Results for 'Paul Pfuetze'

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  1.  24
    The social self.Paul Pfuetze - 1954 - New York,: Bookman Associates.
    "This essay is an attempt to state and explore the concept of the 'social self' from a philosophical and religious point of view, especially as this idea finds expression in the thought of George Herbert Mead and Martin Buber"--P. 9.
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  2. The Social Self.Paul E. Pfuetze - 1956 - Philosophy 31 (118):273-274.
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    Self, society, existence.Paul E. Pfuetze - 1961 - Westport, Conn.,: Greenwood Press.
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    Martin Buber: The Life of Dialogue. [REVIEW]Paul E. Pfuetze - 1958 - Journal of Philosophy 55 (15):655-659.
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    The Social Self. By Paul E. Pfuetze. (New York, Bookman Associates. 1954. Pp. 392. Price $4.50.).A. D. Ritchie - 1956 - Philosophy 31 (118):273-.
  6. Semantic analysis.Paul Ziff - 1960 - Ithaca, N.Y.,: Cornell University Press.
  7. Relations vs functions at the foundations of logic: type-theoretic considerations.Paul E. Oppenheimer & Edward N. Zalta - 2011 - Journal of Logic and Computation 21:351-374.
    Though Frege was interested primarily in reducing mathematics to logic, he succeeded in reducing an important part of logic to mathematics by defining relations in terms of functions. By contrast, Whitehead & Russell reduced an important part of mathematics to logic by defining functions in terms of relations (using the definite description operator). We argue that there is a reason to prefer Whitehead & Russell's reduction of functions to relations over Frege's reduction of relations to functions. There is an interesting (...)
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  8. The Harmony of the Faculties in Recent Books on the Critique of the Power of Judgment.Paul Guyer - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 67 (2):201-221.
    When I began working on my dissertation on Kant’s aesthetic theory in 1971, I was able to read virtually all of the extant literature on the Critique of Judgment in English, German, andFrench going back to Hermann Cohen’s Kants Begr¨undung der A¨ sthetik of 1889, while also reading most of what I wanted to read of eighteenth-century British and German aesthetics before Kant—not because I had paid my dues to Evelyn Wood, but just because there was not all that much (...)
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    Epistemic Analysis: A Coherence Theory of Knowledge.Paul Ziff - 1984 - Reidel.
    Epistemic Analysis, as I conceive of it, is concerned with the analysis of knowledge. The precincts of my concern have, however, been determined by the ...
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    Von der Naturgeschichte zur Naturwissenschaft Die Naturwissenschaften als eigenes Fachgebiet an der Universität Jena.Paul Ziche - 1998 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 21 (4):251-263.
    Since 1790, the term Naturwissenschaften occurs in the lecture lists of the University of Jena published in the Allgemeine Literatur‐Zeitung of Jena. Naturwissenschaften is used as a title for lectures previously listed under the headings of Philosophie or Naturgeschichte. The introduction of the concept of Naturwissenschaften is interesting for several reasons: Firstly, at that time it is not the usual label in this context, and one therefore has to ask whether it already implies the connotations that are associated with the (...)
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    Time Preference.Paul Ziff - 1990 - Dialectica 44 (1‐2):43-54.
  12. „About God “.Paul Ziff - 1961 - In Sidney Hook, Religious experience and truth. [New York]: New York University Press.
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    Coherence.Paul Ziff - 1984 - Linguistics and Philosophy 7 (1):31 - 42.
  14. Microessentialism: What is the Argument?Paul Needham - 2011 - Noûs 45 (1):1-21.
    According to microessentialism, it is necessary to resort to microstructure in order to adequately characterise chemical substances such as water. But the thesis has never been properly supported by argument. Kripke and Putnam, who originally proposed the thesis, suggest that a so-called stereotypical characterisation is not possible, whereas one in terms of microstructure is. However, the sketchy outlines given of stereotypical descriptions hardly support the impossibility claim. On the other hand, what naturally stands in contrast to microscopic description is description (...)
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  15.  23
    Philosophic turnings.Paul Ziff - 1966 - Ithaca, N.Y.,: Cornell University Press.
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  16. The Modal Argument against Description Theories of Names.Paul Yu - 1980 - Analysis 40 (4):208 - 209.
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  17. The space-volume relation in the history of town planning.Paul Zucker - 1956 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 14 (4):439-444.
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    A Differential Color Mixer with Stationary Disks.Paul Thomas Young - 1923 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 6 (5):323.
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    Auditory localization with acoustical transposition of the ears.Paul Thomas Young - 1928 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 11 (6):399.
  20.  25
    21st-century humanities: Art, complexity, and interdisciplinarity.Paul Youngman - 2012 - Human Affairs 22 (2):111-121.
    This article contends that the evolution toward interdisciplinary collaboration that we are witnessing in the sciences must also occur in the humanities to ensure their very survival. That is, humanists must be open to working with scientists and social scientists interested in similar research questions and vice versa. Digital humanities is a positive first step. Complexity science should be the next step. Even though much of the ground-breaking work in complexity science has been done in the natural sciences and mathematics, (...)
