Results for 'Noora Lehtonen'

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  1.  22
    Flow Experiences During Visuomotor Skill Acquisition Reflect Deviation From a Power-Law Learning Curve, but Not Overall Level of Skill.Benjamin Ultan Cowley, Jussi Palomäki, Tuisku Tammi, Roosa Frantsi, Ville-Pekka Inkilä, Noora Lehtonen, Pasi Pölönen, Juha Vepsäläinen & Otto Lappi - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  2. The Forms and Limits of Insurance Solidarity.Turo-Kimmo Lehtonen & Jyri Liukko - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 103 (S1):33-44.
    What makes insurance special among risk technologies is the particular way in which it links solidarity and technical rationality. On one hand, within insurance practices ‘risk’ is always defined in technical terms. It is related to monetary measurement of value and to statistical probability calculated for a limited population. On the other hand, and at the same time, insurance has an inherent connection to solidarity. When taking out an insurance, one participates in the risk pool within which each member is (...)
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    Producing Solidarity, Inequality and Exclusion Through Insurance.Turo-Kimmo Lehtonen & Jyri Liukko - 2015 - Res Publica 21 (2):155-169.
    The article presents two main arguments. First, we claim that in contemporary societies, insurance enacts peculiar kinds of solidarities as well as inequality and exclusion. Especially important in this respect are life, health, disability and old age pension insurance, both in compulsory and voluntary forms. Second, the article maintains that the ideas of solidarity, inequality and exclusion are transformed by the machinery of insurance. In other words, the concrete ways in which insurance relations are practically arranged have an effect on (...)
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  4. Superwomen? Young sporting women, temporality, and learning not to be perfect.Noora Ronkainen, Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson, Kenneth Aggerholm & Tatiana Ryba - 2020 - International Review for the Sociology of Sport (1).
    New forms of neoliberal femininity create demanding horizons of expectation for young women. For talented athletes, these pressures are intensified by the establishment of dual-career discourses that construct the combination of high-performance sport and education as a normative, ‘ideal’ pathway. The pressed time perspective inherent in dual-careers requires athletes to employ a variety of time-related skills, especially for young women who aim to live up to ‘superwoman’ ideals that valorize ‘success’ in all walks of life. Drawing on existential phenomenology, and (...)
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    Objectifying Climate Change.Turo-Kimmo Lehtonen - 2017 - Political Theory 45 (1):32-51.
    For quite some time, reinsurance companies have been pricing the ongoing climate change using weather- and catastrophe-related instruments and thus have been able to make money through climate change. Yet, at the same time, for reinsurance companies it is crucial that the likelihood of the events they underwrite is diminished as much as possible. Consequently, while profiting from the situation, these key actors of global capitalism also work to prevent climate change from taking place, and support the kinds of measures, (...)
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  6. Brief notices-medieval history writing and crusading ideology.Tuomas Ms Lehtonen, Villads Kurt Jensen, Janne Maikki & Katja Ritari - 2007 - Speculum 82 (1):256.
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  7.  41
    Implicaturism.Tommi Lehtonen - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 45:177-183.
    In this paper, I will introduce and argue for a new view on religious faith and language, a view that focuses on the use and context of use of religious expressions. I call this view implicaturism. As one may guess, ‘implicaturism’ comes from ‘implicature’, a term coined by Paul Grice. For Grice, implicature is a technical term for certain kinds of inferences that are drawn from statements without those inferences being logical implications or entailments. In the view of religious faith (...)
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  8.  8
    Kyklooppi ja kojootti: subjekti 1600-1900 -lukujen kulttuuri- ja kirjallisuusteorioissa.Mikko Lehtonen - 1994 - Tampere: Vastapaino.
