Results for 'Norme (Morale '

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  1. David Plunkett, Dartmouth College.Robust Normativity, Morality & Legal Positivism - 2019 - In Toh Kevin, Plunkett David & Shapiro Scott (eds.), Dimensions of Normativity: New Essays on Metaethics and Jurisprudence. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  2. (1 other version)Normativity, moral realism, and unmasking explanations.Josep Corbí - 2010 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 19 (2):155-172.
    In this paper, I argue that moral projectivism cannot be coherently fix the content of our moral responses. To this purpose, I develop a number of arguments against moral dispositionalism and, in this context, I challenge both David Lewis' dispositionalist account of colour and Chistine Korsgaard's procedural realism.
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  3. Robust Normativity, Morality, and Legal Positivism.David Plunkett - 2019 - In Toh Kevin, Plunkett David & Shapiro Scott (eds.), Dimensions of Normativity: New Essays on Metaethics and Jurisprudence. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 105-136.
    This chapter discusses two different issues about the relationship between legal positivism and robust normativity (understood as the most authoritative kind of normativity to which we appeal). First, the chapter argues that, in many contexts when discussing “legal positivism” and “legal antipositivism”, the discussion should be shifted from whether legal facts are ultimately partly grounded in moral facts to whether they are ultimately partly grounded in robustly normative facts. Second, the chapter explores an important difference within the kinds of arguments (...)
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    La norme morale : Ultra posse tenemur.J. B. Kozàk - 1937 - Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie 11:57-63.
    Il y a un conflit entre les normes surnaturelles qui ne tiennent pas compte des possibilités humaines et les normes naturelles qui conduisent à des règles d’action fondées sur la connaissance positive du milieu où nous vivons ; mais il est impossible que les secondes affranchissent l’homme des premières. La question de leur accord se trouve donc posée.
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    Responsibility and Normative Moral Theories.Jada Twedt Strabbing - 2018 - Philosophical Quarterly 68 (272):603-625.
    Stephen Darwall and R. Jay Wallace have independently argued that morality is essentially interpersonal by appealing to necessary connections between morality and responsibility. According to Darwall, morality is grounded in fundamentally second-personal accountability relations. On Wallace's view, a normative moral theory must say that agents’ attitudes towards the moral properties of their actions are reasons for responsibility reactions, which only relational moral theories can do. If either argument succeeds, non-relational moral theories are flawed. I demonstrate that neither argument succeeds. First, (...)
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    Normative Moral Neuroscience: The Third Tradition of Neuroethics.Geoffrey S. Holtzman - 2018 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 4 (3):411-431.
    Neuroethics is typically conceived of as consisting of two traditions: the ethics of neuroscience and the neuroscience of moral judgment. However, recent work has sought to draw philosophical and ethical implications from the neuroscience of moral judgment. Such work, which concernsnormative moral neuroscience(NMN), is sufficiently distinct and complex to deserve recognition as a third tradition of neuroethics. Recognizing it as such can reduce confusion among researchers, eliminating conflations among both critics and proponents of NMN.This article identifies and unpacks some of (...)
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    Epistemic Norms, Moral Norms, and Nature Appreciation.Robert Stecker - 2012 - Environmental Ethics 34 (3):247-264.
    In environmental aesthetics a variety of proposals have been advanced about relevant norms that constrain appropriate aesthetic appreciation of nature. Some of these proposals are about cognitive or epistemic norms in that the authors claim that nature ought to be cognized in certain ways or that we ought to form certain beliefs about nature rather than others, and that when we do so, it will significantly constrain our aesthetic appreciation of nature. Another proposal is that moral norms rule out certain (...)
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  8. Moral norms, moral ideals and supererogation.Piotr Machura - 2013 - Folia Philosophica 29:127--159.
    The aim of the paper is to investigate the relations between the basic moral categories, namely those of norms, ideals and supererogation. The subject of discussion is, firstly, the ways that these categories are understood; secondly, the possible approaches towards moral acting that appear due to their use; and thirdly, their relationship within the moral system. However, what is of a special importance here is the relationship between the categories of norms and ideals (or in a wider aspect — laudable (...)