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    The Phenomena of Organic Set.Paul Thomas Young - 1925 - Psychological Review 32 (6):472-478.
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    Grammar and Understanding.Paul Yu - 1979 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 9 (2):261 - 281.
    Despite significant advances in various special areas in the study of language, the question of what the basic nature of the theory of a language is remains controversial and unclear. In this paper we propose to rectify this situation and argue for a general perspective — one which only a few theorists have explicitly endorsed — by showing that it is at once theoretically illuminating and empirically plausible. This perspective consists of the following claims: that the most basic theory of (...)
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  23.  18
    Archaeology of Prehistoric Arabia: Adaptation and Social Formation from the Neolithic to the Iron Age. By Peter Magee.Paul A. Yule - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (1).
    The Archaeology of Prehistoric Arabia: Adaptation and Social Formation from the Neolithic to the Iron Age. By Peter Magee. Cambridge World Archaeology. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014. Pp. xv + 309, illus. $99.
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    D’Aden à Zafar: Villes d’Arabie du sud préislamique. By Jérémie Schiettecatte.Paul Alan Yule - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 133 (2).
    D’Aden à Zafar: Villes d’Arabie du sud préislamique. By Jérémie Schiettecatte. Orient & Méditeranée, Archéologie, vol. 6. Paris: De Boccard, 2011. Pp. 372, illus. €64.
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    Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies.Paul Yule - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (2):408.
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    Pendulum phenomena and the assessment of scientific inquiry capabilities.Paul Zachos - 2004 - Science & Education 13 (7-8):743-756.
  27. Filozofia versus prírodné vedy: „dogmatizmus“ v spore o „vedecký monizmus“ po roku 1900.: ( Peter Zigman.Paul Ziche - 2005 - Filosoficky Casopis 53:473-476.
    [ Philosophy against the natural sciences: “Dogmatism” in the dispute about “scientific monism” after 1900].
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  28. Undirected directionality : Jakob Friedrich Fries on hope, faith, and comprehensive feelings.Paul G. Ziche - 2023 - In Katerina Mihaylova & Anna Ezekiel, Hope and the Kantian Legacy: New Contributions to the History of Optimism. London, Vereinigtes Königreich: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    About Behaviorism.Paul Ziff - 1958 - Analysis 18 (6):132-136.
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    Philosophic Turnings.Paul Ziff - 1967 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 26 (1):130-130.
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    Concerning Town PlanningBuilding for Modern Man: A SymposiumThe Architecture of the Old SouthAn Outline of European ArchitectureRussian Architecture. Trends in Nationalism and ModernismEliel Saarinen.Paul Zucker, Thomas H. le CorbusierCreighton, Henry Chandlee Forman, Nikolaus Pevsner, Arthur Voyce & Albert Christ-Janer - 1950 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 8 (3):200.
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    Le Corbusier: Architect, Painter, WriterNew World of Space.Paul Zucker, Stamo Papadaki & Le Corbusier - 1949 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 7 (4):369.
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    Portrait of Canterbury CathedralPortrait of Salisbury CathedralColonial Williamsburg-Its Buildings and Gardens.Paul Zucker, G. H. Cook, A. Lawrence Kocher & Howard Dearstyne - 1950 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 8 (4):269.
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    Voices of German ExpressionismFrench Painters and Paintings from the 14th-Century to Post-Impressionism.Paul Zucker, Victor M. Miesel & Gerd Muehsam - 1971 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 29 (3):428.
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    Giordano Bruno.Paul Richard Blum - 2021 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Giordano Bruno Giordano Bruno was an Italian philosopher of the later Renaissance whose writings encompassed the ongoing traditions, intentions, and achievements of his times and transmitted them into early modernity. Taking up the medieval practice of the art of memory and of formal logic, he focused on the creativity of the human mind. Bruno … Continue reading Giordano Bruno →.
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    Die Ethik Martin Luthers. (1. Aufl.).Paul Althaus - 1965 - Mohn.
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  37.  29
    Moral Markets: The Critical Role of Values in the Economy.Paul J. Zak (ed.) - 2008 - Princeton University Press.
    Like nature itself, modern economic life is driven by relentless competition and unbridled selfishness. Or is it? Drawing on converging evidence from neuroscience, social science, biology, law, and philosophy, Moral Markets makes the case that modern market exchange works only because most people, most of the time, act virtuously. Competition and greed are certainly part of economics, but Moral Markets shows how the rules of market exchange have evolved to promote moral behavior and how exchange itself may make us more (...)
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  38.  69
    Hydrogen bonding: Homing in on a tricky chemical concept.Paul Needham - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44 (1):51-65.
    The history of the hydrogen bond provides a good example of the of an important chemical concept. It illustrates the interplay between empirical and theoretical approaches to the problem of delimiting what has proved to be quite an elusive notion, with chemists whittling away at the particular sorts of case with a view to obtaining a precise, unitary concept. Even though there is a return to a more theoretically inspired notion in more recent research, empirical characterisations remain a feature of (...)
