Results for 'Palmer Colin'

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  1. The felt presence of other minds: Predictive processing, counterfactual predictions, and mentalising in autism.Colin J. Palmer, Anil K. Seth & Jakob Hohwy - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 36:376-389.
  2. Movement under uncertainty: The effects of the rubber-hand illusion vary along the nonclinical autism spectrum.Colin Palmer, Bryan Paton, Jakob Hohwy & Peter Enticott - forthcoming - Neuropsychologia.
    Recent research has begun to investigate sensory processing in relation to nonclinical variation in traits associated with the autism spectrum disorders (ASD). We propose that existing accounts of autistic perception can be augmented by considering a role for individual differences in top-down expectations for the precision of sensory input, related to the processing of state-dependent levels of uncertainty. We therefore examined ASD-like traits in relation to the rubber-hand illusion: an experimental paradigm that typically elicits crossmodal integration of visual, tactile, and (...)
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  3. Context sensitivity in action decreases along the autism spectrum: a predictive processing perspective.Colin Palmer, Bryan Paton, Melissa Kirkovski, Peter Enticott & Jakob Hohwy - unknown
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    Adaptation to other people’s eye gaze reflects habituation of high-level perceptual representations.Colin J. Palmer & Colin W. G. Clifford - 2018 - Cognition 180 (C):82-90.
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    A sparkle in the eye: Illumination cues and lightness constancy in the perception of eye contact.Colin J. Palmer, Yumiko Otsuka & Colin W. G. Clifford - 2020 - Cognition 205 (C):104419.
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  6. Individual Differences in Moral Behaviour: A Role for Response to Risk and Uncertainty?Colin J. Palmer, Bryan Paton, Trung T. Ngo, Richard H. Thomson, Jakob Hohwy & Steven M. Miller - 2012 - Neuroethics 6 (1):97-103.
    Investigation of neural and cognitive processes underlying individual variation in moral preferences is underway, with notable similarities emerging between moral- and risk-based decision-making. Here we specifically assessed moral distributive justice preferences and non-moral financial gambling preferences in the same individuals, and report an association between these seemingly disparate forms of decision-making. Moreover, we find this association between distributive justice and risky decision-making exists primarily when the latter is assessed with the Iowa Gambling Task. These findings are consistent with neuroimaging studies (...)
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  7. Equality, Efficiency, and Sufficiency: Responding to Multiple Parameters of Distributive Justice During Charitable Distribution.Colin J. Palmer, Bryan Paton, Linda Barclay & Jakob Hohwy - 2013 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 4 (4):659-674.
    Distributive justice decision making tends to require a trade off between different valued outcomes. The present study tracked computer mouse cursor movements in a forced-choice paradigm to examine for tension between different parameters of distributive justice during the decision-making process. Participants chose between set meal distributions, to third parties, that maximised either equality (the evenness of the distribution) or efficiency (the total number of meals distributed). Across different formulations of these dilemmas, responding was consistent with the notion that individuals tend (...)
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  8. Distrusting the present.Jakob Hohwy, Bryan Paton & Colin Palmer - 2016 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 15 (3):315-335.
    We use the hierarchical nature of Bayesian perceptual inference to explain a fundamental aspect of the temporality of experience, namely the phenomenology of temporal flow. The explanation says that the sense of temporal flow in conscious perception stems from probabilistic inference that the present cannot be trusted. The account begins by describing hierarchical inference under the notion of prediction error minimization, and exemplifies distrust of the present within bistable visual perception and action initiation. Distrust of the present is then discussed (...)
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  9. Social cognition as causal inference: implications for common knowledge and autism.Jakob Hohwy & Colin Palmer - 2014 - In Mattia Gallotti & John Michael, Objects in Mind. Dordrecht: Springer.
    This chapter explores the idea that the need to establish common knowledge is one feature that makes social cognition stand apart in important ways from cognition in general. We develop this idea on the background of the claim that social cognition is nothing but a type of causal inference. We focus on autism as our test-case, and propose that a specific type of problem with common knowledge processing is implicated in challenges to social cognition in autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This (...)
