Results for 'Non-Comparativism'

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  1. ‘Ramseyfying’ Probabilistic Comparativism.Edward Elliott - 2020 - Philosophy of Science 87 (4):727-754.
    Comparativism is the view that comparative confidences (e.g., being more confident that P than that Q) are more fundamental than degrees of belief (e.g., believing that P with some strength x). In this paper, I outline the basis for a new, non-probabilistic version of comparativism inspired by a suggestion made by Frank Ramsey in `Probability and Partial Belief'. I show how, and to what extent, `Ramseyan comparativism' might be used to weaken the (unrealistically strong) probabilistic coherence conditions (...)
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    Against Comparativism about Mass in Newtonian Gravity - a Case Study in the Metaphysics of Scale.Niels C. M. Martens - 2017 - Dissertation, University of Oxford
    This thesis concerns the metaphysics of scale. It investigates the implications of a physical determinable being dimensionful. In particular, it considers the case study of mass, as it features within Newtonian Gravity. Nevertheless, most of the terminology, methodology and arguments developed should be relatively straightforwardly applicable to other determinables and theories. -/- Weak Absolutism about mass holds that mass ratios obtain in virtue of absolute masses. Weak Comparativism denies this. In the first five chapters I argue in favour of (...)
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  3. The Person-Affecting Restriction, Comparativism, and the Moral Status of Potential People.Gustaf Arrhenius - 2003 - Ethical Perspectives 10 (3):185-195.
    Traditional ethical theories have paradoxical implications in regards to questions concerning procreation and our moral duties to future people. It has been suggested that the crux of the problem resides in an all too ‘impersonal’ axiology and that the problems of population axiology can be solved by adopting a ‘Person Affecting Restriction’ which in its slogan form states that an outcome can only be better than another if it is better for people. This move has been especially popular in the (...)
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    Comparativism and the Grounds for Person-Centered Care and Shared Decision Making.Anders Herlitz - 2017 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 28 (4):269-278.
    This article provides a new argument and a new value-theoretical ground for person-centered care and shared decision making that ascribes to it the role of enabling rational choice in situations involving clinical choice. Rather than referring to good health outcomes and/or ethical grounds such as patient autonomy, it argues that a plausible justification and ground for person-centered care and shared decision making is preservation of rationality in the face of comparative non-determinacy in clinical settings. Often, no alternative treatment will be (...)
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  5. Topics in Population Ethics.Teruji Thomas - 2016 - Dissertation, University of Oxford
    This thesis consists of several independent papers in population ethics. I begin in Chapter 1 by critiquing some well-known 'impossibility theorems', which purport to show there can be no intuitively satisfactory population axiology. I identify axiological vagueness as a promising way to escape or at least mitigate the effects of these theorems. In particular, in Chapter 2, I argue that certain of the impossibility theorems have little more dialectical force than sorites arguments do. From these negative arguments I move to (...)
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  6. Can the Person Affecting Restriction solve the problems in population ethics?Gustaf Arrhenius - 2009 - In David Wasserman & Melinda Roberts, Harming Future Persons: Ethics, Genetics and the Nonidentity Problem. Springer. pp. 289--314.
    The person-affecting restriction, in its slogan form, states that an outcome can be better than another only if it is better for someone. It has a strong intuitive appeal and several theorists have suggested that it avoids certain counterintuitive implications in population ethics. At the same time, the restriction has highly counterintuitive implications and yields non-transitive orderings in some nonidentity cases. Many theorists have taken this criticism to be decisive. Recently, however, there have been some reformulations of the restriction, suggesting (...)
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  7. Age and Death: A Defence of Gradualism.Joseph Millum - 2015 - Utilitas 27 (3):279-297.
    According to standard comparativist views, death is bad insofar as it deprives someone of goods she would otherwise have had. In The Ethics of Killing, Jeff McMahan argues against such views and in favor of a gradualist account according to which how bad it is to die is a function of both the future goods of which the decedent is deprived and her cognitive development when she dies. Comparativists and gradualists therefore disagree about how bad it is to die at (...)
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    The Dao through the Prism of the Logos: Eurocentrism at the Level of Concepts.Andrey A. Krushinskiy - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (6):33-53.
    Despite the declarations about the possibility of rationalities that are alternative to Western European, despite the reasoning about philosophical multipolarity, the multiplicity of ways of thinking, etc., nowadays, the Western European paradigm of rationality (and concepts that corresponds to it), which is derived from Hellenic thought, continues to claim the status of ideological neutrality and transcend any intercivilizational differences. The Western European rationality in all its diversity is now acting as rationality as such. The indispensability of the reference to the (...)
