Results for 'Orr Levental'

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  1.  14
    Home Advantage Perceptions in Elite Handball: A Comparison Among Fans, Athletes, Coaches, and Officials.Lael Gershgoren, Orr Levental & Itay Basevitch - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Home advantage in sports has been extensively researched in the academic literature over the past five decades. A review of the literature reveals several factors that consistently underly this phenomenon. One of the most documented is the home crowd effect. While the crowd effect on the results has been widely researched considering noise, size, and density, there are conflicting findings of the effect and its extent. Furthermore, the perceptions of fans, athletes, coaches, and officials of the causes of home advantage (...)
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  2.  26
    Morality and Values in Sports Among Young Athletes: The Role of Sport Type and Parenting Styles – A Pilot Study.Yosi Yaffe, Orr Levental, Dalit Lev Arey & Assaf Lev - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Given the great importance of morality and values in modern sports, especially among young athletes, in this pilot study, we sought to broaden the exploration of the factors that may play role in these contexts, which have not been widely researched to date. Accordingly, the study tested the relationships between sport type (team or individual) and parenting styles (authoritative vs. non-authoritative), and moral decision-making in sport and sport values among 110 adolescent athletes whose age ranges from 11 to 22 (M= (...)
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    Charting the Currents of the Third Wave.Catherine M. Orr - 1997 - Hypatia 12 (3):29-45.
    The term "third wave" within contemporary feminism presents some initial difficulties in scholarly investigation. Located in popular-press anthologies, zines, punk music, and cyberspace, many third wave discourses constitute themselves as a break with both second wave and academic feminisms; a break problematic for both generations of feminists. The emergence of third wave feminism offers academic feminists an opportunity to rethink the context of knowledge production and the mediums through which we disseminate our work.
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  4. Hallucinatory altered states of consciousness.Levente Móró - 2010 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 9 (2):241-252.
    Altered states of consciousness (ASC), especially hallucinatory ones, are philosophically and scientifically interesting modes of operation of the mind–brain complex. However, classical definitions of ASC seem to capture only a few common characteristics of traditionally regarded phenomena, thus lacking exact classification criteria for assessing altered and baseline states. The current situation leads to a priority problem between phenomena-based definitions and definition-based phenomena selection. In order to solve the problem, this paper introduces a self-mapping procedure that is based on a three-part (...)
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  5.  17
    Comparison of lecture and team-based learning in medical ethics education.Levent Ozgonul & Mustafa Kemal Alimoglu - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (3):903-913.
    Background: Medical education literature suggests that ethics education should be learner-centered and problem-based rather than theory-based. Team-based learning is an appropriate method for this suggestion. However, its effectiveness was not investigated enough in medical ethics education. Research question: Is team-based learning effective in medical ethics education in terms of knowledge retention, in-class learner engagement, and learner reactions? Research design: This was a prospective controlled follow-up study. We changed lecture with team-based learning method to teach four topics in a 2-week medical (...)
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    Veto players and equilibrium uniqueness in the Baron–Ferejohn model.Levent Celik & Bilgehan Karabay - 2016 - Theory and Decision 81 (1):33-52.
    In political economy, the seminal contribution of the Baron–Ferejohn bargaining model constitutes an important milestone for the study of legislative policy making. In this paper, we analyze a particular equilibrium characteristic of this model, equilibrium uniqueness. The Baron–Ferejohn model yields a class of payoff-unique stationary subgame perfect equilibria in which players’ equilibrium strategies are not uniquely determined. We first provide a formal proof of the multiplicity of equilibrium strategies. This also enables us to establish some important properties of SSPE. We (...)
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  7.  94
    Political Toleration or Politics of Recognition.Levent Köker - 1996 - Political Theory 24 (2):315-320.
  8.  18
    Der Friedensvertrag Trianon als das »gewählte Trauma« Ungarns.Balogh László Levente - 2021 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 65 (2):141-145.
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    Jerome’s Reception in an Early Eighteenth-Century Hungarian Historical Work.Levente Pap - 2021 - Clotho 3 (2):75-90.
    Works concerning the history of the Hungarian Reform had been almost absent until the second half of the seventeenth century. The relatively peaceful process of the Hungarian Reform, the lack of armed conflicts, and the tragic memory of the battle of Mohács made the appearance of self-justifying religious narratives in Hungarian historiography seem unnecessary. On the other hand, the changes caused by the Tridentine Catholic renewal movement and the deterioration of the religious and political condition of the Protestant confession culminated (...)
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    Is posthumous semen retrieval ethically permissible?R. D. Orr - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (5):299-302.
