Results for 'Patrick Ouvrard'

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  1.  11
    (1 other version)Ordinary defensive medicine: in the shadows of general practitioners’ postures toward (over-)medicalisation.Michaël Cordey, Sophia Chatelard, Daniel Widmer, Patrick Ouvrard & Lilli Herzig - 2024 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 19 (1):1-17.
    This paper draws on qualitative research using focus groups involving 38 general practitioners (GPs). It explores their attitudes and feelings about (over-)medicalisation. Our main findings were that GPs had a complex representation of (over-)medicalisation, composed of many professional, social, technological, economic and relational issues. This representation led GPs to feel uncomfortable. They felt pressure from all sides, which led them to question their social roles and responsibilities. We identified four main GP-driven proposals to deal with (over-)medicalisation: (1) focusing on the (...)
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  2. The Concept of Inductive Probability.Patrick Maher - 2006 - Erkenntnis 65 (2):185-206.
    The word ‘probability’ in ordinary language has two different senses, here called inductive and physical probability. This paper examines the concept of inductive probability. Attempts to express this concept in other words are shown to be either incorrect or else trivial. In particular, inductive probability is not the same as degree of belief. It is argued that inductive probabilities exist; subjectivist arguments to the contrary are rebutted. Finally, it is argued that inductive probability is an important concept and that it (...)
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  3. Joyce’s Argument for Probabilism.Patrick Maher - 2002 - Philosophy of Science 69 (1):73-81.
    James Joyce's 'Nonpragmatic Vindication of Probabilism' gives a new argument for the conclusion that a person's credences ought to satisfy the laws of probability. The premises of Joyce's argument include six axioms about what counts as an adequate measure of the distance of a credence function from the truth. This paper shows that (a) Joyce's argument for one of these axioms is invalid, (b) his argument for another axiom has a false premise, (c) neither axiom is plausible, and (d) without (...)
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  4. Explication Defended.Patrick Maher - 2007 - Studia Logica 86 (2):331-341.
    How can formal methods be applied to philosophical problems that involve informal concepts of ordinary language? Carnap answered this question by describing a methodology that he called “explication." Strawson objected that explication changes the subject and does not address the original philosophical problem; this paper shows that Carnap’s response to that objection was inadequate and offers a better response. More recent criticisms of explication by Boniolo and Eagle are shown to rest on misunderstandings of the nature of explication. It is (...)
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    (1 other version)Why Niebuhr Now?John Patrick Diggins - 2011 - University of Chicago Press.
    Barack Obama has called him “one of my favorite philosophers.” John McCain wrote that he is “a paragon of clarity about the costs of a good war.” Andrew Sullivan has said, “We need Niebuhr now more than ever.” For a theologian who died in 1971, Reinhold Niebuhr is maintaining a remarkably high profile in the twenty-first century. In _Why Niebuhr Now?_ acclaimed historian John Patrick Diggins tackles the complicated question of why, at a time of great uncertainty about America’s (...)
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    Probabilities for two properties.Patrick Maher - 2000 - Erkenntnis 52 (1):63-91.
    Let R(X, B) denote the class of probability functions that are defined on algebra X and that represent rationally permissible degrees of certainty for a person whose total relevant background evidence is B. This paper is concerned with characterizing R(X, B) for the case in whichX is an algebra of propositions involving two properties and B is empty. It proposes necessary conditions for a probability function to be in R(X, B), some of which involve the notion of statistical dependence. The (...)
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  7. Why scientists gather evidence.Patrick Maher - 1990 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 41 (1):103-119.
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    Group Problem Solving.Patrick R. Laughlin - 2011 - Princeton University Press.
    Experimental research by social and cognitive psychologists has established that cooperative groups solve a wide range of problems better than individuals. Cooperative problem solving groups of scientific researchers, auditors, financial analysts, air crash investigators, and forensic art experts are increasingly important in our complex and interdependent society. This comprehensive textbook--the first of its kind in decades--presents important theories and experimental research about group problem solving. The book focuses on tasks that have demonstrably correct solutions within mathematical, logical, scientific, or verbal (...)
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    Howson and Franklin on prediction.Patrick Maher - 1993 - Philosophy of Science 60 (2):329-340.
    Evidence for a hypothesis typically confirms the hypothesis more if the evidence was predicted than if it was accommodated. Or so I argued in previous papers, where I also developed an analysis of why this should be so. But this was all a mistake if Howson and Franklin (1991) are to be believed. In this paper, I show why they are not to be believed. I also identify a grain of truth that may have been dimly grasped by those Bayesians (...)
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    The irrelevance of belief to rational action.Patrick Maher - 1986 - Erkenntnis 24 (3):363 - 384.
