Results for 'Omer Bazighifan'

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  1.  32
    A Comparison of Finite Difference and Finite Volume Methods with Numerical Simulations: Burgers Equation Model.Ali Hasan Ali, Ahmed Shawki Jaber, Mustafa T. Yaseen, Mohammed Rasheed, Omer Bazighifan & Taher A. Nofal - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-9.
    In this paper, we present an intensive investigation of the finite volume method compared to the finite difference methods. In order to show the main difference in the way of approaching the solution, we take the Burgers equation and the Buckley–Leverett equation as examples to simulate the previously mentioned methods. On the one hand, we simulate the results of the finite difference methods using the schemes of Lax–Friedrichs and Lax–Wendroff. On the other hand, we apply Godunov’s scheme to simulate the (...)
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    PeerNomination: A novel peer selection algorithm to handle strategic and noisy assessments.Omer Lev, Nicholas Mattei, Paolo Turrini & Stanislav Zhydkov - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 316 (C):103843.
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    Appropriate utilization of hospital beds in internal medicine: evaluation in a tertiary care hospital.Ömer Dizdar, Ömer Karadağ, Umut Kalyoncu, Mevlüt Kurt, Zekeriya Ülger, Yeşm Çetinkaya Şardan & Serhat Ünal - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (3):408-411.
  4.  14
    Nasreddin Hodja As A Trickster Figure in Turkish Literature and Xiyoujı's Sunwukong(孙悟空)in Chinese Literature: A Comparative Analysis.Ömer Şener - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:1741-1748.
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    A Thematic Analysis of Alev Alatlı's Kabus Novel.Ömer Çona - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:939-951.
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    Sayings In Neshati’s Divan.Ömer Savran - 2007 - Journal of Turkish Studies 2:1329-1337.
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    A theory of mediators' ethics: foundations, rationale, and application.Omer Shapira - 2016 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    Many aspects relating to the conduct of mediation are left to mediator choice, but mediators often lack adequate guidance on how their discretion ought to be exercised. In this book, Omer Shapira identifies the ethical norms that govern mediators' conduct. Adopting a professional ethics perspective on the basis of role-morality and applying it to a core definition of mediators' role, Shapira argues that all mediators are placed in ethical relationships with mediation parties, the mediation profession, the public, and their (...)
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    Muhammed b. Abdulmelik ed-Deylemî’nin “Me‘'rîcü’n- nüfûs” Adlı Eseri Bağlamında Nefsin Mahiyeti ve Özellikleri.T. A. Y. Ömer - 2023 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 11 (18):140-150.
    Sufis mainly focused on the properties of the nafs (soul) and its positive and negative effects on human life. Thus, they tried to correct the nafs with various training methods to eliminate its possible harms to humans. The aim of the present study, where we discuss the approach of Muhammad bin Abd al-Malik ad-Daylami (d. 589/1193), a mystic of the 6th century after hegira, to soul, is to investigate the rise of soul in the spiritual realm based on his manuscripts. (...)
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  9. Üsve-i hasene: tebliğde, terbiyede, muâmelede en gözel insan -sallallâhu aleyhi ve sellem-.Ömer Çelik, Mustafa Öztürk & Murad Kaya - 2004 - Istanbul: Erkam Yayınları. Edited by Mustafa Öztürk & Murat Kaya.
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    Li̇se tari̇h ders ki̇taplarinda i̇slami̇yet öncesi̇ araplar hakkindaki̇ konu anlatimi.Ömer Faruk Kirmit - forthcoming - Dini Araştırmalar.
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    Fütûhi’s Naz u Niyaz And Lover And Beloved in Naz u Niyaz.Ömer Savran - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:492-507.
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    Students’ “COVID-19” and “school” perceptions in the pandemic.Ömer F. Vural, Mehmet Başaran, Zeynep Demirtaş, Aynur R. Karamanlı & Cansu Bayrakcı - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study aims to reveal high school students’ perceptions of COVID-19 and schools in the pandemic process through metaphors. In the study, phenomenology research design based on the qualitative research method was used. The study was carried out with the participation of 134 students at all grade levels from high school. The data were analyzed by content analysis. The metaphors were categorized according to their similarities, and their frequency values were calculated. Seventy-six metaphors and eight categories about COVID-19 were reached, (...)
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    Not a Prophet, A Mirror.Atalia Omer - 2022 - Journal of Religious Ethics 50 (2):303-311.
