Results for 'Natalia Graciela Jakubecki'

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  1.  51
    Construcción y función de la figura del gentil en dos diálogos medievales. Los personajes de Gilberto Crispino y del Pseudo-Anselmo.Natalia Graciela Jakubecki - 2018 - Ideas Y Valores 67 (168):267-287.
    En el siglo xi, la literatura dialógica nacida en el seno del cristianismo latino ha incluido en su repertorio de interlocutores a uno que resulta en todos los casos ficcional: el gentil. De allí que quepa preguntarse cuál es el propósito de dialogar con una otredad imaginaria. Se examinan las construcciones identitarias de los dos primeros personajes gentiles de los que hasta ahora se tiene noticia: el de la Disputatio christiani cum gentili de Gilberto Crispino y el de la Disputatio (...)
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    Los inicios del pensamiento escolástico: el "Sic et non" de Pedro Abelardo.Natalia Jakubecki - 2012 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 19:31-38.
    As is well know, one of the most impressive mentalities of the Middle Ages was that of scholastic thought. The scholastic, in its true sense, must be understood as a particular type of didactics used to understand the Holy Scriptures and doctrines of the faith. Nevertheless it was specifically the modus operandi of the masters of the medieval universities. It reached its zenith in the 13th century thanks, fundamentally, to two simultaneous phenomena: the return to the West of Aristotle’s works (...)
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  3.  14
    Peccata Oris en la correspondencia de Abelardo y Eloísa.Natalia G. Jakubecki - 2009 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 16:69-88.
    El siguiente trabajo tiene por objeto el descubrimiento y análisis de los diversos pecados de la lenguaque aparecen en el epistolario de Pedro Abelardo y Eloísa. Para ello, sigue la clasificación de los peccataoris establecida por Rodolfo Ardente en Speculum Universalis, la cual sirve para esquematizar la ubicacióny gravedad de cada pecado, y para realizar una conclusión que permite tanto reorganizar lacorrespondencia desde una nueva perspectiva, como dar cuenta de la concepción general que el Medioevotenía de esta clase de faltas.This (...)
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    Dos versiones del aristotelismo: Tomás, Siger y la unión del alma intelectiva con el cuerpo humano.Natalia Jakubecki - 2013 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 16 (32):219-230.
    La conflictiva recepción del corpus aristotélico en el mundo latino hacia el s. XIII es bien conocida. En ese período, asistimos, entre otras cosas, tanto a diversas condenas universitarias como a la conformación de lo que podrían considerarse “facciones” respecto de la doctrina del Estagirita. Tal vez uno de los textos que causó mayor revuelo fue el De anima. De todo lo que se ha escrito sobre el tema, nos interesa particularmente el De unitate intellectus contra averroistas de Tomás de (...)
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  5.  31
    Divine Providence and Free Will in the De Angelo Perdito by Gilbert Crispin. An Interpretation in Light of the Consolation of philosophy.Natalia G. Jakubecki - 2018 - Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale 60:9-28.
    This article focuses on the sections 49-56 of the De angelo perdito by Gilbert Crispin, where he intended to solve the problem between free will and divine Providence. It aims to show how Gilbert draws on the argumentative scheme of the fifth book of the Consolatio philosophiae, and uses this source in a personal manner. On that basis, its purpose is both to highlight the lack of references to Boethius in the apparatus fontium of the critical edition and to provide (...)
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  6.  15
    Fernando Navarro Antolín (2016), Marciano Minneo Félix Capela. Las nupcias de Filología y Mercurio, volumen I. Libros I- II: Las bodas místicas.Natalia Jakubecki - 2017 - Argos 40 (2):63-67.
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  7.  11
    El Scito te ipsum de Pedro Abelardo frente al socratismo cristiano.Natalia Jakubecki - 2023 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 88:81-95.
    Tal como Étienne Gilson señaló, el siglo XII asiste a lo que denominó “socratismo cristiano”: una revalorización teórica y práctica de la sentencia délfica “Nosce te ipsum”. Uno de los filósofos que suele ser incluido en esta corriente es Pedro Abelardo, autor de una obra llamada Scito te ipsum (Conócete a ti mismo). Rainer Ilgner, sin embargo, guiado por un espíritu primordialmente filológico, ha denunciado que el maestro palatino no hizo más que “usurpar” la máxima a partir de la cual (...)
