Results for 'Pablo Aragón'

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  1.  21
    Cristianismo y Comunidades: la construcción de la Utopía.Pablo Augusto Guerra Aragone - 2000 - Arbor 165 (652):671-695.
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    Decidim: redes políticas y tecnopolíticas para la democracia participativa.Xabier Barandiaran, Antonio Calleja, Arnau Monterde, Pablo Aragón, Juan Linares, Carol Romero & Andrés Pereira - 2017 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 21:137-150.
    Decidim es una plataforma digital de democracia participativa desarrollada por el Ajuntament de Barcelona. Decidim es, además, un proyecto tecnopolítico que implica multitud de códigos más allá del informático. Distinguimos tres planos analíticos que sirven para conceptualizar de forma holística y sistemática el proyecto Decidim: un plano político, uno tecnopolítico, y un plano técnico. Decidim emerge como ejemplo de lo que denominamos “redes políticas” caracterizadas, frente a las “redes sociales”, por hacer del vínculo político y la construcción de inteligencia y (...)
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    Sobre el mimo bizantino: Pródromos y su Amaranto.Pablo A. Cavallero - 2022 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 26 (1):87-121.
    It is presented here a Spanish version of the Prodromus’ text 146 Hörandner, with footnotes and a study, on the basis of the Migliorini’s edition with some little modifications. It is postulated that this text is a literary mime, which performance was made in a social gathering, a Byzantine θέατρον.
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  4. Reaching Transparent Truth.Pablo Cobreros, Paul Égré, David Ripley & Robert van Rooij - 2013 - Mind 122 (488):841-866.
    This paper presents and defends a way to add a transparent truth predicate to classical logic, such that and A are everywhere intersubstitutable, where all T-biconditionals hold, and where truth can be made compositional. A key feature of our framework, called STTT (for Strict-Tolerant Transparent Truth), is that it supports a non-transitive relation of consequence. At the same time, it can be seen that the only failures of transitivity STTT allows for arise in paradoxical cases.
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    Sodoma y el barón Haussman: Por una deslocalización queer.Pablo Pérez Navarro - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 34 (61):267-286.
    Resumen La discusión de las políticas culturales del duelo ofrecida por Judith Butler tras los atentados del 11 de septiembre servirá aquí para cuestionar las fracturas sexuales, genéricas y raciales, entre otras, que rigen la inteligibilidad cultural de la vulnerabilidad compartida en contextos pandémicos. Esta revisión de la idea de comunidad se pondrá en relación con el desarrollo de la medicina social urbana explorado por Michel Foucault para deslocalizar la resistencia a los procesos de estigmatización y normalización puestos en marcha (...)
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  6. Kantian Dignity and Marxian Socialism.Pablo Gilabert - 2017 - Kantian Review 22 (4):553-577.
    This paper offers an account of human dignity based on a discussion of Kant's moral and political philosophy and then shows its relevance for articulating and developing in a fresh way some normative dimensions of Marx’s critique of capitalism as involving exploitation, domination, and alienation, and the view of socialism as involving a combination of freedom and solidarity. What is advanced here is not Kant’s own conception of dignity, but an account that partly builds on that conception and partly criticizes (...)
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  7. Dignity at Work.Pablo Gilabert - 2018 - In Hugh Collins, Gillian Lester & Virginia Mantouvalou (eds.), Philosophical Foundations of Labour Law. Oxford University Press. pp. 68-86.
    This paper offers a justification of labor rights based on an interpretation of the idea of human dignity. According to the dignitarian approach, we have reason to organize social life in such a way that we respond appropriately to the valuable capacities of human beings that give rise to their dignity. That dignity is a deontic status in virtue of which people are owed certain forms of respect and concern. Dignity at work involves the treatment of people in accordance to (...)
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    The Boundary Problem in Democratic Theory: A Methodological Approach.Pablo Magaña - 2024 - Res Publica 30 (2):305-322.
    How should political power and influence be allocated in democratic systems? That is, roughly, the core of the boundary problem in democratic theory. As of late, some authors have begun paying increased attention to the methodological aspects of this dispute. This paper attempts to make a twofold contribution to this ‘methodological turn’. On the one hand, it identifies and analyzes five desiderata of a successful principle of democratic inclusion. Any such principle, I argue, must be grounded in a clearly identifiable (...)
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  9.  19
    Negatividad y espectáculo. Marx, Adorno y Debord.Pablo Fuster González - 2023 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 25:365-388.
