Results for 'Ohad Nave'

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  1.  17
    The Non-Duality that Grounds Activism in the Self-Boundaries of Embodied Experience.Ohad Nave - 2021 - Constructivist Foundations 16 (2):189-192.
    Inquiry into the felt dimension of experience can be deeply transformative, but more than promoting transcendence it can help us make contact with the intricacy of our open and embodied self-….
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    The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Neurophenomenology – The Case of Studying Self Boundaries With Meditators.Aviva Berkovich-Ohana, Yair Dor-Ziderman, Fynn-Mathis Trautwein, Yoav Schweitzer, Ohad Nave, Stephen Fulder & Yochai Ataria - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:1680.
  3.  26
    Response to Ohad Nachtomy’s “Individuals, Worlds, and Relations.Ohad Nachtomy - 2001 - The Leibniz Review 11:125-129.
    In her stimulating article, Catherine Wilson considers the moment of worlds-making in Leibniz’s philosophy. She raises the following question: “How do possible substances give rise to possible worlds?“ and observes that the moment of world-making is as puzzling as it is interesting. In section 2 of her article, Wilson considers two approaches to the question. According to the first, possible individuals logically precede possible worlds and possible worlds are constituted either by combinations of possible individuals or by mechanically checking the (...)
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    Toward an Ethical Theory of Organizing.Naveed Yazdani & Hasan S. Murad - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 127 (2):399-417.
    Current organizations are underpinned by utilitarian ethics of Modernity. Pure economic motive driven organizations detach themselves from larger societal interest. Rising number of corporate scandals and intraorganizational income inequalities are breeding similar trends in society at large. Current organizations base their competitive advantage on resources and capabilities which boils down to economic supremacy at all cost whether it is named I/o or RBV of the firm. This theoretical article posits Ethics-based Trust as the main competency and capability for attaining sustained (...)
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  5. A Tale of Two Thinkers, One Meeting, and Three Degrees of Infinity: Leibniz and Spinoza (1675–8).Ohad Nachtomy - 2011 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (5):935-961.
    The article presents Leibniz's preoccupation (in 1675?6) with the difference between the notion of infinite number, which he regards as impossible, and that of the infinite being, which he regards as possible. I call this issue ?Leibniz's Problem? and examine Spinoza's solution to a similar problem that arises in the context of his philosophy. ?Spinoza's solution? is expounded in his letter on the infinite (Ep.12), which Leibniz read and annotated in April 1676. The gist of Spinoza's solution is to distinguish (...)
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    The embodiment of emotional words in a second language: An eye-movement study.Naveed A. Sheikh & Debra Titone - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (3):488-500.
    The hypothesis that word representations are emotionally impoverished in a second language (L2) has variable support. However, this hypothesis has only been tested using tasks that present words in isolation or that require laboratory-specific decisions. Here, we recorded eye movements for 34 bilinguals who read sentences in their L2 with no goal other than comprehension, and compared them to 43 first language readers taken from our prior study. Positive words were read more quickly than neutral words in the L2 across (...)
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  7.  23
    Living Mirrors: Infinity, Unity, and Life in Leibniz's Philosophy.Ohad Nachtomy - 2019 - New York, NY: Oup Usa.
    This work presents Leibniz's view of infinity and the central role it plays in his theory of living beings. Nachtomy argues that Leibniz employs three degrees of infinity: absolute infinity, which applies to God; maximum or infinite in kind, which applies to created, living beings; and mathematical infinity.
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    As Dry Trees That Have No Fruits.Ohad Abudraham & Matthew Morgenstern - 2024 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 144 (2):339-360.
    This article publishes the surviving parts of a hitherto unknown Mandaean spell for the protection of a woman from childlessness. The spell has been reconstructed from two fragmentary amulets that were written on lead lamellae in the Sasanid period (MLSC 18 and 19). The overlapping sections of the two amulets show some linguistic differences but are otherwise clearly parallel copies of the same formula. The spell is narrated in the name of Iauar son of Iauar and mentions other figures known (...)
