Results for 'Olga Shestopal'

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  1. Ukrainian Students in Spain after World War II.Oleksandr Pronkevych & Olga Shestopal - 2018 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 5:117-132.
    The paper analyzes a book written by Volodymyr Yarymovych, Oleksandr Bilyk, and Mykola Volynskyi, entitled Narys istorii ukrainskoi studentskoi hromady ta Ukrainskykh poselen v Espanii 1946–1996 (An Overview of the History of the Ukrainian Student Community and Ukrainian Settlements in Spain, 1946–1996), which tells about the Ukrainian students who arrived in Madrid in 1946 and formed part of the early Ukrainian Diaspora in Spain. The book proves to be an important source of information, previously unknown to scholars, which describes the (...)
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    Revisiting “Intelligent Nursing”: Olga Petrovskaya in conversation with Mary Ellen Purkis and Kristin Bjornsdottir.Olga Petrovskaya, Mary Ellen Purkis & Kristin Bjornsdottir - 2019 - Nursing Philosophy 20 (3):e12259.
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    Du sens à la signification, de la signification aux sens: mélanges offerts à Olga Galatanu.Olga Galatanu, Ana-Maria Cozma, Abdelhadi Bellachhab & Marion Pescheux (eds.) - 2014 - Bruxelles: PIE Peter Lang.
    Dans le champ de la linguistique francaise, Olga Galatanu est de ceux qui ont muni l'analyse du discours et des interactions verbales d'un modele semantique de description. La Semantique des Possibles Argumentatifs qu'elle developpe depuis une vingtaine d'annees adhere aux visions argumentative, stereotypique, referentielle, cognitiviste de la langue, et s'attache a rendre compte de la construction des representations en langue et en discours.<BR> Les articles que ses collaborateurs et amis lui offrent dans ce volume se rapportent de pres ou (...)
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    Face in trouble - from physiognomics to Facebook / Olga Szmidt, Katarzyna Trzeciak (eds.) ; Copy-edited by Soren Gauger.Olga Szmidt (ed.) - 2017 - Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
    This book analyzes unobvious relations between historical definitions of the face and its contemporary usage in popular culture and social media, like Facebook or Instagram. Bringing together a wide range of methodologies, it includes essays from manifold disciplines of the humanities such as philosophy, literary and art criticism, media and television studies, game studies, sociology and anthropology. The authors focus on both metaphorical and material meanings of the face. They grapple with crucial questions about modernity, modern and postmodern subjectivity, as (...)
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    Regularity effect in prospective memory during aging.Geoffrey Blondelle, Mathieu Hainselin, Yannick Gounden, Laurent Heurley, Hélène Voisin, Olga Megalakaki, Estelle Bressous & Véronique Quaglino - 2016 - Socioaffective Neuroscience and Psychology 6.
    BackgroundRegularity effect can affect performance in prospective memory, but little is known on the cognitive processes linked to this effect. Moreover, its impacts with regard to aging remain unknown. To our knowledge, this study is the first to examine regularity effect in PM in a lifespan perspective, with a sample of young, intermediate, and older adults.Objective and designOur study examined the regularity effect in PM in three groups of participants: 28 young adults, 16 intermediate adults, and 25 older adults. The (...)
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  6. Presidential Elections in the Context of the Russian Transit to Democracy.Elena Shestopal - 2004 - Polis 1:28-43.
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    Four-year-olds’ visuospatial cognitive abilities and their relation to observer‑viewpoint gestures across three communicative tasks.Ulrich J. Boden, Friederike Kern, Sofia Koutalidis, Olga Abramov, Anne Nemeth, Stefan Kopp & Katharina J. Rohlfing - 2024 - Pragmatics and Cognition 31 (1):49-96.
    The gesture-as-simulated-action framework explains the occurrence of iconic gestures. Accordingly, simulated visual imagery gives rise to observer-viewpoint, whereas simulated motor imagery gives rise to character-viewpoint gestures. Because little is known about whether this relationship is either the product of becoming a competent speaker in different communicative tasks or exists from an early age, we investigated 4-year-olds. In the first session, 55 children performed three different communicative tasks. In the second session, we administered a SON-R non-verbal intelligence test to assess children’s (...)
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    Acting Compassionately.Petar Bojanić, Igor Cvejić & Olga Nikolić - 2022 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 41 (4):813-830.
