Results for 'Olivia Kelly'

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  1. Characteristics of professional misconduct by school teachers and early childhood educators: 5 years of disciplinary decisions in New Zealand.Lois Surgenor, Kate Diesfeld, Marta Rychert, Kate Kersey & Olivia Kelly - forthcoming - Ethics and Behavior.
    School teachers routinely work with minors who are vulnerable, though research on teacher professional misconduct is limited. Using a 5-year cohort of cases (N = 325) from New Zealand’s Teachers Disciplinary Tribunal (2018–2022), this study describes tribunal processes and outcomes including types, setting (private/professional) and sector (Early childhood education/primary and secondary education) of the misconduct, pleas, and penalties ordered. Physical violence constituted the most frequent (51.5%) type of misconduct, with early childhood education and female teachers being independently associated with this (...)
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    Ethics, Politics, and Difference in Julia Kristeva's Writing.Kelly Oliver (ed.) - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    First published in 1993. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    Philosophical Feminism and Popular Culture.Kelly Oliver, Cynthia Willett, Julie Willett, Naomi Zack, Anne-Marie Schultz, Jennifer Ingle & Lenore Wright (eds.) - 2012 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    The eight essays contained in this book explore the portrayal of women, and various philosophical responses to that portrayal in contemporary post-civil rights society. They bring feminist voices to the conversation about gender and attests to the importance of feminist critique in what is sometimes claimed to be a post-feminist era.
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    of Judgment.Thomas Kelly - 2013 - In David Christensen & Jennifer Lackey (eds.), The Epistemology of Disagreement: New Essays. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 31.
  5. Doing without desert.Erin Kelly - 2002 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 83 (2):180–205.
    The idea of ‘moral responsibility’ is typically linked with praise and blame, and with the notion of ‘the voluntary’. It is often thought that if we are free, in the relevant sense, we may “deserve” praise or blame; otherwise, we do not. But when we look at whether and why we need the notions of praise and blame, we find that they are not as intimately connected with desert as many philosophers have thought. In particular, this paper challenges the idea (...)
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  6. Why probability does not capture the logic of scientific justification.Kevin Kelly - unknown
    Here is the usual way philosophers think about science and induction. Scientists do many things— aspire, probe, theorize, conclude, retract, and refine— but successful research culminates in a published research report that presents an argument for some empirical conclusion. In mathematics and logic there are sound deductive arguments that fully justify their conclusions, but such proofs are unavailable in the empirical domain because empirical hypotheses outrun the evidence adduced for them. Inductive skeptics insist that such conclusions cannot be justified. But (...)
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  7. An ethnographic investigation of the discourse processes of school science.Gregory J. Kelly & Teresa Crawford - 1997 - Science Education 81 (5):533-559.
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    Identifying identity.James S. Kelly & Alan Hausman - 1986 - Erkenntnis 25 (3):319 - 322.
    Nelson Goodman argues against those who, like Carnap, claim extensional identity is the criterion for correct constructional definition. Goodman argues that internal logical difficulties sink such a criterion, thus he proposes his own criterion of extensional isomorphism. We argue that Goodman's criterion itself falls prey to his own arguments or else extensional identity is not shown faulty.
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  9. The Athanasian Creed.J. N. D. Kelly - 1965
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  10. Incompletable Grounding and Ontological Economy.Kelly Trogdon - forthcoming - Analysis.
    Defense of incompletable grounding and discussion of implications for ontological economy.
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  11. Content and constancy: Phenomenology, psychology, and the content of perception. [REVIEW]Sean Dorrance Kelly - 2008 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 76 (3):682–690.
  12.  32
    The Colonization of Psychic Space: A Psychoanalytic Social Theory of Oppression.Kelly Oliver - 2004 - U of Minnesota Press.
    We are, Julia Kristeva writes, strangers to ourselves; and indeed much of contemporary theory describes the human condition as one of alienation. Eloquently arguing that we cannot explain the developement of individuality or subjectivity apart from its social context, Kelly Oliver makes a powerful case for recognizing the social aspects of alienation and the psychic aspects of oppression.
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  13. Oxford Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, second edition.Michael Kelly (ed.) - 2014 - Oxford University Press.
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    Sensitivity: Checking into Knowing?Kelly Becker - 2023 - Acta Analytica 38 (1):27-43.