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    ‘Rescaling’ alternative food systems: from food security to food sovereignty.Navé Wald & Douglas P. Hill - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (1):203-213.
    In this paper, we critically interrogate the benefits of an interdisciplinary and theoretically diverse dialogue between ‘local food’ and ‘alternative food networks’ and outline how this dialogue might be enriched by a closer engagement with discourses of food sovereignty and the politics of scale. In arguing for a shift towards a greater emphasis on food sovereignty, we contend that contemporary discourses of food security are inadequate for the ongoing task of ensuring a just and sustainable economy of food. Further, rather (...)
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  10. Hebreos, egipcios y el origen de la filosofía: Vico y la historiografía protestante.Francesco La Nave - 2006 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 19 (20):47-56.
    La posición de Vico sobre el antiguo Egipto tenía origen en el debate seicentesco sobre la supremacía del saber egipcio . En línea con la historiografía protestante, Vico muestra que los egipcios habían desarrollado sólo un saber civil y que sus conocimientos filosóficos eran aquéllos aprendidos de los hebreos.PALABRAS CLAVE: Vico, hebreos, egipcios, sabiduría antigua, historiografía protestante.Vico’s attitude towards the ancient Egypt had its roots in the Seventeenth Century debate on the supremacy of Egyptian wisdom . In agreement with protestant (...)
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    Introduction: Infinity in Early Modern Philosophy.Ohad Nachtomy & Reed Winegar - 2018 - In Igor Agostini, Richard T. W. Arthur, Geoffrey Gorham, Paul Guyer, Mogens Lærke, Yitzhak Y. Melamed, Ohad Nachtomy, Sanja Särman, Anat Schechtman, Noa Shein & Reed Winegar, Infinity in Early Modern Philosophy. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 1-8.
    In his Pensées, Blaise Pascal gives vivid voice to both the wonder and anxiety that many early modern thinkers felt towards infinity. Contemplating our place between the infinite expanse of space and the infinite divisibility of matter, Pascal writes.
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    Leibniz et l’individualité organique by Jeanne Roland.Ohad Nachtomy - 2014 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (2):378-379.
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    Leibniz lecteur de Spinoza. La genése d'une opposition complexe.Ohad Nachtomy - 2010 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 18 (3):521-524.
  14. The individual's place in the logical space: Leibniz on possible individuals and their relations.Ohad Nachtomy - 1998 - Studia Leibnitiana 30 (2):161-177.
    La communication qui suit porte sur le concept de relation tel que le définit Leibniz dans sa correspondance avec Arnauld. La première partie présente trois des présupposés impliqués dans ce concept, à savoir 1) qu'il y a des relations entre des individus possibles, 2) que ces relations sont nécessaires à la notion de mondes possibles et 3) qu'elles sont également nécessaires pour compléter l'individuation des individus possibles. Dans la deuxième partie, on verra que le premier présupposé semble entrer en conflit (...)
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  15. On Living Mirrors and Mites: Leibniz's Encounter with Pascal on Infinity and Living Things Circa 1696.Ohad Natchomy - 2018 - Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 8:159-188.
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    The Envisioning of Cells.Ohad Parnes - 2000 - Science in Context 13 (1):71-92.
    The ArgumentMicroscopical consideration played a crucial role in German physiology in the period of, grosso modo, 1780–1830. Specifically, a conception of material change was established, according to which all life is grounded in the process of the generation of microscopical forms out of an amorphous, primitive generative substance. Embryological development, tissue growth, and the generation of microorganisms were all considered to be the manifestation of this fundamental developmental process. In contrast to the common historiography, I try to understand Theodor Schwann's (...)
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    A drive to survive: the free energy principle and the meaning of life.Kathryn Nave - 2025 - Cambridge: The MIT Press.
    A critique of Karl Friston's "Free Energy Principle" from a bioenactive perspective.
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  18.  30
    Leibniz on Possible Individuals.Ohad Nachtomy - 2002 - Studia Leibnitiana 34 (1):31 - 58.