    Se presenta a continuación un estudio comparativo entre Theodor W. Adorno y Guy Debord a través del tratamiento de los puntos nucleares de su pensamiento, abarcando desde sus respectivas críticas al modo de producción capitalista hasta el problema de la organización y la praxis, pasando por otras cuestiones de índole más filosófica como la dialéctica sujeto-objeto o ciertas consideraciones estéticas. El eje articulador de la comparación será, por su parte, la influencia de la obra de Karl Marx en estos autores (...)
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    Different Paths to Collaboration Between Businesses and Civil Society and the Role of Third Parties.Daniel Arenas, Pablo Sanchez & Matthew Murphy - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 115 (4):723-739.
    In this article, we suggest that one of the unexplored paths toward collaboration between firms and civil society organizations starts with confrontation or potential conflict, and that the transition toward collaboration can be further understood if one focuses on triadic relationships rather than dyadic ones. We analyze the presence of third parties and their different roles to explain how collaboration is facilitated. The article aims at bringing together the bodies of research on business–civil society confrontation and on business–civil society collaboration. (...)
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    Decision conflict drives reaction times and utilitarian responses in sacrificial dilemmas.Alejandro Rosas, Juan Pablo Bermúdez & David Aguilar-Pardo - 2019 - Judgment and Decision Making 14:555-564.
    In the sacrificial moral dilemma task, participants have to morally judge an action that saves several lives at the cost of killing one person. According to the dual process corrective model of moral judgment suggested by Greene and collaborators (2001; 2004; 2008), cognitive control is necessary to override the intuitive, deontological force of the norm against killing and endorse the utilitarian perspective. However, a conflict model has been proposed more recently to account for part of the evidence in favor of (...)
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  12. (1 other version)Grounding is Not Superinternal.Pablo Carnino - 2016 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 5 (4):24-32.
    Whenever a fact P grounds another fact Q, one may ask why that is so. Karen Bennett and Louis deRosset independently argue that grounding facts—such as the fact that P grounds Q—are always grounded in their grounds-part. Bennett calls this the view that grounding is superinternal. My aim in this paper is to argue that grounding is not superinternal. I will do so by showing that superinternality, together with some widely accepted formal features of grounding—namely, transitivity and necessitation—yield implausible claims (...)
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    Tolerant reasoning: nontransitive or nonmonotonic?Pablo Cobreros, Paul Egré, Dave Ripley & Robert van Rooij - 2017 - Synthese 199 (Suppl 3):681-705.
    The principle of tolerance characteristic of vague predicates is sometimes presented as a soft rule, namely as a default which we can use in ordinary reasoning, but which requires care in order to avoid paradoxes. We focus on two ways in which the tolerance principle can be modeled in that spirit, using special consequence relations. The first approach relates tolerant reasoning to nontransitive reasoning; the second relates tolerant reasoning to nonmonotonic reasoning. We compare the two approaches and examine three specific (...)
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    Las Parábolas de los Talentos (Mt 25,14-30) y de las Minas (Lc 19,11-28). Estudio comparativo y exegético.Pablo Antonio Díez Herrera - 2023 - Isidorianum 12 (24):273-316.
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    A Study of Why Anomic Employees Harm Co-workers: Do Uncompassionate Feelings Matter?Pablo Zoghbi-Manrique-de-Lara & Rita M. Guerra-Báez - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (4):1117-1132.
    Although anomic feelings have been found to lead employees to unethical performance, little is known about why this relationship is possible. The aim of this study is to test a compassion-based explanation of why anomic employees harm co-workers by displaying interpersonal deviance. The prediction is made that once sociological anomie enters organizations in the form of employees’ private feelings of anomie—i.e., “anomia”—, this anomia will individually move staff to be uncompassionate in the workplace. Three uncompassionate feelings toward co-workers are then (...)
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  16. A Broad Definition of Agential Power.Pablo Gilabert - 2018 - Journal of Political Power 11 (1):79-92.
    Can we develop a definition of power that is satisfactorily determinate but also enables rather than foreclose important substantive debates about how power relations proceed and should proceed in social and political life? I present a broad definition of agential power that meets these desiderata. On this account, agents have power with respect to a certain outcome (including, inter alia, the shaping of certain social relations) to the extent that they can voluntarily determine whether that outcome occurs. This simple definition (...)