    Our main goal is to describe the structure of engaged acts and compassion and their constitutive interrelation to explicate the key role of engaged and compassionate acts for group constitution. In the first part of the paper, we formulate our guiding idea: the key to understanding compassion lies in understanding engagement and vice versa. We then consider the problematic nature of engaged acts: On the one hand, they do not meet the conditions to be attributed to the plural subject; on (...)
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  9. Погляд на процес формування техносфери крізь призму еволюційної теорії чарльза дарвіна.Olga Alieva - 2014 - Схід 5 (131):91-96.
    Стаття присвячена визначенню ролі людського розуму у формуванні техносфери крізь призьму еволюційної теорії Чарльза Дарвіна. У статті порівнюється еволюційна теорія з процесом формування культурної оболонки планети, біологічний світ зі світом ідей. Автор намагається показати їх тотожність шляхом виявлення механізмів, що беруть участь у розробці технологічних артефактів. Особлива увага приділяється поняттю формування так званих "мемів" - одиниць культурної інформації.
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    Pensar la violencia, la justicia y la libertad.Olga Belmonte (ed.) - 2012 - Madrid: Universidad Pontificia Comillas.
    En este volumen se recogen una serie de estudios, reflexiones y propuestas prácticas en torno a las nociones de violencia, justicia y libertad. Sus responsables consideran que es urgente reflexionar sobre ellas, pues nuestras acciones, nuestra respuesta o nuestra indiferencia ante la violencia o la injusticia, dependen de lo que entendamos por un Estado justo o lo que signifique para nosotros ser libre. Partiendo de diferentes tradiciones filosóficas y de autores que han abordado estas cuestiones a lo largo de la (...)
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    Religious Freedom: Social-Scientific Approaches.Olga Breskaya, Roger Finke & Giuseppe Giordan (eds.) - 2021 - BRILL.
    _“Religious Freedom: Social-Scientific Approaches”_ offers original research on religious freedom from around the globe. The volume addresses the issues related to defining and understanding the concept of religious freedom with interdisciplinary methods and by incorporating sociological thinking as a constituent part of this analysis.
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    Special Sciences and the Unity of Sciences.Olga Pombo -Universidade Lisboa, Juan Manuel Torres, John Symons & Shahid Rahman (eds.) - 2012 - Springer.
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    Classical Greek Sculpture.Olga Palagia - 1987 - The Classical Review 37 (02):269-.
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    Autism and the Social World: An Anthropological Perspective.Olga Solomon, Karen Gainer Sirota, Tamar Kremer-Sadlik & Elinor Ochs - 2004 - Discourse Studies 6 (2):147-183.
    This article offers an anthropological perspective on autism, a condition at once neurological and social, which complements existing psychological accounts of the disorder, expanding the scope of inquiry from the interpersonal domain, in which autism has been predominantly examined, to the socio-cultural one. Persons with autism need to be viewed not only as individuals in relation to other individuals, but as members of social groups and communities who act, displaying both social competencies and difficulties, in relation to socially and culturally (...)
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  15. Some prosodic and paralinguistic features of speech to young children.Olga K. Garnica - 1977 - In Catherine E. Snow & Charles A. Ferguson (eds.), Talking to Children: Language Input and Acquisition. Cambridge University Press. pp. 63--88.
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  16. Is language of thought a conceptual necessity?Olga Markic - 2001 - Acta Analytica 16 (26):53-60.
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    La mejora del carácter moral en la evaluación de las técnicas de mejora biológica.Olga Campos - 2010 - Dilemata 3.
    Deberíamos usar las nuevas técnicas biomédicas para mejorar a los individuos? Si sabemos que la naturaleza humana contiene también características que podemos considerar no deseables entonces parece que no habría nada en sí mismo erróneo a la hora de alterarla. Algunos autores interesados en este tema hacen referencia a los daños que ello podría ocasionar a otros. Pero entonces, ¿la mejora moral podría funcionar como un contraejemplo a la idea de que la mejora biomédica es siempre moralmente impermisible? Puede que (...)
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  18. (Im) posible intimidad: reductos en el arte actual.Olga Fernández - 2005 - In Antonio Notario Ruiz (ed.), Contrapuntos estéticos. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca. pp. 135--146.