    Während Leibniz' Vorstellung eines vollständigen Begriffs viel Beachtung fand, blieb die Frage seiner Begründung im Verstand Gottes eher unbeachtet. In diesem Aufsatz versuche ich auf diese Frage einzugehen, indem ich den Zeitraum (ungefähr 1672-1679), in dem Leibniz die Vorstellung eines vollständigen Begriffs als eine explizite Definition eines Individuums entwickelte, näher untersuche. Meine Darstellung über die Begründung des individuellen Begriffs im Verstand Gottes beinhaltet drei Thesen: (1) Leibniz sieht einen inneren Zusammenhang zwischen der Bildung einfacher Begriffe zu zusammengesetzten Begriffen und der (...)
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    ‘Trouble from within’: allergy, autoimmunity, and pathology in the first half of the twentieth century.Ohad Parnes - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 34 (3):425-454.
    Traditionally, autoimmune disease has been considered to be a case of false recognition; the immune system mistakenly identifies 'self' tissues as foreign, attacking them thus causing damage and malady. Accordingly, the history of autoimmunity is usually told as part ot the history of immunology, that is, of theories and experiments relating to the ability of the immune system to discriminate between self and nonself. This paper challenges this view, claiming that the emergence of the notion of autoimmunity in the 1950s (...)
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  20. Gene expression and the concept of the phenotype.Ohad Nachtomy, Ayelet Shavit & Zohar Yakhini - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 38 (1):238-254.
    While the definition of the ‘genotype’ has undergone dramatic changes in the transition from classical to molecular genetics, the definition of the ‘phenotype’ has remained for a long time within the classical framework. In addition, while the notion of the genotype has received significant attention from philosophers of biology, the notion of the phenotype has not. Recent developments in the technology of measuring gene-expression levels have made it possible to conceive of phenotypic traits in terms of levels of gene expression. (...)
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  21.  29
    Theorizing immune inhibition and TNF inhibitors from the autoimmune.Ohad Ben Shimon - 2022 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 27 (1).
    This article analyses the biochemical object of tnf inhibitors from the perspective of living with an autoimmune disease. The author tries to tease out how the concept of immune inhibition is used in tandem with the biochemical object of tnf inhibitors to dominate in defining and narrating what health and disease, normal and pathological, cure and healing can mean in the context of autoimmune bodies. Specifically, and within the ‘pathological’ framework of autoimmune diseases, the pharmacological treatment of tnf inhibition is (...)
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  22.  26
    Teatro y Semiología.María Del Carmen Bobes Naves - 2004 - Arbor 177 (699/700):497-508.
    Se detiene este trabajo en el inicio de la Semiología del Teatro desde los años treinta del siglo XX, delimitando su campo de estudio -el estudio de los signos, de todos los signos-. Después de señalar la importancia de algunos autores (Veltruski, Honzl, Bogatyrev...), se estudia la diferencia entre texto literario y texto espectacular, para detenerse luego en las teorías semánticas sobre el Teatro, los sistemas de signos en la escena y el proceso de comunicación dramática.….
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  23. Urges now, interests later: On the factors and dynamics of epistemic curiosity.Ohad Dan, Maya Leshkowitz, Ohad Livnat & Ran R. Hassin - 2025 - Cognition 259 (C):106107.
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  24. Logica e metodo scientifico nelle Contradictiones logicae di Girolamo Cardano.Francesco La Nave - 2006 - Pisa: Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali. Edited by Girolamo Cardano.
  25. A Leibnizian Approach to Possibility.Ohad Nachtomy - 1998 - Dissertation, Columbia University
    This work develops a Leibnizian approach to possibility by explicating the notions of possibility in general, in chapter 1; possible individuals in chapter 2; possible worlds in chapter 3; and actualization in chapter 4. ;A Leibnizian notion of possibility is characterized against the traditional view of an intelligible realm of thoughts in God's mind. It is understood in terms of self-consistent thoughts and is developed by explicating the notions of thought and of possibility in terms of the combinatorial structure common (...)
