Results for 'Avery Orr'

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  1.  32
    A Philosopher Looks at Science.Avery Orr - 2024 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 37 (3):147-150.
    Volume 37, Issue 3, September 2024, Page 147-150.
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    A Philosopher Looks at Science. [REVIEW]Avery Orr - 2024 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 37 (3):147-150.
    When a philosopher looks at science, what does she see? That is the question Nancy Cartwright sets out to answer in her book A Philosopher Looks at Science (2022). To answer that question, she focu...
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  3. Wondering about what you know.Avery Archer - 2018 - Analysis 78 (4):anx162.
    In a series of recent papers, Jane Friedman has argued that attitudes like wondering, enquiring, and suspending judgement are question-directed and have the function of moving someone from a position of ignorance to one of knowledge. Call such attitudes interrogative attitudes. Friedman insists that all IAs are governed by the following Ignorance Norm: Necessarily, if one knows Q at t, then one ought not have an IA towards Q at t. However, I argue that key premisses in Friedman’s argument actually (...)
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    Engagement with conservation tillage shaped by “good farmer” identity.Avery Lavoie & Chloe B. Wardropper - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (4):975-985.
    The “good farmer” literature, grounded in Bourdieu’s concepts of field, habitus, and capital, has provided researchers with a socio-cultural approach to understanding conservation adoption behavior. The good farmer literature suggests that conservation practices may not be widely accepted because they do not allow farmers to demonstrate symbols of good farming. This lens has not been applied to the adoption of conservation tillage, a practice increasingly used to improve conservation outcomes, farming efficiency and crop productivity. Drawing from in-depth interviews with dryland (...)
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    Ludic Constructivism: Or, Individual Life and the Fate of Humankind.Avery Kolers - 2018 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 13 (3-4):392-405.
    In The Grasshopper, Bernard Suits argues that the best life is the one whose essence is game-play. In fact, only through the concept of game-play can we understand how anything at all is worth doing. Yet this seems implausible: morality makes things worth doing independently of any game, and games are themselves subject to moral evaluation. So games must be logically posterior to morality. The current paper responds to these objections by developing the theory of Ludic Constructivism. Constructivist theories such (...)
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    What does solidarity do for bioethics?Avery Kolers - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (2):122-128.
    Bioethical work on solidarity has yielded an array of divergent conceptions. But what do these accounts add to normative bioethics? What is solidarity’s distinctive social normative role? Prainsack and Buyx suggest that solidarity be understood as the ‘putty’ of justice. I argue here that the putty metaphor is deeply insightful and—when spelled out in detail—successfully explicates solidarity’s social normative function. Unfortunately, Prainsack and Buyx’s own account cannot play this role. I propose instead that the putty metaphor supports a conception of (...)
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  7. Inauguration of the Rev. William F. Orr, PH.William F. Orr - 1940 - Pittsburgh, Pa.,: John Gwyer press.
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    Kant and the Subject of Critique: On the Regulative Role of the Psychological Idea.Avery Goldman - 2012 - Indiana University Press.
    Immanuel Kant is strict about the limits of self-knowledge: our inner sense gives us only appearances, never the reality, of ourselves. Kant may seem to begin his inquiries with an uncritical conception of cognitive limits, but in Kant and the Subject of Critique, Avery Goldman argues that, even for Kant, a reflective act must take place before any judgment occurs. Building on Kant’s metaphysics, which uses the soul, the world, and God as regulative principles, Goldman demonstrates how Kant can (...)
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  9. The Grasshopper’s Error: Or, On How Life is a Game.Avery Kolers - 2015 - Dialogue 54 (4):727-746.
    I here defend the thesis that the best life is the life that one plays as a game—specifically, a ‘Suitsian’ game that meets the definition proposed in The Grasshopper by Bernard Suits. Even more specifically, it is a nested, open, role-playing game where the life’s quality as a game partly depends on there being no more people than players. To defend this thesis I refute two powerful challenges to it, one from Thomas Hurka (2006) and another from within The Grasshopper (...)
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    Methods of Conflict Resolution at the Bedside.Robert D. Orr - 2001 - American Journal of Bioethics 1 (4):45-46.
  11. The Priority of Solidarity to Justice.Avery Kolers - 2014 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 31 (4):420-433.
