Results for 'Nils Gräbel'

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  1.  86
    Persons, Interests, and Justice.Nils Holtug - 2010 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    In our lives, we aim to achieve welfare for ourselves, that is, to live good lives. But we also have another, more impartial perspective, where we aim to balance our concern for our own welfare against a concern for the welfare of others. This is a perspective of justice. Nils Holtug examines these two perspectives and the relations between them.
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    Nils Jansen: Zum Gedanken einer juristischen Strukturtheorie (Rezensionsabhandlung).Nils Jansen - 2006 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 92 (2):277-283.
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  3. Prioritarianism.Nils Holtug - 2007 - In Nils Holtug & Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (eds.), Egalitarianism: new essays on the nature and value of equality. New York: Clarendon Press. pp. 125--156.
  4. Egalitarianism: new essays on the nature and value of equality.Nils Holtug & Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (eds.) - 2007 - New York: Clarendon Press.
    The contributors to the volume are: Richard Arneson, Linda Barclay, Thomas Christiano, Nils Holtug, Susan Hurley, Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Dennis McKerlie, ...
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  5. A History of Western Thought: From Ancient Greece to the Twentieth Century.Nils Gilje & Gunnar Skirbekk - 2001 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Nils Gilje.
    This is a comprehensive introduction to the history of Western Philosophy from the Pre-Socratics to Twentieth Century thought. In addition to all the key figures, the book covers figures whose contributions have so far been overlooked, such as Vico, Montesquieu, Durkheim and Weber. Along with in-depth discussion of the philosophical movements, Skirbekk and Gilje also discuss the natural sciences, the establishment of the Humanities, Socialism and Fascism, Psychoanalysis, and the rise of the social sciences. _History of Western Thought_ is an (...)
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    Transparency and Egocentrism.Nils-Hennes Stear - 2021 - In Sonia Sedivy (ed.), Art, Representation, and Make-Believe: Essays on the Philosophy of Kendall L. Walton. New York: Routledge. pp. 196-213.
    Kendall Walton argues that photographs are transparent; we literally see the things depicted in them, not just the depictions. This intriguing claim has endured numerous criticisms from those I call the ‘egocentrists’, according to whom seeing—literal seeing—requires the conveyance of egocentric information; to count as seeing something, a visual experience of that thing must impart some information, however spare, about its position relative to the viewer. Since photographs fail to convey such information, the egocentrists claim, Walton’s transparency thesis fails. This (...)
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    The Philosophy of F. P. Ramsey.Nils-Eric Sahlin - 1990 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    F. P. Ramsey was a remarkably creative and subtle philosopher who in the briefest of academic careers made significant contributions to logic, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of language and decision theory. His few published papers reveal him to be a figure or comparable importance to Russell, Carnap and Wittgenstein in the history of analytical philosophy. This book was the first critical study of Ramsey's work, offering a thorough exposition and interpretation of his ideas, setting the ideas in their historical context, (...)
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  8. Private and Public Prejudice: A Response to András Kovács.Nils Muiznieks - 2002 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 69 (1):195-199.
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    The Ethics of Neuroenhancement: Smart Drugs, Competition and Society.Nils-Frederic Wagner, Jeffrey Robinson & Christine Wiebking - 2015 - International Journal of Technoethics 6 (1):1-20.
    According to several recent studies, a big chunk of college students in North America and Europe uses so called ‘smart drugs' to enhance their cognitive capacities aiming at improving their academic performance. With these practices, there comes a certain moral unease. This unease is shared by many, yet it is difficult to pinpoint and in need of justification. Other than simply pointing to the medical risks coming along with using non-prescribed medication, the salient moral question is whether these practices are (...)
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    Probabilistic logic.Nils J. Nilsson - 1986 - Artificial Intelligence 28 (1):71-87.
  11. The Importance of Being Erroneous.Nils Kürbis - 2021 - Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (3):155-166.
