Results for 'Ontologized Ethics'

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  1.  52
    Ontologized Ethics: New Essays in African Meta-Ethics.Elvis Imafidon & John Ayotunde Isola Bewaji (eds.) - 2013 - Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
    Ontologized Ethics is a collection of essays in meta-ethics with an emphasis on philosophical discourse in the African context. It focuses primarily on the extent to which metaphysical beliefs may or may not justify moral beliefs, thereby revisiting the issue of the ‘is-ought’ relationship.
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    Confucius’ Ontological Ethics.Georgios Steiris - 2023 - Conatus 8 (1):303-321.
    Confucius associates the good and the beautiful. Li (translated variously as “ritual propriety,” “ritual,” “etiquette,” or “propriety”) embodies the entire spectrum of interaction with humans, nature, and even material objects. I argue that Confucius attempts to introduce an ethical ontology, not of “what,” but of “the way.” The “way” of reality becomes known with the deliberate participation to the Dao. In other words, through interaction. The way people co-exist demonstrates the rationality of the associations of living and functioning together. Li, (...)
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    Collectivity: Ontology, Ethics, and Social Justice.Kendy Hess, Violetta Igneski & Tracy Lynn Isaacs (eds.) - 2018 - Nw York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This volume explores new and urgent applications of collective action theory, such as global poverty, the race and class politics of urban geography, and culpable conduct in organizational criminal law. It draws attention to new questions about the status of corporate agents and new approaches to collective obligation and responsibility.
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    Ontology, Ethics, and Sentir: Properly Situating Merleau-Ponty.Melissa Clarke - 2002 - Environmental Values 11 (2):211-225.
    Maurice Merleau-Ponty did not author an ethic, and yet it is possible to extend his ontological descriptions to an ethic similar to that espoused by post modern thinkers. It is even possible to distill an environmental ethic, or at least, one of consideration of the more-than-human, from his work. This paper attempts to do some preliminary work in light of this, and lays some groundwork for the future direction of an environmental ethic inspired by a Merleau-Pontian ontology. At the same (...)
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  5. Ontology, ethics, dialogics-the problem of humanity in the conclusions of Levinas, Emmanuel.Alois Halder - 1984 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 91 (1):107-118.
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    Keeping it open: Ontology, ethics, knowledge and radical democracy.Alexandros Kioupkiolis - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (6):691-708.
    Its preoccupation with ontology presents radical democracy with a thorny dilemma: how to combine commitment and affirmation with a distinctive emphasis on contingency and contestability. The article addresses this dilemma by engaging with three different perspectives. Ernesto Laclau’s work shows the intrinsic constraints of ontology and the inadequacy of a simple distinction between ontology and ethico-political decision. Simon Critchley opposes tying radical politics to ontological prefiguration and argues for a particular ethico-political orientation. But ethics and politics come entwined with (...)
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  7. The Ontological Ethics of Hans Jonas.Michael Hauskeller - 2015 - In Darian Meacham (ed.), Medicine and Society, New Perspectives in Continental Philosophy. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag.
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    The incorporeal: ontology, ethics, and the limits of materialism.Elizabeth A. Grosz - 2017 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    A new resolution of the mind-body problem that reconciles materialism and idealism.
  9. Comblement/Fulfillment: Toward an Ontological Ethics of Sex.Jami Weinstein & Jeffrey Bussolini - 2000 - In Yolanda Estes, Arnold Lorenzo Farr, Patricia Smith & Clelia Smyth (eds.), Marginal Groups and Mainstream American Cultures. University Press of Kansas. pp. 71-95.
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    Ontologized Ethics: New Essays in African Meta-Ethics[REVIEW]Uchenna Okeja - 2017 - Philosophical Papers 46 (3):463-469.
  11.  15
    Elizabeth Grosz, "The Incorporeal: Ontology, Ethics, and the Limits of Materialism." Reviewed by.Conor O'Dea - 2019 - Philosophy in Review 39 (2):72-74.
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    Modern French Philosophy, Ontology, Ethics. 조현수 - 2015 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 78 (78):573-598.