    In this paper, I describe some of the highlights of Melchior’s checking account and then suggest that its explanatory value could be enhanced with a less analyzed concept of checking. This thought inspires a rearguard defense of sensitivity, by no means aiming to rescue it from all its well-known problems, wherein it is suggested that sensitivity fares better as a necessary condition for knowledge when all the bells and whistles with which it has been adorned over the years are stripped (...)
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  15. The “Parental Love” Objection to Nonmedical Sex Selection: Deepening the Argument.Peter Herissone-Kelly - 2007 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 16 (4):446.
    In my paper “Parental Love and the Ethics of Sex Selection,” published in the previous issue of the Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, I set out to determine whether a plausible argument could be constructed in support of a common intuition about the ethics of sex selection. The intuition in question is that sex selection for nonmedical reasons is incompatible with a proper parental love: that is, with the sort of love that a parent ought to have for her child (...)
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    Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility: External Stakeholder Involvement, Productivity and Firm Performance.Jing Yang & Kelly Basile - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (2):501-517.
    Assessing the impact of CSR initiatives can be a complex task for marketers given the variety of methods of communicating about CSR as well as the broad range of stakeholders that CSR initiatives might interest. Social media helps increase the visibility and credibility of CSR communication and provides new ways of reaching and involving stakeholders in CSR initiatives. Using data collected and coded from Facebook pages of the Top 100 Global Brands, the authors introduce a new measure of effectiveness for (...)
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    For Foucault: against normative political theory.Mark G. E. Kelly - 2018 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Introduction: Foucault and political philosophy -- Marx: antinormative critique -- Lenin: the invention of party governmentality -- Althusser: the failure to denormativise Marxism -- Deleuze: denormativisation as norm -- Rorty: relativising normativity -- Honneth: the poverty of critical theory -- Geuss: the paradox of realism -- Foucault: the lure of neoliberalism -- Conclusion: What now?
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    Assessment of evidence in university students' scientific writing.Allison Y. Takao & Gregory J. Kelly - 2003 - Science & Education 12 (4):341-363.
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    Aquinas and Modern Practices of Interest Taking: Under the Auspices of the Aquinas Library, Brisbane.John P. Kelly - 1945 - Aquinas Press.
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  20. J.S. Mill on Liberty.Paul Kelly - 2003 - In David Boucher & Paul Joseph Kelly (eds.), Political Thinkers: From Socrates to the Present. 2nd. ed, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  21. Roman Catholicism.Peter Kelly, Sergei Hackel, Yorke Crompton & H. W. Turner - 1972 - Religious Studies 8 (1):94-95.
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  22. Revisiting natural law : an ongoing challenge.Anthony J. Kelly & R. C. Ss - 2014 - In William C. Mattison & John Berkman (eds.), Searching for a universal ethic: multidisciplinary, ecumenical, and interfaith responses to the Catholic natural law tradition. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
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  23. Rebels without a clue: a company experiment in democratic capitalism hits a wall.Marjorie Kelly - 1996 - Business Ethics 8.
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  24. (1 other version)To Know the Mystery: The Theologian in the Presence of the Revealed God.A. J. Kelly - 1968 - The Thomist 32 (2):171.
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  25. Parental Love and the Ethics of Sex Selection.Peter Herissone-Kelly - 2007 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 16 (3):326-335.
    In 2003, the United Kingdom's Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority published a report entitled Sex Selection: Options for Regulation. The report outlined the findings of a 2-year review of available sex selection techniques and recommended that the United Kingdom ought not to permit any regulated technique to be used other than for medical reasons. In so doing, it reflected the widespread opinion—repeatedly expressed in the public consultations that formed the cornerstone of the HFEA's review—that there is something ethically unacceptable, or (...)
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    Rousseau's exemplary life: the Confessions as political philosophy.Christopher Kelly - 1987 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
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    Anchoring a Revisionist Account of Moral Responsibility.Kelly Anne McCormick - 2013 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 7 (3):1-20.
    Revisionism about moral responsibility is the view that we would do well to distinguish between what we think about moral responsibility and what we ought to think about it, that the former is in some important sense implausible and conflicts with the latter, and so we should revise our concept accordingly. In this paper, I assess two related problems for revisionism and claim that focus on the first of these problems has thus far allowed the second to go largely unnoticed. (...)
