Results for 'Pearl Moshinsky'

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  1.  42
    Housing asocial families in Holland.Pearl Moshinsky - 1939 - The Eugenics Review 31 (3):171.
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  2. Erratum for: Structural Counterfactuals: A Brief Introduction, by Judea Pearl in Cognitive Science, 37 (6).Judea Pearl - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (7).
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  3. Causality: Models, Reasoning and Inference.Judea Pearl - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Causality offers the first comprehensive coverage of causal analysis in many sciences, including recent advances using graphical methods. Pearl presents a unified account of the probabilistic, manipulative, counterfactual and structural approaches to causation, and devises simple mathematical tools for analyzing the relationships between causal connections, statistical associations, actions and observations. The book will open the way for including causal analysis in the standard curriculum of statistics, artificial intelligence, business, epidemiology, social science and economics.
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    Comments on Nick Huntington–Klein's review ‘Pearl before economists: The Book of Why and empirical economics’.J. Pearl - 2023 - Journal of Economic Methodology 30 (1):63-67.
    This note aims to assist applied econometricians in understanding the tools of causal inference and to extend those discussed in Nick Huntington-Klein's review of The Book of Why.
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    The book of why: the new science of cause and effect.Judea Pearl - 2018 - New York: Basic Books. Edited by Dana Mackenzie.
    Everyone has heard the claim, "Correlation does not imply causation." What might sound like a reasonable dictum metastasized in the twentieth century into one of science's biggest obstacles, as a legion of researchers became unwilling to make the claim that one thing could cause another. Even two decades ago, asking a statistician a question like "Was it the aspirin that stopped my headache?" would have been like asking if he believed in voodoo, or at best a topic for conversation at (...)
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  6. Reasoning with belief functions: An analysis of compatibility.Judea Pearl - 1990 - International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 4:363--389.
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    Further Addenda and Corrigenda to the revised edition of Lynn Thorndike and Pearl KibreArticle author querykibre p [Google Scholar].Pearl Kibre - 1968 - Speculum 43 (1):78-114.
    The following Addenda and some Corrigenda were derived for the most part from manuscripts examined in the summer of 1964 and in the spring and summer of 1965, 1967 at Bologna University ; London, British Museum ; Munich, Bayerische Staats-Bibliothek, Codex Latinus Monacensis ; Orlèans; Oxford, the Bodleian ; and Merton College ; Paris, Bibliotheque nationale , and University ; Tours; Vatican, Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana ; and Vienna, National-Bibliothek . A number are noted from other sources, namely Silvestre , Wickersheimer (...)
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  8. Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems: Networks of Plausible Inference.Judea Pearl - 1988 - Morgan Kaufmann.
    The book can also be used as an excellent text for graduate-level courses in AI, operations research, or applied probability.
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  9.  17
    Fusion, propagation, and structuring in belief networks.Judea Pearl - 1986 - Artificial Intelligence 29 (3):241-288.
  10.  25
    How stands collapse II.Philip Pearle - 2009 - In Wayne C. Myrvold & Joy Christian (eds.), Quantum Reality, Relativistic Causality, and Closing the Epistemic Circle. Springer. pp. 257--292.
  11.  29
    Accidental degeneracies and symmetry groups.Marcos Moshinsky - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (1):73-82.
    It is usually assumed that the appearance of accidental degeneracy in the energy levels of a given Hamiltonian is due to a symmetry group. By considering the elementary problem of a rotator with spin-orbit coupling, when the strength of the latter is equal to the inverse of the moment of inertia, we find that this assumption does not explain the degeneracy of all the levels of the Hamiltonian. Thus the relation between accidental degeneracies and symmetry group merits further probing.
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  12. Espacio, Tiempo y Paridad.M. MOSHINSKY - 1958
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    Engagement practices that join scientific methods with community wisdom: designing a patient‐centered, randomized control trial with a Pacific Islander community.Pearl Anna McElfish, Peter A. Goulden, Zoran Bursac, Jonell Hudson, Rachel S. Purvis, Karen H. Kim Yeary, Nia Aitaoto & Peter O. Kohler - 2017 - Nursing Inquiry 24 (2):e12141.
    This article illustrates how a collaborative research process can successfully engage an underserved minority community to address health disparities. Pacific Islanders, including the Marshallese, are one of the fastest growing US populations. They face significant health disparities, including extremely high rates of type 2 diabetes. This article describes the engagement process of designing patient‐centered outcomes research with Marshallese stakeholders, highlighting the specific influences of their input on a randomized control trial to address diabetes. Over 18 months, an interdisciplinary research team (...)
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  14.  13
    How Statistical Learning Can Play Well with Universal Grammar.Lisa S. Pearl - 2021 - In Nicholas Allott, Terje Lohndal & Georges Rey (eds.), A Companion to Chomsky. Wiley. pp. 267–286.
