Results for 'Neo Friesian School'

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  1.  24
    Confronting the German Idealist Tradition: Jakob Friedrich Fries, the Friesian School and the Neo-Friesian School.Tadahiro Oota - 2023 - London: Routledge.
    -/- The philosophical activity of modern Germany represents a peak in the history of philosophy beginning from Thales in ancient Greece. This book attempts to reconsider the conventional image of 19th-century German philosophy. To this end, it illuminates a forgotten philosophical stream contemporaneous with so-called "German idealism." -/- From this perspective, this book examines the philosophy of Jakob Friedrich Fries, a philosopher contemporaneous and in confrontation with Hegel. By examining Fries’ standpoint, the book attempts to reconstruct the picture of 19th-century (...)
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    Review: Makkreel & Luft (eds), Neo-Kantianism in Contemporary Philosophy[REVIEW]Frederick Beiser - 2012 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (1):145-146.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Neo-Kantianism in Contemporary PhilosophyFrederick BeiserRudolf A. Makkreel and Sebastian Luft, editors. Neo-Kantianism in Contemporary Philosophy. Studies in Continental Thought. Bloomington-Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2010. Pp. ix. + 331. Paper, $27.95.This collection of essays testifies to the growing interest in neo-Kantianism in the Anglophone world. The editors boast that “it is the first of its kind published in English,” though they have been beat to the post by an (...)
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  3. Różne znaczenia szkoły w filozofii a neokantyzm Leonarda Nelsona.Tomasz Kubalica - 2015 - Folia Philosophica 33:51--70.
    The theme of the text is the interpretation of the philosophy of Leonard Nelson and his place in the history of philosophy. The author asks whether his philosophy should be classified as Neo-Kantianism or outside its borders? In response to this question the author has developed his own instruments. On the one hand, he tried to determine the concept of Neo-Kantianism and thus, Fries's reference to Kant; on the other hand, he applied the four-point scale for the classification of different (...)
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  4. Transzendentalphilosophie und moderne Physik.Kay Herrmann - 1998 - „Sokratisches Philosophieren“ Schriftenreihe der Philosophisch-Politischen Akademie, S. 107–130 4.
  5.  57
    How did a neo-confucian school become the state orthodoxy?James T. C. Liu - 1973 - Philosophy East and West 23 (4):483-505.
    It was the lack of hope for political reform that turned a neo-Confucianist school led by chu hsi to develop comprehensive metaphysical principles and integrated social actions as the only true way to put the confucian value system into practice. An ill-Advised persecution led to the contrary result: a heightened prestige. Facing the mongol threat, The state in an effort to strengthen itself belatedly adopted this school as the state orthodoxy, More for prestige than for reality. When the (...)
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  6.  36
    JF Fries' Philosophy of Science, the New Friesian School and the Berlin Group: On Divergent Scientific Philosophies, Difficult Relations and Missed Opportunities.Helmut Pulte - 2013 - In Nikolay Milkov & Volker Peckhaus (eds.), The Berlin Group and the Philosophy of Logical Empiricism. Berlin: Springer. pp. 43--66.
    Jakob Friedrich Fries (1773–1843) was the most prolific German philosopher of science in the nineteenth century who strived to synthesize Kant’s philosophical foundation of science and mathematics and the needs or practised science and mathematics in order to gain more comprehensive conceptual frameworks and greater methodological flexibility for those two disciplines. His original contributions anticipated later developments, to some extent, though they received comparatively little notice in the later course of the nineteenth century—a fate which partly can be explained by (...)
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  7. The Wiseman and the Sage: Metaphysics as Wisdom in Aristotle and the Neo-Confucian School of Principle.Rina Marie Camus - 2013 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 8 (1):120-139.
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    School-Based Curriculum Development Towards a Culture of Learning: Nonlinearity in Practice.Der-Thanq Chen, Li-Yi Wang & Wei-Leng Neo - 2015 - British Journal of Educational Studies 63 (2):213-228.
