Results for 'Patrick Cruttwell'

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  1.  19
    Physiology and Psychology in Shakespeare's Age.Patrick Cruttwell - 1951 - Journal of the History of Ideas 12 (1):75.
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    Education and the evolution of society.Patrick M. Jenlink - 2004 - World Futures 60 (3):161 – 167.
    Living on the threshold of a new age, we squabble among ourselves to acquire or retain the privileges of bygone times. We cast about for innovating ways to satisfy obsolete values. We manage individual crises while heading toward collective catastrophes. We contemplate changing almost anything on this earth but ourselves. (Laszlo, 1978, p. 3) If a society is to continue to evolve, its evolution has to be manifested in a total transformative change. Its existing state has to be transcendent. A (...)
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  3. The gift of the past : towards a critical history.Patrick Joyce - 2007 - In Keith Jenkins, Sue Morgan & Alun Munslow, Manifestos for history. New York: Routledge.
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    Traces of understanding: a profile of Heidegger's and Ricoeur's hermeneutics.Patrick L. Bourgeois - 1990 - Atlanta, GA: Rodopi. Edited by Frank Schalow.
    CHAPTER ONE THE UNITY AND RUPTURE OF EXISTENCE The germ for Heidegger's quest to appropriate the entire Western tradition is given through a work which sets ...
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    The Ethics of Personal Responsibility: A Tribute to William Murnion, caro amico.Patrick H. Byrne - 2015 - The Lonergan Review 6 (1):100-133.
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    2 Causality and Computation.Patrick Suppes - 2007 - In Joseph Keim Campbell, Michael O'Rourke & Harry Silverstein, Causation and Explanation. Bradford. pp. 4--33.
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    The gap between law and ethics in human embryonic stem cell research: Overcoming the effect of U.s. Federal policy on research advances and public benefit.Patrick L. Taylor - 2005 - Science and Engineering Ethics 11 (4):589-616.
    Key ethical issues arise in association with the conduct of stem cell research by research institutions in the United States. These ethical issues, summarized in detail, receive no adequate translation into federal laws or regulations, also described in this article. U.S. Federal policy takes a passive approach to these ethical issues, translating them simply into limitations on taxpayer funding, and foregoes scientific and ethical leadership while protecting intellectual property interests through a laissez faire approach to stem cell patents and licenses. (...)
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  8. An act of confidence in the freedom of men': Jean-Paul Sartre and Ousmane Sembene.Patrick Williams - 2011 - In Jean-Pierre Boulé & Enda McCaffrey, Existentialism and contemporary cinema: a Sartrean perspective. New York: Berghahn Books.
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    Towards a Seamless Web or a New Tertiary Tripartism? The Emerging Shape of Post-14 Education and Training in England.Patrick Ainley - 2003 - British Journal of Educational Studies 51 (4):390 - 407.
    Government policy aims at a 'seamless web' of learning provision. This is exemplified in a local Learning and Skills Council supported by work on widening participation to higher education (HE) in another London sub-region. The emerging system described is comprehended as a whole from 'Foundation Learning' in compulsory schooling to post-compulsory 'Lifelong Learning' in further, higher and continuing education and training thereafter.
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  10. Pour un répertoire des manuscrits de polémique antijudaïque.Patrick Andrist - 2000 - Byzantion 70 (1):270-306.
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    Liberals and theocrats: on Lucas Swaine’sThe Liberal Conscience.Patrick Neal - 2011 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 14 (4):513-516.
    Lucas Swaine?s respectful manner of engaging with theocrats is at odds with the more heavy-handed arguments he gives to those who would reject his position. Furthermore, it is not clear that Swaine?s case can reach theocrats whose self-conceptions do not fit within the liberal idiom.
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    The World and Its Meaning: An Introduction to Philosophy.George Thomas White Patrick - 2012 - Literary Licensing, LLC.
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    An unpublished MS of Leibniz on the allegiance due to sovereign powers.Patrick Riley - 1973 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 11 (3):319-336.
  14.  9
    Four. The General Will Socialized: The Contribution of Montesquieu.Patrick Riley - 1987 - In The General Will before Rousseau. The transformation of the Divine into the Civic. Presses Universitaires de France. pp. 138-180.
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  15. Local information and adaptive consequence.Patrick Allo - 2006 - Logique Et Analyse 149:461-488.
    In this paper we provide a formal description of what it means to be in a local or partial information-state. Starting from the notion of locality in a relational structure, we define so-called adaptive gen- erated submodels. The latter are then shown to yield an adaptive logic wherein the derivability of Pφ is naturally interpreted as a core property of being in a state in which one holds the information that φ.
