Results for 'Pastora Vega'

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  1.  15
    Analytical Fuzzy Predictive Control Applied to Wastewater Treatment Biological Processes.Pedro M. Vallejo LLamas & Pastora Vega - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-29.
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    Symbols and embodiment: debates on meaning and cognition.Manuel de Vega, Arthur M. Glenberg & Arthur C. Graesser (eds.) - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Cognitive scientists have a variety of approaches to studying cognition: experimental psychology, computer science, robotics, neuroscience, educational psychology, philosophy of mind, and psycholinguistics, to name but a few. In addition, they also differ in their approaches to cognition - some of them consider that the mind works basically like a computer, involving programs composed of abstract, amodal, and arbitrary symbols. Others claim that cognition is embodied - that is, symbols must be grounded on perceptual, motoric, and emotional experience. The existence (...)
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    Embodiment in language-based memory: Some qualifications.Manuel de Vega - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (1):22-23.
    (1) Non-projectable properties as opposed to the clamping of projectable properties play a primary role in triggering and guiding human action. (2) Embodiment in language-mediated memories should be qualified: (a) Language imposes a radical discretization on body constraints (second-order embodiment). (b) Metaphors rely on second-order embodiment. (c) Language users sometimes suspend embodiment.
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  4. The Mechanical Conception of the Animal in Gomez Pereira.Miguel Sanchez Vega, Xaymara Rosado & Erick Raphael Jimenez - 2012 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 33 (2):319-369.
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    Metacognition in moral decisions: judgment extremity and feeling of rightness in moral intuitions.Solange Vega, André Mata, Mário B. Ferreira & André R. Vaz - 2020 - Thinking and Reasoning 27 (1):124-141.
    This research investigated the metacognitive underpinnings of moral judgment. Participants in two studies were asked to provide quick intuitive responses to moral dilemmas and to indicate their fee...
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    A Critique of Barbieri’s Code Biology Through Rosen’s Relational Biology: Reconciling Barbieri’s Biosemiotics with Peircean Biosemiotics.Federico Vega - 2018 - Biological Theory 13 (4):261-279.
    Biosemiotics argues that “sign” and “meaning” are two essential concepts for the explanation of life. Peircean biosemiotics, founded by Tomas Sebeok from Peirce’s semiotics and Jacob von Uexkül’s studies on animal communication, today makes up the mainstream of this discipline. Marcello Barbieri has developed an alternative account of meaning in biology based on the concept of code. Barbieri rejects Peircean biosemiotics on the grounds that this discipline opens the door to nonscientific approaches to biology through its use of the concept (...)
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  7. Simone Weil sur le front d'Aragon.Louis Mercier-Vega - 1998 - In Simone Weil (ed.), Simone Weil, l'expérience de la vie et le travail de la pensée. Arles: Editions Sulliver.
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  8. Etica como filosofía de la acción humana y del valor moral.José Vega Delgado - 1986 - Cuenca, Ecuador: Departamento de Difusión Cultural de la Universidad de Cuenca.
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  9. Horadar la excepción: Intersticios del derecho: Giorgio Agamben: Stato di eccezione, Estado de excepción, Adriana Hidalgo editora, Buenos Aires, 2004. Por Facundo Vega.Facundo Vega - 2006 - Astrolabio 3:96-101.
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  10. Estética apofática y hermenéutica del misterio: elementos para una crítica de la visibilidad [Apophatic Aesthetics and Hermeneutics of Mystery: Some Elements for a Criticism of Visibility].Amador Vega - 2009 - Dianoia 54 (62):3-25.
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    Evolution, Games, and Economic Behaviour.Fernando Vega-Redondo (ed.) - 1996 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This textbook for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students of Evolutionary Game Theory covers recent developments in the field, with an emphasis on economic contexts and applications. It begins with the basic ideas as they originated within the field of theoretical biology and then proceeds to the formulation of a theoretical framework that is suitable for the study of social and economic phenomena from an evolutionary perspective. Core topics include the Evolutionary Stable Strategy and Replicator Dynamics, deterministic dynamic models, and stochastic (...)
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    Subsidiary Social Performance and Viability.Ramón Paz-Vega - 2005 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 16:166-171.
    This paper explores the relationship between the corporate social performance (CSP) of subsidiaries and the transfer pricing policies at which multinationals trade with their subsidiaries. In this paper I develop a theoretical framework to propose that, to the extent to which those policies and practices shift income out of the subsidiary, transfer pricing policy may undermine the CSP of that subsidiary. In this way, the subsidiary may lose social legitimacy and incur in higher costs to acquire local resources.
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    Bayesian boundedly rational agents play the Finitely Repeated Prisoner's Dilemma.Fernando Vega-Redondo - 1994 - Theory and Decision 36 (2):187-206.
