Results for 'Organic Crisis'

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  1.  62
    The organs crisis and the Spanish model: theoretical versus pragmatic considerations.Muireann Quigley, Margaret Brazier, Ruth Chadwick, Monica Navarro Michel & David Paredes - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (4):223-224.
    In the United Kingdom, the debate about how best to meet the shortfall of organs for transplantation has persisted on and off for many years. It is often presumed that the answer is simply to alter the law to a system of presumed consent. Acting perhaps on that presumption in his annual report launched in July, the Chief Medical Officer, Sir Liam Donaldson, advocated a system of organ donation based on presumed consent, the so-called “opt-out” system.1 He is calling for (...)
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    Community Organizations in the Foreclosure Crisis: The Failure of Neoliberal Civil Society.Michael McQuarrie - 2013 - Politics and Society 41 (1):73-101.
    This paper looks at the prehistory of the foreclosure crisis in Cleveland, Ohio, in order to understand the effectiveness of civil society organizations in mitigating its impact on the city’s neighborhoods. Social theorists and movement activists have often postulated civil society as an authentic and voluntaristic realm in which we constitute and act on shared values. The voluntary nature of civil society organizations also, it is argued, make them more responsive, adaptable, and effective in meeting the needs of the (...)
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    The Crisis of New Labor and Alinsky’s Legacy: Revisiting the Role of the Organic Grassroots Leaders in Building Powerful Organizations and Movements.Jane McAlevey - 2015 - Politics and Society 43 (3):415-441.
    Scholars attribute contemporary union failure to structural factors, such as the legal decision allowing striking workers to be permanently replaced, and to globalization. This article examines the strategic choices made by New Labor’s leadership after their victory at the AFL-CIO in 1995, and the choices made by the breakaway unions that formed Change to Win. I identify the influence of Saul Alinsky in the background of many of the current New Labor leaders and attribute the strengths and weaknesses of New (...)
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    Chemical Identity Crisis: Glass and Glassblowing in the Identification of Organic Compounds: Essay in Honour of Alan J. Rocke.Catherine M. Jackson - 2015 - Annals of Science 72 (2):187-205.
    SummaryThis essay explains why and how nineteenth-century chemists sought to stabilize the melting and boiling points of organic substances as reliable characteristics of identity and purity and how, by the end of the century, they established these values as ‘Constants of Nature’. Melting and boiling points as characteristic values emerge from this study as products of laboratory standardization, developed by chemists in their struggle to classify, understand and control organic nature. A major argument here concerns the role played (...)
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    Women's Organizations and Movements in the Commonwealth Caribbean: The Response to Global Economic Crisis in the 1980s.Rhoda Reddock - 1998 - Feminist Review 59 (1):57-73.
    In this paper I explore the emergence of women's organizations and feminist consciousness in the twentieth century in the English-speaking (Commonwealth) Caribbean. The global ideas concerning women's equality from the 1960s onwards clearly informed the initiatives taken by both women and states of the Caribbean. None the less, the paper illustrates, by use of examples, the interlocked nature of women's struggles with the economic, social and political issues which preoccupy the region's population. I examine in greater detail two case studies (...)
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    The Ethical Crisis of Organ Transplants: In Search of Cultural "Compatibility".Anne Marie Moulin - 1995 - Diogenes 43 (172):73-92.
    There is no concept, no matter how strange, in which human beings are not willing to believe fervently, so long as it offers some comfort from the knowledge that one day they will no longer exist, so long as it gives him them hope of some form of eternal life. Norbert Elias1.
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  7.  22
    The Challenges of Public Service Organizations in Emergency, Crisis, and Disaster Management.James Welch - 2023
    Abstract -/- The Crisis and Disaster Management process (CDMP) is composed of several clearly defined phases. Strategic risk assessment; preparation and planning, effective response and recovery, and post-crisis evaluation. It is essential for those facing such threats to understand, appreciate, and implement the appropriate responses for each phase. Public service organizations, or PSOs, are increasingly charged with additional duties and responsibilities that historically were not part of their original purview. PSOs are currently forced to operate within an environment (...)