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    Mark of Toledo. Intellectual Context and Debates between Christians and Muslims in Early Thirteenth Century Iberia.Natalia Jakubecki - 2024 - Patristica Et Mediaevalia 45 (2):175-176.
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  9. Mark of Toledo. Intellectual Context and Debates between Christians and Muslims in Early Thirteenth Century Iberia.Natalia Jakubecki - 2024 - Patristica Et Medievalia 45 (2):175-176.
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  10.  12
    La clasificación filosófica de virtudes de la Ysagoge in theologiam y sus fuentes.Natalia Jakubecki - 2023 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 26 (52):255-282.
    Este artículo tiene por objetivo analizar la clasificación de virtudes que se encuentra en la Ysagoge in theologiam, un texto anónimo de mediados del siglo XII que puede considerarse como una de las primeras sumas sistemáticas de teología. El interés de esta clasificación es doble: por una parte, ella vale por sí misma en tanto tiene ciertas características originales; por otra, debido a su punto de partida. En efecto, en lugar de seguir la definición de virtud ofrecida por Hugo de (...)
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  11.  15
    Individui universali. Il realismo di Gualterio di Mortagne nel XII secolo, de Caterina Tarlazzi.Natalia Jakubecki - 2020 - Patristica Et Medievalia 41 (2):139-140.
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  12.  22
    Prólogo al Liber disputationum contra Symonem iudeum de Pedro de Cornwall.Natalia Jakubecki & Marcela Borelli - 2021 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 25 (1):57-74.
    En este trabajo ofrecemos la traducción del latín al castellano del Prólogo al Liber disputationum contra Symonem iudeum de Pedro de Cornwall, única sección del texto que se encuentra actualmente editada gracias a la labor de Richard W. Hunt. A ella se le suma, a modo de anexo, el breve intercambio final entre los personajes de Pedro y Simón que Hunt transcribió en la introducción a dicha edición. Ambas traducciones están precedidas por la presentación del autor y de la obra (...)
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  13.  10
    De Angelo Perdito by Gilbert Crispin. An Interpretation of Sections 64-82 and a Proposal for its Apparatus Fontium.Natalia Jakubecki - 2024 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 90 (1):65-90.
    Cet article poursuit un triple objectif : en premier lieu, compléter, dans la mesure du possible, l’ apparatus fontium correspondant aux sections 64-82 de l’édition critique du De angelo perdito de Gilbert Crispin ; ensuite, expliquer son contenu ; enfin, contribuer à une meilleure compréhension du corpus crispinien, en proposant, en regard de l’historiographie traditionnelle, une interprétation visant à réévaluer l’influence des Pères de l’Église en général et celle d’Anselme de Cantorbéry en particulier.
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  14.  8
    El problema cronológico de la caída angélica en Tomás de Aquino.Natalia Jakubecki - 2014 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 17 (34):371-388.
    Al pensar su demonio, Tomás de Aquino aplica una serie de correctivos respecto de la tradición agustiniana con la intención tácita de alejar a los ángeles –y, por tanto, a los demonios– de la concepción antropologizante que había predominado en el milenio anterior. Pero en el mismo intento de alejar al ángel del ser humano, el Aquinate le confiere un peso ontológico que, por momentos, lo acerca peligrosamente a Dios. De todas las consecuencias que de ello se derivan, nos interesa (...)
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  15.  20
    La possibilità dell’errore. Pensare la tolleranza nel Medioevo.Natalia Jakubecki - 2022 - Patristica Et Mediaevalia 43 (1).
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    Petrarca lector de Abelardo. Transcripción y estudio hermenéutico de las notas marginales al epistolario / Petrarch Reader of Abelard. Transcription and Study of the Marginalia to his Letters.Natalia Jakubecki - 2015 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 22:147.
    Manuscript Paris Bib. Nat. lat. 2923 contains, among other texts, the letters of Abelard and Heloise, with notes by Francesco Petrarca. Although these texts have been the object of study by many researchers, especially philologists, none has ever published the complete marginal notes or done a thorough exegesis of them. In general, with the exception of the work of Pierre de Nolhac and Peter Dronke, and certain paragraphs that Constant Mews devotes to the subject, descriptions and other references to these (...)
