Results for 'P. Matema'

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  1. Concepts and Objects.P. Matema - 1998 - Acta Philosophica Fennica 63.
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  2. Fundamento matemático de la biología teórica.Allende Lezama & P. L. - 1938 - Buenos Aires.: El Ateneo.
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  3. Bertrand Russell, 1872-1970.Bertrand Russell (ed.) - 1971 - Valencia,: Departamento de Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia, Universidad.
    El pensamiento de Bertrand Russell, por M. Garrido.--La lógica y la matemática en la producción de Bertrand Russell, por J. Sanniartín Esplugues.--Bertrand Russell, filósofo, por J.L. Blasco.--La teoría y la praxis social de Bertrand Russell, por J. Carabaña.--Dos textos de Bertrand Russell.--Bio-bibliografía de Bertrand Russell, por A. García Suárez (p. [53]-79).
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  4. Vospitanie v dukhe kommunisticheskoĭ morali.F. P. Zyri︠a︡nov - 1968 - Moskva: Politizdat.
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    More is Different: Broken Symmetry and the Nature of the Hierarchical Structure of Science.P. W. Anderson - 2024 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 25:19-28.
    La hipótesis reduccionista puede ser todavía un tema controvertido entre filósofos, pero entre la gran mayoría de científicos activos creo que es aceptada sin reservas. El funcionamiento de nuestras mentes y cuerpos, y de toda la materia animada o inanimada de la que tenemos algún conocimiento detallado, se supone, son controladas por el mismo conjunto de leyes fundamentales, las cuales, excepto en ciertas circunstancias extremas, sentimos que conocemos bastante bien.
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    Boekbesprekingen.P. Ahsmann, A. Knockaert, J. De Cock, G. Achten, P. Fransen, J. Kerkhofs, C. Traets, P. Ploumen, A. van Kol, J. Kijm, J. Mulders, J. Vanneste, J. Rupert, J. Vercruysse, P. Grootens, F. Bossuyt, S. Trooster, A. van Leeuwen, C. Verhaak, F. Vandenbussche, A. Poncelet, E. Huffer, M. De Tollenaere, R. Hostie, H. Hoefnagels, P. van Doornik, F. van Beeck, H. Leuridan, P. van Doornick & A. Geerardijn - 1962 - Bijdragen 23 (4):416-448.
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    Deformation processes in thin melt-cast films of high-density polyethylene: I. Experimental methods and deformation processes in the equatorial regions of spherulites.P. Allan & M. Bevis - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 35 (2):405-430.
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    Opus Epistolarum Des. Erasmi Roterodami: Volume Viii: 1529-1530.P. S. Allen & H. M. Allen (eds.) - 1992 - Clarendon Press.
    An edition of the letters of Erasmus, regarded as one of the greatest humanist writers. All 12 volumes of this work have been reissued, complete with their scholarly apparatus of commentary and notes, as well as plates.
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    The problemn of bilingualismn in the canadian public service.P. K. Kuruvilla - 1972 - Res Publica 14 (4):785-802.
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  10. Crisis, Call, and Leadership in the Abrahamic Traditions.P. Ochs & W. Johnson (eds.) - 2008 - NYC: Palgrave Macmillan.
    "Over three years of study and fellowship, sixteen Muslim, Jewish, and Christian scholars sought to answer one question: “Do our three scriptures unite or divide us?” They offer their answers in this book: sixteen essays on how certain ways of reading scripture may draw us apart and other ways may draw us, together, into the source that each tradition calls peace. Reading scriptural sources in the classical and medieval traditions, the authors examine how each tradition addresses the “other” within its (...)
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  11. On trusting chatbots.P. D. Magnus - forthcoming - Episteme.
    This paper focuses on the epistemic situation one faces when using a Large Language Model based chatbot like ChatGPT: When reading the output of the chatbot, how should one decide whether or not to believe it? By surveying strategies we use with other, more familiar sources of information, I argue that chatbots present a novel challenge. This makes the question of how one could trust a chatbot especially vexing.
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    (1 other version)Subject and Predicate in Logic and Grammar.P. F. Strawson - 1974 - Burlington, VT: Routledge.
