Results for 'Odoardo Campa'

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  1.  43
    Nietzsche and Transhumanism: A Meta-Analytical Perspective.Riccardo Campa - 2019 - Studia Humana 8 (4):10-26.
    In recent years a debate has developed over the ties between Friedrich Nietzsche’s ideas and transhumanism. This article clarifies some issues at the meta-level of the discussion. Firstly, the author provides a scientometric analysis of research trends to show the relevance of the topic. Secondly, he distinguishes between two analytical perspectives, which he calls ‘noumenal’ and ‘phenomenal.’ Thirdly, by taking the phenomenal perspective, the author shows that transhumanism can be classified into four different categories, namely: quasi-Nietzschean, Nietzschean, a-Nietzschean, and anti-Nietzschean. (...)
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  2. Atha Śrī Carcāsāgara granthaḥ. Campālāla - 2000 - Udayapura: Śrī 108 Udaya-Dharma Jina Sāhitya Prasāraka Maṇḍala.
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  3.  15
    Etica della scienza pura: un percorso storico e critico.Riccardo Campa - 2007 - Bergamo: Sestante.
  4.  9
    In Defence of Female Citizenship: Apollodorus, Against Neaera 113.Naomi T. Campa - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (2):487-492.
    In a passage from Apollodorus’ Against Neaera ([Dem.] 59.113), the manuscripts have unanimously transmitted the feminine plural genitive of ‘citizen’, πολιτίδων. Since Reiske's 1770 emendation, however, editions of the text have printed the considerably more common masculine form, πολιτῶν. Emphasizing the importance of female citizenship in Athens, this note proposes restoring the manuscript reading of the text.
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  5. Inevitabilità e congettura.Riccardo Campa - 1970 - Roma,: Silva.
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    Il musicista filosofo e le passioni: linguaggio e retorica dei suoni nel Seicento europeo.Cecilia Campa - 2001 - Napoli: Liguori.
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    L'epoca dell'incertezza: il dualismo contemporaneo fra mondo microscopico e macroscopico.Riccardo Campa - 2023 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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    La repubblica dei suoni: estetica e filosofia del linguaggio musicale nel Settecento.Cecilia Campa - 2004 - Napoli: Liguori.
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    La realtà e il progetto politico.Riccardo Campa - 1976 - Venezia: Marsilio.
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  10. Making Science by Serendipity. A review of Robert K. Merton and Elinor Barber's the Travels and Adventures of Serendipity.R. Campa - 2008 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 17 (1):75-83.
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    Pure Science and the Posthuman future.Riccardo Campa - 2008 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 19 (1):28-34.
    Since the industrial revolution, humans have tended to reduce science to the ancillary role of engine of technology. But the quest for knowledge started two and a half millennia ago with the aim of setting humans free from ignorance. The first scientists and philosophers saw knowledge as the goal, not as the means. The main goal was to understand matter, life, conscience, intelligence, our origin, and our destiny, not only to solve practical problems. Being sceptical to myths and religions, they (...)
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  12. La custodia francescana nel VI centennario della sua constituzione (1342–1942).Giovanni Odoardo - 1943 - Miscellanea Francescana 43:217-56.
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    Le categorie della politica fra transizione e radicamento.Odoardo Visioli - 2015 - Roma: Edizioni Studium.
  14.  17
    The Sociology of Global Warming: A Scientometric Look.Riccardo Campa - 2021 - Studia Humana 10 (1):18-33.
    The theory of anthropogenic global warming (AGW) enjoys considerable consensus among experts. It is widely recognized that global industrialization is producing an increase in the planet’s temperatures and causing environmental disasters. Still, there are scholars – although a minority – who consider groundless either the idea of global warming itself or the idea that it constitutes an existential threat for humanity. This lack of scientific unanimity (as well as differing political ideologies) ignites controversies in the political world, the mass media, (...)
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  15.  12
    La parola.Riccardo Campa - 2017 - Bologna: Società editrice Il mulino.
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    Confucianesimo e Sciamanesimo nel medio periodo Koryŏ: dinamiche di uno scontro.Marco Campa - 2024 - RAPHISA REVISTA DE ANTROPOLOGÍA Y FILOSOFÍA DE LO SAGRADO 7 (2):23-51.
    In questo articolo si analizza la situazione della religione nativa popolare coreana, comunemente descritta col termine ombrello di “sciamanesimo”, durante la metà e la seconda parte del periodo Koryŏ. Lo studio tenta di espandere e correggere alcune assunzioni di base del lavoro di Lee Seog-Ju (2010), il quale ha descritto la dialettica esistente tra l’élite confuciana, la casa reale, il buddismo e lo sciamanesimo in epoca Koryŏ, correggendo come detto alcuni assunti storici dell’autore. Nello specifico si terrà conto de: la (...)
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  17.  21
    De Bello Robotico. An Ethical Assessment of Military Robotics.Riccardo Campa - 2019 - Studia Humana 8 (1):19-48.