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  9. Demystifying Normativity: Morality, Error Theory, and the Authority of Norms.Eline Gerritsen - 2022 - Dissertation, University of St. Andrews, University of Stirling & University of Groningen
    We are subject to many different norms telling us how to act, from moral norms to etiquette rules and the law. While some norms may simply be ignored, we live under the impression that others matter for what we ought to do. How can we make sense of this normative authority some norms have? Does it fit into our naturalist worldview? Many philosophers claim it does not. Normativity is conceived to be distinct from ordinary natural properties, making it mysterious. The (...)
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    Changing the game: why the battle for animal liberation is so hard and how we can win it.Norm Phelps - 2013 - New York: Lantern Books.
    The challenge: the most difficult battle ever fought -- The universal crime -- Slave owners for abolition -- We are all nazis and if i quit eating meat, i'll have to admit -- That to myself -- The crown of creation and the acme of evolution -- Follow the money -- Optimism of the will -- The environment: a dark age was about to begin -- It ain't what you do, it's the time that you do it -- The empire (...)
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    Arpenter les territoires de la morale.Adrien Paschoud - 2015 - Cultura:47-57.
    Le Supplément au Voyage de Bougainville est le point d’aboutissement d’une critique menée à l’encontre de toute absolutisation de la norme morale, au travers de la confrontation des « codes » civil, religieux et naturel. Les individus, comme les constellations de jugement qu’ils forment, sont passés au crible d’une écriture digressive qui démonte les mécanismes idéologiques de l’agir. Les institutions écclésiales sont mises à mal, cela va de soi, en raison des atteintes qu’elles portent à la liberté individuelle. (...)
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    A dilemma for normative moral relativism.Paul K. Moser - 1988 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 26 (2):207-216.
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  13. La norme du vrai. Philosophie de la logique.Pascal Engel - 1990 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 95 (4):563-568.
    La logique occupe dans la pensée contemporaine une place privilégiée : elle est, pour certains, une méthode universelle et, pour d'autres, l'accomplissement d'une rationalité arrogante.Pascal Engel montre combien les questions philosophiques que soulève la logique sont, au-delà de leur apparente technicité, des plus classiques. La logique, en effet, circonscrit le domaine du vrai : quelle est la nature des vérités logiques? En quoi se distinguent-elles des autres vérités et sont-elles «nécessaires» ou «a priori»? Décrivent-elles les lois d'un univers immuable ou (...)
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  14. Deeds, valor and normative moral science according to juvalta.E. Lecaldano - 1986 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 41 (3):487-512.
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    Changing the game: animal liberation in the twenty-first century.Norm Phelps - 2015 - New York: Lantern Books, A Division of Booklight.
    Norm Phelps has long been one of the leading theoreticians, historians, and strategists of the animal advocacy movement. His new book collects his recent writings on this subject, as well as offers in print for the first time a fully revised and updated version of the e-book he published with Lantern in 2013 (978-1-59056-379-3). Phelps argues that faced with the overwhelming wealth and power of the animal exploitation industries, animal activists are like David trying to stand up to Goliath. But (...)
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    Toward safe AI.Andres Morales-Forero, Samuel Bassetto & Eric Coatanea - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):685-696.
    Since some AI algorithms with high predictive power have impacted human integrity, safety has become a crucial challenge in adopting and deploying AI. Although it is impossible to prevent an algorithm from failing in complex tasks, it is crucial to ensure that it fails safely, especially if it is a critical system. Moreover, due to AI’s unbridled development, it is imperative to minimize the methodological gaps in these systems’ engineering. This paper uses the well-known Box-Jenkins method for statistical modeling as (...)
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    Ce que la défaite n’a pas emporté.Bárbara Barrera Morales - 2023 - Multitudes 91 (2):228-232.
    Si l’« explosion sociale » chilienne a rassemblé une série de mouvements sociaux, il est certain que les féminismes ont joué un rôle fondamental dans l’établissement de revendications contre les abus, les inégalités et la précarité de la vie. Malgré l’échec du rejet de la nouvelle Constitution, cet article approfondit deux normes minimales historiques que les féministes ont réussi à établir au niveau institutionnel et social : la parité dans la participation politique et la condamnation généralisée de la violence à (...)
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    Normativity and moral psychology : the social intuitionist model and a world without normative moral rules?Radosław Zyzik - 2011 - In Jerzy Stelmach & Bartosz Brożek (eds.), The normativity of law. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press.
