Results for 'P. Redondo Sanchez'

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  1. La confrontación del joven Heidegger con la tradición.P. Redondo Sanchez - 1999 - Ciencia Tomista 126 (2):259-281.
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  2. Heidegger's unfulfilled project. The explanation of formal indication in'Introduccion a la fenomenologia de la religion'(1920-1921). [REVIEW]P. Redondo Sanchez - 2001 - Pensamiento 57 (217):3-23.
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    Local Prefrontal Cortex TMS-Induced Reactivity Is Related to Working Memory and Reasoning in Middle-Aged Adults.María Redondo-Camós, Gabriele Cattaneo, Ruben Perellón-Alfonso, Vanessa Alviarez-Schulze, Timothy P. Morris, Javier Solana-Sanchez, Goretti España-Irla, Selma Delgado-Gallén, Catherine Pachón-García, Sergiu Albu, Henrik Zetterberg, Josep M. Tormos, Alvaro Pascual-Leone & David Bartres-Faz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionThe prefrontal cortex plays a crucial role in cognition, particularly in executive functions. Cortical reactivity measured with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation combined with Electroencephalography is altered in pathological conditions, and it may also be a marker of cognitive status in middle-aged adults. In this study, we investigated the associations between cognitive measures and TMS evoked EEG reactivity and explored whether the effects of this relationship were related to neurofilament light chain levels, a marker of neuroaxonal damage.MethodsFifty two healthy middle-aged adults from (...)
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  4. Heidegger y la fenomenología de la religión a principios de los años veinte.Pablo Redondo Sánchez - 1999 - Estudios Filosóficos 48 (138):303-328.
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    Long-interval intracortical inhibition in primary motor cortex related to working memory in middle-aged adults.María Redondo-Camós, Gabriele Cattaneo, Vanessa Alviarez-Schulze, Selma Delgado-Gallén, Goretti España-Irla, Javier Solana-Sanchez, Ruben Perellón-Alfonso, Sergiu Albu, José M. Tormos, Alvaro Pascual-Leone & David Bartres-Faz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionExcitability of the primary motor cortex measured with TMS has been associated with cognitive dysfunctions in patient populations. However, only a few studies have explored this relationship in healthy adults, and even fewer have considered the role of biological sex.MethodsNinety-seven healthy middle-aged adults completed a TMS protocol and a neuropsychological assessment. Resting Motor Threshold and Long-Interval Intracortical Inhibition were assessed in the left motor cortex and related to attention, episodic memory, working memory, reasoning, and global cognition composite scores to evaluate (...)
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  6. La confrontación del joven Haidegger con la tradición.Pablo Redondo SÁnchez - 1999 - Ciencia Tomista 126 (2):259-282.
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    Heidegger ante la fenomenología de Husserl.Pablo Redondo Sánchez - 1999 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 4:113-131.
    Heidegger ha ejercido una crítica constante de la fenomenología de Husserl desde el momento en que empezó a impartir sus primeras lecciones académcias. Uno de los momentos culminantes de este proceso es "prolegomena zur Geschichte des Zeitbegriffs", el curso del verano de 1925. Haciendo un análisis detallado de la fenomenología de la conciencia de Husserl, Heidegger denuncia que los presupuestos en los que aquélla se apoya la acercan a la filosofía tradicional y la alejan de sus pretensiones iniciales. La "fascinación (...)
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  8. El deber de informar: análisis crítico del discurso informativo.P. Sánchez-Bravo Cenjor - 1995 - Diálogo Filosófico 33:353-362.
    Un análisis crítico del discurso informativo en los medios de comunicación a nivel internacional, lleva al autor a recurrir a tres pensadores: Aristóteles, Nietzsche y Fichte para, a través de una interpretación de tres grandes obras, promover una fundamentación, marcando unos límites, de las ciencias de la información. La Retórica, la Gaya Ciencia y la Doctrina de la Ciencia, aportan unas nuevas funciones a la técnica de informar, secuestrada globalmente por el poder, en una lucha por el control de la (...)
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    Homenaje al P. Gabriel del Estal.P. Carlos J. Sánchez Díaz - 2009 - Ciudad de Dios 222 (1):9-10.