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    Strong density of definable types and closed ordered differential fields.Quentin Brouette, Pablo Cubides Kovacsics & Françoise Point - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (3):1099-1117.
    The following strong form of density of definable types is introduced for theoriesTadmitting a fibered dimension functiond: given a modelMofTand a definable setX⊆Mn, there is a definable typepinX, definable over a code forXand of the samed-dimension asX. Both o-minimal theories and the theory of closed ordered differential fields are shown to have this property. As an application, we derive a new proof of elimination of imaginaries for CODF.
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  18. A Guide to Kant’s Treatment of Grace.Pablo Muchnik & Lawrence Pasternack - 2017 - Con-Textos Kantianos 6:256-271.
    This Guide is designed to restore the theological background that informs Kant’s treatment of grace in Religion to its rightful place. This background is essential not only to understand the nature of Kant’s overall project in this book, namely, to determine the “association” or “union” between Christianity (as a historical faith) and rational religion, but also to dispel the impression of “internal contradictions” and conundrums” that contemporary interpreters associate with Kant’s treatment of grace and moral regeneration. That impression, we argue, (...)
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    Commercially-Oriented Technoscience and the Need for Multi-Strategic Research.Hugh Lacey & Pablo R. Mariconda - 2022 - In Helena Mateus Jerónimo (ed.), Portuguese Philosophy of Technology: Legacies and contemporary work from the Portuguese-Speaking Community. Springer Verlag. pp. 321-336.
    We begin by a summary of the standardized version of the model of the interaction between scientific activities and values (elaborated fully in Lacey and Mariconda, 2015), and based on it we argue that there is a profound incoherence in the self- understanding of the modern scientific tradition, and that the main options actually available to ensure continuity with the positive realizations of this tradition can be well represented by two sorts of ideal types that we name, respectively,“commercially orientated technoscience” (...)
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    (2 other versions)Claudia Gutiérrez, Patrice Vermeren y Carlos Ruiz. Crítica, utopía y política. Lecturas de Miguel Abensour.Juan Pablo Yáñez - 2015 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 71:201-204.
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    La producción de vacunas en el Instituto Bacteriológico del Departamento Nacional de Higiene: racionalidades sanitaria, comercial y científico-técnica.Juan Pablo Zabala & Nicolás Facundo Rojas - 2022 - Astrolabio 29:1-34.
    El artículo analiza la producción de vacunas en el Instituto Bacteriológico del Departamento Nacional de Higiene de Argentina entre 1913 y 1921. Durante estos años, bajo la dirección del bacteriólogo austríaco Rudolf Kraus, la producción de vacunas fue una apuesta central de las actividades del IB. Para ello, presentamos una reconstrucción de los diferentes aspectos sociales y cognitivos involucrados en estos desarrollos, tales como la selección de los productos, de las técnicas utilizadas, del alcance que tuvieron en su distribución y (...)
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    Aura & Transvestment1.Pablo Somonte Ruano - 2021 - Technoetic Arts 19 (3):365-381.
    Aura & Transvestment is a transmedia project consisting of a series of generative images, an experimental form of cryptomedia and a video essay. By describing its own powers and contradictions, the work explores notions of value, ownership, authenticity, artificial scarcity and abundance in the digital realm. The project is a critical analysis of non-fungible tokens used as proof of ownership for digital art, taking Walter Benjamin’s concept of aura as a starting point. It argues that, for tokenized art, cryptography serves (...)
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  23. Antropocentrismo en la filosofía de Michele Federico Sciacca.Pablo Emanuel García - 2012 - Etiam 7 (7):69-102.
    El tema del hombre ha sido el centro de la reflexión filosófica de los últimos siglos, siendo motivo de debate desde comienzos de la modernidad. El filósofo italiano Michele Federico Sciacca (1908-1975) tuvo conciencia clara de esto, estableciendo que la filosofía debe ser ontología y, sobre todo, ontología del hombre como existente. Esto para él significa, por lo menos, dos cosas: que el autoconocimiento es el punto de partida en el estudio filosófico y que desde el conocimiento del hombre concreto, (...)
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  24. Construyendo un espacio teórico: una aproximación bibliografía a la investigación para la paz en España.Mariano Aguirre Ernst & Pablo Carbajosa - 1993 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 2:99-122.
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    El espacio lógico de lo humano (... Y las tradiciones analítica Y continental).Juan Pablo Hernandez - 2012 - Universitas Philosophica 29 (58):331-351.