    The paper pores over the recent conceptions of normative judgement developed against the background of advances in psychology and neuroscience. It begins by analyzing what normative claim of morality and law consists of before presenting and criticizing the Social Intuitionist Model of normative judgement developed by Jonathan Haidt. The model poses serious challenges for well-established normative concepts, and the concept of normativity as objective reason for action in particular. A question is asked of what the relationship between philosophical conceptions and (...)
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  19. Ralph Cudworth et le fondement de la morale: l'action, le sujet et la norme.Y. C. Zarka - 1995 - Archives de Philosophie 58 (3):405.
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    Morality, normativity and measuring moral distress.Roger Newham - 2021 - Nursing Philosophy 22 (1):e12319.
    It is known that people have been getting distressed for a long‐time and healthcare workers, like the military, seem to fit criteria for being at particular risk. Fairly recently a term of art, moral distress, has been added to types of distress at work, though not restricted to work, they can suffer. There are recognized scales that measure psychological distress such as the General Health Questionnaire and the Kessler scales but moral distress it is claimed is different warranting its own (...)
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    La norme de la pensée et l'enchainement Des choses.A. Spir - 1896 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 4 (2):179 - 193.
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    Linguistic domination: A republican approach to linguistic justice.Sergi Morales-Gálvez - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    Linguistic justice is about institutions distributing material and symbolic resources fairly when they are faced with linguistic diversity. However, no theory of linguistic justice has developed a systematic and comprehensive account of the moral dilemmas that take place in interpersonal linguistic relationships, in particular the power dynamics leading to (linguistic) domination. The aim of this article is to start building a general theory of linguistic domination, one that offers new conceptual tools for both empirical and normative analyses of linguistically diverse (...)
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    Alan Patten’s theory of equal recognition and its contribution to the debate over multiculturalism.Sergi Morales-Gálvez & Nenad Stojanović - 2017 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 20 (1):1-7.
    © 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. In this introduction, we first give a brief overview of the debate over multiculturalism in political theory. We then situate Alan Patten’s Equal Recognition in that context by highlighting his major normative thesis, according to which there are reasons of principle, in a liberal democracy, to grant special forms of public recognition and accommodation to cultural minorities. Finally, we present a succinct summary of the nine articles that follow this (...)
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    Moral distress and spiritual/religious orientation: Moral agency, norms and resilience.Myrna Koonce & Kristiina Hyrkas - 2023 - Nursing Ethics 30 (2):288-301.
    Background Nurses tasked with providing care which they perceive as increasing suffering often experience moral distress. Response to moral distress in nurse wellbeing has been widely studied. Less research exists that probes practicing nurses’ foundations of moral beliefs. Aims The purpose of this phenomenological study was to gain understanding of nurse meaning-making of morally distressing situations, with particular attention to ethical norms, moral agency and resiliency, and nurse religious/spiritual orientation. Design This exploratory study employed semi-structured interviews using open-ended questions. Qualitative (...)
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    Moral economy and normative ethics.Joakim Sandberg - 2015 - Journal of Global Ethics 11 (2):176-187.
    ‘Moral economy’ has become a popular concept in empirical research in disciplines such as history, anthropology, sociology and political science. This research utilizes normative concepts and has obvious normative implications and relevance. However, there has been little to no dialogue between this research and philosophers working on normative ethics. The present article seeks to remedy this situation by highlighting fertile points of dialogue between descriptive and normative ethicists. The proposition is that empirical researchers can become more precise and stringent in (...)
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    Moral, conventional, personal: reasons for action as dimensions of normativity.Leon Li & Sebastian Grueneisen - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Human life is infused with different kinds of normativity (e.g. instrumental, epistemic, conventional, moral). Different theorists have proposed vastly differing views on how to conceptualize the different kinds of normativity. Whereas social domain theorists have asserted that moral, conventional, and personal kinds of normativity constitute distinct thematic domains and are viewed as such even by young children, other theorists have denied that moral and nonmoral kinds of normativity are thematically distinguishable. The current paper proposes a third approach that may show (...)
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    Morality, Normativity, and the Good System 2 Fallacy.Wim De Neys - 2020 - Diametros 17 (64):90-95.