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    The Effect of Inter-pulse Interval on TMS Motor Evoked Potentials in Active Muscles.Noora Matilainen, Marco Soldati & Ilkka Laakso - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    ObjectiveThe time interval between transcranial magnetic stimulation pulses affects evoked muscle responses when the targeted muscle is resting. This necessitates using sufficiently long inter-pulse intervals. However, there is some evidence that the IPI has no effect on the responses evoked in active muscles. Thus, we tested whether voluntary contraction could remove the effect of the IPI on TMS motor evoked potentials.MethodsIn our study, we delivered sets of 30 TMS pulses with three different IPIs to the left primary motor cortex. These (...)
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  10.  31
    Serres and Foundations.Turo-Kimmo Lehtonen - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (3):3-22.
    While Michel Serres’ work has become relatively well-known among social theoreticians in recent years, his explicit thematization of the foundations of human collectives has gained surprisingly little attention. This article claims that Serres’ approach to the theme of foundations can be clarified by scrutinizing the way in which he poses and answers the following three questions: How are we together? What and whom do we exclude from our togetherness and how? Who are we today? Instead of starting with a ready-made (...)
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  11. A realist approach to thematic analysis: making sense of qualitative data through experiential, inferential and dispositional themes.Gareth Wiltshire & Noora Ronkainen - 2021 - Journal of Critical Realism 20 (2):159-180.
    ABSTRACT Thematic analysis is the most widely used method for analysing qualitative data. Recent debates, highlighting the binary distinctions between reflexive TA grounded within the qualitative paradigm and codebook TA with neo-positivist orientations, have emphasized the existence of numerous tensions that researchers must navigate to produce coherent and rigorous research. This article attempts to resolve some of these tensions through developing an approach to TA underpinned by realist philosophy of science. Focusing on interview data, we propose the use of three (...)
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  12.  47
    Learning in sport: From life skills to existential learning.Noora Ronkainen, Kenneth Aggerholm, Tatiana Ryba & Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson - 2020 - Sport, Education and Society 25.
    Youth sport is habitually promoted as an important context for learning that contributes to a person’s broader development beyond sport-specific skills. A growing body of research in this area has operated within a life skills discourse that focuses on useful, positive and decontextualised skills in the production of successful and adaptive citizens. In this paper, we argue that the ideological discourse of life skills, underpinned by ideas about sport-based positive youth development, has unduly narrowed the research on learning in sport (...)
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  13.  75
    On Simmel’s conception of philosophy.Turo-Kimmo Lehtonen & Olli Pyyhtinen - 2008 - Continental Philosophy Review 41 (3):301-322.
    Over the past few decades, the work of Georg Simmel (1858–1918) has again become of interest. Its reception, however, has been fairly one-sided and selective, mostly because Simmel’s philosophy has been bypassed in favor of his sociological contributions. This article examines Simmel’s explicit reflections on the nature of philosophy. Simmel defines philosophy through three aspects which, according to him, are common to all philosophical schools. First, philosophical reasoning implies the effort to think without preconditions. Second, Simmel maintains that in contrast (...)
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  14.  32
    (1 other version)Beyond life-Skills: Talented athletes, existential learning and (un)learning the life of an athlete.Noora Ronkainen, Kenneth Aggerholm, Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson & Tatiana Ryba - 2022 - Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health 14.
    Youth sport is habitually promoted as an important context for learning that contributes to a person’s broader development beyond sport-specific skills. A growing body of research in this area has operated within a life skills discourse that focuses on useful, positive and decontextualised skills in the production of successful and adaptive citizens. In this paper, we argue that the ideological discourse of life skills, underpinned by ideas about sport-based positive youth development, has unduly narrowed the research on learning in sport (...)
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  15.  14
    Idealization and exemplification as tools of philosophy.Tommi Lehtonen - 2012 - E-Logos 19 (1):1-15.
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    I, Daniel Blake (2016): Vulnerability, Care and Citizenship in Austerity Politics.Aura Lehtonen & Jacqueline Gibbs - 2019 - Feminist Review 122 (1):49-63.
