Results for 'Pascale Turquet'

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  1.  7
    From Pascal to Proust: studies in the genealogy of a philosophy.Gladys Rosaleen Turquet-Milnes - 1926 - Brooklyn, N.Y.: Haskell House.
    Introductory.--Bergson and Pascal.--Bergson and Molière.--Balzac.--Meredith and the cosmic spirit.--The new criticism: Albert Thibaudet.--Marcel Proust.
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    (1 other version)Examining evaluativity in legal discourse: a comparative corpus-linguistic study of thick concepts.Pascale Willemsen, Lucien Baumgartner, Severin Frohofer & Kevin Reuter - 2023 - In Stefan Magen & Karolina Prochownik, Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Law. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 192-214.
    How evaluative are legal texts? Do legal scholars and jurists speak a more descriptive or perhaps a more evaluative language? In this paper, we present the results of a corpus study in which we examined the use of evaluative language in both the legal domain as well as public discourse. For this purpose, we created two corpora. Our legal professional corpus is based on court opinions from the U.S. Courts of Appeals. We compared this professional corpus to a public corpus, (...)
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  3.  34
    Evaluative Deflation, Social Expectations, and the Zone of Moral Indifference.Pascale Willemsen, Lucien Baumgartner, Bianca Cepollaro & Kevin Reuter - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (1):e13406.
    Acts that are considered undesirable standardly violate our expectations. In contrast, acts that count as morally desirable can either meet our expectations or exceed them. The zone in which an act can be morally desirable yet not exceed our expectations is what we call the zone of moral indifference, and it has so far been neglected. In this paper, we show that people can use positive terms in a deflated manner to refer to actions in the zone of moral indifference, (...)
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  4. Omissions and expectations: a new approach to the things we failed to do.Pascale Https://Orcidorg Willemsen - 2018 - Synthese 195 (4):1587-1614.
    Imagine you and your friend Pierre agreed on meeting each other at a café, but he does not show up. What is the difference between a friend’s not showing up meeting? and any other person not coming? In some sense, all people who did not come show the same kind of behaviour, but most people would be willing to say that the absence of a friend who you expected to see is different in kind. In this paper, I will spell (...)
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    Art Horror, Reactive Attitudes, and Compassionate Slashers.Marius A. Pascale - 2019 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 33 (1):141-159.
    In “The Immorality of Horror Films,” philosopher and film scholar Gianluca Di Muzio proposes an analytic argument that aims to prove horror narratives, particularly slashers, unethical. His Argument from Reactive Attitudes contests slashers encourage pleasurable responses towards depictions of torture and death, which is possible only by suspending compassionate reactions. Doing so degrades sympathy and empathy, causing desensitization. This article will argue Di Muzio’s ARA, while valuable to discussion of art horror and morbidity, fails to meet its intended aim. The (...)
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  6.  12
    Yulia Gradskova, The Women’s International Democratic Federation, the Global South and the Cold War: defending the rights of women of the “whole world”?Pascale Barthélémy - 2023 - Clio 57:335-338.
    La Fédération démocratique internationale des femmes (FDIF), créée en 1945 à Paris, a été l’une des plus importantes organisations féminines internationales durant la guerre froide. Tombée dans l’oubli, ignorée par l’histoire des femmes à l’Ouest comme à l’Est, elle fait l’objet de nouvelles recherches depuis une quinzaine d’années, en lien avec le dynamisme des travaux sur l’engagement « féministe » des États communistes. Les raisons idéologiques et intellectuelles de cet oubli ont été analy...
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  7. Enseignement et apprentissage de l’infini : aspects philosophiques, épistemologiques et didactiques.Pascale Boulais, R. Brouzet, Viviane Durand-Guerrier, Maha Majaj, David Marino, Francoise Monnoyeur & Martine Vergnac - 2018 - In Pascale Boulais, R. Brouzet, Viviane Durand-Guerrier, Maha Majaj, David Marino, Francoise Monnoyeur & Martine Vergnac, Mathématiques en scène des ponts entre les disciplines. Paris, France: pp. 246-255.
    Résumé – Nous nous intéressons à l’enseignement et l’apprentissage de l’infini en classe de mathématiques en considérant les différences et les relations entre infini potentiel et infini actuel. Nous présentons les principaux éléments de notre étude philosophique, épistémologique et didactique, ainsi que trois situations visant à conduire un travail explicite avec les élèves sur ces questions en début de lycée. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- Abstract – We are interested in the teaching and learning of infinite in mathematics class, taking into account the relations (...)
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    Visual motion disambiguation by a subliminal sound.Andre Dufour, Pascale Touzalin, Michèle Moessinger, Renaud Brochard & Olivier Després - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (3):790-797.