    이 글의 주된 목적은 들뢰즈의 ‘존재의 일의성’ 주장이 무엇을 할 수 있으며, 왜 그것을 할 수 있는지를 밝히는 것이다. 이를 위해, 우리는 먼저 들뢰즈가 제시하는 ‘정동의 윤리학’이 기존의 도덕 이론에 어떤 근본적인 혁신을 가져오는지를 논의한 다음, 이처럼 매우 중요한 일을 할 수 있는 이 ‘정동의 윤리학’이 실은 ‘존재의 일의성’ 주장에서 그것을 뒷받침하는 근거를 찾을 수 있다는 것을 보여줌으로써 이 목적을 달성하려 하였다. 실로 ‘정동의 윤리학’의 커다란 혁신성은 개체에 대한 들뢰즈의 새로운 정의(定義)로부터 논리적인 결론으로 나오는 것이다. 그러므로 우리는 개체에 대한 기존의 (...)
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  13. Self-discovery: Who am I? An Ontologized Ethics of Self-mastery.Jim I. Unah - 2011 - Cultura 8 (1):143-158.
    Self-discovery leads to the development of the ethics of self-mastery. Many ethical systems prescribe how the individual could attain self-mastery by means of critical self-examination or self-analysis. Once such critical self-examination or self-analysis is successfully carried out, the individual begins to use himself, his personal preferences, as the standard of what is right or wrong. This is the background to the Confucian, Kantian and Existentialist ethics of categorical imperatives. Even in religious ethical systems that attribute the source of (...)
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  14.  37
    Can Ethics Be Without Ontology? Wittgenstein and Putnam.Rajakishore Nath - 2019 - Philosophia 47 (4):1215-1225.
    Putnam has given a different twist to the ethical issues in his philosophical writing on ethics. In his book on ‘Ethics Without Ontology,’ he has given the different interpretation to the ethical issues. Putnam states that there is no ‘ontology’ in ethics. For him, there is nothing wrong with ethics, rather there is something wrong with metaphysics. The ethics cannot be justified from a non-ethical standpoint of view. In this way, Putnam challenges both inflationary ontological (...)
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  15.  26
    Ontology and Attention: Addressing the Challenge of the Amoralist through Merleau-Ponty’s Phenomenology and Care Ethics.Anya Daly - 2022 - Philosophies 7 (3):67.
    This paper addresses the persistent philosophical problem posed by the amoralist—one who eschews moral values—by drawing on complementary resources within phenomenology and care ethics. How is it that the amoralist can reject ethical injunctions that serve the general good and be unpersuaded by ethical intuitions that for most would require neither explanation nor justification? And more generally, what is the basis for ethical motivation? Why is it that we can care for others? What are the underpinning ontological structures that (...)
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    Rejecting the Legend, Rereading de Beauvoir, Reworking Existentialism: The Case for Ontological Ethics.Liz Stanley - 1996 - European Journal of Women's Studies 3 (4):423-449.
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    Ontology and Ethics: Løgstrup between Heidegger and Levinas.Simon Thornton - 2020 - The Monist 103 (1):117-134.
    This paper provides an exposition and critical assessment of a fundamental disagreement between Løgstrup’s and Levinas’s otherwise closely aligned ethical phenomenologies. The disagreement concerns the putative compatibility of ethics and ontology, where in stark contrast to Levinas’s ethics, which proceeds from a critique of the ‘primacy of ontology’ in Western thought, Løgstrup brands his own ethical project as ‘ontological ethics’. First, I provide an interpretation of Løgstrup’s ontological ethics, clarifying in particular the influence of hermeneutic and (...)
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  18.  31
    Ontology, Metaphysics, Ethics and Nihilism. Essay on Nietzsche and Heidegger.Christine Daigle - 2002 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 1 (16):3-18.
    When one undertakes research on Nietzsche, a confrontation with Heidegger’s interpretation of his philosophy is almost unavoidable. Widely known, particular and influent, this interpretation is nevertheless problematic and its analysis, particularly of its occurence in Holzwege, leads to a questionning of the generally admitted notions of ontology, metaphysics, ethics, and nihilism. These notions are an integral part of the philosophical vocabulary and never seem to pose a problem. I am claiming here that, although they might seem quite univoqual and (...)
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  19.  29
    The Ontological Grounding of Hannah Arendt’s Political Ethics.Simas Čelutka - 2023 - The European Legacy 28 (5):441-462.
    This paper examines Hannah Arendt’s account of the relationship between politics and morality. Many critics have argued that Arendt’s conception of political action lacks any moral foundations, while others have tried to focus on her understanding of thinking as a normative source of her ethics. In contrast to these views, I present an alternative explanation and argue that the sources of Arendt’s political ethics are located neither in the faculty of thinking nor in extrapolitical moral norms or rules, (...)