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    AVERROES: El tratado decisivo y otros textos sobre filosofía y religión, traducción, introducción y notas de Rafael Ramón Guerrero, Buenos Aires, Ediciones Winograd, 2015, 213 páginas. [REVIEW]Natalia Jakubecki - 2016 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 23:397.
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  18.  15
    Adelardo de Bath, Cuestiones naturales, Traducción por José L. Cantón Alonso, Introducción y notas por Pedro Mantas España, Colección de Pensamiento Medieval y Renacentista – Nueva Serie 2, Pamplona, EUNSA, 2019, 213 pp. ISBN: 9788431333799. Cloth: € 16,5. [REVIEW]Natalia G. Jakubecki - 2020 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 27 (1):186-188.
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  19.  14
    The Fruit of Knowledge: To Bite or not to Bite? Isotta Nogarola on Eve’s Sin and Its Scholastic Sources.Marcela Borelli, Valeria A. Buffon & Natalia G. Jakubecki - 2021 - In Isabelle Chouinard, Zoe McConaughey, Aline Medeiros Ramos & Roxane Noël (eds.), Women’s Perspectives on Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp. 321-341.
    As we know, the sacred books of the three religions are not characterized by a gender-friendly approach. In the very beginning of the Old Testament we find the tale of the Fall of Man, where the serpent tempts Eve, who in turn tempts Adam to commit the original sin: to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. Eve’s guilt is taken for granted, and rarely discussed. The question of Eve’s guilt was first taken up in Augustine’s De Genesi ad (...)
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  20.  13
    Natalia Jakubecki, María Cecilia Rusconi y Natalia Strok (eds.), Platón cosmólogo: Recepción del Timeo entre la Edad Media y la Temprana Modernidad (Buenos Aires, 2022).Francisco Iversen - 2024 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 30 (2):146-148.
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    Why Eve Matters in the History of Feminist Arguments.Marguerite Deslauriers - 2021 - In Isabelle Chouinard, Zoe McConaughey, Aline Medeiros Ramos & Roxane Noël (eds.), Women’s Perspectives on Ancient and Medieval Philosophy. Cham, Switzerland: Springer. pp. 343-349.
    This is a response to the paper “The fruit of knowledge: To bite or not to bite? Isotta Nogarola on Eve’s sin and its scholastic sources,” by Marcela Borelli, Valeria A. Buffon, and Natalia G. Jakubecki. It has two aims. The first is to show the importance of discussions of Eve in the querelle des femmes, and so to emphasize the importance of Borelli, Buffon and Jakubecki’s analysis of Nogarola’s account of Eve. A second aim is to (...)
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  22.  33
    What Can Cognitive Science Do for People?Richard W. Prather, Viridiana L. Benitez, Lauren Kendall Brooks, Christopher L. Dancy, Janean Dilworth-Bart, Natalia B. Dutra, M. Omar Faison, Megan Figueroa, LaTasha R. Holden, Cameron Johnson, Josh Medrano, Dana Miller-Cotto, Percival G. Matthews, Jennifer J. Manly & Ayanna K. Thomas - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (6):e13167.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 46, Issue 6, June 2022.
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    Réplica de Graciela Queirolo.Graciela A. Queirolo - 2012 - Dialogos 16 (2).
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  24.  10
    El buen gobierno de los robots para su correcto impacto en la sociedad: ¿qué herramientas existen?Christi Amesti Mendizábal & Natalia Zardoya Jiménez - 2021 - Arbor 197 (802):a625.
    La inteligencia artificial y la robótica son dos realidades que han venido para quedarse y cuya implicación en nuestra sociedad afecta a distintos ámbitos. El hecho de que nos encontremos ante una tecnología capaz de emular actitudes humanas como son el aprendizaje o la adaptación, convierten a la IA, y en concreto a los robots dotados de la misma, en máquinas imprevisibles. Asimismo, nos encontramos con la agravante de la posible interacción entre máquinas y sujetos de carácter vulnerable como son (...)
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  25. Q-spaces and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics.Graciela Domenech, Federico Holik & Décio Krause - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (11):969-994.
    Our aim in this paper is to take quite seriously Heinz Post’s claim that the non-individuality and the indiscernibility of quantum objects should be introduced right at the start, and not made a posteriori by introducing symmetry conditions. Using a different mathematical framework, namely, quasi-set theory, we avoid working within a label-tensor-product-vector-space-formalism, to use Redhead and Teller’s words, and get a more intuitive way of dealing with the formalism of quantum mechanics, although the underlying logic should be modified. We build (...)