    This article offers a reading of Ken Loach’s 2016 film I, Daniel Blake, a fictionalised account of experiences of the UK welfare system in conditions of austerity. We consider, firstly, the significant challenge the film poses to dominant figurations of welfare recipients under austerity, through a focus on vulnerability to state processes. We follow with a reading of some of the film’s interventions in relation to reciprocity, drawing on the important trajectories of care, community and resistance that the film renders (...)
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  17.  22
    Continuity and Discontinuity of Sport and Exercise Type During the COVID-19 Pandemic. An Exploratory Study of Effects on Mood.Noora J. Ronkainen, Arto J. Pesola, Olli Tikkanen & Ralf Brand - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Involvement in sport and exercise not only provides participants with health benefits but can be an important aspect of living a meaningful life. The COVID-19 pandemic and the temporary cessation of public life in March/April/May 2020 came with restrictions, which probably also made it difficult, if not impossible, to participate in certain types of sport or exercise. Following the philosophical position that different types of sport and exercise offer different ways of “relating to the world,” this study explored continuity in (...)
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  18. On Experiencing Sustainability.Noora-Helena Korpelainen - 2023 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 15 (2).
    This essay aims at clarifying our understanding of human participation in sustainability transitions from the pragmatist aesthetics perspective. By sustainability transitions, I refer to processual changes that move towards enhanced environmental and/or social sustainability. At the risk of inappropriateness, I argue that the cultivation of aesthetic sensibility manifests in experiencing sustainability. To understand those ordinary experiences that convey vistas for sustainability transition management, I return to John Dewey’s Art as Experience (1934). I first show that Dewey’s conception of sensibility is (...)
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  19.  35
    Sufficiency and Sustainability: Conceptual Analysis and Ethical Considerations for Sustainable Organisation.Tommi Lehtonen & Pasi Heikkurinen - 2022 - Environmental Values 31 (5):599-618.
    This article analyses the concept of sufficiency in relation to sustainability and discusses ethical implications for sustainable organisation in time and place. We identify three foundational conceptualisations of sufficiency related to sustainability: (1) a limits model that starts with objective boundaries imposed by the biosphere and basic human needs; (2) a preference model that treats sufficiency as a subjective inclination for moderation defined situationally; and (3) a balancing model that seeks to integrate the objective limits and subjective preferences by focussing (...)
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  20.  30
    Cultivating Aesthetic Sensibility for Sustainability.Noora-Helena Korpelainen - 2021 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 11 (2):165-182.
    Our aesthetic practices, by which we aim for better well-being, are intertwined with fostering sustainability. This article focuses on Yuriko Saito’s aesthetics of sustainability, an idea denoting a new kind of aesthetic sensibility informed by and featuring both environmental and cultural sustainability. Saito’s idea is based on our aesthetic relationship with everyday experiences. In this article, I defend the idea, on the one hand, by considering the immanence of change as a sense of contemporary everydayness and, on the other hand, (...)
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  21.  32
    Good Government: Democracy beyond Elections: by Pierre Rosanvallon, translated by Malcolm DeBevoise, Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 2018, 338 pp., $39.95/£28.95/€36.00.Tommi Lehtonen - 2019 - The European Legacy 25 (4):488-490.
    Volume 25, Issue 4, June 2020, Page 488-490.
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  22. Näkökohtia biologian ja psykoanalyysin suhteista.Johannes Lehtonen - 1978 - In Jorma Laitinen, Johannes Lehtonen & Karl Aimo Achté (eds.), Psykiatrian ja filosofian rajamailla. Helsinki: Psychiatria Fennica.
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  23.  40
    Niṣkāmakarma and the Prisoner’s Dilemma.Tommi Lehtonen - 2020 - Sophia 60 (2):457-471.
