Results for 'Oliver Froehling'

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  1.  13
    New world warriors.Carolyn Gallaher & Oliver Froehling - 2009 - In George L. Henderson & Marvin Waterstone (eds.), Geographic thought : a praxis perspective. New York: Routledge. pp. 3--1.
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  2. Points, particles, and structural realism.Oliver Pooley - 2006 - In Dean Rickles, Steven French & Juha T. Saatsi (eds.), The Structural Foundations of Quantum Gravity. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 83--120.
    In his paper ``What is Structural Realism?'' James Ladyman drew a distinction between epistemological structural realism and metaphysical (or ontic) structural realism. He also drew a suggestive analogy between the perennial debate between substantivalist and relationalist interpretations of spacetime on the one hand, and the debate about whether quantum mechanics treats identical particles as individuals or as `non-individuals' on the other. In both cases, Ladyman's suggestion is that an ontic structural realist interpretation of the physics might be just what is (...)
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  3. Digital Literature Analysis for Empirical Philosophy of Science.Oliver M. Lean, Luca Rivelli & Charles H. Pence - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science (4):875-898.
    Empirical philosophers of science aim to base their philosophical theories on observations of scientific practice. But since there is far too much science to observe it all, how can we form and test hypotheses about science that are sufficiently rigorous and broad in scope, while avoiding the pitfalls of bias and subjectivity in our methods? Part of the answer, we claim, lies in the computational tools of the digital humanities, which allow us to analyze large volumes of scientific literature. Here (...)
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  4. Vorurteil.Klaus Reisinger, Oliver R. Scholz & B. Six - 2001 - In H. Gründer (ed.), Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie. Schwabe. pp. 12--1250.
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  5. The origins of the spacetime Metric: Bell’s Lorentzian Pedagogy and its significance in general relativity.Harvey R. Brown & Oliver Pooley - 2001 - In Craig Callender & Nick Huggett (eds.), Physics Meets Philosophy at the Planck Scale: Contemporary Theories in Quantum Gravity. Cambridge University Press. pp. 256--72.
    The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the `Lorentzian Pedagogy' defended by J.S. Bell in his essay ``How to teach special relativity'', and to explore its consistency with Einstein's thinking from 1905 to 1952. Some remarks are also made in this context on Weyl's philosophy of relativity and his 1918 gauge theory. Finally, it is argued that the Lorentzian pedagogy---which stresses the important connection between kinematics and dynamics---clarifies the role of rods and clocks in general relativity.
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    Deepfakes and trust in technology.Oliver Laas - 2023 - Synthese 202 (5):1-34.
    Deepfakes are fake recordings generated by machine learning algorithms. Various philosophical explanations have been proposed to account for their epistemic harmfulness. In this paper, I argue that deepfakes are epistemically harmful because they undermine trust in recording technology. As a result, we are no longer entitled to our default doxastic attitude of believing that P on the basis of a recording that supports the truth of P. Distrust engendered by deepfakes changes the epistemic status of recordings to resemble that of (...)
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  7. An Appearance of Succession Requires a Succession of Appearances.Oliver Rashbrook - 2012 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 87 (3):584-610.
    A familiar slogan in the literature on temporal experience is that ‘a succession of appearances, in and of itself, does not amount to an experience of succession’. I show that we can distinguish between a strong and a weak sense of this slogan. I diagnose the strong interpretation of the slogan as requiring the support of an assumption I call the ‘Seems→Seemed’ claim. I then show that commitment to this assumption comes at a price: if we accept it, we either (...)
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  8.  10
    Die Vorsokratiker: Griechisch/Deutsch.Jaap Mansfeld & Primavesi Oliver (eds.) - 2012 - Reclam.
  9. Kant on Human Dignity reconsidered.Oliver Sensen - 2015 - Kant Studien 106 (1):107-129.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kant-Studien Jahrgang: 106 Heft: 1 Seiten: 107-129.