    Recognising and responding to injustices that benefit us is a pervasive problem of contemporary life, and arguably a mark of moral seriousness in anyone who presumes to take moral stands at all. In response, a number of authors have defended the view that such benefits normally bring with them prima facie obligations of compensation. This ‘wrongful-benefits’ approach has considerable intuitive plausibility, much of it founded in the financial metaphor that gives it an appearance of precision. Yet while the compensation scenario (...)
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  12. Do We Need Partial Intentions?Avery Archer - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (3):995-1005.
    Richard Holton has argued that the traditional account of intentions—which only posits the existence of all-out intentions—is inadequate because it fails to accommodate dual-plan cases; ones in which it is rationally permissible for an agent to adopt two competing plans to bring about the same end. Since the consistency norms governing all-out intentions prohibit the adoption of competing intentions, we can only preserve the idea that the agent in a dual-plan case is not being irrational if we attribute to them (...)
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  13. Nietzsche on the Origin of Conscience and Obligation.Avery Snelson - 2019 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 50 (2):310-331.
    The second essay of Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morality (GM) offers a naturalistic and developmental account of the emergence of conscience, a faculty uniquely responsive to remembering and honoring obligations. This article attempts to solve an interpretive puzzle that is invited by the second essay's explanation of nonmoral obligation, prior to the capacity to feel guilt. Ostensibly, Nietzsche argues that the conscience and our concept of obligation originated within contractual (“creditor-debtor”) relations, when creditors punished delinquent debtors (GM II:5). However, this interpretation, (...)
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    Critique in Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason.Avery Goldman - 2020 - In María Del Del Rosario Acosta López & Colin McQuillan (eds.), Critique in German Philosophy: From Kant to Critical Theory. Albany: SUNY Press. pp. 61-87.
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  15. Plato's Republic and the Core Curriculum: Multiculturalism and the Canon Debate.Jon Avery - 1995 - Journal of General Education.
    This article examines the value of Plato's Republic in the core curriculum despite its alleged issues of elitism, classism, and sexism.
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    Relationship between the horizontal-vertical illusions for velocity and extent.G. C. Avery & R. H. Day - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 89 (1):22.
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    Towards a Spiritual Humanism: A Muslim-Humanist Dialogue.Jon Avery - 1991 - Leeds, UK: Seven Mirrors Publishing House, Ltd..
    This is a dialogue between a mystical Muslim and an American naturalistic humanist on classical philosophical issues, such as the problem of evil and human nature and on contemporary challenges, such as ideological dogmatism.
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  18. The Essence of Catholicism: Protestant and Catholic Perspectives.Avery Dulles - 1984 - The Thomist 48 (4):607.
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    Drosophila chorion genes: Cracking the eggshell's secrets.Terry L. Orr-Weaver - 1991 - Bioessays 13 (3):97-105.
    The chorion genes of Drosophila are amplified in response to developmental signals in the follicle cells of the ovary prior to their transcription. Their expression is regulated both temporally and spatially within this tissue. They thus serve as models both for the regulation of DNA replication and of developmental transcription. The regulatory elements for DNA amplification have been delineated. Their analysis reveals that amplification is mediated by several regulatory regions and initiates at defined origins within the chorion cluster. Proteins involved (...)
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  20. Exploring the post-doctoral journey : career decisions, employment, and professionalism.Lynne Orr & Linda Weekley - 2021 - In Noran L. Moffett (ed.), Navigating post-doctoral career placement, research, and professionalism. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
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    Insurance research and eugenics.Lewis P. Orr - 1913 - The Eugenics Review 4 (4):331.
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    Film as Ethical Argument.Avery Plaw - 2007 - Film and Philosophy 11:121-138.
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    Ethical Dilemmas in Practice.M. Lesley Wiseman-Orr, Susan A. J. Stuart & D. E. F. McKeegan - 2009 - Discourse: Learning and Teaching in Philosophical and Religious Studies 8 (2):187-196.
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    The attitude of agnosticism.Avery Archer (ed.) - 2024 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    We often describe ourselves as agnostic on a wide range of questions, such as does God exist, is String Theory true, or will the President win re-election? But what does it mean to be agnostic and when is agnosticism justified? This monograph addresses these and related questions.
