Results for 'Natalia Soshnikova'

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  1.  39
    Epigenetic regulation of Hox gene activation: the waltz of methyls.Natalia Soshnikova & Denis Duboule - 2008 - Bioessays 30 (3):199-202.
    Genetic studies have revealed that the antagonistic interplay between PcG and TrxG/MLL complexes is essential for the proper maintenance of vertebrate Hox gene expression in time and space. Hox genes must be silenced in totipotent embryonic stem cells and, in contrast, rapidly activated during embryogenesis. Here we discuss some recently published articles1-4 that propose a novel mechanism for the induction of Hox gene transcription. These studies report a new family of histone demethylases that remove H3K27me3/me2 repressive marks at Hox promoters (...)
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  2. .Natalia Fast - unknown
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    The Code of Pain in Chekhov Natalia Pervukhina-Kamyshnikova.Natalia Pervukhina-Kamyshnikova - 2012 - In Esther Cohen (ed.), Knowledge and pain. New York, NY: Rodopi. pp. 84--169.
  4. Asociación española de bioética y ética médica (AEBI).Natalia López Moratalla - 2011 - In de la Torre Díaz & Francisco Javier (eds.), Pasado, presente y futuro de la bioética española. Madrid: Universidad Pontificia Comillas.
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  5. Poéticas de archivo : acerca del malancólico operante.Natalia Taccetta - 2019 - In Irene Depetris Chauvin & Natalia Taccetta (eds.), Afectos, historia y cultura visual: una aproximación indisciplinada. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Prometeo Libros.
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  6. Libertad, historia y política en" Fenomenología de la percepción".Natalia Bustelo - 2009 - A Parte Rei 62:2.
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  7. Es la guerra la única vía posible hacia la paz?: los motores del progreso en la filosofía de la historia de Immanuel Kant.Natalia Lerussi - 2006 - In Carlos Balzi & César Marchesino (eds.), Hostilidad/hospitalidad. [Córdoba, Argentina]: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Area de Filosofía del Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades.
  8. Unsociable Sociability, Moral Evil and the Origin of Human History in Kant.Natalia Lerussi - 2018 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 7 (13):149-168.
    La tesis principal de este trabajo es que el principio con el que Kant comprende el origen de la cultura o de la historia humana en la tesis cuarta de I dea de una historia universal desde el punto de vista cosmopolita, la insociable sociabilidad, no implica “conceptualmente” el mal moral. Defiendo así, contra una larga tradición de lectura que sostiene lo contrario, que la cultura es producto de dos disposiciones diferentes de la especie humana que son originarias e independientes (...)
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  9. Anarquia, num encontro com Proudhon e Deleuze.Natalia Montebello - 2013 - In Ana Godoy, Gláucia Figueiredo & Nildo Avelino (eds.), Pedagogia, sujeito e resistências: verdades do poder e poderes da verdade. Curitiba: Editora Appris.
  10. Uncanny politics : Machiavelli, Althusser and Lacan beyond ideology.Natalia Romé - 2024 - In Nicol A. Barria-Asenjo & Slavoj Žižek (eds.), Political jouissance. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
  11. Komitmen organisasi Dan organizational citizenship behavior pada karyawan call centre di pt. X.Natalia Teresia & P. Tommy Y. S. Suyasa - 2008 - Phronesis (Misc) 10 (2).
    The aim of this research is to find a relationship between organizational commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) on Call Centre employee. Organizational commitment is degree which is the employee identify and internalize the organizational values, which makes the employee wants to stay in organization. OCB is employee’s voluntary behavior, beyond job’s description, and contribute toward organizational efectivity. This research is using Spearman-rank order coefficients of correlations formula. The finding reveals that there is a relationship between organizational commitment and OCB (...)
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    Multidimensional Potential and Its Application to Social Networks.Natalia Rylko & Karolina Tytko - 2022 - In Paula Cerejeiras, Michael Reissig, Irene Sabadini & Joachim Toft (eds.), Current Trends in Analysis, its Applications and Computation. Birkhäuser.
