Results for 'Paolo Eleuteri'

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  1.  9
    A handbook of latin palaeography - (f.T.) Coulson, (r.G.) Babcock (edd.) The oxford handbook of latin palaeography. Pp. XXII + 1052, figs, ills, pls. New York: Oxford university press, 2020. Cased, £125, us$200. Isbn: 978-0-19-533694-8. [REVIEW]Paolo Eleuteri - 2021 - The Classical Review 71 (2):563-564.
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  2. Explanation in Mathematics.Paolo Mancosu - 2012 - In Ed Zalta, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, CA: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The philosophical analysis of mathematical explanations concerns itself with two different, although connected, areas of investigation. The first area addresses the problem of whether mathematics can play an explanatory role in the natural and social sciences. The second deals with the problem of whether mathematical explanations occur within mathematics itself. Accordingly, this entry surveys the contributions to both areas, it shows their relevance to the history of philosophy and science, it articulates their connection, and points to the philosophical pay-offs to (...)
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  3. The Philosophy of Mathematical Practice.Paolo Mancosu (ed.) - 2008 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    There is an urgent need in philosophy of mathematics for new approaches which pay closer attention to mathematical practice. This book will blaze the trail: it offers philosophical analyses of important characteristics of contemporary mathematics and of many aspects of mathematical activity which escape purely formal logical treatment.
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  4. Descriptions as variables.Paolo Santorio - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 164 (1):41-59.
    On a popular view dating back to Russell, descriptions, both definite and indefinite alike, work syntactically and semantically like quantifiers. I have an argument against Russell's view. The argument supports a different picture: descriptions can behave syntactically and semantically like variables. This basic idea can be implemented in very different systematic analyses, but, whichever way one goes, there will be a significant departure from Russell. The claim that descriptions are variables is not new: what I offer is a new way (...)
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    Neuromania: On the Limits of Brain Science.Paolo Legrenzi & Carlo Umilta - 2011 - Oxford University Press.
    Neuroeconomics, neuromarketing, neuroaesthetics, and neurotheology are just a few of the novel disciplines that have been inspired by a combination of ancient knowledge along with recent discoveries about how the human brain works.This fascinating and thought provoking new book critically questions our love affair with brain imaging.
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    Francis Bacon: from magic to science.Paolo Rossi - 1968 - [Chicago]: University of Chicago Press.
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  7. On Names.Paolo Leonardi & Ernesto Napoli - 1995 - In Paolo Leonardi & Marco Santambrogio, On Quine: New Essays. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 251-266.
  8. Francis Bacon: From Magic to Science.Paolo Rossi & Sacha Rabinovitch - 1968 - Philosophy 44 (170):352-353.
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    Angels and the general intellect: individuation in Duns Scotus and Gilbert Simondon.Paolo Virno - 2009 - Parrhesia 7:58-67.
  10.  80
    New wars and new soldiers: military ethics in the contemporary world.Paolo Tripodi & Jessica Wolfendale (eds.) - 2011 - Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
    Bringing together contributors from philosophy, international relations, security studies, and strategic studies, New Wars and New Soldiers offers a truly interdisciplinary analysis reflective of the nature of modern warfare. This comprehensive approach allows the reader to see the broad scope of modern military ethics, and to understand the numerous questions about modern conflict that require critical scrutiny. Aimed at both military and academic audiences, this paperback will be of significant interest to researchers and students in philosophy, sociology, military and strategic (...)
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    The Concept of Algorithm as an Interpretative Key of Modern Rationality.Paolo Totaro & Domenico Ninno - 2014 - Theory, Culture and Society 31 (4):29-49.
    According to Ernst Cassirer, the transition from the concept of substance to that of mathematical function as a guide of knowledge coincided with the end of ancient and the beginning of modern theoretical thought. In the first part of this article we argue that a similar transition has also taken place in the practical sphere, where mathematical function occurs in one of its specific forms, which is that of the algorithm concept. In the second part we argue that with the (...)
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  12. Predication.Paolo Leonardi - 2011 - Philosophical Papers Dedicated to Kevin Mulligan.
