Results for 'Olof Ohlson'

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  1.  1
    Mystic doubt: In search of pure consciousness.Olof Ohlson - forthcoming - Anthropology of Consciousness:e12244.
    Transcendental Meditation (TM) holds that the essence of reality is “pure consciousness.” This piece contrasts three interpretations of their meditative trance: (i) TM doctrine, and (ii) scientific physicalism, (iii) with my own meditative experience. Pure consciousness events, defined as wakeful contentless consciousness, are known to occur, but what ontological basis do they have? While cosmic consciousness may be the only ontological ultimate there is, my meditative introspection does not neatly align with TM dogma. In search of the right metaphor, this (...)
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    Platon Lexikon der Namen und Begriffe: Verfasst von Olof Gigon und Laila Zimmermann.Olof Gigon & Laila Straume-Zimmermann - 1975
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  3. New Shmagency Worries.Olof Leffler - 2019 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 15 (2):121-145.
    Constitutivism explains norms in terms of their being constitutive of agency, actions, or certain propositional attitudes. However, the shmagency objection says that if we can be shmagents – like agents, minus the norm-explaining features of agency – we can avoid the norms, so the explanation fails. This paper extends this objection, arguing that constitutivists about practical norms suffer from it despite their recent attempts to solve it. The standard response to the objection is that it is self-defeating for agents to (...)
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  4. How Simple is the Humean Theory of Motivation?Olof Leffler - 2022 - Philosophical Explorations 25 (2):125-140.
    In recent discussions of the Humean Theory of Motivation (HTM), several authors – not to mention other philosophers around the proverbial water cooler – have appealed to the simplicity of the theory to defend it. But the argument from simplicity has rarely been explicated or received much critical attention – until now. I begin by reconstructing the argument and then argue that it suffers from a number of problems. Most importantly, first, I argue that HTM is unlikely to be simpler (...)
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  5. Rationality, Shmationality: Even Newer Shmagency Worries.Olof Leffler - 2024 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 27 (2):371-404.
    Constitutivist approaches to the normativity of rationality have recently come into vogue. Unlike their moral counterparts, however, they have not been confronted with the shmagency objection. In this paper, I challenge them with two versions of the objection based on recent developments in the debate surrounding the normativity of morality. These are shmagency as modal escapability, which is based on taking sophisticated shmagents to be able to modally escape various norms, and shmagency as underdetermination, which is based on taking constitutive (...)
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  6. Agent‐Switching, Plight Inescapability, and Corporate Agency.Olof Leffler - forthcoming - Analytic Philosophy.
    Realists about corporate agency, according to whom corporate agents may have aims above and beyond those of the individuals who make them up, think that individual agents may switch between participating in individual and corporate agency. My aim is, however, to argue that the inescapability of individual agency spells out a difficulty for this kind of switching – and, therefore, for realism about corporate agency. To do so, I develop Korsgaard’s notion of plight inescapability, which on my take suggests that (...)
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    Worldview of Personalism: Origins and Early Development.Jan Olof Bengtsson - 2006 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    Personalism is understood today as the name of an important current in twentieth-century thought which, inspired by the Christian and humanistic traditions of the West, has sought to deepen our understanding of the meaning and value of human personhood. Opposing both individualism and collectivism, personalism has stressed the uniqueness of each person, the meaning and value of interpersonal relations, and the unity that holds persons together and is, ultimately, also personal in itself: the person of God. Personalism's insights into the (...)
  8.  18
    (1 other version)Vita Aristotelis Marciana.Olof Gigon (ed.) - 2017 - Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
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    Antike Philosophie.Olof Gigon - 1948 - Bern,: A. Francke.
  10. Gorgiás ,O nejsoucnu‘.Olof Gigon - 2004 - Filosoficky Casopis 52:937-965.
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  11. Chrześcijaństwo i teraźniejszość.Olof Klohr - 1968 - Człowiek I Światopogląd 4 (4):81-90.