  9.  75
    On the Curriculum of the Neo-Babylonian School.Niek Veldhuis - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (3):627-633.
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    The Neo-Performative Teacher: School Reform, Entrepreneurialism and the Pursuit of Educational Equity.Chris Wilkins, Brad Gobby & Amanda Keddie - 2021 - British Journal of Educational Studies 69 (1):27-45.
    The impact of neoliberal reforms of education systems on the work of teachers and school leaders, particularly in relation to high-stakes accountability frameworks, has been extensively studied in recent decades. One significant aspect of neoliberal schooling is the emergence of quasi-autonomous public schools (such as Academies in England, Charter Schools in the USA and Independent Public Schools in Australia), characterised by heterarchical governance models, the promotion of entrepreneurial leadership cultures, and the promotion of a discourse of pursuing educational equity (...)
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    Down the greasy slope: the fatal contradictions of anti-doping.UKb School of Applied Psychology Newcastle Upon Tyne, Political Sciences Australiac School of Social & Uk - forthcoming - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-20.
    This article seeks to critically question the internal logic and coherence of ‘anti-doping’ through the case study of advantage-seeking practices in the sport of Brazilian Jui-Jitsu (BJJ). We provide an analysis of the recent controversy between high-profile fighters Gordon Ryan and Nicky Rod involving the relative morality of image and performance enhancing drug (IPED) use compared with ‘greasing’, whereby BJJ athletes apply substances, such as oil or lubricants, to the body to make it harder for opponents to establish a grip (...)
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    Basic Psychological Need Profiles and Correlates in Physical Activity Participation: A Person-Centered Approach.Chunxiao Li, Chee Keng John Wang, Koon Teck Koh, Kwang San Steven Tan, Shern Meng Tan, Wee Boon Ang, Liang Han Wong & Huat Neo Connie Yeo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Guided by Basic Psychological Need Theory, we investigated the combined associations between need satisfaction and need frustration and their relations with theoretically relevant correlates including mindfulness, physical literacy, physical activity enjoyment, and physical activity. The participants were Singapore-based school students who completed a cross-sectional survey. The results of the latent profile analysis identified four distinct need profiles: profile 1–average satisfaction and frustration ; profile 2–low satisfaction, above average frustration; profile 3–very high satisfaction, very low frustration ; and profile 4–high (...)
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  13.  17
    Neo‐Marxism and Schooling.Daniel P. Liston - 2015 - Educational Theory 65 (3):239-243.
  14.  14
    Seo Gyeong-deok School and the Folklore of Neo-Confucianism in Joseon - Focused on I Ching philosophy of Seo Gyeong-deo -. 엄진성 - 2020 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 102:547-568.
    『역전』은 崇德廣業과 道器合一의 聖人觀을 가지고 있다. 이 연구는 그 가운데 廣業과 器에 초점을 맞춰서 서경덕의 철학을 풀이하고자 했다. 또 그가 『주역』을 교조적으로 보지 않고 세계해석의 도구로 사용했으며 그것을 통해 그의 철학과 우주관이 도출되었음을 전제로 연구를 진행했다. 그 결과 서경덕은 『주역』의 개념 가운데 至와 止를 뽑아내야 그만의 독창적 철학의 토대로 삼았고 다시 이 개념들의 실천을 위해 靜의 工夫에 집중했음을 논증했고, 나아가 그의 학문적 성격이 단순히 강단에만 머물지 않고 현실의 문제에 적극적 참여하여 민생과 경세에 주의를 기울이게끔 하였다는 결론을 도출했다. 그리고 이것이 결과적으로 (...)
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  15. Analytical philosophy and neo-Positivism in Italian high school philosophy texts.M. Sacchetto - 1996 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 51 (3):681-693.