    In this commentary, I warn against a possible dual process misconception that might lead people to conclude that utilitarian judgments are normatively correct. I clarify how the misconception builds on (1) the association between System 2 and normativity in the dual process literature on logical/probabilistic reasoning, and (2) the classification of utilitarian judgments as resulting from System 2 processing in the dual process model of moral reasoning. I present theoretical and empirical evidence against both premises.
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  28. Doing Moral Philosophy Without ‘Normativity’.Jorah Dannenberg - 2024 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 10 (3):503-521.
    This essay challenges widespread talk about morality's ‘normativity’. My principal target is not any specific claim or thesis in the burgeoning literature on ‘normativity’, however. Rather, I aim to discourage the use of the word among moral philosophers altogether and to reject a claim to intradisciplinary authority that is both reflected in and reinforced by the role the word has come to play in the discipline. My hope is to persuade other philosophers who, like me, persist in being interested in (...)
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  29. Norme.A. Spir - 1896 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 4:189-193.
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  30. Normative uncertainty and probabilistic moral knowledge.Julia Staffel - 2019 - Synthese 198 (7):6739-6765.
    The aim of this paper is to examine whether it would be advantageous to introduce knowledge norms instead of the currently assumed rational credence norms into the debate about decision making under normative uncertainty. There is reason to think that this could help us better accommodate cases in which agents are rationally highly confident in false moral views. I show how Moss’ view of probabilistic knowledge can be fruitfully employed to develop a decision theory that delivers plausible verdicts in these (...)
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    Kelsen et Hart: la norme et la conduite.Emmanuel Picavet - 2000 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    La réflexion sur le positivisme juridique est au cœur d'interrogations importantes concernant la portée des règles de droit, la nature de l'Etat et les relations entre droit et morale. L'examen des présupposés et des thèses philosophiques de la Théorie pure du droit de Hans Kelsen et du Concept de droit d'Herbert Hart permet de s'orienter dans ces débats. Les deux auteurs proposent des théories distinctes d'une même réalité : la mise en vigueur, dans des collectivités, de règles possédant une (...)
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  32. ‘Norm Acquisition, Rational Judgment and Moral Particularism’.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2012 - Theory and Research in Education 10 (1):3--25.
    This paper argues that moral particularism, defined as the view that moral judgment does not require moral principles, depends upon a constricted and untenable view of rational judgment as simple syllogistic ratiocination. This I demonstrate by re-examining Nussbaum’s (1986/2002) case for particularism based on Sophocles’ Antigone. The central role of principles in moral judgment and in educational theory is supported by explicating ‘mature judgment’, which highlights key features of Thomas Green’s account of norm acquisition and of Kant’s account of the (...)
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    Is there (or should there be) a right to basic income?Jurgen De Wispelaere & Leticia Morales - 2016 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 42 (9):920-936.
    A basic income is typically defined as an individual’s entitlement to receive a regular payment as a right, independent of other sources of income, employment or willingness to work, or living situation. In this article, we examine what it means for the state to institute a right to basic income. The normative literature on basic income has developed numerous arguments in support of basic income as an inextricable component of a just social order, but there exists little analysis about basic (...)
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    Moral Realism and Religious Beliefs: Analysing the Foundations of Ethical Normativity in Theistic Traditions.Eleanor Brighton - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (2):255-269.
    The aim of research is to determine moral Realism and religious Beliefs. Regardless of whether moral truths correspond to moral facts or characterise moral qualities, Peripatetics and moral constructivists, on the other hand, believe that moral truths are discovered via an analysis of the circumstances of practical reasoning and human interests. Moral constructivism's perspective on the existence of moral characteristics is similar to Mullā Ṣadrā's on the Platonic Form of the Good. Because he believed that universal conceptions should be reflected (...)
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  35. Normative ethics and the prospects of an empirical contribution to assessment of moral disagreement and moral realism.Andrew Sneddon - 2009 - Journal of Value Inquiry 43 (4):447-455.
    The familiar argument from disagreement has been an important focal point of discussion in contemporary meta-ethics. Over the past decade, there has been an explosion of interdisciplinary work between philosophers and psychologists about moral psychology. Working within this trend, John Doris and Alexandra Plakias have made a tentative version of the argument from disagreement on empirical grounds. Doris and Plakias present empirical evidence in support of premise 4, that ethics is beset by fundamental disagreement. They examine Richard Brandt on Hopi (...)