    This is a commentary on MM McCabe's "First Chop your logos... Socrates and the sophists on language, logic, and development". In her paper MM analyses Plato's Euthydemos, in which Plato tackles the problem of falsity in a way that takes into account the speaker and complements the Sophist's discussion of what is said. The dialogue looks as if it is merely a demonstration of the silly consequences of eristic combat. And so it is. But a main point of MM's paper (...)
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    Understanding beliefs.Nils J. Nilsson - 2014 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    What beliefs are, what they do for us, how we come to hold them, and how to evaluate them. Our beliefs constitute a large part of our knowledge of the world. We have beliefs about objects, about culture, about the past, and about the future. We have beliefs about other people, and we believe that they have beliefs as well. We use beliefs to predict, to explain, to create, to console, to entertain. Some of our beliefs we call theories, and (...)
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  13. Drawing the Line: Mapping Cultivated Plants and Seeing Nature in Nineteenth-Century Plant Geography.Nils Güttler - 2015 - In Sharon Kingsland & Denise Phillips (eds.), New Perspectives on the History of Life Sciences and Agriculture. Springer Verlag.
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    Einzelinteressen und kollektives Handeln in modernen Demokratien: Festschrift für Ulrich Widmaier.Nils C. Bandelow & Wilhelm Bleek (eds.) - 2007 - Wiesbaden: VS, Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
    Das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Einzelinteressen und kollektivem Handeln ist ein klassisches Phänomen der Politik. Die Beiträge des Bandes behandeln dieses Thema aus verschiedenen theoretischen und methodischen Perspektiven.
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    Dimensions of behaviour.Nils Gösta Carlsson - 1949 - [Lund]: C. W. K. Gleerup.
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  16. Jesus in the Memory of the Early Church.Nils A. Dahl - 1976
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  17. Teoria della prioritá di chi sta peggio ed etica delle popolazioni.Nils Holtug - 2012 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 25 (65):45-56.
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  18. Zeitverschiebungen/Ungleichzeitigkeiten.Nils Plath - 2015 - In Matthias Schmidt (ed.), Rücksendungen zu Jacques Derridas "Die Postkarte": ein essayistisches Glossar. Wien: Verlag Turia + Kant.
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  19. Abdallah Laroui's situated universalist critique of Western Modernity.Nils Riecken - 2025 - In Mohammed Hashas (ed.), Contemporary Moroccan thought: on philosophy, theology, society, and culture. Boston: Brill.
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    Secondary Levels in Decision Making.Nils-Eric Sahlin - unknown
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    Om normer.Nils Kristian Sundby - 1974 - Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.
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  22. Bleibt diachrone personale Identität unergründlich?Nils-Frederic Wagner - 2013 - In Gasser/Schmidhuber Georg/Martina (ed.), Personale Identität, Narrativität und Praktische Rationalität. Mentis.
  23. The harm principle.Nils Holtug - 2002 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 5 (4):357-389.
    According to the Harm Principle, roughly, the state may coerce a person only if it can thereby prevent harm to others. Clearly, this principle depends crucially on what we understand by harm. Thus, if any sort of negative effect on a person may count as a harm, the Harm Principle will fail to sufficiently protect individual liberty. Therefore, a more subtle concept of harm is needed. I consider various possible conceptions and argue that none gives rise to a plausible version (...)
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  24.  39
    How can we be moral when we are so irrational?Nils-Eric Sahlin & Johan Brännmark - unknown
    Normative ethics usually presupposes background accounts of human agency, and although different ethical theorists might have different pictures of human agency in mind, there is still something like a standard account that most of mainstream normative ethics can be understood to rest on. Ethical theorists tend to have Rational Man, or at least some close relative to him, in mind when constructing normative theories. It will be argued here that empirical findings raise doubts about the accuracy of this kind of (...)
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  25. Who cares about identity?Nils Holtug - 2009 - In David Wasserman & Melinda Roberts (eds.), Harming Future Persons: Ethics, Genetics and the Nonidentity Problem. Springer. pp. 71--92.
  26. Supposition: A Problem for Bilateralism.Nils Kürbis - 2023 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 53 (3):301-327.