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  10. National Military Establishments and the Advancement of Science and Technology.P. Forman, J. M. Sanchez Ron & W. G. Scaife - 1997 - Annals of Science 54 (5):526-527.
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    On Predation–Commensalism Processes as Models of Bi-stability and Constructive Role of Systemic Extinctions.E. Sanchez-Palencia & J. -P. Françoise - 2021 - Acta Biotheoretica 69 (4):497-510.
    We propose a mathematical model for a class of predator–prey systems more complex than the usual one, involving a commensalism effect consisting in an influence of the predator on the sustainability of the prey. This effect induces interesting new features, including bi-stability. The question of the possibility of reaching a certain attractor starting from initial conditions with a small population of predators, which presents an interest from the vewpoint of the onset of the predator in evolution, is addressed. We propose (...)
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    Structural Instability and Emergence of the Biodiversity.E. Sanchez-Palencia & J. -P. Françoise - 2013 - Acta Biotheoretica 61 (3):397-412.
    In the framework of population dynamics, we start from the logistic equation describing the evolution of one species with limited food supply. A split device allows us to consider the population as two sub-populations x and y evolving analogously. The dynamical system has a one-parameter family of equilibria which is structurally unstable. Then small perturbations of the system (describing functional or ethological differentiations between the sub-species) lead in general to a new system involving a fast and a slow dynamics with (...)
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  13. Epistemología y política en el discurso pedagógico.A. Sánchez, D. Ortiz, Mª Gutiérrez & P. Vera - 1982 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía.
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    Detection of Jihadism in Social Networks Using Big Data Techniques Supported by Graphs and Fuzzy Clustering.Cristina Sánchez-Rebollo, Cristina Puente, Rafael Palacios, Claudia Piriz, Juan P. Fuentes & Javier Jarauta - 2019 - Complexity 2019:1-13.
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  15. Decision-Making by Handball Referees: Design of an ad hoc Observation Instrument and Polar Coordinate Analysis.Juan P. Morillo, Rafael E. Reigal, Antonio Hernández-Mendo, Alejandro Montaña & Verónica Morales-Sánchez - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  16. MC Di Gregori y A. Hebrard (comps.), Peirce, Schiller, Dewey y Rorty. Usos y revisiones del pragmatismo clásico.V. P. Sánchez García - 2011 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 37 (1):153.
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  17. Un protestante ante dos místicos: San Juan de la Cruz y fray Luis de León.P. Ríos Sánchez - 1991 - Revista Agustiniana 32 (99):1067-1093.
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    Epistemology and politics in the pedagogical discourse.A. Ruipérez Sánchez, D. Navarro Ortiz, Mª T. Bueno Gutiérrez & P. Sánchez Vera - 1983 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 5:131.
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    A note on the information content of a consistent pairwise comparison judgment matrix of an AHP decision maker.Elizabeth E. Noble & Pedro P. Sanchez - 1993 - Theory and Decision 34 (2):99-108.
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    Prediction of Violence, Suicide Behaviors and Suicide Ideation in a Sample of Institutionalized Offenders With Schizophrenia and Other Psychosis.Miriam Sánchez SanSegundo, Rosario Ferrer-Cascales, Jesús H. Bellido, Mar P. Bravo, Javier Oltra-Cucarella & Harry G. Kennedy - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  21. Actividades del Comité Ejecutivo Servir es Nuestro Objetivo.C. P. C. Manuel C. Gutiérrez García, C. P. C. Óscar Márquez Cristerna, C. P. C. Luis R. Argüelles Rosenzweig, C. P. C. José Besil Bardawil, C. P. C. Leopoldo Escobar Latapí, C. P. C. Adolfo F. Alcocer Medinilla, C. P. C. Jorge Sánchez Hernández, C. P. C. Vícto Keller Kaplanska, C. P. C. Lucina Trejo Ceseña & C. P. C. Pedro Núñez Rodríguez - forthcoming - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs.
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    Moving Localities and Creative Circulation: Travels as Knowledge Production in 18th-Century Europe.Pedro M. P. Raposo, Ana Simões, Manolis Patiniotis & José R. Bertomeu-Sánchez - 2014 - Centaurus 56 (3):167-188.