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  20.  27
    Ethics and Ontology.David Koepsell - 2015-03-19 - In Michael Boylan (ed.), Who Owns You? Wiley. pp. 21–29.
    Gene patenting was enabled by strained interpretations of legal precedent and with very little consideration of its ultimate ethical implications. The sciences of justice, ethics, and morals remain in their dark ages, with their practitioners all ascribing to differing values and modes of inquiry, besieged in their various camps of deontological, or consequentialist, or emotive or theistic dogmas. Ownership and property rights in moveables are good candidates for grounded relations as opposed to intellectual property. The groundedness of a valid (...)
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  21.  43
    The Ontology of Species: Commentary on Kasperbauer’s ‘Should We Bring Back the Passenger Pigeon? The Ethics of De-Extinction’.Jonathan Beever - 2017 - Ethics, Policy and Environment 20 (1):18-20.
    Beneath important ethical questions about the impacts of de-extinct species on ecosystems and the potential harms to individual organisms lies a more fundamental assumption; namely, that the thing being "de-extinct-ed" is indeed a member of previously existing species. This is the ontological assumption: that genetic make-up of the individual is both a necessary and sufficient condition for species membership. Questioning this ontological assumption poses an even more critical challenge for de-extinction. Genes a member of a species do not make. They (...)
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  22. Ethics Without Ontology.Hilary Putnam - 2004 - Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
    In this brief book one of the most distinguished living American philosophers takes up the question of whether ethical judgments can properly be considered objective--a question that has vexed philosophers over the past century. Reviewing what he deems the disastrous consequences of ontology's influence on analytic philosophy--in particular, the contortions it imposes upon debates about the objective of ethical judgments--Putnam proposes abandoning the very idea of ontology.
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  23. Ethics and Ontology in French Hermeneutics: The Case of Ricœur.Gaëlle Fiasse - 2024 - In Daniel Whistler & Mark Sinclair (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Modern French Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 284-299.
    The first part of this article presents Ricœur's hermeneutics as a method, a style of writing and a particular philosophy. As a method, Ricœur revisits the notion of traditions and interpretations, in order to keep them open to debts from the past, to unexplored sources, to creative imagination and to the critical search for meaning. It is a style of writing, constantly put in dialogue with the history of philosophy which aims at unpacking a diversity of meanings. It is also (...)
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    The proposition for ethics in Merleau-Ponty: the condition of bodily-fleshly ontology to ontological ethics. 한우섭 - 2021 - Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosoph 88:69-116.
    메를로-퐁티의 철학은 그의 철학적 기술들(descriptions)에서 발견되는 미학적 관점, 언어적 관점, 정치적 관점 등의 세부 논의를 제외하면 크게 신체의 현상학적 관점과 살의 존재론적 관점으로 구분할 수 있다. 그런데 그것이 무엇이건 특정한 철학이 취하는 인식론적, 존재론적 틀 속에는 그러한 틀에 부합하는 윤리적 해석이 또한 내재할 수밖에 없으며, 이는 메를로-퐁티의 철학도 마찬가지이다. 따라서 비록 그가 윤리학을 구체적으로 이야기하고 있지 않다고 하더라도 메를로-퐁티의 철학을 윤리학적 관점으로 해석하고, 그의 철학을 윤리학의 범위로 확장하고자 하는 노력들이 그의 철학이 갖는 현상학적 특징과 존재론적 특징에 의해 폄하될 필요는 없을 (...)
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  25. Ethics and the generous ontology.Eric T. Olson - 2010 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 31 (4):259-270.
    According to a view attractive to both metaphysicians and ethicists, every period in a person’s life is the life of a being just like that person except that it exists only during that period. These “subpeople” appear to have moral status, and their interests seem to clash with ours: though it may be in some person’s interests to sacrifice for tomorrow, it is not in the interests of a subperson coinciding with him only today, who will never benefit from it. (...)
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    The ethics of conceptual, ontological, semantic and knowledge modeling.Robert J. Rovetto - 2023 - AI and Society:1-22.
    The ethics of artificial intelligence (AI) is a research topic with both theoretical and practical significance. However, the ethical and moral aspects of conceptual, ontological, semantic, and knowledge modeling, more specifically, and which are sometimes found in AI applications, is not being given sufficient attention. I argue that it should. Whether considering using or developing these meaning-focused models, there are ethical aspects. This paper offers a preliminary outline about this potentially new research field, discussing: some questions and areas of (...)
