Results for 'New corporation'

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  1.  39
    The New Corporate Men.Tara L. Ceranic & Wendy S. Harman - 2006 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 17:3-8.
    Women in the business school are beginning to assume characteristics that will prove both ineffective and detrimental in the workplace. This paper seeks to present a framework for understanding these changes as well as their implications. We present several testable hypotheses as well as suggestions for easing the tensions felt by women in business settings.
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    Experiencing Meaningful Work through Corporate Volunteering: The Other as a Source of Meaning.Akram Hatami, Aldona Glińska-Neweś & Jan Hermes - forthcoming - Humanistic Management Journal:1-25.
    Global social, ecological and economic crises are contributing to the need for meaningfulness in different spheres of life, including work, as an increasing concern to employees. However, the current understanding of meaningfulness is bound by its normativity and thus does not meet the uncertainty present in today’s work. We utilize the Levinasian concept of “the Other” to provide a non-normative conceptualization of meaningfulness in the context of corporate volunteering (CV) and empirically explore work meaningfulness in CV projects in Poland and (...)
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    Towards an Ethics of Community: Negotiations of Difference in a Pluralist Society.James Olthuis & Canadian Corporation for Studies in Religion (eds.) - 2006 - Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press.
    How do we deal with difference personally, interpersonally, nationally? Can we weave a cohesive social fabric in a religiously plural society without suppressing differences? This collection of significant essays suggests that to truly honour differences in matters of faith and religion we must publicly exercise and celebrate them. The secular/sacred, public/private divisions long considered sacred in the West need to be dismantled if Canada (or any nation state) is to develop a genuine mosaic that embraces fundamental differences instead of a (...)
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    Human Rights and the New Corporate Accountability: Learning from Recent Developments in Corporate Criminal Liability. [REVIEW]Aurora Voiculescu - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (2):419 - 432.
    The 3rd Report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations appears to have generated significant consensus around its approach to business and human rights. This state of harmony relies mainly upon a narrow mandate limiting the endeavour largely to a mapping exercise. It also relies upon a process of 'operationalisation' that is yet to be undertaken despite the recent release of a 4th Report. After a brief presentation of the main parameters of the framework proposed by (...)
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    Managers and New Corporate Constituencies: Ethics in Business Tomorrow.James W. Kuhn & Donald W. Shriver Jr - 1991 - The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics:3-30.
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    Notes on Feminist Pedagogy in the Brave New (Corporate) World.Maryanne Dever - 1999 - European Journal of Women's Studies 6 (2):219-225.
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    The new basketball body: an analysis of corporeity in modern NBA basketball.Yair Tamayo - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (248):279-297.
    The average weight and height of National Basketball League players is decreasing year by year ; Curcic, Dimitrije. 2021. 70 years of height evolution in the NBA [4,504 players analyzed]. RunRepeat. ). The trend in basketball is to privilege the tallest and strongest. If so, then to what does the body modification of NBA players respond? Will these changes reformulate the corporeity of what is understood as an NBA player? This text seeks, from the postulates of Jacques Fontanille and (...)
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    Corporate Citizenship: The Case for a New Corporate Governance Model.Thomas A. Hemphill - 2004 - Business and Society Review 109 (3):339-361.
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  9. Corporate communication and impression management – new perspectives why companies engage in corporate social reporting.Reggy Hooghiemstra - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 27 (1-2):55 - 68.
    This paper addresses the theoretical framework on corporate social reporting. Although that corporate social reporting has been analysed from different perspectives, legitmacy theory currently is the dominating perspective. Authors employing this framework suggest that social and environmental disclosures are responses to both public pressure and increased media attention resulting from major social incidents such as the Exxon Valdez oil spill and the chemical leak in Bhopal (India). More specifically, those authors argue that the increase in social disclosures represent a strategy (...)
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  10.  18
    New Institutions for the Practice of Corporate Citizenship: Historical, Intersectoral, and Developmental Perspectives.Steve Waddell - 2000 - Business and Society Review 105 (1):107-126.