    A key motivation for Universal Grammar (UG) is developmental: UG can help children acquire the linguistic knowledge that they do as quickly as they do from the data that's available to them. Some of the most fruitful recent work in language acquisition has combined ideas about different hypothesis space building blocks with domain‐general statistical learning. Statistical learning can then provide a way to help navigate the hypothesis space in order to converge on the correct hypothesis. Reinforcement learning is a principled (...)
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  15. Causal inference in statistics. An overview.Judea Pearl - 2009 - Statistics Surveys 3:96-146.
  16.  42
    Barut equation for the particle-antiparticle system with a Dirac oscillator interaction.M. Moshinsky & G. Loyola - 1993 - Foundations of Physics 23 (2):197-210.
    Barut showed us how it is possible to get a Poincaré invariant n-body equation with a single time. Starting from the Barut equation for n-free particles, we show how to generalize it when they interact through Dirac oscillators with different frequencies. We then particularize the problem to n=2 and consider the particle-antiparticle system whose frequencies are respectively ω and −ω. We indicate how the resulting equation can be solved by perturbation theory, though the spectrum and its comparison with that of (...)
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  17. Supermultiplicity and the relativistic Coulomb problem with arbitrary spin.M. Moshinsky, A. Del Sol Mesa & V. Riquer - 1997 - Foundations of Physics 27 (8):1139-1157.
    The Hamiltonian for n relativistic electrons without interaction but in a Coulomb potential is well known. If in this Hamiltonian we take r ′ u =r′, P ′ u =P′ with u=1,2,..., n, we obtain a one-body problem in a Coulomb field, but the appearance of n of the α u , u=1,..., n, each of which corresponds to spin $\tfrac{1}{2}$ , indicates that we may have spins up to (n/2). We analyze this last problem first by denoting the 4×4 (...)
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  18.  28
    Sterilization of degenerates and criminals considered from the standpoint of genetics.Raymond Pearl - 1919 - The Eugenics Review 11 (1):1.
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  19. chapter 6. Social and cultural capital: a story of successful parent involvement.Pearl Vongprateep - 2016 - In Jose W. Lalas, Angela Macias, Kitty M. Fortner, Nirmla Griarte Flores, Ayanna Blackmon-Balogun & Margarita Vance (eds.), Who we are and how we learn: educational engagement and justice for diverse learners. United States of America: Cognella Academic Publishing.
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    Conditional entailment: Bridging two approaches to default reasoning.Hector Geffner & Judea Pearl - 1992 - Artificial Intelligence 53 (2-3):209-244.
  21.  16
    Question of time: Freud in the light of Heidegger's temporality.Joel Pearl (ed.) - 2013 - New York, NY: Rodopi.
    In A Question of Time, Joel Pearl offers a new reading of the foundations of psychoanalytic thought, indicating the presence of an essential lacuna that has been integral to psychoanalysis since its inception. Pearl returns to the moment in which psychoanalysis was born, demonstrating how Freud had overlooked one of the most principal issues pertinent to his method: the question of time. The book shows that it is no coincidence that Freud had never methodically and thoroughly discussed time (...)
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  22.  38
    Popitz’s Imaginative Variation on Power as Model for Critical Phenomenology.J. Leavitt Pearl - 2018 - Human Studies 41 (3):475-483.
    Heinrich Popitz’s Phenomena of Power aims to uncover power as “a universal component in the genesis and operation of human societies”. In order to uncover this “universal” concept of power, Popitz employs Husserl’s method of the “imaginative variation” [Phantasievariation]. Yet, contrary to phenomenology’s traditionally descriptive posture, Phenomena of Power’s project is at once descriptive and normative—seeking not only to describe power, but to also describe the way in which power can be remade. In the present paper it is argued that (...)
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  23.  40
    Theory and the everyday.Monica B. Pearl - 2018 - Angelaki 23 (1):199-203.
    The Argonauts combines high theory and the everyday. It does this by combining lofty thought, the quotidian, close attention to words and ideas and stray thoughts, and desire. It does this through form, the way it blends and refuses genre, the way it skips from one thought or story to another, and making them connect by virtue of contiguity. The Argonauts refuses form in a way that parallels how Maggie's and Harry's bodies and identities refuse gender taxonomy. It also refuses (...)
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  24.  18
    Embracing causality in default reasoning.Judea Pearl - 1988 - Artificial Intelligence 35 (2):259-271.
  25.  17
    On evidential reasoning in a hierarchy of hypotheses.Judea Pearl - 1986 - Artificial Intelligence 28 (1):9-15.
  26. Structural Counterfactuals: A Brief Introduction.Judea Pearl - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (6):977-985.
    Recent advances in causal reasoning have given rise to a computational model that emulates the process by which humans generate, evaluate, and distinguish counterfactual sentences. Contrasted with the “possible worlds” account of counterfactuals, this “structural” model enjoys the advantages of representational economy, algorithmic simplicity, and conceptual clarity. This introduction traces the emergence of the structural model and gives a panoramic view of several applications where counterfactual reasoning has benefited problem areas in the empirical sciences.
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  27. Causality: Models, Reasoning and Inference.Judea Pearl - 2000 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (1):201-202.