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    L'evoluzione della morale per selezione naturale.Andrea Guardo - 2024 - Milano: Raffaello Cortina Editore.
    Secondo un programma di ricerca inaugurato da Darwin e oggi sempre più popolare, gli aspetti fondamentali della nostra psicologia morale sono il prodotto della selezione naturale. Le nostre convinzioni morali, così come la nostra tendenza a comportarci in accordo con queste convinzioni, sarebbero il risultato di processi analoghi a quelli che hanno prodotto il collo delle giraffe e le ali degli uccelli: la ragione per cui siamo convinti di dover tener fede alla parola data è che questa credenza è (...)
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    Moral reasoning development: norms for Defining Issue Test-2 (DIT2).Nahide Gungordu, Ghasim Nabizadehchianeh, Erin O’Connor, Wenchao Ma & David I. Walker - 2024 - Ethics and Behavior 34 (4):246-263.
    This article presents normative information for the Defining Issue Test Version 2 (DIT2) schema scores and most common summary scores based on secondary data from the last 10 years DIT2 database (N = 73740, Mage = 23.11, SD = 7.87, the age range in year = 12–95) maintained by the University of Alabama’s Center for the Study of Ethical Development from 2011 to 2020. More specifically, the study provides (1) norms by education; (2) norms by gender and education; and (3) (...)
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    Establishing Moral Norms by Convention: Comments on Baghramian’s and Coliva’s Relativism.Paul Boghossian - 2022 - Analysis 82 (3):506-513.
    Extract: -/- Maria Baghramian and Annalisa Coliva (henceforth, B&C) have written a superb, compendious book on various kinds of relativism (2019). While they give nuanced and sympathetic reconstructions of these views, it is illuminating to see them show, repeatedly and in detail, how each of these views succumbs to a familiar dilemma: a relativistic view requires that it be possible for two judgers to genuinely disagree with one another, even while their views count as ‘equally valid’. However, it is not (...)
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    Moral Accountability and Social Norms.Chad Van Schoelandt - 2018 - Social Philosophy and Policy 35 (1):217-236.
    Abstract:This essay argues that moral accountability depends upon having a shared system of social norms. In particular, it argues that the Strawsonian reactive attitude of resentment is only fitting when people can reasonably expect a mutual recognition of the justified demands to which they are being held. Though such recognition should not typically be expected of moral demands that are thought to be independent of any social practice, social norms can ground such mutual recognition. On this account, a significant part (...)
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    Moral Naturalism and the Normative Question.Susan E. Babbitt - 2000 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 26:139-173.
    Moral naturalism, as I use the term here, is the view that there are moral facts in the natural world – facts that are both natural and normative – and that moral claims are true or false in virtue of their corresponding or not to these natural facts. Moral naturalists argue that, since moral claims are about natural facts, we can establish the truth about moral claims through empirical investigation. Moral knowledge, on this view, is a form of empirical knowledge.One (...)
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    Antinomic normativity: Negative dialectics, moral skepticism, and the problem of the normative foundations of critique.Luiz Philipe de Caux - forthcoming - Philosophy and Social Criticism.
    This article attempts to determine Adorno’s stance concerning two opposing positions in the relationship between critique and normativity. Although he rejects the demand to account for the normative foundations of critique, his negative dialectics does not fall back on the alternative of skepticism about normativity, of which it is often accused. I illustrate this problem by recovering the skeptical objections advanced by Justin Evans. Next, I turn to the young Hegel’s interpretation of the positive relationship between his speculative dialectics and (...)
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  42. Do normative standards advance our understanding of moral judgment?David A. Pizarro & Eric Luis Uhlmann - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (4):558-559.
    Sunstein's review of research on moral heuristics is rich and informative – even without his central claim that individuals often commit moral errors. We question the value of positing such a normative moral framework for the study of moral judgment. We also propose an alternative standard for evaluating moral judgments – that of subjective rationality.
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  43. The Science of Morality and its Normative Implications.Tommaso Bruni, Matteo Mameli & Regina A. Rini - 2013 - Neuroethics 7 (2):159-172.