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  19. Behind the Wall under the Red Star: SísPeter,1949-Wall.Olga Maeots - 2009 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (3):46-53.
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    Mind in Nature: From Science to Philosophy.Olga Markič, Marko Uršič & Andrej Ule (eds.) - 2011 - New York, USA: Nova Science Publishers.
    The main purpose of this book is to investigate, from the philosophical point of view, the concept of mind in some quickly developing fields of contemporary science, from physics and cosmology to biology and cognitive science. New scientific investigations have brought many empirical results that help to explain natural phenomena from quantum states to human thinking, yet the question of the nature of the mind itself is still open. In this book, the authors discuss several philosophical problems raised or reformulated (...)
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    Análisis sociológico de las tendencias recientes del turismo de salud y reposo: origen, evolución histórica y tendencias de futuro.Olga Martínez Moure - 2012 - Aposta 52:1-24.
    Populations have different percents on different history realms regarding baths and fountains. A constant historical issue of such places is related with constant use and adore. Therefore we find ourselves in time where they where more used and ages where they where less used. On our paper we analyse from a sociological perspective the use of such spaces, mainly associated with social interaction and sociability. At the end of our paper, we are going to analyse both issues directly linked with (...)
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    Narrative introductions: discourse competence of children with autistic spectrum disorders.Olga Solomon - 2004 - Discourse Studies 6 (2):253-276.
    This article examines the discourse competence of high-functioning children with autistic spectrum disorders to participate in narrative introduction sequences with family members. The analysis illuminates the children’s own efforts to launch narratives, as well as their ability to build upon the contributions of others. Ethnographic, discourse analytic methodology is integrated with the theory of discourse organization and the weak central coherence account of autism. Introductions of both personal experience narratives as well as fictional narratives are examined. The children were especially (...)
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    Reflections on an interactive posthumanist panel: A model for future nursing philosophy conference engagement?Olga Petrovskaya - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (3):e12449.
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    Neural systems connecting interoceptive awareness and feelings.Olga Pollatos, Klaus Gramann & Rainer Schandry - 2007 - Human Brain Mapping 28 (1):9-18.
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    When interoception helps to overcome negative feelings caused by social exclusion.Olga Pollatos, Ellen Matthias & Johannes Keller - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Is there nursing phenomenology after P aley? Essay on rigorous reading.Olga Petrovskaya - 2014 - Nursing Philosophy 15 (1):60-71.
    At the bedside, nurses are expected to be precise when they read indications on screens and on the bodies of patients and decide on the meaning of words framed by the context of acute care. In academia, although there is no incident report to fill when we misread or misrepresent complex philosophical ideas, the consequences of inaccurate reading include misplaced epistemological claims and poor scholarship. A long and broad convention of nursing phenomenological research, in its various forms, claims a philosophical (...)
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    A historiografia linguística no Brasil (1993-2018): memória, estudos.Olga Coelho (ed.) - 2018 - Campinas: Pontes.
    A leitura deste volume decerto trará novas luzes para o entendimento de temas diversos da pesquisa historiográfica, bem à feição da personalidade acadêmica da homenageada, cujo interesse plural percorre os caminhos da gramaticografia do português no Brasil, da linguística missionária, da política linguística, da edificação dos estudos linguísticos universitários, entre tantos outros que residem em sua obra. Uma última palavra de louvor a Cristina Altman, com os votos de que a aposentadoria não lhe iniba o ânimo para continuar contribuindo, com (...)
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    Posibilidades y limitaciones en el desarrollo humano desde la influencia de las tic en la salud: el caso latinoamericano.Olga Cecilia Wilches Flórez & Ángela María Wilches Flórez - 2017 - Persona y Bioética 21 (1).
    The article reflects on the use of information and communication technologies in various fields of knowledge, with an emphasis on health. The idea, in this respect, is to become acquainted with the advances and limitations that exist in the Latin American context. A documentary review is carried out based on the opinions of recognized authors, and aspects related to the specifics of ICT are developed, with several fields of application being mentioned. The article then reflects on the application of these (...)
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    The Body in Thinking.Olga Gomilko - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 20:69-75.