    The Bhagavadgītā, part of the sixth book of the Hindu epic The Mahābhārata, offers a practical approach to mokṣa, or liberation, and freedom from saṃsāra, or the cycle of death and rebirth. According to the approach, known as karmayoga, salvation results from attention to duty and the recognition of past acts that inform the present and will direct the future. In the Bhagavadgītā, Kṛṣṇa advocates selfless action as the ideal path to realizing the truth about oneself as well as the (...)
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  24.  53
    Independence of visual awareness from the scope of attention: An electrophysiological study.Mika Koivisto, Antti Revonsuo & Minna Lehtonen - 2006 - Cerebral Cortex 16 (3):415-424.
  25.  63
    (1 other version)The Concept of a Point of View.Tommi Lehtonen - 2011 - SATS 12 (2):237 - 252.
    The aim of this article is to provide an epistemological account of the concept of a point of view. The focus of the article is componential and therefore different variables in the concept of a point of view will be discussed. The article concludes that the concept of a point of view refers to mental viewing or rational consideration, which has many constituents, some of which relate to the observing subject, some to the tools of observing, and some to the (...)
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  26.  14
    Between a Rock and a Hard Place.Pauliina Lehtonen & Heikki Heikkilä - 2003 - Communications 28 (2):157-172.
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    From an undifferentiated cry towards a modulated signal.Johannes Lehtonen - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (4):467-467.
    The colic cry as a signal of undifferentiated vigour, and not a disease, is good news. This hypothesis also has neurobiological perspectives. Feeding increases the pain threshold of the infant and has an effect on its brain functions. These may contribute, by neurobiological mechanisms, to the gradual decline in the tendency for excessive crying during the first months of life.
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    Niṣkāmakarma: A Philosophical Analysis in Light of the Prisoner's Dilemma and the Concept of Degrowth.Tommi Lehtonen - 2019 - Journal of Indian Philosophy and Religion 24:3-30.
    The prisoner’s dilemma is a fictional story that shows why individuals who seek only their personal benefit meet worse outcomes than those possible by cooperating with others. The dilemma provides an effective, albeit often overlooked, method for studying the Hindu principle of “desireless action” (niṣkāmakarma). In the context of the prisoner’s dilemma, a prisoner who wants to uphold the principle of “desireless action” may choose one of two decision-making strategies: to be indifferent and leave the decision to chance or to (...)
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  29.  31
    The notion of merit in indian religions.Tommi Lehtonen - 2000 - Asian Philosophy 10 (3):189 – 204.
    There are uses of the term merit in Indian religions which also appear in secular contexts, but in addition there are other uses that are not encountered outside religion. Transfer of merit is a specific doctrine in whose connection the term merit is used with an intention which is not the same as that found in nonreligious contexts. Two main types of transfer of merit can be distinguished. First, the transfer of merit has been associated with certain ritual practices in (...)
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    Les fondements sémantiques de la préférence pour manipuler ou modifier dans le contexte de la bioéthique.Ana-Maria Lehtonen Cozma - 2023 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 21.
    Cette étude vise à comprendre les spécificités sémantiques des lexèmes manipuler et modifier afin d’éclairer l’usage qui en est fait en bioéthique lorsque les actions désignées ont comme objet l’embryon, le cerveau, l’ADN, l’Homme, le vivant ou la procréation. En s’appuyant sur les définitions des dictionnaires et sur les réponses à un questionnaire soumis aux locuteurs, et en se servant de concepts de la sémantique combinatoire, de la sémantique argumentative, de la sémantique des cadres et de l’aspect sémantique, l’étude identifie (...)
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    Attuning to geostories: Learning encounters with urban plants.William Smolander & Noora Pyyry - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (11):1237-1252.
    This paper is a call for educators to respond to the problematics that arise from reducing the Earth to a resource for human activities. The concept of ‘Anthropocene’ is a burning invitation to rethink education by putting the human to its place. We therefore argue for a spatial-embodied conceptualization of learning, which involves the more-than-human and nonrepresentational. In this effort, we use Latour’s concept of ‘geostory’ to problematize the prevailing anthropocentrism in education. We discuss the power of experimentation by introducing (...)