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    The International Humanitarian Response to the Refugee Crisis Along the Balkan Route in the View of Strategies of International Organizations.Veton Latifi - 2016 - Seeu Review 12 (1):167-179.
    Being one of the largest movements of displaced people through European borders since World War Two, the Syrian refugee crisis of 2015 and 2016, tested the coordination of the states and international organizations, and as well as the strategies for response of the latter to such enormous fluxes of displaced people along the Balkan corridor. The quick on-time reaction of the specialized humanitarian international organizations made significant achievements by the international organizations in terms of humanitarian assistance for the refugees (...)
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  9.  50
    Crisis, ethical leadership and moral courage: Ethical climate during COVID-19.Nadia Hassan Ali Awad & Heba Mohamed Al-Anwer Ashour - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (6):1441-1456.
    Background The global COVID-19 pandemic has challenged nurse leaders in ways that one could not imagine. Along with ongoing priorities of providing high quality, cost-effective and safe care, nurse leaders are also committed to promote an ethical climate that support nurses’ moral courage for sustaining excellence in patient and family care. Aim This study is directed to develop a structure equation model of crisis, ethical leadership and nurses’ moral courage: mediating effect of ethical climate during COVID-19. Ethical consideration Approval (...)
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  10.  10
    “It's hard to change what we want to change”: Rape crisis centers as organizations.Amy Fried - 1994 - Gender and Society 8 (4):562-583.
    Like other groups associated with social movements, rape crisis centers have been judged co-optive by some and progressive by others. This article argues that organizational theory yields fuller explanations of their dynamics and character. In a case study, two subcultures—dubbed the politicized and service perspectives—developed and epitomized fundamentally different approaches to sexual violence. These subcultures emerged for a number of reasons, including the organization's goals, the character of the fiminist movement, and organizational features such as permeability, a broad constituency, (...)
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  11.  22
    Hegemony, Crisis and Bonapartism in Italy, Spain and France.Francesco Maria Scanni & Francesco Compolongo - 2020 - Theoria 67 (163):52-81.
    The 2008 crisis and economic transformations fuelled significant political phenomena, such as a deep distrust of politics, electoral volatility and the decline of bipolarity and/or bipartisanship in the face of growing outsider party affirmation. In this context, the dialectical model of the Gramscian ‘social totality’ provides an analytical tool capable of analysing those ‘transition’ phases characterised by a fracturing ‘dominant historical bloc’, in itself a precursor to an organic crisis of traditional political parties’ separation of social classes.
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  12.  28
    Crisis Orgánica y Revolución Pasiva. Americanismo y Corporativismo.Donatella Di Benedetto - 2001 - Cinta de Moebio 10.
    Social psychology has based its development on triangle structures. Such are the cases of Symbolic Interactions and Social Representations. These triangle structures are not able even to draw an epistemology of common sense.
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  13. Organic wastes, black-soldier flies, and environmental problems through the lens of the stock market.Quan-Hoang Vuong & Minh-Hoang Nguyen - manuscript
    As the world’s population grows and urbanization continues, the global waste crisis is becoming more severe, especially in developing countries. Without proper waste management, they may encounter various environmental and health risks. Biological technologies are regarded as promising waste management and recycling approaches in developing countries due to their cost-effectiveness and capability to handle diverse waste categories. One prominent technology in this aspect is the vermicomposting of organic waste utilizing the black soldier fly larvae. Nevertheless, significant financial resources (...)
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  14.  33
    Brain Death and Organ Donation: A Crisis of Public Trust.Melissa Moschella - 2018 - Christian Bioethics 24 (2):133-150.
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  15.  22
    Exploring the Antecedents to the Reputation of Chinese Public Sector Organizations During COVID-19: An Extension of Situational Crisis Communication Theory.Zhao Chunxia, Wang Fei & Fang Wei - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:818939.