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    Ontological and ethical implications of direct nuclear reprogramming.Gerard Magill & William B. Neaves - 2009 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 19 (1):pp. 23-32.
    Scientific breakthroughs rarely yield the potential to engage a foundational ethical question. Recent studies on direct reprogramming of human skin cells reported by the Yamanaka lab in Japan and the Thomson lab in Wisconsin suggest that scientists may have crossed both a scientific and an ethical threshold. The fascinating science of direct nuclear reprogramming highlights empirical data that may clarify the ontological status of cellular activity in the early stages of what could become a human fetus and justify ethical options (...)
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  28. Ontology and ethics in the foundation of medicine and the relevance of Levinas' view.Douwe Tiemersma - 1987 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 2 (2).
    The search for an ontological basis of medical practice is questioned from the viewpoint that ontologies are always related to the interpreting person in his situation, and that the definition of medicine includes a certain choice. This choice-character comes into greater play when ethical proposals are made. A foundation of medical ethics on an ontology of the healthy body or the factual medical practice is a naturalistic fallacy. Prior to an ontological basis, the ethical event of responsibility for the (...)
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  29. Ontology and ethics at the intersection of phenomenology and environmental philosophy.Iain Thomson - 2004 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 47 (4):380 – 412.
    The idea inspiring the eco-phenomenological movement is that phenomenology can help remedy our environmental crisis by uprooting and replacing environmentally-destructive ethical and metaphysical presuppositions inherited from modern philosophy. Eco-phenomenology's critiques of subject/object dualism and the fact/value divide are sketched and its positive alternatives examined. Two competing approaches are discerned within the eco-phenomenological movement: Nietzscheans and Husserlians propose a naturalistic ethical realism in which good and bad are ultimately matters of fact, and values should be grounded in these proto-ethical facts; Heideggerians (...)
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    Monstrous ontologies: politics ethics materiality.Caterina Nirta & Andrea Pavoni (eds.) - 2021 - Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
    While the presence of monsters in popular culture is ever-increasing, their use as an explicit or implicit category to frame, stigmatise, and demonise the other is seemingly on the rise. At the same time, academic interest for monsters is ever-growing. Usually, monstrosity is understood as a category that emerges to signal a transgression to a given order; this approach has led to the demystification of the insidious characterisations of the (racial, sexual, physical) other as monstrous. While this effort has been (...)
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    Ethical and Ontological Dimension of Kierkegaard’s Perception of Freedom.Jugoslav Tepic - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (4):610-622.
    Starting with the point of freedom being one of unavoidable ideas of existential philosophy, as well as philosophy in general, we shall consider ethical and ontological aspects of contemplation of freedom in Kierkegaard’s philosophy. We deem that existential philosophy, “contemplated” in all its variations, represents the very horizon or manner of philosophical comprehension of freedom phenomena, where freedom is integrally observed, thus allowing us to talk about unique bliss of ontological and ethical dimension, both of those appearing to be equally (...)
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  32. Ontology for an Uncompromising Ethical Realism.William J. FitzPatrick - 2016 - Topoi 37 (4):537-547.
    I begin by distinguishing two general approaches to metaethics and ontology. One in effect puts our experience as engaged ethical agents on hold while independent metaphysical and epistemological inquiries, operating by their own lights, deliver metaethical verdicts on acceptable interpretations of our ethical lives; the other instead keeps engaged ethical experience in focus and allows our reflective interpretation of it to shape our metaphysical and epistemological views, including our ontology. While the former approach often leads to deflationary views, the latter (...)
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  33.  13
    Ontological Fundamentals for Ethical Management: Heidegger and the Corporate World.Dominik Heil - 2011 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    The book develops a philosophical foundation to the field of management education using the work of Martin Heidegger as a guiding philosophy. It asks the questions ‘what is a corporation?’ and ‘what is corporate management?’ These two questions are foundational for management thought in general and management ethics in particular. Most other academic fields are in some way defined and guided by a philosophical discourse. This philosophical discourse is largely missing in the field of management thought and education. Without (...)
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    A Phenomenological Approach with Ontological Implications? Charles Taylor and Maurice Mandelbaum on Explanation in Ethics.Michiel Meijer - 2017 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (5):977-991.
