Results for 'Olivia Mitscherlich-Schönherr'

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  1.  26
    Kann das Anthropozän gelingen?: Krisen und Transformationen der menschlichen Naturverhältnisse im interdisziplinären Dialog.Olivia Mitscherlich-Schönherr, Mara-Daria Cojocaru & Michael Reder (eds.) - 2024 - De Gruyter.
    „Kann das Anthropozän gelingen?" Der Begriff „Anthropozän" fungiert in aktuellen Debatten als Chiffre für eine mehrfache Krise. Empirisch wird der Begriff verwendet, um den von Menschen verursachten Bruch mit dem stabilen Zeitalter des Holozäns zu bezeichnen. Normativ wird er gebraucht, um zu Neuanfängen aufzufordern: beim Verständnis und bei der praktischen Ausgestaltung menschlicher Verhältnisse zur Natur. Zugleich gerät der Begriff zunehmend selbst in die Kritik: dass er mit seinem Bezug auf ‚den Menschen‘ die tatsächlichen Verantwortlichkeiten für die aktuellen Natur- und Klima-Katastrophen (...)
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    6. Zu Programm, Anlage und Anfang der doppelseitigen Deduktion.Olivia Mitscherlich-Schönherr - 2017 - In Hans-Peter Krüger (ed.), Helmuth Plessner: Die Stufen des Organischen Und der Mensch. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 87-102.
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    Das Glück der Liebe.Olivia Mitscherlich-Schönherr - 2014 - Internationales Jahrbuch für Philosophische Anthropologie 4 (1).
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    In Verteidigung der Rückhaltlosigkeit der menschlichen Geburt: Kommentar zu „Die Auswahl zukünftiger Kinder“ von Tatjana Tarkian.Olivia Mitscherlich-Schönherr - 2020 - Zeitschrift Für Ethik Und Moralphilosophie 3 (1):137-150.
    ZusammenfassungIn meinem Kommentar gehe ich von dem Verständnis der menschlichen Geburt in der Moderne aus, das Tatjana Tarkian mit vielen teilt: dem Verständnis, dass die menschliche Geburt in der Moderne ein autonom plan- und durchführbares „Projekt“ bilde. Im ersten Schritt meiner Überlegungen zeige ich, dass diese Vorstellung reduktionistisch ist: sie blendet sowohl die Widerfahrensaspekte als auch die dialogische Anlage der Geburt ab. In den weiteren Schritten meiner Überlegungen skizziere ich, dass Tarkians reduktionistisches Verständnis der menschlichen Geburt auf die Modulation ihrer (...)
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    Die Natur der Liebe.Olivia Mitscherlich-Schönherr - 2015 - Internationales Jahrbuch für Philosophische Anthropologie 5 (1):87-112.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Internationales Jahrbuch für philosophische Anthropologie Jahrgang: 5 Heft: 1 Seiten: 87-112.
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    Wozu Philosophische Anthropologie?Olivia Mitscherlich - 2008 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 56 (5):812-818.
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    Teleologische Grundlagen philosophischer Selbsterkenntnis.Olivia Mitscherlich - 2009 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 57 (2):227-247.
    My paper focuses on the pursuit of philosophical self-perfection. The starting point of my reflections is my experience with contemporary philosophy. Mainstream contemporary phi-losophy counsels the rational capacities of arguing and reasoning without affecting the philo-sopher′s ethical stance. I argue that this failure is due to the presuppositions made by contem-porary philosophical rationality: the agnostic belief in humankind as source of all existing sense. This agnosticism blinds one to a teleologically defined horizon of truth which is essen-tial for the philosophical (...)
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    Schwerpunkt: Glauben und wissen.Olivia Mitscherlich - 2009 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 57 (2):207-210.
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    Was dürfen wir hoffen?Olivia Mitscherlich - 2008 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 56 (1):144-149.
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  10. Beyond ‘Interaction’: How to Understand Social Effects on Social Cognition.Julius Schönherr & Evan Westra - 2019 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 70 (1):27-52.
    In recent years, a number of philosophers and cognitive scientists have advocated for an ‘interactive turn’ in the methodology of social-cognition research: to become more ecologically valid, we must design experiments that are interactive, rather than merely observational. While the practical aim of improving ecological validity in the study of social cognition is laudable, we think that the notion of ‘interaction’ is not suitable for this task: as it is currently deployed in the social cognition literature, this notion leads to (...)
