Results for 'Omar Gogiašvili'

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    Politikuri ideologiebi.Omar Gogiašvili - 2004 - Tʻbilisi: Tʻbilisis universitetis gamomcʻemloba.
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    The Foundation of Norms in Islamic Jurisprudence and Theology.Omar Farahat - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, Omar Farahat presents a new way of understanding the work of classical Islamic theologians and legal theorists who maintained that divine revelation is necessary for the knowledge of the norms and values of human actions. Through a reconstruction of classical Ashʿarī-Muʿtazilī debates on the nature and implications of divine speech, Farahat argues that the Ashʿarī attachment to revelation was not a purely traditionalist position. Rather, it was a rational philosophical commitment emerging from debates in epistemology and (...)
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    Naturaleza e Ilustración en la Filosofía de la historia de Kant.Omar Alejandro Amaya Amaya - 2016 - Saga - Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía 15 (27):16-27.
    La filosofía de la historia de Kant se fundamenta en el concepto de una intención de la naturaleza [ Naturabsicht ]. En este ensayo, presento los diferentes conceptos que Kant tiene de naturaleza para explicar el modo específico en que el individuo participa del desarrollo histórico del género humano. En este sentido intento probar, acudiendo a los opúsculos jurídico políticos de Kant, que el cumplimiento plenode la intención de la naturaleza es posible gracias a los conceptos de antagonismo e Ilustración (...)
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    Sdoppiamenti: l'ermeneutica politica di Joachim Ritter nella Germania del Novecento.Omar Brino - 2020 - Napoli: Orthotes.
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    Introduction.Omar Khayyam - 1999 - Philosophy Now 24:12-12.
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  6. Rasoili falsafī.Omar Khayyam - 2000 - Dushanbe: Irfon. Edited by A. Mukhammedkhodzhaev & I. Saidov.
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    Reseña de" Cultura y Educación en tiempos de globalización posmoderna" de Pablo Guadarrama González.Omar Muñoz - 2006 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 11 (35):124-125.
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    La estructura disposicional de los sentimientos.Omar Rosas - 2011 - Ideas Y Valores 60 (145):5-31.
    Con base en la teoría valorativa de las emociones, desarrollada por Frijda y sus colegas, se argumenta que los sentimientos pueden entenderse como parcialmente isomorfos a las emociones, cuyo rasgo fundamental radica en las disposiciones de un individuo a creer en sus experiencias emocionales y actu..
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    Change in Brainstem Gray Matter Concentration Following a Mindfulness-Based Intervention is Correlated with Improvement in Psychological Well-Being.Omar Singleton, Britta K. Hölzel, Mark Vangel, Narayan Brach, James Carmody & Sara W. Lazar - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Illusion of the Peoples: A Critique of National Self-Determination.Omar Dahbour - 2003 - Lexington Books.
    In this book Omar Dahbour examines all of the arguments that have been given for national self-determination, whether by international lawyers, moral philosophers, democratic theorists, or political communitarians.
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    Self-Determination Without Nationalism: A Theory of Postnational Sovereignty.Omar Dahbour - 2012 - Temple University Press.
    How do groups—be they religious or ethnic—achieve sovereignty in a postnationalist world? In Self-Determination without Nationalism, noted philosopher Omar Dahbour insists that the existing ethics of international relations, dominated by the rival notions of liberal nationalism and political cosmopolitanism, no longer suffice. Dahbour notes that political communities are an ethically desirable and historically inevitable feature of collective life. The ethical principles that govern them, however—especially self-determination and sovereignty—require reformulation in light of globalization and the economic and environmental challenges of (...)
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    Delimitations of Latin American philosophy: beyond redemption.Omar Rivera - 2019 - Bloomington, Indiana, USA: Indiana University Press, Office of Scholarly Publishing, Herman B Wells Library.
    A distinctive focus of 19th- and 20th-century Latin American philosophy is the convergence of identity formation and political liberation in ethnically and racially diverse postcolonial contexts. From this perspective, Omar Rivera interprets how a "we" is articulated and deployed in central political texts of this robust philosophical tradition. In particular, by turning to the work of Peruvian political theorist José Carlos Mariátegui among others, Rivera critiques philosophies of liberation that are invested in the redemption of oppressed identities as conditions (...)
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    The model companion of differential fields with free operators.Omar León Sánchez & Rahim Moosa - 2016 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 81 (2):493-509.
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    External Dynamics Contextualizing the FDA’s Role in E-Cigarette Regulation.Omar Gaidarov & Rachel Asher - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (10):32-34.