    The paper presents the main ideas of systematic research of the phenomenon of the human body as an essential characteristic of human being and the fundamental philosophical concept. It allows one to scrutinize the concept of the human body as a necessary research tool in the humanities. The human body is analyzed in the process of its conceptualization in the history of philosophy, in relation to which its logic and main phases are defined. The paradigms of the understanding of the (...)
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  30. Historiosofía: estructura del objeto y del discurso.Olga Rusakova - 2006 - la Lámpara de Diógenes 7 (12):183-193.
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    Роль посередницької діяльності в розвитку страхового ринку україни.Olga Slobodyanyuk - 2016 - Схід 5 (145):21-26.
    Relevance of the article is determined that the effective functioning of the reinsurance market greatly depends on the development of its infrastructure because it creates opportunities for implementation of reinsurance services, mediates, accelerates and facilitates placement and execution of reinsurance contracts. Given the state of the domestic insurance market mediation necessary means to enhance its development and integration into the global reinsurance market. The article is a study of measures to enhance the role of mediation in the insurance market of (...)
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    Соціально-економічний розвиток і еволюція пізньопротестантських громад в україні.Olga A. Spys - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 42:108-113.
    Globalization processes mean, among other things, the spread of trends that determine the socio-religious development of a region to other spatial areas. This does not happen with an inevitable necessity, it is not a ubiquitous feature of globalization, but it does happen with a very high probability. Moreover, when it comes to development within the same confessional systems. In this context, it is pertinent to note that some of the widespread forms of religious practices in Ukraine today, and moreover, religious (...)
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    Conciencia y Posibilidad del Mexicano.Olga P. Ferrer - 1953 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 14 (2):284-284.
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  34. Training-Induced Neural Plasticity in Youth: A Systematic Review of Structural and Functional MRI Studies.Olga Tymofiyeva & Robert Gaschler - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Experience-dependent neural plasticity is high in the developing brain, presenting a unique window of opportunity for training. To optimize existing training programs and develop new interventions, it is important to understand what processes take place in the developing brain during training. Here, we systematically review MRI-based evidence of training-induced neural plasticity in children and adolescents. A total of 71 articles were included in the review. Significant changes in brain activation, structure, microstructure, and structural and functional connectivity were reported with different (...)
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    Helen More's Suicide.Olga Zilberbourg - 2018 - Feminist Studies 44 (1):95.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 44, no. 1. © 2018 by Olga Zilberbourg 95 Olga Zilberbourg Helen More’s Suicide My retired colleague Marguerite called to tell me of Helen More’s suicide. “Of all the sad, ludicrous things people do to themselves!” She invited me over. “Thursday night, as usual. I could use the company of younger people.” It had been about a year since I’d first been invited to these (...)
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  36. Evaluación de la competencia comunicativa: la lectura, la escritura en la educación superior.Olga Lucía Arbeláez, Adriana Alvarez Correa & Richard Uribe Hincapié - 2008 - Escritos 16 (36):238-258.
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    De disciplina scolarium.Olga Boethius & Weijers (eds.) - 1976 - Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers.
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    Political and religious identification of Russia and the USA in the context of national and international security.Olga Chistyakova - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 32:9-19.
    The article is devoted to the ideas of religious and political identification of modern Russia and the USA. The main conceptual positions of Russian and American philosophers, political scientists, and theologians are presented. These ideas create the specific axiological unity of American and Russian forms of culture and civilizations. The search for national idea and cultural identification is presented in the article from the position of national and international security of the USA and Russia. The author pays attention to original (...)
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  39. Fontes para a historiografia linguística: caminhos para a pesquisa documental.Olga Coelho (ed.) - 2021 - Campinas, SP: Pontes.
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    La sémantique des possibles agumentatifs: génération et (re)construction discursive du sens linguistique.Olga Galatanu - 2018 - Bruxelles: Peter Lang.
    L'ouvrage présente, argumente et illustre la sémantique des possibles argumentatifs, une théorie et un modèle de fonctionnement du sens linguistique à l'interface de ses deux formes de manifestation : la signification des expressions linguistiques, en particulier des mots, et le sens discursif, produit dans et par les occurrences de parole. Cette approche, que l'auteur construit depuis une vingtaine d'années et qui a été déjà investie dans de nombreuses recherches en analyse du discours et des (inter)actions verbales, s'inscrit à la fois (...)