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    Immacolata Aulisa/Claudio Schiano, Dialogo di Papisco e Filone giudei con un monaco.Patrick Andrist - 2008 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 101 (2):787-802.
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    Phänomenologie der Gebärden: Leiblichkeit und Sprache bei Heidegger.Patrick Baur - 2013 - Freiburg: Alber.
  18.  12
    Life in the Universe.Patrick Moore - 1987 - Routledge.
    First published in 1987. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Education and Business Partnerships in the United Kingdom: Initiatives in Search of a Rationale.Patrick Dillon & Michael Weller - 1999 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 19 (1):60-67.
    Education-business partnership in the United Kingdom has a long history. The promotion of links between the partners at all levels and in all sectors of the economy has become a service industry in its own right. In 1991, the UK government established a regional network of Education-Business Partnerships (EBPs) in an attempt to coordinate these activities. Education-business links embrace curriculum enrichment for students at all levels of education; professional development for teachers, lecturers, and business employees; and institutional development and mutual (...)
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    Caesar, Cicero and the High School Teacher.Patrick J. Downing - 1943 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 18 (4):705-713.
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    Ce que je ne comprends pas dans la philosophie de Marcel Conche.Patrick Dupouey - 2015 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 65 (4):31-43.
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    Hegels "Logik" lesen: ein Selbstversuch.Patrick Eiden - 2021 - Berlin: Matthes & Seitz.
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    (1 other version)PHIL 206-01, Logic, Fall 2005.Patrick A. Shade - unknown
    This syllabus was submitted to the Rhodes College Office of Academic Affairs by the course instructor.
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    Discoveries in the Judaean Desert Volume Ix. Qumran Cave 4: Iv: Palaeo-Hebrew and Greek Biblical Manuscripts.Patrick Skehan, Eugene Ulrich & Judith E. Sanderson - 1968 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This volume inaugurates the publication of the biblical Dead Sea Scrolls from the main collection discovered in Cave 4 at Qumran. It contains ten biblical manuscripts from Genesis to Deuteronomy and Job. Six are written in the ancient Palaeo-Hebrew script and four are in Greek. There are also five hitherto unknown compositions. The Hebrew texts antedate by a millennium what had previously been the earliest surviving biblical codices in the original language, and they document the pluriform nature of the ancient (...)
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    God and the statistical universe.Patrick H. Byrne - 1981 - Zygon 16 (4):345-363.
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    Gibbard’s Transcendental Arguments.Patrick Fleming - 2010 - Journal of Value Inquiry 44 (1):81-92.
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    Goal directed meaning connects perception and specification.Patrick Foo & J. A. S. Kelso - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2):222-223.
    We believe that the task goal in voluntary movements provides meaning to existing information sources in the environment and determines, in a dynamic way, the use and relative importance of these different sources. This task-centered meaning bridges the apparent controversy between what information is available in principle (i.e., specification), and what information is perceived.
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    Mad World: Evelyn Waugh and the Secrets of Brideshead. By Paula Byrne.Patrick Madigan - 2011 - Heythrop Journal 52 (6):1070-1070.
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    Talbot's Technologies: Photographic Depiction, Detection, and Reproduction.Patrick Maynard - 1989 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 47 (3):263-276.
    Philosophy's only celebration of photography's 150th, the long-neglected philosophical job of clarification: drawing basic distinctions and defining basic conceptions, including photographic depiction, photographic detection, 'photograph of', 'documentary'. More than a lexicon, it explains why photography is important, by historically characterizing it through its uses for depiction, detection, reproduction, all of which have shaped the modern world. By consideration of it as 'mechanical', the paper explains photography's differences from practices with which it shares these functions. Happy birthday, photography.
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    An explanation-model of visual sensation.Patrick Mckee - 1976 - Philosophical Studies 29 (June):457-464.
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    Material Culture and Philology: Semantics of Mining in Ancient India.Patrick Olivelle - 2012 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 132 (1):23.
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    The Laws of the Unspoken: Silence and Secrecy.Patrick Tacussel - 1988 - Diogenes 36 (144):16-31.
    Of silence, paradoxically, one can only speak. By virtue of the alliance that unites reason and language, the capacity to name and to address indeed obeys a certain desire to restrain excessive communication. Laughter, tears and silence are part of the expressive world: however, they attest to the impossible pitfall of words in the socializing function that we accord them. Of extreme sociality, of meaning that exceeds the bearable, the suitability and the commerce of ideas, the only thing that rises (...)