    The authors of the target article articulate the complicated, often conflicting demands of U.S. Food and Drug Administration roles as justification for the FDA’s delay in releasing guidelines...
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  15. Development of materials for automotive disc brake.Omar Maluf, Maurício Angeloni, Marcelo Tadeu Milan, Dirceu Spinelli & Waldek Wladimir Bose Filho - 2007 - Minerva 4 (2):149-158.
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  16. Filosofía y democracia: ¿ cuál tiene la prioridad?Omar Astorga & María Eugenia Cisneros - 1999 - Apuntes Filosóficos 15.
    Examinamos aquí el pensamiento filosófico político de Richard Rorty tomando como punto de partida su artículo <>, así como su libro Contingencia, ironía y solidaridad. Mostramos, en primer lugar, que la pretensión de Rorty de justificar la prioridad de la democracia sobre la filosofía basándose en la tradición liberal que va de Jefferson a Rawls, es, al mismo tiempo, la reivindicación de los supuestos antropológicos (hobbesianos) de esa tradición. A través de esos supuestos (...)
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  17. .Omar Farahat - unknown
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    Probability in Economics.Omar Hamouda & Robin Rowley - 2013 - Routledge.
    Notions of probability and uncertainty have been increasingly prominant in modern economics. This book considers the philosophical and practical difficulties inherent in integrating these concepts into realistic economic situations. It outlines and evaluates the major developments, indicating where further work is needed. This book addresses: * probability, utility and rationality within current economic thought and practice * concepts of ignorance and indeterminancy * experimental economics * econometrics, with particular reference inference and estimation.
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    Some Puzzling Aspects of Social Interaction.Omar K. Moore & Alan R. Anderson - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (3):409 - 433.
    One striking point of similarity is this: there is a sense in which we feel we do not know what we are talking about. By this we mean that our remarks to follow do not constitute a theory. And as evidence for this contention we cite the fact that we have no logically valid arguments to support what we say. To be sure, we believe ourselves to be in very good company in this respect, at least as far as the (...)
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  20. El transhumanismo: cuestión de piel.Omar Parra Rozo & Hernando Barrios Tao - 2015 - Escritos 23 (50):43-65.
    Para la investigación que conllevó al presente artículo se utilizó el método hermenéutico analógico. Con base en los pasos primordiales de análisis e interpretación se acudió al lenguaje narrativo literario y a su relación inmediata con otros tipos de lenguaje: visual, audiovisual, de imagen, televisivo y mixto. Se estudiaron textos escritos, hablados y actuados. Se efectuó un recorrido narrativo, textual, argumentativo siendo fiel a los planteamientos del autor, al medio y al lector, y se acudió a los textos que presentan (...)
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    Back to the soil: retroviruses and transposons.Omar Bagasra & D. Gene Pace - 2010 - In Günther Witzany (ed.), Biocommunication in Soil Microorganisms. Springer. pp. 161--187.
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    When must a patient seek healthcare? Bringing the perspectives of islamic jurists and clinicians into dialogue.Omar Qureshi & Aasim I. Padela - 2016 - Zygon 51 (3):592-625.
    Muslim physicians and Islamic jurists analyze the moral dimensions of biomedicine using different tools and processes. While the deliberations of these two classes of experts involve judgments about the deliverables of the other's respective fields, Islamic jurists and Muslim physicians rarely engage in discussions about the constructs and epistemic frameworks that motivate their analyses. The lack of dialogue creates gaps in knowledge and leads to imprecise guidance. In order to address these discursive and conceptual gaps we describe the sources of (...)
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    Andean aesthetics and anticolonial resistance: a cosmology of unsociable bodies.Omar Rivera - 2022 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Informed by Gloria Anzaldúa's and José Carlos Mariátegui's work, as well as by Andean cosmology, Omar Rivera turns to Inka stonework and architecture as an example of a "Cosmological Aesthetics." He articulates ways of sensing, feeling and remembering that are attuned to an aesthetic of water, earth and light. On this basis, Rivera brings forth a corporeal orientation that can be inhabited by the oppressed, one that withdraws from predominant modern/Western conceptions of the human. By providing an aesthetic analysis (...)
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  24. Another Look at the Modal Collapse Argument.Omar Fakhri - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 13 (1):1-23.
    On one classical conception of God, God has no parts, not even metaphysical parts. God is not composed of form and matter, act and potency, and he is not composed of existence and essence. God is absolutely simple. This is the doctrine of Absolute Divine Simplicity. It is claimed that ADS implies a modal collapse, i.e. that God’s creation is absolutely necessary. I argue that a proper way of understanding the modal collapse argument naturally leads the proponent of ADS to (...)