    There is growing interest in the effect of sound on visual motion perception. One model involves the illusion created when two identical objects moving towards each other on a two-dimensional visual display can be seen to either bounce off or stream through each other. Previous studies show that the large bias normally seen toward the streaming percept can be modulated by the presentation of an auditory event at the moment of coincidence. However, no reports to date provide sufficient evidence to (...)
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  9.  29
    Cura, giustizia e delega del lavoro domestico. Il punto cieco delle femministe.Pascale Molinier - 2011 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 24 (2):361-376.
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    TumulTueuses, furieuses, tordues, trans, teuff...féministes aujourd'hui.Pascale Molinier - 2010 - Multitudes 42 (3):43.
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  11. The work of mourning, Chaquefois unique, la fin du monde, coll. « La philosophie en effet ».Jacques Derrida, Pascale-Anne Brault & Michael Naas - 2004 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 194 (3):379-380.
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  12.  21
    Grèce ancienne, Grèce moderne dans l’intelligentsia française de 1797 à 1832.Marie-Pascale Macia-Widemann - 1990 - Revue de Synthèse 111 (4):459-472.
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  13. Numerical cognition.Marie-Pascale Noel - 2001 - In Brenda Rapp, The Handbook of Cognitive Neuropsychology: What Deficits Reveal About the Human Mind. Psychology Press/Taylor & Francis. pp. 495--518.
  14.  16
    (1 other version)David Niget, La naissance du tribunal pour enfants. Une comparaison France-Québec (1912-1945).Pascale Quincy-Lefebvre - 2010 - Clio 32.
    L’ouvrage de David Niget est tiré d’une thèse soutenue à Angers, bel aboutissement d’un travail de cotutelle et d’un projet d’histoire croisée entre la France et le Québec. Devenu au fil des ans le principal spécialiste français de l’histoire de la justice des mineurs pour le premier xxe siècle, David Niget a, plus récemment, étendu ses études à la Belgique et, sans abandonner son champ de recherche, s’est plus directement investi dans des recherches sur « Jeunesses et violences ». Il (...)
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    Femmes, genre et colonisations.Michelle Zancarini-Fournel, Pascale Barthélémy & Luc Capdevila - 2011 - Clio 33:7-22.
    Sobrement intitulé « Colonisations » ce numéro est le produit d’une envie et d’une actualité historiographique. L’envie de voir et penser large, d’ouvrir davantage la revue à des espaces non occidentaux, de rendre possible une réflexion sur la circulation des modèles et les connexions entre les différents espaces colonisés. Cette envie participe du renouveau de l’histoire coloniale et impériale outre-Atlantique, de son développement en France, et de la faible visibilité des femmes et du genre...
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    Measurement Error in Health Insurance Reporting.Joanne Pascale - 2008 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 45 (4):422-437.
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    Morality and Morbidity: Semantics and the Moral Status of Macabre Fascination.Marius A. Pascale - 2019 - Journal of Value Inquiry 53 (4):551-577.
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  18.  60
    Basic numerical skills in children with mathematics learning disabilities: A comparison of symbolic vs non-symbolic number magnitude processing.Laurence Rousselle & Marie-Pascale Noël - 2007 - Cognition 102 (3):361-395.
  19.  32
    Plaisir et coordination sensorielle des animaux chez Aristote et Thomas d'Aquin.Pascale Bermon - 2015 - Quaestio 15:553-562.
    This article focuses on Nicomachean Ethics III, 13 and its quotations in the work of Thomas Aquinas. The aristotelian examples of predators pursuing their prey inserted in this extract aroused Thomas’ interest from the Sentences commentary until the IIa-IIae. They offered him an alternative model to the famous avicennian paradigm of the sheep fleeing the wolf, that enabled him to account for the motivation of animal movement, instinct and animal pleasure. Unlike modern commentators, Thomas takes seriously this small but significant (...)
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  20.  6
    Etica e diritto: la filosofia pratica di Fichte e le sue ascendenze kantiane.Carla De Pascale - 1995 - Il Mulino.
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  21. Una recente interpretazione di Fichte.Carla De Pascale - 1976 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 31 (4):410.
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  22. Wilhelm von Humboldt between Criticism and Historicism.Carla De Pascale - 2006 - Archivio di Storia Della Cultura 19.
    In this essay, written for the public presentation of Wilhelm von Humboldt, Scritti filosofici, edited by Giovanni Moretto and Fulvio Tessitore , the author underlines the controversial relationship between Humboldt’s historical-anthropological thought and Kantian criticism, which represents nevertheless a premise both essential and encumbering of Humbolt’s reflection.
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    “Darkness, Waiting, Without Speaking”: Fluidity, Subjectivity, and Utopian Space in Ingeborg Bachmann's Der Fall Franza.Pascale LaFountain - 2016 - Utopian Studies 27 (1):77-92.