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    Facts, norms, and dignity.Pablo Gilabert - 2019 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 22 (1):34-54.
    There are three ways in which descriptive claims stating non-normative facts might bear on normative claims such as principles of social justice and human rights. They may identify (a) specific occasions that trigger application, (b) conditions of feasible implementation, and (c) certain sources of value. The first relation is obvious but important: norms cannot be applied without stating circumstances that make their application relevant. The second relation is also important, as norms that cannot be fulfilled are deficient for guiding social (...)
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  27. New Horizons in Philosophy of Mind. Interview with Prof. Dan Zahavi.Dan Zahavi & Pablo Emanuel García - 2018 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 29:400-409.
    Esta entrevista tiene como objetivo mostrar los aportes de la fenomenología de Dan Zahavi a algunas temáticas fundamentales de filosofía de la mente. El filósofo danés expresa su interés en vincular la fenomenología con otras disciplinas y comenta su último proyecto, dedicado al vínculo intersubjetivo. Además, explica su posición con respecto a la naturalización de la fenomenología, la importancia de desarrollar una filosofía de la mente desde la perspectiva de primera persona, y la cuestión del idealismo husserliano y su vínculo (...)
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    Is There Common Ground between Anthropocentrists and Nonanthropocentrists?Juan Pablo Hernández Betancur - 2019 - Environmental Ethics 41 (2):99-114.
    Despite the fact that their disagreement concerns the most basic metaethical and metaphysical questions regarding our relation to nature, it has become apparent that many anthropocentrists share with nonanthropocentrists a concern for the environment for its own sake, that is to say, a noninstrumental concern for nature. This concern is also present in practical spheres of environmental engagement. With regard to the philosophical task of justifying the claim that we ought to protect nature, this concern imposes on those that share (...)
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    Eduardo Grüner. El sitio de la mirada || Horacio Banega (ed.). Cuerpo: escena, voz y plástica.Sol Bidon-Chanal & Pablo Dreizik - forthcoming - Boletín de Estética.
    Eduardo Grüner. El sitio de la mirada. Secretos de la imagen, silencios del arte. Bahía Blanca: 17grises. Colección Mundus, 2022, 460 páginas. Horacio Banega (ed.). Cuerpo: escena, voz y plástica. Bogotá: Editorial Aula de Humanidades. Colección “Fenomenología y Hermenéutica”, 2022, 290 páginas.
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    Pensando el amor: la propuesta de Harry G. Frankfurt.Gabriel Aragón Aranda - 2024 - Pensamiento 79 (304):903-920.
    El presente trabajo se propone subrayar la relevancia filosófica del amor acudiendo al desarrollo analítico que del mismo realiza Harry G. Frankfurt. Para ello nos valdremos de la categorización que establece Bennett Helm y encuadraremos la teoría de Frankfurt dentro de una categoría concreta: la del amor como «gran preocupación» [«robust concern»]. Esto nos servirá para atender a la psicología moral de dicho autor y al peso decisivo que el amor juega en la misma; revestido aquel, como afirma Frankfurt, de (...)
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    Knowledge Production, Mobilization and Standardization in Chile’s HidroAysén Case.Claudio Broitman & Pablo Kreimer - 2018 - Minerva 56 (2):209-229.
    The Aysén Hydroelectric Project in Chilean Patagonia proposed the construction of the country’s largest power facility to supply its capital, nearly 2,000 kilometres away. We seek to explain the way science, politics, law, business and the civilian population are joined up. To this end, we analyse the project’s evolution, the construction of techno-scientific arguments by the participants and how Chilean regulations are adapting to this process.
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    Tableau Systems for Deontic Action Logics Based on Finite Boolean Algebras, and Their Complexity.Pablo F. Castro - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (2):229-251.
    We introduce a family of tableau calculi for deontic action logics based on finite boolean algebras, these logics provide deontic operators which are applied to a finite number of actions ; furthermore, in these formalisms, actions can be combined by means of boolean operators, this provides an expressive algebra of actions. We define a tableau calculus for the basic logic and then we extend this calculus to cope with extant variations of this formalism; we prove the soundness and completeness of (...)
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  33. Relaciones Sociales, Conflicto e Historia. Una Interpretación de 'Dialéctica' en Marx.Pablo Gilabert - 1998 - In Maria Luisa Femenias (ed.), Cuatro concepciones de Dialéctica. La Plata: Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. pp. 117-146.