    It is possible to retrieve viable sperm from a dying man or from a recently dead body. This sperm can be frozen for later use by his wife or partner to produce his genetic offspring. But the technical feasibility alone does not morally justify such an endeavour. Posthumous semen retrieval raises questions about consent, the respectful treatment of the dead body, and the welfare of the child to be.We present two cases, discuss these three issues, and conclude that such requests (...)
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  11.  31
    The Challenge of Diversity Answers and Dilemmas.Levente Salat - 2002 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 1 (3):189-207.
    The conference of Salat Levente, "The Challenge of Diversity Answers and Dilemmas".
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  12.  22
    Spielarten der Kulturalisierung.Levent Tezcan - 2011 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2011 (2):81-100.
    The strong focus seen on »culture«, as it describes itself or is described, has lead to critical reflection on the term's ubiquitous use. In the current article various forms of »culturalisation« are traced and put in the context of a wider diagnosis of time, based on the example of the treatment of Muslim immigrants. Thereby, both the attribution of a collective identity and governmental strategies for the construction of an accountable Muslim community are examined. On the other hand, the attribution (...)
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  13.  28
    Ulus Devlet - Yurttaşlık İlişkileri Karşısında Küresel Bir Tavır Alış: Kozmopoli.Levent Börklüoğlu - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 13):117-117.
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  14.  12
    The Optative In East Thrace Dialects.Levent DOĞAN - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:292-318.
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  15.  15
    'çu, ġu, ze' Prepositionsi Uighur Turkish.Levent DOĞAN - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:889-902.
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    Öğretmen Adaylarının Bilişsel Çarpıtma, Genel Özyeterlik İnançları Ve Başarı/Başarısızlık Yüklemeler.Levent Göller - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 3):477-477.
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  17.  11
    The Ambiguous Beginnings of the Modern Mission Movements in the Reformed Church of Transylvania Between 1895 and 1918.Levente Horváth - 2021 - Perichoresis 19 (1):3-15.
    This study looks at the ways how the Reformed Church encountered the new modern mission movement in Transylvania with the arrival of Dr. Béla Kenessey and Dr. István Kecskeméthy to the newly established Reformed Theological Seminary at Cluj in 1895. By the time being, some theologians expressed grave concerns about the dangers of theological liberalism to the Confessions. The paper argues that these young professors, touched by the mission movement and revival also sought to encompass those who had an evangelistic (...)
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  18.  83
    Sacramental and spiritual use of hallucinogenic drugs.Levente Móró, Valdas Noreika, Christian P. Müller & Gunter Schumann - 2011 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 34 (6):319.
    Arguably, the religious use of hallucinogenic drugs stems from a human search of metaphysical insight rather than from a direct need for cognitive, emotional, social, physical, or sexual improvement. Therefore, the sacramental and spiritual intake of hallucinogenic drugs goes so far beyond other biopsychosocial functions that it deserves its own category in the drug instrumentalization list.
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  19.  26
    Luck Has Nothing to Do with It: Prevailing Uncertainty and Responsibilities of Due Care.Levente Szentkirályi - 2020 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 23 (3):261-280.
    We are surrounded by threats of environmental harm whose actual dangers to public health are scientifically unverified. It is widely presumed that under conditions of uncertainty, when it is not possible to foresee the outcomes of our actions, or to calculate the probability they will actually cause harm, we cannot be held culpable for the risks and harms our actions impose on others. It is commonly presumed, that is, that exposing others to what this paper terms ‘uncertain threats’ is permissible, (...)
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  20.  32
    A Philosopher Looks at Science.Avery Orr - 2024 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 37 (3):147-150.
    Volume 37, Issue 3, September 2024, Page 147-150.
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  21.  11
    Cumhuriyet döneminde Türkiye'de felsefe.Levent Bayraktar - 2016 - Ankara: Aktif Düşünce Yayınları.
  22.  9
    Ethical Dilemmas in Practice.M. Lesley Wiseman-Orr, Susan A. J. Stuart & D. E. F. McKeegan - 2009 - Discourse: Learning and Teaching in Philosophical and Religious Studies 8 (2):187-196.
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  23.  25
    Kurumlar Ve Evri̇M: Veblen’den Hodgson’a Evri̇Mci̇ İKti̇Sat Metodoloji̇Si̇.Adem Levent - 2019 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 14 (2):31-58.