    This article provides a detailed description of robotic weapons and unmanned systems currently used by the U.S. Military and its allies, and an ethical assessment of their actual or potential use on the battlefield. Firstly, trough a review of scientific literature, reports, and newspaper articles, a catalogue of ethical problems related to military robotics is compiled. Secondly, possible solutions for these problems are offered, by relying also on analytic tools provided by the new field of roboethics. Finally, the article explores (...)
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  18. Flecks place in the philosophical debate.R. M. Campa - 2001 - Ruch Filozoficzny 2 (2).
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    Factorial Structure of The Quality of Life and University Identity in Students from Northwestern Mexico.Celia Yaneth Quiroz Campas, Elias Alexander Vallejo Montoya & Cruz Garcia Lirios - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:805-813.
    The objective of this work was to contrast the hypothesis of significant differences between the quality of university life reported in the literature with respect to the empirical observations in a university in northwestern Mexico. A cross-sectional, exploratory, correlational and psychometric study was carried out with a sample of intentionally selected students. A two-dimensional factorial structure related to quality of life and university identity was found that contravenes the theoretical structure reported in the state of the art, although the literature (...)
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  20.  35
    L'autre rive du temps.Olivier Campa - 2006 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 78 (3):283.
    Jusqu’à Totalité et Infini compris, la temporalité aura été essentiellement pensée par Lévinas, au seuil de l’événement qu’est l’Autre, comme ouverture d’un avenir pur, jusqu’à la rémission d’un présent, qui nous relèverait alors de notre passé. À partir de sa méditation toujours plus insistante de la « Trace de l’Autre », Lévinas est toutefois amené à repenser cette ouverture elle-même depuis un passé toujours déjà passé et dont nous aurions à jamais à répondre, échapperait-il à toute expérience dans l’entre-temps de (...)
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  21.  6
    Mais où sont les guerres d’antan?Mathilde Campa Bernard - 2024 - Astérion 30 (30).
    In their introduction to Les Guerres d'antan, Mathilde Bernard, Laurence Campa and Ninon Grangé outline the conceptual framework that led to developing this study, which crowns several years of joint research by researchers in history, literature, philosophy and history of art on the sources and models of war. This preliminary work made it possible to establish just how powerful imagination of the wars of yesteryear is in shaping contemporary wars, an observation that led to preparing a symposium in May (...)
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    Learning Disabilities in Extremely Low Birth Weight Children and Neurodevelopmental Profiles at Preschool Age.Chiara Squarza, Odoardo Picciolini, Laura Gardon, Maria L. Giannì, Alessandra Murru, Silvana Gangi, Ivan Cortinovis, Silvano Milani & Fabio Mosca - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Memorándum de celebraciones centenarias en filosofía.Hermenegildo de la Campa - 1994 - Granada: Universidad de Granada.
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    Seven Years Cognitive Functioning and Early Assessment in Extremely Low Birth Weight Children.Chiara Squarza, Odoardo Picciolini, Laura Gardon, Maura Ravasi, Maria L. Giannì, Matteo Porro, Matteo Bonzini, Silvana Gangi & Fabio Mosca - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Salmerón y Alonso, Nicolás:" Doctrinal de Antropología".Benito Madariaga de la Campa - 2011 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 28:338-342.
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  26. El Caribe y su apuesta teórica.Román de la Campa - 2012 - In Sergio Caba M. & Hugo Zemelman (eds.), Observaciones latinoamericanas. Valparaíso [Chile]: Ediciones Universitarias de Valparaíso, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso.
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  27. Rescue and Recovery as a Theological Principle, and a Key to Morality in Extraterrestrial Species.Margaret Boone Rappaport, Christopher J. Corbally & Riccardo Campa - 2023 - Zygon 58 (3):636-655.
    New theological understanding can emerge with the advancement of scientific knowledge and the use of new concepts, or older concepts in new ways. Here, the authors present a proposal to extend the concept of “rescue and recovery” found in the United Nations Law of the High Seas, off‐world and within a broader purview of other intelligent and self‐aware species that humans may someday encounter. The notion of a morality that extends to off‐world species is not new, but in this analysis, (...)
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    Specificity and Engagement: Increasing ELSI’s Relevance to Nano–Scientists.Barry L. Shumpert, Amy K. Wolfe, David J. Bjornstad, Stephanie Wang & Maria Fernanda Campa - 2014 - NanoEthics 8 (2):193-200.
    Scholars studying the ethical, legal, and social issues associated with emerging technologies maintain the importance of considering these issues throughout the research and development cycle, even during the earliest stages of basic research. Embedding these considerations within the scientific process requires communication between ELSI scholars and the community of physical scientists who are conducting that basic research. We posit that this communication can be effective on a broad scale only if it links societal issues directly to characteristics of the emerging (...)
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  29. Science and Religion Shift in the First Three Months of the Covid-19 Pandemic.Margaret Boone Rappaport, Christopher Corbally, Riccardo Campa & Ziba Norman - 2020 - Studia Humana 10 (1):1-17.