  11.  9
    New Perspectives on Corporate Social Responsibility: Locating the Missing Link.Stefan Heinemann, Linda O'Riordan & Piotr Zmuda (eds.) - 2015 - Wiesbaden: Imprint: Springer Gabler.
    Providing a timely contribution to the ongoing questions surrounding topics which are by definition subject to varying stakeholder interpretations, this book addresses "the missing link" between theoretical CSR concepts and everyday management practice. It acts as a guide to awaken managers to the advantages of adopting a CSR "mindset" when developing sustainable business strategies. The book consists of three parts: 1) A theoretical realm which establishes the key concepts and rationale for the adoption of a sustainable CSR approach, 2) A (...)
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    Voices From the Margins: The Regulation of Student Activism in the New Corporate University.Elizabeth Brulé - 2016 - Studies in Social Justice 9 (2):159-175.
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    Corporate Social Responsibility: Is It High Noon for a New Paradigm?Dayr Reis, John Betton & Leticia Peña - 2004 - Journal of Human Values 10 (1):1-10.
    Running a business has become less private, more open, less managerial, more political, less a right, more a privilege dependent on the will of stakeholders. It has also become more external: people outside management who are affected by management's decisions increasingly have a voice in, if not a veto over, these decisions, and have access to the technology that enables them to have that voice heard globally. Historically, companies have tried to deal with their external environment by adding specific staff (...)
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    New tools to Foster corporate socially responsible behavior.Antonio Tencati, Francesco Perrini & Stefano Pogutz - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 53 (1-2):173-190.
    According to the Green Paper presented by the European Commission in July 2001, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis (Commission of the European Communities, 2001b, p. 6). On this basis, in 2002, the Italian Government, and especially the Italian Ministry of Welfare, launched an initiative called CSR-SC (social commitment) in order to foster the proactive social role of (...)
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    The Corporation as Citoyen? Towards a New Understanding of Corporate Citizenship.Michael S. Aßländer & Janina Curbach - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 120 (4):541-554.
    Based on the extended conceptualization of corporate citizenship, as provided by Matten and Crane :166–179, 2005), this paper examines the new role of corporations in society. Taking the ideas of Matten and Crane one step further, we argue that the status of corporations as citizens is not solely defined by their factual engagement in the provision of citizenship rights to others. By analysing political and sociological citizenship theories, we show that such engagement is more adequately explained by a change in (...)
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  16. State-corporate globalization and the rise and demise of the new deal world order.Tom Reifer - 2012 - In Eric Michael Wilson, The Dual State: Parapolitics, Carl Schmitt and the National Security Complex. Ashgate.
  17. Corporeal Vulnerability and the New Humanism.Ann V. Murphy - 2011 - Hypatia 26 (3):575-590.
    “Humanism” is a term that has designated a remarkably disparate set of ideologies. Nonetheless, strains of religious, secular, existential, and Marxist humanism have tended to circumscribe the category of the human with reference to the themes of reason, autonomy, judgment, and freedom. This essay examines the emergence of a new humanistic discourse in feminist theory, one that instead finds its provocation in the unwilled passivity and vulnerability of the human body, and in the vulnerability of the human body to suffering (...)
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    Corporate citizenship: perspectives in the new century.Ananda Das Gupta - 2008 - Newcastle, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The international community has policy tools to influence business activity within and between nations, and to help ensure that globalization proceeds in a way that benefits all. This book aims at underlining the big-picture thinking on issues related to the roles that business can play in fostering an equitable and ecologically sustainable world.
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    A new David preparing for a new goliath: A question of corporate competence.Christine Wailand - 2002 - World Futures 58 (5 & 6):433 – 440.
    Like the biblical David practicing his skill in defense of his flock, small companies are now gearing up their resident competencies in redesigning their organization in order to be flexible with changing needs. Like David, the day of facing Goliath may come without warning. This article tells the story of a small company engaged in rapid growth. The participative redesign of the organizational structure is presented as a narrative against the background of a simplified model of organizational design and the (...)
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    Corporate governance, board diversity and firm financial performance: new evidence from Sri Lanka.Nirosha Hewa Wellalage & Stuart Locke - 2013 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 8 (2):116-136.
