Results for 'Pauline Newman-Gordon'

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    Elements of Feminist Discourse in Harlor.Pauline Newman-Gordon - 1993 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 10 (1):63-66.
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    In Memoriam: Pauline Newman Gordon Yellin (1925-2010), “Mon amie Pauline”.Yolanda Astarita Patterson - 2011 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 27 (1):89-92.
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  3. The Joint Annual Meetings of the Association for the Study of Food and Society (ASFS) and the Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society (AFHVS).Jacqueline Newman, Richard Haynes & Barbara H. J. Gordon - 1997 - Agriculture and Human Values 14 (199).
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  4. Sane man in a madhouse.Fia Newman Gordon - 1964 - New York,: Vantage Press.
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    Reading Texts, Reading Lives: Essays in the Tradition of Humanistic Cultural Criticism in Honor of Daniel R. Schwarz.Paul Gordon, Ruth Hoberman, Ross Murfin, Brian May, Margot Norris, Ed O'Shea, Steve Sicari, Beth Newman, Joseph Heininger & Holly Stave (eds.) - 2012 - University of Delaware Press.
    Distinguished contributors take up eminent scholar Daniel R. Schwarz’s reading of modern fiction and poetry as mediating between human desire and human action. The essayists follow Schwarz’s advice, “always the text, always historicize,” thus making this book relevant to current debates about the relationships between literature, ethics, aesthetics, and historical contexts.
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    Point Counter Point: Should LOGOS become BLOGOS?Joseph J. Esposito, Eric Newman, Gordon Graham & Charles M. Levine - 2008 - Logos 19 (1):36-41.
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  7. Divergence of Calvinism from Pauline Doctrine.Francis William Newman - 2009 - The Works of Francis William Newman on Religion 8:173-176.
  8. Pauline Christology: An Exegetical-Theological Study.Gordon D. Fee - 2007
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    Wilde and Newman.Jan B. Gordon - 1970 - Renascence 22 (4):183-191.
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    ST JEROME'S ECCLESIASTES - R.J. Goodrich, D.J.D. Miller St. Jerome: Commentary on Ecclesiastes. Pp. viii + 258. New York and Mahwah, NJ: The Newman Press, 2012. Cased, US$39.95. ISBN: 978-0-8091-0601-1. [REVIEW]Pauline Nugent - 2013 - The Classical Review 63 (2):475-477.
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    Book Review: Torah and Law in "Paradise Lost". [REVIEW]Gordon Teskey - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (2):546-548.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Torah and Law in “Paradise Lost,”Gordon TeskeyTorah and Law in “Paradise Lost,” by Jason P. Rosenblatt; Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994, $39.50.The epic project that includes the poems Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained marks the last occasion in Europe when the most ambitious literary form sought stability in theology rather than in philosophy. The philosophical poem, a minor form before the Enlightenment, became after Milton the general (...)
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    Pauline Christology: An Exegetical-Theological Study. By Gordon D. Fee.Geoffrey Turner - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (1):147-148.
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    Felicia GORDON, Maire CROSS, Early French Feminisms, 1830-1940. A Passion for Liberty, Cheltenham, UK, Brookfield, US, Edward Elgar, 1996, 287 p. [REVIEW]Christine Bard - 1998 - Clio 7.
    Early French Feminisms est un reader, type de publication encore peu développé en France, destiné principalement à un public étudiant. Y figurent des textes (par larges extraits ou dans leur intégralité) de Flora Tristan (1803-1844), Jeanne Deroin (1805-1852), Pauline Roland (1805-1892), Madeleine Pelletier (1874-1939) et Hélène Brion (1882-1962), assortis de longues introductions, de copieuses notes infrapaginales et d'une belle bibliographie. Cette anthologie a été conçue par deux hi...
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  14. The Problematic Status of Gender-Neutral Language in the History of Philosophy: The Case of Kant.Pauline Kleingeld - 1993 - Philosophical Forum 25:134-150.
    The increasingly common use of inclusive language (e.g., "he or she") in representing past philosophers' views is often inappropriate. Using Immanuel Kant's work as an example, I compare his use of terms such as "human race" and "human being" with his views on women to show that his use of generic terms does not prove that he includes women. I then discuss three different approaches to this issue, found in recent Kant-literature, and show why each of them is insufficient. I (...)
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  15. The Pastor: A Spirituality.Gordon W. Lathrop - 2006
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  16. Approaching Perpetual Peace: Kant’s Defence of a League of States and his Ideal of a World Federation.Pauline Kleingeld - 2004 - European Journal of Philosophy 12 (3):304-325.
    There exists a standard view of Kant’s position on global order and this view informs much of current Kantian political theory. This standard view is that Kant advocates a voluntary league of states and rejects the ideal of a federative state of states as dangerous, unrealistic, and conceptually incoherent. This standard interpretation is usually thought to fall victim to three equally standard objections. In this essay, I argue that the standard interpretation is mistaken and that the three standard objections miss (...)