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    Anti-psychologism, objectivity, and the Marburg School Neo-Kantians.Scott Edgar - 2009 - Dissertation, University of Pennsylvania
    In the Critique of Pure Reason (1781/1787), Kant sought to explain the objectivity of cognition by describing the operation of certain human cognitive activities. That is, in some sense Kant explained cognition's objectivity by appealing to features of the mind. A century later, the Marburg School Neo-Kantians Hermann Cohen and Paul Natorp would insist that philosophers must explain cognition's objectivity without appeal to the subject's mind. Once at the center of the Kantian account of objectivity, the mind had been (...)
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  17.  29
    Extremism and Neo-Liberal Education Policy: A Contextual Critique of the Trojan Horse Affair in Birmingham Schools.James Arthur - 2015 - British Journal of Educational Studies 63 (3):311-328.
  18.  19
    Proclus: Neo-Platonic Philosophy and Science.Lucas Siorvanes - 1996 - Yale University Press.
    Proclus, head of the Philosophy School at Athens for fifty years, was one of the leading philosophical figures in Late Antiquity. Lucas Siorvanes here introduces Proclus to English-language readers, discussing his metaphysics and theory of knowledge and focusing in particular on his Neo-Platonism. Proclus lived in the turbulent fifth century A.D., a time of struggles among Christians, Jews, and pagans, the invasion of Attila the Hun, the fall of the Western Roman Empire, and the rise of the Eastern Roman (...)
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  19.  18
    Post-Neo-Kantianism. What is this?Andrzej Jan Noras - 2020 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 24 (1):89-98.
    The article attempts to define the concept of “post-neo-Kantianism” based on the nature of its relationship to the concept of “neo-Kantianism”. Concerning this matter, the author poses the following tasks: to characterize the phenomenon of neo-Kantianism, to point out the problems of its definition, to identify the relevance of the term “post-neo-Kantianism” and its relation to the philosophy of I. Kant in particular. The author emphasizes the need to introduce this term in the classification of philosophy of the XX century (...)
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  20.  77
    Husserl's position between Dilthey and the Windelband-Rickert school of neo-kantianism.John E. Jalbert - 1988 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 26 (2):279-296.
  21.  14
    Korean Neo-Confucian Thought.Michael C. Kalton - 2017 - In Young-Chan Ro (ed.), Dao Companion to Korean Confucian Philosophy. Springer Verlag. pp. 17-46.
    This paper reviews the history of Korean Neo-Confucian thought from its introduction in the late fourteenth century until the end of the Joseon dynasty in the early twentieth century. With the founding of Joseon in 1392 the Neo-Confucian synthesis that had swept China was adopted in Korea, replacing the Buddhist establishment of the previous dynasty. The introductory section discusses the major figures in this transition and their grasp of the new metaphysical framework and ascetical theory which now supplemented the traditional (...)
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  22.  38
    Essentials of Neo-Confucianism: Eight Major Philosophers of the Song and Ming Periods.Siu-chi Huang & Xiuji Huang - 1999 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood.
    Huang's book analyzes the major Neo-Confucian philosophers from the eleventh to the sixteenth centuries. Focusing on metaphysical, epistemological, and ethical philosophical issues, this study presents the historical development of the Neo-Confucian school, an outgrowth of ancient Confucianism, and characterizes its thought, background, and influence. Key concepts—for example ^Utai-ji (supreme ultimate), ^Uxin (mind), and ^Uren (humanity)—as interpreted by each thinker are discussed in detail. Also examined are the two major schools that developed during this period, Cheng-Zhu, School of Principle, (...)
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  23.  32
    Confluences between Neo-Confucian and Chan Practical Methods of Self-Cultivation; The Anthology Reflections on Things at Hand and the Platform Sutra in Comparative Perspective.Diana Arghirescu - 2019 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 11 (3):265-280.
    This essay is a case study concerning the problem of rethinking the relationship between Neo-Confucian (Cheng-Zhu school) and Chan schools of thought. The study builds a comparative perspective on two representative texts assembled during the Song dynasty that concern methods of self-cultivation. My theoretical framework is hermeneutical and involves a twofold articulation of correlatives: “inward-outward” and “procedural morality-substantive morality.” By presenting a comparative interpretation of ideas developed in these texts, this analysis highlights the following two components: first, the existence (...)