    The study is intended to examine the impact of crisis responsibility on the reputation of the Chinese public sector organization during the COVID-19 crisis. In addition to that, the study has also examined the mediating role of crisis response strategy in the relationship between crisis responsibility and the reputation of the Chinese public sector organization during the COVID-19 crisis. Lastly, the study has also examined the moderating role of internal crisis communication in the relationship (...)
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  16.  28
    The Organ Shortage Crisis in America: Incentives, Civic Duty, and Closing the Gap. By Andrew Michael Flescher. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2018. ix + 177 pages. US $29.95 (softcover); US $89.95 (hardcover). [REVIEW]Kristel Clayville - 2019 - Zygon 54 (2):542-543.
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    Hegemony and the crisis of legitimacy in Gramsci.James Martin - 1997 - History of the Human Sciences 10 (1):37-56.
    Gramsci's concept of hegemony is often believed to be a political account of legitimation. His Marxist critics go on to accuse him of failing to offer a properly structural account of bourgeois legitimation. I argue that Gramsci's theory attempted to straddle both economic and political accounts. In so doing, he presupposed the absence of effective authority in the Italian state. In such conditions, his project was to the orize the way in which economic classes became agents that would institute political (...)
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  18.  28
    How Times of Crisis Serve as a Catalyst for Creative Action: An Agentic Perspective.Ronald A. Beghetto - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:600685.
    The human experience is punctuated by times of crisis. Some crises are experienced at a personal level (e.g., the diagnosis of a life-threatening disease), organizational level (e.g., a business facing bankruptcy), and still others are experienced on a societal or global level (e.g., COVID-19 pandemic). Although crises can be deeply troubling and anxiety provoking, they can also serve as an important catalyst for creative action and innovative outcomes. This is because during times of crisis our typical forms of (...)
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  19. Pugna de poderes, crisis orgánica e independencia judicial.Ricardo Restrepo, Maria Helena Carbonell, Paúl Cisneros, Miguel Ruiz, John Antón, Antonio Salamanca & Natally Soria (eds.) - 2014 - IAEN.
    This work, in English "Struggle for power, organic crisis and judicial independence", has its origin in research academics of the IAEN carried out to provide expert advise to the Inter American Court of Human Rights in the case Quintana and others (Supreme Court of Justice) vs the State of Ecuador. The research is about the nature of the evolution of the ecuadorian state, the dynamics of its institutions, its players, parties, laws, its factors of instability, the way rights (...)
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    Questioning Big Data: Crowdsourcing crisis data towards an inclusive humanitarian response.Jeroen Wolbers, Kees Boersma, Peter Groenewegen, Julie Ferguson & Femke Mulder - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (2).
    The aim of this paper is to critically explore whether crowdsourced Big Data enables an inclusive humanitarian response at times of crisis. We argue that all data, including Big Data, are socially constructed artefacts that reflect the contexts and processes of their creation. To support our argument, we qualitatively analysed the process of ‘Big Data making’ that occurred by way of crowdsourcing through open data platforms, in the context of two specific humanitarian crises, namely the 2010 earthquake in Haiti (...)
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  21. Alternative Organizations as Systems Hijacking: The Commercial Trust as a Thought Experiment.Heather M. Hachigian - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (4):920-953.
    The COVID-19 crisis has renewed interest in alternative forms of organizing business and investment but our understanding of how these organizations can transform social systems is limited. The purpose of this article is to contribute to this understanding. In the context of one of the greatest transfers of wealth in global retail history that could see unprecedented numbers of businesses close or sold to distant, private interests, the article performs a thought experiment using the analogy of a commercial trust (...)
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  22.  35
    (1 other version)Entropies and the Anthropocene crisis.Maël Montévil - 2021 - AI and Society:1-21.