  21.  29
    Earnings management: A new paradigm of corporate social responsibility.Sadaf Ehsan, Mohammad Nurunnabi, Samya Tahir & Maaida H. Hashmi - 2020 - Business and Society Review 125 (3):349-369.
    The study adopted a systematic review approach to review the existing studies on the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and Earnings Management (EM). The aim of this study is to determine whether CSR is an effective tool to promote healthy relationships with stakeholders or CSR is used as an effective strategy by firm's mangers to hide out their involvement in (EM) practices. Results revealed that prior research on the CSR‐EM relationship is limited. The majority of the studies found an (...)
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    The New Federalism: Implications for the Legitimacy of Corporate Political Activity.Sandra L. Christensen - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (3):81-91.
    Abstract:The new push to move political issue activity from the federal to the state and local levels—a new New Federalism—has implications for the ethical and political legitimacy of business political activity. While business political activity at the federal level may be both less costly and less risky than when action shifts to states or localities, at the state or local level it is likely to be more visible, and individual firms may be perceived to have more power. Increased corporate power (...)
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    Corporate dynamic transparency: The new ict-driven ethics? [REVIEW]Antonino Vaccaro & Peter Madsen - 2009 - Ethics and Information Technology 11 (2):113-122.
    The term “corporate transparency” is frequently used in scholarly discussions of business ethics and corporate social responsibility (CSR); however, it remains a volatile and imprecise term, often defined incompletely as “information disclosure” accomplished through standardized reporting. Based on the results of empirical studies of organizational behaviors, this paper identifies a new set of managerial practices based on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) and particularly Internet-based tools. These practices are resulting in what can be termed “dynamic transparency.” ICT (...)
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    New Directions in Corporate Governance and Finance.Lori Verstegen Ryan, Ann K. Buchholtz & Robert W. Kolb - 2010 - Business Ethics Quarterly 20 (4):673-694.
    Corporate governance and finance are dynamic academic fields that offer myriad opportunities for business ethics analysis. Within the corporate governance triad in recent years, shareholders have increased their power over boards of directors and executives through both regulation and movements to change corporate by-laws. The impact of board characteristics on firm performance has proven elusive, leading to questions concerning board processes and individual director beliefs and behaviors. At the same time, CEOs have lost considerable power, leaving many struggling to regain (...)
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    The new concept of loyalty in corporate law.Andrew S. Gold - unknown
    Traditionally, the fiduciary duty of loyalty is implicated where corporate directors have conflicts of interest. In a major new decision, Stone v. Ritter, the Delaware Supreme Court determined that directors may also be disloyal when they act in bad faith. As a consequence, directors may be disloyal even when they have no conflicts of interest, and even when they intend to benefit their corporation. This Article reconciles this expanded fiduciary obligation with existing concepts of loyalty. The new loyalty is (...)
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    (1 other version)FOCUS: Corporate dialogue - a new perspective for public relations.Horst Steinmann & Ansgar Zerfaß - 1993 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 2 (2):58–63.
    Recent initiatives in Germany illustrate how major companies have changed their attitudes towards a critical public ‐ and thereby have improved their economic and ethical performance. Prof. Dr. Horst Steinmann and Dipl.‐Kfm. Ansgar Zerfaß belong to the University of Erlangen‐Nürnberg, Germany.
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    (1 other version)Corporate response to an ethical incident: the case of an energy company in New Zealand.Gabriel Eweje & Minyu Wu - 2010 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 19 (4):379-392.
    The ethical behaviour and social responsibility of private companies, and in particular large corporations, is an important area of enquiry in contemporary social, economic and political thinking. In the past, a company's behaviour would be considered responsible as long as it stayed within the law of the society in which it operated or existed. Although this may be necessary, it is no longer sufficient. In this paper, we examine an energy company's response to an ethical incident in New Zealand which (...)
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  28. A New Generation of Corporate Codes of Ethics.Cynthia Stohl, Michael Stohl & Lucy Popova - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (4):607-622.