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  28. How to Spot a Usurper: Clinical Ethics Consultation and (True) Moral Authority.Kelly Kate Evans & Nicholas Colgrove - 2022 - Christian Bioethics 28 (2):143-156.
    Clinical ethics consultants (CECs) are not moral authorities. Standardization of CECs’ professional role does not confer upon them moral authority. Certification of particular CECs does not confer upon them moral authority (nor does it reflect such authority). Or, so we will argue. This article offers a distinctly Orthodox Christian response to those who claim that CECs—or any other academically trained bioethicist—retain moral authority (i.e., an authority to know and recommend the right course of action). This article proceeds in three parts. (...)
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    Naturalism and its Discontents.Kelly James Clark - 2015 - In The Blackwell Companion to Naturalism. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1–15.
    Naturalism admits of no single, simple definition (usually depending on the naturalist's commitment to science). After distinguishing ontological or metaphysic naturalism from methodological naturalism, I discuss the historical development of ontological naturalism, as well as arguments for or against naturalism. I then take moral goodness and badness as a case study of the problems and prospects for ontological naturalism.
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    Response ethics.Kelly Oliver - 2018 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Editor's introduction -- Author's introduction -- Interrelational subjects and social sublimation -- The gestation of the other in phenomenology -- The look of love and ecological subjectivity -- Social melancholy, shame and sublimation -- Responsible subjects and witnessing -- Witnessing subjectivity and testimony -- Witnessing, recognition, and response ethics -- Between ethics and politics -- Response ethics and the nonhumans -- Animal ethics: toward an ethics of responsiveness -- Service dogs: between animal studies and disability studies -- Earth ethics and (...)
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    Justice and communitarian identity politics.Erin Kelly - 2001 - Journal of Value Inquiry 35 (1):71-93.
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    The normative nature of perceptual experience.Sean D. Kelly - 2010 - In Bence Nanay (ed.), Perceiving the world. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 146.
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    Locke's Second treatise of government: a reader's guide.Paul Kelly - 2007 - New York: Continuum.
    Locke's Second treatise in context -- The life and times of John Locke -- The political and philosophical context of the Second treatise -- Overview and key themes -- The Second treatise in Locke's philosophy -- Key themes -- Reading the text -- Getting started: the problem of absolutism -- From the First treatise to the Second treatise -- The state of nature -- Equality -- Freedom -- The law of nature -- Right and duty to punish: executive power of (...)
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    Controlling Love: The Ethics and Desirability of Using 'Love Drugs'.Peter Herissone-Kelly - 2022 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
    Recent research in neurochemistry has shown there to be a number of chemical compounds that are implicated in the patterns of lust, attraction, and attachment that undergird romantic love. For example, there is evidence that the phenomenon of attachment is associated with the action of oxytocin and vasopressin. There is therefore some reason to suppose that patterns of lust, attraction, and attachment could be regulated via manipulation of these substances in the brain: in other words, by their use as 'love (...)
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    For Better or Worse: Commendatory Reasons and Latitude.Margaret Olivia Little & Coleen Macnamara - 2017 - In Mark C. Timmons (ed.), Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics, Vol 7. Oxford University Press. pp. 138-160.
    A striking feature of the life of practical agency is the substantial latitude it includes. One suggestion for how to explain this latitude is that such latitude points to pluralism in the very way that reasons favor: some reasons favor deontically, and other reasons only commend. However, there is a critical question about the comparative lives of such reasons. They presumably admit of different strengths, and are thus capable of ordering options. While one might agree that we have latitude to (...)
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  36. What is wrong with (animal) rights?Kelly Oliver - 2008 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 22 (3):pp. 214-224.
  37. Commodity Theories of the Acceptability of Money.Alexander K. Kelly - 1975 - Diogenes 23 (92):1-22.
    The medium of payment typically is defined as that which is generally accepted in payment for goods and services or in the settlement of debt. Perhaps because modern monetary systems function so well in providing media of payment, we seldom consider the question of why they enjoy the general acceptability by which they are identified. Yet, because monetary systems evolve and change, such basic questions warrant occasional re-examination to ensure that contemporary analysis does not, unwittingly, embody and foster the errors (...)
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    Dreams: A Reader on Religious, Cultural and Psychological Dimensions of Dreaming.Kelly Bulkeley (ed.) - 2001 - Palgrave.