    The Anthropocene crisis is frequently described as the rarefaction of resources or resources per capita. However, both energy and minerals correspond to fundamentally conserved quantities from the perspective of physics. A specific concept is required to understand the rarefaction of available resources. This concept, entropy, pertains to energy and matter configurations and not just to their sheer amount. However, the physics concept of entropy is insufficient to understand biological and social organizations. Biological phenomena display both historicity and systemic properties. (...)
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  23. What Is a “Hegemonic Crisis”? Some Notes on History, Revolution and Visibility in Gramsci.Fabio Frosini - 2017 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 6 (11):45-71.
    History appears already to the young Gramsci as a system of forces in unstable balance, which struggle to position themselves on the side of history, to identify with it. For this reason, in his reading of Marxism, the unity of history is a result, the product of a successful strategy of hegemony building. This article reviews the Gramscian theory of hegemony and tries to show its coherence with the philosophy of praxis, that is, with the notion of the fundamentally practical (...)
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  24. The International Humanitarian Response to the Refugee Crisis Along the Balkan Route in the View of Strategies of International Organizations. Tetovo & of)Email: Macedonia - 2016 - Seeu Review 12 (1).
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  25.  10
    Global Crises and the Crisis of Global Leadership.Stephen Gill (ed.) - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    This groundbreaking collection on global leadership features innovative and critical perspectives by scholars from international relations, political economy, medicine, law and philosophy, from North and South. The book's novel theorization of global leadership is situated historically within the classics of modern political theory and sociology, relating it to the crisis of global capitalism today. Contributors reflect on the multiple political, economic, social, ecological and ethical crises that constitute our current global predicament. The book suggests that there is an overarching (...)
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  26.  9
    Responsible Organizations in the Global Context: Current Challenges and Forward-Thinking Perspectives.Annie Bartoli, Jose-Luis Guerrero & Philippe Hermel (eds.) - 2019 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book aims to spur critical thought on the various dimensions and impacts of "responsibility" for organizations, including companies, institutions, and governments, while considering international differences and similarities, as well as global challenges. It analyzes to what extent responsibility is becoming a crucial issue for all kinds of organizations, examining both the intensifying pressures of international competition and the growing crisis of confidence towards some management concepts and practices. As more and more socio-economic and political systems are suspected of (...)
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  27.  44
    The Crisis of Authority: Buddhist History for Buddhist Practitioners.Rita M. Gross - 2010 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 30:59-72.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Crisis of AuthorityBuddhist History for Buddhist PractitionersRita M. GrossAs a Buddhist scholar-practitioner who is also a feminist, I have multiple loyalties. The potential for conflict between different standards could be great, and I have often been asked whether my fundamental loyalty is to Buddhist standards and Buddhist teachers, to the values of feminism, or to standards of academic scholarship. This is a question I always refuse to (...)
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  28.  18
    The Effects of Financial Crisis on the Organizational Reputation of Banks: An Empirical Analysis of Newspaper Articles.Jens Wüstemann, Christopher Koch & Mario R. Englert - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (8):1519-1553.
    The recent financial crisis has triggered an intense debate about the role of banks in society, presumably changing the criteria used in the evaluation of organizations. Against this backdrop, we investigate the changing role of banks’ organizational features in shaping different dimensions of banks’ organizational reputation. Using the media as an important evaluator, we measure the reputational dimension of visibility based on the frequency of newspaper articles and the reputational dimension of favorability based on the sentiment of newspaper articles. (...)
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  29.  21
    With Crisis Comes Opportunity: Redesigning Performance Departments of Elite Sports Clubs for Life After a Global Pandemic.Scott McLean, David Rath, Simon Lethlean, Matt Hornsby, James Gallagher, Dean Anderson & Paul M. Salmon - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The suspension of major sporting competitions due to the global COVID-19 pandemic had a substantial negative impact on the sporting industry. As such, a successful and sustainable return to sport will require extensive modifications to the current operations of sporting organizations. In this article we argue that methods from the realm of sociotechnical systems theory are highly suited for this purpose. The aim of the study was to use such methods to develop a model of an Australian Football League club’s (...)
