Results for 'Marco Soldati'

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  1.  13
    The Effect of Inter-pulse Interval on TMS Motor Evoked Potentials in Active Muscles.Noora Matilainen, Marco Soldati & Ilkka Laakso - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    ObjectiveThe time interval between transcranial magnetic stimulation pulses affects evoked muscle responses when the targeted muscle is resting. This necessitates using sufficiently long inter-pulse intervals. However, there is some evidence that the IPI has no effect on the responses evoked in active muscles. Thus, we tested whether voluntary contraction could remove the effect of the IPI on TMS motor evoked potentials.MethodsIn our study, we delivered sets of 30 TMS pulses with three different IPIs to the left primary motor cortex. These (...)
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  2. Continuità e discontinuità della storia.Marco Dallari - 2002 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 12:145-152.
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  3. Forme del cooperare.Marco Emilio & Enrico Miatto (eds.) - 2024
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    "Cattiva musica" e paradisi perduti: una lezione AREA.Marco Grondona - 2018 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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    La libertà umana nell'Etica di Spinoza.Marco Iannucci - 2017 - Napoli: Orthotes.
  6. Grandezza intensiva e grandezza infinitesimale Hermann Cohen e il principio kantiano delle Anticipazioni della percezione.Marco Giovanelli - 2003 - 19:275--318.
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  7. Church’s and Gödel’s Slingshot Arguments.Marco Ruffino - 2004 - Abstracta 1 (1):23-39.
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  8. La figura della madre nei romanzi di Moravia e nelle trasposizioni cinematografiche. La madre autoritaria de La Noia tra Moravia e Damiano Damiani.Luca Corchia - 2015 - The Lab’s Quarterly 16 (4):37-67.
    Il breve saggio si propone di esaminare la centralità della figura materna nell’opera di un ingegnoso costruttore di storie della letteratura italiana del Novecento: Alberto Moravia. La scelta dell’Autore nasce dalla rilevanza della tematica nella sua opera, in cui peraltro è quasi sempre assente il punto di vista femminile delle “voci” delle donne. Ciò sembra paradossale e questa circostanza è di grande interesse critico. In particolare, a dispetto delle interpretazioni più canoniche, secondo cui Moravia – negli scritti realizzati tra il (...)
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    Der Sündenfall: Betrug und Fälschung in der deutschen Wissenschaft.Marco Finetti - 1999 - Stuttgart: Raabe. Edited by Armin Himmelrath.
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    What (socio-)biology tells to psychology about language.Marco Mazzone - 2006 - SWIF Philosophy Fo Mind Review 5 (2).
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    CLAUDETTE: an automated detector of potentially unfair clauses in online terms of service.Marco Lippi, Przemysław Pałka, Giuseppe Contissa, Francesca Lagioia, Hans-Wolfgang Micklitz, Giovanni Sartor & Paolo Torroni - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 27 (2):117-139.
    Terms of service of on-line platforms too often contain clauses that are potentially unfair to the consumer. We present an experimental study where machine learning is employed to automatically detect such potentially unfair clauses. Results show that the proposed system could provide a valuable tool for lawyers and consumers alike.
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  12. Das Problem des Übels.Marco Benasso - 2019 - In Klaus Viertbauer & Georg Gasser, Handbuch Analytische Religionsphilosophie. Akteure – Diskurse – Perspektiven. Stuttgart: Metzler.
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  13. Book reviews-imaging a career in science. The iconography of Antoine Laurent lavoisier.Marco Beretta & Ferdinando Abbri - 2002 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 24 (2):314-314.
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    Letteratura e scienze cognitive.Marco Bernini - 2013 - Roma: Carocci Editore. Edited by Marco Caracciolo.
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  15. L'architettura come sistema di differenze.Marco Biraghi - 2012 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 5 (2).
    There are many cases in which the “direction” of architecture seems to be indifferent to the architect who designs it. Among these, the Guggenheim Museum in New York by Frank Lloyd Wright is highly emblematic: through the long and troubled project’s phases it shows a surprising “reversibility”, horizontal and vertical. In most cases, however, the “direction” of architecture is determined by factors which are situated outside of it, as are existing buildings, or the circumstances of the site and the factors (...)
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  16. Alle origini delle ricerche metamatematiche: indipendenza e coerenza fra Ottocento e Novecento.Marco Borga - 2005 - Epistemologia 28 (1):3-24.