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  24.  42
    Does neo-Aristotelian character education maintain the educational status quo? Lessons from the 19th-Century Bildung tradition.Wouter Sanderse - 2019 - Ethics and Education 14 (4):399-414.
    ABSTRACTAs neo-Aristotelian character education approaches have become more popular, the list of objections has increased too. This paper focuses on the objection that while character education proponents claim to be ‘progressive’ and ‘reformative’ they seem to maintain the educational status quo. This paper examines what happens to neo-Aristotelian character education approaches when they are implemented in schools. First, a range of authors is consulted that has critically followed character education approaches, in particular the one advocated by the Jubilee Centre for (...)
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  25.  88
    Early Heidegger's Concept of History in Light of the Neo-Kantians.Ingo Farin - 2009 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 3 (4):355-384.
    The history of Heidegger's relationship to the neo-Kantians is still largely unwritten, despite the fact that in his formative period Heidegger was very close to the neo-Kantian school, especially Windelband and Rickert, Lask and Natorp. With regard to the concept of history and the importance of historical philosophizing, it is the received view that Dilthey was early Heidegger's main and only source of inspiration. This paper argues against this one-sided view by showing the historical and systematic connections between early (...)
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  26.  14
    A Neo-Hegelian Theory of Bildung and the Problem of a Priori Intersubjectivism.Ari Kivelä - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy of Education.
    The article focuses on the implementation of the contemporary neo-Hegelianism of the Pittsburgh-school (Robert B. Brandom, John McDowell) to the philosophy of education. Neo-Hegelianism has recently initiated a highly complex discussion about the notion of Bildung and its use in the post metaphysical and naturalized sense. Based on the critique of what is called a priori intersubjectivism, discussed by the main proponents of the Heidelberg School (Dieter Henrich and Manfred Frank), this article aims to address some theoretical and (...)
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  27.  83
    Neo-Kantianism as Neo-Fichteanism.Frederick Beiser - 2018 - Fichte-Studien 45:309-327.
    This article defends the paradoxical thesis that neo-Kantianism is better described as neo-Fichteanism rather than neo-Kantianism. It maintains that neo-Kantianism is closer to Fichte than Kant in four fundamental respects: in its nationalism, socialism, activism, and in its dynamic and quantitative conception of the dualism between understanding and sensibility. By contrast, Kant’s philosophy was cosmopolitan, liberal, non-activist quietist and held a static and qualitative view of the dualism between understanding and sensibility. I attempt to explain why it took the neo-Kantians (...)
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  28.  13
    Ki Ho School of Neo-Confucianism on Yi Xue Qi Meng in Later Chosun Period. 이선경 - 2012 - THE JOURNAL OF KOREAN PHILOSOPHICAL HISTORY 35 (35):275-308.
    이 글은 조선후기 기호성리학파의 「역학계몽」연구가 어떠한 특징을 지니는가를 고찰한 것이다. 자료의 측면에서 기호성리학파의 「역학계몽」연구는 대체로 한원진을 중심으로 그의 동료, 문인들에 의해 연구되었음을 볼 수 있다. 또한 퇴계학파의 「역학계몽」연구가 이황 「계몽전의」이후, 16세기말로부터 19세기에 이르기까지 지속적으로 이어진데 비하여, 기호성리학파의 「역학계몽」연구는 18세기에 집중적으로 논의되고, 그 이전과 이후에는 비중있는 연구저작들이 거의 발견되지 않는다. 기호성리학파의 「역학계몽」연구의 특징을 고찰하기 위해 본고에서 채택한 주제는 3가지로, 그들의 태극론, 하도와 8괘형성에 관한 이론, 「본도서」의 이른바 ‘오위상득설’이 그것이다. 태극론의 경우 기호성리학파는 「역학계몽」의 상수적 태극을 이기지묘의 이기론과 인기질의 인성론을 바탕으로 해명하는 독특성을 (...)