    In bilateral logic formulas are signed by + and –, indicating the speech acts assertion and denial. I argue that making an assumption is also speech act. Speech acts cannot be embedded within other speech acts. Hence we cannot make sense of the notion of making an assumption in bilateral logic. Attempts to solve this problem are considered and rejected.
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    A scheme for synthesizing complexity.Nils A. Baas - 1995 - In Robert J. Russell, Nancey Murphy & Arthur R. Peacocke (eds.), Chaos and Complexity. Vatican Observatory Publications. pp. 311--316.
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  28. On Method in the History of Ideas.Nils Bjorn Kvastad - 1978 - International Logic Review 1718:96.
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    On higher order beliefs.Nils-Eric Sahlin - 1955 - In Anthony Eagle (ed.), Philosophy of Probability. Routledge. pp. 13--34.
  30. Aesthetic Evaluation and First-Hand Experience.Nils Franzén - 2018 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 96 (4):669-682.
    ABSTRACTEvaluative aesthetic discourse communicates that the speaker has had first-hand experience of what is talked about. If you call a book bewitching, it will be assumed that you have read the book. If you say that a building is beautiful, it will be assumed that you have had some visual experience with it. According to an influential view, this is because knowledge is a norm for assertion, and aesthetic knowledge requires first-hand experience. This paper criticizes this view and argues for (...)
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  31. Proof-Theoretic Semantics, a Problem with Negation and Prospects for Modality.Nils Kürbis - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 44 (6):713-727.
    This paper discusses proof-theoretic semantics, the project of specifying the meanings of the logical constants in terms of rules of inference governing them. I concentrate on Michael Dummett’s and Dag Prawitz’ philosophical motivations and give precise characterisations of the crucial notions of harmony and stability, placed in the context of proving normalisation results in systems of natural deduction. I point out a problem for defining the meaning of negation in this framework and prospects for an account of the meanings of (...)
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    The Routledge handbook of political phenomenology.Nils Baratella (ed.) - 2024 - New York: Routledge.
    Phenomenology has primarily been concerned with conceptual questions about knowledge and ontology. However, in recent years the rise of interest and research in applied phenomenology has seen the study of political phenomenology move to a central place in the study of phenomenology generally. The Routledge Handbook of Political Phenomenology is the first major collection on this important topic. Comprising 35 chapters by an international team of expert contributors, the Handbook is organised into six clear parts, each with its own Introduction (...)
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    Introduction to Part 4.Nils Bubandt & Ton Otto - 2010 - In Ton Otto & Nils Bubandt (eds.), Experiments in holism: theory and practice in contemporary anthropology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 251.
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  34. Linguistics, Writing, and “Writing”.Nils Erik Enkvist - 1991 - Semiotica 86 (3/4):325-343.
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  35. Reports on text linguistics: approaches to word order.Nils Erik Enkvist & Viljo Kohonen (eds.) - 1976 - Åbo: [Åbo Akademi].
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  36. Aufstieg, Gerechtigkeit, Zusammenhalt: zu den Herausforderungen moderner Staatlichkeit. Transmission 2.Goldschmidt Nils - 2010
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  37. Chancengleichheit oder Chancengerechtigkeit.Nils Goldschmidt - 2010 - In Goldschmidt Nils (ed.), Aufstieg, Gerechtigkeit, Zusammenhalt: zu den Herausforderungen moderner Staatlichkeit. Transmission 2. pp. 40-54.
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  38. General discussion on'the condition of man'.Nils Gralen - 1979 - In Paul Hallberg (ed.), The Condition of man: proceedings of an international symposium held September 8-10, 1978 in Göteborg to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences of Göteborg. Göteborg: Vetenskaps- o. vitterhets-samhället. pp. 216.
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  39. Das Recht im Lichte der Anthropologie Graf Dürckheims.Nils Grueber - 1962 - [Zürich,:
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    Verdens bedste ridder – om æresbegrebet i Middelalderen og i dag.Nils Gunder Hansen - 2018 - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie 7:27-42.