    This paper critically discusses Charles Taylor’s ethical views in his little known paper “Ethics and Ontology” : 305–320, 2003) by confronting it with the moral phenomenology of Maurice Mandelbaum, as laid out in his The Phenomenology of Moral Experience. The aim of the paper is to explore the significance of Taylor’s views for the dispute between naturalists, non-naturalists, and quietists in contemporary metaethics. It is divided in six sections. In the first section, I examine Taylor’s critique of naturalism. I (...)
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  35. The Turn from Ontology to Ethics: Three Kantian Responses to Three Levinasian Critiques.Simon Truwant - 2014 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 22 (5):696-715.
    Both Kant and Levinas state that traditional ontology is a type of philosophy that illegitimately forces the structure of human reason onto other beings, thus making the subject the center and origin of all meaning. Kant’s critique of the ontology of his scholastic predecessors is well known. For Levinas, however, it does not suffice. He rejects what we could call an ‘existential ontology’: a self-centered way of living as a whole, of which all philosophical ontology is but a branch. Alternatively, (...)
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  36. The Ontological Disclosure and Ethical Exposure of Meaning: The Notion of Meaning in Heidegger and Levinas.Darin Crawford Gates - 2000 - Dissertation, Villanova University
    The present study concerns the issue of meaning in contemporary continental philosophy. In particular, it develops the two accounts of meaning offered by Heidegger and Levinas, each of whom presents us with a differing break from Husserl. As a first attempt to name the difference between these three thinkers, one could say that Husserl gives us an epistemological notion of meaning; whereas Heidegger gives us an ontological account, and Levinas gives us an ethical account. We will refine and reformulate this (...)
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    An ecologically-informed ontology for environmental ethics.Douglas J. Buege - 1997 - Biology and Philosophy 12 (1):1-20.
    Since the inception of their subject as a distinct area of study in philosophy, environmental ethicists have quarreled over the choice of entities with which an environmental ethic should be concerned. A dichotomous ontology has arisen with the ethical atomists, e.g., Singer and Taylor, arguing for moral consideration of individual organisms and the holists, e.g., Rolston and Callicott, focussing on moral consideration of systems. This dichotomous view is ecologically misinformed and should be abandoned. In this paper, I argue that the (...)
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  38. The Ontology of Becoming and the Ethics of Particularity.Lawrence Hass (ed.) - 2012 - Ohio University Press.
    M. C. Dillon was widely regarded as a world-leading Merleau-Ponty scholar. His book _Merleau-Ponty’s Ontology_ is recognized as a classic text that revolutionized the philosophical conversation about the great French phenomenologist. Dillon followed that book with two others: _Semiological Reductionism_, a critique of early-1990s linguistic reductionism, and _Beyond Romance_, a richly developed theory of love. At the time of his death, Dillon had nearly completed two further books to which he was passionately committed. The first one offers a highly original (...)
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    Ecofeminist Ontology in Karen Warren's Ethic.M. Laurel-Leigh Meierdiercks - 2023 - Ethics and the Environment 28 (1):13-35.
    Abstract:In this paper I argue that ecofeminist theory needs a clearly stated ontological grounding in order to strengthen its ethical framework. In Karen Warren's work, she proposes an ecofeminist ethic delineated by "boundary conditions" which determine the approaches that cohere to ecofeminist concerns. One such condition is a reconceptualization of "what it is to be human." Here I trace the ontological assumptions present in Karen Warren's work in order to argue for the acceptance of a feminist, relational and context-dependent ontology (...)
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    Heidegger, Ethics and the Practice of Ontology.David Webb - 2009 - Continuum.
    Continuity and difference in Heidegger's sophist -- To think as mortals : Heidegger and the finitude of philosophical existence -- The contingency of freedom : Heidegger reading Kant -- Dimension and difference : from undifferentiatedness to singularity -- Heidegger and Weyl on the question of continuity -- The experience of language as such.
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    Environmental Ethics and Ontologies: Humanist or Posthumanist? The Case for Constrained Pluralism.Andrew Stables - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 54 (4):888-899.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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    Ethics of contributor role ontologies and taxonomies.Mohammad Hosseini - 2021 - Dissertation, Dublin City University
    First introduced in 2015, Contributor Role Ontologies and Taxonomies (CROTs) are the most recent innovation developed to address ethical issues of scholarly authorship. By providing a standard list of roles to specify individual contributions to publications, CROTs enhance transparency and consistency about the reporting of conducted tasks, and accordingly, improve the attribution of credit and responsibilities. Although various parties such as academic journals and universities are increasingly adopting CROTs, thus far no study has evaluated them from an ethical perspective. To (...)