    We consider application of the structural approximation method to research information flow in social networks. The notations of potential, interparticle flux and energy are considered in terms of social networks. The basic notations of society functioning related to the communication and information transfer processes are modeled by means of multidimensional potentials and the corresponding interactions arisen in networks. A graph associated to the network is considered in the high dimensional space R^d when d is comparable with the number of vertices (...)
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    La integración y la información: claves de la eficacia publicitaria en prensa digital.Natalia Albuin Vences - 2010 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 83:120-126.
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    Pentecostalism and Politics. Global and European Perspectives.Natalia Vlas & Simona Sav - 2014 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 13 (37):148-177.
    The present article aims to explore the complex relation between global and European Pentecostalism and politics. The self-evident scarcity of studies on this particular topic, despite the global prominence and the dynamic growth of Pentecostalism, and the tendency to collapse strikingly opposing tendencies under a generic terminology call for a serious examination of the approaches Pentecostalism adopts in relation to political involvement. Throughout the three main sections of this paper, political, historical, cultural and theological concepts will be employed in order (...)
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    Self-tracking, background(s) and hermeneutics. A qualitative approach to quantification and datafication of activity.Natalia Juchniewicz & Michał Wieczorek - 2022 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 23 (1):133-154.
    In this article, we address the case of self-tracking as a practice in which two meaningful backgrounds (physical world and technological infrastructure) play an important role as the spatial dimension of human practices. Using a (post)phenomenological approach, we show how quantification multiplies backgrounds, while at the same time generating data about the user. As a result, we can no longer speak of a unified background of human activity, but of multiple dimensions of this background, which, additionally, is perceived as having (...)
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    (1 other version)An Artifactual Perspective on Idealization: Constant Capacitance and the Hodgkin and Huxley Model.Natalia Carrillo & Tarja Knuuttila - 2021 - In Alejandro Cassini & Juan Redmond (eds.), Models and Idealizations in Science: Artifactual and Fictional Approaches. Springer Verlag. pp. 51-70.
    Natalia Carrillo and Tarja Knuuttila claim that there are two traditions of thinking about idealization offering almost opposite views on their functioning and epistemic status. While one tradition views idealizations as epistemic deficiencies, the other one highlights the epistemic benefits of idealization. Both of them treat idealizations as deliberate misrepresentations, however. They then argue for an artifactual account of idealization, comparing it to the traditional accounts of idealization, and exemplifying it through the Hodgkin and Huxley model of the nerve (...)
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  17. The Epistemology of Human Rights.Natalia Brigagão - manuscript
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    Tolerance in Kant’s Philosoph-Political Discourse.Natalia Bukovskaya - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:63-69.
    Is it possible to explicate tolerant principles in the philosophy-political discourse of Kant? It seems the answer to this question is positive. And it is the philosophical project of Kant “Perpetual Peace”, which is the most representative in this respect, for it is based on the principles of tolerance. This project is included in ethic-legal (liberal) system and is connected with such notions as civil society, legal state, duty, moral law. Tolerance exists, on the one hand, as a result of (...)
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    Between the aesthetic renovation and the political renovation: Politics of modernism in Ruben Darío, Leopoldo Lugones y Manuel Ugarte.Natalia Bustelo - 2013 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 15 (1):27-47.
    El artículo ilumina los modos rivales de articular el modernismo estético y socialismo propuestos hacia fines del siglo XIX por Rubén Darío, Leopoldo Lugones y Manuel Ugarte. Tomando como hilo conductor las disímiles acepciones del término “burgués” por las que parecen haber optado estos escritores, reconstruimos el deslindamiento que intenta Darío entre las dos tendencias modernizadoras, luego analizamos la conexión entre modernismo y socialismo revolucionario que realiza Lugones en el periódico La Montaña (1897), para finalmente explorar los cuestionamientos del joven (...)