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    The conceptual bases of metaphors of dirt and cleanliness in moral and non-moral reasoning.Omar Lizardo - 2012 - Cognitive Linguistics 23 (2).
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    Francisco Valsecchi y las peripecias de una axiología económica católica en la Argentina del siglo XX.Omar Acha - 2011 - Cuyo 28 (1):61-77.
    El recorrido intelectual de Francisco Valsecchi en la historia de las ideas económicas católicas muestra las inflexiones teóricas de una axiología derivada de la Doctrina Social de la Iglesia. Sin embargo, las condiciones históricas del desarrollo de una economía católica en la Argentina y las transformaciones sociales, económicas y políticas del periodo 1930-1970 incidieron sobre las tendencias conceptuales de aquella axiología en apariencia perenne. Para explicar los cambios operados en el pensamiento económico se sigue la trayectoria de Valsecchi. Se muestran (...)
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  27. On the apocalyptic theme in modern scientific discourse.Omar Rafael Regalado Fernandez - 2022 - In Jakub Kowalewski (ed.), The Environmental Apocalypse: Interdisciplinary Reflections on the Climate Crisis. Routledge.
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  28. Letters to a Young Muslim.Omar Saif Gobash - 2017
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    Labor, consumo, genocidio.Omar Darío Heffes - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:953-959.
    El objetivo de esta presentación es establecer una relación entre el ciclo de la labor, conceptualizado por Arendt en La condición humana, y el campo de concentración. Se parte de la clara alusión de Arendt, en donde argumenta que lo que se busca en el campo de concentración, es la construcción de un animal que sólo tenga la “libertad” de “reproducir su especie”. Dichas características están insertas en el animal laborans que también pareciera ser la cifra del homo sacer de (...)
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  30. A Muslim View of Christianity: Essays on Dialogue by Mahmoud Ayoub.Irfan A. Omar - 2007
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    In Uruguay, an Ethic of Care for the Dying.Omar França - 1988 - Hastings Center Report 18 (4):21-22.
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    Revisiting Marx’s critique of liberalism: Rethinking justice, legality and rights.Omar Garcia - 2023 - Contemporary Political Theory 22 (4):161-164.
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    Formalism , Behavioral Realism and the Interdisciplinary Challenge in Sociological Theory.Omar Lizardo - 2009 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 39 (1):39-80.
    In this paper, I argue that recent sociological theory has become increasingly bifurcated into two mutually incompatible styles of theorizing that I label formalist and behavioral-realist. Formalism favors mathematization and proposes an instrumentalist ontology of abstract processes while behavioral-realist theory takes at its basis the "real" physical individual endowed with concrete biological, cognitive and neurophysiological capacities and constraints and attempts to derive the proper conceptualization of social behavior from that basis. Formalism tends to lead toward a conceptually independent sociology that (...)
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    Achieving Top Performance While Building Collegiality in Sales: It All Starts with Ethics.Omar S. Itani, Fernando Jaramillo & Larry Chonko - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (2):417-438.
    While previous literature provides evidence of the positive relationship between ethical climate and job satisfaction, the possible mechanisms of this relationship are still underexplored. This study aims to enhance scholars’ and practitioners’ understanding of the ethical climate–job satisfaction relationship by identifying and testing two of the possible mechanisms. More specifically, this study fills an existing research gap by examining social and interpersonal mechanisms, referred to in this study as workplace isolation of colleagues and salesperson’s teamwork, of the ethical climate–job satisfaction (...)
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    A theory of actions and habits: The interaction of rate correlation and contiguity systems in free-operant behavior.Omar D. Perez & Anthony Dickinson - 2020 - Psychological Review 127 (6):945-971.
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    Controversias sobre la justiciabilidad de los derechos reproductivos al nacimiento en Mexico.Omar Calvo Aguilar - 2022 - Dilemata 37:41-51.
    The justiciability of reproductive rights in childbirth care is a critical approach that has generated controversies due to the fact that international scene, it has been called in various forms, several definitions have been proposed, it uses different criteria and it has promoted criminal sanctions as a means of guaranteeing this right in some countries. In Mexico the debate focuses on each of these topics from the object of the various participants in maternal care, health professionals, women, civil organizations, academics (...)
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    El Plano Alfa del Objeto de Estudio.Omar A. Barriga & A. Henríquez - 2005 - Cinta de Moebio 24.
    The step between identifying the Research Object that we want to observe and the development of a reference frame to guide the investigation, in our opinion, has not received adequate attention as we help train researchers. Our bibliographical searches give us suggestions as to which aspects are mor..