  34. Scott R. Stroud: Kant and the Promise of Rhetoric.Pablo Muchnik - 2014 - Kant-Studien: Philosophische Zeitschrift der Kant-Gesellschaft 108 (4).
    Publications in the Kant-Studien have a dual focus: firstly contributions to the interpretation, history and editorial questions of Kant’s philosophy, and secondly systematic debates on transcendental philosophy. In addition, there are investigations on Kant’s precursors and on the effects of his philosophy. The journal also contains a documentation section, in which the current state of research is indicated by means of a continually updated bibliography with reviews and references.
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    Pensar lo impensable: experiencia religiosa y fenómeno en E. Levinas.Juan Pablo Viola - 2024 - Enfoques 36 (2):75-95.
    Tradicionalmente, la relación entre el yo y la experiencia se ha entendido a través de la conciencia, que no solo experimenta sino que también “crea” la experiencia, reflejando una noción arraigada desde Aristóteles. Para la filosofía moderna, la conciencia tiene la capacidad de categorizar y comprender lo percibido. Desde la perspectiva de Levinas, la conciencia y la comprensión se ven como actividad y poder simultáneamente. Sin embargo, surge la pregunta: ¿Es la experiencia de un objeto finito comparable a la experiencia (...)
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  36. Huellas en la autonomia. Algunas notas sobre criticas de Hegel a Kant.Pablo Gilabert - 1996 - Dialektica 1996 (8):93-115.
  37. On the alleged Vacuity of Kant's Concept of Evil.Pablo F. Muchnik - 2006 - Kant Studien 97 (4):430-451.
    In recent years, there has been a growing interest in Kant's doctrine of radical evil, arising from as diverse quarters as philosophy, psychoanalysis and the social sciences. This interest has contributed to the revival of the notion of evil, which had been displaced from the center of philosophical discussion in the 20th century. A common trait in the recent literature is that it takes the relevance of the use of the concept of evil for granted. Yet, before understanding what Kant (...)
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    El lenguaje de la ciencia y de su divulgación en la revista argentina Ciencia e Investigación.Pablo Von Stecher - 2017 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 27 (2):198-210.
    Sponsored by the Argentine Association for the Progress of Sciences, Ciencia e Investigación magazine released its first issue in 1945. In order to circulate the discoveries in the areas of medical and natural sciences, and to instruct on scientific thought, the magazine was introduced as a knowledge disseminating one and attempted to address a general audience. However, during its first publication decade the CEI editors faced two challenges related to scientific communication. On the one hand, they exhibited the conflicts implied (...)
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  39.  26
    Subjetividad e historia en el debate Foucault-Derrida.Pablo Martín Routier - 2023 - Tópicos 45:e0056.
    El presente artículo se propone analizar el debate que enfrentó a Jacques Derrida y Michel Foucault en torno a la Historia de la locura escrita por este último. En primer lugar, se ofrecerá una reconstrucción de las posiciones y argumentos sostenidos por cada autor, poniendo de relieve la problemática en torno a los modos de pensar y escribir la historia por parte de cada uno. En segundo lugar, se intentará aportar una respuesta diferente a la dada por Foucault en 1972 (...)
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    Through the convex Looking Glass: A Helmholtzian lesson for the connection between dynamics and chronogeometry in spacetime theories.Pablo Acuña - 2025 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 109 (C):31-46.
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    La vida buena: dossier.Pablo Pino Posada, Horacio Manrique Tisnés & Belén Altuna Lizaso - 2024 - Co-herencia 21 (40):9-12.
    A juzgar por los artículos aquí publicados, es posible nombrar para el ámbito de las humanidades por lo menos tres tendencias en la reflexión contemporánea sobre la vida buena. En primer lugar, resulta manifiesta la perspectiva crítica desde la que se aborda el problema propuesto. De un lado, una serie de artículos desmitifican escenarios, prácticas y estados que tradicionalmente se han considerado propicios, cuando no paradigmáticos, para la persecución de la vida plena. De otro lado, varias contribuciones acuden al subgénero (...)
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    Práticas de conversão e obras missionárias.Pablo Martín Pietro & Leandro Alves Teodoro - 2023 - Horizonte 20 (63):206302-206302.