    In the sentence “Tom sits,” the name distinguishes Tom from anyone else, whereas the predicate assimilates Tom, Theaetetus, and anyone else to whom the predicate applies. The name marks out its bearer and the predicate groups together what it applies to. On that ground, his name is used to trace back Tom, and the predi- cate is used to describe and classify what it applies to. In both cases, the semantic link is a direct link between expressions and particulars. Here, (...)
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  13. The Church–Fitch knowability paradox in the light of structural proof theory.Paolo Maffezioli, Alberto Naibo & Sara Negri - 2012 - Synthese 190 (14):2677-2716.
    Anti-realist epistemic conceptions of truth imply what is called the knowability principle: All truths are possibly known. The principle can be formalized in a bimodal propositional logic, with an alethic modality ${\diamondsuit}$ and an epistemic modality ${\mathcal{K}}$, by the axiom scheme ${A \supset \diamondsuit \mathcal{K} A}$. The use of classical logic and minimal assumptions about the two modalities lead to the paradoxical conclusion that all truths are known, ${A \supset \mathcal{K} A}$. A Gentzen-style reconstruction of the Church–Fitch paradox is presented (...)
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    Bruno de Finetti and Imprecision.Paolo Vicig & Teddy Seidenfeld - unknown
    We review several of de Finetti’s fundamental contributions where these have played and continue to play an important role in the development of imprecise probability research. Also, we discuss de Finetti’s few, but mostly critical remarks about the prospects for a theory of imprecise probabilities, given the limited development of imprecise probability theory as that was known to him.
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    Fundamentals of Ontological Commitment.Paolo Valore - 2016 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Scientific literature on particular themes in ontology is extremely abundant, but it is often very hard for freshmen or sophomores to find a red thread between the various proposals. This text is an opinionated introduction, a preliminary text to research in ontology from the so called standard approach to ontological commitment, that is from the particular point of view that connects ontological questions to quantificational questions. It offers a survey of this viewpoint in ontology together with their possible applications through (...)
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  16. General Intellect.Paolo Virno - 2007 - Historical Materialism 15 (3):3-8.
    As part of the Historical Materialism research stream on immaterial labour, cognitive capitalism and the general intellect, begun in issue 15.1, this articles explores the importance of the expression 'general intellect', proposed by Marx in the Grundrisse, for an analysis of linguistic and intellectual work in contemporary capitalism. It links the notion of general intellect to the crisis of the law of value, the political significance of mass intellectuality, and the definition of democracy in a world where knowledge is a (...)
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    Il ricordo del presente: saggio sul tempo storico.Paolo Virno - 1999 - Torino: Bollati Boringhieri.
  18.  8
    La religione nella vita dello spirito.E. Paolo Lamanna, Domenico Pesce & Angelo Scivoletto - 1967 - Firenze,: F. Le Monnier. Edited by Domenico Pesce & Angelo Scivoletto.
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  19. San Tommaso.E. Paolo Lamanna - 1969 - Torino,: Edizioni di Filosofia.
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    Risks, causality, and the precautionary principle.Paolo Vineis & Micaela Ghisleni - 2004 - Topoi 23 (2):203-210.
  21.  52
    Wittgenstein on the Gulf Between Believers and Non-Believers.Paolo Tripodi - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (1):63-79.
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    ‘Spuntar lo scoglio più duro’: did Galileo ever think the most beautiful thought experiment in the history of science?Paolo Palmieri - 2005 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 36 (2):223-240.
    Still today it remains unclear whether Galileo ever climbed the leaning tower of Pisa in order to drop bodies from its top. Some believe that he established the principle of equal speeds for falling bodies by means of an ingenious thought experiment. However, the reconstruction of that thought experiment circulating in the philosophical literature is no more than a cartoon. In this paper I will tell the story of the thought processes behind the cartoon.Keywords: Galileo Galilei; Thought experiment; Falling bodies.
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    Philosophy, Technology, and the Arts in the Early Modern Era.Paolo Rossi & Benjamin Nelson - 1970 - Harper & Row.
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  24. Denotación y uso.Paolo Leonardi - 2003 - In J. J. Acero, L. Flores & A. Flórez, Viejos y nuevos pensamientos. Editorial Comares.
  25. The Act of Meaning.Paolo Leonardi - 2001 - In Giovanna Cosenza, Paul Grice's Heritage. Brepols Publishers. pp. 9--33.