    The goal of this pilot study is to investigate expressions of the collective disquiet of people in the first months of Covid-19 pandemic, and to try to understand how they manage covert risk, especially with religion and magic. Four co-authors living in early hot spots of the pandemic speculate on the roles of science, religion, and magic, in the latest global catastrophe. They delve into the consolidation that should be occurring worldwide because of a common, viral enemy, but find little (...)
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  30.  19
    Neurodevelopmental Outcome and Adaptive Behavior in Preterm Multiples and Singletons at 1 and 2 Years of Corrected Age.Chiara Squarza, Laura Gardon, Maria Lorella Giannì, Andrea Frigerio, Silvana Gangi, Matteo Porro, Fabio Mosca & Odoardo Picciolini - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Gerechtigkeit für Odoardo GalottiJustice for Odoardo Galotti.Uwe C. Steiner - 2021 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 95 (1):43-80.
    ZusammenfassungDer tragische Schluss der Emilia Galotti hat von Anfang an gespaltene Reaktionen hervorgerufen. Noch heute sind zahlreiche Missverständnisse im Umlauf. Stimmen, die seine fragwürdige Konstruktion bemängelten, verklangen bald. Stattdessen wurde nach Verantwortlichen für die Katastrophe gefahndet. Dass schon bald der Vater, Odoardo Galotti, in Haftung genommen wurde, liegt, so die These, nicht zuletzt an einer Umwidmung oder Neukonzeption des tragischen Opfers. Es wird mit zentralen Versatzstücken der zeitgenössischen Geschlechtersemantik aufgeladen und einer metadramaturgischen Reflexion unterzogen. Emilias Selbstopfer ist ein Opfer (...)
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    Văn khắ c Chămpa tại Ba̓ o tàng ̃ Điêu khắ c Chăm–Đà Nă ̃ ng. The Inscriptions of Campā at the Museum of Cham Sculpture in Đà Năng. By Arlo Griffiths, Amandine Lepoutre, William A. Southworth, and Thành Phn. [REVIEW]Emmanuel Francis - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 135 (2):345-347.
    Văn khắ c Chămpa tại Ba̓ o tàng ̃ Điêu khắ c Chăm–Đà Nă ̃ ng. The Inscriptions of Campā at the Museum of Cham Sculpture in Đà Năng. By Arlo Griffiths, Amandine Lepoutre, William A. Southworth, and Thành Phn. Published in collaboration between École française d’Extrême-Orient, Hanoi, and Center for Vietnamese and Southeast Asian Studies, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University H̀ô Chí Minh City. H̀ô Chí Minh: VNUHCM Publishing House, 2012. Pp. 288, 67 pl., 38 (...)
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  33. Qualcosa manca… Un dialogo sulle contraddizioni del desiderio utopico [Something is missing… A dialogue on the contradictions of utopian longing].Ernst Bloch & Theodor Adorno - 2006 - la Società Degli Individui 26:11-26.
    In questo dialogo radiofonico del 1964 Bloch e Adorno discutono della nostalgia per ciò che non è ancora, per un qualcosa che manca, come af¬fermato nel Mahagonny di Bertolt Brecht. L’utopia, in Moro e Campa¬nella, era l’isola in cui vigeva uno stato di cose giusto, la optima res pu¬blica. L’utopia è quindi ricerca di realizzazione, di libertà, di giustizia. Nonostante oggi la parola ‘utopia’ sia caduta in discredito a causa del com¬piersi di un gran numero di cosiddetti sogni utopici, (...)
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    La sombra del supremo.Miguel Catalán - 2015 - Madrid: Siruela.
    La sombra del Supremo se adentra en la única contingencia que Occidente no puede admitir: que el engaño provenga de Dios. No ya del artero enemigo que tras la caída de Lucifer campa por la tierra, tampoco del azar o la necesidad, ni siquiera de la naturaleza oculta tras los fenómenos, sino directa y llanamente de la Causa Primera: de la voluntad original del Hacedor. Desde el Deus Prudens o Dios Sabio que por compasión oculta la verdad a los (...)
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    La ley desmedida: estudios de legislación, seguridad y jurisdicción.Luis Martínez Roldán - 2007 - Madrid: Dykinson. Edited by Fernández Suárez, Jesús Aquilino & Leonor Suárez Llanos.
    La Ley Desmedida trata de dar cuenta de la desbocada realidad legislativa y de cuanto de conflicto supone imponer un modelo constitucional normativo plagado de contenidos materiales quiz poco respetuosos del sistema de fuentes positivas del Derecho, de la separaci¢n entre el Derecho y la moral, de las garant¡as judiciales y de la seguridad jur¡dica. Pero lo hace con la perspectiva cr¡tico-constructiva de impulsar la mejora del Derecho en el horizonte claro de la rehabilitaci¢n de una teor¡a y una t‚cnica (...)
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    The allure of sports in western culture. [REVIEW]Tim L. Elcombe - 2022 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 49 (2):292-297.
    I began writing this review of John Zilcosky and Marlo Burks’ edited volume, The Allure of Sports in Western Culture, as the Russian invasion of Ukraine commenced. In the wake of the military campa...
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