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    From Certainty to Fallibility in Mathematics?Marco Borga - 1997 - In Evandro Agazzi & György Darvas, Philosophy of Mathematics Today. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 39--50.
  18. Dominios cuantificacionales e intención del hablante.Marco Ruffino - 2015 - In Eleonora Orlando, Significados en contexto y verdad relativa: ensayos sobre semática y pragmática. [Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina]: Título.
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    Superficially and Deeply Contingent A Priori Truths.Marco Ruffino - 2016 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 16 (2):247-266.
    In this paper, I review some standard approaches to the cases of contingent a priori truths that emerge from Kripke’s (1980) discussion of proper names and Kaplan’s (1989) theory of indexicals. In particular, I discuss Evans’ (1979) distinction between superficially and deeply contingent truths. I shall raise doubts about Evans’ strategy in general, and also about the roots and meaningfulness of the distinction.
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  20. Il contributo di edith stein alla chiarificazione fenomenologica e antropologico-teologica della corporeità.Marco Salvioli - 2007 - Divus Thomas 110 (1):71-126.
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  21. Per Una teologia fondamentale non dualista e, pertanto, autenticamente post-moderna. Milbank interprete di San Tommaso D'Aquino.Marco Salvioli - 2013 - Divus Thomas 116 (2):13-120.
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    Miseria de la economía: anatomía filosófica de una racionalidad vacía.Manuel Sanchis Marco - 2023 - [Somonte-Cenero, Gijón (Asturias)]: Ediciones Trea.
  23. The semantics of artifactual words.Marco Santambrogio - 2019 - In Richard Davies, Natural and Artifactual Objects in Contemporary Metaphysics: Exercises in Analytic Ontology. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  24. Das Problem in ein Postulat verwandeln: Cassirer und Einsteins Unterscheidung von konstruktiven und Prinzipien-Theorien.Marco Giovanelli - 2016 - In Matthias Neuber, Husserl, Cassirer, Schlick: "Wissenschaftliche Philosophie" im Spannungsfeld von Phänomenologie, Neukantianismus und logischem Empirismus. [New York]: Springer.
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    Constitutional Pluralism and the politics of the European Common Good.Marco Goldoni - 2010 - Jura Gentium 7 (1):52-75.
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  26. Judgment is not an exit: Toward an affective criticism of violence with american psycho.Marco Abel - 2001 - Angelaki 6 (3):137 – 154.
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    Modeling language and cognition with deep unsupervised learning: a tutorial overview.Marco Zorzi, Alberto Testolin & Ivilin P. Stoianov - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    On the early history of psychology.Marco Lamanna - 2010 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 19 (38):291-313.
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    Zum Problem der Traditionsaneignung bei Aristoteles: untersucht am Beispiel von "De anima" I.Marco Danieli - 1983 - Königstein/Ts.: A. Hain.
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    Critica e cura di sé: l'etica di Michel Foucault.Chiara Di Marco - 1999 - Milano: F. Angeli.
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    Alteration of Consciousness by Anaesthetics: A Multiscale Modulation from the Molecular to the Systems Level.Marco Cavaglià, Eric A. Zizzi, Stephen Dombrowski, Marco A. Deriu & Jack A. Tuszynski - 2022 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 29 (5-6):21-49.
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    L'architetto come intellettuale.Marco Biraghi - 2019 - Torino: Giulio Einaudi editore s.p.a..
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    Onde audiovisive: il complesso rapporto tra arte, musica e cinema.Marco Brama - 2018 - Tricase (LE) - Italy: Youcanprint Self-Publishing.
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  34. Di cosa è fatta la speranza: lettura di Bloch.Marco Cangiotti - 1985 - Urbino: QuattroVenti.
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    I dialoghi dell'interpretazione: studi in onore di Domenico Jervolino.Marco Castagna, Rocco Pititto, Simona Venezia & Domenico Jervolino (eds.) - 2014 - Pomigliano d'Arco (NA): Diogene edizioni.
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    Was heisst Stiften?: Heidegger interprete di Hölderlin.Marco Casu (ed.) - 2020 - Roma: Istituto italiano di studi germanici.
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  37. Deutscher Und Russischer Neukantianismus: Von der Erkenntnislogik Zur Sozialpaedagogik.Marco Giovanelli - 2011 - Kã¶Nigshausen Und Neumann, 2010.
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  38. Von der Realopposition zum Unendlichkleinen. Betrachtungen über das Verhältnis von Negation und Realität bei Kant und in der nachkantischen Philosophie.Marco Giovanelli - 2008 - In Pierfrancesco Fiorato, Verneinung, Andersheit Und Unendlichkeit Im Neukantianismus. Kã¶Nigshausen Und Neumann. pp. 10--25.