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  11. Doxastic justification through dispositions to cause.Julius Schönherr - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-18.
    According to the standard view, a belief is based on a reason and doxastically justified—i.e., permissibly held—only if a causal relation obtains between a reason and the belief. In this paper, I argue that a belief can be doxastically justified by a reason’s mere disposition to sustain it. Such a disposition, however, wouldn’t establish a causal connection unless it were manifested. My argument is that, in the cases I have in mind, the manifestation of this disposition would add no positive (...)
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  12. Ana Olivia Ruíz Martínez, et al." Sintomatología de anorexia y bulimia nerviosa en universidades privadas y públicas".Ana Olivia Ruíz Martínez, Roxana González Sotomayor & Silvia Valdez Nasser - 2005 - Episteme 1 (3).
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  13. Forgiveness: Overcoming versus Forswearing Blame.Julius Schönherr - 2024 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 41 (1):66-84.
    Philosophers often identify forgiveness with either overcoming or forswearing blaming attitudes such as, paradigmatically, resentment for the right reasons; yet there is little debate as to which of the two (if either) is correct. In this article, I present three arguments that aim to strengthen the forswearing view. First, on the overcoming view, many paradigm cases of forgiveness would turn out to be mere ‘letting go’ instead. Second, only the forswearing view plausibly allows for forgiveness in cases where the victim (...)
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  14. Meaning Scepticism and Primitive Normativity.Olivia Sultanescu - 2021 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 102 (2):357-376.
    This paper examines Hannah Ginsborg's attempt to address the challenge raised by Saul Kripke's meaning sceptic. I start by identifying the two constraints that the sceptic claims must be met by a satisfactory answer. Then I try to show that Ginsborg's proposal faces a dilemma. In the first instance, I argue that it is able to meet the second constraint, but not the first. I then amend the proposal in order to make room for the first constraint. I go on (...)
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  15. Trust and inquiry.Julius Schönherr - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    This paper analyzes the relationship between trust and inquiry to argue for the view that A trusts B to act in some way only if A believes, in a way that she cannot distinguish from knowledge, for reasons of trust, that B will (or has) act(ed) in this way. Call such beliefs ‘outright trusting beliefs’. To support this view, I shall argue, by way of various examples, that the conditions under which inquiry erodes trust are the same as the conditions (...)
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  16. Empathy, Sensibility, and the Novelist's Imagination.Olivia Bailey - 2022 - In Patrik Engisch & Julia Langkau (eds.), The Philosophy of Fiction: Imagination and Cognition. Routledge. pp. 218-239.
    This chapter weighs a challenge to the attractive notion that by enabling empathy, fiction affords wide-ranging knowledge of what others’ experiences are like. It is commonly held that ‘seeing the world through others’ eyes’ often requires the empathizer to undergo an imaginative shift in sensibility, and we might naturally think that fiction helps us to effect that shift. However, some recent work on empathy and imagination encourages the conclusion that we are actually rigidly restricted to our own sensibilities even in (...)
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    The substantivalist view of spacetime proposed by Minkowski and its educational implications.Olivia Levrini - 2002 - Science & Education 11 (6):601-617.
  18. When Forgiveness Comes Easy.Julius Schönherr - 2019 - Journal of Value Inquiry 53 (4):513-528.
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    Featural processing in recognition of emotional facial expressions.Olivia Beaudry, Annie Roy-Charland, Melanie Perron, Isabelle Cormier & Roxane Tapp - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (3):416-432.
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    Empathy, Care, and Understanding in Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments.Olivia Bailey - 2016 - The Adam Smith Review 9.
  21. Still Lives for Headaches: A reply to Dorsey and Voorhoeve.Julius Schönherr - 2018 - Utilitas 30 (2):209-218.
    There is no large number of very small bads that is worse than a small number of very large bads – or so, some maintain, it seems plausible to say. In this article, I criticize and reject two recently proposed vindications of the above intuition put forth by Dale Dorsey and Alex Voorhoeve. Dorsey advocates for a threshold marked by the interference with a person's global life projects: any bad that interferes with the satisfaction of a life project is worse (...)
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    Adorno and Jazz: Reflections on a Failed Encounter.Ulrich Schönherr - 1991 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1991 (87):85-96.