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    Una ontología del espacio social.Omar A. Barriga & A. Henríquez - 2007 - Cinta de Moebio 28:67-71.
    The central concern given to the object of study in the research process, instead of paradigmatic a priori, has taken us to an epistemology that gives support this complementary view of methodological trends. However, this epistemological standpoint requires thinking about the nature of social reali..
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  39. De la cuestión del gusto a las máscaras del genio.Omar Espinosa - 2008 - A Parte Rei 55:20.
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    RIES, Julien (Ed.): Tratado de Antropología de lo Sagrado. Vol. 1. Los orígenes del homo religiosus.Omar Consuegra - 1996 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 13:374.
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  41. Introduction: National identity as a philosophical problem.Omar Dahbour - 1996 - Philosophical Forum 28 (1-2):1-20.
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  42. The Akbarian Tradition in Hadhramawt: The Intellectual Legacy of Shaykh Abū Bakr b. Sālim.Omar Edaibat - 2022 - In Mohammed Rustom, William C. Chittick & Sachiko Murata (eds.), Islamic thought and the art of translation: texts and studies in honor of William C. Chittick and Sachiko Murata. Boston: Brill.
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  43. The moment of the "Dispositif".Omar Hachemi - 2015 - In François Albera & Maria Tortajada (eds.), Cine-Dispositives: Essays in Epistemology Across Media. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
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  44. Access to multilingual information: Research strategies to built the context indexing of the producer.Omar Larouk - unknown
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  45. Ellen Kappy Suckiel, Heaven's Champion: William James's Philosophy of Religion Reviewed by.Majeda Omar - 1998 - Philosophy in Review 18 (1):65-67.
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    Platón y la irracionalidad.María Luz Omar - 2014 - Tópicos 27:85-86.
    La noción de Ley –del mismo modo que las nociones de Estado o de Nación– no es sino una entelequia que enmascara tras de sí una ausencia sustancial. Su existencia no posee otro objetivo que el de brindar un sostén simbólico capaz de velar ese vacío originario, haciendo de nuestro mundo un lugar menos acosado por la incertidumbre. De acuerdo con esto, el objetivo del presente trabajo es el de internarnos en una búsqueda que pueda conducirnos nuevamente hacia ese suelo (...)
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    Winfried Menninghaus, Saber de los umbrales. Walter Benjamin y el pasaje del mito.Omar Quijano - 2016 - Dianoia 61 (77):185-188.
    Resumen: Este texto consiste básicamente en una presentación general de la corriente filosófica del nuevo realismo surgida en 2007 y en la que participan autores europeos y norteamericanos. Un punto en común de las diversas posiciones dentro de esta corriente es el deslinde crítico frente a la filosofía posmoderna y a la filosofía moderna en general. Explico esta crítica y sus implicaciones para la posibilidad de un restablecimiento en la filosofía contemporánea del pensamiento metafísico.: This text is basically an overview (...)
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  48. The cognitive origins of Bourdieu's habitus.Omar Lizardo - 2004 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 34 (4):375–401.
    This paper aims to balance the conceptual reception of Bourdieu's sociology in the United States through a conceptual re-examination of the concept of Habitus. I retrace the intellectual lineage of the Habitus idea, showing it to have roots in Claude Levi-Strauss structural anthropology and in the developmental psychology of Jean Piaget, especially the latter's generalization of the idea of operations from mathematics to the study of practical, bodily-mediated cognition. One important payoff of this exercise is that the common misinterpretation of (...)
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    Neo-Baroque: A Sign of the Times.Omar Calabrese - 2017 - Princeton University Press.
    A leading young Italian semiologist scrutinizes today's cultural phenomena and finds the prevailing taste to be "neo-baroque"--characterized by an appetite for virtuosity, frantic rhythms, instability, poly-dimensionality, and change. Omar Calabrese locates a "sign of the times" in an amazing variety of literary, philosophical, artistic, musical, and architectural forms, from the Venice Biennale through the "new science" to television series, video games, and "zapping" with the remote control device from channel to channel! Calabrese admits that he begins the book with (...)
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    Toward the Vanishing of the “Human”: Animal Becoming and Elemental Architecture.Omar Rivera - 2022 - Research in Phenomenology 52 (2):242-260.
    By putting forward the notions of “eco-sensibilities” and “eco-permeable relationalities,” this paper explores a non-instrumentalizing mode of relation with the “non-human.” On this basis, it shows the possibility of affectively disempowering the hold of “ecological indifference” as Nancy Tuana describes it. It focuses on “animal becoming” and “elemental architecture” as “eco-sensibilities” that effect such a disempowerment.
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