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  9. Some Consequences of Physics for the Comparative Metaphysics of Quantity.David John Baker - 2020 - In Karen Bennett & Dean W. Zimmerman, Oxford Studies in Metaphysics Volume 12. Oxford University Press. pp. 75-112.
    According to comparativist theories of quantities, their intrinsic values are not fundamental. Instead, all the quantity facts are grounded in scale-independent relations like "twice as massive as" or "more massive than." I show that this sort of scale independence is best understood as a sort of metaphysical symmetry--a principle about which transformations of the non-fundamental ontology leave the fundamental ontology unchanged. Determinism--a core scientific concept easily formulated in absolutist terms--is more difficult for the comparativist to define. After settling on the (...)
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    Antropologija i pitanje 'druge filozofije'.Borislav Mikulić - 2012 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 32 (1):179-185.
    Članak predstavlja komentarski prikaz glavnih tema knjige Wu Xiaominga, Filozofija i Zhexue. Put k drugome i natrag te diskusiju o pojmu tzv. ‘druge’, ne-evropske filozofije, o njegovu sistematskom mjestu između povijesti filozofije, kulturne antropologije i postkolonijalne teorije diskursa. Nastojanje autora da pomoću Derridinog pojma différance i kineskog dao revolucionira hijerarhijski odnos interpretirajućeg i interpretiranog intelektualnog nasljeđa vrednuje se u članku kao genuino filozofsko nasuprot kulturno-antropološkim pristupima filozofiji, što je suprotno negiranju kineske filozofije od sâmog Derride. Usporedno s glavnim tekstom, u (...)
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    Kenologische Versuche. Der Johannesprolog zwischen Nāgārjuna, Vasubandhu und Meister Eckhart.Fabien Muller - 2022 - Münster: Aschendorff.
    My aim in this book is to propose a comparativist, Buddhist-Neoplatonic interpretation of the idea of “logos” in the Prologue to the Gospel according to John. To do so, I proceed in three steps. I begin with Nāgārjuna’s doctrine of emptiness. Nāgārjuna thinks that that all things are empty because they depend on causes and conditions in a way that makes it impossible for them to genuinely exist. Nevertheless, they are not completely non-existent, for they possess the appearance of something (...)
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    (1 other version)Критичні огляди та рецензії професорів київської духовної академії на закордонну біблієзнавчу літературу: Тематика і зміст.Serhii Holovashchenko - 2018 - Наукові Записки Наукма. Філософія Та Релігієзнавство 2:65-78.
    In this article, the author carries on his research into critical bibliographic reviews of foreign biblical studies made by professors of Kyiv Theological Academy in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth century. In his analysis of the structure and topics of those reviews, the author spotlights how the European experience of biblical studies played a role in shaping of the Orthodox Biblical discourse in Kyiv Theological Academy. The European biblical studies of that period increasingly promoted the biblical (...)
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    Exilic Alliance.Louis Klee - 2020 - The European Legacy 25 (3):282-308.
    By placing Butler’s Parting Ways: Jewishness and the Critique of Zionism (2012) in counterpoint with Said’s After the Last Sky: Palestinian Lives (1986), this essay aims to shed new light on Butler’s political and ethical writing, revealing, in particular, the ways in which a politics of cohabitation is inseparable from the process of translation. Both Butler and Said articulate the difficult yet necessary task of establishing a just cohabitation through the translation between two histories of exile, Jewish and Palestinian. Firstly, (...)
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    For the Cowherds: Coloniality and Conventional Truth in Buddhist Philosophy.Amy Donahue - 2016 - Philosophy East and West 66 (2):597-617.
    Comparative philosophers have noted that some comparative methods perpetuate colonial legacies. What follows employs aspects of the scholarship of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Anîbal Quijano, and María Lugones to identify one colonially problematic methodology that some well-regarded contemporary comparative representations of “Buddhist Philosophy” arguably adopt. In 1995, Lin Tongqi, Henry Rosemont, Jr., and Roger Ames identified “the most fundamental methodological issue facing all comparativists” by raising and responding to the question: “Does the imposition of modern Western conceptual categories on non-Western patterns (...)
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  15. In Defense of Political Equality: On Bai Tongdong’s Against Political Equality.Yarran Hominh - 2022 - Journal of Confucian Philosophy and Culture 37:59-90.
    Bai Tongdong’s Against Political Equality argues for Confucian meritocracy over a pure democracy of equals. His arguments draw on a multiple modernities comparison between the Spring and Autumn Warring States period in China and early modernity in the West, and rest on a Mencian conception of human nature according to which humans are equal in moral potential but not in moral actuality. I argue that there is a crucial disanalogy between this Chinese early modernity and Western early modernity: the role (...)