  13.  32
    Becker, HS.(& McCall, M.) 116 Bell, T. 208 Bellarmine, R.(Cardinal) 199 Benghozi, P].P. Atkinson, R. Audi, D. Bailey, N. Baker, S. Banes, R. Barilli, C. Barnes, F. J. Barrett & R. Barthes - 2000 - In Stephen Linstead & Heather Joy Höpfl (eds.), The aesthetics of organization. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE Publications.
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    Climb kinetics of dislocation loops in aluminium.P. S. Dobson, P. J. Goodhew & R. E. Smallman - 1967 - Philosophical Magazine 16 (139):9-22.
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    Perceiving the moral dimension of practice: insights from Murdoch, Vetlesen, and Aristotle.P. Anne Scott - 2006 - Nursing Philosophy 7 (3):137-145.
    This paper situates the moral domain of practice within the context of a particular description of nursing practice – one that sees human interaction at the heart of that practice. Such a description fits not only with professional rhetoric but also with literature from patients and recent empirical work exploring the nature of nursing practice.Martha Levine in her 1977 description of ethics, within the context of nursing practice, indicated that what was important from an ethical perspective was how we interact (...)
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    Nonindependence of selections on the Wason selection task.P. Pollard - 1985 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 23 (4):317-320.
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    Pain and the placebo response.P. D. Wall - 1993 - In Gregory R. Bock & Joan Marsh (eds.), Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Consciousness (CIBA Foundation Symposia Series, No. 174). Wiley. pp. 187-216.
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  18. Pettit, P.-The Common Mind.John Christman & P. Pettit - 1996 - Philosophical Books 37:90-101.
  19. Reading and mathematical problem-solving as interactive processes.D. Aaronson & P. So - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (6):494-494.
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  20. Deleuze, Gillesl59.N. Abel, Richard P. Adelstein, Theodor Adomo, Bina Agarwal, George Akerlof, R. G. D. Allen, Frederique Apfel-Marglin, Thomas Aquinas, N. Armstrong & William Ashmore - 2001 - In Stephen Cullenberg, Jack Amariglio & David F. Ruccio (eds.), Postmodernism, economics and knowledge. New York: Routledge.
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    Criacionismo e darwinismo confrontam-se nos tribunais... da razão e do direito.Paulo Abrantes & F. P. L. Almeida - 2006 - Episteme 11 (24):357-402.
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    Phase field modelling of grain boundary motion driven by curvature and stored energy gradients. Part I: theory and numerical implementation.G. Abrivard, E. P. Busso, S. Forest & B. Appolaire - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (28-30):3618-3642.
  23. National ethical guidelines for health research in Nepal.Gopal P. Acharya (ed.) - 2001 - Kathmandu: Nepal Health Research Council.
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    Time's arrow and Archimedes' point.P. Dowe - 1998 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 76 (2):333-335.
  25. Taking rights seriously.P. Barsa - 1996 - Filosoficky Casopis 44 (2):291-305.
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    If the Free Will Defense Works, Then God Exists.P. Roger Turner - 2024 - Philosophia Christi 26 (1):171-179.
    The modal version of the ontological argument (MOA) for God’s existence is controversial, primarily, at its first premise, the premise that reads “possibly, there exists a maximally great being.” So, what’s needed is an argument for the possibility of a maximally great being, a being that is omnipotent, omniscient, morally perfect, has these properties essentially, and is such that it exists necessarily. Ironically, I think that such an argument can be found in the literature on the problem of evil, literature (...)
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    (2 other versions)The “organization centre”.P. D. Nieuwkoop - 1962 - Acta Biotheoretica 16 (1):57-68.
    Experimental evidence strongly supports the view that the subdivision of organ anlagen into smaller structural units is an autonomous process. Dalcq &Pasteels' hypothesis which says that the boundaries between the different areas into which a morphogenetic field differentiates are determined by “Threshold values” in the “potential” of the field in question, is inconsistent with our present knowledge of biochemical reaction systems. Threshold values may only be used indescribing the spatial differentiation of a morphogenetic field. It is suggested that the latter (...)
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    What is important about McCollough effects? Reply to Allan and Siegel.P. C. Dodwell & G. Keith Humphrey - 1993 - Psychological Review 100 (2):347-350.