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    Hjalmar Neiglick.Olof Mustelin - 1966 - Helsingfors,:
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    Ideal adaptive agents and the learning curve.S. Ohlson & James J. Jewett - 1997 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 56:139-176.
  14. Panacee, gotspe of halfom, dat varkentje wassen ze wel.Door Arthur Olof - forthcoming - Idee.
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    Institutional Corruption.Olof Page - 2018 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 41:9-19.
    Resumen Al menos desde la publicación del clásico Ética en el Congreso. De la corrupción individual a la institucional de Dennis F. Thompson, el concepto de corrupción institucional ha recibido gran atención. Este tipo de corrupción se diferencia de la corrupción personal en que, entre otras cosas, la última requiere de la existencia de motivos morales personales. En este artículo exploro esta distinción y hago algunas observaciones críticas a la manera en la que Thompson la ha recientemente elaborado.At least from (...)
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    Interpreting religious phenomena: studies with reference to the phenomenology of religion.Olof Pettersson - 1981 - [Atlantic Highlands], N.J.: Humanities Press. Edited by Hans Åkerberg.
  17.  44
    Student behavioural disengagement, peer encouragement and the school curriculum: a mechanism approach.Olof Reichenberg - 2017 - Educational Studies 44 (2):147-166.
    Student behavioural disengagement is a problem in many schools. This paper aims to explain why students’ behavioural disengagement occurs and reoccurs in Swedish classrooms in terms of two mechanisms. Mechanisms that explain student disengagement are tested quantitatively and illustrated qualitatively with primary data consisting of 74 video-recorded classroom lessons from three compulsory schools in Sweden. The regressions suggest that peer encouragement and the school subject curriculum are central for explaining student behavioural disengagement. Qualitative analysis decomposes how the mechanisms of peer (...)
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    The problem of religious specialists and cult performers in early Scandinavia.Olof Sundqvist - 2003 - Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 11 (1):107-131.
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  19. (1 other version)Constitutivism's Plight: Inescapability, Normativity, and Relativism.Olof Leffler - forthcoming - The Philosophical Quarterly.
    Constitutivists often argue that agency is inescapable. This is supposed to, among other things, explain why norms that are constitutive of agency are forceful. But can some form of inescapability do that? I consider four types of inescapability—psychological, further factor, standpoint, and plight—and evaluate whether they manage to explain four necessary features of normative force: that it does not vary with desire change, that ought-implies-can and can-fail, and that we are criticizable for failing to live up to forceful norms. The (...)
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  20. Zombies Incorporated.Olof Leffler - 2023 - Theoria 89 (5):640-659.
    How should we understand the relation between corporate agency, corporate moral agency and corporate moral patienthood? For some time, corporations have been treated as increasingly ontologically and morally sophisticated in the literature. To explore the limits of this treatment, I start off by redeveloping and defending a reductio that historically has been aimed at accounts of corporate agency which entail that corporations count as moral patients. More specifically, I argue that standard agents are due a certain type of moral concern, (...)
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    Education for sustainable development in the ‘Capitalocene’.Olof Franck, Arjen Wals, Dawn Sanders, Beniamin Knutsson, Sally Windsor & Helena Pedersen - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (3):224-227.
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    Power and Person in Plato’s Alcibiades I.Olof Pettersson - 2021 - Ancient Philosophy 41 (1):23-36.
    This paper argues that Socrates’ discussion about selfhood in the first Alcibiades does not only dissociate the soul from the body and from the soul-body complex, but also from λόγος. It suggests that the most promising and influential take on this, the so-called theocentric view, is insufficient, and needs to be supplemented in terms of how Socrates’ notion of ideal selfhood is conditioned by knowledge of a real or personal self.
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    On the Imperviousness of Persons: A Reply to Jan Olof Bengtsson Reply.Jan Olof Bengtsson - 2011 - Pluralist 6 (1):135-143.
