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  1.  33
    Fact of Reason, Social Facts, and Evidence.Petar Bojanić & Igor Cvejić - 2018 - Rivista di Estetica 69:85-99.
    The place of evidence regarding joint commitment and plural action is mostly reserved for documents and explicit linguistic expressions. This paper considers the problem of evidence in cases of engaged (jointly committed) social acts where there is no explicit expression or binding document, yet can still be ascribed to a plural subject. The argument rests on the double meaning of the term factum as fact (factum brutum) and deed (factum practica), as well as contemporary debates about the topic of fact (...)
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    Engagement with Future Generations: Unfulfilled Empathy.Igor Cvejić, Tamara Plećaš & Petar Bojanić - 2024 - Topoi 43 (1):49-54.
    In this article, our focus is on the topic of engagement and possibility of empathy with future generations. We acknowledge that empathy for future generations is practically unattainable in its strictest sense due to the lack of access to their potential mental states and the absence of direct interaction. Additionally, we will draw upon the arguments presented by Goldie and Slaby to address concerns regarding the potential paternalization that may arise in empathic relations towards future generations. However, despite these limitations, (...)
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    Social justice and the formal principle of freedom.Olga Nikolic & Igor Cvejic - 2017 - Filozofija I Društvo 28 (2):270-284.
    The aim of this paper is to show, contra the right-libertarian critique of social justice, that there are good reasons for defending policies of social justice within a free society. In the first part of the paper, we will present two influential right-libertarian critiques of social justice, found in Friedrich Hayek's Law, Legislation and Liberty and Robert Nozick's Anarchy, State and Utopia. Based on their approach, policies of social justice are seen as an unjustified infringement on freedoms of individual members (...)
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  4. Šta kant duguje Rusou?Igor Cvejić - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (3):163-175.
  5.  13
    On the Relationship Between Education and Emancipation.Predrag Krstić, Olga Nikolić, Nataša Lacković & Igor Cvejic - 2024 - In Nataša Lacković, Igor Cvejic, Predrag Krstić & Olga Nikolić (eds.), Rethinking Education and Emancipation: Diverse Perspectives on Contemporary Challenges. Springer Verlag. pp. 1-22.
    This chapter provides a brief history of the concept of emancipation and its applications in and relationship with education, starting with the Enlightenment and considering both the continuation and the critique of this tradition that has further shaped the relationship between education and emancipation. The tension between two meanings of emancipation—personal, intellectual emancipation on the one hand, and political emancipation of the oppressed and the entire society on the other—comes into view in the divergence between Kantian and Marxists paths to (...)
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    Acting Compassionately.Petar Bojanić, Igor Cvejić & Olga Nikolić - 2022 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 41 (4):813-830.
    Our main goal is to describe the structure of engaged acts and compassion and their constitutive interrelation to explicate the key role of engaged and compassionate acts for group constitution. In the first part of the paper, we formulate our guiding idea: the key to understanding compassion lies in understanding engagement and vice versa. We then consider the problematic nature of engaged acts: On the one hand, they do not meet the conditions to be attributed to the plural subject; on (...)
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    Kant’s turn in the account of feeling: Critical response to the XVIII century sentimentalism.Igor Cvejic - 2015 - Filozofija I Društvo 26 (1):27-46.
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  8. Liberating Education: What From, What For?Igor Cvejić, Predrag Krstić, Nataša Lacković & Olga Nikolić (eds.) - 2021 - Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade.
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    Some remarks on unfocused hatred: Identity of the hated one and criteria of adequacy.Igor Cvejic - 2021 - Filozofija I Društvo 32 (3):377-386.
    Thomas Szanto has recently argued that hatred could not be a fitting emotion because of its blurred focus. It thus cannot trace the properties of its intentional object. Although I agree with the core of Szanto?s account, I would like to discuss two connected issues that might be of importance. First, I want to address whether the unfittingness of hatred has anything to do with the possibility that the hated person does not identify with what they are hated for. I (...)
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    The forms of social engagement regarding the subject of import.Igor Cvejic - 2016 - Filozofija I Društvo 27 (2):332-342.
    My aim is to draw attention to the different forms of social engagement regarding the subject of import. The concept of import was introduced in the theory of action by Bennet Helm. It denotes an intentional characteristic of an object, to be viewed as worthy of pursuit or avoidance. However, according to Helm, the subject of import could be: either an individual person, the other or plural agent. Using this division in the context of social engagement, I propose to distinguish (...)
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    Zweckmäßigkeit, Harmonie, sensus communis und Orientierung.Igor Cvejic - 2013 - Filozofija I Društvo 24 (3):34-51.
    Prvi deo rada sadrzi pokusaj analize Kantovih pojmova svrhovitosti i harmonije i, u izvesnom smislu, njihovog medjusobnog odnosa, kao i odnosa sa osecanjem zadovoljstva. Toj analizi ce se pristupiti uz osvrt na Saftsberijev uvid u, danas tako nazvane,?second order affections?, i njihov znacaj u drustveno-politickoj filozofiji. Zakljucno ce se ovaj prvi deo rada baviti Kantovim shvatanjem sensus communis-a, i pokusati da ukaze na neke njegove specificnosti, koje omogucuju da se o njemu ne govori kao o empirijskom faktu. Drugi deo rada (...)
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    Rethinking Education and Emancipation: Diverse Perspectives on Contemporary Challenges.Nataša Lacković, Igor Cvejic, Predrag Krstić & Olga Nikolić (eds.) - 2024 - Springer Verlag.
    This edited collection responds to the contemporary need for deeper analysis and rethinking of the relation between education and emancipation in a world beset by social, digital, educational and ecological crises. Among the diverse interdisciplinary perspectives explored are: rethinking the Anthropocene in the time of environmental emergency, the concept of relational thinking as emancipatory practice and a more encompassing concept of relational pedagogy that includes questions about the environment and digitalisation, the notion of indoctrination from the perspective of political education, (...)
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    From the activities of the institute.Olga Nikolić, Igor Cvejic & Deana Jovanovic - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (1):185-196.
    FROM THE ACTIVITIES OF THE INSTITUTE Olga Nikolić, Deana Jovanović i Igor Cvejić.
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