Results for 'Oriana Cosso'

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  1.  12
    Hannah Arendt: Conferencias sobre la Filosofía Política de Kant.Oriana Cosso - 2006 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 8:170-173.
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    “So Happy I Could Shout!” and “So Happy I Could Cry!” Dimorphous expressions represent and communicate motivational aspects of positive emotions.Oriana R. Aragón & John A. Bargh - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (2):286-302.
    Happiness can be expressed through smiles. Happiness can also be expressed through physical displays that without context, would appear to be sadness and anger. These seemingly incongruent displays of happiness, termed dimorphous expressions, we propose, represent and communicate expressers’ motivational orientations. When participants reported their own aggressive expressions in positive or negative contexts, their expressions represented positive or negative emotional experiences respectively, imbued with appetitive orientations. In contrast, reported sad expressions, in positive or negative contexts, represented positive and negative emotional (...)
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    “Tears of joy” & “smiles of joy” prompt distinct patterns of interpersonal emotion regulation.Oriana R. Aragón & Margaret S. Clark - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (5):913-940.
    ABSTRACTClose relationship partners often respond to happiness expressed through smiles with capitalization, i.e. they join in attempting to up-regulate and prolong the individual’s positive emotion, and they often respond to crying with interpersonal down-regulation of negative emotions, attempting to dampen the negative emotions. We investigated how people responded when happiness was expressed through tears, an expression termed dimorphous. We hypothesised that the physical expression of crying would prompt interpersonal down-regulation of emotion when the onlooker perceived that the expresser was experiencing (...)
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    Innovation, risk and control: The true trend is ‘from tool to purpose’—A discussion on the standardization of AI.Oriana Chaves - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-12.
    In this text, our question is what is the current regulatory trend in countries that are not considered central in the development of artificial intelligence, such as Brazil: a preventive approach, or an experimental approach? We will analyze the bills (PL) that are being processed in legislative houses at the state level, and at the federal level, highlighting some elements, such as: Delimitation of the object (conceptualization), fundamental principles, ethical guidelines, relationship with human work, human supervision, and guidelines for public (...)
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    Once More with Feeling: An Abbreviated History of Feminist Performance Art.Oriana Fox - 2010 - Feminist Review 96 (1):107-121.
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    As astúcias d'As astúcias da enunciação.Oriana de Nadai Fulaneti - 2015 - Bakhtiniana 10 (3):46-62.
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    Musical expertise affects the sense of agency: Intentional binding in expert pianists.Oriana Pansardi, Maria Pyasik & Lorenzo Pia - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 84 (C):102984.
  8. Vulnerabilidad, precariedad y "precaridad" en la obra de Butler.Oriana Seccia - 2021 - In Claudio Eduardo Martyniuk, Oriana Seccia & Julián Sauquillo (eds.), Perfiles epistemológicos de la crítica: entre la negatividad y la normatividad. [Adrogué?, Argentina]: La Cebra.
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    The Intolerance of Uncertainty Inventory: Validity and Comparison of Scoring Methods to Assess Individuals Screening Positive for Anxiety and Depression.Marco Lauriola, Oriana Mosca, Cristina Trentini, Renato Foschi, Renata Tambelli & R. Nicholas Carleton - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    An Experimental Study on the Evaluation of Metaphorical Ad Hominem Arguments.Francesca Ervas & Oriana Mosca - 2024 - Informal Logic 44 (4):249-277.
    Metaphors are emotionally engaging, influenc-ing the evaluation of arguments. The paper empirically in-vestigates whether metaphors in the premise can lead the evaluator to judge an ad hominem argument as sound when the arguer instead committed a fallacy. The results show that ad hominem arguments with conventional and positive metaphors are more persuasive compared to those with novel and negative metaphors. Arguments with conventional metaphors are also perceived as more am-biguous, but less convincing, and emotionally appealing. Additionally, participants believe in the (...)
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    Perfiles epistemológicos de la crítica: entre la negatividad y la normatividad.Claudio Eduardo Martyniuk, Oriana Seccia & Julián Sauquillo (eds.) - 2021 - [Adrogué?, Argentina]: La Cebra.
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    La cabeza de la pasión: crítica y nostalgia.Claudio Eduardo Martyniuk, Oriana Seccia & Cecilia Gebruers (eds.) - 2016 - [Lanús, Argentina]: La Cebra.
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  13. Resisting Japan's promotion of a norm of sustainable whaling.Shirley V. Scott & Lucia Oriana - 2017 - In Alan Bloomfield & Shirley V. Scott (eds.), Norm antipreneurs and the politics of resistance to global normative change. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    An Experimental Study on the Evaluation of Metaphorical Ad Hominem Arguments.Francesca Ervas & Oriana Mosca - 2024 - Informal Logic 44 (2):129-157.
    Metaphors are emotionally engaging, influenc-ing the evaluation of arguments. The paper empirically in-vestigates whether metaphors in the premise can lead the evaluator to judge an ad hominem argument as sound when the arguer instead committed a fallacy. The results show that ad hominem arguments with conventional and positive metaphors are more persuasive compared to those with novel and negative metaphors. Arguments with conventional metaphors are also perceived as more am-biguous, but less convincing, and emotionally appealing. Additionally, participants believe in the (...)
