Results for 'Paula Sanders'

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  1.  20
    Ritual, Politics, and the City in Fatimid Cairo.Devin J. Stewart & Paula Sanders - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (1):157.
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    Review of The Lost Archive: Traces of a Caliphate in a Cairo Synagogue. [REVIEW]Paula Sanders - 2023 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 143 (3):728-731.
    The Lost Archive: Traces of a Caliphate in a Cairo Synagogue. By Marina Rustow. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2020. Pp. xi + 597, illus. $45, £35.
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    Paula Sanders, Ritual, Politics and the City in Fatimid Cairo.(SUNY Series in Medieval Middle East History.) Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1994. Pp. xii, 231; 3 maps. $16.95. [REVIEW]F. E. Peters - 1996 - Speculum 71 (1):207-209.
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  4. Stan bezpanstwowosci. Apologia anarchizmu filozoficznego.John T. Sanders - 1998 - In Tadeusz Buksiński (ed.), Idee Filozoficzne w Polityce. Poznań: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Filozofii.
    Ksiazka Roberta Paula Wolfa Apologia anarchizmu, ktora ukazala sie w roku 1970, stala sie niezwyklym wydarzeniem w rozwoju dwudziestowiecznej filozofii zachodniej: oto bowiem szacowny filozof, reprezentujacy (mniej wiecej) glowny nurt swej dziedziny, przedstawial argumenty zyczliwe wobec anarchizmu.
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    Aristotle on Non-contradiction.Paula Gottlieb - 2023 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  6.  56
    Arrow of Time without a Past Hypothesis.Dustin Lazarovici & Paula Reichert - unknown
    The paper discusses recent proposals by Carroll and Chen, as well as Barbour, Koslowski, and Mercati to explain the arrow of time without a Past Hypothesis, i.e. the assumption of a special initial state of the universe. After discussing the role of the Past Hypothesis and the controversy about its status, we explain why Carroll's model - which establishes an arrow of time as typical - can ground sensible predictions and retrodictions without assuming something akin to a Past Hypothesis. We (...)
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  7. Considerations in ethical decision-making and software piracy.Suzanne C. Wagner & G. Lawrence Sanders - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 29 (1-2):161 - 167.
    Individuals are faced with the many opportunities to pirate. The decision to pirate or not may be related to an individual''s attitudes toward other ethical issues. A person''s ethical and moral predispositions and the judgments that they use to make decisions may be consistent across various ethical dilemmas and may indicate their likelihood to pirate software. This paper investigates the relationship between religion and a theoretical ethical decision making process that an individual uses when evaluating ethical or unethical situations. An (...)
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  8. The free market model versus government: A reply to Nozick.John T. Sanders - 1977 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 1 (1):35-44.
    In Anarchy, State and Utopia, Robert Nozick argues, first, that free-market anarchism is unstable -that it will inevitably lead back to the state; and, second, that without a certain "redistributive" proviso, the model is unjust. If either of these things is the case, the model defeats itself, for its justification purports to be that it provides a morally acceptable alternative to government (and therefore to the state). I argue, against Nozick's contention, that his "dominant protection agency" neither meets his monopoly (...)
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    Impairments of Social Motor Synchrony Evident in Autism Spectrum Disorder.Paula Fitzpatrick, Jean A. Frazier, David M. Cochran, Teresa Mitchell, Caitlin Coleman & R. C. Schmidt - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:197578.
    Social interactions typically involve movements of the body that become synchronized over time and both intentional and spontaneous interactional synchrony have been found to be an essential part of successful human interaction. However, our understanding of the importance of temporal dimensions of social motor synchrony in social dysfunction is limited. Here, we used a pendulum coordination paradigm to assess dynamic, process-oriented measures of social motor synchrony in adolescents with and without autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Our data indicate that adolescents with (...)
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  10. Questions concerning certain faculties claimed for man.Charles Sanders Peirce - 1868 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 2 (2):103 - 114.
  11.  64
    Cognitive Structuralism: Explaining the Regularity of the Natural Numbers Progression.Paula Quinon - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 13 (1):127-149.
    According to one of the most powerful paradigms explaining the meaning of the concept of natural number, natural numbers get a large part of their conceptual content from core cognitive abilities. Carey’s bootstrapping provides a model of the role of core cognition in the creation of mature mathematical concepts. In this paper, I conduct conceptual analyses of various theories within this paradigm, concluding that the theories based on the ability to subitize (i.e., to assess anexactquantity of the elements in a (...)