    Em 1377, o célebre bispo de Oviedo, Gutierre Gómez de Toledo, celebrou um sínodo reformista em que se promulgaram diretrizes para a ação do clero, incluindo uma constituição sobre a ação catequética na diocese. Apregoava o prelado que “como, segundo as ordenações dos santos padres, a principal carga e cura devem haver os que têm alguns súditos” consistia em ensiná-los as lições pelas quais seriam salvos”. Por isso, os arciprestes e curas eram obrigados a apresentar “aos seus súditos e paroquianos (...)
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    El secreto de la democracia. Un ejercicio de atención a la dimensión plástica del texto filosófico.Pablo Solari Goic - 2023 - Otrosiglo 7 (1):68-90.
    Se propone una lectura de los textos del filósofo chileno Carlos Ruiz Schneider que presta atención a las citas que contiene y asume que éstas exceden su uso ilustrativo y autorizador, para funcionar como modo de expresión estético-político de un pensar filosófico comprometido con una democracia radical. Para ello se proyectan y reformulan categorías de análisis de crítica cultural y artística extraídas del trabajo de Nelly Richards (complementadas con aportes de la filosofía contemporáneas: Heidegger, Derrida, Foucault y Butler), pertinentes para (...)
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    Nonlinear risks: a unified framework.Pablo Gutiérrez Cubillos & Roberto Pastén - 2022 - Theory and Decision 95 (1):11-32.
    We study the conditions under which increasing risk raises the optimal control variable when the budget constraint is nonlinear. In contrast to the case when the budget constraint is linear, nonlinearities alter the risk attitudes of the economic agent; that is, the agent’s risk behavior is driven by the interaction between the shape of the utility function and the shape of the budget constraint. This paper complements the classical literature with linear payoff functions in two important ways. First, we derive (...)
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  45. Response to my Critics.Pablo Gilabert - 2013 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 8 (2):121-132.
  46. Ethical issues of organ donation after circulatory death: Considerations for a successful implementation in Chile.Pablo Pérez Castro & Sofía P. Salas - 2021 - Developing World Bioethics 22 (4):259-266.
    Organ transplantation is a lifesaving procedure for end-organ damage and remains up to today as the most cost-effective alternative to treat these conditions. However, the main limitation to performing organ transplants is the availability of donor organs suitable for transplantation. To increase the donor pool, expanding organ donation from the conventional neurologic determination of death (NDD) to include circulatory determination of death (DCD) has been a well-established method of increasing donors in other countries. In this article, we discuss the clinical (...)
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    Some Challenges for Moreau's Theory of Wrongful Discrimination.Pablo Gilabert - 2024 - Dialogue 63 (1):21-29.
    At the heart of Sophia Moreau’s theory of wrongful discrimination is the moral duty to treat others as equals. This article raises some challenges regarding the contours of this duty and suggests some ways to make the theory stronger. In particular, it suggests that we incorporate a cosmopolitan view of the duty’s scope, that we illuminate the features at the basis of individuals’ equal moral status to determine its grounds, and that we identify some considerations about important interests to articulate (...)
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    Estudiar los aportes epistemológicos de la agroecología en Bucaramanga -Colombia-.Pablo Lleral Lara Calderón & Jose Vicente Portilla Martínez - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 19 (3):1-12.
    El sector agrícola fue preparado para que adoptara agroquímicos foráneos basados en el desabastecimiento de alimentos, lo que en apariencia revolucionó la actividad agrícola, para una mejor calidad de vida. Los objetivos del proyecto se basan en lo siguiente: revisar fuentes documentales para conocer la episteme actual de la agroecología, clasificar la información en secciones, construir el discurso con base en el objeto de estudio, analizar los resultados documentales. La investigación es cualitativa, la metodología es de corte documental basada en (...)
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    Gödel–Dummett linear temporal logic.Juan Pablo Aguilera, Martín Diéguez, David Fernández-Duque & Brett McLean - 2025 - Artificial Intelligence 338 (C):104236.
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    Caminar hacia la unidad: El ecumenismo según Joseph Ratzinger.Pablo Blanco Sarto - 2023 - Isidorianum 32 (2):105-132.
    La Iglesia es para Ratzinger una red de comunidades eucarísticas que miran a Roma, en las que la palabra y el ministerio son agentes de comunión eclesial. La esposa de Cristo es el pueblo convocado por Dios que se reúne en torno a la palabra y los sacramentos, especialmente alrededor del cuerpo eucarístico. Los conceptos de sucesión apostólica, del episcopado y del correlativo primado resultan nucleares. Por eso el diálogo teológico con otras confesiones cristianas se centra en torno a los (...)
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