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    Face detection from patterns of shading and shadows: The role of overhead illumination in generating the familiar appearance of the human face.Colin J. Palmer, Erin Goddard & Colin W. G. Clifford - 2022 - Cognition 225 (C):105172.
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    Is there a ‘zone of eye contact’ within the borders of the face?Colin J. Palmer, Sophia G. Bracken, Yumiko Otsuka & Colin W. G. Clifford - 2022 - Cognition 220 (C):104981.
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    Adaptation to the Direction of Others’ Gaze: A Review.Colin W. G. Clifford & Colin J. Palmer - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Dynamic face mask enhances continuous flash suppression.Shui'er Han, David Alais & Colin Palmer - 2021 - Cognition 206 (C):104473.
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    Autism and the sensorimotor effects of the Rubber-Hand Illusion.Palmer Colin, Paton Bryan, Kirkovski Melissa, Enticott Peter & Hohwy Jakob - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Palmer House Hilton Hotel, Chicago, Illinois April 23–24, 2004.Warren Goldfarb, Erich Reck, Jeremy Avigad, Andrew Arana, Geoffrey Hellman, Colin McLarty, Dana Scott & Michael Kremer - 2004 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 10 (3).
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    The path to post-modernity, or, 'god is dead and we did it for the kids!'.Colin D. Pearce - unknown
    This paper attempts to present a 'time line' of the increasing levels of doubt and anxiety about the path of 'Progressive Civilization' from the heyday of Victorian liberalism in the early 19th Century to the rise of postmodernism in our day. It does so by tracking a line of thought through John Stuart Mill, Lord Bryce, Matthew Arnold, Henry Adams, Friedrich Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger and Walter Lippmann. It uses the quip coined by the Yippie leader Abbie Hoffmann in the 1960's (...)
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    Patient’s best interest as viewed by nursing students.Yusrita Zolkefli & Colin Chandler - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (8):1457-1466.
    Background In recent years, patient advocacy has emerged as a prominent concept within healthcare. How nursing students decide what is best for their patients is not well understood. Objective The objective is to examine nursing students' views on doing what is best for patients during their clinical experiences and how they seek to establish patient interests when providing care. Research questions guiding the interview were as follows: (1) What are nursing students' perceptions of patient interests? (2) What factors influence nursing (...)
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  18. The Travels and Adventures of St. Paul.Howard Palmer Young - 1948
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  19. The Philosopher in the Classroom: A Report from France.Colin Gordon & J. Rée - 1977 - Radical Philosophy 16:2-5.
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    Belief In and Belief That.Colin K. Grant - 1960 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 5:187-194.
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    Beyond Universal Pragmatics: Studies in the Philosophy of Communication.Colin B. Grant - 2010 - Peter Lang.
    The explicit ambition of this collection is to move `beyond' the Universal Pragmatics of Jurgen Habermas.
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    Destabilizing Social Communication Theory.Colin B. Grant - 2003 - Theory, Culture and Society 20 (6):95-119.
    An interaction paradigm continues to predominate in social communication models to this day and yet often tends to be heavily intuitive, epistemologically conservative and acritical. This article seeks to examine some of the implications for our intuitive understanding of interaction when greater instability is introduced into social communication theory where communication is conceptualized as a complex uncertainty. The theoretical architecture of this undertaking is in itself interdisciplinary, comprising concepts from the fields of social theory, logic, information theory and constructivism. In (...)
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    Homage to Henry Bugbee.Colin Grant - 2002 - Call to Earth 3 (1):21-24.
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  24. Introduction.Colin B. Grant - 2010 - In Beyond Universal Pragmatics: Studies in the Philosophy of Communication. Peter Lang.
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  25. Intersubjetividade: Necessidade Social ou Impossibilidade Cognitiva? Uma Contribuição ao Debate entre Habermas e Luhmann.Colin B. Grant - 1997 - Princípios 4 (5):5-27.