    This analysis shows the common critique of representation suggested by the fluid metaphor in feminist theory and literature. The poetics of theory and the poetics of literature thus flow together into a metaphorical poetics of the fluid as a utopian form and space that subverts patriarchal language and textually undermines artificial divisions among the very genres of theory and literature that describe it.Ingeborg Bachmann’s fragmentary novel Der Fall Franza reconstructs the crisis and death of its eponymous young Austrian female protagonist, (...)
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    Reciprocal Reflections: Nostalgia for the Present in Vladimir Nabokov’s “A Guide to Berlin” and Walter Benjamin’s “Moscow” Essay.Pascale Lafountain - 2018 - Intertexts 22 (1-2):93-125.
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    14. Das Völkerrecht.Carla De Pascale - 2016 - In Jean-Christophe Merle, Johann Gottlieb Fichte: Grundlage des Naturrechts. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 179-192.
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    Fichte und die Verfassung des Vernunftreichs.Carla De Pascale - 2006 - Fichte-Studien 29:101-110.
  27.  18
    (1 other version)Se sacrifier pour exister.Pascale Peretti - 2014 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 204 (2):79.
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    A Fragmentary History of Trashcan Literature.Pascale Casanova & Roxanne Lapidus - 2003 - Substance 32 (2):44-51.
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    La teoria e la pratica del diritto.Carla De Pascale - 1994 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 9:275-288.
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    Alain Boutot, Heidegger.Pascale Seys - 1991 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 89 (84):688-688.
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    Marie-Christine Vila, Sotto voce, Mozart à Paris. Préface d'Élisabeth de Fontenay.Pascale Seys - 1992 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 90 (87):349-351.
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    Entre refus de l'assignation et norme de genre?: regards anthropologiques.Monique Selim & Pascale Absi - 2010 - Multitudes 42 (3):67.
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  33. Actions et événements, « Épiméthée ».Donald Davidson & Pascale Engel - 1996 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 101 (4):590-594.
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    The Post-Exotic Connection: Passage to Utopia.Marie-Pascale Huglo & Roxanne Lapidus - 2003 - Substance 32 (2):95-108.
  35. Brocards, pastiches et mélanges : bas morceaux choisis des Epithetes de La Porte.Anne-Pascale Pouey-Mounou - 2015 - In Didier Kahn, Elsa Kammerer, Anne-Hélène Klinger-Dollé, Marine Molins, Anne-Pascale Pouey-Mounou & Marie-Madeleine Fontaine, Textes au corps: promenades et musardises sur les terres de Marie Madeleine Fontaine. Genève: Librairie Droz S.A..
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    Pour une politique de la vérité : le rationalisme matérialiste de Spinoza.Pascale Gillot - 2023 - L’Enseignement Philosophique 73 (3):71-90.
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    Inégalité(s) dans le discours de la presse française :usages discursifs et dimensions sémantiques d’un mot.Pascale Brunner & Michele Pordeus-Ribeiro - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 18.
    L’inégalité est une thématique sociale, abordée de façon récurrente dans les médias. Appliquant une approche de « sémantique discursive », nous examinerons l’usage d’inégalité(s) dans le discours de presse en circonscrivant les principales dimensions sémantiques du nom à travers ses fonctionnements préférentiels en cotexte, étroit ou élargi. Après quelques questionnements sémantico-référentiels autour du mot, l’étude du corpus – constitué d’articles issus des journaux Le Monde, Libération et Le Figaro – montrera qu’inégalité(s) fonctionne, à la fois, comme un lieu d’observation, d’évaluation (...)
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    (3 other versions)Byllis.Pascale Chevalier - 2006 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 130 (2):834-869.
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    Détachement et décentrement : l’amour « impersonnel » d’Antigone au coeur de la cité.Pascale Devette - 2021 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 77 (1):61-81.
    Cet article compare deux interprétations de l’amour chez Antigone, celle de Martha Nussbaum, d’un côté, et celle de Simone Weil, de l’autre. Nussbaum considère qu’Antigone est froide, fermée et excessive, tandis que Weil observe chez Antigone une très rare et exigeante forme d’amour. Alors que Nussbaum défend une vision émotive et presque romantique de l’amour, Weil évoque un amour « impersonnel », dont l’ancrage n’est pas émotif. Ce type d’amour décentre de soi-même et a un effet extatique : il sort (...)
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  40.  10
    Que serait un travail social qui ne serait ni théologique, ni politique?: la psychanalyse apporte-t-elle une réponse humaniste?Pascale Bélot-Fourcade (ed.) - 2005 - Paris: Association lacanienne internationale.
  41.  17
    La foi au Christ dans l'Eglise éthiopienne: Une synthèse des éléments judéo-chrétiens et helléno-chrétiens.T. Hainthaler & S. Pascale-Dominique - 1997 - Revue des Sciences Religieuses 71 (3):395-398.