    Globalization theories posit organizational convergence, suggesting that Codes of Ethics will become commonplace and include greater consideration of global issues. This study explores the degree to which the Codes of Ethics of 157 corporations on the Global 500 and/or Fortune 500 lists include the "third generation" of corporate social responsibility. Unlike first generation ethics, which focus on the legal context of corporate behavior, and second generation ethics, which locate responsibility to groups directly associated with the corporation, third generation ethics (...)
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    Quack Corporate Governance, Round III? Bank Board Regulation Under the New European Capital Requirement Directive.Dirk Zetzsche & Luca Enriques - 2015 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 16 (1):211-244.
    After a crisis, broad and sweeping reforms are enacted to restore trust. Following the 2007-2008 Great Financial Crisis, the European Union has engaged in an ambitious overhaul of banking regulation. One of its centerpieces, the 2013 Fourth Capital Requirements Directive, tackles, amongst other things, the perceived pre-crisis failings in the governance of banks. We focus on the provisions that are aimed at reshaping bank boards’ composition, functioning, and their members’ liabilities, and argue that they are unlikely to improve bank boards’ (...)
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  30. New Directions in Corporate.Norman Bowie - 2005 - In Fritz Allhoff & Anand Vaidya, Business ethics. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications. pp. 329.
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    Implementing the New UN Corporate Human Rights Framework: Implications for Corporate Law, Governance, and Regulation.Peter Muchlinski - 2012 - Business Ethics Quarterly 22 (1):145-177.
    ABSTRACT:The UN Framework on Human Rights and Business comprises the State’s duty to protect human rights, the corporate responsibility to respect human rights, and the duty to remedy abuses. This paper focuses on the corporate responsibility to respect. It considers how to overcome obstacles, arising out of national and international law, to the development of a legally binding corporate duty to respect human rights. It is argued that the notion of human rights due diligence will lead to the creation of (...)
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    Searching for New Forms of Legitimacy Through Corporate Responsibility Rhetoric.Itziar Castelló & Josep M. Lozano - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 100 (1):11 - 29.
    This article looks into the process of searching for new forms of legitimacy among firms through corporate discourse. Through the analysis of annual sustainability reports, we have determined the existence of three types of rhetoric: (1) strategic (embedded in the scientific-economic paradigm); (2) institutional (based on the fundamental constructs of Corporate Social Responsibility theories); and (3) dialectic (which aims at improving the discursive quality between the corporations and their stakeholders). Each one of these refers to a different form of legitimacy (...)
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    New Directions in Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics: Codes of Conduct in the Digital Environment.David López Jiménez, Eduardo Carlos Dittmar & Jenny Patricia Vargas Portillo - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-11.
    Corporate social responsibility has an impact on many areas of society, and it has recently been active in the digital space, a growing area of business activity. However, certain factors prevent it from firmly establishing itself in this area. One of these factors is the lack of user trust. Certain instruments have been created to address this issue, such as codes of conduct that seek to mitigate the causes of distrust by making significant improvements in the regulations and ethical standards (...)
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    Reading Grosz"s Corporeal Feminism through the Lens of New Materialism: centered on the body as a "threshold" with "non-reductive sex difference".Hyun-jae Lee - 2023 - Phenomenology and Contemporary Philosoph 97:1-29.
    이 논문은 엘리자베스 그로스의 육체유물론이 신유물론의 렌즈로 가장 잘 독해할 수 있음을 보인 후, 그의 ‘문지방’으로서의 몸이나 ‘비환원적 성차’와 같은 개념이야말로 생물학적 결정론이나 사회구성주의적 환원이라는 극단에 빠지지 않고 ‘몸’을 설명하는 이론임을 주장하고자 한다. 이를 위해 필자는 이 논문에서 우선 로지 브라이도티와 함께 신유물론 페미니즘이 물질을 살아있는 것, 다층적 관계를 맺는 이질적 집합체, 서로 다른 권력의 위치를 체현함, 되기의 과정으로 재형상화하고 있음을 설명한다. 나아가 필자는 그로스의 ‘문지방’으로서의 몸이야말로 이러한 신유물론적 물질 개념에 토대를 두고 있음을 보여준다. 이로써 몸은 수동성 대상이 아니라 몸과 (...)