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    Spectral Spacing Correlations for Chaotic and Disordered Systems.O. Bohigas, P. Lebœuf & M. J. Sánchez - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (3):489-517.
    New aspects of spectral fluctuations of (quantum) chaotic and diffusive systems are considered, namely autocorrelations of the spacing between consecutive levels or spacing autocovariances. They can be viewed as a discretized two point correlation function. Their behavior results from two different contributions. One corresponds to (universal) random matrix eigenvalue fluctuations, the other to diffusive or chaotic characteristics of the corresponding classical motion. A closed formula expressing spacing autocovariances in terms of classical dynamical zeta functions, including the Perron–Frobenius operator, is derived. (...)
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    Contextual Factors and Decision-Making in the Behavior of Finalization in the Positional Attack in Beach Handball: Differences by Gender Through Polar Coordinates Analysis.Juan A. Vázquez-Diz, Juan P. Morillo-Baro, Rafael E. Reigal, Verónica Morales-Sánchez & Antonio Hernández-Mendo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  25. The fortified settlement of La Picola (Santa Pola, Alicante) and the greek influence in South-east Spain.Pierre Moret, A. PUIGCERVEr, P. RoUILLARd, M. J. Sânchez & P. SiLLiÈRES - 1995 - In Moret Pierre, PUIGCERVEr A., RoUILLARd P., Sânchez M. J. & SiLLiÈRES P. (eds.), Social Complexity and the Development of Towns in Iberia, From the Copper Age to the Second Century AD. pp. 109-125.
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  26. Social Complexity and the Development of Towns in Iberia, From the Copper Age to the Second Century AD.Moret Pierre, A. PUIGCERVEr, P. RoUILLARd, M. J. Sânchez & P. SiLLiÈRES - 1995
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    Long-Term Posttraumatic Growth in Victims of Terrorism in Spain.Rocío Fausor, Jesús Sanz, Ashley Navarro-McCarthy, Clara Gesteira, Noelia Morán, Beatriz Cobos-Redondo, Pedro Altungy, José M. S. Marqueses, Ana Sanz-García & María P. García-Vera - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundScientific literature on posttraumatic growth after terrorist attacks has primarily focused on persons who had not been directly exposed to terrorist attacks or persons who had been directly exposed to them, but who were assessed few months or years after the attacks.MethodsWe examined long-term PTG in 210 adults directly exposed to terrorist attacks in Spain a mean of 29.6 years after the attacks. The participants had been injured by a terrorist attack or were first-degree relatives of people who had been (...)
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  28. Discussion of ''œBiomedical informatics: We are what we publish''.Antoine Geissbuhler, W. E. Hammond, A. Hasman, R. Hussein, R. Koppel, C. A. Kulikowski, V. Maojo, F. Martin-Sanchez, P. W. Moorman & la MouraOthers - 2013 - Methods of Information in Medicine 52 (6):547--562.
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    Manuel Castells, Redes de indignación y esperanza, Alianza Editorial, Madrid, España, 2012, 296 p.José Sánchez Parga - 2013 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 35.
    Manuel Castells: un elogio emocional e inofensivo de las movilizaciones de protestaCuatro observaciones preliminares sirven para enmarcar una lectura crítica de la obra reciente de Manuel Castells, Redes de indignación y esperanza. En primer lugar este género de elogio exaltado e inofensivo de las movilizaciones de protesta actuales en el mundo ha dado lugar en muy poco tiempo a una amplia literatura, pero también ha suscitado no pocas críticas, ya que se trata por general de estudios y traba..
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    Differential Predictive Effect of Self-Regulation Behavior and the Combination of Self- vs. External Regulation Behavior on Executive Dysfunctions and Emotion Regulation Difficulties, in University Students.Jesús de la Fuente, José Manuel Martínez-Vicente, Mónica Pachón-Basallo, Francisco Javier Peralta-Sánchez, Manuel Mariano Vera-Martínez & Magdalena P. Andrés-Romero - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:876292.