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    Can Church’s thesis be viewed as a Carnapian explication?Paula Quinon - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 5):1047-1074.
    Turing and Church formulated two different formal accounts of computability that turned out to be extensionally equivalent. Since the accounts refer to different properties they cannot both be adequate conceptual analyses of the concept of computability. This insight has led to a discussion concerning which account is adequate. Some authors have suggested that this philosophical debate—which shows few signs of converging on one view—can be circumvented by regarding Church’s and Turing’s theses as explications. This move opens up the possibility that (...)
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    A taxonomy of deviant encodings.Paula Quinon - 2018 - In F. Manea, R. Miller & D. Nowotka (eds.), Sailing Routes in the World of Computation. CiE 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10936. Springer. pp. 338-348.
    The main objective of this paper is to design a common background for various philosophical discussions about adequate conceptual analysis of “computation”.
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  14. Marx, Rawls, Cohen, and Feminism.Paula Casal - 2015 - Hypatia 30 (4):811-828.
    Although G. A. Cohen's work on Marx was flawed by a lack of gender-awareness, his work on Rawls owes much of its success to feminist inspiration. Cohen appeals effectively to feminism to rebut the basic structure objection to his egalitarian ethos, and could now appeal to feminism in response to Andrew Williams's publicity objection to this ethos. The article argues that Williams's objection is insufficient to rebut Cohen's ethos, inapplicable to variants of this ethos, and in conflict with plausible gender-egalitarian (...)
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    Best practices in clinical ethics consultation and decision-making.Louise M. Terry & Karen Sanders - 2011 - Clinical Ethics 6 (2):103-108.
    The conference entitled ‘Best Practices in Clinical Ethics Consultation and Decision-Making’, held in London 8–9 July 2010, was the first of its kind dedicated to identifying best practices in clinical ethics consultation and decision-making. Academics, health and social care professionals, clinical ethics committee members, lawyers, service users and carers from the UK, USA, Europe, Canada, Australia and Asia attended lectures, workshops, parallel paper sessions and clinical ethics case discussions across adult, maternity, children's, older persons, mental health and learning disabilities settings. (...)
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    Aristotle on “Nature Does Nothing in Vain”.Paula Gottlieb & Elliott Sober - 2017 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 7 (2):246-271.
    Aristotle’s principle that “nature does nothing in vain” (NDNIV) is central to his teleological approach to understanding organisms. First, we argue that James G. Lennox’s influential account of NDNIV is unsuccessful. Second, we propose an alternative account that includes a natural state model. According to a natural state model of development, an organism will develop toward its natural state unless interfering forces prevent that from happening. Third, we argue that this account also fits Aristotle’s discussion in the Generation of Animals (...)
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  17. Aristotle on Dividing the Soul and Uniting the Virtues.Paula Gottlieb - 1994 - Phronesis 39 (3):275-290.
  18.  79
    Controlling the Experiment: Rhetoric, Court Patronage and the Experimental Method of Francesco Redi.Paula Findlen - 1993 - History of Science 31 (1):35-64.
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    Frauen*rechte und Frauen*hass: Antifeminismus und die Ethnisierung von Gewalt.Eike Sanders - 2019 - Berlin: Verbrecher Verlag. Edited by Anna O. Berg & Judith Goetz.
  20.  58
    The Two Cultures of Scholarship?Paula Findlen - 2005 - Isis 96 (2):230-237.
    This essay examines different approaches to writing the history of science in light of the increased importance of microhistorical studies in the past two decades. It specifically examines the role of microhistory within the history of science and the importance of Thomas Kuhn’s concept of the “normal exception” in early methodological statements about the function of microhistory. It also considers the possibilities for writing archivally based history of science for a general readership as a means of bridging the divide between (...)
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  21. Plural Epistemic Indefinites ∗.Paula Men´Endez-Benitob - unknown
    Across languages, we find epistemic indefinites, i.e. existential determiners that can convey information about the speaker’s epistemic state.1 One such indefinite is Spanish alg´un, which marks ignorance on the part of the speaker. By using alg´un in (1a) the speaker signals that he is unable (or unwilling) to identify the doctor that Mar´ıa married. Hence, it would be odd for him to add a namely continuation that explicitly identifies the doctor in question, as in (1b). From now on, we will (...)