    Speaker’s meaning is the act at the core of meaning shift, where meaning can be the very act or its output. What are its conditions, which intentions direct it? What’s its mechanics? I will give a first answer to the first question. Then, I will discuss the mechanics of speaker’s meaning, as well as meaningful links different from speaker’s meaning. This will bring me to surmise a second answer to the first question. Along the way, I will compare the act (...)
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  26. Wittgenstein and Moore.Paolo Leonardi - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (1):51-61.
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    Clavis Universalis. Arti Mnemoniche E Logica Combinatoria Da Lullo a Leibniz.Paolo Rossi - 1960 - Ricciardi.
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    A Note on the Equivalence of Coherence and Constrained Coherence.Paolo Vicig - 2016 - Minds and Machines 26 (3):303-305.
    Constrained coherence is compared to coherence and its role in the behavioural interpretation of coherence is discussed. The equivalence of these two notions is proven for coherent conditional previsions, showing that the same course of reasoning applies to several similar concepts developed in the realm of imprecise probability theory.
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    Algorithms and the Practical World.Paolo Totaro & Domenico Ninno - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (1):139-152.
    This article is both a comment on Neyland’s ‘On organizing algorithms’ and a supplementary note to our ‘The concept of algorithm as an interpretative key of modern rationality’. In the first part we discuss the concepts of algorithm and recursive function from a different perspective from that of our previous article. Our cultural reference for these concepts is once again computability theory. We give additional arguments in support of the idea that a culture informed by an algorithmic logic has promoted (...)
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  30. Definition and classification of cancer: Monothetic or polythetic?Paolo Vineis - 1993 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 14 (3).
    Since the microbiological revolution, most infectious diseases have been defined and classified according to an etiologic criterion, i.e. the identification of single, external necessary causes (for example, Mycobacterium for tuberculosis). This is not the case with cancer. Not only external necessary causes of cancer have not been identified, but also the morphological classification cannot be based on univocal criteria. Although neoplasia and anaplasia appear to be universal attributes of cancer, these events are only quantitative. Neoplastic growth can be fast or (...)
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    L’usage de la vie.Paolo Virno & Jean-Christophe Weber - 2015 - Multitudes 1 (1):143-158.
    Nous faisons usage de machines, de chaussures, de cartes, en vue de notre vie, de sa conservation et de son développement. Mais c’est la vie elle-même qui est avant tout « usable », et pour laquelle machines, chaussures, cartes sont utilisées. L’ usage de soi, de son existence, est le présupposé et la poutre maîtresse de tous les autres usages. Or l’usage de soi se fonde sur le détachement de soi. Est utilisée une existence à laquelle on ne peut pas (...)
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  32. God, Incarnation, and Metaphysics in Hegel’s Philosophy of Religion.Paolo Diego Bubbio - 2014 - Sophia 53 (4):515-33.
    In this article, I draw upon the ‘post-Kantian’ reading of Hegel to examine the consequences Hegel’s idea of God has on his metaphysics. In particular, I apply Hegel’s ‘recognition-theoretic’ approach to his theology. Within the context of this analysis, I focus especially on the incarnation and sacrifice of Christ. First, I argue that Hegel’s philosophy of religion employs a distinctive notion of sacrifice (kenotic sacrifice). Here, sacrifice is conceived as a giving up something of oneself to ‘make room’ for the (...)
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  33. A Myth to Kill a Myth? On McDowell's Interpretation of Sellars' Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind.Paolo Tripodi - 2012 - Theoria 79 (4):353-377.
    According to McDowell, in Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind the myth of Jones has the purpose of completing the account of experience that Sellars needs to argue against traditional empiricism. In particular, on McDowell's view the myth of Jones should explain how to conceive of non-inferentially knowable experiences as containing propositional claims. This article argues that the myth of Jones does not succeed in providing such an account, especially on McDowell's own terms: assuming McDowell's epistemological distinction between inferential and (...)
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    The Episteme of the Name of the Rose.Paolo Desogus - 2009 - Semiotics:253-261.
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    Anomalous Monism.Paolo Leonardi - 1999 - In Mario de Caro, Interpretations and Causes: New Perspectives on Donald Davidson’s Philosophy. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 285--117.