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    Reassessing Neo-Kantianism. Another Look at Hermann Cohen’s Kant Interpretation.Sebastian Luft - unknown
    This article is a novel assessment of Hermann Cohen’s theoretical philosophy, starting out from his Kant interpretation. Hermann Cohen was the head and founder of the Marburg School of Neo- Kantianism. In the beginning, hence, I will commence with some initial reflections on the makeup and importance of this school, before I move on to Cohen’s revolutionary Kant interpretation and its ramification for the Marburg School in general.
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  30. Kantian and Neo-Kantian First Principles for Physical and Metaphysical Cognition.Michael E. Cuffaro - manuscript
    I argue that Immanuel Kant's critical philosophy—in particular the doctrine of transcendental idealism which grounds it—is best understood as an `epistemic' or `metaphilosophical' doctrine. As such it aims to show how one may engage in the natural sciences and in metaphysics under the restriction that certain conditions are imposed on our cognition of objects. Underlying Kant's doctrine, however, is an ontological posit, of a sort, regarding the fundamental nature of our cognition. This posit, sometimes called the `discursivity thesis', while considered (...)
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  31. From Neo-Republicanism to Critical Republicanism.Dorothea Gädeke - 2020 - In Bruno Leipold, Karma Nabulsi & Stuart Gordon White (eds.), Radical Republicanism: Recovering the Tradition's Popular Heritage. Oxford University Press, Usa. pp. 21-39.
    The aim of this chapter is to show how what I call critical republicanism can be developed on the basis of Pettit’s neo-republicanism. On the one hand, I argue that with regard to all three of the most important elements of a republican theory of non-domination, its normative core, the conception of domination, and its institutional implications, Pettit’s neo-republicanism does contain a powerful critical potential, too easily dismissed by some of his critics. On the other hand, I show how this (...)
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  32.  28
    International Law as Language—Towards a “Neo” New Haven School.Jared Wessel - 2010 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 23 (2):123-144.
    This paper examines the tension between the mainstream belief in international law as a source of objectivity distinct from politics and its new stream critics that question the validity of such a distinction. It is argued that, as a type of language, international law is not distinct from politics as a function of objectivity, but rather by the fact that it serves the international community’s thymos. The phenomena of global administrative law and NATO’s use of force in Kosovo are analyzed (...)
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    Sergius Bulgakov and his “neo-patristic” lens.Daniel Kisliakov - 2025 - Studies in East European Thought 77 (1):177-189.
    The conception of the neo-patristic, despite its notional meaning being self-evident, continues to confound scholars in its specific detail. In this regard, a question of interest concerns the relationship between Fr. Sergius Bulgakov and neo-patristics. Conventional wisdom posits that Bulgakov ascribed to the “Russian school” with a philosophically-oriented approach to theology, whose interest in patristics was limited. Reading Bulgakov’s writings, however, reveals greater engagement with patristics. The present paper considers Bulgakov’s engagement with the patristic tradition in the émigré journal (...)
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    Criticism of cognition at the Marburg school of neo-Kantism: Hermann Cohen’s approach to Platonic idealism in the perspective of Kant’s transcendental logic.Anna Musioł - 2022 - Analiza I Egzystencja 57:5-23.
    Artykuł jest próbą scharakteryzowania platońskiego idealizmu według wykładni Hermanna Cohena – filozofa w Polsce niemal zapomnianego; założyciela, a zarazem czołowego, obok Paula Natorpa i Władysława Tatarkiewicza, przedstawiciela marburskiej szkoły neokantyzmu. Tok analiz obejmuje cohenowskie tezy postawione przez filozofa w epistemologicznej pracy Platons Ideenlehre und die Mathematik. Postulaty, do których odwołuje się Cohen wiążą refleksję nad klasycznym idealizmem oraz statusem platońskiej idei z refleksją logiczno-matematyczną i zagadnieniem sichere Hypothesis jako hipotezy pewnej – hipotezy o statusie aksjomatu. W następstwie badań okazuje się, (...)