    The aim of this research was to establish linear relations (association and prediction) and inferential relations between three constructs at different levels of psychological research –executive dysfunction(microanalysis),self-regulation(molecular level), andself-vs.external regulation(molar level), in the prediction of emotion regulation difficulties. We hypothesized that personal and contextual regulatory factors would be negatively related to levels of executive dysfunction and emotion regulation difficulties; by way of complement, non-regulatory and dysregulatory personal, and contextual factors would be positively related to these same difficulties. To establish relationships, (...)
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    Mixed Methods in Decision-Making Through Polar Coordinate Technique: Differences by Gender on Beach Handball Specialist.Juan A. Vázquez-Diz, Juan P. Morillo-Baro, Rafael E. Reigal, Verónica Morales-Sánchez & Antonio Hernández-Mendo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Data Mining in the Mixed Methods: Application to the Study of the Psychological Profiles of Athletes.José L. Pastrana, Rafael E. Reigal, Verónica Morales-Sánchez, Juan P. Morillo-Baro, Rocío Juárez-Ruiz de Mier, José Alves & Antonio Hernández-Mendo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  33. Acción e identidad. Sobre la noción de identidad narrativa en P. Ricoeur.Alfredo Martínez Sánchez - 1999 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 22:195-200.
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    Book Reviews Section 3.Thomas D. Moore, Royal T. Fruehling, Joanne R. Nurss, Edgar B. Gumbert, Gerry Mcgrath, Godfrey Sullivan, Sandra Gaddell, John Gaddell, Donald M. Medley, William F. Pinar, Barbara Bateman, Leslie D. Mclean, Charles E. Kozoli, Faustine C. Jones, H. George Bonekemper, Gene P. Agre & Ramon Sanchez - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (3):163-174.
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    Effects of social and affective content on exogenous attention as revealed by event-related potentials.Vladimir Kosonogov, Jose M. Martinez-Selva, Eduvigis Carrillo-Verdejo, Ginesa Torrente, Luis Carretié & Juan P. Sanchez-Navarro - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (4):683-695.
    ABSTRACTThe social content of affective stimuli has been proposed as having an influence on cognitive processing and behaviour. This research was aimed, therefore, at studying whether automatic exogenous attention demanded by affective pictures was related to their social value. We hypothesised that affective social pictures would capture attention to a greater extent than non-social affective stimuli. For this purpose, we recorded event-related potentials in a sample of 24 participants engaged in a digit categorisation task. Distracters were affective pictures varying in (...)
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    An axiomatic approach to maintaining the consistency of a hypermedia information system based on the SEM-HP model.L. Garcia-Cabrera, N. Medina-Medina, P. J. Sanchez & L. Martinez - 2014 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 22 (6):1045-1074.
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  37. La" obra social" del P. Cámara, obispo de Salamanca (1885-1904).Marciano Sánchez Rodríguez - 2004 - Ciudad de Dios 217 (3):839-921.
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    What Does the Duty to Warn Require?Seema K. Shah, Sara Chandros Hull, Michael A. Spinner, Benjamin E. Berkman, Lauren A. Sanchez, Ruquyyah Abdul-Karim, Amy P. Hsu, Reginald Claypool & Steven M. Holland - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (10):62 - 63.
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  39. El Rvmo. P. Cámara, obispo de Salamanca, y la Basílica de Santa Teresa de Jesús en Alba de Tormes.José Sánchez Vaquero - 2004 - Ciudad de Dios 217 (3):1225-1239.
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  40. Discussion of “Biomedical informatics: We are what we publish”.Geissbuhler Antoine, W. E. Hammond, A. Hasman, R. Hussein, R. Koppel, C. A. Kulikowski, V. Maojo, F. Martin-Sanchez, P. W. Moorman, Moura La, F. G. De Quiros, M. J. Schuemle, Barry Smith & J. Talmon - 2013 - Methods of Information in Medicine 52 (6):547-562.
    This article is part of a For-Discussion-Section of Methods of Information in Medicine about the paper "Biomedical Informatics: We Are What We Publish", written by Peter L. Elkin, Steven H. Brown, and Graham Wright. It is introduced by an editorial. This article contains the combined commentaries invited to independently comment on the Elkin et al. paper. In subsequent issues the discussion can continue through letters to the editor.
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    Fundamental Units of Length and Time.A. N. Bernal, M. P. López & M. Sánchez - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 32 (1):77-108.