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    New Evidence on the Role of the Media in Corporate Social Responsibility.Ajay Patel, Robert Nash, Omrane Guedhami & Sadok El Ghoul - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (4):1051-1079.
    Prior research suggests that the media plays an important information intermediary role in capital markets. We investigate the role of the media in influencing firms’ engagement in corporate social responsibility activities. Using a large sample of 4396 unique firms from 42 countries over the period 2003–2012, we find strong evidence that firms engage in more CSR activities if located in countries where the media has more freedom. This relation is robust to using various proxies for media freedom, an alternative source (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility Instruments and the New ISO 26000.Maria Rosa Rovira Val, Anna Zinenko & Ivan Montiel - 2011 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 22:316-326.
    The last ten years have seen particularly strong changes in corporate social responsibility (CSR), with the introduction of new instruments such as the UnitedNations Global Compact (UNGC) in 2000 and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines in 1998. These instruments propose voluntary tools to address CSR. In November 2010, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) released the new social responsibility guidance under ISO 26000. It is important to understand the contribution of ISO 26000 to already existing CSR instruments (...)
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    Corporate governance practices of small cap companies and their financial performance: an empirical study in New Zealand.Krishna Reddy, Stuart Locke, Frank Scrimgeour & Abeyratna Gunasekarage - 2008 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 4 (1):51.
    The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of corporate governance practices of small cap companies have had on their financial performances. Previous studies have mainly examined governance practices of larger corporations. This analysis focuses on the governance variables that have been highlighted by the New Zealand Securities Commission governance principles and guidelines and also on the governance variables that are supported in the literature as providing an appropriate structure for the firm in the environment in which it (...)
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    The Multinational New Ventures on Corporate Performance Under the Work Environment and Innovation Behavior.Zheng Wang, Ke Zong & Kim Hyun Jin - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    To cope with economic globalization and improve the competitiveness of transnational start-ups, the impact of the work environment and innovation behavior on corporate performance of multinational new ventures is analyzed. First, a model of the interaction among environment, innovation behavior, and enterprise performance is proposed. Then, 296 transnational start-ups in coastal areas are surveyed, and the model results are analyzed. Finally, a series of results are obtained. The results show that from the perspective of psychology, work dynamic organizational learning environment (...)
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    Transnational Corporations: International Citizens or New Sovereigns?Dennis A. Rondinelli - 2002 - Business and Society Review 107 (4):391-413.
  40.  43
    A New Understanding of Marketing and “Doing Good”: Marketing’s Power in the TMT and Corporate Social Responsibility.Wenbin Sun & Rahul Govind - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 176 (1):89-109.
    The traditional understanding of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has largely been focused on its downstream performance implications, particularly its associations with firms’ customer market metrics such as customer loyalty, customer satisfaction and customer co-creation as well as financial ones such as firm value, return on assets etc. However, given the close relationship between CSR and marketing that literature has identified, it is surprising that the relationship between a focal upstream construct, i.e. the marketing function’s power within a firm and the (...)
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    Going beyond corporate social responsibility: possible new directions in tourism.Andrea Giampiccoli & Oliver Mtapuri - 2022 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 16 (4):481.
    This paper advances a framework model within which CSR should work. The ambition was to broaden the conceptualisation of CSR but remaining open to new innovative ideas about CSR incentives. This paper is conceptual in nature. There are many CSR practices, approaches, and dimensions. This paper argues that for CSR to be effective, it needs collaboration integrated with inputs from all stakeholders for holistic results. This paper proposes that there is a need to go beyond a voluntary CSR, which is (...)
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    When Corporate Social Responsibility Meets Organizational Psychology: New Frontiers in Micro-CSR Research, and Fulfilling a Quid Pro Quo through Multilevel Insights.David A. Jones, Chelsea R. Willness & Ante Glavas - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Is Femvertising the New Greenwashing? Examining Corporate Commitment to Gender Equality.Yvette Sterbenk, Sara Champlin, Kasey Windels & Summer Shelton - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 177 (3):491-505.