  11.  93
    The hole in the ground of induction.Patrick Maher - 1996 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 74 (3):423 – 432.
  12.  13
    Criticism and dogmatism in science : striking the balance.Darrell Patrick Rowbottom - unknown
    Popper repeatedly emphasized the significance of a critical attitude, and a related critical method, for scientists. Kuhn, however, thought that unquestioning adherence to the theories of the day is proper; at least for ‘normal scientists’. In short, the former thought that dominant theories should be attacked, whereas the latter thought that they should be developed and defended. Both seem to have missed a trick, however, due to their apparent insistence that each individual scientist should fulfil similar functions. The trick is (...)
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  13. In Defence Of Popper On The Logical Possibility Of Universal Laws: A Reply To Contessa.Darrell Patrick Rowbottom - 2006 - Philosophical Writings 31 (1).
    This paper is a critique of Contessa’s . First, I show that Popper in The Logic of Scientific Discovery argues against the view that the logical probability of a hypothesis is identical to its degree of confirmation , rather than against Bayesianism. Second, I explain that his argument to this effect does not depend on the assumption that ‘the universe is infinite’. Third, and finally, I refine Popper’s case by developing an argument which requires only that some universal laws have (...)
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    Camp Revival, or the Sissification of the Black Church.E. Patrick Johnson - 2020 - Palimpsest 9 (2):30-33.
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  15. Foreword: Wouldn't take nothing for my journey.E. Patrick Johnson - 2021 - In Scott Herring & Lee Wallace, Long term: essays on queer commitment. Durham: Duke University Press.
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    A Constructionist Philosophy of Logic.Patrick Allo - 2017 - Minds and Machines 27 (3):545-564.
    This paper develops and refines the suggestion that logical systems are conceptual artefacts that are the outcome of a design-process by exploring how a constructionist epistemology and meta-philosophy can be integrated within the philosophy of logic.
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    Love Disconsoled: Meditations on Christian Charity.Timothy Patrick Jackson - 1999 - Cambridge University Press.
    Few concepts are more central to ethics than love, but none is more subject to false consolation. This 1999 book explores several theological, philosophical and literary accounts of love, focusing on how it relates to matters such as self-interest and self-sacrifice, and invulnerability and immortality. Timothy Jackson first considers key aspects of what the Bible says about love, then he further examines the meaning of love and sacrifice through a close reading of novels by Fitzgerald and Hemingway. Lastly, he evaluates (...)
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  18. Adorno's Kantian Epistemology Interpretation and Defence.Brian Patrick O'connor & Brian O'Connor - 1995 - Dissertation,
    This is a study of the epistemological theory of Theodor Adorno.
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    Nature's way: a sense of beauty.Patrick V. O'Sullivan - 2011 - Dublin, Ireland: Veritas.
    A Sense of Beauty -- Hearing -- Seeing -- Touching -- Tasting -- Smelling -- Epilogue.
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    Commentary on Aristotle's Metaphysics.John Patrick Thomas, Rowan & Aristotle - 1995 - St. Augustine's Press.
    The fine editions of the Aristotelian Commentary Series make available long out-of-print commentaries of St. Thomas on Aristotle. Each volume has the full text of Aristotle with Bekker numbers, followed by the commentary of St. Thomas, cross-referenced using an easily accessible mode of referring to Aristotle in the Commentary. Each volume is beautifully printed and bound using the finest materials. All copies are printed on acid-free paper and Smyth sewn. They will last.
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  21. A Conception of Inductive Logic.Patrick Maher - 2006 - Philosophy of Science 73 (5):513-523.
    I conceive of inductive logic as a project of explication. The explicandum is one of the meanings of the word `probability' in ordinary language; I call it inductive probability and argue that it is logical, in a certain sense. The explicatum is a conditional probability function that is specified by stipulative definition. This conception of inductive logic is close to Carnap's, but common objections to Carnapian inductive logic (the probabilities don't exist, are arbitrary, etc.) do not apply to this conception.
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  22.  44
    Love’s Enlightenment: Rethinking Charity in Modernity.Ryan Patrick Hanley - 2017 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    A number of prominent moral philosophers and political theorists have recently called for a recovery of love. But what do we mean when we speak of love today? Love's Enlightenment examines four key conceptions of other-directedness that transformed the meaning of love and helped to shape the way we understand love today: Hume's theory of humanity, Rousseau's theory of pity, Smith's theory of sympathy, and Kant's theory of love. It argues that these four Enlightenment theories are united by a shared (...)
  23.  76
    Bayesianism and irrelevant conjunction.Patrick Maher - 2004 - Philosophy of Science 71 (4):515-520.