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    Decreased Functional Connectivity Between the Left Amygdala and Frontal Regions Interferes With Reading, Emotional, and Executive Functions in Children With Reading Difficulties.Ohad Nachshon, Rola Farah & Tzipi Horowitz-Kraus - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  27.  44
    On Oneness and Substance in Leibniz’s Middle Years.Ohad Nachtomy & Tamar Levanon - 2014 - The Leibniz Review 24:69-91.
    We argue in this paper that Leibniz’s characterization of a substance as “un être” in his correspondence with Arnauld stresses the per se unity of substance rather than oneness in number. We employ two central lines of reasoning. The first is a response to Mogens Lærke’s claim that one can mark the difference between Spinoza and Leibniz by observing that, while Spinoza’s notion of substance is essentially non-numerical, Leibniz’s view of substance is numerical. We argue that Leibniz, like Spinoza, qualifies (...)
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    Board Gender Diversity, Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure, and Firm’s Green Innovation Performance: Evidence From China.Khwaja Naveed, Cosmina L. Voinea & Nadine Roijakkers - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The current research investigates the interplay of board gender diversity, the quality of corporate social responsibility disclosure, and the green innovation performance of a firm. It examines the moderation effect of the CSRD on the relationship between corporate GIP and BGD. The study inculcates 3,736 firm-year observations of A-share listed Chinese firms from 2010 to 2019. Least square dummy variables method, generalized method of moments, and 2SLS are employed for the analysis of the study. The findings foster an affirmative and (...)
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  29. Theology for young people: home school series for instruction in religious doctrines and history.Orville J. Nave - 1910 - Los Angeles, Calif.: College Association Publishing Co..
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  30. Wittgenstein on Aspect Blindness and Meaning Blindness.Ohad Nachtomy & Andreas Blank - 2015 - Iyyun 64 (1):57-76.
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    A mirror for the crowds: the mediated terrain of political leadership in post-revolutionary Iran.Naveed Mansoori - 2024 - Contemporary Political Theory 23 (2):249-268.
    This article examines crowds, leaders, and media after the 1979 Revolution of Iran. It focuses on media that contests hegemonic power by acting as a “guide” for an otherwise “leaderless movement,” especially in contexts where conventional “guides” are illegitimate or absent. It argues that such media reveals the partisan reality of political order obscured by the myth of leadership, the idea that the presence of a leader implies a political order. I focus on International Women’s Day 1979 when crowds protesting (...)
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    Visual experience in the predictive brain is univocal, but indeterminate.Kathryn Nave - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (2):395-419.
    Among the exciting prospects raised by advocates of predictive processing [PP] is the offer of a systematic description of our neural activity suitable for drawing explanatory bridges to the structure of conscious experience. Yet the gulf to cross seems wide. For, as critics of PP have argued, our visual experience certainly doesn’t seem probabilistic.While Clark proposes a means to make PP compatible with the experience of a determinate world, I argue that we should not rush to do so. Two notions (...)
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    Expecting some action: Predictive Processing and the construction of conscious experience.Kathryn Nave, George Deane, Mark Miller & Andy Clark - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 13 (4):1019-1037.
    Predictive processing has begun to offer new insights into the nature of conscious experience—but the link is not straightforward. A wide variety of systems may be described as predictive machines, raising the question: what differentiates those for which it makes sense to talk about conscious experience? One possible answer lies in the involvement of a higher-order form of prediction error, termed expected free energy. In this paper we explore under what conditions the minimization of this new quantity might underpin conscious (...)
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    Islamic psychology: Emergence and current challenges.Naved Iqbal & Rasjid Skinner - 2021 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 43 (1):65-77.
    Traditionally, mainstream psychology mostly presented religion in a negative light. However, recent years have witnessed a growing realization that religion has a substantial role to play in improving physical and mental health. Given the importance of religion, the American Psychological Association has division 36 “Psychology of religion.” But the perspective of mainstream psychology does not acknowledge the spiritual nature of human beings and their connection to God. Islamic psychology is one of the religion-based perspectives which acknowledges it. This perspective has (...)