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    Is the Good Corporation Dead?: Social Responsibility in a Global Economy.John W. Houck & Oliver F. Williams (eds.) - 1996 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Can corporations remain socially responsible in today's fiercely competitive global economy? For several decades after World War II, companies like IBM, which exemplified what journalist Robert J. Samuelson called the 'good corporation,' poured forth material comforts and technological ideas while guaranteeing full employment and adequate retirement. In the 1980s all of that changed, as corporations moved to 'downsize' and become lean, mean global competitors. In this collection, thirteen prominent scholars in business ethics, finance, management, and religion and six corporate leaders (...)
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  11.  36
    Kant on Moral Autonomy.Oliver Sensen (ed.) - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    The concept of autonomy is one of Kant's central legacies for contemporary moral thought. We often invoke autonomy as both a moral ideal and a human right, especially a right to determine oneself independently of foreign determinants; indeed, to violate a person's autonomy is considered to be a serious moral offence. Yet while contemporary philosophy claims Kant as the originator of its notion of autonomy, Kant's own conception of the term seems to differ in important respects from our present-day interpretation. (...)
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  12.  79
    Subjectivity Without Subjects: From Abject Fathers to Desiring Mothers.Kelly Oliver - 1998 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    In Subjectivity without Subjects, well-known philosopher and feminist theorist Kelly Oliver looks at aspects of popular culture, film, science, and law to examine contemporary notions of paternity and maternity. Oliver studies the roles of paternal responsibility, virility, and race in such events as the Million Man March and the Promise Keeper's movement and suggests alternative ways to conceive of self-other relations and the subjective identity at stake in them. In addition she offers a detailed analysis of particular works (...)
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    Formal learning theory.Oliver Schulte - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Formal learning theory is the mathematical embodiment of a normative epistemology. It deals with the question of how an agent should use observations about her environment to arrive at correct and informative conclusions. Philosophers such as Putnam, Glymour and Kelly have developed learning theory as a normative framework for scientific reasoning and inductive inference.
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  14. Women as Weapons of War: Iraq, Sex, and the Media.Kelly Oliver - 2007 - Columbia University Press.
    Ever since Eve tempted Adam with her apple, women have been regarded as a corrupting and destructive force. The very idea that women can be used as interrogation tools, as evidenced in the infamous Abu Ghraib torture photos, plays on age-old fears of women as sexually threatening weapons, and therefore the literal explosion of women onto the war scene should come as no surprise. From the female soldiers involved in Abu Ghraib to Palestinian women suicide bombers, women and their bodies (...)
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  15. Common morality: Comment on Beauchamp and Childress.Oliver Rauprich - 2008 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 29 (1):43-71.
    The notion of common morality plays a prominent role in some of the most influential theories of biomedical ethics. Here, I focus on Beauchamp and Childress’s models in the fourth and fifth edition of Principles of Biomedical Ethics as well as on a revision that Beauchamp proposed in a recent article. Although there are significant differences in these works that require separate analysis, all include a role for common morality as starting point and normative framework for theory construction in combination (...)
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  16. The Continuity of Consciousness.Oliver Rashbrook - 2011 - European Journal of Philosophy 21 (4):611-640.
    : In this paper I discuss two puzzles that concern the sense in which consciousness can be described as ‘continuous’. The first puzzle arises out of recent work by Dainton and Tye, both of whom appear to oscillate between ascribing the property of ‘continuity’ to the stream of experience, and ascribing it to the objects of experience. The second puzzle concerns the notion that the stream of consciousness could be in some sense unreal or illusory—a puzzle stemming from the thought (...)
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    Empedocles : physical and mythical divinity.Oliver Primavesi - 2008 - In Patricia Curd & Daniel W. Graham (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Presocratic Philosophy. Oxford University Press USA.
    This article considers how the new finds have affected one's view of Empedocles, and suggests how interpretation of that material might help solve some longstanding problems about the structure and content of Empedocles' writings. A basic account of the teachings of Empedocles would distinguish between two main components. On the one hand, there is a “Presocratic” physics, including a theory of principles, a cosmology, and a biology. On the other hand, there is a mythical law, clearly inspired by Orphic or (...)