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    Processing of pitch and location in human auditory cortex during visual and auditory tasks.Suvi Häkkinen, Noora Ovaska & Teemu Rinne - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Psykiatrian ja filosofian rajamailla.Jorma Laitinen, Johannes Lehtonen & Karl Aimo Achté (eds.) - 1978 - Helsinki: Psychiatria Fennica.
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    Ethics in the Real World: 82 Brief Essays on Things That Matter. [REVIEW]Tommi Lehtonen - 2018 - The European Legacy 23 (1-2):201-202.
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    Transgender Identity Is Associated With Bullying Involvement Among Finnish Adolescents.Elias Heino, Noora Ellonen & Riittakerttu Kaltiala - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    BackgroundDuring adolescence, bullying often has a sexual content. Involvement in bullying as a bully, victim or both has been associated with a range of negative health outcomes. Transgender youth appear to face elevated rates of bullying in comparison to their mainstream peers. However, the involvement of transgender youth as perpetrators of bullying remains unclear in the recent literature.ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to compare involvement in bullying between transgender and mainstream youth and among middle and late adolescents in a (...)
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  36.  45
    Using Statistical Models of Morphology in the Search for Optimal Units of Representation in the Human Mental Lexicon.Sami Virpioja, Minna Lehtonen, Annika Hultén, Henna Kivikari, Riitta Salmelin & Krista Lagus - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (3):939-973.
    Determining optimal units of representing morphologically complex words in the mental lexicon is a central question in psycholinguistics. Here, we utilize advances in computational sciences to study human morphological processing using statistical models of morphology, particularly the unsupervised Morfessor model that works on the principle of optimization. The aim was to see what kind of model structure corresponds best to human word recognition costs for multimorphemic Finnish nouns: a model incorporating units resembling linguistically defined morphemes, a whole-word model, or a (...)
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    Editorial: Child Sexual Abuse: Empirical Research on Understanding and Helping Victims and Offenders.Taina Laajasalo, Noora Ellonen, Robert Horselenberg, Cristina Izura & Nadia Wager - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Seeking the first phylogenetic method–Edvard A. Vainio (1853–1929) and his troubled endeavour towards a natural lichen classification in the late nineteenth century Finland. [REVIEW]Samuli Lehtonen - 2024 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 46 (4):1-22.
    Edvard August Vainio was a world-renowned Finnish lichenologist. In Finland, however, he was a controversial person due to his strong pro-Finnish political views. Equally disputed was his opinion that systematics should be based on evolutionary theory and phylogenetic thinking. Vainio was familiar with the ideas of the early German phylogeneticists—especially those of Carl Wilhelm von Nägeli – and, applying them, aimed to create an exact method for building a natural classification of lichens already at the end of the nineteenth century. (...)
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  39. Feeling good, sensory engagements, and time out: Embodied pleasures of running.Patricia Jackman, Jacquelyn Allen-Collinson, Noora Ronkainen & Noel Brick - 2022 - Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health 14 (Online early).
    Despite considerable growth in understanding of various aspects of sporting and exercise embodiment over the last decade, in-depth investigations of embodied affectual experiences in running remain limited. Furthermore, within the corpus of literature investigating pleasure and the hedonic dimension in running, much of this research has focused on experiences of pleasure in relation to performance and achievement, or on specific affective states, such as enjoyment, derived after completing a run. We directly address this gap in the qualitative literature on sporting (...)
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    The role of attention in processing morphologically complex spoken words: an EEG/MEG study.Alina Leminen, Minna Lehtonen, Miika Leminen, Päivi Nevalainen, Jyrki P. Mäkelä & Teija Kujala - 2012 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 6.