    In this essay I set out to problematize the concepts of intersubjectivity and interaction in the theories of Germany's two foremost social philosophers: Jiirgen Habermas and Niklas Luhmann. To do so, I shall briefly reconstruct Husserl's phenomenological concept of intersubjectivity and its relationship with rational horizons and lifeworlds. I shall then demonstrate the importance of Husserl's thought in the theory of (rational) communicative action in Habermas. The third section deals with the radical rethinking of the subject (and hence intersubjectivity) in (...)
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    Post-Transcendental Communication: Contexts of Human Autonomy.Colin B. Grant - 2008 - Peter Lang.
    In bringing intentions, understandings, meanings and interactions down to earth this book invites its readers to account for the complex communications between ...
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  27. Radical contextualism vs. universal pragmatics.Colin B. Grant - 2010 - In Beyond Universal Pragmatics: Studies in the Philosophy of Communication. Peter Lang.
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    Why should theology be unnatural?Colin Grant - 2007 - Modern Theology 23 (1):91-106.
    The recovery of theological integrity effected by Karl Barth has very much to do with his polemic against natural theology. Theology has regained credibility, however, at the price of being made unnatural, severed from the world in its own ecclesiastical sphere. This actually represents an indirect endorsement of natural theology inasmuch as the naturalistic understanding of the world is taken for granted as the way the world is. One result of this is the virtual abandonment of nature for theology, reflected (...)
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  29. Information Theory.Colin Cherry - 1957 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 8 (29):80-81.
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    An Economist's View of Chesterton.Colin Clark - 1976 - The Chesterton Review 2 (2):149-157.
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    Economic biases against sustainable development.Colin W. Clark - 1991 - In Robert Costanza, Ecological Economics: The Science and Management of Sustainability. Columbia University Press. pp. 319--330.
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    Interview with Paul Kurtz.Colin Hunter - 2002 - Philosophy Now 38:21-22.
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    The problem of logging in PNG.Colin Hunt - 1990 - Dialogue (Misc) 1 (1):3-7.
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  34. Forms, Dialectics and the Healthy Community: The British Idealists’ Receptions of Plato.Colin Tylercorresponding Author Centre For Idealism & School of Law the New Liberalism - 2018 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 100 (1).
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    The environment in the history of Ottoman Egypt: Alan Mikhail: Under Osman’s tree: The Ottoman Empire, Egypt, and environmental history, Chicago and London: Chicago University Press, 2017, 336pp, $45.00 E-book & Cloth.Colin Imber - 2017 - Metascience 27 (1):151-153.
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    Inborn knowledge: the mystery within.Colin McGinn - 2015 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    An argument that nativism is true and important but mysterious, examining the particular case of ideas of sensible qualities. In this book, Colin McGinn presents a concise, clear, and compelling argument that the origins of knowledge are innate—that nativism, not empiricism, is correct in its theory of how concepts are acquired. McGinn considers the particular case of sensible qualities—ideas of color, shape, taste, and so on. He argues that these, which he once regarded as the strongest case for the (...)
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    The diagnosis of scientism: Eric Voegelin and Michael Polanyi on science and philosophy.Colin Cordner - 2013 - Appraisal 9 (3).
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    Ethics, fiction, and the death of the other Sartre's `le mur'.Colin Davis - 1998 - Sartre Studies International 4 (1):1-16.
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    Copyright, pricing and market power: The great journals debate.Colin Day - 1995 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 6 (1):39-42.
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    The Relationship Between Analysis and Insight (Prajna) in Madhyamika Buddhism: Some Western Interpretations.Colin Dean - 1994 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 21 (4):347-353.
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    Letter to the Editor: A Dialogue Regarding Colin Ross' article “The Electrophysiological Basis of Evil Eye Belief”.Douglas Mesner & Colin A. Ross - 2011 - Anthropology of Consciousness 22 (2):103-105.