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  24. A Multiform Desire.Olof Pettersson - 2013 - Dissertation, Uppsala University
    This dissertation is a study of appetite in Plato’s Timaeus, Republic and Phaedrus. In recent research is it often suggested that Plato considers appetite (i) to pertain to the essential needs of the body, (ii) to relate to a distinct set of objects, e.g. food or drink, and (iii) to cause behaviour aiming at sensory pleasure. Exploring how the notion of appetite, directly and indirectly, connects with Plato’s other purposes in these dialogues, this dissertation sets out to evaluate these ideas. (...)
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    The Constitution of Constitutivism.Olof Leffler - 2019 - Dissertation, University of Leeds
    Why be moral? According to constitutivism, there are features constitutive of agency, actual or ideal, the properties of which explain why moral norms are normative for us. I aim to investigate whether this idea is plausible. I start off critically. After defining constitutivism and outlining its attractions and problems (chapter 1), I discuss the theories of various features of agency that are supposed to ground morality according to the leading constitutivists in the literature. I find these theories wanting. They are (...)
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    Die Bestimmung des Menschen in der praktischen Philosophie des Aristoteles.Olof Gigon - 1976 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 1 (3):1-25.
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    (1 other version)Sokrates; sein Bild in Dichtung und Geschichte.Olof Alfred Gigon - 1947 - Bern,: A. Francke.
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    Studien zur antiken Philosophie.Olof Gigon - 1972 - Berlin,: de Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Studien zur antiken Philosophie" verfügbar.
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    Abus alcoolique et déAlinquance ÉAtude fondéAe essentiellement sur des experéAences suéAdoises.Olof Kinberg - 1959 - Theoria 25 (3):148-157.
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    Le Droit de Punir.Olof Kinberg - 1948 - Theoria 14 (2):124-143.
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    L‘étude de la fonction morale dans ses rapports avec l’état dangereux.Olof Kinberg - 1954 - Theoria 20 (1-3):36-52.
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    Réflexions critiques sur la prévention soi-disant générale.Olof Kinberg - 1953 - Theoria 19 (1-2):42-62.
    Résumé Cette étude basée sur une expérience concrète et pratique mais trop sommaire peut être résumée ainsi. 1:o En parlant d'une »prévention générale» sans y donner des qualifications précises, l'on pose le Problème de manière à rendre impossible toute réponse, affirmative ou négative. Si l'influence anticriminelle du code était universelle il n'existerait pas de crimes. D'autre part, nier toute influence anticriminelle du code et de son application serait absurde. Puisque le terme de prévention générale est erroné et entretient des malentendus, (...)
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    Om rättfärdigandereflektion.Olof Leffler - 2014 - In Meri Alarcón, Matilda Amundsen Bergström, Tania Kaveh & Vilde Andrea Pettersen, Meningens motstånd. Göteborgs universitet. pp. 35-39.
    Argues that the humanities are valuable (in Swedish).
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    Ogyū Sorai's Journey to Kai in 1706, with a Translation of the Kyōchūkikō.Olof G. Lidin & Sorai Ogyū - 1983 - London: RoutledgeCurzon. Edited by Sorai Ogyū.
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    Comunidad democrática, derechos y agencia colectiva.Olof Page - 2018 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 9 (S1):29-41.
    El artículo explora la posible relación analítica entre la idea de ser un miembro de una comunidad democrática y tener derechos civiles, políticos y de bienestar. Llamo a esta relación la tesis analítica. Después de distinguir una interpretación trivial y una no-trivial de dicha tesis, ofrezco algunas razones a favor de esta última.
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    Mina tretal: en annorlunda memoar.Olof Ruin - 2015 - Stockholm: Atlantis.
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  37. The earth charter: A contribution toward its realization1 why an earth charter?Olof G. Tandberg - 1997 - Dialogue and Universalism 7 (1-6).
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  38. Plato on Necessity and Disorder.Olof Pettersson - 2013 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China (BRILL) 8 (4):546-565.