  14.  37
    (1 other version)Historia de la lógica.Luis Vega - 1989 - Theoria 4 (2):517-525.
  15. Perceived Emotional Intelligence and Learning Strategies in Spanish University Students: A New Perspective from a Canonical Non-symmetrical Correspondence Analysis.María C. Vega-Hernández, María C. Patino-Alonso, Rosario Cabello, María P. Galindo-Villardón & Pablo Fernández-Berrocal - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  16. Sticks and Stones may Break Your Bones, but Words can Break Your Spirit: Bullying in the Workplace.Gina Vega & Debra R. Comer - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 58 (1-3):101-109.
    Workplace bullying has a well-established body of research internationally, but the United States has lagged behind the rest of the world in the identification and investigation of this phenomenon. This paper presents a managerial perspective on bullying in organizations. The lack of attention to the concept of workplace dignity in American organizational structures has supported and even encouraged both casual and more severe forms of harassment that our workplace laws do not currently cover. The demoralization victims suffer can create toxic (...)
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    The Ethics of Entrepreneurial Shared Value.Patricio Osorio-Vega - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (4):981-995.
    In the business ethics literature, the growing interest in social entrepreneurship has remained limited to the assumption that pursuing a social mission will clash against the pursuit of associated economic achievements. This ignores recent developments in the social entrepreneurship literature which show that social missions and economic achievement can also have a mutually constitutive relation. We address this gap adopting the notion of shared value for an ethical inquiry of social entrepreneurship. Using a sensemaking framework, we assume that the emergence (...)
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    Tà Éndoxa: argumentación y plausabilidad.Luis Vega - 1993 - Endoxa 1 (1):5.
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    Bienestar social: un objetivo compartido. Sobre la alianza entre los derechos humanos y el trabajo social.Carla Cubillos-Vega - 2019 - Arbor 195 (791):493.
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    Heidegger y el nacionalsocialismo. Ensayos sobre filosofía y política.Carola Leiva Vega - 2014 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 70:177-180.
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    La ley en el Antiguo Israel.Vegas Montaner Luis - 2004 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones:119-141.
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  22. Reflexiones sobre gubernamentalidad y biopolítica a través de la educación en Colombia.Luis Felipe Vega - 2005 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 9:41-58.
    The text attempts to look upon globalization in the education as a problem, referring to the governmental strategy that guaranties the control and the social development beginning from a modernization project that is not determined. Therefore, when taking into account as a frame of reference the centuries XIX and XX, it is shown the ‘education role’ as a control mechanism in permanent relation with the public politics and it is questioned its apparent liberal character.
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    La evaluación de la escritura creativa en el contexto universitario.Pilar Vega Rodríguez - 2020 - Arbor 196 (798):a579.
    Existe una larga tradición sobre las rúbricas pedagógicas de la escritura, principalmente referida a los niveles educativos no universitarios y con aplicación a la competencia lingüística en la lengua nativa o en una segunda lengua. En este trabajo se revisan los resultados de investigación referidos a la evaluación de la escritura creativa en niveles preuniversitarios y universitarios en contextos generales, en cuanto corresponden al desarrollo de competencias en la lengua nativa, más allá de su empleo en el desarrollo del pensamiento (...)
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    Autonomy and knowledge: comments on Adam Carter’s Autonomous Knowledge.Jesús Vega-Encabo - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    In his book Autonomous Knowledge. Radical Enhancement, Autonomy, and the Future of Knowing (OUP, 2022). J. Adam Carter argues that both propositional knowledge and know-how must include a condition of autonomy in their analyses. The book aims to propose a theory of the nature of knowledge and its value that responds to the challenge raised by cases of undue epistemic dependence and radical performance enhancement. Throughout the book, Carter articulates an idea of epistemic autonomy that fluctuates between its positive component, (...)
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    The Spiritual Logic of Ramon Llull (review).Amador Vega - 1990 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 28 (1):127-128.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 127 from Adam, and inheriting "real sins" with real "guilt." From his De libero arbitrio onward, Augustine sees that if Adam's is the sin of someone "other" than ourselves, then it is alienum to us, is simply not "our" sin, and we cannot be held "guilty" of it. On the other hand, he is willing to accept that God might fittingly decree that Adam's descendants "inherit" the (...)
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    Sets, Properties and Truth Values: A Category-Theoretic Approach to Zermelo’s Axiom of Separation.Ivonne Pallares Vega - 2022 - Athens Journal of Philosophy 1 (3):135-162.
    In 1908 the German mathematician Ernst Zermelo gave an axiomatization of the concept of set. His axioms remain at the core of what became to be known as Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory. There were two axioms that received diverse criticisms at the time: the axiom of choice and the axiom of separation. This paper centers around one question this latter axiom raised. The main purpose is to show how this question might be solved with the aid of another, more recent mathematical (...)