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  30.  12
    The Crisis of Transcendent Values: Higher Education at a Crossroads.Laurie M. Johnson - 2024 - The European Legacy 29 (3-4):288-303.
    The faith in progress that propelled the West for over four centuries is in decline due to its own success. The emergence of capitalism with its novel market imperatives has created both the poverty that causes political crises and the material growth that has destabilized the Earth’s climate. There is a growing sense that we are dominated by the technologies and social organizations that we hoped would liberate us. Individualism and secularity have left people feeling isolated and without a sense (...)
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  31.  15
    Climate Crisis, Psychoanalysis, and Radical Ethics.Donna M. Orange - 2016 - Routledge.
    Psychoanalysis engages with the difficult subjects in life, but it has been slow to address climate change. Climate Crisis, Psychoanalysis, and Radical Ethics draws on the latest scientific evidence to set out the likely effects of climate change on politics, economics and society more generally, including impacts on psychoanalysts. Despite a tendency to avoid the warnings, times of crisis summon clinicians to emerge from comfortable consulting rooms. Daily engaged with human suffering, they now face the inextricably bound together (...)
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  32.  63
    Crisis of political parties and representative democracies: rethinking parties in associational, experimentalist governance.Veit Bader - 2014 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 17 (3):350-376.
    The contrast between the normative functions of political parties in representative democracies and their empirical working is stark and rapidly increasing. This article starts from a sober, realist account of the empirical state of affairs and from structural problems of democracy and participations – in terms of limits of time, information, qualification and relevant expertise – that have to be acknowledged by any realist–utopian proposal of alternatives beyond the exclusive alternative of ‘thin, realist democracy’ or emphatic ‘strong, participatory, direct, or (...)
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  33.  43
    A crisis in comparative psychology: where have all the undergraduates gone?Charles I. Abramson - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:146144.
    Introduction Comparative psychology can generally be defined as the branch of psychology that studies the similarities and differences in the behavior of organisms. Formal definitions found in textbooks and encyclopedias disagree whether comparative psychologists restrict their work to the study of animals or include the study of human behavior. This paper offers an opinion on the major problem facing comparative psychology today – where we will find the next generation of comparative psychology students. Something must be done before we lose (...)
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  34.  19
    Eudaimonia in Crisis: How Ethical Purpose Finding Transforms Crisis.Bret Crane - 2022 - Humanistic Management Journal 7 (3):391-416.
    In a fast-paced and interconnected global economy, a crisis is an eventuality for most organizations. Leading during a crisis can be particularly challenging because a crisis can disrupt a firm’s purpose, undermine the motivation of employees, and can encourage unethical behavior. In this article, I focus on managing a crisis of purpose. I articulate a framework that elaborates ways in which leaders find and pursue ethical purposes during times of crisis and why these specific purposes (...)
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  35.  27
    The Crisis of Madrasa Graduates: A Search for Identity in the Pakistani Society (Medrese Mezunları Krizi: Pakistan Toplumunda Kimlik Arama).Farid Bin Masood & Umair Ali Khan - 2018 - Dini Araştırmalar 21 (54):27-38.
    Madrasah had remained the traditional institution of education in the Muslim history and remained functional in the pre-British era in the sub-continent. Historically, there had been no distinction between the religious and secular education in the madrasahs, but after the arrival of British imperialism which led to the subjugation and oppression of existing institutions which also affected the Madrasah curriculum leading to a gradualdecay in Madrasah to play any role in the society This existential crisis faced by the madrasah—both (...)
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  36. Ifá and the Development Crisis in Africa: A Hermeneuticophilosophical Study.Omotade Adegbindin - 2012 - Philosophia 40 (2).
    Today there exists the colonial story that the institutional framework within which the African leaders and other elites in power were attempting to solve the problems of development in Africa was European in origin and, therefore, could not douse the enormity of the crisis of development. As part of the colonial story, some people have also blamed the crisis of development in Africa on slavery and colonialism which, in their view, had serious damaging effects on indigenous structures of (...)