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    Students of Revolution: An Essay on Ali Shariati’s Counter-Pedagogy.Naveed Mansoori - 2022 - Philosophy and Global Affairs 2 (1):153-166.
    Though Ali Shariati is well-known as the “ideologue” of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, this essay considers Shariati conversely as a student of revolution. It begins by posing a distinction between the apprentice and the autodidact through reference to Ibn Tufayl’s Hayy ibn Yaqzan and introduces a third term, the collaborator, that is crucial to Shariati’s account of counter-pedagogy. The essay then reconstructs Shariati’s critique of the pedagogical state. There, he recalls resisting interpellation by learning from other pasts, refusing instruction, (...)
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  36.  22
    Mandaic Incantation(s) on Lead Scrolls from the Schøyen Collection.Ohad Abudraham & Matthew Morgenstern - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 137 (4):737.
    This article presents a first edition of three Mandaic lamellae from the Schøyen Collection, MS 2087/10, 2087/11, and 2087/18, which are the product of the same scribe and probably constituted a single amulet. The language of the amulet differs from that of other Mandaic texts, and demonstrates unknown or rare phonetic and morphological features. In addition, several lexemes that were hitherto unattested in Mandaic have been identified. Some of the amulet’s formulae are familiar from previously published texts, but in several (...)
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    Infinite and Limited.Ohad Nachtomy - 2016 - The Leibniz Review 26:179-196.
    This paper develops some important observations from a recent article by Maria Rosa Antognazza published in The Leibniz Review 2015 under the title “The Hypercategorematic Infinite”, from which I take up the characterization of God, the most perfect Being, as infinite in a hypercategorematic sense, i.e., as a being beyond any determination. By contrast, creatures are determinate beings, and are thus limited and particular expressions of the divine essence. But since Leibniz takes both God and creatures to be infinite, creatures (...)
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    It Takes Two to Tango: Genotyping and Phenotyping in Genome-Wide Association Studies.Ohad Nachtomy, Yaron Ramati, Ayelet Shavit & Zohar Yakhini - 2009 - Biological Theory 4 (3):294-301.
    In this article we examine the “phenotype” concept in light of recent technological advances in Genome-Wide Association Studies . By observing the technology and its presuppositions, we put forward the thesis that at least in this case genotype and phenotype are effectively coidentifled one by means of the other. We suggest that the coidentiflcation of genotype-phenotype couples in expression-based GWAS also indicates a conceptual dependence, which we call “co-deñnition.” We note that viewing these terms as codeflned runs against possible expectations, (...)
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  39.  13
    Leibniz and The Logic of Life.Ohad Nachtomy - 2009 - Studia Leibnitiana 41 (1):1-20.
  40.  54
    The Life Sciences in Early Modern Philosophy.Ohad Nachtomy & Justin E. H. Smith (eds.) - 2014 - New York, NY: Oup Usa.
    This volume explores the intersection between early modern philosophy and the life sciences by presenting the contributions of important but often neglected figures such as Cudworth, Grew, Glisson, Hieronymus Fabricius, Stahl, Gallego, Hartsoeker, and More, as well as familiar figures such as Descartes, Spinoza, Leibniz, Malebranche, and Kant.
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    Marriage in Kumasi, Ghana: Locally Emergent Practices in the Colonial/Modern Gender System.Carmen Nave - 2017 - Hypatia 32 (3):557-573.
    In this article, I use ethnographic and historical evidence to consider marriage as a particular locus of what Maria Lugones has called “the colonial/modern gender system.” By bringing specific research on marriage among the matrilineal Asante of Kumasi, Ghana, together with a consideration of global ideals of marriage and gender, I argue that marriage and the family are key sites through which the subjugation of women in Africa can be understood, but that this requires local and historical contextualization. To do (...)
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  42. Leibniz and Kant on Possibility and Existence.Ohad Nachtomy - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (5):953-972.