    Shaul Magid's Meir Kahane: The Public Life and Political Thought of an American Jewish Radical (2021) has the potential to urge American and Israeli Jews to “own” Meir Kahane and hold him up as a mirror reflecting the toxic and tragic dimensions of modern Jewish history. Such a look in the mirror can only happen once Jews see Palestinian suffering as central to the building of the state of Israel and also how they are complicit and implicated in such suffering.
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    Philosophy’s Desire for The City/State: A Comparison Between Platonopolis and al-Madinah al-Fadilah.Ömer Ceran - 2024 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 14 (14:1):153-166.
    Felsefelerinin amacı bireysel ve toplumsal anlamda mutluluğa ulaşmak olan bazı filozoflar bu amaca hizmet edeceklerini düşündükleri şehir ve devlet modelleri tasarlamışlardır. Bu düşüncenin zemininde insanın bir toplum içinde yaşamak zorunda olduğu düşüncesi bulunur. Ahlak ve siyaset felsefeleri de bu düşünceden hareket ederek üretilmiştir. Filozofların tasarladıkları şehir ve devlet modelleri kendi düşünceleri çerçevesinde ideal felsefi ortamın yaşanacağı toplumu da öne çıkarmaktadır. Üretilen bu düşüncelerden bazıları ütopya olarak değerlendirilmiş ve hayata geçirilme imkânı açısından eleştiriye tabi tutulmuştur. Biz bu çalışmamızda böyle bir şehir/devlet (...)
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    (Dost-)Düşmanlar: Hıristiyan Siyonizminde Antisemitizm ve Anti-İslamizm [(Fr-)Enemies: Antisemitism and Anti-Islamism in Christian Zionism].Ömer Kemal Buhari̇ - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (3):1315-1330.
    Abstract: The paper deals with “Christian Zionists”, who have born out of Protestantism, conglomerate particularly in the United States of America, provide a non-proportional support for Israel and who at the same time antagonize Islam. The movement’s quiddity, genesis, theology, activities, as well as anti-Semitic and anti-Islamic tendencies are elaborated. According to initial findings, Christian Zionism constitutes an anomaly from a number of perspectives. Most importantly, Jews and Christians symbolize two communities that have been violently antagonizing each other since centuries. (...)
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    De besluitvormingsmechanismen op nationaal en gewestelijk vlak : Een federale staat zonder federaal gezag?Omer Coenen - 1984 - Res Publica 26 (3):333-340.
    The rapid evolution that has taken place since the state reform of 1980 has made the need felt that some options of this state reform must be adjusted. In spite of this need, the core question is whether or not one should, in the first place, adapt the structures of the national government so it can carry out its national tasks. The clear establishment of communities and regions, the structuring of the political parties on the basis of these entities, the (...)
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    Error Analysis of Grammatical Features in Saudi Undergraduate EFL Writing.Neimat Idris Moh Saeed Omer - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:483-498.
    Mastery of English grammatical accuracy is paramount for developing proficiency as a foreign language. However, research examining tendencies among Saudi undergraduate writers remains limited. This study aimed to address such gaps through a comprehensive identification and categorization of errors present in student essays. A rigorous mixed-methods approach analyzed over 350 grammatical mistakes across 50 female students' writing samples. Errors were systematically coded and categorized to reveal frequency data through quantitative analysis. Findings demonstrated spelling, subject-verb agreement, and capitalization as the most (...)
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  18. Part II. studies of movement phenomena and structure building in survive-minimalism: Long-distance agreement without probe-goal relations.Omer Preminger - 2009 - In Michael T. Putnam, Towards a Derivational Syntax: Survive-Minimalism. John Benjamins Pub. Company.
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    From Bidirectional Associative Memory to a noise-tolerant, robust Protein Processor Associative Memory.Omer Qadir, Jerry Liu, Gianluca Tempesti, Jon Timmis & Andy Tyrrell - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (2):673-693.
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    The Reflection Of The Body Into Letters In The Classical Turkish Poetry.Ömer Savran - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:896-905.
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    XI. Yüzyılda Tao-Klarceti Bölgesi'nde Tü.Ömer Subaşi - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 5):705-731.
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    Hamd'nîlerin Şiîliği ile ilgili Tespitler ve Hamd'nî Şiîliğinin Karakteri.Ömer Tokuş - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 9):457-457.
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    De oprichting en werking van de Partij voor Vrijheid en Vooruitgang.Omer Vanaudenhove - 1983 - Res Publica 25 (4):655-660.