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    Koncepcja samopoznania Stefana Baleya.Olga Honcharenko - 2016 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 6 (4):85-98.
    On the basis of the works Personality and Paths of self-discovery the concept of self-knowledge of Ukrainian and Polish philosopher Stefan Baley has been reconstructed. It has been shown, that self-knowledge both in Baley’s philosophy and in the philosophy of Socrates has the character of the specific imperative, a certain kind of the obligation of every thinking person. Socrates and Baley are the supporters of the absolute truth, which is understood as practical value, which is beneficial to the moral cultivation (...)
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    Change versus force in the Finnish case system.Olga Kagan - 2020 - Linguistics and Philosophy 44 (3):649-693.
    In the recent linguistic literature, an increasing attention has been devoted to the role of force dynamics in natural language. The present paper argues that the concept of force plays an important role in the Finnish case system. Translative case in this language is conventionally associated with change of state and the illative and allative cases, with change of location. Unexpectedly under such an approach, these forms are sometimes acceptable in sentences that do not entail a change and superficially seem (...)
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    The fruit of the Brest Union in the context of the axiological interests of Ukrainians.Olga Nedavnya - 2017 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 81:223-225.
    Obviously, it is about the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. I, the author of the article, suggest looking at her, taking into account all her hypostasis, its ritual and organizational peculiarities, but to focus on how this Church performs one of the functions that are inherent in religious systems and organizations: a value-controlling function, and how this performance correlates with the national interests of Ukrainians.
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    Body As an Object of Experimentation and the Emergence of Biomedicine Ethos.Olga V. Popova - 2021 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 58 (1):125-141.
    The purpose of the article is to study the influence of Nazi experiments on the formation of ideas about the ethos of science in the field of biomedicine. It is shown that the idea of discrediting a value-neutral science was often confronted with the resistance of the scientists themselves, who, in different contexts of condemning Nazi crimes, appealed to the fact that they acted for the good of science, and even of all mankind. The article discusses the strategy of American (...)
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  45. La transgresión en los libros / Luisa Regina Martínez Leal - Transgresiones que generaron imaginarios y configuraciones alrededor de la fundación de la Colonia Guerrero.Olga Margarita Gutiérrez Trapero - 2020 - In Herrera Gutiérrez de Velasco, Luis Carlos & Martín Clavé Almeida (eds.), Transgresión: en la historia, la arquitectura, los objetos y la comunicación. [Ciudad de México]: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco, División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño, Departamento de Evaluación del diseño en el tiempo, Área de Historia del Diseño.
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    Auguste Comte’s Reception of Nicolas de Condorcet’s Idea of the Progress of the Human Mind.Olga A. Vinogradova - 2021 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (9):90-114.
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    La cruz de Cristo y la violencia sexual contra las mujeres.Olga Consuelo Vélez - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (39):1206-1236.
    La legitimación del sufrimiento de las mujeres como voluntad de Dios ha sido una realidad expresada en muchas instancias, entre ellas, los contextos de guerra donde la violencia sexual contra las mujeres se utiliza como arma de guerra. En este horizonte, este artículo busca proponer una lectura feminista de la cruz de Cristo, buscando contrastar la violencia ejercida contra el cuerpo de las mujeres con la teoría de la expiación de nuestros pecados por la cruz de Cristo. Se parte de (...)
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  48. Wypowiedzi dokonawcze czy dokonania wypowiadalne?Olga Wrzos - 2007 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 43 (1):208-227.
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  49. The body in the mind: on the relationship between interoception and embodiment.Beate M. Herbert & Olga Pollatos - 2012 - Topics in Cognitive Science 4 (4):692-704.
    The processing, representation, and perception of bodily signals (interoception) plays an important role for human behavior. Theories of embodied cognition hold that higher cognitive processes operate on perceptual symbols and that concept use involves reactivations of the sensory-motor states that occur during experience with the world. Similarly, activation of interoceptive representations and meta-representations of bodily signals supporting interoceptive awareness are profoundly associated with emotional experience and cognitive functions. This article gives an overview over present findings and models on interoception and (...)
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    MRI Insights Into Adolescent Neurocircuitry—A Vision for the Future.Olga Tymofiyeva, Vivian X. Zhou, Chuan-Mei Lee, Duan Xu, Christopher P. Hess & Tony T. Yang - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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