    This paper examines the Leibnizian background to Kant's critique of the ontological argument. I present Kant's claim that existence is not a real predicate, already formulated in his pre-critical essay of 1673, as a generalization of Leibniz's reasoning regarding the existence of created things. The first section studies Leibniz's equivocations on the notion of existence and shows that he employs two distinct notions of existence ? one for God and another for created substances. The second section examines Kant's position in (...)
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  43. Individual nutritional self-sufficiency: a viable option in the present era.Alik Pelman, Ohad Nachtomy & Yohay Carmel - 2024 - Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 8 (1424879):1-6.
    At the present state of industrialized agriculture and specialized economy, achieving nutritional self-sufficiency on a personal level is widely considered a naïve goal, unsuited to the present technological era. Furthermore, nutritional self-sufficiency is considered overly demanding in terms of training, land, labor intensity, and time requirements. This study contests these common notions. Drawing on a study of a small (approximately 0.075 ha) low-input self-sufficient farm in an industrialized country, we show that achieving nutritional self-sufficiency on this farm required modest initial (...)
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    Sign-Mediated Concept Formation.Ophir Nave - 2008 - American Journal of Semiotics 24 (1-3):107-123.
    Based on our prior work (Neuman and Nave, in press [a]) we proceed from the notion that the mind has the capacity to generate and use concepts through themediation of signs. This mediation constrains the vast potential for confusion, given the incalculable number of similarities between objects in the world and therefore has important adaptive value. Despite the ubiquity of sign-mediated concept formation (SMCF), a rigorous formalization of this phenomenon is rare. Following the work of Neuman and Nave (...)
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    Teaching Indo-Islamic poetry: Sexuality in the global classroom.Shad Naved - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 162 (1):46-61.
    The article argues that a critical encounter with pre-modern literatures from the national past is long overdue under the impact of a globalized discourse of sexuality. Its effects are already felt at the level of both pedagogy and literary reading, one reconstituting the other, in the ‘global classroom’, a self-conscious pedagogical space imagined by the new educational policy to bring about a globally accredited cultural homogeneity. The case study comes from teaching erotic poetry at an Indian university, from the joint (...)
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  46. Remarks on Possibilia in Leibniz, 1672-1676.Ohad Nachtomy - 2008 - The Leibniz Review 18:249-257.
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    Leibniz on nested individuals.Ohad Nachtomy - 2007 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 15 (4):709 – 728.
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    Infinity in Early Modern Philosophy.Nachtomy Ohad & Winegar Reed (eds.) - 2018 - Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
    This volume contains essays that examine infinity in early modern philosophy. The essays not only consider the ways that key figures viewed the concept. They also detail how these different beliefs about infinity influenced major philosophical systems throughout the era. These domains include mathematics, metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, science, and theology. Coverage begins with an introduction that outlines the overall importance of infinity to early modern philosophy. It then moves from a general background of infinity up through Kant. Readers will learn (...)
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  49. Individuals, Worlds, and Relations: A Discussion of Catherine Wilson’s “Plenitude and Compossibility in Leibniz”.Ohad Nachtomy - 2001 - The Leibniz Review 11:117-124.
    In her stimulating article, Catherine Wilson considers the moment of worlds-making in Leibniz’s philosophy. She raises the following question: “How do possible substances give rise to possible worlds?“ and observes that the moment of world-making is as puzzling as it is interesting. In section 2 of her article, Wilson considers two approaches to the question. According to the first, possible individuals logically precede possible worlds and possible worlds are constituted either by combinations of possible individuals or by mechanically checking the (...)
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    A boundedness principle for the Hjorth rank.Ohad Drucker - 2021 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 61 (1):223-232.
    Hjorth introduced a Scott analysis for general Polish group actions, and asked whether his notion of rank satisfies a boundedness principle similar to the one of Scott rank—namely, if the orbit equivalence relation is Borel, then Hjorth ranks are bounded. We answer Hjorth’s question positively. As a corollary we prove the following conjecture of Hjorth—for every limit ordinal \, the set of elements whose orbit is of complexity less than \ is a Borel set.
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