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  39. The causal problem of entanglement.Paul M. Näger - 2016 - Synthese 193 (4):1127-1155.
    This paper expounds that besides the well-known spatio-temporal problem there is a causal problem of entanglement: even when one neglects spatio-temporal constraints, the peculiar statistics of EPR/B experiment is inconsistent with usual principles of causal explanation as stated by the theory of causal Bayes nets. The conflict amounts to a dilemma that either there are uncaused correlations or there are caused independences . I argue that the central ideas of causal explanations can be saved if one accepts the latter horn (...)
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  40. Are the preference axioms really rational?Paul Anand - 1987 - Theory and Decision 23 (2):189-214.
  41. Primitive causal relations and the pairing problem.Paul Audi - 2011 - Ratio 24 (1):1-16.
    There is no doubt that spatial relations aid us in pairing up causes and effects. But when we consider the possibility of qualitatively indiscernible things, it might seem that spatial relations are more than a mere aid – they might seem positively required. The belief that spatial relations are required for causal relations is behind an important objection to Cartesian Dualism, the pairing problem. I argue that the Cartesian can answer this objection by appeal to the possibility of primitive causal (...)
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  42.  10
    The Modern School Movement: Anarchism and Education in the United States.Paul Avrich - 2006 - A K PressDistribution.
    The Modern School Movement traces the efforts made by the Anarchist movement to abolish all forms of authority and usher in a new society through a different form of education. Between 1910 and 1960 anarchists established more than twenty schools in the United States where children might study in an atmosphere of freedom and self-reliance in sharp contrast to the discipline of the traditional classroom. The prominent participants of this movement, including Emma Goldman, Margaret Sanger, Alexander Berkman and Man Ray (...)
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  43.  68
    Autonomy and Disagreement about Justice in Political Liberalism.Paul Weithman - 2017 - Ethics 128 (1):95-122.
    Rawls says in Political Liberalism that “the focus of an overlapping consensus is [more likely to be] a class of liberal conceptions” than a single one. In conceding that members of the well-ordered society are unlikely to live up to justice as fairness, Rawls would seem to have conceded that they are also unlikely to live autonomously. This is exactly the conclusion some commentators have drawn. I contend that the likelihood of “reasonable pluralism about justice” does not have the implication (...)
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  44. Causation, coincidence, and commensuration.Paul Audi - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 162 (2):447-464.
    What does it take to solve the exclusion problem? An ingenious strategy is Stephen Yablo’s idea that causes must be commensurate with their effects. Commensuration is a relation between events. Roughly, events are commensurate with one another when one contains all that is required for the occurrence of the other, and as little as possible that is not required. According to Yablo, one event is a cause of another only if they are commensurate. I raise three reasons to doubt that (...)
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  45. Conditional utility and its place in decision theory.Paul Weirich - 1980 - Journal of Philosophy 77 (11):702-715.
    Causal decision theory attends to probabilities used to obtain an option's expected utility but for completeness should also attend to utilities of possible outcomes. A suitable formula for an option's expected utility uses a certain type of conditional utility.
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    Concepts of personhood and autonomy as they apply to end-of-life decisions in intensive care.Paul Walker & Terence Lovat - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (3):309-315.
    Amongst traditionally-available frameworks within which end-of-life decisions in Intensive Care Units (ICU) are situated, we favour Ordinary versus Extra-ordinary care distinctions as the most helpful. Predicated on this framework, we revisit the concepts of personhood and autonomy. We argue that a full account of personhood locates its foundation in relationships with others, rather than merely in “rationality”. A full account of autonomy also recognises relationships with others, as well as the actual reality of the patient’s situation-in-the-world. The fact that, when (...)
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  47. Prospects for a counterfactual theory of causation.Paul Noordhof - 2003 - In Phil Dowe & Paul Noordhof, Cause and Chance: Causation in an Indeterministic World. New York: Routledge.
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    Clarifying the ethics of clinical research: A path toward avoiding the therapeutic misconception.Paul S. Appelbaum - 2002 - American Journal of Bioethics 2 (2):22 – 23.
    (2002). Clarifying the Ethics of Clinical Research: A Path toward Avoiding the Therapeutic Misconception. The American Journal of Bioethics: Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 22-23.
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  49. Do Tropes Resolve the Problem of Mental Causation?Paul Noordhof - 1998 - Philosophical Quarterly 48 (191):221-226.
  50. Mind, Mortality and Material Being: van Inwagen and the Dilemma of Material Survival of Death.Paul C. Anders - 2011 - Sophia 50 (1):25-37.
    Many religiously minded materialist philosophers have attempted to understand the doctrine of the survival of death from within a physicalist approach. Their goal is not to show the doctrine false, but to explain how it can be true. One such approach has been developed by Peter van Inwagen. After explaining what I call the duplication objection, I present van Inwagen’s proposal and show how a proponent might attempt to solve the problem of duplication. I argue that the very features of (...)
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