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    The Roar of a Tibetan Lion: Phya pa Chos kyi seng ge's Theory of Mind in Philosophical and Historical Perspective.Jonathan Stoltz & Pascale Hugon - 2019 - Vienna, Austria: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press.
    This book explores the contributions to the philosophy of mind made by the Tibetan Buddhist thinker Phya pa Chos kyi seng ge (1109–1169) in his seminal text, the “Dispeller of the Mind’s Darkness.” This study, which includes a critical edition and English translation of those portions of the “Dispeller” devoted to explicating the nature of mental episodes and their objects, contributes to a deeper understanding of Tibetan intellectual history, while also facilitating a wider appreciation of both Phya pa’s theory of (...)
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  43.  66
    The polarity effect of evaluative language.Lucien Baumgartner, Pascale Https://Orcidorg Willemsen & Kevin Https://Orcidorg Reuter - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology.
    Recent research on thick terms like “rude” and “friendly” has revealed a polarity effect, according to which the evaluative content of positive thick terms like “friendly” and “courageous” can be more easily canceled than the evaluative content of negative terms like “rude” and “selfish”. In this paper, we study the polarity effect in greater detail. We first demonstrate that the polarity effect is insensitive to manipulations of embeddings (Study 1). Second, we show that the effect occurs not only for thick (...)
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  44.  53
    Création du droit et rédaction des arrêts par la Cour de cassation.Pascale Deumier - 2007 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 50:49-75.
    Les arrêts de la Cour de cassation sont traditionnellement marqués par leur concision. Souvent justifiée par la fonction de cassation, cette rédaction pourrait être moins pertinente au regard du pouvoir créateur du juge. Ce pouvoir s’appuyant sur la mission d’interprétation uniforme de la Cour de cassation, la rédaction de la décision est ici envisagée à cette aune. L’interprétation de la règle générale pour son adaptation au cas est inéluctable et cette nécessité fonde largement le pouvoir créateur du juge. L’exercice de (...)
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    Mutual entailment between causation and responsibility.Justin Sytsma, Pascale Willemsen & Kevin Https://Orcidorg Reuter - 2023 - Philosophical Studies 180 (12):3593-3614.
    The standard view in philosophy is that responsibility entails causation. Most philosophers treat this entailment claim as an evident insight into the ordinary concepts of responsibility and causation. Further, it is taken to be equally obvious that the reversal of this claim does not hold: causation does not entail responsibility. In contrast, Sytsma and Livengood have put forward an account of the use of ordinary causal attributions (statements like “X caused Y”) that contends that they are typically used interchangeably with (...)
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    (1 other version)Lying, Deceptive Implicatures, and Commitment.Alex Wiegmann, Pascale Https://Orcidorg Willemsen & Jörg Meibauer - 2021 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 8.
    Deceptive implicatures are a subtle communicative device for leading someone into a false belief. However, it is widely accepted that deceiving by means of deceptive implicature does not amount to lying. In this paper, we put this claim to the empirical test and present evidence that the traditional definition of lying might be too narrow to capture the folk concept of lying. Four hundred participants were presented with fourteen vignettes containing utterances that communicate conversational implicatures which the speaker believes to (...)
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  47.  26
    Exploring the Meaning of Organizational Purpose at a New Dawn: The Development of a Conceptual Model Through Expert Interviews.Ramon van Ingen, Pascale Peters, Melanie De Ruiter & Henry Robben - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Organizational purpose has flourished in the professional management literature, yet despite increased scholarly interest, academic knowledge and empirical research on the topic remain scarce. Moreover, studies that have been conducted contain important oversights including the lack of a clear conceptualization and misinterpretations that hinder the further development and understanding of organizational purpose. In view of these shortcomings, our interview study aimed to contribute to academic and societal conversations on the contemporary meaning and function of organizational purpose considering the voices and (...)
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    Age effects on different components of theory of mind.Céline Duval, Pascale Piolino, Alexandre Bejanin, Francis Eustache & Béatrice Desgranges - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (3):627-642.
    The effects of aging on the cognitive and affective dimensions of theory of mind , and on the latter’s links with other cognitive processes, such as information processing speed, executive functions and episodic memory, are still unclear. We therefore investigated these effects in young , middle-aged and older adults , using separate subjective and objective assessment tasks. Furthermore, a novel composite task probed participants’ abilities to infer both cognitive and affective mental states in an interpersonal context. Although age affected the (...)
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  49.  53
    Moral emotions and the envisaging of mitigating circumstances for wrongdoing.Jared Piazza, Pascale Sophie Russell & Paulo Sousa - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (4):707-722.
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    About the influence of the presentation format on arithmetical-fact retrieval processes.Marie-Pascale Noël, Wim Fias & Marc Brysbaert - 1997 - Cognition 63 (3):335-374.
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