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  17. Kant, History, and the Idea of Moral Development.Pauline Kleingeld - 1999 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 16 (1):59-80.
    I examine the consistency of Kant's notion of moral progress as found in his philosophy of history. To many commentators, Kant's very idea of moral development has seemed inconsistent with basic tenets of his critical philosophy. This idea has seemed incompatible with his claims that the moral law is unconditionally and universally valid, that moral agency is noumenal and atemporal, and that all humans are equally free. Against these charges, I argue not only that Kant's notion of moral development is (...)
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    Toward a Contemporary Understanding of Pure Land Buddhism: Creating a Shin Buddhist Theology in a Religiously Plural World (review).Paul O. Ingram - 2002 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (1):214-217.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (2002) 214-217 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Toward a Contemporary Understanding of Pure Land Buddhism: Creating a Shin Buddhist Theology in a Religiously Plural World Toward a Contemporary Understanding of Pure Land Buddhism: Creating a Shin Buddhist Theology in a Religiously Plural World. Edited by Dennis Hirota. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2000. 257 pp. One of the lessons I learned from Martin (...)
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  19. Kant on the Unity of Theoretical and Practical Reason.Pauline Kleingeld - 1998 - Review of Metaphysics 52 (2):500-528.
    In his critical works of the 1780's, Kant claims, seemingly inconsistently, that (1) theoretical and practical reason are one and the same reason, applied differently, (2) that he still needs to show that they are, and (3) that theoretical and practical reason are united. I first argue that current interpretations of Kant's doctrine of the unity of reason are insufficient. But rather than concluding that Kant’s doctrine becomes coherent only in the Critique of Judgment, I show that the three statements (...)
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    Nothing Personal: Kierkegaard's Generous Self-Absorption.Gordon Marino - 2007 - Common Knowledge 13 (1):80-86.
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  21. Kant, the bible, and the recovery from radical evil.Gordon E. Michalson - 2009 - In Sharon Anderson-Gold & Pablo Muchnik, Kant's Anatomy of Evil. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  22. Moral consciousness and the 'fact of reason'.Pauline Kleingeld - 2010 - In Andrews Reath & Jens Timmermann, Kant's 'Critique of Practical Reason': A Critical Guide. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    At the heart of the argument of the Critique of Practical Reason, one finds Kant’s puzzling and much-criticized claim that the consciousness of the moral law can be called a ‘fact of reason’. In this essay, I clarify the meaning and the importance of this claim. I correct misunderstandings of the term ‘Factum’, situate the relevant passages within their argumentative context, and argue that Kant’s argument can be given a consistent reading on the basis of which the main questions and (...)
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  23. Six Varieties of Cosmopolitanism in Late Eighteenth-Century Germany.Pauline Kleingeld - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (3):505-524.
    Cosmopolitanism is not a single encompassing idea but rather comes in at least six different varieties, which have often been conflated in previous literature. This is shown on the basis of the discussion in late eighteenth-century Germany (roughly, 1780-1800). The six varieties are: (1) moral cosmopolitanism, the view that all humans belong to a single moral community; political cosmopolitanism, which advocates (2) reform of the international political and legal order or (3) a strong notion of human rights; (4) cultural cosmopolitanism, (...)
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    1883 - Letters XX-XXI.Francis W. Newman - forthcoming - Letters of Francis William Newman, Chiefly on Religion:62-68.
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    Toward a Contemporary Understanding of Pure Land Buddhism: Creating a Shin Buddhist Theology in a Religiously Plural World (review).Taitetsu Unno - 2002 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (1):214-217.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (2002) 214-217 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Toward a Contemporary Understanding of Pure Land Buddhism: Creating a Shin Buddhist Theology in a Religiously Plural World Toward a Contemporary Understanding of Pure Land Buddhism: Creating a Shin Buddhist Theology in a Religiously Plural World. Edited by Dennis Hirota. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2000. 257 pp. One of the lessons I learned from Martin (...)
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  26. Kant's Cosmopolitan Law: World Citizenship for a Global Order.Pauline Kleingeld - 1998 - Kantian Review 2:72-90.
    Kant's unduly neglected concept of cosmopolitan law suggests a third sphere of public law -- in addition to constitutional law and international law -- in which both states and individuals have rights, and where individuals have these rights as ‛citizens of the earth' rather than as citizens of particular states. I critically examine Kant's view of cosmopolitan law, discussing its addressees, content, justification, and institutionalization. I argue that Kant's conception of ‛world citizenship' is neither merely metaphorical nor dependent on an (...)
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    A Rabble of Princes: Considerations Touching Shakespeare's Political Orthodoxy in the Second Tetralogy.Gordon Ross Smith - 1980 - Journal of the History of Ideas 41 (1):29.
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  28. Nature or Providence? On the Theoretical and Moral Importance of Kant’s Philosophy of History.Pauline Kleingeld - 2001 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 75 (2):201-219.