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    Pour une utopie réaliste de « Terre-Patrie ».Alfredo Pena-Vega - 2022 - Diogène n° 273-274 (1):222-233.
    Cet article propose une nouvelle lecture de l’utopie et de l’éthique de notre ère planétaire, s’inspirant des principes de « terre-patrie » d’Edgar Morin, qui suggèrent une autre vision de notre état du monde. La validité et la pertinence du concept de « terre-patrie » émergent comme une alternative à l’heure où nos visions du monde basculent fortement vers le désespoir et où celui qui dépeint un avenir utopique s’expose à la moquerie.
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    El Arte Global Entre la Crisis de Sentido y El Giro Teórico.José Fernández Vega - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 29:101-112.
    Una crisis de sentido parece estar afectando importantes instituciones artísticascomo las bienales (empezando por las más emblemáticas, la de Veneciay la de San Pablo), después de haber impactado en las propias obras de artea lo largo del siglo XX y en especial en los años 1960. Explorando estastransformaciones, este artículo advierte una especie de “giro teórico” queemerge en el mundo del arte como respuesta a la crisis y busca caracterizarloa partir de una comparación con algunas tendencias de la tradición moderna,política (...)
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    La ilusión de la totalidad: una refutación de los sistemas deterministas desde el misterio del amor como gloria de la libertad.José Luis Vega - 2021 - Ciudad Aut. de Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ediciones El Escriba.
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    Libertad y responsabilidad a partir del determinismo desde una perspectiva antropológica y social.Itzel Verónica Herrera Vega - 2018 - Luxiérnaga - Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía 8 (16):18.
    El motivo del presente ensayo es presentar la tesis que gira en torno al problema de la libertad determinada y su relativa responsabilidad social. Dados los diversos factores que determinan la libertad de cada individuo, los niveles de responsabilidad varían según su situación; sostenemos el supuesto de que entre más libertad le permite el determinismo al individuo, mayor responsabilidad social adquiere.Para una amplia e inductiva comprensión de la tesis, primeramente, se desarrolla la primera parte en la cual se analiza el (...)
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  31. Una guía de historia de la lógica.Luis Vega - 1996
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    PANIKKAR, Raimon. El ritme de l’Ésser. Les Gifford Lectures.Amador Vega - 2014 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 52:129-131.
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    Aportes a la teología de la familia: Lectura eclesiológica de la Iglesia doméstica.Jorge Aros Vega & Lorena Basualto Porra - 2014 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 30:163-186.
    La Constitución dogmática Lumen gentium ha rescatado desde la tradición cristiana la expresión Iglesia doméstica para referirse a la familia. Dicha expresión posee en sí misma una riqueza incalculable al momento de descubrir el misterio de la esencia y misión de la familia cristiana, por lo que aporta elementos fundamentales para la elaboración de una teología de la familia. Es por este motivo que la presente investigación pretende levantar una propuesta de lectura eclesiológica de la Iglesia doméstica, a partir de (...)
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    An Integrated Account of Rosen’s Relational Biology and Peirce’s Semiosis. Part I: Components and Signs, Final Cause and Interpretation.Federico Vega - forthcoming - Biosemiotics:1-20.
    Robert Rosen’s relational biology and biosemiotics share the claim that life cannot be explained by the laws that apply to the inanimate world alone. In this paper, an integrated account of Rosen’s relational biology and Peirce’s semiosis is proposed. The ultimate goal is to contribute to the construction of a unified framework for the definition and study of life. The relational concepts of component and mapping, and the semiotic concepts of sign and triadic relation are discussed and compared, and a (...)
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    Una nota que nos deja Derecho y "naturaleza de las co- sas" de Ernesto Garzón Valdés.Pedro De Vega - 2008 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (2):307-329.
    Being based on the Ernesto Garzon’s analysis of the authors from the cur- rent of the “nature of the things”, the goal of the present article is to demonstrate that the postulates of this current do not criticize and refute the legal positivism from the epoch but quite on the contrary, they support and even complement it. The similarities between the assumptions uphold by authors from the two currents lead to the conclusion that the theses of the legal positivism and (...)
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    Consistencia/Coherencia.José Miguel Sagüillo Fernández-Vega - 2011 - In Luis Vega and Paula Olmos (ed.), Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta.
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    La tribuna vacante.Juan Luis Fernández Vega - 2022 - Endoxa 49.
    Este trabajo examina cómo, para ocupar la tribuna vacante del filósofo-orador José Ortega y Gasset, el exiliado Eduardo Nicol elaboró el emergente problema contemporáneo de la relación entre retórica y filosofía. Esta cuestión atañe tanto al qué como al para qué de la filosofía. ¿Hay un “grado cero” retórico en el pensamiento? Y si existe, ¿es el grado óptimo, considerando la meta humana de la filosofía? Nicol respondió ambas preguntas avanzando sobre la semiótica fenomenológica de Husserl, para establecer en la (...)