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    ‘This matter is not just about the policy frameworks but the intricate tapestry of prejudices woven within the social fabric’: Roma community and Yaron Matras, an interview.Anchal Meena & Smita Jha - forthcoming - Journal for Cultural Research:1-9.
    The Roma have been a people most misunderstood and misrepresented in history. Professor Yaron Matras is an unwavering figure dismantling these myths about the Roma. He founded the Romani Project in 1999 and has authored meticulously researched books on Romani culture. To name a few, I Met Lucky People, The Romani Gypsies, Open Borders Unlocked Cultures, Romani: A Linguistic Introduction, Language Contact, are widely acknowledged. In this interview, the essential feature of Roma’s uniqueness in the discourse on diaspora is expressed (...)
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    Comparing Carefully.John Stratton Hawley - 2024 - Common Knowledge 30 (1):40-61.
    A contribution to the Common Knowledge symposium “Caroline Walker Bynum across the Disciplines,” this essay explores the side of Bynum's scholarly personality that may be regarded as comparativist. She is interested in comparison with regard to periods of time, with regard to ritual and gender-based religious practices in the Christian West, and with respect to similarities that might be claimed between elements of Christian and non-Christian cultures. Her thoughts about morphology, materiality, and gender extend beyond medieval Europe to the world (...)
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    Critical Psychiatry in the Context of Critical Medicine.Sandra Steingard - 2023 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 30 (2):121-123.
    In “A Critique of Critical Psychiatry,” Chapman asserts that a dominant philosophical premise among many “criticals” (the label used in that paper, which I adopt here) is adherence to a Szaszian distinction between psychiatry and other branches of medicine. Chapman eloquently summarizes the problems with this perspective. Their elucidation of the complexity of non-psychiatric conditions, which are not nearly as well delineated as Szasz and his followers would have one believe, is clear and compelling. The notion of comparativist critique, that (...)
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    Book Review: Volcanus: Recherches comparatistes sur les origines du culte de Vulcain. [REVIEW]Jerzy Linderski - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (4):644-647.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Volcanus: Recherches comparatistes sur les origines du culte de VulcainJ. LinderskiGérard Capdeville. Volcanus: Recherches comparatistes sur les origines du culte de Vulcain. Rome: Ecole Française de Rome, Palais Farnèse, 1995. viii 1 521 pp. Cloth, no price stated. (Bibliothèque des Ecoles Françaises d’Athènes et de Rome, fasc. 288)In the last twenty years the French School has published every two years one book on Roman religion: monographs dealing with (...)
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  20. How to Assess Claims in Multiple-Option Choice Sets.Jonas Harney & Jake Khawaja - 2023 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 51 (1):60-92.
    Particular persons have claims against being made worse off than they could have been. The literature, however, has focused primarily on only two-option cases; yet, these cases fail to capture all of the morally relevant factors, especially when a person’s existence is in question. This paper explores how to assess claims in multiple-option choice sets. We scrutinize the only extant proposal, offered by Michael Otsuka, which we call the Weakening View. In light of its problems, we develop an alternative: the (...)
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    Atlas of Rationality: Problems and Methods of Realization of the Project.Marietta Stepanyants - 2018 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 6:33-51.
    The article considers the problem of rationality on the basis of two key texts by the prominent proponents of the new cartography for philosophy. These include A Manifesto for Re:emergent Philosophy by Jonardon Ganery (2016) and Comparative Philosophy without Borders edited by Arindam Chakrabarti and Ralf Weber (2016). The both mentioned texts are imbued with the fervor of the movement for liberation from colonial intellectual servitude and epistemological injustice that does not recognize a plurality of ways of thinking. They call (...)
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  22. Comptes-rendus [de] René Guénon.René Guénon - 1929 - Paris,: Éditions traditionnelles.
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  23. " Primum non nocere"(" above all, do no harm"), today GR Burgio.Primum Non Nocere - 1994 - Primum Non Nocere Today: A Symposium on Pediatric Bioethics: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Pediatric Bioethics, Pavia, 26-28 May 1994 1071:1.
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    Party contributions from non-classical logics.Contributions From Non-Classical Logics - 2004 - In S. Rahman, Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 457.
  25. Possible Worlds-A Stapp in the Wrong Direction'(joint paper with RK Clifton and J. Butterfield).Non-Local Influences - 1990 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 41:5-58.
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    Winner of the Annals of Science Prizefor 2011.Non-Transferable Knowledge & D. Juste - 2012 - Annals of Science 69 (2):299.
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  27. Edward R. hope.Non-Syntactic Constraints On Lisu & Noun Phrase Order - 1973 - Foundations of Language 10:79.
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  28. Kymlicka, multiculturalism, and.Non-Western Nations - 2003 - Public Affairs Quarterly 17 (4):291.