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    (1 other version)Die Jesus van die geskiedenis: J P Meier se Jesus-proiel krities bekyk.P. A. Geyser - 2001 - HTS Theological Studies 57 (3/4).
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  30. Philo Confounded.P. S. Wadia - 1979 - In D. F. Norton, N. Capaldi & W. Robison (eds.), McGill Hume Studies. Austin Hill Press.
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    Christian Mysticism: A Study in Walter Hilton's The Ladder of Perfection: H. P. OWEN.H. P. Owen - 1971 - Religious Studies 7 (1):31-42.
    Many writers often generalise about mysticism without a sufficiently close analysis of texts. Consequently the generalisations are often invalid. My present aim is to analyse one text and, in the light of this analysis, to offer some observations concerning mysticism in general and Christian mysticism in particular.
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  32. Meletēmata gia ton E.P. Papanoutso: heortasmos sta ogdontachrona tou.E. P. Papanoutsos & Panagiōtēs Kanellopoulos (eds.) - 1981 - [Athēna: Euthynē.
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  33. Visual extinction and hemispatial neglect after brain damage: Neurophysiological basis of residual processing.P. Vuilleumier - 2005 - In Laurent Itti, Geraint Rees & John K. Tsotsos (eds.), Neurobiology of Attention. Academic Press. pp. 351--357.
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  34. Commentary on Professor Tweyman’s Hume.P. Wadia - 1991 - In Stanley Tweyman (ed.), David Hume: Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion in Focus. New York: Routledge.
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  35. Rationality, Conceptual Change and Philosophy of Education.P. A. Wagner - 1981 - Scientia 75 (16):669.
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  36. Can Virtue be Taught?P. K. Wainaina - 1988 - In Joseph Major Nyasani (ed.), Philosophical focus on culture and traditional thought systems in development. Nairobi: Konrad Adenauer Foundation. pp. 316.
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    Histories of old schools: A preliminary list for England and Wales.P. J. Wallis - 1966 - British Journal of Educational Studies 14 (2):224-265.
  38. Jesus and the Holy City: New Testament Perspectives on Jerusalem.P. W. L. Walker - 1996
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  39. Personal identity and resurrection, isbn 978-1-4094-0493-4.P. Wallusch - 2011 - Theologie Und Philosophie 86 (4):589.
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  40. (1 other version)Restatement of Liberty.P. C. Gordon Walker - 1952 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 142:618-620.
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  41. The Problem of Acid Rain: Is the Protection of Private Property Rights the Solution?P. Walker - 1985 - Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy 2 (1):269-296.
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  42. Well-being.P. Walsh - 1995 - In Ted Honderich (ed.), The Oxford companion to philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 955--956.
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  43. Naturrecht und Staatswissenschaft.P. Wannenmann - 1983 - In Karl-Heinz Ilting, P. Wannenmann & C. G. Homeyer (eds.), G.W.F. Hegel, Die Philosophie des Rechts: die Mitschriften Wannenmann (Heidelberg 1817/18) und Homeyer (Berlin 1818/19). Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.
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  44. PHILLIPS, D.: "Religion Without Explanation". [REVIEW]P. Almond - 1977 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 55:218.
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  45. A. Newman, The Correspondence Theory of Truth. An Essay on the Metaphysics of Predication.P. Valore - 2003 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4 (C4: Strumenti):6-7.
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  46. H. Putnam, The Threefold Cord. Mind, Body, and the World.P. Valore - 2000 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 55 (4):697-698.
  47. Forgetting What Must Be Forgotten: Advocating an Ethical Memory Model for Artificial Companions.P. A. Vargas, Y. Fernaeus, M. Y. Lim, S. Enz, W. C. Ho, M. Jacobsson & R. Aylett - forthcoming - Special Issue of Ai and Society: Killer Robots or Friendly Fridges: The Social Understanding of Artificial Intelligence.
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    Birch, C & Vischer, L 1997 - Living with the animals: The community of God,s creatures.P. M. Venter - 1999 - HTS Theological Studies 55 (4).
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    Collins, A Y, 1996 - Cosmology and eschatology in Jewish and Christian apocalypticism.P. M. Venter - 1999 - HTS Theological Studies 55 (1).
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    Die kanonbegrip as Bybels-teologiese probleem.P. M. Venter - 1987 - HTS Theological Studies 43 (4).
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