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  20. Das Travestiemotiv in der Heiligenvita Xenias von Sankt Petersburg : Versuch einer historischen Rekonstruktion.Natalia Diefenbach - 2017 - In Wolfgang Gantke, Thomas Schreijäck & Vladislav Serikov (eds.), Das Heilige interkulturell: Perspektiven in religionswissenschaftlichen, theologischen und philosophischen Kontexten. Ostfildern: Matthias Grünewald Verlag.
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    Prólogo al Liber disputationum contra Symonem iudeum de Pedro de Cornwall.Natalia Jakubecki & Marcela Borelli - 2021 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 25 (1):57-74.
    En este trabajo ofrecemos la traducción del latín al castellano del Prólogo al Liber disputationum contra Symonem iudeum de Pedro de Cornwall, única sección del texto que se encuentra actualmente editada gracias a la labor de Richard W. Hunt. A ella se le suma, a modo de anexo, el breve intercambio final entre los personajes de Pedro y Simón que Hunt transcribió en la introducción a dicha edición. Ambas traducciones están precedidas por la presentación del autor y de la obra (...)
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    Evaluative Adjectives – an Attempt at a Classification.Natalia Karczewska - 2017 - Studia Semiotyczne—English Supplement 29:180-200.
    In my paper, I propose a certain classification of evaluative expressions. I hypothesize that the basic criterion to distinguish between evaluative and descriptive terms is the faultless disagreement test. Next, I discuss a few kinds of phenomena which seem to render this distinction dubious: context–sensitivity, vagueness and using descriptive terms to express evaluative judgments. Further, I investigate Ch. Kennedy’s proposal according to which gradable adjectives can express two kinds of subjectivity. I modify this account by postulating another sub-class of subjective (...)
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  23. Прогнозування розвитку санаторно-курортної діяльності в україні.Natalia Kovalenko - 2015 - Схід 8 (140):21-25.
    У статті проаналізовано стан санаторно-курортної діяльності України. Відзначається, що в останні роки в санаторно-курортній сфері переважає скорочення кількості установ, які спеціалізуються на оздоровленні населення, зниження якості та номенклатури надаваних послуг, кількість оздоровлених людей. Підкреслюється, що у 2014 році Україна втратила значну частину курортного потенціалу в результаті анексії Криму і військових дій на сході країни. Як подальший напрямок розвитку запропоновано реформувати галузь з метою вдосконалення лікувальної та діагностичної баз на основі останніх розробок в області медицини й курортології, розвитку інфраструктури, підвищення якості (...)
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    Підходи та концепції управління розвитком промислового підприємства.Natalia Marynenko - 2012 - Схід 5 (119):28-31.
    У статті висвітлено теоретичну сутність підходів та нових концепцій управління розвитком промислового підприємства, які сьогодні є найбільш затребуваними в практиці господарської діяльності підприємств - TQM, реінжинірингу, ощадливого менеджменту, аутсорсингу, бенчмаркінгу, контролінгу, концепції організації, що навчається тощо. Визначено основні інструменти та механізми їх застосування.
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  25. Концептуальні підходи до формування механізму стимулювання соціальної відповідальності підприємств.Natalia Ohorodnikova - 2014 - Схід 1 (127).
    У статті визначено економічний зміст механізму стимулювання соціальної відповідальності підприємства, розроблена концепція його вдосконалення. Сформульовано мету й завдання запропонованого механізму, обґрунтовано принципи його формування. Розроблено інструменти механізму стимулювання соціальної відповідальності підприємства і критерії оцінки його ефективності. Визначено напрями реалізації механізму стимулювання соціальної відповідальності підприємств.
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    Проблеми захисту прав акціонерів та шляхи їх вирішення.Natalia Orlova & Yulia Mokhova - 2011 - Схід (2(109)):58-61.
    Іn the article the shortcomings of current legislation in corporate governance and shareholder rights are analysed and identificated and possible mechanisms for the protection of shareholder rights and corporate investors are introduced.
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    Social Phenomenology in the Study of Human Self.Natalia Smirnova - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 46:85-92.