    "Dreams" is a long overdue collection of writing on dreams from many of the top scholars in religious studies, anthropology, and psychology departments.
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    Language, world, and God: an essay in ontology.Thomas Augustine Francis Kelly - 1996 - Dublin: Columba.
    This work is an attempt to elaborate an understanding of the nature and meaning of ontology, and on that basis, to construct it. The starting-point and clue for the construction of ontology is language, and language's power to express what is. The understanding of ontology which is secured in this essay is one which sees ontology as the linguistically conditioned account of what is and of the existence of what is, an account which becomes, coordinately and equally, onto-theology and onto-anthropology, (...)
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  40. Participation, complexity, and the study of religion.Sean Kelly - 2008 - In Jorge N. Ferrer & Jacob H. Sherman (eds.), The Participatory Turn: Spirituality, Mysticism, Religious Studies. State University of New York Press.
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  41. The Purpose of General Education.Sean D. Kelly - unknown
    I would like to begin by talking about General Education in America. General Education plays a very particular and interesting role in American Higher Education. A typical undergraduate at one of our colleges or universities is expected to satisfy a range of requirements in his or her major area of study (mathematics, economics, philosophy, etc.); and they will also take a range of electives – courses that are not required for graduation but in which the student might want to explore (...)
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    The Richter effect on the regeneration of aesthetics.Michael Kelly - 2008 - In Francis Halsall, Julia Alejandra Jansen & Tony O'Connor (eds.), Rediscovering Aesthetics: Transdisciplinary Voices from Art History, Philosophy, and Art Practice. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. pp. 256-274.
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    Healthcare Crime: Investigating Abuse, Fraud, and Homicide by Caregivers.Kelly M. Pyrek - 2011 - Crc Press.
    Healthcare trends, stressors, and workplace violence -- Patient privacy and exploitation -- Abuse and assault -- Fraud and theft -- Suspicious death and homicide -- Investigations, sanctions, and discipline -- Prevention strategies and the future of healthcare crime.
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    AddingSpace to Your Class Discussions.Kelly C. Smith, Michael Doyle, Anna Dueholm, Aundrea Gibbons, Austin Macdonald-Shedd, Isabela Parise, Jake Ballard, Stephen Galaida, Nathan Stolzenfeld & Joseph Walker - 2022 - Teaching Ethics 22 (2):269-290.
    Our capabilities in space are growing almost as fast as our ambitions. Many nations, companies, and private actors are currently vying to secure historic “firsts” in space, raising complex social and ethical questions. There is surprisingly little serious analysis of these issues, however, and they are rarely discussed in undergraduate class discussions, despite their popularity with students. To help correct this deficit, a student research team designed 11 case studies to help instructors across the curriculum introduce space into their classes. (...)
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    Normal now: individualism as conformity.Mark G. E. Kelly - 2022 - Meford, MA: Polity Press.
    Genealogy -- New norms -- Politics -- Sex -- Life -- Law -- Difference -- Conclusion.
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    You Are What You (First) Eat.Kelly L. Buchanan & Diego V. Bohórquez - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    A pamphlet attributed to John toland and an unpublished reply by archbishop William King.Patrick Kelly - 1985 - Topoi 4 (1):81-90.
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    Not a decree, but a prophecy.Florence Finch Kelly - unknown
    Have I made a mistake in my Anarchism, or has the editor of Liberty himself tripped? At any rate, I must challenge the Anarchism of one sentence in his otherwise masterful paper upon 'State Socialism and Anarchism.' If I am wrong, I stand open to conviction. It is this. 'They [Anarchists] look forward to a time...when the children born of these relations shall belong exclusively to the mothers until old enough to belong to themselves.'.
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    Personal Concern.Erin Kelly - 2000 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 30 (1):115-136.
    Recent moral philosophy has been characterized by some serious attempts to show that both Kantian and utilitarian moralities leave us with insufficient room to pursue our personal projects and relationships. These moralities have been charged with demanding a kind of impartiality that leaves us with too little space for developing ourselves and our friendships, family relations, communities, and nations in the ways best suited for us. Critics claim these theories implausibly maintain that if our personal relationships and affinities do not (...)
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    Some fallacies in the first movement of Aquinas' third way.Charles J. Kelly - 1981 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 12 (1):39 - 54.
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