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  24. On the d-n model of scientific explanation.I. A. Omer - 1970 - Philosophy of Science 37 (3):417-433.
    This paper discusses the D-N model of scientific explanation. It is suggested that explanation is a part of assertive discourse where certain principles must be observed. Then use is made of the relation between the informative content and logical content of a sentence (as shown, for instance, by Popper) to draw some of the conditions necessary for a sound model. It is claimed that the conditions of the model proposed in the present paper exhaust the insights of the papers in (...)
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    Mehmed R'sim’s Explanation On The First Eighteen Couplets Of Mesnevi.Ömer Savran - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:387-406.
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    Sab'yî And His Uveys-n'me.Ömer Savran - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:478-537.
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    Ziya Pasha’s Terci-i Bend And First Hesitations In Tanzimat Generation.Ömer Solak - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:1990-2006.
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    Nurettin Topçu'nun Meritokratik Demokrasi Arayışı.Ömer Taşgetiren - 2021 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 11 (11:2):817-834.
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    Does The Ghazel In Türkçe Dîv'n Belong To Fuzuli?Ömer Zülfe - 2006 - Journal of Turkish Studies 1:249-258.
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    A comparison attempt regarding the look of Şeyh G'lib and Mehmet Âkif to mankind taking their poems as a reference.Ömer Çakir - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:737-749.
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    Açıklamalı felsefe eserleri bibliyografyası: Arap harfli Türkçe basmalar.Ömer Mahir Alper - 2004 - Cağaloğlu, İstanbul: Kitabevi.
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    The Political Implications of Marx’s Labour Theory of Value.Omer Moussaly - 2018 - Dialogue and Universalism 28 (3):81-100.
    In economic history value theory is simply one paradigm amongst others. It refers to an ensemble of economic ideas developed by classical political economists such as Adam Smith and David Ricardo. In the works of Karl Marx, however, value theory takes on a new meaning. It is charged with political significance and relates directly to class struggles in modern society. In this paper we will explore some aspects of Marx’s critique of capitalism as interpreted by Harry Cleaver, Isaak Illich Rubin, (...)
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  33. In Those Terrible Days: Notes from the Lodz Ghetto. By Josef Zelkowicz.R. Omer-Sherman - 2005 - The European Legacy 10 (6):664.
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  34. Torat ha-mishpaṭ: pirḳe mavo.Omer Shapira - 2007 - Tel Aviv: Bursi, hotsaʼah la-or shel sifre ḥoḳ u-mishpaṭ.
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    Edirne Müftüsü Mehmed Fevzî Efendi ve Vesîle-i Sa'det Adlı Eseri.Ömer Yilmaz - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 17):305-305.
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    Çokkültürlü Psikolojik Danışma Yeterlikleri Ölçeğinin Geliştirilmesi.Ömer Özer - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 7):781-781.
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    Nev’î’s Mathnawi Mün'zara-i Tûtî Vü Z'ğ.Ömer Zülfe - 2007 - Journal of Turkish Studies 2:660-696.
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    The influence of k-dependence on the complexity of planning.Omer Giménez & Anders Jonsson - 2012 - Artificial Intelligence 177-179 (C):25-45.
  39.  29
    Timing effect in bargaining and ex ante efficiency of the relative utilitarian solution.Omer F. Baris - 2018 - Theory and Decision 84 (4):547-556.
    In this note, I provide an axiomatic characterization of the relative utilitarian bargaining solution to Nash bargaining problems. The solution is obtained when Nash’s independence of irrelevant alternatives axiom is replaced by the weak linearity axiom, while retaining the other three axioms. RU maximizes the sum of proportional gains, or, equivalently, minimizes the sum of proportional losses. RU is scale invariant and compared to the Nash and Kalai and Smorodinsky solutions, it is ex ante efficient when the bargaining problem is (...)
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  40.  10
    Weiße Stellen und schwarze Löcher: Vergangenheit und Gegenwart in Ostgalizien.Omer Bartov - 2007 - Naharaim 1 (2):155-194.