    In the Timaeus, Plato makes a distinction between reason and necessity. This distinction is often accounted for as a distinction between two types of causation: purpose oriented causation and mechanistic causation. While reason is associated with the soul and taken to bring about its effects with the good and the beautiful as the end, necessity is understood in terms of a set of natural laws pertaining to material things. In this paper I shall suggest that there are reasons to reconsider (...)
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  39. Reasons Internalism, Cooperation, and Law.Olof Leffler - 2020 - In Rachael Mellin, Raimo Tuomela & Miguel Garcia-Godinez, Social Ontology, Normativity and Law. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter. pp. 115-132.
    Argues that reasons internalism, suitably understood, explains categorical reasons for us to cooperate with each other. The norms we then cooperate to satisfy can lie at the heart of legal systems, yielding unexpected implications in the philosophy of law.
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  40. Contingency, Sociality, and Moral Progress.Olof Leffler - 2024 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 10 (3):522-541.
    A debate has recently appeared regarding whether non-naturalism is better than other metaethical views at explaining moral progress. I shall take the occasion of this debate to present a novel debunking dilemma for moral non-naturalists, extending Sharon Street's Darwinian one. I will argue that moral progress indicates that our moral attitudes tend to reflect contingent sociocultural and psychological factors. For non-naturalists, there is then either a relation between these factors and the moral facts, non-naturalistically construed, or there is not. If (...)
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  41.  62
    Political Reluctance: On the Noble Lie in Plato's Republic.Olof Pettersson - 2014 - E-Logos 21 (1):1-31.
    As is well known, the rule of the philosophers is what ultimately completes the political project in Plato's Republic. Only if the philosophers accept to rule, may the city see the light of day. Yet, as is equally well known, the philosophers are reluctant to rule. But ruling is what they are designed to do. Their entire education was constructed to prepare them for this task. And therefore, as Plato's repeatedly puts it, they will need to be compelled. How? As (...)
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  42.  14
    Assessment in Ethics Education: A Case of National Tests in Religious Education.Olof Franck (ed.) - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book presents a number of fundamentally challenging perspectives that have been brought to the fore by the national tests on religious education (RE) in Sweden. It particularly focuses on the content under the heading Ethics. It is common knowledge that many teachers find these parts difficult to handle within RE. Further, ethics is a field that addresses a range of moral and existential issues that are not easily treated. Many of these issues may be said to belong to the (...)
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  43.  18
    (1 other version)Allgemeines.Olof Gigon - 1962 - In Vita Aristotelis Marciana. De Gruyter. pp. 8-21.
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    Bemerkungen zu Senecas Thyestes.Olof Gigon - 1938 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 93 (1):176-183.
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    Gespräche in Tusculum / Tusculanae Disputationes: Lateinisch - Deutsch.Olof Gigon (ed.) - 2011 - Akademie Verlag.
    Since 1923 the Sammlung Tusculum has published authoritative editions of Greek and Latin works together with a German translation. The original texts are comprehensively annotated, and feature an introductory chapter. In the new volumes, additional essays delve into specific aspects of the works, illuminating their historical context and reception to the present day. The high academic quality of the new editions together with clearly written essays and annotations make the Sammlung Tusculum essential reading for students who are discovering an ancient (...)
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  46.  13
    Kommentar.Olof Gigon - 1962 - In Vita Aristotelis Marciana. De Gruyter. pp. 22-80.
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    Les grands problèmes de la philosophie antique.Olof Gigon - 1961 - Payot.
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    On the Concept of «Psychopathy« and the Treatment of so called «Psychopaths«.Olof Kinberg - 1946 - Theoria 12 (3):169-180.
    Summary: The organization of the treatment of mentally diseased ab‐normal or defective people should be carried out on the follow‐ing lines.
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    Probleme des wissenschaftlichen Atheismus und der atheistischen Propaganda.Olof Klohr - 1964 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 12 (2).
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  50. Hoe sociaal••.Door Arthur Olof - forthcoming - Idee.
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