    Bayesian confirmation theory offers an explicatum for a pretheoretic concept of confirmation. The “problem of irrelevant conjunction” for this theory is that, according to some people's intuitions, the pretheoretic concept differs from the explicatum with regard to conjunctions involving irrelevant propositions. Previous Bayesian solutions to this problem consist in showing that irrelevant conjuncts reduce the degree of confirmation; they have the drawbacks that (i) they don't hold for all ways of measuring degree of confirmation and (ii) they don't remove the (...)
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  24. Bayesian probability.Patrick Maher - 2010 - Synthese 172 (1):119 - 127.
    Bayesian decision theory is here construed as explicating a particular concept of rational choice and Bayesian probability is taken to be the concept of probability used in that theory. Bayesian probability is usually identified with the agent’s degrees of belief but that interpretation makes Bayesian decision theory a poor explication of the relevant concept of rational choice. A satisfactory conception of Bayesian decision theory is obtained by taking Bayesian probability to be an explicatum for inductive probability given the agent’s evidence.
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    Rancière's writings applied to nursing: A radical and emancipatory political theory.Patrick Martin, Karyne Duval & Marie-Pier Labelle - 2018 - Nursing Philosophy 19 (1):e12202.
  26.  55
    Understanding context before using it.Mary Bazire & Patrick Brézillon - 2001 - In P. Bouquet V. Akman, Modeling and Using Context. Springer. pp. 29--40.
  27.  61
    Challenges to Moral and Religious Belief: Overview and Future Directions.Michael Bergmann & Patrick Kain - 2014 - In Michael Bergmann & Patrick Kain, Challenges to Moral and Religious Belief: Disagreement and Evolution. Oxford ; New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This article introduces the volume, "Challenges to Moral and Religious Belief: Disagreement and Evolution," which contains fourteen original essays by philosophers, theologians, and social scientists addressing the following three challenges to moral and religious belief from disagreement and evolution: Can one reasonably maintain one’s moral and religious beliefs in the face of interpersonal disagreement with intellectual peers? Does disagreement about morality between a religious belief source, such as a sacred text, and a non-religious belief source, such as a society’s moral (...)
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  28. The Moral of the Story: Literature and Public Ethics.J. Patrick Dobel, Henry T. Edmondson Iii, Gregory R. Johnson, Peter Kalkavage, Judith Lee Kissell, Peter Augustine Lawler, Alan Levine, Daniel J. Mahoney, Will Morrisey, Pádraig Ó Gormaile, Paul C. Peterson, Michael Platt, Robert M. Schaefer, James Seaton & Juan José Sendín Vinagre (eds.) - 2000 - Lexington Books.
    The contributors to The Moral of the Story, all preeminent political theorists, are unified by their concern with the instructive power of great literature. This thought-provoking combination of essays explores the polyvalent moral and political impact of classic world literatures on public ethics through the study of some of its major figures-including Shakespeare, Dante, Cervantes, Jane Austen, Henry James, Joseph Conrad, Robert Penn Warren, and Dostoevsky. Positing the uniqueness of literature's ability to promote dialogue on salient moral and intellectual virtues, (...)
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  29. Foundations of Statistical Learning Theory, 1. The Linear Model for Simple Learning.W. K. Estes & Patrick Suppes - 1959 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 10 (39):251-252.
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    Focusing strategy for eight concept rules.Patrick R. Laughlin - 1968 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 77 (4):661.
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    Causality in the logic of decision.Patrick Maher - 1987 - Theory and Decision 22 (2):155-172.
  32. Language comprehension is both embodied and symbolic!Max Louwerse & Jeuniaux & Patrick - 2008 - In Manuel de Vega, Arthur M. Glenberg & Arthur C. Graesser, Symbols and embodiment: debates on meaning and cognition. New York: Oxford University Press.
  33.  13
    Le sens du travail à l’épreuve de l’intelligence artificielle.Patrick Mardellat - 2024 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 156 (3):237-253.
    L’IA révèle quelque chose sur le travail et la condition humaine que ne montraient pas pleinement les techniques antérieures, ce en quoi elle achève d’une certaine manière l’histoire des techniques. Ce qu’elle révèle, c’est la spécificité de l’intelligence humaine dans le travail collectif, qu’elle atteint au plus profond : à savoir la communication humaine et le fait que le travail est une expérience du temps. Il s’agit de formes d’une intelligence vivante ou vécue, dans lesquelles plonge le sens du travail. (...)
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  34. Marc Blanchard.Patrick O'Donnell & Robert Con Davis - 1992 - Semiotica 88:341.
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  35. Posture as a predictor of learner's affective engagement.Sidney D'Mello, Patrick Chipman & A. C. Graesser - 2007 - In McNamara D. S. & Trafton J. G., Proceedings of the 29th Annual Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 905--910.
