritual opposition to the zombified masses and to history. In the analysis of his ideas, a special attention has been payed to the mediative—« intermittential space (...)
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  21.  15
    The Ethico-Religious Imperatives of Lev Tolstoy’s Life and Work.Svetlana M. Klimova - 2021 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 59 (5):345-350.
    Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy’s departure from this earth took place in 1910, a year that has since become a common touchstone for Russians. The twentieth century came to a symbolic close, beginning a te...
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  22.  12
    “Time is our litmus test”: the philosophical world of Valentin Asmus.Svetlana Klimova - 2023 - Studies in East European Thought 75 (4):567-574.
  23.  20
    Weber’s interpretive project and the practical failure of meaningful action.Sveta Klimova - 2012 - European Journal of Social Theory 15 (2):261-278.
    The practical failure to understand in conflicts, where participants routinely challenge each other’s attribution of meaning, undermines the key assumption of the Weberian interpretive project: that the subject acts meaningfully. This article revisits Weber’s concept of meaning as an object of understanding for a social scientist. Ascertaining the empirical fact of subjective attribution, as Weber advised, may not be sufficient when it comes to understanding action whose meaning is disputed. The article uses the example of E.P. Thompson’s interpretation of eighteenth-century (...)
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    Varieties of vision: From blind responses to conscious recognition.Petra Stoerig - 1998 - In Stuart R. Hameroff, Alfred W. Kaszniak & Alwyn Scott (eds.), Toward a Science of Consciousness II: The Second Tucson Discussions and Debates. MIT Press. pp. 2--297.
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  25. Varieties of cognitive penetration in visual perception.Petra Vetter & Albert Newen - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 27:62-75.
  26.  31
    Claudia Rozas Gómez, Paul Gibbs and Petra Mikulan on Peter Roberts and Herner Saeverot’s Education and the limits of reason: Reading Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Nabokov, with a response from the authors: Roberts, P., & Saeverot, H. (2018). Education and the limits of reason: Reading Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and Nabokov. Routledge. [REVIEW]Petra Mikulan, Claudia Alejandra Rozas Gomez & Paul Gibbs - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (7):1050-1060.
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    Low-level phenomenal vision despite unilateral destruction of primary visual cortex.Petra Stoerig & Erhardt Barth - 2001 - Consciousness and Cognition 10 (4):574-587.
    GY, an extensively studied human hemianope, is aware of salient visual events in his cortically blind field but does not call this ''vision.'' To learn whether he has low-level conscious visual sensations or whether instead he has gained conscious knowledge about, or access to, visual information that does not produce a conscious phenomenal sensation, we attempted to image process a stimulus s presented to the impaired field so that when the transformed stimulus T(s) was presented to the normal hemifield it (...)
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  28. Optimality Theoretic Semantics.Petra Hendriks & Helen de Hoop - 2001 - Linguistics and Philosophy 24 (1):1 - 32.
    The aim of this article is to elucidate the processes that characterize natural language interpretation. The basic hypothesis is that natural language interpretation can be characterized as an optimization problem. This innovative view on interpretation is shown to account for the crucial role of contextual information while avoiding certain well-known problems associated with compositionality. This will become particularly clear in the context of incomplete expressions. Our approach takes as a point of departure total freedom of interpretation in combination with the (...)
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    Blindsight in man and monkey.Petra Stoerig & Alan Cowey - 1997 - Brain 120:535-59.
  30.  37
    Moving beyond the mirror: relational and performative meaning making in human–robot communication.Petra Gemeinboeck & Rob Saunders - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (2):549-563.
    Current research in human–robot interaction often focuses on rendering communication between humans and robots more ‘natural’ by designing machines that appear and behave humanlike. Communication, in this human-centric approach, is often understood as a process of successfully transmitting information in the form of predefined messages and gestures. This article introduces an alternative arts-led, movement-centric approach, which embraces the differences of machinelike robotic artefacts and, instead, investigates how meaning is dynamically enacted in the encounter of humans and machines. Our design approach (...)
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  31. Bonhoeffer and Løgstrup: the Ethics of Disclosure in a State of Exception.Petra Brown & Patrick Stokes - 2020 - Sophia 59 (2):229-246.
    Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Knud Ejler Løgstrup were WWII contemporaries: Lutheran theologians and religious figures in their respective German and Danish communities; both active in the anti-Nazi resistance. Being involved in the resistance, Bonhoeffer and Løgstrup were required to rethink what it meant to be ethical, in particular in relation to disclosure and the telling of truth, in a situation of war. In this paper, we consider the grounds on which both Løgstrup and Bonhoeffer acted, their belief in a duty or (...)
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  32.  14
    Das Leben: historisch-systematische Studien zur Geschichte eines Begriffs.Petra Bahr & Stephan Schaede (eds.) - 2009 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Der erste der auf vier Bände angelegten Sichtungen der Bestimmung,Leben' stellt in chronologischer Folge wichtige Grundkonstellationen des Begriffsfeldes Leben von Aristoteles bis Schelling vor. Exemplarisch wird herausgearbeitet, wie in der europäischen Kulturgeschichte vom Leben geredet wurde, wann und weshalb der Lebensbegriff an Bedeutung gewann und warum die Rede vom Leben mit einer eigenen Konfliktgeschichte verbunden ist. Von besonderem Interesse sind dabei jene Diskussionen, die für christliche Traditionen direkt oder latent relevant wurden. Damit soll den Lebensdiskursen innerhalb der bioethischen Debatten ein (...)
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    Lexical-Semantic Relations: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives.Petra Storjohann (ed.) - 2010 - John Benjamins Pub. Company.
    Introduction Petra Storjohann This collective volume focuses on what have traditionally been termed the "para- digmatics" or "sense relations" of a lexical ...
