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  1. An Approach to Phenomenological Psychology: The Contingencies of the Lifeworld.Peter Ashworth - 2003 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 34 (2):145-156.
  2. The student lifeworld and the meanings of plagiarism.Peter Ashworth, Ranald MacDonald & Madeleine Freewood - 2003 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 34 (2):257-278.
    As plagiarism is a notion specific to a particular culture and epoch, and is also understood in a variety of ways by individuals, particular attention must be paid to the putting of the phenomenological question, What is plagiarism in its appearing? Resolution of this issue leads us to locate students' perceptions and opinions within the lifeworld, and to seek an initially idiographic set of descriptions. Of twelve interview analyses, three are presented. A student who took an especially anxious line, his (...)
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  3. Presuppose Nothing! the Suspension of Assumptions in Phenomenological Psychological Methodology.Peter Ashworth - 1996 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 27 (1):i-25.
    Historically, the suspension of presuppositions arose as part of the philosophical procedure of the transcendental reduction which, Husserl taught, led to the distinct realm of phenomenological research: pure consciousness. With such an origin, it may seem surprising that bracketing remains a methodological concept of modern phenomenological psychology, in which the focus is on the life-world. Such a focus of investigation is, on the face of it, incompatible with transcendental idealism. The gap was bridged largely by Merleau-Ponty, who found it possible (...)
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  4. The Lifeworld as Phenomenon and as Research Heuristic, Exemplified by a Study of the Lifeworld of a Person Suffering Alzheimer's Disease.Ann Ashworth & Peter Ashworth - 2003 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 34 (2):179-205.
    The carer of the person with dementia is enjoined to maintain respect, and to reinforce this a bill of rights has been established . Of course, talk of rights does not guarantee respectful behaviour. In this paper it is argued that the discovery that the sufferer continues to be a person, with a unique lifeworld, can assist the carer to conform willingly to the demand that they act respectfully.The current research project makes central the idiographic description of the individual case.
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    Doing the Social in Social License.David Rooney, Joan Leach & Peta Ashworth - 2014 - Social Epistemology 28 (3-4):209-218.
    A social license to operate (SLO) is said to result from a complex and sometimes difficult set of negotiations between communities and organizations (NGOs, government, and industry). Each stakeholder group will hold different views about what is important, what is true, and who can or cannot be trusted. This article reviews the contributions made in this special issue on SLO. It also sketches the benefits of applying phronesis, or a practical wisdom-based theorization, of how SLOs can be co-produced.
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    Examining the Role of Carbon Capture and Storage Through an Ethical Lens.Fabien Medvecky, Justine Lacey & Peta Ashworth - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (4):1-18.
    The risk posed by anthropogenic climate change is generally accepted, and the challenge we face to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to a tolerable limit cannot be underestimated. Reducing GHG emissions can be achieved either by producing less GHG to begin with or by emitting less GHG into the atmosphere. One carbon mitigation technology with large potential for capturing carbon dioxide at the point source of emissions is carbon capture and storage (CCS). However, the merits of CCS have been questioned, (...)
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    Interiority, Exteriority and the Realm of Intentionality.Peter D. Ashworth - 2017 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 48 (1):39-62.
    The realm of intentionality is definitive of phenomenology as a reflective methodology. Yet it is precisely the focus on the intentionalgiventhat has been condemned recently.Speculative realism argues that phenomenology is unsatisfactory since the reduction to the intentional realm excludes the ‘external’, i.e. reality independent of consciousness. This criticism allows me to clarify the nature of intentionality.Material phenomenologyfinds, in contrast, that the intentional realm excludes the ‘inner’. This criticism allows me to discuss the way in whichipseityenters as an element of experience. (...)
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    Participant Agreement in the Justification of Qualitative Findings.Peter Ashworth - 1993 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 24 (1):3-16.
    Qualitative research carried out within human science must provide justification for its findings. However, the justification of empirical claims concerning human meanings has to be approached in new ways: Quantitative procedures of validation or the use of experimental control are inappropriate. Many researchers have attempted to follow Schutz's ''postulate of adequacy," which lays down as a condition of acceptability of a scientific account of human action that it be understandable by the actor in terms of commonsense interpretation of everyday life. (...)
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    Attitude, Action and the Concept of Structure.P. D. Ashworth - 1980 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 11 (1):39-66.
    The fact that psychic life is not merely given externally and as mutual externality, but is given in its nexus, given by self-knowledge, by internal experience, constitutes the basic difference between psychological knowledge and knowledge of nature.
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    (1 other version)Equivocal Alliances of Phenomenological Psychologists.P. D. Ashworth - 1981 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 12 (1):1-31.
  11.  13
    Five Master Classes in Qualitative Analysis.P. Ashworth - 2011 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 11 (2).
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    Phenomenology and psychological science: historical and philosophical perspectives.Peter Ashworth & Man Cheung Chung (eds.) - 2006 - New York: Springer.
    Phenomenological studies of human experience are a vital component of caring professions such as counseling and nursing, and qualitative research has had increasing acceptance in American psychology. At the same time, the debate continues over whether phenomenology is legitimate science, and whether qualitative approaches carry any empirical validity. Ashworth and Chung’s Phenomenology and Psychological Science places phenomenology firmly in the context of psychological tradition. And to dispel the basic misconceptions surrounding this field, the editors and their seven collaborators trace the (...)
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    Phenomenologically-Based Empirical Studies of Social Attitude.P. D. Ashworth - 1985 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 16 (1):69-93.
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    The Gift Relationship.Peter D. Ashworth - 2013 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 44 (1):1-36.
    Derrida made the case that the ‘pure gift’ is impossible. Because of the element of obligation and reciprocity involved, gift relationships are inevitably reduced to relationships of economic exchange. This position echoes the exchange theory of the social behaviourists, the cost-benefit analyses of evolutionary psychology, and other reductionist conjectures. In this paper, 18 written accounts of gifting are analysed using established phenomenological tools of reflection. It is shown that the dynamics of the gift relationship are complex and, specifically, reciprocation in (...)
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    The Meaning of Participation.Peter D. Ashworth - 1997 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 28 (1):82-103.
    Though there are few more pervasive features of the social world than the ebb and flow of individual participation, the literature only provides hints as to its phenomenology. The phenomenological investigation of social participation presented in this paper indicates that it essentially entails: 1. Attunement to the others' "stock of knowledge at hand" . 2. Emotional and motivational attunement to the group's concerns. 3. Taking for granted that one can contribute appropriately. 4. Being able to assume that one's identity is (...)
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    Creating what sort of professional? Master's level nurse education as a professionalising strategy.Kate Gerrish, Mike McManus & Peter Ashworth - 2003 - Nursing Inquiry 10 (2):103-112.
    Creating what sort of professional? Master's level nurse education as a professionalising strategy This paper reports on a detailed analysis of selected findings from a larger study of master's level nurse education. It locates some features of such education within the contemporary situation of nursing as a profession and interprets the role of master's level nurse education as a professionalising strategy. In‐depth interviews were undertaken with a purposive sample of 18 nurse lecturers drawn from eight universities in the United Kingdom. (...)
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    The Battle for Right. Translated by P. A. Ashworth.Rudolf von Jhering & Philip Arthur Ashworth - 1883 - Stevens & Sons.
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    ‘L'enfer, c'est les autres’: Goffman's Sartrism. [REVIEW]P. D. Ashworth - 1985 - Human Studies 8 (2):97 - 168.
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