    1980 sonrası dönemde evrimci iktisat yükselişe geçmiş ve ana akım iktisadı tek başına değiştirme gücü vurgulanmıştır. Fakat evrimci iktisadın ne olduğuna yönelik disiplin içinde bir anlaşmazlık ve karışıklık mevcuttur. Bu karışıklığa bağlı olarak evrimci iktisat disiplinde altı farklı yaklaşımla ifade edilmektedir. Bu çalışma ise Veblen’e atıfla gelişen ve 1980’lerden günümüze Hodgson tarafından güçlü bir şekilde sürdürülen evrimci-kurumsal iktisatla ilgilidir. Hodgson, iktisadın etkin bir sosyal bilim olabilmesi için Veblen’in düşüncelerini ve Veblen’le bağlantılı Darwinizmi benimsemesi gerektiğini vurgulamaktadır. Bu öneri Veblen’in post-Darwinist iktisat (...)
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  24.  10
    Thinking in translation: scripture and redemption in the thought of Franz Rosenzweig.Orr Scharf - 2019 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Thinking in Translation posits the Hebrew Bible as the fulcrum of the thought of Franz Rosenzweig (1886-1929), underpinning a unique synthesis between systematic thinking and biblical interpretation. Addressing a lacuna in Rosenzweig scholarship, the book offers a critical evaluation of his engagement with the Bible through a comparative study of The Star of Redemption and his Bible translation with Martin Buber. The book opens with Rosenzweig's rejection of German Idealism and fascination with the sources of Judaism. It then analyzes the (...)
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  25. Gallions to the Thames England: Strategic landscape project in East London.Levent Kerimol - 2010 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 72:52.
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  26.  59
    Turkey's political-constitutional crisis: An assessment of the role of the constitutional court.Levent Köker - 2010 - Constellations 17 (2):328-344.
  27.  41
    Statul-natiune si provocarile diversitatii/ The Nation-State and the Challenges of Diversity.Levente Salat - 2005 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 4 (10):4-11.
    The author discusses and critically questions the historical development of the nation-state – the „success story” of the last three hundred years. Its fundamental ideas are embraced both by the common mentality regarding the role of the state and the theory of international relations, which recognizes the nation-states as legitimate actors on the stage of international politics. The main challenges toward this model are, in the author’s view, the process of globalization and the reality of diversity (ethnic and linguistic). Even (...)
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  28.  19
    Die Nation als Opfergemeinschaft am Beispiel Ungarns.László Levente Balogh - 2019 - Zeitschrift Für Kultur- Und Kollektivwissenschaft 5 (2):83-102.
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    It Is Not Unethical, Though It Is Often Unwise, to Override Patents.Herb Leventer - 2002 - American Journal of Bioethics 2 (3):50-51.
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  30.  12
    On The Problem Of Part Of Speech In Turkish Language.Mustafa Levent Yener - 2007 - Journal of Turkish Studies 2:606-623.
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  31.  16
    Kant and Gallie on Politics.Robert Orr - 1980 - Philosophy 55 (211):113 - 116.
  32. Secrecy and conspiracy.Matthew R. X. Dentith & Martin Orr - 2017 - Episteme 15 (4):433-450.
    In the literature on conspiracy theories, the least contentious part of the academic discourse would appear to be what we mean by a “conspiracy”: a secretive plot between two or more people toward some end. Yet what, exactly, is the connection between something being a conspiracy and it being secret? Is it possible to conspire without also engaging in secretive behavior? To dissect the role of secrecy in con- spiracies – and thus contribute to the larger debate on the epistemology (...)
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  33.  75
    Did Wittgenstein Have a Theory of Hinge Propositions?Deborah Jane Orr - 1989 - Philosophical Investigations 12 (2):134-153.
  34. Türk düşüncesinden portreler.Levent Bayraktar - 2014 - Kızılay, Ankara: Aktif Düşünce.
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    Symbol Of Love: Apple.ÖZTÜRK Levent - 2008 - Journal of Turkish Studies 3:607-614.
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  36. Inauguration of the Rev. William F. Orr, PH.William F. Orr - 1940 - Pittsburgh, Pa.,: John Gwyer press.
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    Longitudinal relations between symptoms, neurocognition, and self-concept in schizophrenia.Klaus Hesse, Levente Kriston, Andreas Wittorf, Jutta Herrlich, Wolfgang Wölwer & Stefan Klingberg - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    A decomposition-based method for solving the clustered vehicle routing problem.Horvat-Marc Andrei, Fuksz Levente, C. Pop Petrică & Dănciulescu Daniela - 2018 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 26 (1):83-95.
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    Sanatsal Yarışmalarının Görsel Sanatlar Eğitimi Açısından Öğrenc.Levent Merci̇n - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 8):203-203.