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  15.  31
    Global Epistemologies and Philosophies of Science: Global Dialogues and New Directions for Philosophy of Science.Elise Alkemade, Nils Deeg, Carles Guillén Almiñana, Samar Nasrullah Khan, Oriana Morales Hernández, Abigail Nieves Delgado, Elian Schure, Mark Whittle & Hilbrand Wouters - 2024 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 55 (3):469-478.
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  16. Do Estigma à Virilidade: A Reconstrução do Corpo Masculino na Moda Contempor'nea.Álamo Bandeira, Walter Franklin Marques Correia, João Marcelo Teixeira & Oriana Maria de Araujo - 2025 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 31 (3):169-187.
    O presente artigo aborda a evolução da representação do corpo masculino na moda contemporânea, destacando a transição de uma imagem delgada e associada à homossexualidade e à AIDS para um ideal de corpo musculoso e viril. A pesquisa foca na influência do mercado de moda e do poder de compra dos grupos homossexuais nessa transformação. Discute-se como a masculinidade é uma construção social e como a mídia e a moda disseminam o corpo masculino como objeto de desejo e consumo. A (...)
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    Anger and Sadness Expressions Situated in Both Positive and Negative Contexts: An Investigation in South Korea and the United States.Sunny Youngok Song, Alexandria M. Curtis & Oriana R. Aragón - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    A formidable challenge to the research of non-verbal behavior can be in the assumptions that we sometimes make, and the subsequent questions that arise from those assumptions. In this article, we proceed with an investigation that would have been precluded by the assumption of a 1:1 correspondence between facial expressions and discrete emotional experiences. We investigated two expressions that in the normative sense are considered negative expressions. One expression, “anger” could be described as clenched fists, furrowed brows, tense jaws and (...)
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    Contribution of oral narrative textual competence and spelling skills to written narrative textual competence in bilingual language-minority children and monolingual peers.Giulia Vettori, Lucia Bigozzi, Oriana Incognito & Giuliana Pinto - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study investigates the developmental pattern and relationships between oral narrative textual skills, spelling, and written narrative textual skills in monolingual and bilingual language-minority children, L1-Chinese and L2-Italian. The aims were to investigate in monolingual and BLM children: the developmental patterns of oral and writing skills across primary school years; the pattern of relationships between oral narrative textual competence, spelling skills, and written narrative textual competence with age and socio-economic status taken under control. In total, 141 primary school children from (...)
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    Oriana Fallaci, 1929-2006. Vernaccia - 2006 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2006 (137):178-181.
    Much to the chagrin of those terrorists who were hoping to be the ones to shut her up, Oriana Fallaci passed away peacefully in her beloved Florence, surrounded by her sister, her nephews, and very few close friends—those, that is, who did not repudiate the Italian intellectual after her well-known and courageous stance vis-à-vis the Islamic war on the Western world. The room in the downtown clinic, where she spent her last few days, overlooked both the Florence synagogue and (...)
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  20.  11
    Oriana Zorrilla, Cuando el Estado Castiga. El maltrato laboral a los empleados públicos en Chile, Editorial Universidad Bolivariana, Santiago, 2005, 359 p. [REVIEW]Eduardo Yentzen - 2006 - Polis 13.
    El libro de Oriana Zorrilla es un texto de investigación periodística importante, que instala en el debate nacional un tema que coloca la experiencia existencial del maltrato en el escenario democrático, retratando una realidad desconocida de acoso laboral a los empleados públicos, constituyéndose en un tema político sobre la calidad y profundidad de nuestra democracia. Ya en el prólogo Armando Uribe señala que el libro “es la denuncia bien fundada en la historia personal y colectiva, y tiene..
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    Entre el malson i la realitat. Reflexions distòpiques sobre la societat contemporània.Elisabetta Di Minico - 2021 - Quaderns de Filosofia 7 (2):143.
    Between Nightmare and Reality: Dystopian Reflections on the Contemporary Society Resum: Per mitjà de la narració de fantasia i de ciència ficció, la utopia i la distopia promouen una anàlisi crítica de la realitat. En particular, la distopia ens alerta de les possibles conseqüències catastròfiques derivades de problemes sociopolítics existents i contribueix a la reflexió constructiva sobre les amenaces antidemocràtiques que posen en perill la nostra societat. Aquest article examina la representació de l’autoritat, la coacció, la propaganda, la plasmació, l’espai (...)
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    Antropologia de la vida quotidiana.Luis Duch - unknown - Barcelona: Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat. Edited by Joan-Carles Mèlich.
    Reflexió dedicada al cos humà. Per tal d’analitzar algunes de les característiques del cos humà en la societat dels nostres dies, es procedeix, d’entrada, a una breu exposició de la història del cos en la cultura occidental i, més endavant, s’analitzen alguns aspectes laterals, però tanmateix essencials per a un tractament antropològic del cos com poden ser, per exemple, el cos de la dona en la cultura occidental i el patriarcalisme com a forma d’organitzar els cossos humans.
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