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  35. Normativity in Neo‐Kantianism: Its Rise and Fall.Frederick C. Beiser - 2009 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 17 (1):9 – 27.
    This article discusses the historical background to the concept of normativity which has a wide use in contemporary philosophy. It locates the origin of that concept in the Southwestern Neo-Kantian school, the writings of Windelband, Rickert and Lask. The Southwestern school made the concept of normativity central to epistemology, ethics and the interpretation of German idealism. It was their solution to the threats of psycologism and historicism. However, Windelband, Rickert and Lask found difficulties with the concept which eventually (...)
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    Neo‐Kantianism.Evan Clarke - 2019 - In John Shand (ed.), A Companion to Nineteenth Century Philosophy (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy). Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 389–417.
    This chapter presents an overview of the Neo‐Kantian movement in philosophy that spanned the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and that was concentrated geographically in Germany. Following a summary of the institutional and intellectual context surrounding Neo‐Kantianism, the chapter explores the core philosophical principles associated with the movement, attending in particular to the ways in which Neo‐ Kantian philosophers appropriate and depart from the core tenets of Kant's critical philosophy. After briefly surveying the context in which Neo‐Kantianism took shape, (...)
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    Variability and substantiality. Kurd Lasswitz, the Marburg school and the neo-Kantian historiography of science.Marco Giovanelli - 2024 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 106 (C):155-164.
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  38. Pedagogy of non-domination: Neo-republican political theory and critical education.Itay Snir & Yuval Eylon - 2016 - Policy Futures in Education 14 (6):759-774.
    The neo-republican political philosophy (sometimes referred to as civic republicanism) advances the idea of freedom as non-domination, in an attempt to provide democracy with a solid normative foundation upon which concrete principles and institutions can be erected so as to make freedom a reality. However, attempts to develop a republican educational theory are still hesitant, and fail to take the republican radical conception of freedom to its full conclusions. This article suggests that dialogue between neo-republicanism and critical pedagogy can be (...)
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    Neo-Kantian Origins of Modern Empiricism: On the Relation between Popper and the Vienna Circle.Lothar Schäfer - 2002 - Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 9:43-55.
    Modern empiricism is usually thought to have emerged in opposition to the then dominant school of neo-Kantianism. True as this may be, it has blinded us to the fact that Kantian and more surprisingly even neo-Kantian elements of philosophy have also had a positive influence upon the development of the new empiricism. One episode in which this influence proves itself in fact dominant and which I will present in the following concerns the philosophical position which Popper adopted vis-à-vis logical (...)
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    Neo-Kantian Question on Method, the Problem of Form and the Meaning of Variability in Gustav Shpet and Ernst Cassirer’s Philosophy.Nikolai B. Afanasov - 2024 - Kantian Journal 43 (3):81-103.
    The Kantian legacy has had a key impact on the landscape of theoretical philosophy in the first half of the twentieth century. Philosophers both in Germany and in Russia saw Immanuel Kant’s ideas as seminal for their philosophical research. The main schools of that era were formed in discussions of the problems and the solutions which were proposed by Kant. The methodological legacy of the critical philosophy effectively became the main benchmark of the thinking of a whole generation of intellectuals. (...)
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    A neo-aristotelian perspective on the need for artificial moral agents (AMAs).Alejo José G. Sison & Dulce M. Redín - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (1):47-65.
    We examine Van Wynsberghe and Robbins (JAMA 25:719-735, 2019) critique of the need for Artificial Moral Agents (AMAs) and its rebuttal by Formosa and Ryan (JAMA 10.1007/s00146-020-01089-6, 2020) set against a neo-Aristotelian ethical background. Neither Van Wynsberghe and Robbins (JAMA 25:719-735, 2019) essay nor Formosa and Ryan’s (JAMA 10.1007/s00146-020-01089-6, 2020) is explicitly framed within the teachings of a specific ethical school. The former appeals to the lack of “both empirical and intuitive support” (Van Wynsberghe and Robbins 2019, p. 721) (...)