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    Land, Conflict, and Justice: A Political Theory of Territory.Avery Kolers - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    Territorial disputes have defined modern politics, but political theorists and philosophers have said little about how to resolve such disputes fairly. Is it even possible to do so? If historical attachments or divine promises are decisive, it may not be. More significant than these largely subjective claims are the ways in which people interact with land over time. Building from this insight, Avery Kolers evaluates existing political theories and develops an attractive alternative. He presents a novel link between political (...)
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  26. The history, origin, and meaning of Nietzsche’s slave revolt in morality.Avery Snelson - 2017 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 60 (1-2):1-30.
    While it is uncontroversial that the slave revolt in morality consists in a denial of the nobles as objects of value, Nietzsche’s account in the Genealogy’s first essay invites ambiguities concerning its origin, ressentiment’s relationship to value creation, and its meaning. In this paper, I address these ambiguities by analyzing the morality of good and evil as an historical artifact of Judeo-Christian tradition, and I argue for a two-stage, non-strategic interpretation of the slave revolt, according to which Judaism and Christianity (...)
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    The questioning-attitude account of agnosticism.Avery Archer - 2022 - Synthese 200 (6):1-15.
    I defend a proposition-directed, sui generis account of agnosticism, according to which being agnostic about some proposition, P, involves a sceptical or questioning mental stance towards both the truth and falsity of P. Call this the questioning-attitude account. The questioning-attitude account contrasts with the question-directed attitude account of Jane Friedman, which holds that the object of agnosticism is a question rather than a proposition. I argue that the questioning-attitude account not only avoids a major weakness of Friedman’s question-directed attitude account, (...)
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  28.  48
    Why Monist Critiques Feed Value Pluralism.Avery Plaw - 2004 - Social Theory and Practice 30 (1):105-126.
  29.  42
    Developing a Campus Academic Integrity Education Seminar.James Orr - 2018 - Journal of Academic Ethics 16 (3):195-209.
    This article examines the process of one institution’s efforts to develop an educational academic integrity seminar through an ethnographic study approach. The educational program developed allowed the institution to transition from a punitive sanctioning system to an educational one. The institution cultivated cross-campus partnerships to develop the program. Both quantitative and qualitative data revealed that students had a positive experience attending the program and found it useful. This article serves as a framework for institutions to utilize when building their own (...)
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    Conscience and Bad Conscience.Avery Snelson - forthcoming - European Journal of Philosophy.
    This paper attempts to clarify the relationship between conscience and bad conscience in the Second Essay of the Genealogy of Morality (GM II). Conscience, which Nietzsche calls the “will's memory” (GM II, 1), is a faculty that enables agents to generate and sustain the motivation necessary to honor commitments, while bad conscience is that “other gloomy thing” (GM II, 4), gloomy because it is a self‐punishing faculty that produces feelings of guilt. In addition to having different functions, conscience and bad (...)
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    Magnificent Utopian games.Avery Kolers - 2022 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 49 (2):263-277.
    The Grasshopper’s game-playing Utopia collapses because, ideal though it might seem to some, ultimately most of us want more out of life than game-play. Building on both The Grasshopper and the published sequels in which Bernard Suits attempts to vindicate his Utopia, the current paper reconstructs Suits’s Utopia in a new way. I start from deeper reflection on Suits’s example of John Striver, a Utopian citizen who wants to work but whose profound boredom occasions Utopia’s collapse. Although the Grasshopper returns (...)
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  32. Are Desires Beliefs about Normative Reasons?Avery Archer - 2019 - Analytic Philosophy 61 (3):236-251.
  33.  25
    The Role of the Clinical Ethicist in Conflict Resolution.R. D. Orr & D. M. DeLeon - 2000 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 11 (1):21-30.
  34.  9
    Secrets of happy people: 50 techniques to feel good.Matt Avery - 2016 - London: Teach Yourself.
    Why do some people always see the bright side, stay positive, and find fulfilment and joy in their lives? Avery outlines fifty key concepts and strategies to help you put the secrets of happiness into practice.
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    Groundwork for the Mechanics of Morals.Avery Kolers - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 50 (5):636-651.
    Ethics is a skill set. But what skill set is it? An answer to this question would help make progress for both theory and moral agency. I argue that moral performance may best be understood on the model of athletic performance; both moral and athletic performance are rule-structured unions of efficiency and inefficiency, enabling us to engage in the wholehearted and autonomous pursuit of goals subject to constraints. By understanding how athletics demands embodied performance, we better understand moral demand and (...)