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    Are Apes’ Responses to Pointing Gestures Intentional?Olivia Sultanescu & Kristin Andrews - 2013 - Humana Mente 6 (24):53-77.
    This paper examines the meaningfulness of pointing in great apes. We appeal to Hannah Ginsborg’s conception of primitive normativity, which provides an adequate criterion for establishing whether a response is meaningful, and we attempt to make room for a conception according to which there is no fundamental difference between the responses of human infants and those of other great apes to pointing gestures. This conception is an alternative to Tomasello’s view that pointing gestures and reactions to them reveal a fundamental (...)
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  24. Two problems of fitting grief.Julius Schönherr - 2021 - Analysis 81 (2):240-247.
    Recent years have seen a surge in philosophical work on the rationality of grief. Much of this research is premised on the idea that people tend to grieve much less than would be appropriate or, as it is often called, fitting. My goal in this paper is diagnostic, that is, to articulate two never properly distinguished, and indeed often conflated, arguments in favour of the purported discrepancy between experienced and fitting grief: a metaphysical and a psychological argument. According to the (...)
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  25. The Oscillatory Basis of Working Memory Function and Dysfunction in Epilepsy.Olivia N. Arski, Julia M. Young, Mary-Lou Smith & George M. Ibrahim - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14:612024.
    Working memory (WM) deficits are pervasive co-morbidities of epilepsy. Although the pathophysiological mechanisms underpinning these impairments remain elusive, it is thought that WM depends on oscillatory interactions within and between nodes of large-scale functional networks. These include the hippocampus and default mode network as well as the prefrontal cortex and frontoparietal central executive network. Here, we review the functional roles of neural oscillations in subserving WM and the putative mechanisms by which epilepsy disrupts normative activity, leading to aberrant oscillatory signatures. (...)
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  26. What’s so Special About Interaction in Social Cognition?Julius Schönherr - 2017 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 8 (2):181-198.
    Enactivists often defend the following two claims: Successful interactions are not driven and explained by the interactors’ ability to mindread. And the mechanisms enabling 2nd personal social cognition and those enabling 3rd personal social cognition are distinct. In this paper, I argue that both of these claims are false. With regard to I argue that enactivists fail to provide a plausible alternative to traditional accounts of social cognition in interaction. I examine and reject Hanne De Jaegher’s view according to which (...)
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  27. Lucky joint action.Julius Schönherr - 2018 - Philosophical Psychology 32 (1):123-142.
    In this paper, I argue that joint action permits a certain degree of luck. The cases I have in mind exhibit the following structure: each participant believes that the intended ends of each robustly support the joint action. This belief turns out to be false. Due to lucky circumstances, the discordance in intention never becomes common knowledge. However, common knowledge of the relevant intentions would have undermined the joint action altogether. The analysis of such cases shows the extent to which (...)
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  28. Deux cartésiens face a deux modèles de la démonstration-malebranche et arnauld face aux regulae et a l'Organon.Olivia Chevalier - 2005 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 49:249-275.
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    Vorwort.A. Mitscherlich & P. Rossier - 1951 - Dialectica 5 (1):5-7.
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    Kant nei periodici Il Cimento e Rivista contemporanea.Olivia Pallenberg - 2006 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 4.
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    Ethical climate and nurse competence – newly graduated nurses' perceptions.Olivia Numminen, Helena Leino-Kilpi, Hannu Isoaho & Riitta Meretoja - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (8):845-859.
    Background: Nursing practice takes place in a social framework, in which environmental elements and interpersonal relations interact. Ethical climate of the work unit is an important element affecting nurses’ professional and ethical practice. Nevertheless, whatever the environmental circumstances, nurses are expected to be professionally competent providing high-quality care ethically and clinically. Aim: This study examined newly graduated nurses’ perception of the ethical climate of their work environment and its association with their self-assessed professional competence, turnover intentions and job satisfaction. Method: (...)
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    Fair go: pay research participants properly or not at all.Olivia Grimwade, Julian Savulescu, Alberto Giubilini, Justin Oakley & Anne-Marie Nussberger - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (12):837-839.