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    Renacer del propio ser al propio querer: la vida entre el deber y el querer.Vega Milone & Santiago Salvador - 2023 - [Buenos Aires, Argentina]: Prometeo Libros.
  39.  14
    AYLLÓN, JOSÉ RAMÓN, En torno al hombre, Rialp, Madrid, 1992, 248 págs.Marga Vega - 1993 - Anuario Filosófico:418-419.
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  40. Asignación Y enseñanza en la escuela.Violetta Vega - 2010 - Revista Aletheia 2 (1).
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    Dintorno, entorno y contorno del Derecho.Jesús Vega - 2021 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 55:535-572.
    El presente trabajo trata de ensayar la utilidad metateórica de una distinción filosófica acuñada por ciertos pensadores españoles —la distinción entre “dintorno”, “entorno” y “contorno”— a la hora de reordenar críticamente las diferentes posiciones teóricas en torno al problema de la determinación de los límites del Derecho (el problema de la autonomía o la demarcación de la categoría jurídica) y particularmente para clarificar los términos y las implicaciones del debate entre concepciones positivistas y post-positivistas.
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  42. Determinismo y libertad.José María Vegas - 1988 - Diálogo Filosófico 12 (12):320-352.
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    El arte del discurso público. Una invitación a la Retórica de Aristóteles.Luis Vega Reñón - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía Laguna 49:11-25.
    I propose to read Rhetoric as a presentation of the art of public discourse. I believe that in this sense its conception rests on three capital ideas, namely rhetoric is an antistrophos to dialectic; its function is not to persuade but to contemplate the available means of persuasion in each case; rhetoric is like some offshoot of dialectic and of ethical study which is rightly called politics. and vindicate the condition and quality of rhetoric as a fully entitled art of (...)
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    Estadísticas fatales y otros trabajos.Dagoberto Vega Cea - 1970 - San Salvador,: Dirección General de Cultura, Dirección de Publicaciones.
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  45. Historia de la filosofía y de las ciencias.Rafael Vega Alonso - 1966 - [Sevilla,: Esc. Gráf. Salesiana.
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  46. La escoba en la balanza.José Fernández Vega & Mario Muchnik - 1995 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política: Rifp (Madrid) 5:193.
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  47. Preface.Amador Vega, Peter Weibel & Siegfried Zielinski - 2018 - In Armador Vega & Peter Weibel (eds.), Dia-logos: Ramon Llull's method of thought and artistic practice. Minneapolis, MN: University Of Minnesota Press.
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  48. La autocomunicación absoluta de Dios en sí mismo según Karl Rahner.Jorge Aros Vega - 2011 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 25:133-151.
    El propósito del artículo es profundizar el carácter absoluto de la auto-comunicación de Dios al hombre, lo cual entregará un aporte a la teología actual en lo que se refiere a la comprensión y utilización del concepto de auto-comunicación, y a la vez entender de un modo renovado el encuentro entre Dios y el hombre, lo que permitirá hallar nuevas pistas para la entrega del mensaje cristiano al hombre contemporáneo. El escrito aborda el tema en dos tópicos: el primero en (...)
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  49. United Kingdom: An Examination of the Configuration of the Sharing Economy, Pressing Issues, and Research Directions.Rodrigo Perez-Vega, Brian Jones, Penny Travlou & Cristina Miguel - 2021 - In Andrzej Klimczuk, Vida Česnuityte & Gabriela Avram (eds.), The Collaborative Economy in Action: European Perspectives. Limerick: University of Limerick. pp. 359-371.
    This chapter aims to examine the configuration of the sharing economy in the United Kingdom. The chapter provides an examination of the key opportunities and challenges that this socio-economic model generates in the country. It includes an account of different sharing economy initiatives in the United Kingdom, including crowdfunding projects, tool libraries, timesharing banks, men’s sheds, and shared workspaces, commercial sharing economy services, micro-libraries, community-gardening projects, and paid online peer-to-peer accommodation. Increased consumer choice and economic benefits derived from an extended (...)
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    Verbal interaction pattern analysis in clinical psychology.Jesús Alonso-Vega, Natalia Andrés-López & María Xesús Froxán-Parga - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Recent developments in pattern analysis research have made this methodology suitable for the study of the processes that are set in motion in psychological interventions. Outcome research, based on the comparison between clinical results from treatment and control groups, has leveraged our empirical knowledge about the efficacy of psychological interventions. However, these methods of research are not precise enough for the analysis of these processes. On the contrary, pattern analysis could be a powerful tool to study moment-to-moment interactions typical of (...)
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