    The paper deals with the problem of the social construction of the Self in socio-phenomenological perspective. I am trying to explore the idea, that the shortcomings of the so-called classical Self-models can be clearly explicit in the light of socio-phenomenological approach. Heuristic power of transcendentally phenomenological conception of the Ego and Alter Ego is examined as well as its further development in the framework of phenomenological tradition in the social sciences. Turning to postmodern tradition in the social thinking, I am (...)
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    Convergence or Replacement? Attitudes Towards Political and Religious Institutions in Contemporary Romania.Natalia Vlas & Sergiu Gherghina - 2009 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 8 (24):70-94.
    Unlike other Post-Communist countries, Romania displays three clear individual-level trends related to political and religious institutions. The Romanians are the most supportive for the EU and Church, and the most critical towards national political institutions in the region. By conducting an empirical longitudinal study on the Romanian population, we aim to understand the linkages between these two trends and to identify what can explain the high level of trust vested by the Romanian citizens in the Orthodox Church in the post-Communist (...)
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  29. Who’s Responsible for This? Moral Responsibility, Externalism, and Knowledge about Implicit Bias.Natalia Washington & Daniel Kelly - 2016 - In Michael Brownstein & Jennifer Saul (eds.), Implicit Bias and Philosophy, Volume 2: Moral Responsibility, Structural Injustice, and Ethics. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    In this paper we aim to think systematically about, formulate, and begin addressing some of the challenges to applying theories of moral responsibility to behaviors shaped by a particular subset of unsettling psychological complexities: namely, implicit biases.
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    Los inicios del pensamiento escolástico: el "Sic et non" de Pedro Abelardo.Natalia Jakubecki - 2012 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 19:31-38.
    As is well know, one of the most impressive mentalities of the Middle Ages was that of scholastic thought. The scholastic, in its true sense, must be understood as a particular type of didactics used to understand the Holy Scriptures and doctrines of the faith. Nevertheless it was specifically the modus operandi of the masters of the medieval universities. It reached its zenith in the 13th century thanks, fundamentally, to two simultaneous phenomena: the return to the West of Aristotle’s works (...)
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  31. I Don't Want to Change Your Mind: A Reply to Sherman.Natalia Washington - 2016 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective.
  32. Russellowska krytyka argumentów na rzecz istnienia Boga.Natalia Marcinowska - 2012 - Filo-Sofija 12 (19).
    Bertrand Russell’s Critique of the Arguments for the Existence of God The paper presents Bertrand Russell’s critique of arguments for the existence of God. I divided the theistic arguments which Russell criticizes into three groups. The first group involves arguments concerning the relation between Universe and God: the First Cause argument, the Natural law argument and the argument from Design. The second group is related to the concept of God as a moral Lawmaker and it contains the argument from morality (...)
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    On the Validity of Environmental Performance Metrics.Natalia Semenova & Lars G. Hassel - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 132 (2):249-258.
    Different proprietary databases have been used extensively in research to assess the environmental performance and environmental risk of companies. This study explores the convergent validity of the environmental ratings of MSCI ESG STATS, Thomson Reuters ASSET4 and Global Engagement Services. The study shows that the ratings have common dimensions, but on aggregate, they do not converge. On the environmental opportunity side, KLD environmental strengths, and ASSET4 and GES environmental performance metrics correlate highly and provide convergent scores for US companies from (...)
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    On the (Re)creation of Russian Philosophical Language.Natalia Avtonomova - 2001 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 12:83-94.
    Russian philosophy has always lived on translations. Difficulties in the process of creating a conceptual language used to be overcome gradually, one by one. Now, in the post-Soviet period after all of the locks had been opened, the accelerated development of Russian culture often causes us to assimilate deconstructivism before constructivism and some newer versions of phenomenology before Husserl. It brings about a cultural paradox which cannot be solved by habitual philosophical means. My point here is that Russian philology is (...)
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  35. The Ethos of Cool.Natalia Cornwall - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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  36. Formas de la violencia y la pregunta por el método.Natalia Lorio - 2014 - In María Gabriela Milone & Silvana Santucci (eds.), Violencia y método: de lecturas y críticas. CABA, Argentina: Letranómada.