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    A Systematic Review of Arts-Based Interventions Delivered to Children and Young People in Nature or Outdoor Spaces: Impact on Nature Connectedness, Health and Wellbeing.Zoe Moula, Karen Palmer & Nicola Walshe - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundThe time that children and young people spend in nature and outdoor spaces has decreased significantly over the past 30 years. This was exacerbated with a further 60% decline post-COVID-19. Research demonstrating that natural environments have a positive impact on health and wellbeing has led to prescription of nature-based health interventions and green prescribing, although evidence for its use is predominantly limited to adults. Growing evidence also shows the impact of arts on all aspects of health and wellbeing. However, what (...)
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  43. Phenomenology and anthropology June, 1931.Thomas Sheehan & Richard E. Palmer - unknown
    [164] As is well known, over the last decade some of the younger generation of German philosophers have been gravitating with ever increasing speed toward philosophical anthropology. Currently Wilhelm Dilthey's philosophy of life, a new form of anthropology, exercises a great deal of influence. But even the so-called "phenomenological movement" has got caught up in this new trend, which alleges that the true foundation of philosophy lies in human being alone, and more specifically in a doctrine of the essence of (...)
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    Leo Strauss on Plato's Euthyphro ed. Hannes Kerber, and Svetozar Y. Minkov (review).Colin David Pears - 2024 - Review of Metaphysics 77 (3):550-552.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Leo Strauss on Plato's Euthyphro ed. Hannes Kerber, and Svetozar Y. MinkovColin David PearsKERBER, Hannes, and Svetozar Y. Minkov, editors. Leo Strauss on Plato's Euthyphro. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2023. vii + 231 pp. Cloth, $74.95; paper, $22.95Leo Strauss is an enigmatic figure in the landscape of political philosophy, deeply committed to the restoration of political philosophy as the premiere discipline in academia. He spent his (...)
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    Familiar and relative size cues and surface texture as determinants of relative distance judgments.Colin V. Newman - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 96 (1):37.
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    Not alwaysp.Colin M. Parkes - forthcoming - Journal of Palliative Care.
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    C.s. Lewis, democracy and modern relativism.Colin D. Pearce - unknown
    This short essay enters in the "Objectivism/Relativism" debate via the opposed vantage points of C.S. Lewis and Friedrich Nietzsche respectively. It highlights this opposition in terms of Lewis's identification of relativism with democracy and Nietzsche's association of it with aristocracy. Lewis connects the intellectual tendencies of democracy with hostility to tradition and virtue, both western and non-western, and therewith to the idea that moral values are "relative" and are ultimately rooted in individual and cultural preferences. Nietzsche on the other hand (...)
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  48.  15
    'My dear sir': Holmes to Simms on the present state of letters.Colin D. Pearce - unknown
    The focus of this paper is the correspondence between George Frederick Holmes and William Gilmore Simms. These two outstanding individuals had one of the more memorable friendships and collaborations in the intellectual history of the South. Holmes was a literary journalist, critic, essayist, commentator, appraiser, analyst, moralist and reviewer whose output in these forms over a long career was prodigious. He was as an outstanding contributor to various journals and periodicals, some of which were edited by Simms and within which (...)
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    Napoleonic ambition versus Jeffersonian virtue: The case of Lewis Rand.Colin D. Pearce - unknown
    This paper undertakes to give a reading of Mary Johnston's 1908 historical novel entitled Lewis Rand. The novel tells the story of a young Virginia man who receives a Jeffersonian education - literally - Lewis Rand is educated by Thomas Jefferson "in person." The young man later breaks with the great man over the character of his own political ambition and the limits which would be put upon this ambition if he were to continue in his adherence to Jeffersonian principles. (...)
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  50.  17
    President Hayes - nihilist?Colin D. Pearce - unknown
    This short essay connects President Rutherford B. Hayes (1822 - 1893) with the thought of Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882). It shows that President Hayes was an avid reader of Emerson and that he thought in Emersonian terms when he considered political questions. In private letters Hayes was wont to describe himself with the unusual term 'nihilist.' His use of this appellation has to be understood in the context of the times. What he meant was that he had been (...)
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