Oscar Philippe [15]O. Philippe [4]Olivier Philippe [2]
  1.  88
    Responding to allegations of scientific misconduct: The procedure at the French national medical and health research institute.Jean-Philippe Breittmayer, Martine Bungener, Hugues De The, Evelyne Eschwege, Michel Fougereau, Gilles Guedj, Claude Kordon, Olivier Philippe, Maric-Catherine Postel-Vinay & Laurence Schaffar-Esterle - 2000 - Science and Engineering Ethics 6 (1):41-48.
    Institutions in France are not yet well prepared to respond to allegations of scientific misconduct. Following a serious allegation in late 1997. INSERM,* the primary organization for medical and health-related research in France, began to reflect on this subject, aided by scientists and jurists. The conclusions have resulted in establishing a procedure to be followed in cases of alleged misconduct, and also in reinforcing the application of good laboratory practices within each laboratory. Guidelines for authorship practices and scientific assessment must (...)
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  2.  45
    ÉTUDE DU THÈME HISTORIQUE: L'importance du criticisme pour la Philosophie contemporaine.R. Garaudy, J. Guitton, O. Philippe, M. Souriau, H. -J. De Vleeschauwer, A. Darbon & P. Lachièze-Rey - 1938 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 12 (1/2):26 - 40.
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  3. ÉTUDE DU THÈME HISTORIQUE: L'importance du criticisme pour la Philosophie contemporaine.R. Garaudy, J. Guitton, O. Philippe, M. Souriau, H. de Vleeschauwer & A. Darbon - 1938 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 12 (1):26-40.
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  4. Entre réalisme et idéalisme.Oscar Philippe - 1939 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
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  5. L'absolu.Oscar Philippe - 1939 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
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  6. Le realisme absolu, Metz 1937.Oscar Philippe - 1937 - Kwartalnik Filozoficzny 14 (3):267-269.
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  7. The Vache Noire Roundabout in France-Metasequoias on a raised square of shale slabs in Arcueil.Olivier Philippe - 2009 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 67:35.
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