    Kant’s use of the terms ‘Nature’ and ‘Providence’ in his essays on history has long puzzled commentators. Kant personifies Nature and Providence in a curious way, by speaking of them as “deciding” to give humankind certain predispositions, “wanting” these to be developed, and “knowing” what is best for humans Moreover, he leaves the relationship between the two terms unclear. In this essay, I argue that Kant’s use of ‘Nature’ and ‘Providence’ can be clarified and explained. Moreover, I show that Kant’s (...)
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    Transfer of perceptual set.Gordon A. Eckstrand & Delos D. Wickens - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 47 (4):274.
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    Nonviolence and the Dilemma of Power.Gordon C. Zahn - 1986 - The Acorn 1 (2):9-10.
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    (1 other version)Leibniz and the elements of compound bodies.Pauline Phemister - 1999 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 7 (1):57 – 78.
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  32. Kant’s Cosmopolitan Patriotism.Pauline Kleingeld - 2003 - Kant Studien 94 (3):299-316.
    Patriotism and cosmopolitanism are often presumed to be mutually exclusive, but Immanuel Kant defends both. Although he is best known for his moral and political cosmopolitanism, in several texts he defends the claim that we have a duty of patriotism, claiming that cosmopolitans ought to be patriotic. In this paper, I examine Kant’s different accounts of the duty of patriotism. I argue that Kant’s defense of nationalist patriotism fails, but that his argument for a duty of civic patriotism succeeds.
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  33. What Do the Virtuous Hope For?: Re-reading Kant's Doctrine of the Highest Good.Pauline Kleingeld - 1995 - In Hoke Robinson, Proceedings of the Eighth International Kant Congress, Memphis 1995. Marquette University Press. pp. 91-112.
  34. (1 other version)Conference Report: Marxism 93, London, 1993; Modernism: Poetics, Politics, Practice, King’s College, Cambridge, 1993.Gordon Finlayson - 1994 - Radical Philosophy 66.
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    God the Father.Gordon T. Allred (ed.) - 1979 - Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co..
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    Pat Duffy Hutcheon, Building Character and Culture.Gordon Baker - 2001 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 20 (5):455-463.
  37. J. Margolis, M. Krausz, and RM Burian, eds., Rationality, Relativism and the Human Sciences Reviewed by.Gordon Cf Bearn - 1988 - Philosophy in Review 8 (3):99-101.
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  38. Subversive singularity: beyond meaning and knowledge.Gordon C. F. Bearn - 2018 - In Stephannie S. Gearhart & Jonathan L. Chambers, Reversing the cult of speed in higher education: the slow movement in the arts and humanities. New York: Routledge.
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    The Non-unique Universe.Gordon McCabe - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (6):629-637.
    The purpose of this paper is to elucidate, by means of concepts and theorems drawn from mathematical logic, the conditions under which the existence of a multiverse is a logical necessity in mathematical physics, and the implications of Gödel’s incompleteness theorem for theories of everything.Three conclusions are obtained in the final section: (i) the theory of the structure of our universe might be an undecidable theory, and this constitutes a potential epistemological limit for mathematical physics, but because such a theory (...)
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    A study of "fittingness" of signs to words by means of the semantic differential.Gordon A. McMurray - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 56 (4):310.
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    Faith and History: The Shape of the Problem.Gordon E. Michalson - 1985 - Modern Theology 1 (4):277-290.
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    The Problem of Salvation in Kant’s Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone.Gordon E. Michalson - 1997 - International Philosophical Quarterly 37 (3):319-328.
  43. Margaret P. Battin, Ethics in the Sanctuary: Examining the Practices of Organized Religion Reviewed by.Jay Newman - 1991 - Philosophy in Review 11 (2):85-87.
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    Mundane or Incredible!?: Identifying When an Explanation Is Required.Gordon Pettit - 2008 - American Philosophical Quarterly 45 (2):199 - 204.
    The article explores the difference between something being merely extremely improbable but believable and something being literally incredible–unbelievably improbable without intervention of some sort. In the former case, a rational person would not expect a special explanation for the occurrence, but in the latter, she does. John Leslie and Peter van Inwagen have proposed principles that can be used to distinguish the two types of cases. The weaknesses of their principles are shown and a revised principle is proposed that is (...)
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    Remarks by the Conference Chair.Gordon Rands - 2012 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 23:322-323.
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    The psychologist's search for scientific objectivity in aesthetics.Gordon Westland - 1967 - British Journal of Aesthetics 7 (4):350-357.
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    A lack of interference effects in recognition memory.Gordon B. Willis & Benton J. Underwood - 1983 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 21 (6):427-430.
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    Roger Marston.Gordon A. Wilson - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia & Timothy B. Noone, A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 626–629.
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    Cross-cultural methodology and ethological universals.Gordon E. Finley - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (1):32-33.
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    In praise of virtue.Gordon Tullock - 1988 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 2 (2-3):123-132.
    MAKING PUBLIC POLICY: A HOPEFUL VIEW OF AMERICAN GOVERNMENT by Steven Kelman New York: Basic Books, 1987.332 pp., $19.95.
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