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  42.  94
    Space of Culture: Towards a Neo Kantian Philosophy Culture.Sebastian Luft - 2015 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    Sebastian Luft presents and defends the philosophy of culture championed by the Marburg School of Neo-Kantianism. Following a historical trajectory from Hermann Cohen to Paul Natorp and through to Ernst Cassirer, this book makes a systematic case for the viability and attractiveness of a philosophical culture in a transcendental vein, in the manner in which the Marburgers intended to broaden Kant's approach.
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  43.  3
    Ten reasons why neo-Aristotelian character education is not popular in China.Yan Huo, Jin Xie & Hongyan Cheng - 2024 - Ethics and Education 19 (4):641-661.
    This paper offers theoretical-cum-practical analyses and reflections on neo-Aristotelian character education, which has gained considerable momentum and popularity in the Western moral education arena in the last 15 years, yet is not attracting much interest in Chinese academia. Based on a literature review of some of the most representative works of neo-Aristotelian character education, such as those of the Jubilee Centre, in combination with the authors’ observations and reflections on Chinese moral education, this paper presents ten possible reasons to explain (...)
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    The Neo-Kantian Reader.Sebastian Luft (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    The latter half of the nineteenth and the early part of the twentieth century witnessed a remarkable resurgence of interest in Kant’s philosophy in Continental Europe, the effects of which are still being felt today. _The Neo-Kantian Reader_ is the first anthology to collect the most important primary sources in Neo-Kantian philosophy, with many being published here in English for the first time. It includes extracts on a rich and diverse number of subjects, including logic, epistemology, metaphysics, philosophy of science, (...)
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    The self-satisfaction and deviation from Neo-Confucian ideology in Sungho School.Jung DoeWon - 2016 - Journal of Eastern Philosophy 86:7-42.
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  46. Readings from the lu-Wang school of neo-confucianism (review).JeeLoo Liu - 2011 - Philosophy East and West 61 (2):388-391.
  47. Fundamenta scientiae, 9, 1988, 189-202 (slightly revised) neo-classical economics as 18th century theory of.Joseph Agassi - manuscript
    1. The Real Claim of the Chicago School If anything dramatic has happened in economic theory over the last one hundred years – namely, since the advent of marginalism – then, everyone agrees, it was not the rise of the Chicago neo -classical school which, after all, only synthesized the various versions of marginalism, but the Keynesian Revolution. Assessments of this revolution were repeatedly invited, particularly by opponent, chiefly from Chicago. F. A. von Hayek has explicitly and bitterly (...)
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    Schooling in Capitalism: Navigating the Bleak Pathways of Structural Fate.Kevin Murray & Daniel P. Liston - 2015 - Educational Theory 65 (3):245-264.
    In this review essay Kevin Murray and Dan Liston examine three texts in what this symposium has deemed the recent resurgence in neo-Marxist accounts of schooling: David Blacker's The Falling Rate of Learning and the Neoliberal Endgame, Mike Cole's Marxism and Educational Theory, and John Marsh's Class Dismissed. Murray and Liston argue that Blacker, Cole, and Marsh provide a much-needed structural delineation of schooling in capitalist society. All three works have substantial merit and are in need of minor adjustments. Blacker's (...)
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    Neo-epicureanism.Dimitris Vardoulakis - 2019 - Philosophy Today 63 (4):1013-1024.
    By looking at its history, this article emphasizes the importance of practical judgment for materialism. This sense of practical judgment is traced back to the function of phronesis in one of the ancient schools of materialism, namely, the Epicureans.
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    Review of Philip J. Ivanhoe, Readings from the Lu-Wang School of Neo-Confucianism[REVIEW]Justin Tiwald - 2009 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 9 (36).
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