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  37.  99
    The Character of Crisis Events in the Bases of Modern Philosophy and the Ways of Solving These Problems.Gennady Mezentsev - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 17:49-55.
    This article is devoted to the crisis of the modern philosophy caused by the generally accepted approach towards the ontology issues of existence and the ways to solve these problems. Before Kant’s theory the fundamental principle of the universe organization in the ontology was the determination of the existence as the number of objects that were independent from the subject and explored as they were. Kant showed then that the subject deals only with the images of its own conscience. (...)
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  38.  84
    Eduard Gans and the Crisis of Hegelianism.Warren Breckman - 2001 - Journal of the History of Ideas 62 (3):543-564.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 62.3 (2001) 543-564 [Access article in PDF] Eduard Gans and the Crisis of Hegelianism Warren Breckman In a 1834 report on the development of economic associationism in France, Johannes Schön detected an echo in Germany, the stirrings of a debate over the "modern Associationswesen." This discussion, he believed, would be crucial to the future of the "national economy." 1 Schön was an (...)
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    Ethical Decision Making in Times of Organizational Crisis.Sandra L. Christensen & John Kohls - 2003 - Business and Society 42 (3):328-358.
    The article describes a framework that identifies event, organizational, and individual factors that threaten ethical decision making in organizations facing discrete crises or in an ongoing crisis environment. Nine propositions are stated that predict threats to ethical decision making during crisis. A comparison between predictions from our model and from Jones's (1991) model is made. Suggestions for research to test and refine the framework are proposed.
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    Crisis in Swedish farmland preservation strategy.David Vail - 1986 - Agriculture and Human Values 3 (4):24-31.
    Since the late 1960's, a mix of government policies has prevented the loss of farmland in Sweden, “either to forest or asphalt”; these policies have also ensured the maintenance of soil fertility and groundwater resources. However, in Sweden as in several other European nations, a chronic and growing “grain glut” in recent years has undermined the economic logic of import protection and farm price supports—the principle means of promoting a sustainable agriculture. Mainstream economists, imbued with urban-biased and production-centered values, have (...)
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  41. Employee Reactions to Leader-Initiated Crisis Preparation: Core Dimensions.Marcus Selart, Svein Tvedt Johansen & Synnøve Nesse - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 116 (1):99-106.
    Crisis prevention plans are usually evaluated based on their effects in terms of preventing or limiting organizational crisis. In this survey-based study, the focus was instead on how such plans influence employees’ reactions in terms of risk perception and well-being. Five different organizations were addressed in the study. Hypothesis 1 tested the assumption that leadership crisis preparation would lead to lower perceived risk among the employees. Hypothesis 2 tested the conjecture that it would also lead to a (...)
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  42.  52
    Why a Market in Organs is Inevitably Unethical.Alastair V. Campbell - 2016 - Asian Bioethics Review 8 (3):164-176.
    In this paper I shall be arguing against the claim made by Erin and Harris and others, that creating a “regulated market” in organs for transplantation taken from living vendors is both viable practically and a moral imperative. No-one can doubt that there is currently a crisis in the provision of organs for transplantation, with a massive gap between supply and demand. There are a number of reasons for this crisis. Since its development as a life-saving measure in (...)
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    Living Mindfully Through Crisis: Searching for Life Advice in the “Philosophy-Medicine” of Buddhism.Marc-Henri Deroche - 2021 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 5 (1):50-69.
    This paper examines philosophy as a way of life in a time of crisis by focusing on Buddhism, envisioned as a path exercising the faculty of “mindfulness.” From this standpoint of “Buddhist philosophy as mindful exercise,” and following the Kyōto School’s inspiration of engaging a dialogue with Western traditions, including modern psychology and medicine, the paper reflects upon the role of philosophy during this critical period. In response to the contemporary fragmentation of knowledge, it conceives creatively a set of (...)