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  28.  71
    Wavefunction Collapse and Conservation Laws.Philip Pearle - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (8):1145-1160.
    It is emphasized that the collapse postulate of standard quantum theory can violate conservation of energy-momentum and there is no indication from where the energy-momentum comes or to where it goes. Likewise, in the Continuous Spontaneous Localization (CSL) dynamical collapse model, particles gain energy on average. In CSL, the usual Schrödinger dynamics is altered so that a randomly fluctuating classical field interacts with quantized particles to cause wavefunction collapse. In this paper it is shown how to define energy for the (...)
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  29.  32
    Asymptotic properties of minimax trees and game-searching procedures.Judea Pearl - 1980 - Artificial Intelligence 14 (2):113-138.
  30.  32
    Identifiability of path-specific eff ects.Judea Pearl - manuscript
    UCLA Cognitive Systems Laboratory, Technical Report (R-321), June 2005. In Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligen ce, Edinburgh, Scotland, August 2005.
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  31.  14
    Belief networks revisited.Judea Pearl - 1993 - Artificial Intelligence 59 (1-2):49-56.
  32.  18
    A Fourteenth Century Scholastic Miscellany.Pearl Kibre - 1941 - New Scholasticism 15 (3):261-271.
  33.  15
    The sense of obligation in children's testimonial learning.Pearl Han Li, Annelise Pesch & Melissa A. Koenig - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43.
    We extend Tomasello's discussion of children's developing sense of obligation to testimonial learning. First, we review a battery of behaviors in testimonial exchanges that parallel those described by Tomasello. Second, we explore the variable ways in which children hold others accountable, suggestive that children's evaluations of moral and epistemic responsibilities in joint collaborative activities are distinct.
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    Sheʼelah shel zeman: Froid bi-reʼi ha-zemaniyut shel Haideger.Joel Pearl - 2011 - Ramat-Gan: Universiṭat Bar-Ilan.
  35.  22
    The Structural Theory of Causation.Judea Pearl - 2011 - In Phyllis McKay Illari Federica Russo (ed.), Causality in the Sciences. Oxford University Press.
  36. Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems: Networks of Plausible Inference.J. Pearl, F. Bacchus, P. Spirtes, C. Glymour & R. Scheines - 1988 - Synthese 104 (1):161-176.
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  37.  13
    Evidential reasoning using stochastic simulation of causal models.Judea Pearl - 1987 - Artificial Intelligence 32 (2):245-257.
  38.  16
    Distributed revision of composite beliefs.Judea Pearl - 1987 - Artificial Intelligence 33 (2):173-215.
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    : The Body as a Mirror of the Soul: Physiognomy from Antiquity to the Renaissance.Sharrona Pearl - 2023 - Isis 114 (1):194-195.
  40. Pathways to liberation: an essay on Yoga-Christian dialogue.Pearl Drego - 1974 - New Delhi: The Grail.
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  41.  46
    Princeps Concordiae: Pico della Mirandola and the Scholastic Tradition. Avery Dulles.Pearl Kibre - 1941 - Isis 33 (4):532-534.
  42.  13
    The Intellectual Interests Reflected in Libraries of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries.Pearl Kibre - 1946 - Journal of the History of Ideas 7 (1/4):257.
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  43. Significance of Whitehead's philosophy for psychology.Pearl Louise Weber - 1940 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 21 (2):178.
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    Direct and indirect effects.Judea Pearl - manuscript
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    Reply to Woodward.Judea Pearl - 2003 - Economics and Philosophy 19 (2):341-344.
    I thank Dr. Woodward for his illuminating review of my book Causality, for explicating so clearly the basic contributions of the book, and for giving me the opportunity to further clarify some aspects of the do-calculus, specifically those that pertain to the notion of intervention.
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    An Alchemical Tract Attributed to Albertus Magnus.Pearl Kibre - 1944 - Isis 35 (4):303-316.
  47.  30
    A Puzzle about Necessary Being.Leon Pearl - 1990 - Philosophy 65 (252):229 - 231.
  48.  26
    A reply to Julian Wolfe's criticism.Leon Pearl - 1972 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 33 (2):269.
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  49. The Rationalist Moral Argument of Richard Price.Leon Pearl - 1957 - Dissertation, New York University
  50.  33
    Distinguishing between stochasticity and determinism: Examples from cell cycle duration variability.Sivan Pearl Mizrahi, Oded Sandler, Laura Lande-Diner, Nathalie Q. Balaban & Itamar Simon - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (1):8-13.
    We describe a recent approach for distinguishing between stochastic and deterministic sources of variability, focusing on the mammalian cell cycle. Variability between cells is often attributed to stochastic noise, although it may be generated by deterministic components. Interestingly, lineage information can be used to distinguish between variability and determinism. Analysis of correlations within a lineage of the mammalian cell cycle duration revealed its deterministic nature. Here, we discuss the sources of such variability and the possibility that the underlying deterministic process (...)
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