    In "The Measure of the Mental" (Davidson 1990), replying to a series of criticisms, that grow out of inadvertence or misunderstanding, Davidson has revisited his thesis concerning the physical and the mental, which he called "anomalous monism" (henceforth, AM). The thesis is subtle and elusive, as it is most often the case with Davidson: there is only one kind of event and state, which has a physical description (i.e., a description in physical terms) and may have a mental description too (...)
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    Moulène, Rancière and 24 Objets de Grève: Productive ambivalence or reifying opacity?Paolo Magagnoli - 2012 - Philosophy of Photography 3 (1):155-171.
    First exhibited in 1999, Jean-Luc Moulène's 24 Objets de Grève is a photographic archive printed in a range of different formats, portraying a variety of products made by French workers on strike between the 1970s and the 1990s. These comprise of scarves, T-shirts, dolls, geographical maps, cigarettes, facsimile banknotes, perfume bottles and other items. The objects were aimed at financially supporting the strikers and attracting the solidarity of the general public. Often destroyed after their use, they were not created with (...)
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    La geometria dell'anima: riflessioni su matematica ed etica in Platone.Paolo Pagani - 2012 - Napoli: Orthotes.
    Questo testo nasce da alcune indagini sul nesso tra matematica e filosofia in ambiente “accademico”. È interessante notare che l'esplorazione di tale nesso costituisce un felice tratto di continuità tra gli studi più classici e ...
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    Anima, mente e cervello: alle origini del problema mente-corpo, da Descartes all'Ottocento.Paolo Quintili (ed.) - 2009 - Milano: UNICOPLI.
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    Ars experientiam recte intelligendi: saggi filosofici.Paolo Valore (ed.) - 2004 - Monza (Milano): Polimetrica.
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    Russell's first theory of denoting and quantification.Paolo Dau - 1986 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 27 (1):133-166.
  41. L'edizione critico-sinottica delle due redazioni del Memoriale di Tommaso da Celano.Paolo Vian - 2011 - Miscellanea Francescana 111 (3-4):555-565.
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    What revolution means, and what it meant in 1789.Paolo Viola - 1992 - History of European Ideas 14 (1):35-47.
  43. Brill Online Books and Journals.Paolo Virno - 2007 - Historical Materialism 15 (3).
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    Les anges et le general intellect.Paolo Virno - 2001 - Multitudes 4 (4):33-45.
    More than any other philosopher, Duns Scotus and Simondon both gave extensive consideration to the relation between what is primarily common and what is primarily singular. Pointing to certain resonances between their ideas can help us to develop a theoretical model to decipher the mode of being of the contemporary multitude. This article deals with: 1. The critique that Duns Scotus and Simondon address to everyone who believes that the matter form pair can account for the process of individuation; 2. (...)
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    Speaking of the president.DanielC Hallin & Paolo Mancini - 1984 - Theory and Society 13 (6):829-850.
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    Davidson and the Wittgensteinians on Reasons and Causes.Paolo Tripodi - 2015 - In Danièle Moyal-Sharrock, Volker Munz & Annalisa Coliva, Mind, Language and Action: Proceedings of the 36th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 137-156.
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  47. Il principe.Niccolò Machiavelli & Paolo Rotta - 1899 - Firenze,: G. C. Sansoni. Edited by Francesco Costèro.
  48.  7
    Paragone degli ingegni moderni e postmoderni.Paolo Rossi - 2009 - Bologna: Il mulino.
  49. The Multitude and the Principle of Individuation.Paolo Virno - 2003 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 24 (2):133-145.
    Forms of contemporary life attest to the dissolution of the concept of the ‘people’ and the renewed importance of the idea of the ‘multitude’. Though they took center stage in the seventeenth century debate that spawned much of our ethico-political lexicon, these two notions are polar opposites. The ‘people’ is by its very nature centripetal. Converging towards a general will, it acts as an interface between citizens and the State. The ‘multitude’ is plural. Fleeing all political unity, it shuns negotiations (...)
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    Discussione su "Dell'incertezza. Tre meditazioni filosofiche" di Salvatore Veca.Eugenio Lecaldano, Paolo Parrini & Francesca Rigotti - 1998 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 11 (2):403-422.
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