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  18.  38
    The Interdisciplinary Responsible Management Competence Framework: An Integrative Review of Ethics, Responsibility, and Sustainability Competences.Oliver Laasch, Dirk C. Moosmayer & Elena P. Antonacopoulou - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 187 (4):733-757.
    At the centre of responsible management (RM) learning is the development of managerial competence for ethics, responsibility, and sustainability (ERS). Important contributions have been made from each: the ethics, responsibility, and sustainability disciplines. However, we are yet to integrate these disciplinary contributions into a comprehensive interdisciplinary RM competence framework that corresponds to the interdisciplinary nature of RM challenges. We address this priority in this paper and report on the findings of an integrative structured literature review of 224 management competence articles (...)
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  19.  60
    The Kantian interpretation.Oliver A. Johnson - 1974 - Ethics 85 (1):58-66.
  20.  11
    Freedom and the subject of theory: essays in honour of Christina Howells.Christina Howells, Oliver Davis & Colin Davis (eds.) - 2019 - Cambridge: Legenda, Modern Humanities Research Association.
    Freedom and the subject in Jean-Paul Sartre -- Freedom and necessity in Jacques Derrida -- Freedom and the subject in contemporary philosophy and theory -- Theorizing pathologies and therapeutics of freedom.
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  21. Diachronic and synchronic unity.Oliver Rashbrook - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 164 (2):465-484.
    There are two different varieties of question concerning the unity of consciousness: questions about unity at a time, and unity over time. A recent trend in the debate about unity has been to attempt to provide a ‘generalized’ account that purports to solve both problems in the same way. This attempt can be seen in the accounts of Barry Dainton and Michael Tye. In this paper, I argue that there are crucial differences between unity over time and unity at a (...)
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  22.  41
    Rightness and goodness.Oliver A. Johnson - 1959 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff.
    It is thus opposed to all axiological, or value-grounded, theories, which make goodness - with its opposite, badness - the single fundamental ethical ...
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  23. The Semantics of Modal Predicate Logic I. Counterpart-Frames.Marcus Kracht & Oliver Kutz - 1998 - In Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, Heinrich Wansing & Michael Zakharyaschev (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic. CSLI Publications. pp. 299-320.
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  24.  19
    -Connections of abstract description systems.Oliver Kutz, Carsten Lutz, Frank Wolter & Michael Zakharyaschev - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence 156 (1):1-73.
  25.  18
    Toward understanding the effects of socially aware robot behavior.Oliver Roesler, Elahe Bagheri & Amir Aly - 2022 - Interaction Studies 23 (3):513-552.
    A key factor for the acceptance of robots as regular partners in human-centered environments is the appropriateness and predictability of their behaviors, which depend partially on the robot behavior’s conformity to social norms. Previous experimental studies have shown that robots that follow social norms and the corresponding interactions are perceived more positively by humans than robots or interactions that do not adhere to social norms. However, the conducted studies only focused on the effects of social norm compliance in specific scenarios. (...)
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  26.  19
    The Origins of Behavioural Public Policy.Adam Oliver - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    The use of behavioural science to inform policy is one of the main developments in the social sciences over the last several decades. In this book, Adam Oliver offers an accessible introduction to the development of behavioural public policy, examining how behavioural economics might be used to inform the design of a broad spectrum of policy frameworks, from nudges, to bans on certain individual behaviours, to the regulation of the commercial sector. He also considers how behavioural economics can explain (...)
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  27.  65
    History of Jewish Philosophy.Daniel H. Frank & Oliver Leaman (eds.) - 1997 - New York: Routledge.
    Jewish philosophy is often presented as an addendum to Jewish religion rather than as a rich and varied tradition in its own right, but the _History of Jewish Philosophy_ explores the entire scope and variety of Jewish philosophy from philosophical interpretations of the Bible right up to contemporary Jewish feminist and postmodernist thought. The links between Jewish philosophy and its wider cultural context are stressed, building up a comprehensive and historically sensitive view of Jewish philosophy and its place in the (...)