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    Evidence for Age-Equivalent and Task-Dissociative Metacognition in the Memory Domain.Alexandria C. Zakrzewski, Edie C. Sanders & Jane M. Berry - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Research suggests that metacognitive monitoring ability does not decline with age. For example, judgments-of-learning accuracy is roughly equivalent between younger and older adults. But few studies have asked whether younger and older adults’ metacognitive ability varies across different types of memory processes. The current study tested the relationship between memory and post-decision confidence ratings at the trial level on item and associative memory recognition tests. As predicted, younger and older adults had similarmetacognitive efficiency, when using meta-d’/d’, a measure derived from (...)
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  23. Memory and Consciousness.Paula Droege - 2013 - Philosophia Scientiae 17 (2):171-193.
    Philosophical theories of memory rarely distinguish between importantly different sorts of memory: procedural, semantic and episodic. I argue for a temporal representation theory to explain the unique characteristic of episodic memory as the only form of conscious memory. A careful distinction between implicit and explicit representation shows how the past figures in memory. In procedural and semantic memory, the influence of the past is implicit by which I mean that the past experience is used but not represented in the skill (...)
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    Linguistic and cognitive representation of time and viewpoint in narrative discourse.Kobie van Krieken, José Sanders & Eve Sweetser - 2019 - Cognitive Linguistics 30 (2):243-251.
    In this introduction to the special issue on time and viewpoint in narrative discourse, we highlight the central contributions of the issue concerning the relation between the linguistic construal and cognitive representation of time and viewpoint. We explain how linguistic and gestural cues guide the representation of narrative time progression and argue that this representation involves various cognitive operations regulating the alignment between the viewpoints of narrator, addressee, and narrative characters. These operations are steered by a variety of linguistic phenomena, (...)
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  25.  15
    The philosophy of Peirce.Charles Sanders Peirce - 1956 - London,: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Edited by Justus Buchler.
  26.  3
    Blood flow‐induced angiocrine signals promote organ growth and regeneration.Paula Follert, Linda Große-Segerath & Eckhard Lammert - 2025 - Bioessays 47 (2):2400207.
    Recently, we identified myeloid‐derived growth factor (MYDGF) as a blood flow‐induced angiocrine signal that promotes human and mouse hepatocyte proliferation and survival. Here, we review literature reporting changes in blood flow after partial organ resection in the liver, lung, and kidney, and we describe the angiocrine signals released by endothelial cells (ECs) upon blood flow alterations in these organs. While hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and MYDGF are important angiocrine signals for liver regeneration, by now, angiocrine signals have also been reported (...)
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    The practical syllogism.Paula Gottlieb - 2006 - In Richard Kraut (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 218--233.
    The prelims comprise: The Practical Side of Deliberation The Analogy between the Theoretical and Practical Syllogism and the Importance of the Middle Term Formulating the Practical Syllogism and the Analogous Middle Term The Middle Term and the Ethical Agent The Middle Term and Ethical Virtue: Deliberation Re‐visited A Note on the Enkratic, the Akratic, and the Learner Conclusion Acknowledgments Notes Reference Further reading.
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    Filosofia Afro-Brasileira Como Contribuição Formativa Para o Ensino de Filosofia.Antonio Filogenio de Paula Junior - 2022 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 27:022013.
    Neste artigo apresentamos uma perspectiva de compreensão da história da filosofia, na qual é possível acessar outros modos de como essa história pode ser interpretada. Nesta perspectiva ocorre a desconstrução epistêmica eurocentrada de legitimação da ideia de um “milagre” grego que permite o surgimento da filosofia nessa região em detrimento a outros lugares. O pressuposto indicado é o da pluriversalidade de Mogobe Ramose (2011) que apresenta a ideia de pensamento reflexivo e crítico como condição humana, independente de local. Em relação (...)
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  29. Una política existencial.G. Jaramillo & Francisco de Paula - 1967 - [Bogotá,:
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  30. A mixed bag: Political change in central and eastern europe and its impact on philosophical thought.John T. Sanders - 1994 - In Dane R. Gordon (ed.), Philosophy in post-communist europe. Rodopi.