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    A Certain X.Mark Polizzotti & Linda Orr - 1981 - Substance 10 (4):138.
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    Diminishing return for mechanistic therapeutics with neurodegenerative disease duration?David C. Rubinsztein & Harry T. Orr - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (10):977-980.
    The conventional approach to developing disease‐modifying treatments for neurodegenerative conditions has been to identify drivers of pathology and inhibit such pathways. Here we discuss the possibility that the efficacy of such approaches may be increasingly attenuated as disease progresses. This is based on experiments using mouse models of spinocerebellar ataxia type 1 and Huntington's disease (HD), where expression of the dominantly acting mutations could be switched off, as well as studies in human HD, which suggest that the primary genetic driver (...)
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    Development and psychometric evaluation of the German version of the Medication Regimen Complexity Index (MRCI‐D).Dorit Stange, Levente Kriston, Claudia Langebrake, Lynda K. Cameron, John D. Wollacott, Michael Baehr & Dorothee C. Dartsch - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (3):515-522.
  43.  41
    When "Minimal Risk" Research Yields Clinically-Significant Data, Maybe the Risks Aren't So Minimal.Helen M. Sharp & Robert D. Orr - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (2):32-36.
    Surveys and routine clinical procedures applied in research protocols are typically considered only minimally risky to participants. The apparent benign nature of "minimal risk" tasks increases the chance that investigators and Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) will overlook the probability that clinical tools will identify signs, symptoms, or definitive test results that are clinically-relevant to subjects' welfare. "Minimal risk" procedures may also pose a particular hazard to participants in clinical research by increasing the therapeutic misconception because the tasks mimic clinical care (...)
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  44.  22
    DOROTHEUS OF SIDON - (W.) Hübner Disiecti membra poetae. Neue Spuren des astrologischen Lehrdichters Dorotheos von Sidon. (Palingenesia 127.) Pp. 115, figs. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2021. Cased, €39. ISBN: 978-3-515-12924-4. [REVIEW]Levente László - 2022 - The Classical Review 72 (1):106-108.
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  45. The skeptic's dogmatism: a constructive response to the skeptical problem.Kaplan Levent Hasanoglu - 2011 - Dissertation,
    The problem of philosophical skepticism relates to the difficulty involved in underwriting the claim that we know anything of spatio-temporal reality. It is often claimed, in fact, that proper philosophical scrutiny reveals quite the opposite from what common sense suggests. Knowledge of external reality is thought to be even quite obviously denied to us as a result of the alleged fact that we all fail to know that certain skeptical scenarios do not obtain. A skeptical scenario is one in which (...)
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    Developing a Campus Academic Integrity Education Seminar.James Orr - 2018 - Journal of Academic Ethics 16 (3):195-209.
    This article examines the process of one institution’s efforts to develop an educational academic integrity seminar through an ethnographic study approach. The educational program developed allowed the institution to transition from a punitive sanctioning system to an educational one. The institution cultivated cross-campus partnerships to develop the program. Both quantitative and qualitative data revealed that students had a positive experience attending the program and found it useful. This article serves as a framework for institutions to utilize when building their own (...)
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  47.  30
    The role of awareness in affective information processing: An exploration of the Zajonc hypothesis.Louis G. Tassinary, Scott P. Orr, George Wolford, Shirley E. Napps & John T. Lanzetta - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (6):489-492.
  48.  39
    Income inequality and risk taking: the impact of social comparison information.Ulrich Schmidt, Levent Neyse & Milda Aleknonyte - 2019 - Theory and Decision 87 (3):283-297.
    In contrast to the assumptions of standard economic theory, recent experimental evidence shows that the income of peers has a systematic impact on observed degrees of risk aversion. This paper reports the findings of two experiments examining the impact of income inequality on risk preferences and whether the knowledge of inequality mediates the decisions. In Experiment 1, participants who were recruited for a real-effort task were paid either a low wage or a high wage. Half of the participants were aware (...)
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  49.  81
    Just the Facts Ma'am: Informal Logic, Gender and Pedagogy.Deborah Orr - 1989 - Informal Logic 11 (1).
  50. No God, No Powers.James Orr - 2019 - International Philosophical Quarterly 59 (4):411-426.
    One common feature of debates about the best metaphysical analysis of putatively lawful phenomena is the suspicion that nomic realists who locate the modal force of such phenomena in quasi-causal necessitation relations between universals are working with a model of law that cannot convincingly erase its theological pedigree. Nancy Cartwright distills this criticism into slogan form: no God, no laws. Some have argued that a more plausible alternative for nomic realists who reject theism is to ground laws of nature in (...)
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