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  28.  21
    (1 other version)Scepticism.Oliver A. Johnson - 1981 - Philosophy 56 (218):591-592.
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    Who Wrote Alexander’s Commentary on Metaphysics Λ? New Light on the Syro-Arabic Tradition.Oliver Primavesi & Matteo Di Giovanni - 2016 - In Christoph Horn (ed.), Aristotle’s "Metaphysics" Lambda – New Essays. De Gruyter. pp. 11-66.
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  30. Imagination.Ursula Renz & Oliver Istvan Toth - 2024 - In Karolina Hübner & Justin Steinberg (eds.), The Cambridge Spinoza lexicon. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 254–259.
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  31. Personal Identity.Ursula Renz & Oliver Istvan Toth - 2024 - In Karolina Hübner & Justin Steinberg (eds.), The Cambridge Spinoza lexicon. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 419–421.
  32.  74
    Rightness, moral obligation, and goodness.Oliver A. Johnson - 1953 - Journal of Philosophy 50 (20):597-608.
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    The problem of time in science and philosophy.Oliver L. Reiser - 1926 - Philosophical Review 35 (3):236-252.
  34.  36
    09341 Summary--Cognition, Control and Learning for Robot Manipulation in Human Environments}.Michael Beetz, Oliver Brock, Gordon Cheng & Jan Peters - unknown
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    Women Making Art: Women in the Visual, Literary, and Performing Arts Since 1960.Deborah J. Johnson & Wendy Oliver - 2001 - Peter Lang Incorporated, International Academic Publishers.
    This interdisciplinary book examines the work of several female artists since 1960 in the areas of dance, music, installation, photography, architecture, poetry, literature, theater, film, and performance art. Each chapter is primarily devoted to an important work by a single artist, seen within its historical context, and with particular attention to how each artist incorporated gender issues or feminist thought into her respective art form. Laurie Anderson, Gwendolyn Brooks, Jane Campion, Judy Chicago, Zaha Hadid, Pauline Oliveros, Yvonne Rainer, Cindy Sherman, (...)
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  36. Existentialismus und Altersreflexion. Zur Anthropologie Albert Camus’.Christoph Kann & Oliver Victor - 2017 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 42 (2).
    Together with the experience of time, finiteness and death, age is among the crucial, though neglected, topoi of existentialism. Its early representative Kierkegaard already emphasized the fundamental role of ageing as a basic condition of human existence which finds orientation in projections of the future. Similarly, Camus, who presupposes that human beings are afflicted with the experience of absurdity, incorporates the ambivalent phenomenon of ageing in his anthropological reflections. Latently following stoic ideas and with recourse to aesthetical considerations of nature, (...)
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    Die Psychologie Christian Wolffs: Systematische und historische Untersuchungen.Oliver-Pierre Rudolph & Jean-François Goubet (eds.) - 2004 - De Gruyter.
    Die Psychologie nimmt im Werk Christian Wolffs (1679-1754) eine zentrale Stellung ein. Sie begründet die Logik und die praktische Philosophie mit Naturrecht, Ethik, Politik und Ökonomik. Der vorliegende Band geht den vielfältigen Problemen nach, die sich mit Wolffs Konzeption einer rationalen und einer empirischen Psychologie einerseits, ihrer Grundlegungsfunktion innerhalb des Wolffschen Systems der Philosophie andererseits ergeben. Darüber hinaus stellt er die Psychologie Wolffs in den philosophie- und wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen Kontext von der Scholastik bis zur kritischen Philosophie Immanuel Kants.
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    Ethical intuitionism--a restatement.Oliver A. Johnson - 1957 - Philosophical Quarterly 7 (28):193-203.
    The paper is a combination of criticism and defense of ethical intuitionism, Meaning by this the view that we have insights about such matters that we can know to be true. Although the thesis is accepted that intuition is an authentic source of ethical knowledge, Many of the claims of intuitionists are subjected to critical scrutiny.