    Interessen for og fascinationen af middelalderen er for tiden så stor, at Umberto Eco i Slagmark nr. 5 ligefrem kan opstille ti forskellige "middelaldre", der rumsterer i den bølge, som ikke mindst hans egen "Rosens navn" er en vigtig del af.
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    Det retfærdige samfund: om lighed som ideal i etik og politik.Nils Holtug, Klemens Kappel & Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen - 1997
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    Anständig Geld verdienen?: protestantische Wirtschaftsethik unter den Bedingungen globaler Märkte.Nils Ole Oermann - 2007 - Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus.
  43.  8
    Resonances: historical essays on continuity and change.Nils Holger Petersen, Eyolf Østrem & Andreas Bücker (eds.) - 2011 - Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers.
    This book offers a multidisciplinary collection of historiographical case studies which in various ways explore the question of the modes of interrelation between 'change' and 'continuity' in historical narratives in Western cultural history."--Introduction, p. [1].
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    Medientheorie im epistemischen Übergang: Hermann Weyls Philosophie der Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften und Ernst Cassirers Philosophie der symbolischen Formen im Wechselverhältnis.Nils Röller - 2002 - Weimar: VDG, Verlag und Datenbank für Geisteswissenschaften.
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    On the nature of time: a biopragmatic perspective on language, thought, and reality.Nils B. Thelin - 2014 - Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet.
    This book is a synthesis of more than three decades of research into the concept of time and its semiotic nature. If traditional philosophy – and philosophy of time should be no exception – in the shadow of advancing biology can be said to have reached an impasse, one important reason for this, in harmony with Wittgenstein’s vision, appears to have been its lack of appropriate tools for explicating language. The present theory of time proceeds, accordingly, from the exploration of (...)
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    Wissen und Weltbilder. Konstruktionen der Wirklichkeit, cognitive mapping und Überwachung.Nils Zurawski - 2007 - In Surveillance Studies: Perspektiven eines Forschungsfeldes. Farmington Hills [MI]: Budrich.
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    Anthropology and the predicaments of holism.Nils Bubandt & Ton Otto - 2010 - In Ton Otto & Nils Bubandt (eds.), Experiments in holism: theory and practice in contemporary anthropology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1.
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    Universal Access to Effective Antibiotics is Essential for Tackling Antibiotic Resistance.Nils Daulaire, Abhay Bang, Göran Tomson, Joan N. Kalyango & Otto Cars - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (s3):17-21.
    The right to health is enshrined in the constitution of the World Health Organization and numerous other international agreements. Yet today, an estimated 5.7 million people die each year from treatable infectious diseases, most of which are susceptible to existing antimicrobials if they were accessible. These deaths occur predominantly among populations living in poverty in low- and middle-income countries, and they greatly exceed the estimated 700,000 annual deaths worldwide currently attributed to antimicrobial resistance. Ensuring universal appropriate access to antimicrobials is (...)
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  49. Distributed Remembering Through Active Structuring of Activities and Environments.Nils Dahlbäck, Mattias Kristiansson & Fredrik Stjernberg - 2013 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 4 (1):153-165.
    In this paper, we consider a few actual cases of mnemonic strategies among older subjects (older than 65). The cases are taken from an ethnographic study, examining how elderly adults cope with cognitive decline. We believe that these cases illustrate that the process of remembering in many cases involve a complex distributed web of processes involving both internal or intracranial and external sources. Our cases illustrate that the nature of distributed remembering is shaped by and subordinated to the dynamic characteristics (...)
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  50.  87
    A note on conditional egalitarianism.Nils Holtug - 2007 - Economics and Philosophy 23 (1):45-63.
    Roughly, according to conditional egalitarianism, equality is non-instrumentally valuable, but only if it benefits at least one individual. Some political theorists have argued that conditional egalitarianism has the important virtue that it allows egalitarians to avoid the so-called objection. However, in the present article I argue that conditional egalitarianism does not offer the egalitarian a plausible escape route from this objection. First, I explain the levelling down objection and suggest some particular concerns from which it derives its force. Then I (...)
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