    We thank the authors of the five commentaries for their careful and highly constructive consideration of our paper,1 which has enabled us to develop our proposal. Participation in research has traditionally been viewed as altruistic. Over time, payments for inconvenience and lost wages have been allowed, as have small incentives, usually in kind. The problem, particularly with controlled human infection model (CHIM) research or ‘challenge studies’, is that they are unpleasant and time-consuming. Researchers want to offer carrots to incentivise participation (...)
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    Nurse Educators' and Nursing Students' Perspectives On Teaching Codes of Ethics.Olivia Numminen, Arie van der Arend & Helena Leino-Kilpi - 2009 - Nursing Ethics 16 (1):69-82.
    Professional codes of ethics are regarded as elements of nurses' ethical knowledge base and consequently part of their ethics education. However, research focusing on these codes from an educational viewpoint is scarce. This study explored the need and applicability of nursing codes of ethics in modern health care, their importance in the nursing ethics curriculum, and the need for development of their teaching. A total of 183 Finnish nurse educators and 212 nursing students answered three structured questions, with an opportunity (...)
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  34. Blameless Moral Criticism – the Case of Moral Disappointment.Julius Schönherr - 2023 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 26:53-71.
    In discussing the ways in which we hold each other accountable for immoral conduct, philosophers have often focused on blame, aiming to specify adequate responses to wrongdoing. In contrast, theorizing about the ways we can appropriately respond to minor moral mistakes – i.e., criticizable conduct that is bad but not wrong – has largely been neglected. My first goal in this paper is, thus, to draw attention to this blind spot and argue that a separate account of blameless moral criticism (...)
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    What Knowledge is Necessary for Virtue?Olivia Bailey - 2010 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 4 (2):1-18.
    Critics contend that Aristotelianism demands too much of the virtuous person in the way of knowledge to be credible. This general charge is usually directed against either of two of Aristotelianism’s apparent claims about the necessary conditions for the possession of a single virtue, namely that 1) one must know what all the other virtues require, and 2) one must also be the master of a preternatural range of technical/empirical knowledge. I argue that Aristotelianism does indeed have a very high (...)
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    A Braver Neuroethics that Matters in (and for) Africa.Olivia P. Matshabane & Cornelius Ewuoso - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (4):410-413.
    Anna Wexler and Laura Specker Sullivan (2023) draw on their positionality as Global North early career neuroethics scholars to initiate a meaningful and timely conversation on Translational Neuroet...
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    Shared Value Creation in Equivocal CSR Environments: A Configuration Approach.Olivia Aronson & Irene Henriques - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 187 (4):713-732.
    Organizations are increasingly expected by their stakeholders to tackle the “wicked” problems of society. These new pressures have created a highly equivocal corporate social responsibility (CSR) environment whereby firms face competing stakeholder perspectives regarding their CSR strategy. To reduce CSR environmental equivocality and determine a CSR strategy, organizations need to effectively and efficiently identify, evaluate, and exploit CSR initiatives to create financial and social value (i.e., shared value). In this paper, we explain how organizations can optimize their shared value creation (...)
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    Development and validation of Nurses’ Moral Courage Scale.Olivia Numminen, Jouko Katajisto & Helena Leino-Kilpi - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (7-8):2438-2455.
    Background: Moral courage is required at all levels of nursing. However, there is a need for development of instruments to measure nurses’ moral courage. Objectives: The objective of this study is to develop a scale to measure nurses’ self-assessed moral courage, to evaluate the scale’s psychometric properties, and to briefly describe the current level of nurses’ self-assessed moral courage and associated socio-demographic factors. Research design: In this methodological study, non-experimental, cross-sectional exploratory design was applied. The data were collected using Nurses’ (...)
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  39. Empathy and the Value of Humane Understanding.Olivia Bailey - 2022 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 104 (1):50-65.
    Empathy is a form of emotionally charged imaginative perspective‐taking. It is also the unique source of a particular form of understanding, which I will call humane understanding. Humane understanding consists in the direct apprehension of the intelligibility of others’ emotions. This apprehension is an epistemic good whose ethical significance is multifarious. In this paper, I focus on elaborating the sense in which humane understanding of others is non‐instrumentally valuable to its recipients. People have a complex but profound need to be (...)
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    Payment in challenge studies: ethics, attitudes and a new payment for risk model.Olivia Grimwade, Julian Savulescu, Alberto Giubilini, Justin Oakley, Joshua Osowicki, Andrew J. Pollard & Anne-Marie Nussberger - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (12):815-826.