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    Gricean Expectations in Online Sentence Comprehension: An ERP Study on the Processing of Scalar Inferences.Petra Augurzky, Michael Franke & Rolf Ulrich - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (8):e12776.
    There is substantial support for the general idea that a formalization of comprehenders' expectations about the likely next word in a sentence helps explaining data related to online sentence processing. While much research has focused on syntactic, semantic, and discourse expectations, the present event‐related potentials (ERPs) study investigates neurolinguistic correlates of pragmatic expectations, which arise when comprehenders expect a sentence to conform to Gricean Maxims of Conversation. For predicting brain responses associated with pragmatic processing, we introduce a formal model of (...)
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  35. Coherent discourse solves the pronoun interpretation problem.Petra Hendriks - manuscript
  36. Post-representational theology.Petra Carlsson - 2013 - In Daniel M. Price & Ryan J. Johnson (eds.), The movement of nothingness: trust in the emptiness of time. Aurora, Colorado: The Davies Group Publishers.
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    Yasuní ITT Initiative and the Reinventing Sovereignty over Natural Resources.Petra Gümplová - 2019 - Filozofia 74 (5).
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    Bytie i poznanie: mezhvuzovskiĭ nauchnyĭ sbornik.S. V. Klimova (ed.) - 1999 - Saratov: Saratovskii gos. tekhn. universitet.
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  39. The third path of Russian intellectualism.Svetlana Klimova - 2015 - In Teresa Obolevitch & Paweł Rojek (eds.), Faith and reason in Russian thought. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press.
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  40. Filozofické problémy súčasnej fyziky a astronómie. Petráš, Milan & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1962 - Bratislava]: Vydavatel'stvo politickej literatúry.
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  41. Evolution, fachübergreifend: Adressatenbefragung zu einem Fortbildungsprojekt für Biologielehrer der gymnasialen Oberstufe.Petra Reinhard - 1984 - Tübingen: Deutsches Institut für Fernstudien an der Universität Tübingen, Hauptbereich Naturwissenschaften. Edited by Elke Rottländer.
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    Forschungskonzeptionen, Prioritäten und Patente.Petra Werner - 1998 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 6 (1):91-103.
    The significance of Warburg’s work for the transformation of concepts in the investigation of vitamins is stressed, and the different investigative approaches of the competing groups are made clear. The grounds for the controversy carried out in their scientific publications, between Paul Karrer and Warburg on the one side, and Richard Kuhn on the other side, are fully examined, using the example of vitamin B2. A second level of discussion that remained hidden from behind the public scientific debate is analysed: (...)
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  43. Risk factors for worsening of somatic symptom burden in a prospective cohort during the COVID-19 pandemic.Petra Engelmann, Bernd Löwe, Thomas Theo Brehm, Angelika Weigel, Felix Ullrich, Marylyn M. Addo, Julian Schulze zur Wiesch, Ansgar W. Lohse & Anne Toussaint - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionLittle is known about risk factors for both Long COVID and somatic symptoms that develop in individuals without a history of COVID-19 in response to the pandemic. There is reason to assume an interplay between pathophysiological mechanisms and psychosocial factors in the etiology of symptom persistence.ObjectiveTherefore, this study investigates specific risk factors for somatic symptom deterioration in a cohort of German adults with and without prior SARS-CoV-2 infection.MethodsGerman healthcare professionals underwent SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibody testing and completed self-rating questionnaires at baseline (...)
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    Slow cortical potential and theta/beta neurofeedback training in adults: effects on attentional processes and motor system excitability.Petra Studer, Oliver Kratz, Holger Gevensleben, Aribert Rothenberger, Gunther H. Moll, Martin Hautzinger & Hartmut Heinrich - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Darstellung des Undarstellbaren: religionstheoretische Studien zum Darstellungsbegriff bei A.G. Baumgarten und I. Kant.Petra Bahr - 2004 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    German description: Wie wird das schlechthin Undarstellbare sinnlich darstellbar? Petra Bahr zeigt in ihren Studien zur historischen Semantik des Darstellungsbegriffs zwischen 1750 und 1800, dass diese Frage das 18.
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    Context and Complexity in Incremental Sentence Interpretation: An ERP Study on Temporal Quantification.Petra Augurzky, Vera Hohaus & Rolf Ulrich - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (11):e12913.
    The present event‐related potential (ERP) study used picture–sentence verification to investigate the neurolinguistic correlates of the online processing of compositional‐semantic information. To this end, we examined context effects on sentences involving temporal adverbial quantification likeJana war jeden Morgen schwimmen an den Arbeitstagen (“Jana went for a swim every morning during the working week”). We tested whether the conceptual complexity associated with quantifying over time intervals leads to delayed predictions regarding the upcoming words in a sentence. The present study replicated previous (...)
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    Visual perception and phenomenal consciousness.Petra Stoerig & Alan Cowey - 1995 - Behavioural Brain Research 71:147-156.
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    How to Move Beyond the Human.Petra Carlsson - 2023 - Sophia 62 (4):697-708.
    The article briefly introduces an academic debate between two different responses to the predicament of the human in the ecological crisis, namely the object-oriented ontology and the vitalist response to that approach. Based on that introduction, it argues for the need of a complementing analytical tool and sketches the contours of such a tool by suggesting an epistemological tactic for a decolonizing human distinctiveness. The article suggests an analytical maneuver to be used by scholars who aim at decolonizing nature from (...)
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    Factivity: its nature and acquisition.Petra Schulz - 2003 - Tübingen: M. Niemeyer.
    Revision of the author's thesis (doctoral)--University of T'ubingen.
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    Humanitní vědy v otázkách a odpovědích.Petra Bartošová, Josef Krob & Radim Bělohrad - 2023 - Studia Philosophica 70 (1):89-92.
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