    The most important voices concerning the changes now occurring in Central and Eastem Europe are those that come from within, for those voices are informed not only by indifferent data and objective reports, but by personal hopes, fears, desires and needs. Without careful consideration of what such voices say, judgment can only be sterile. Furthermore, policy decisions made without the benefit of the intemal perspective are likely to be flawed, and ineffectual. Policies won’t work if they do not take into (...)
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  31. Concrete Images for Abstract Questions: A Philosophical View.John T. Sanders - manuscript
    While I strongly agree with Patrick Grim that abstract relationships are real, and that it is possible to get them right, the danger that we will get them wrong is just as real. The use of visual representation of abstract phenomena, precisely because of our predilection to see patterns in everything and because we don't have to think so hard about visible representations generally, may lead us to see things that aren't there.
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  32. Risk and value.John T. Sanders - 1996 - A.S.V.I. News 1996 (Spring):4-5.
    Which risks are bad? This is not an easy question to answer in any non-circular way. Not only are risks sought out for various reasons, but risks are plainly discounted in many situations. What may seem "risky" when examined all by itself, may not seem risky when encountered in a real lived situation. Thus risks that are imposed by others, in particular, might seem horrendous when considered in abstraction, but quite acceptable when encountered in life. What we need to do, (...)
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    The Hungry God: Hindu Tales of Filicide and Devotion.Paula Richman & David Shulman - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (4):655.
  34.  87
    Anthropology, Hamlet and History.Edith R. Sanders - 1977 - Diogenes 25 (97):21-42.
    “If anthropology and history once begin to collaborate in the study of … societies, it will become apparent that the one science can achieve nothing without the help of the other,” said Claude Levi-Strauss. This statement is so immediately sensible in a plain, common-sense way, that only an examination of historical and anthropological practices reveal that such a collaboration is neither as frequent nor as complete as it ought to be.Anthropologists traditionally studied preliterate societies, historians, literate ones. Preliterate societies lack (...)
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    Autonomy, authority, and moral education.Steven Sanders - 1982 - Journal of Social Philosophy 13 (2):18-24.
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  36. The Bad Mother: Stigma, Abortion and Surrogacy.Paula Abrams - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (2):179-191.
    Stigma taints individuals with a spoiled identity and loss of status or discrimination. This article is the first to examine the stigma attached to abortion and surrogacy and consider how law may stigmatize women for failing to conform to social expectations about maternal roles. Courts should consider evidence of stigma when evaluating laws regulating abortion or surrogacy to determine whether these laws are based on impermissible gender stereotyping.
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    Colloquium 5.Paula Gottlieb - 1992 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 8 (1):183-198.
  38.  22
    Monotonic modal logics with a conjunction.Paula Menchón & Sergio Celani - 2021 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 60 (7):857-877.
    Monotone modal logics have emerged in several application areas such as computer science and social choice theory. Since many of the most studied selfextensional logics have a conjunction, in this paper we study some distributive extensions obtained from a semilattice based deductive system with monotonic modal operators, and we give them neighborhood and algebraic semantics. For each logic defined our main objective is to prove completeness with respect to its characteristic class of monotonic frames.
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    Sobre el concepto de das Ausdruckslose en Walter Benjamin.María Paula Viglione - 2023 - Boletín de Estética 61:43-67.
    Este trabajo se propone analizar el concepto de das Ausdruckslose (lo carente de expresión) como categoría central del arte y del lenguaje en el pensamiento de Walter Benjamin. Dicha noción es estudiada principalmente en los escritos del período 1916-1923 y como parte de la metodología benjaminiana de interpretación que involucra la crítica, la traducción y la cita. A partir de una recuperación y discusión con los estudios críticos sobre el tema, se interpreta el concepto de das Ausdruckslose como inciso dialéctico (...)
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    What came before: Assimilation effects in the categorization of time intervals.Jordan Wehrman, Robert Sanders & John Wearden - 2023 - Cognition 234 (C):105378.
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  41. El lugar de la teología y sus derivas en la temporalidad: un contrapunto entre los escritos de Martin Heidegger y Walter Benjamin en la década del veinte.Maria Paula Viglione - 2018 - Páginas de Filosofía 19 (22):51-76.
    En las últimas décadas, se han incrementado los estudios críticos acerca del vínculo entre el pensamiento de Martin Heidegger y de Walter Benjamin. Este trabajo intenta contribuir a este debate desde la perspectiva de la teología, problematizando su relación con la filosofía, su rol metodológico y sus derivas en la subjetividad en los escritos de la década del veinte de Heidegger y Benjamin. Este punto problemático al nivel de sus consideraciones teológicas permite conducir el análisis hacia la cuestión de la (...)