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  37. Home, love, and the self: a dialogue with Augustine and Kierkegaard.Natalia Marandiuc - 2017 - In Paffenroth Kim, Doody John & Russell Helene Tallon (eds.), Augustine and Kierkegaard. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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    Para leer a Wittgenstein.Natalia Ozán - 2011 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 57:91-94.
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    Contra a realidade: a negação da ciência, suas causas e consequências.Natalia Pasternak - 2021 - Campinas, São Paulo, Brasil: Papirus 7 Mares. Edited by Carlos Orsi.
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  40. Sobre los múltiples sentido s de la reducción primordial y su diferencia con la reducción a la propiedad.Natalia C. Petrillo - 2003 - Escritos de Filosofía 22 (43):301-320.
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  41. La figura del guía turístico en los diferentes destinos.Natalia Alvarez Rodríguez - 2005 - Critica 55 (927):85-86.
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    Images of a 'good nurse' presented by teaching staff.Natalia de Araujo Sartorio & Elma Lourdes Campos Pavone Zoboli - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (6):687-694.
    Nursing is at the same time a vocation, a profession and a job. By nature, nursing is a moral endeavor, and being a ‘good nurse’ is an issue and an aspiration for professionals. The aim of our qualitative research project carried out with 18 nurse teachers at a university nursing school in Brazil was to identify the ethical image of nursing. In semistructured interviews the participants were asked to choose one of several pictures, to justify their choice and explain what (...)
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  43. "The saved and the lost." Attempt to recall on-line.Natalia Viatkina, Amina Kkhelufi, Kseniia Myroshnyk & Nataliia Reva - 2020 - Sententiae 39 (2):226-240.
    Interview of Amina Kkhelufi, Kseniia Myroshnyk, Nataliia Reva with Natalia Viatkina.
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    The Role of Off-line Communication in Human Evolution.Natalia A. Abieva - 2008 - Biosemiotics 1 (3):295-311.
    The existence of embodied communication in humans places them among other living systems and helps to differentiate sign patterns that are common to all bioforms from those that are peculiarly human. Despite the fact that the biological roots of communication have been proven, the understanding of human forms of discourse is still far from being clarified. The main question remains: when and why did humans acquire the ability to exchange messages via speech? My thesis is that it became possible only (...)
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  45. De la reacción a la afirmación: hacia una epistemología feminista.Natalia Magnone Alemán Y. Valeria Grabino Etorena - 2018 - In Emilia Calisto Echeveste (ed.), Trashumancias: búsquedas teóricas feministas sobre cuerpo y sexualidad. Montevideo, Uruguay: Universidad de la República, Comisión Sectorial de Investigación Científica.
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  46. La comunidad acéfala: dimensiones de la hostilidad y la hospitalidad.Natalia Lorio - 2006 - In Carlos Balzi & César Marchesino (eds.), Hostilidad/hospitalidad. [Córdoba, Argentina]: Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Area de Filosofía del Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades.
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    As condições de existência da língua da natureza na filosofia de Rousseau.Natalia Maruyama - 2012 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 21:64-77.
    It behooves us to examine , first, in the work of Rousseau the overlapping of their conception of nature and the foundations of social and political life : it is possible to mention the harmony between man and nature without considerations of politics? Then we examine some aspects of modern subjectivity – feeling of existence , moral conscience , the idea of ​​ happiness, pursuit of the indoor unit.
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  48. La búsqueda en el cerebro de la dotación ética innata y universal.Natalia López Moratalla - 2010 - Acta Philosophica 19 (2):297-310.
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  49. Ekstaza i zuchwalstwo wedłóg Jeanette Winterson.Natalia Taranta - forthcoming - Estetyka I Krytyka 15 (15/16):335-339.
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    Uwagi o społeczeństwie ludzkim u progu XXI wieku.Natalia Wasiliewa - 1999 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 5:163-167.
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