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    'Lively' Memory and 'Past' Memory.Oliver Johnson - 1987 - Hume Studies 13 (2):343-359.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:343 'LIVELY' MEMORY ANP 'PAST' MEMORY At the very beginning of the Treatise Hume distinguishes memory from imagination by noting two different features of ideas of memory not shared by ideas of imagination. The distinguishing marks of memory can be described as (1) memory conceived in terms of the liveliness or vivacity of its ideas and (2) memory conceived in terms of the constraints imposed on the order and (...)
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  40.  54
    Philosophy, God, and motion.Simon Oliver - 2005 - New York: Routledge.
    In the post-Newtonian world motion is assumed to be a simple category which relates to the locomotion of bodies in space, and is usually associated only with physics. Philosophy, God and Motion shows that this is a relatively recent understanding of motion and that prior to the scientific revolution motion was a much broader and more mysterious category, applying to moral as well as physical movements. Simon Oliver presents fresh interpretations of key figures in the history of western thought (...)
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    Church's Thesis and Hume's Problem.Kevin T. Kelly & Oliver Schulte - unknown
    We argue that uncomputability and classical scepticism are both reflections of inductive underdetermination, so that Church's thesis and Hume's problem ought to receive equal emphasis in a balanced approach to the philosophy of induction. As an illustration of such an approach, we investigate how uncomputable the predictions of a hypothesis can be if the hypothesis is to be reliably investigated by a computable scientific method.
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    Bergson's "creative evolution" and the individual.Oliver Quick - 1913 - Mind 22 (86):217-230.
  43. Disability.Aart Hendriks & Oliver Lewis - 2014 - In Yann Joly & Bartha Maria Knoppers (eds.), Routledge Handbook of Medical Law and Ethics. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    “Žižekian Performances”: A Group’s Self-Interview.Tommy Mayberry, Daniel Oliver, Mira Gerard & Ilya Merlin - unknown
    This self-interview is the responsive document coming forth from the post-conference camaraderie. The four “Žižekian Performers” – found with themselves personally, creatively, and academically following the 2014 International Žižek Studies Conference. As a self-interview document that mimics the gameplay of Žižek himself in his own self-interview from his The Metastases of Enjoyment where he puts on the guise of the “big Other” to examine himself, we four performers here examine ourselves, each other, our work, and each other’s work to produce (...)
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  45. Improved system architecture for safety-relevant systems using dynamic distribution and state buffering.Philipp Nenninger, Oliver Rooks & Uwe Kiencke - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay (eds.), Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 2--2.
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    A principle‐based framework for disclosing a psychosis risk diagnosis.Oliver Y. Zhang, Doug McConnell, Adrian Carter & Jonathan Pugh - 2022 - Bioethics 37 (2):171-182.
    In recent decades, researchers have attempted to prospectively identify individuals at high risk of developing psychosis in the hope of delaying or preventing psychosis onset. These psychosis risk individuals are identified as being in an ‘At-Risk Mental State’ (ARMS) through a standardised psychometric interview. However, disclosure of ARMS status has attracted criticism due to concerns about the risk–benefit ratio of disclosure to patients. Only approximately one quarter of ARMS patients develop psychosis after three years, raising concerns about the unnecessary harm (...)
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  47.  5
    Elements of Autonomy in Kant’s Lectures on Ethics.Oliver Sensen - 2018 - In Stefano Bacin & Oliver Sensen (eds.), The Emergence of Autonomy in Kant’s Moral Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 83–101.
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    Nonmonotonic abductive inductive learning.Oliver Ray - 2009 - Journal of Applied Logic 7 (3):329-340.
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  49. .Christof Rapp & Oliver Primavesi - unknown
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  50. The perils of evolution-as-progress metaphor : challenging ideas of naturalness, normalcy, and adequacy in Brazilian and Canadian science education.Giuliano Reis, Adam Oliver Brown, Delano Silva & Ana Julia Pedreira - 2019 - In Alandeom W. Oliveira & Kristin Leigh Cook (eds.), Evolution education and the rise of the creationist movement in Brazil. Lanham: Lexington Books.
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