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  36. Social movements.Avery Kolers - 2016 - Philosophy Compass 11 (10):580-590.
    Social movements are ubiquitous in political life. But what are they? What makes someone a member of a social movement, or some action an instance of movement activity? Are social movements compatible with democracy? Are they required for it? And how should individuals respond to movement calls to action? Philosophers have had much to say on issues impinging on social movements but much less to say on social movements as such. The current article provides a philosophical overview of social movements. (...)
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    Ghostly matters: haunting and the sociological imagination.Avery Gordon - 2008 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    Her shape and his hand -- Distractions -- The other door, it's floods of tears with consolation enclosed -- Not only the footprints but the water too and what is down there -- There are crossroads.
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  38.  81
    The Lockean efficiency argument and aboriginal land rights.Avery Kolers - 2000 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 78 (3):391 – 404.
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    A Moral Theory of Solidarity.Avery Kolers - 2016 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Accounts of solidarity typically defend it in teleological or loyalty terms, justifying it by invoking its goal of promoting justice or its expression of support for a shared community. Such solidarity seems to be a moral option rather than an obligation. In contrast, A Moral Theory of Solidarity develops a deontological theory grounded in equity. With extended reflection on the Spanish conquest of the Americas and the US Civil Rights movement, Kolers defines solidarity as political action on others' terms. Unlike (...)
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    Basis of the horizontal-vertical illusion.G. C. Avery & R. H. Day - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 81 (2):376.
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    Breathing Life Into Ourselves.Byllye Y. Avery - 1995 - In Penny A. Weiss & Marilyn Friedman (eds.), Feminism and community. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. pp. 147.
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    Letter to the Editor.Christine Avery - 2010 - Feminist Theology 19 (1):107-108.
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  43. The Growth of Southern Nationalism, 1848-1861.Avery O. Craven & Henderson H. Donald - 1954 - Science and Society 18 (1):83-86.
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  44. Community of Disciples as a Model of Church.Avery Dulles - 1986 - Philosophy and Theology 1 (2):99-120.
    Models of the Church (published 1974) still seems adequate as an overview of the dominant types of ecclesiology in our day. It leaves open the question whether a single model could be found to harmonize the differences among the five described. To this end the author later proposed “community of disciples.” Well grounded in the Gospels, this model relies also on the post-Easter concept of discipleship as inclusive of the whole Christian life. Christian catechesis, ministry, and sacraments can profitably be (...)
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    John Paul II as a Theologian of Culture.Avery Dulles - 1997 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 1 (2):19-33.
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  46. The sacramental ecclesiology of Lumen Gentium.Avery Cardinal Dulles - 2005 - Gregorianum 86 (3):550-562.
    Le terme 'sacrement' a été attribué à l'Église par Vatican II qui en avait retrouvé la signification grâce au récent renouveau de la patristique. Le 'mystère' spécifie traditionnellement tout sacrement. Le mystère fondateur de l'Église-communion en Christ invite aussi à interpréter son essence sans la réduire à n'être qu'une des voies possibles du salut, mais sans lui réserver non plus une exclusivité d'ordre 'physique'. L'Église est structurée selon sa mission de sainteté, sa finalité étant le salut du monde.
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    A Contemporary in Dissent: Johann Georg Hamann as a Radical Enlightener by Oswald Bayer (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2012) xx + 234 pp.James Orr - 2013 - Modern Theology 29 (1):187-189.
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  48. A Challenging Reform: Realizing the Vision of the Liturgical Renewal 1963-1975 [Book Review].David Orr - 2009 - The Australasian Catholic Record 86 (1):106.
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  49. Education for a social renaissance.James Russell Orr - 1944 - London,: St. George book co.. Edited by Robert Scrutton.
  50.  15
    Images of Work.Julian E. Orr - 1998 - Science, Technology and Human Values 23 (4):439-455.
    The ways in which work gets done are observably different from the ways in which those in positions of responsibility talk about that work or from the ways in which the organizational and business literature portrays work. The ethnographic study of work focuses on work practice, on what is actually done, and on how those doing the work make sense of their practice, but this is rarely part of either corporate or organizational discourse about work This article tries to show (...)
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