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  36. La musique à la fin de l'histoire.Alain Patrick Olivier - 2005 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft:155-164.
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  37. Nanotechnology and human enhancement: A symposium.Fritz Allhoff & Patrick Lin - 2008 - Nanoethics: The Ethics of Technologies That Converge at the Nanoscale 2:251-327.
    Human enhancement, in which nanotechnology is expected to play a major role, continues to be a highly contentious ethical debate, with experts on both sides calling it the single most important issue facing science and society in this brave, new century. This paper is a broad introduction to the symposium herein that explores a range of perspectives related to that debate. We will discuss what human enhancement is and its apparent contrast to therapy; and we will begin to tease apart (...)
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    Selection strategies in conjunctive, disjunctive, and biconditional concept attainment.Patrick R. Laughlin & Richard M. Jordan - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 75 (2):188.
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    Probability in Hume's Science of Man.Patrick Maher - 1981 - Hume Studies 7 (2):137-153.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:137. PROBABILITY IN HUME'S SCIENCE OF MAN This paper is an attempt to make sense of a fragment of Hume's positive philosophy, namely his theory of how we apportion belief on the basis of ambiguous evidence. The topic is one that has received little critical attention from philosophers. One reason for this neglect is the belief that Hume's discussion of probable reasoning is not addressed to philosophical questions, but (...)
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  40. Michel Serres, la sage-femme du monde.Patrick Rödel - 2016 - Paris: Le Pommier.
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    Physical Probability.Patrick Maher - unknown
    By “physical probability” I mean the empirical concept of probability in ordinary language. It can be represented as a function of an experiment type and an outcome type, which explains how non-extreme physical probabilities are compatible with determinism. Two principles, called specification and independence, put restrictions on the existence of physical probabilities, while a principle of direct inference connects physical probability with inductive probability. This account avoids a variety of weaknesses in the theories of Levi and Lewis.
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    (1 other version)Dewey, Russell, Whitehead: Philosophers as Educators.Brian Patrick Hendley, George Kimball Plochmann & Robert S. Brumbaugh - 1986 - Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press.
    Hendley argues that philosophers of edu­cation should reject their preoccupation of the past 25_ _years with defining terms and analyzing concepts and once again embrace the philosophical task of con­structing general theories of education. Exemplars of that tradition are John Dewey, Bertrand Russell, and Alfred North Whitehead, who formulated theo­ries of education that were tested. Dewey and Russell ran their own schools, and Whitehead served as a university admin­istrator and as a member of many com­mittees created to study education. After (...)
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  43. Objecting to experiments that compare two unobjectionable policies or treatments.Michelle Meyer, Patrick Heck, Geoffrey Holtzman, Stephen Anderson, William Cai, Duncan Watts & Christopher Chabris - 2019 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (22):10723–8.
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  44. Rijke. PDL for ordered trees.Loredana Afanasiev, Patrick Blackburn, Ioanna Dimitriou, Gaiffe Evan, Goris Maarten & Marx Maarten - forthcoming - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics.
  45.  48
    (1 other version)Subjekt und Gehirn, Mensch und Natur.Christoph Asmuth & Patrick Grüneberg (eds.) - 2011 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
  46. Head and hand movements in the orchestration of dialogue.Stuart A. Battersby & Patrick Gt Healey - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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  47. The Word in History. The St. Xavier Symposium.T. Patrick Burke - 1969 - Religious Studies 5 (1):121-123.
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    Richard Kearney's hermeneutics of otherness.Patrick Masterson - 2008 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 34 (3):247-265.
    The article considers a particular case of Richard Kearney's characteristic hermeneutical exploration of `the possible' as an `imaginative' way of casting light upon philosophical issues. This particular case is his recent hermeneutical and phenomenological consideration of `Otherness' in the context of philosophy of religion. This consideration, strongly influenced by philosophers such as Heidegger, Levinas, Ricoeur and Derrida, is developed in two of his recent works Strangers, Gods and Monsters and The God Who May Be . The article examines how he (...)
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  49.  31
    Incentive hope: A default psychological response to multiple forms of uncertainty.Patrick Anselme & Onur Güntürkün - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
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    Sailing - Philosophy for Everyone: Catching the Drift of Why We Sail.Fritz Allhoff & Patrick Goold (eds.) - 2012 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    This volume reveals the wisdom we can learn from sailing, a sport that pits human skills against the elements, tests the mettle and is a rich source of valuable lessons in life. Unravels the philosophical mysteries behind one of the oldest organized human activities Features contributions from philosophers and academics as well as from sailors themselves Enriches appreciation of the sport by probing its meaning and value Brings to life the many applications of philosophy to sailing and the profound lessons (...)
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