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    Poétique(s) du cinéma.Patrick Brun - 2003 - Paris: Harmattan.
    Partant du débat qui oppose les orientations sémiologique et esthétique, l'auteur propose une troisième voie qui, comme les deux autres, vise à rendre compte de la perception esthétique du film, mais, au lieu de s'enfermer dans l'antinomie discours-figure, ou représentation-visibilité, problématise le fait de " l'impossible à représenter " dans sa confrontation avec le langage et le visible. Ce projet peut être considéré, selon l'auteur, comme une poétique, en un sens plus radical que la notion traditionnelle ou son prolongement chez (...)
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  34. Conceptual thought in Karl Rahner.Patrick John Burke - 1994 - Gregorianum 75 (1):65-93.
    La valeur du concept a donné lieu à de grandes controverses dans la philosophie et la théologie modernes. Alors qu'il déplace l'accent interne du concept au jugement pour parvenir à l'être, Rahner ne désire pas pour autant déprécier le concept. Une tension existe cependant dans sa pensée : tandis qu'il cherche à maintenir le mouvement dynamique de l'intellect qui transcende toute réalité dans sa marche vers l'infini, il entend bien éviter la complète relativisation du concept. L'article étudie la pensée de (...)
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    Coluccio Salutati, Chancelier de Florence, et la France.Patrick Gilli - 1993 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 55 (3):479-501.
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    Morally Objectionable Options.Patrick A. Tully - 2008 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 8 (3):491-504.
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    Explaining the unpredictable.Patrick Suppes - 1985 - Erkenntnis 22 (1-3):187 - 195.
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  38. Can we have religion, politics, suffering and enemies, without harm?Patrick Downey - 2004 - Skepsis: A Journal for Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Research 15 (1).
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  39. Shimmering mirrors: reality and appearance in contemplative metaphysics East and West.Patrick Laude - 2017 - Albany: SUNY Press.
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    Forgiving and Forbearing Punishment.Patrick Lenta - 2020 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 34 (2):201-214.
    Most philosophers who have expressed a view about whether forgiveness is compatible with forgivers’ continuing to punish, or support the punishment of, people who have wronged them hold that forgiveness is compatible with punishing or favouring punishment of wrongdoers. I argue that whether forgiveness entails forbearing punishment depends on which of two senses of forgiveness is operative. On the first, sentiment-based sense of forgiveness as consisting essentially in a change of heart on the part of a victim, a victim can, (...)
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  41. Flowers as 'Free Beauties of Nature'.Patrick Hutchings - 1994 - Literature & Aesthetics 4:17-30.
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  42. The Readymades of Marcel Duchamp: Cut Flowers or les fleurs du mal?Patrick Hutchings - 2000 - Literature & Aesthetics 10:31-50.
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    Allgemeiner Politischer und Historischer Briefwechsel, Fünfzehnter Band.Patrick Riley - 1999 - The Leibniz Review 9:65-85.
    The publication of the fifteenth volume of Leibniz’ “General Political and Historical Correspondence,” covering the period January to September 1698, does not revolutionize our view of Leibniz’ practical philosophy. But it does throw valuable light on his moral, political, jurisprudential and religious thought in general, and on two extremely important works in particular: the Novissima Sinica, which Leibniz had published in 1697 and was about to revise and re-publish in 1699, and the Unvorgreiffliches Bedencken, which he began in 1698 with (...)
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    Leibniz on Natural Law in the Nouveaux essais.Patrick Riley - 2008 - In Marcelo Dascal, Leibniz: What Kind of Rationalist? Springer. pp. 279--289.
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  45. Religion as «Weltanschauung»: a Solution to a Problem in the Philosophy of Religion.Patrick Riordan - 1991 - Aquinas 34 (3):519-534.
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    Locke's Aphorisms on Education and Health.Patrick Romanell - 1961 - Journal of the History of Ideas 22 (4):549.
  47.  28
    First Principles as General, First Principle 7 as Special.Patrick Rysiew - 2018 - Analytic Philosophy 59 (4):527-538.
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  48. Dora s'en va. Violence dans la psychanalyse.Patrick Mahony & Aline Weill - 2004 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 194 (1):103-104.
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    Joseph de Maistre, ou, Le mystère du gouvernement: parcours d'une œuvre et d'une vie.Patrick Malvezin - 2023 - Chiré-en-Montreuil: Éditions de Chiré.
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    Abhaksya and abhojya: An Exploration in Dietary Language.Patrick Olivelle - 2002 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 122 (2):345-354.
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