Uk [3]Christopher J. Uk [1]
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    Down the greasy slope: the fatal contradictions of anti-doping.UKb School of Applied Psychology Newcastle Upon Tyne, Political Sciences Australiac School of Social & Uk - forthcoming - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-20.
    This article seeks to critically question the internal logic and coherence of ‘anti-doping’ through the case study of advantage-seeking practices in the sport of Brazilian Jui-Jitsu (BJJ). We provide an analysis of the recent controversy between high-profile fighters Gordon Ryan and Nicky Rod involving the relative morality of image and performance enhancing drug (IPED) use compared with ‘greasing’, whereby BJJ athletes apply substances, such as oil or lubricants, to the body to make it harder for opponents to establish a grip (...)
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    Intentional identity revisited.Ahti Pietarinen A. School of Cognitive, Computing Sciences, Falmer, Brighton, BN1 9QH & Uk - 2010 - Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic 6 (2):147-188.
    The problem of intentional identity, as originally offered by Peter Geach, says that there can be an anaphoric link between an indefinite term and a pronoun across a sentential boundary and across propositional attitude contexts, where the actual existence of an individual for the indefinite term is not presupposed. In this paper, a semantic resolution to this elusive puzzle is suggested, based on a new quantified intensional logic and game-theoretic semantics (GTS) of imperfect information. This constellation leads to an expressive (...)
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    Does the truth-conditional theory of sense work for indexicals?Mark Textor A. King'S. College, London & Uk - 2010 - Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic 6 (2):119-137.
    The truth-conditional theory of sense holds that a theory of truth for a natural language can serve as a theory of sense: if knowledge of a theory of truth for a language L is sufficient for understanding utterance of L-sentences, the T-sentences of the theory 'show' the sense of the uttered object-language sentences. In this paper I aim to show that indexicals create a serious problem for this prima facie attractive theoretical option. The so-called 'instantiation problem' is that a truth-theory (...)
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    Phenomenological Psychology and the Computer Revolution: Friend, Foe, or Opportunity?Christopher J. Uk - 1989 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 20 (1):20-39.