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  42. En Torno Al Lenguaje Hacia 1916: La Crítica de Walter Benjamin Al Escrito de Habilitación Del Joven Heidegger.Maria Paula Viglione - 2024 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 65 (158):e-42507.
    ABSTRACT This paper intends to analyze Walter Benjamin’s critique of Heidegger’s habilitation thesis Duns Scotus’s Doctrine of Categories and Meaning. This objective will be carried out from a contrast between Heidegger’s thesis and the essay that Benjamin writes at the same time entitled On Language as Such and on the Language of Man. Likewise, the reasons that lead Benjamin to critically comment on Heidegger’s thesis will be studied from two perspectives: the problem of translation and the Heideggerian recovery of Neo-Kantianism. (...)
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    Polanyians on Realism: an Introduction.Andy F. Sanders - 1999 - Tradition and Discovery 26 (3):6-14.
    This introduction to a special Tradition and Discovery issue on Polanyi’s realism summarizes, and comments on the views of Jha, Gulick, Mullins, Cannon, Puddefoot, Meek and Sanders. All agree that Polanyi advocated a scientific realism hanging on the theses that reality is independent of human conceptualizations and that it is partially and fallibly knowable. Major differences concern its scope. All agree that it is comprehensive, pertaining not only to common sense and science but to intrinsic and ultimate values, and (...)
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    Soul and Form.John T. Sanders, Katie Terezakis & Anna Bostock (eds.) - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    György Lukacs was a Hungarian Marxist philosopher, writer, and literary critic who shaped mainstream European Communist thought. _Soul and Form_ was his first book, published in 1910, and it established his reputation, treating questions of linguistic expressivity and literary style in the works of Plato, Kierkegaard, Novalis, Sterne, and others. By isolating the formal techniques these thinkers developed, Lukács laid the groundwork for his later work in Marxist aesthetics, a field that introduced the historical and political implications of text. For (...)
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    Reverse Mathematics and parameter-free Transfer.Benno van den Berg & Sam Sanders - 2019 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 170 (3):273-296.
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    Incidencia de las metáforas en la comprensión de textos divulgativos del área de Biología.Paula Morgado Fernández & Sabela Fernández-Silva - 2021 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 31 (1):61-83.
    La metáfora conceptual es utilizada con frecuencia como estrategia divulgativa para acercar el conocimiento especializado a un público lego, pero su eficacia comunicativa para la transmisión de contenido especializado no se ha comprobado empíricamente. El objetivo de este trabajo es explorar la incidencia de las metáforas en la comprensión de textos escritos divulgativos del área de Biología. Se diseñó una prueba de comprensión lectora con 4 fragmentos de textos de divulgación con expresiones metafóricas y sin expresiones metafóricas, acompañados de 16 (...)
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    La Selección terminológica referida al golpe y dictadura militar en textos escolares de historia durante el período 2002-2014.Paula Morgado Fernández & Sabela Fernández-Silva - 2018 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 28 (1):151-169.
    Este artículo presenta un estudio sobre la terminología empleada para referirse al período histórico del Golpe y Dictadura Militar en los textos escolares de enseñanza media de historia de Chile. Los términos representan los conceptos especializados de una disciplina y reflejan la conceptualización particular de la realidad por parte de una determinada comunidad disciplinar en un contexto socio-temporal. Por ello, influyen en la manera en que el receptor accede al conocimiento. Este estudio tuvo por objetivo describir el punto de vista (...)
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    Navigating subjectivity in AI-generated photography: The quest for ethics and creative agency.Paula Gortázar - 2024 - Philosophy of Photography 15 (1):143-157.
    This study identifies alternative models for the production of AI-generated images to those currently used by mainstream AI platforms. Based on primitive computational art processes, these systems allow designers to gain greater control over the final visual result while avoiding potential issues with intellectual property theft and breach of privacy. The article starts by analysing the level of artificiality that might be effectively attributed to each part of the creative process involved in the development of AI-generated images. It then moves (...)
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    Roles of religion and ethics in addressing climate change.Paula J. Posas - 2007 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 7:31-49.
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    Are the virtues remedial?Paula Gottlieb - 2001 - Journal of Value Inquiry 35 (3):343-354.
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