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    2008 Financial Crisis and Islamic Finance: An Unrealized Opportunity.Fahad Al-Zumai & Mohammed Al-Wasmi - 2016 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 29 (2):455-472.
    The Islamic finance industry is relatively new and vibrant. It is becoming a mainstream industry in the MENA. The industry is based on a number of Sharia’a maxims and in particular the prohibition of Riba. Islamic law scholars’ emphasis on the ethical dimension of this industry and how it can be seen as a solution to existing capitalism. The current financial crisis presented this industry with an unprecedented test and an opportunity to influence and merge into main stream finance. (...)
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  45. How Do I Fix This? Managing a Product-Harm Crisis.Robert E. Davis - manuscript
    Product-harm crisis is an important organizational management topic due to the potential detrimental business impact. Organizations are more vulnerable than ever to the possibility of product related incidents disrupting business at any point in the supply chain. To counteract this implicit threat to an organizations reputation and financial wellbeing, if properly deployed, continuity management fosters the ability to run in the face of a crisis event; whereby business continuity management induces the means for appropriate product-harm crisis responses. (...)
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    Modern Pension System Reforms in Lithuania: Impact of Crisis and Ageing.Audrius Bitinas - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (3):1055-1080.
    The aim of this article is to define the actual construction of the modern 21st century’s Lithuanian pension system influenced by the last economic crisis and social challenges (ageing processes, raising social expenses) and implemented pension system reforms. Problems of the Lithuanian pension system are similar to those of the other European Union countries; therefore international organization recommendations and indications for future reforms should be evaluated and implemented. In this article Lithuanian pension system reforms are analyzed in the light (...)
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    Product Market Competition and Firm Performance: Business Survival Through Innovation and Entrepreneurial Orientation Amid COVID-19 Financial Crisis.Qiang Liu, Xiaoli Qu, Dake Wang, Jaffar Abbas & Riaqa Mubeen - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The product market competition has become a global challenge for business organizations in the challenging and competitive market environment in the influx of the COVID-19 outbreak. The influence of products competition on organizational performance in developed economies has gained scholars’ attention, and numerous studies explored its impacts on business profitability. The existing studies designate mixed findings between the linkage of CSR practices and Chinese business firms’ healthier performance in emerging economies; however, the current global crisis due to the coronavirus (...)
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    (1 other version)Resisting corporate corruption: cases in practical ethics from Enron through the financial crisis.Stephen V. Arbogast - 2013 - Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley.
    This text's objective is to teach business ethics in a manner very different from the conceptual/legal frameworks which dominate graduate schools. The book offers 25 case studies that cover a full range of business practice, controls and ethics issues. The cases are framed to instruct students in early identification of ethics issues, and how to work such problems effectively within corporate organizations. By pursuing these case studies, students should emerge with a "practical toolkit" that better enables them to follow their (...)
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    “A Forgotten Human Rights Crisis”: Statelessness and Issue Emergence. [REVIEW]Lindsey N. Kingston - 2013 - Human Rights Review 14 (2):73-87.
    Despite international laws guaranteeing the right to a nationality, statelessness remains a pervasive global problem that has been termed a “forgotten human rights crisis.” The issue highlights an important question for scholars that has not yet received enough attention: Why do some issues make it onto the international agenda while others do not? This study examines the characteristics necessary for successful issue emergence, or the step in the process of mobilization when a preexisting grievance is transformed from a problem (...)
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    The Opioid Crisis in Black Communities.Keturah James & Ayana Jordan - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (2):404-421.
    While much of the social and political attention surrounding the nationwide opioid epidemic has focused on the dramatic increase in overdose deaths among white, middle-class, suburban and rural users, the impact of the epidemic in Black communities has largely been unrecognized. Though rates of opioid use at the national scale are higher for whites than they are for Blacks, rates of increase in opioid deaths have been rising more steeply among Blacks than whites over the last five years. Moreover, the (...)
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