    Ideal rods and clocks are defined as an infinitesimal symmetry of the spacetime, at least in the non-quantum case. Since no a priori geometric structure is considered, all the possible models of spacetime are obtained.
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    Intervenciones del P. Cámara en el Senado en la elaboración del Código Civil español (21 y 22 de febrero de 1889).Raúl Román Sánchez - 2004 - Ciudad de Dios 217 (3):923-951.
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  43. Des présages a l'entendement: Notes sur les présages, l'imagination et l'amour dans la lettre à P. Balling.Juan Dominguez Sanchez-Estop - 1988 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 4:57-74.
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    El concepto de persona. Una relectura de la propuesta de P. F. Strawson.María Teresa Muñoz Sánchez - 2008 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 32 (2):73-87.
    This article offers a review of the chapter dedicated by Strawson to the concept of a person in Individuals. Characteristics given to the concept of person by Strawson are criticized by Bernard Williams. What I set out to show is that this criticism can be answered by reviewing: a) how Strawson understands that the concept of a person is primitive, b) what are the implications of affirming the primitiveness of such concept, and, mainly c) what this philosopher understands by referring.
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    Crítica de libros. [REVIEW]Myriam Hernández Domínguez, Juan David Almeyda Sarmiento, Leopoldo José Prieto López, David Rojas Lizama, Hugo Furones Gabaldón, José Carlos Sánchez-López, Guillermo García Santos, Abel P. Pazos, Emilio Martínez Navarro, Rafael Ruiz Andrés & Piedad Yuste Leciñena - 2020 - Isegoría 63:667-704.
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    FERNÁNDEZ BEITES, P., Tiempo y sujeto. Después de Heidegger, Ediciones Encuentro, Madrid, 2010, 383 pp. [REVIEW]Sergio Sánchez-Migallón - 2010 - Anuario Filosófico:414.
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    Lo común y el mundo en común. Una reflexión desde el pensamiento arendtiano.Maria Teresa Muñoz Sanchez - 2022 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 85:99-112.
    A la luz de la propuesta arendtiana de espacio público, en este artículo se analiza uno de los conceptos que más interés está despertando en el contexto de la llamada filosofía política continental: lo común. Desde una revisión comparada con la obra de C. Laval y P. Dardot enfrento los siguientes interrogantes: ¿Qué perspectivas abre la obra arendtiana en la actual reflexión sobre lo común como principio político articulador? ¿Qué nuevas cuestiones suscita la idea de espacio público como comunidad política (...)
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    De Pablo a Saulo: traducción, crítica y denuncia de los libros plúmbeos por el P. Ignacio de las Casas, S. J.Rafael Benítez Sánchez-Blanco - 2002 - Al-Qantara 23 (2):403-436.
    El jesuita morisco P. Ignacio de las Casas colaboró en la traducción de algunos de los libros plúmbeos encontrados en Granada a fines del siglo XVI. Inicialmente se manifestó partidario de su autenticidad, pero pronto se convenció de que eran una falsificación. Desarrolló entonces una activa lucha para conseguir que la Iglesia evitara su divulgación. En el artículo se pasa revista a su intervención como traductor y a los argumentos que utilizó para criticar la doctrina de los libros plúmbeos. El (...)
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    Quevedo y la recepción moderna del estoicismo.Inmaculada Hoyos Sánchez - 2022 - Pensamiento 78 (300):1439-1453.
    El propósito de este escrito es mostrar la complejidad de la lectura que Quevedo realiza del estoicismo, como representante del barroco hispano, en el contexto de la historia de la recepción de esta escuela antigua en los siglos XVI y XVII. Para ello retomamos la tesis de P. F. Moreau sobre las tres grandes etapas en la historia de la recepción del estoicismo (la humanista, la neoestoica y la crítica moderna) con el objetivo de aportar nuevos argumentos, extraídos del análisis (...)
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    Jiménez Guirao, Jordi (ed.) (2021). Tres mirades sobre Hegel.Clàudia Sánchez Vidal - 2023 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 71:247-248.
    Jiménez Guirao, Jordi (ed.) (2021)Tres mirades sobre HegelSabadell: Edicions Enoanda, 91 p.ISBN 978-84-123469-4-7.
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