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    Ontology and Ethics in Sartre's Early Philosophy.Yiwei Zheng - 2005 - Lexington Books.
    At the end of Being and Nothingness Sartre made the curious claim that his ethical views follow from his ontology and are based on it. Yiwei Zheng argues that there are unbridgeable gaps between Sartre's ontology and ethics that cannot be filled in, and in the process provides a careful study of some notoriously murky notions in Sartre's early philosophy.
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  44. Ethics and Ontology.Charles Taylor - 2003 - Journal of Philosophy 100 (6):305-320.
    Presents a good mapping of Williams’s argument in the larger context, relative to other thinkers, especially McDowell. With a short conclusion that there is something transcendent about ethical value that ecumenical projects reconciling the naturalist and the realist tend to miss.
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    Spinoza's ethics of interpretation: interpreting the paradoxical singularity of Spinoza's ontological argument.Jordan Robert Johnstone Nusbaum - 2023 - [UK]: Ethics International Press.
    This book examines Spinoza's ontological argument and introduces the concept of "paradoxical singularity." It explores the ways in which Spinoza's ontology establishes a framework in which singular things are, paradoxically, differentiated through intersecting causes. The book argues that Spinoza's ontological argument functions at once as a philosophical, religious, and political ethos in which interpretation is inseparable from cooperation. This emphasizes a connection between the productions of knowledge (interpretation) and the way of life (ethos) that those productions involve and express. Recommended (...)
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    Relationality and Commitment: Ethics and Ontology in Heidegger's Aristotle.Nicolai Krejberg Knudsen - 2019 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 50 (4):337-357.
    This article discusses the tension between social relationality and self-relationality central to Heidegger’s ontology of Dasein and the possible ways of reconciling this tension. Arguing that this is a tension between communicability and existential commitments, the article poses the question: How are existential commitments responsive to communication? After problematizing the quasi-Kantian and communitarian ways of settling the tension, the article uses Heidegger’s early reading of Aristotle to develop a third hermeneutic model of ethical relationality according to which existential commitments are (...)
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    Ontological Assumptions, a Biopsychosocial Approach, and Patient Participation: Moving Toward an Ethically Legitimate Science of Psychiatric Nosology.Porter Douglas - 2017 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 24 (3):223-226.
    Important philosophical work has gone into debunking thoroughly entrenched positivist notions that objective science proceeds in a value neutral manner. Dr. Tamara Kayali Browne's article "A Role for Philosophers, Sociologists, and Bioethicists in Revising the DSM" admirably takes the next step. Given the evaluative elements that permeate, in this case, the science of nosology—how do we deal responsibly with those evaluative elements? She correctly, in my opinion, concludes that dealing with evaluative issues responsibly is tantamount to dealing with them ethically. (...)
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  48. Assessing Ontologies: The Question of Human Origins and Its Ethical Significance.Daniel Cohnitz & Barry Smith - 2003 - In Edmund Runggaldier, Christian Kanzian & Josef Quitterer (eds.), Persons: An Interdisciplinary Approach. öbvhpt. pp. 243--259.
    In their paper “Sixteen Days” Barry Smith and Berit Brogaard try to answer the question: when does a human being begin to exist? In this paper we will address some methodological issues connected with this exercise in ontology. We shall begin by sketching the argument of “Sixteen Days”. We shall then attempt to characterize what is special about the ontological realism of “Sixteen Days” as contrasted to the linguistic constructivism which represents the more dominant current in contemporary analytic philosophy. This (...)
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    The Ethics and Ontology of Synthetic Biology: a Neo-Aristotelian Perspective.Lewis Coyne - 2020 - NanoEthics 14 (1):43-55.
    This article is concerned with two interrelated questions: what, if anything, distinguishes synthetic from natural organisms, and to what extent, if any, creating the former is of moral significance. These are ontological and ethical questions, respectively. As the title indicates, I address both from a broadly neo-Aristotelian perspective, i.e. a teleological philosophy of life and virtue ethics. For brevity’s sake, I shall not argue for either philosophical position at length, but instead hope to demonstrate their legitimacy through their explanatory (...)
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    Ethical Validity and Its Ontological Bearer in Heinrich Rickert’s Metaethics.Andrea Sebastiano Staiti - 2017 - Quaestio 17:623-635.
    In this paper I present Heinrich Rickert’s account of the difference between theoretical and ethical values as an insightful strategy to accommodate constructivist and realistic intuitions in metae...
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