  41.  47
    Editorial: Morphologically Complex Words in the Mind/Brain.Alina Leminen, Minna Lehtonen, Mirjana Bozic & Harald Clahsen - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  42. Developing mixed methods research in sport and exercise psychology : potential contributions of a critical realist perspective.Tatiana V. Ryba, Gareth Wiltshire, Julian North & Noora J. Ronkainen - 2020 - International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 20 (1).
    Notwithstanding diverse opinions and debates about mixing methods, mixed methods research (MMR) is increasingly being used in sport and exercise psychology. In this paper, we describe MMR trends within leading sport and exercise psychology journals and explore critical realism as a possible underpinning framework for conducting MMR. Our meta-study of recent empirical mixed methods studies published in 2017–2019 indicates that eight (36%) of the 22 MMR studies explicitly stated a paradigmatic position (five drew on pragmatism, two switched paradigms between qualitative (...)
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  43.  24
    The Philosophical Underpinning of Athlete Lifestyle Support : An Existential-Humanistic Perspective.Darren J. Devaney, Mark Stephen Nesti, Noora J. Ronkainen, Martin A. Littlewood & David Richardson - 2022 - Sport Psychologist 36 (1).
    This study aims to highlight how an existential-humanistic perspective can inform athlete support and in doing so, emphasize the importance of explicating the philosophical underpinnings of athlete lifestyle support. Drawing on applied experience with elite youth cricketers over a 12-month period, ethnographic data were collected through the observation, maintenance of case notes, and a practitioner reflective diary. Based on thematic analysis, we created three nonfictional vignettes that we use to illustrate how existential-humanistic theorizing can inform lifestyle support. We discuss the (...)
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  44.  15
    Prenatal Risk Factors for Adverse Developmental Outcome in Preterm Infants—Systematic Review.Milla K. Ylijoki, Eeva Ekholm, Mikael Ekblad & Liisa Lehtonen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:437998.
    _Background:_ Preterm infants are still at an increased risk for suboptimal neurodevelopmental outcomes when compared with term born infants. The development of a child born preterm can be jeopardized by suboptimal conditions during pregnancy, in addition to the suboptimal growth environment postnatally compared to the normal in utero environment. This review summarizes the literature on the role of chorioamnionitis, placental insufficiency, and maternal smoking on the developmental outcomes of preterm infants. _Methods:_ A systematic database search was performed to identify all (...)
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    Production of Inflected Novel Words in Older Adults With and Without Dementia.Alexandre Nikolaev, Eve Higby, JungMoon Hyun, Minna Lehtonen, Sameer Ashaie, Merja Hallikainen, Tuomo Hänninen & Hilkka Soininen - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (8):e12879.
    While cognitive changes in aging and neurodegenerative disease have been widely studied, language changes in these populations are less well understood. Inflecting novel words in a language with complex inflectional paradigms provides a good opportunity to observe how language processes change in normal and abnormal aging. Studies of language acquisition suggest that children inflect novel words based on their phonological similarity to real words they already know. It is unclear whether speakers continue to use the same strategy when encountering novel (...)
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    Creating future capabilities: scenario process in inter-industrial knowledge networks.Jukka Bergman, Ari Jantunen, Juha Matti Saksa & Mari Lehtonen - 2005 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 1 (3):198.
  47.  45
    The Work of Cultural Transition: An Emerging Model.Tatiana V. Ryba, Natalia B. Stambulova & Noora J. Ronkainen - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Tommi Lehtonen punishment, atonement and merit in modern philosophy of religion. (Schriften der luther–agricola gesellschaft, 44). (Helsinki: Luther–agricola society, 1999). Pp. 292. £15.00 pbk. [REVIEW]S. F. - 2000 - Religious Studies 36 (1):123-125.
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    Tommi Lehtonen Punishment, Atonement and Merit in Modern Philosophy of Religion. (Schriften der Luther–Agricola Gesellschaft, 44). (Helsinki: Luther–Agricola Society, 1999). Pp. 292. £15.00 Pbk. [REVIEW]W. F. S. M. - 2000 - Religious Studies 36 (1):123-125.