    Neuromoral theorists are those who claim that a scientific understanding of moral judgment through the methods of psychology, neuroscience and related disciplines can have normative implications and can be used to improve the human ability to make moral judgments. We consider three neuromoral theories: one suggested by Gazzaniga, one put forward by Gigerenzer, and one developed by Greene. By contrasting these theories we reveal some of the fundamental issues that neuromoral theories in general have to address. One important issue concerns (...)
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  44. Introduction à la Philosophie Morale.Olivier Massin - 2008 - Swiss Philosophical Preprints.
    Il est courant de diviser le champ d’investigation de l’éthique entre trois sous- domaines : la méta-éthique, l’éthique normative et l’éthique appliquée. L’éthique appliquée est le domaine le plus concret : on y traite par exemple des questions de savoir s’il faut autoriser l’avortement, l’euthanasie, la peine de mort... L’éthique normative traite de ces questions à un niveau plus abstrait : elle se demande ce qui fait qu’une action ou un type d’action est moralement bonne ou mauvaise. La relation entre (...)
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    (1 other version)Moral force and the “it-it” in Menkiti’s normative conception of personhood.Edwin Etieyibo - 2018 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 7 (2):47-60.
    What is the status and nature of the “it” and the ontological progression from an “it” to an “it” in Ifeanyi Menkiti’s normative conception of a person? In this article, I attempt to preliminarily give some nuance content to the “it” of childhood and the “it” of the nameless dead. My motivation is straightforwardly simple: to defend Menkiti’s claim that both “its” have some depersonalised moral standing or existence. However, in doing so, I argue that a better account of the (...)
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    The “Normative” Concept of Personhood in Wiredu’s Moral Philosophy.Motsamai Molefe - 2021 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 10 (1):119-144.
    The article explores the place and status of the normative concept of personhood in Kwasi Wiredu’s moral philosophy. It begins by distinguishing an ethic from an ethics, where one involves cultural values and the other strict moral values. It proceeds to argue, by a careful exposition of Wiredu’s moral philosophy, that he locates personhood as an essential aspect of communalism [an ethic], and it specifies culture-specific standards of excellence among traditional African societies. I conclude the article by considering one implication (...)
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    Virtue, Norm, and Moral Practice.Guorong Yang - 2014 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 13 (1):99-110.
    Virtue, as a tendency toward goodness, has an interrelated structure made up of a stable disposition of intentions and emotions on the one hand and the ability to make rational analysis and obtain moral knowledge on the other. All these elements of knowing, feeling, and willing in the structure of virtue cannot be fully understood merely from a psychological perspective. Emotion, will, and rationality in virtue always have certain moral content. Virtue, as a structure with good disposition, constitutes a moral (...)
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    Normative Reasoning and Moral Argumentation in Theory and Practice.Ryan Gillespie - 2016 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 49 (1):49-73.
    “Morality is relative to culture” is a descriptive claim; many people in many different cultures have different moral beliefs. When one adopts moral relativism, however, the claim accrues a normative dimension, in that what follows from relativity is the flattening out of rightness, of one moral belief being better than another regardless of culture. But in practice, humans rarely, if ever, actually behave as if certain things or beliefs are not better than others, as evidenced in everything from foreign policy (...)
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  49. Moral Naturalism and the Normative Question.Susan Babbitt - 2000 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 30 (sup1):139-173.
    Moral naturalism, as I use the term here, is the view that there are moral facts in the natural world – facts that are both natural and normative – and that moral claims are true or false in virtue of their corresponding or not to these natural facts. Moral naturalists argue that, since moral claims are about natural facts, we can establish the truth about moral claims through empirical investigation. Moral knowledge, on this view, is a form of empirical knowledge.One (...)
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    The Moral Austerity of Environmental Decision Making: Sustainability, Democracy, and Normative Argument in Policy and Law.John Martin Gillroy & Joe Bowersox (eds.) - 2002 - Duke University Press.
    In _The Moral Austerity of Environmental Decision Making_ a group of prominent environmental ethicists, policy analysts, political theorists, and legal experts challenges the dominating influence of market principles and assumptions on the formulation of environmental policy. Emphasizing the concept of sustainability and the centrality of moral deliberation to democracy, they examine the possibilities for a wider variety of moral principles to play an active role in defining “good” environmental decisions. If environmental policy is to be responsible to humanity and to (...)
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