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  39. Politiche del codice. Architettura e diritto nella teoria di Lessig.Marco Goldoni - forthcoming - Bollettino Telematico di Filosofia Politica.
    L’analisi degli aspetti più innovativi del pensiero di Lawrence Lessig, e in particolare la messa in luce del rapporto fra diritto ed architettura nello spazio digitale, mostra la necessità per le società contemporanee di dotarsi di una “politica” del codice.
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  40. Causation and Explanation in Molecular Developmental Biology.Marco J. Nathan - unknown
    The aim of this dissertation is to provide an analysis of central concepts in philosophy of science from the perspective of current molecular and developmental research. Each chapter explores the ways in which particular phenomena or discoveries in molecular biology influences our philosophical understanding of the nature of scientific knowledge. The introductory prologue draws some general connections between the various threads, which revolve around two central themes: causation and explanation. Chapter Two identifies a particular type of causal relation which is (...)
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    Intersubjectivité et théologie philosophique.Marco M. Olivetti (ed.) - 2001 - Padova: CEDAM.
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  42. Sich in seinem Namen versammeln, Kirche als Gottesnennung.Marco M. Olivetti - 1981 - In Emmanuel Levinas & Bernhard Casper, Gott nennen: phänomenologische Zugänge. München: Alber.
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  43. Democratic Ethos, Imagination and Emotions.Marco Solinas - 2017 - Jura Gentium 14 (1):60-68.
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  44. Axel Honneth, Reification, and "Nature".Marco Angella - 2019 - Radical Philosophy Review 22 (1):1-30.
    I begin by briefly reconstructing Honneth’s concept of reification. His paradigm gives the reification of the non-human environment a marginal position in comparison to the reification of human beings, thereby detracting from its explanatory and critical potential. In order to avoid this outcome, I subsequently present a paradigm of subject identity formation in which not only affectively-based intersubjective interactions but also affectively-based interactions with the non-human environment are, in both a “genetic” and a “conceptual” sense, essential to establish an objective (...)
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    The ethics of non-inferiority trials: A consequentialist analysis.Marco Annoni, Virginia Sanchini & Cecilia Nardini - 2013 - Research Ethics 9 (3):109-120.
    Discussions about the merits and shortcomings of non-inferiority trials are becoming increasingly common in the medical community and among regulatory agencies. However, criticisms targeting the ethical standing of non-inferiority trials have often been mistargeted. In this article we review the ethical standing of trials of non-inferiority. In the first part of the article, we outline a consequentialist position according to which clinical trials are best conceived as epistemic tools aimed at fostering the proper ends of medicine. According to this view, (...)
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  46. On The Consistency Of Axel Honneth’s Critical Theory: Methodology, Critique, And Current Struggles For Recognition.Marco Angella - 2018 - Philosophical Forum 49 (4):483-509.
    Over three decades, Axel Honneth has developed one of the most fully-structured recognition paradigms in the field of social philosophy. Although it has undergone considerable theoretical changes, this paradigm retains a strong unity. I will analyze it in light of the Frankfurt school critical social theory research program. By so doing, I aim, first, to outline a defense of Honneth’s theory against growing criticisms, which tend to see depletion of its critical insights in his most recent works. Secondly, I aim (...)
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    Communities and Climate Change: Why Practices and Practitioners Matter.Marco Grix & Krushil Watene - 2022 - Ethics and International Affairs 36 (2):215-230.
    Communities most vulnerable to the effects of climate change, such as reduced access to material resources and increased exposure to adverse weather conditions, are intimately tied to a considerable amount of cultural and biological diversity on our planet. Much of that diversity is bound up in the social practices of Indigenous groups, which is why these practices have great long-term value. Yet, little attention has been given to them by philosophers. Also neglected have been the historical conditions and contemporary realities (...)
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  48. Cornelio Fabro lettore di Fichte.Marco Ivaldo - 2007 - Acta Philosophica 16 (2):213-236.
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    Dall'orizzonte della metafisica a quello del “religioso”. Sul confronto di Alberto Caracciolo con Benedetto Croce.Marco Ivaldo - 2006 - Archivio di Storia Della Cultura 19:401-407.
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    Il livello religioso dell'intersoggettività nel pensiero di Fichte.Marco Ivaldo - 1994 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 9:193-210.
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