    Controlled Human Infection Model (CHIM) research involves the infection of otherwise healthy participants with disease often for the sake of vaccine development. The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasised the urgency of enhancing CHIM research capability and the importance of having clear ethical guidance for their conduct. The payment of CHIM participants is a controversial issue involving stakeholders across ethics, medicine and policymaking with allegations circulating suggesting exploitation, coercion and other violations of ethical principles. There are multiple approaches to payment: reimbursement, wage (...)
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    Moral courage in nursing: A concept analysis.Olivia Numminen, Hanna Repo & Helena Leino-Kilpi - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (8):878-891.
    Background: Nursing as an ethical practice requires courage to be moral, taking tough stands for what is right, and living by one’s moral values. Nurses need moral courage in all areas and at all levels of nursing. Along with new interest in virtue ethics in healthcare, interest in moral courage as a virtue and a valued element of human morality has increased. Nevertheless, what the concept of moral courage means in nursing contexts remains ambiguous. Objective: This article is an analysis (...)
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  42. Moral Generalities Revisited.Margaret Olivia Little - 2000 - In Brad Hooker & Margaret Olivia Little (eds.), Moral particularism. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    When Leaders and Followers Match: The Impact of Objective Value Congruence, Value Extremity, and Empowerment on Employee Commitment and Job Satisfaction.Olivia A. U. Byza, Stefan L. Dörr, Sebastian C. Schuh & Günter W. Maier - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (4):1097-1112.
    Although the topic of value congruence has attracted considerable attention from researchers and practitioners, evidence for the link between person–supervisor value congruence and followers’ reactions is less robust than often assumed. This study addresses three central issues in our understanding of person–supervisor value congruence by assessing the impact of objective person–supervisor value congruence rather than subjective value congruence, by examining the differential effects of value congruence in strongly versus moderately held values, and by exploring perceived empowerment as a central mediating (...)
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  44. Moral particularism.Brad Hooker & Margaret Olivia Little (eds.) - 2000 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    A timely and penetrating investigation, this book seeks to transform moral philosophy. In the face of continuing disagreement about which general moral principles are correct, there has been a resurgence of interest in the idea that correct moral judgements can be only about particular cases. This view--moral particularism --forecasts a revolution in ordinary moral practice that has until now consisted largely of appeals to general moral principles. Moral particularism also opposes the primary aim of most contemporary normative moral theory that (...)
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    Responsibility and the Moral Sentiments.Margaret Olivia Little - 1996 - Philosophical Quarterly 46 (185):541-544.
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    Beyond Ethical Frameworks: Using Moral Experimentation in the Engineering Ethics Classroom.Olivia Walling - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (6):1637-1656.
    Although undergraduate engineering ethics courses often include the development of moral sensitivity as a learning objective and the use of active learning techniques, teaching centers on the transmission of cognitive knowledge. This article describes a complementary assignment asking students to perform an ethics “experiment” on themselves that has a potential to enhance affective learning and moral imagination. The article argues that the focus on cognitive learning may not promote, and may even impair, our efforts to foster moral sensitivity. In contrast, (...)
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    Descartes et ses mathématiques.Olivia Chevalier (ed.) - 2022 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    Dans cet ouvrage, il s'agira non seulement d'aborder différentes facettes de l'activité mathématique de Descartes, assez peu connues, mais également diverses dimensions de sa pensée mathématique.
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  48. Spasticity after stroke: Physiology, assessment and treatment.Olivia Gosseries, Erik Ziegler, Steven Laureys, Aurore Thibaut & Camille Chatelle - unknown
    Background: Spasticity following a stroke occurs in about 30% of patients. The mechanisms underlying this disorder, however, are not well understood. Method: This review aims to define spasticity, describe hypotheses explaining its development after a stroke, give an overview of related neuroimaging studies as well as a description of the most common scales used to quantify the degree of spasticity and finally explore which treatments are currently being used to treat this disorder.
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    Il Novecento di Hannah Arendt: un lessico politico.Olivia Guaraldo (ed.) - 2008 - Verona: Ombre corte.
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    Storylines: politics, history, and narrative from an Arenditian perspective.Olivia Guaraldo - 2001 - Portland, OR: International Specialized Book Services.
    This book analyses Hannah Arendt's conception of storytelling and endows it with relevance in historical and political thinking.
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