    This study examined the potential for a new area of corporate social responsibility washing: gender equality. Companies are increasingly recognized for advertisements promoting gender equality, termed “femvertisements.” However, it is unclear whether companies that win femvertising awards actually support women with an institutionalized approach to gender equality. A quantitative content analysis was performed assessing company leadership team listings, annual reports, CSR reports, and CSR websites of 61 US-based companies to compare the prevalence of internal and external gender-equality CSR activities of (...)
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    A Brand New Brand of Corporate Social Performance.Tim Rowley & Shawn Berman - 2000 - Business and Society 39 (4):397-418.
    We argue that corporate social performance (CSP) has become a legitimizing identity (brand) for researchers in the business and society field, but it has not developed into a viable theoretical or operational construct. Because measuring CSP is contingent on the operational setting (industry, issues, etc.), it is difficult to produce worthwhile comparisons across studies or generalizing beyond the boundaries of a specific study. The authors suggest that researchers remove the CSP label from their operational variables, and instead narrowly define their (...)
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    Advancing Research on Corporate Sustainability: Off to Pastures New or Back to the Roots?Sanjay Sharma, J. Alberto Aragón-Correa, Frank Figge & Tobias Hahn - 2017 - Business and Society 56 (2):155-185.
    Over the last two decades, corporate sustainability has been established as a legitimate research topic among management and organization scholars. This introductory article explores potential avenues for advances in research on corporate sustainability by readdressing some of the fundamental aspects of the sustainability debate and approaching some novel perspectives and insights from outside the corporate sustainability field. This essay also sketches out how each of the six articles of this special issue contribute to the literature by going back to some (...)
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    Corporate Citizenship in the New Millennium: Foundation for an Architecture of Excellence.Deborah Vidaver-Cohen & Barbara W. Altman - 2000 - Business and Society Review 105 (1):145-168.
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  47. Corporate Sustainable Development: Testing a New Scale Based on the Mainland Chinese Context. [REVIEW]Wing S. Chow & Yang Chen - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 105 (4):519-533.
    According to the predominant corporate sustainable development (CSD) framework, this exploratory paper verifies that CSD construct can be modeled by integrating the dimensions of social, economic, and environmental development. We first developed and validated measurement scales for these three dimensions based on a survey of 314 managers in mainland China. Then, using structural equation modelling, we confirmed that the proposed model is valid. Therefore, our findings may allow researchers to explore CSD further, and practitioners to develop their understanding of CSD (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility? Human Rights in the New Global Economy, edited by Charlotte Walker-Said and John D. Kelly. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015. 392 pp. ISBN: 978-0226244273. [REVIEW]Justine Nolan - 2016 - Business Ethics Quarterly 26 (4):565-567.
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  49. Breaking new ground in food regime theory: corporate environmentalism, ecological feedbacks and the 'food from somewhere' regime? [REVIEW]Hugh Campbell - 2009 - Agriculture and Human Values 26 (4):309-319.
    Early food regimes literature tended to concentrate on the global scale analysis of implicitly negative trends in global food relations. In recent years, early food regimes authors like Harriet Friedmann and Philip McMichael have begun to consider the sites of resistance, difference and opportunity that have been emerging around, and into contestation with, new food regime relations. This paper examines the emerging global-scale governance mechanism of environmental food auditing—particularly those being promoted by supermarkets and other large food retailers—as an important (...)
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  50. New Approaches to Evaluating the Performance of Corporate–Community Partnerships: A Case Study from the Minerals Sector. [REVIEW]Ana Maria Esteves & Mary-Anne Barclay - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 103 (2):189-202.
    A continuing challenge for researchers and practitioners alike is the lack of data on the effectiveness of corporate–community investment programmes. The focus of this article is on the minerals industry, where companies currently face the challenge of matching corporate drivers for strategic partnership with community needs for programmes that contribute to local and regional sustainability. While many global mining companies advocate a strategic approach to partnerships, there is no evidence currently available that suggests companies are monitoring these partnerships to see (...)
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