    I Das Grenzland Im Jahre 1772 annektierte das Habsburgerreich im Süden Polens gelegene Gebiete und gliederte sie als „Königreich Galizien und Lodomerien“ in seinen Herrschaftsbereich ein. Nach dem Zusammenbruch der Habsburger Monarchie im I. Weltkrieg wurde Galizien 1918 Teil des erneut unabhängigen Polen. In Ostgalizien gründeten ukrainische Nationalisten eine kurzlebige „West-Ukrainische Republik“. Im Anschluss weiterer Kampfhandlungen zwischen Polen, Ukrainern und Sowjets annektierte Polen dann ganz Ostgalizien, das von den Polen „Kleines Ostpolen“ genannt wurde, einschließlich der nördlichen Gebiete Wolhyniens und Polesiens. (...)
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  41.  13
    About Poet and Work Evaluations in Nevvab’s Tezkire.Bayram Ömer - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:385-404.
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    Long-distance agreement without probe-goal relations.Omer Preminger - 2009 - In Michael T. Putnam, Towards a Derivational Syntax: Survive-Minimalism. John Benjamins Pub. Company. pp. 144--1.
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    When radical uncertainty is too much: Clinical aspects of Conviction Narrative Theory.Omer Linkovski & Renana Eitan - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e101.
    We propose extrapolating Conviction Narrative Theory (CNT) to clinical psychology and psychiatry. We demonstrate how CNT principles may benefit assessment, therapy, and possibly even modify public health views of neuropsychiatric disorders. Our commentary focuses on hoarding disorder as a model, elaborates on discrepancies in the scientific literature and suggests how the CNT may resolve them.
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    Beyond uncertainty: A broader scope for “incentive hope” mechanisms and its implications.Omer Linkovski, Noam Weinbach, Shimon Edelman, Marcus W. Feldman, Arnon Lotem & Oren Kolodny - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    We propose that food-related uncertainty is but one of multiple cues that predicts harsh conditions and may activate “incentive hope.” An evolutionarily adaptive response to these would have been to shift to a behavioral-metabolic phenotype geared toward facing hardship. In modernity, this phenotype may lead to pathologies such as obesity and hoarding. Our perspective suggests a novel therapeutic approach.
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    Forward bounding on pseudo-trees for DCOPs and ADCOPs.Omer Litov & Amnon Meisels - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 252 (C):83-99.
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    The Cry of the Forgotten Stones.Atalia Omer - 2015 - Journal of Religious Ethics 43 (2):369-407.
    Based on extensive archival work, this essay assesses the contribution of a Palestinian liberation theology to a comprehensive view of peacebuilding that involves not only liberation from oppressive occupation but also a holistic vision and strategy for attaining just societal structures. Emerging out of the victim's viewpoint, a PLT is consistent with a multiperspectival approach to justice. It articulates a call for a holistic transformation of the interrelations between Jews and Palestinians, envisioning a just peace that must entail a re-framing (...)
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    The Middle Included - Logos in Aristotle.Ömer Aygün - 2016 - Evanston, Illinois, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri: Northwestern University Press.
    The Middle Included is a systematic exploration of the meanings of logos throughout Aristotle’s work. It claims that the basic meaning is “gathering,” a relation that holds its terms together without isolating them or collapsing one to the other. This meaning also applies to logos in the sense of human language. Aristotle describes how some animals are capable of understanding non-firsthand experience without being able to relay it, while others relay it without understanding. Aygün argues that what distinguishes human language, (...)
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    Linking Perceived Organizational Politics to Workplace Cyberbullying Perpetration: The Role of Anger and Fear.Omer Farooq Malik & Shaun Pichler - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 186 (2):445-463.
    The introduction of information and communication technologies in the workplace has extended the scope of bullying behaviors at work to the online context. However, less is known about the role of situational factors in encouraging cyberbullying behavior in the workplace. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of perceived organizational politics in fueling cyberbullying in the workplace, and to examine the central role of negative emotions in this process. The sample comprised 279 faculty members of three large (...)
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  49.  30
    The Role and Limits of Dialectical Method in Aristotelian Natural Science.Ömer Aygün - 2017 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (2):427-451.
    In this paper, we offer an overview of Aristotle’s account for his belief that honeybees reproduce without copulation. Following this, we draw the three following implications: First, that Aristotle’s position on this question is quite unconventional, and undercuts many traditional and “Aristotelian” hierarchies; secondly, that the method that requires him to hold this unconventional position is largely dialectical; and finally, that the lineage behind this method is Socratic. In this sense, Aristotle’s biological work may be seen as taking up where (...)
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    Φιλοσόφων τὰ θεουργικὰ ἐξετάζειν.Omer Ballériaux - 1989 - Kernos 2:13-25.
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