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  29. Medium Enterprises in Indonesia'.Non-Farm Small - forthcoming - Knowledge, Technology & Policy.
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    Pierre and the New World Makers, RICHARD J. HALL.Non-Basic Action - 1984 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 62 (3).
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  31. Paul Humphreys.Non-Nietzschean Decision Making - 1988 - In J. H. Fetzer, Probability and Causality: Essays in Honor of Wesley C. Salmon. D. Reidel. pp. 253.
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  32. (1 other version)L'homme et son devenir selon le Vêdânta.René Guénon - 1925 - Paris,: Bossard.
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  33. L'homme et son devenir selon le Vêdânta.René Guénon - 1947 - Paris,: Éditions traditionnelles.
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    (2 other versions)Man & his becoming, according to the Vêdânta.René Guénon - 1928 - London,: Rider & Co.. Edited by Charles Joseph Whitby.
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  35. Archibald A. hill.Non-Grammatical Prerequisites - forthcoming - Foundations of Language.
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  36. Joachim ballweg and Helmut frosch.Non-Stative Verbs - 1981 - In Hans-Jürgen Eikmeyer & Hannes Rieser, Words, worlds, and contexts: new approaches in word semantics. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 6--210.
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    Naomi Scheman.Non-Negotiable Demands & Politics Metaphysics - 2001 - In Juliet Floyd & Sanford Shieh, Future pasts: the analytic tradition in twentieth-century philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 315.
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  38. Georges bonjean.Non Linéaire - 1968 - In Jean-Louis Destouches & Evert Willem Beth, Logic and foundations of science. Dordrecht,: D. Reidel. pp. 102.
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    Man and his becoming.René Guénon - 1946 - London,: Luzac & co.. Edited by Richard C. Nicholson.
    Description: Contents: Preface 1. General Remarks on the Vedanta 2. Fundamental Distinction Between The Self and the Ego 3. The Vital Centre of the Human Being, Seat of Brahma 4. Purusha and Prakriti 5. Purusha Unaffected by Individual Modifications 6. The Degrees of Individual Manifestation 7. Buddhi or the Higher Intellect 8. Manas or the Inward Sense : The Ten External Faculties of Sensation and Action 9. The Envelopes of the Self ; The Five Vayus or Vital Functions 10. The (...)
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  40. 2 On the Implications of Scientific Composition and Completeness.Non-Reductive Physicalism - 2010 - In Antonella Corradini & Timothy O'Connor, Emergence in science and philosophy. New York: Routledge. pp. 6--25.
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  41. Discussion-I musings on the concept of ahimsa (non-violence).Prabhat Misra & Non-Violence as an Ideal - 1998 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 25 (2-4):527.
  42. Wilfrid Sellars.Are There Non-Deductive Logics - 1970 - In Carl G. Hempel, Donald Davidson & Nicholas Rescher, Essays in honor of Carl G. Hempel. Dordrecht,: D. Reidel. pp. 83.
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  43. Viewing bioethics from an anthropological viewpoint M. Callari Galli.Primum Non Nocere - 1994 - Primum Non Nocere Today: A Symposium on Pediatric Bioethics: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Pediatric Bioethics, Pavia, 26-28 May 1994 1071:25.
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    Direct-to-Consumer Genomics Companies Should Provide Guidance to Their Customers on (Not) Sharing Personal Genomic Information.Nanibaa’ A. Garrison & Amy L. Non - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (11):55-57.
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    (1 other version)The reign of quantity and the signs of the times.René Guénon - 1953 - [London]: Luzac.
    QUALITY AND QUANTITY are fairly generally regarded as complementary terms, although the profound reason for their comple- mentarism is often far from being understood, this reason lying in the 'polar' correspondence referred to toward ...
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  46. 1 lügique.I. Logique Non Formalisée - 1961 - In Raymond Klibansky, Philosophy in the mid-century. Firenze,: Nuova Italia. pp. 5.
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  47. Putting Meaning Before Truth.R. Waugh & Non-Conceptual Content - 1995 - In P. Pyllkkänen & P. Pyllkkö, New Directions in Cognitive Science. Finnish Society for Artificial Intelligence.
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  48. Gavin Flood.Can We Attain Wisdom & A. Non-Dualist - 2006 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 33 (3-4):409.
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  49. (1 other version)Le règne de la quantité et les signes des temps.René Guénon - 1945 - [Paris]: Gallimard.
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    Introduction to the study of the Hindu doctrines.René Guénon - 1945 - London: Luzac & co..
    The concluding chapter lays down the essential conditions for any genuine understanding between East and West, which can only come through the work of those who have attained, at least in some degree, to the realization of 'wisdom uncreate' ...
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