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  26.  8
    The Problem of the Totalitarian Nature of the Information Society in the Context of its Influence on Social Institutions.Vladislav Sheleketa, Vasilij Ivakhnov, Irina Dmitrieva & Natalia Revenko - 2021 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 30 (1):32-41.
    The article discusses the features of the process of transformation of human consciousness and educational culture in the conditions of the modern information society in the context of digitalization. By using such concepts, the theory of postmodernism and existentialism, the authors prove the legitimacy of the explication of these theories on the processes of transformation of human consciousness and radical changes in educational culture. At the same time, the necessity of critical reflection on the processes and phenomena from the perspective (...)
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    Pronoun Interpretation in the Second Language: Effects of Computational Complexity.Roumyana Slabakova, Lydia White & Natália Brambatti Guzzo - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    A Hierarchical Bayesian Model of Adaptive Teaching.Alicia M. Chen, Andrew Palacci, Natalia Vélez, Robert D. Hawkins & Samuel J. Gershman - 2024 - Cognitive Science 48 (7):e13477.
    How do teachers learn about what learners already know? How do learners aid teachers by providing them with information about their background knowledge and what they find confusing? We formalize this collaborative reasoning process using a hierarchical Bayesian model of pedagogy. We then evaluate this model in two online behavioral experiments (N = 312 adults). In Experiment 1, we show that teachers select examples that account for learners' background knowledge, and adjust their examples based on learners' feedback. In Experiment 2, (...)
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  29.  30
    Studying the Islamic lifestyle and academic success of Russian Muslim students.Zuraidah Abdullah, Aan Komariah, Natalia V. Sirotkina, Dedy Achmad Kurniady, Cucun Sunaengsih & Elena Pavlovna Panova - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1–6.
    The notion of lifestyle has recently attracted the attention of various scholars as a social science concept. For thousands of years, human beings attempted to realise and manage their lifestyles, and governments have tried to influence the lifestyles of their people. Nevertheless, the definition of lifestyle and its conceptualisation is relatively new. Lifestyle means the specific method of living of an individual, group or community. Lifestyles include a set of values, behaviours, moods and tastes that can refer to the interests, (...)
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  30. Prioritizing Positivity, Styles of Rumination, Coping Strategies, and Posttraumatic Growth: Examining Their Patterns and Correlations in a Prospective Study.Mariusz Zięba, Katarzyna Wiecheć, Natalia E. Wójcik & Michał J. Zięba - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectivesA growing number of studies indicate that coping with the experience of a crisis event, which causes a breach in the individual’s fundamental beliefs regarding the world and his/her place in it, can result in posttraumatic growth. Positive emotions can have an undoing effect on negative emotional arousal and broaden an individual’s scope of action, and they can foster posttraumatic growth. This study aimed to examine relations between prioritizing positivity, styles of rumination, coping strategies, and posttraumatic growth.MethodsOne hundred and sixty-four (...)
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  31.  19
    Ways to improve the educational and training process of athletes-veterans of the group "Health" in handball.Tatyana Aleksandrovna Martirosova, Klara Mikhailovna Evsyukova & Natalia Ilinichna Sidorova - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):287-291.
    Research objective: identify ways to improve the training process of athletes-veterans of the group "Health" in handball; determine the place of psychological training and its component - mental training in the training process of athletes-veterans of the group "Health" in handball; experimental testing of the dynamics of technical and tactical readiness of athletes, indicating the effectiveness of determining ways to improve the process under study.
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  32.  39
    Operation of a triage committee for advanced life support during the COVID-19 pandemic.Benjamín Herreros, Rafael Ruiz de Luna, Natalia de la Calle, Diego Gayoso, Paula Martínez, Karmele Olaciregui Dague & Gregorio Palacios - 2022 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 17 (1):1-8.
    Background During the first weeks of March 2020 in Spain, the cases of severe respiratory failure progressively increased, generating an imbalance between the clinical needs for advanced life support (ALS) measures and the effective availability of ALS resources. To address this problem, the creation of triage committees (TC) was proposed, whose main function is to select the best candidates to receive ALS. The main objective of our study is to describe the clinical characteristics of the patients evaluated by the TC (...)
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  33.  51
    Modal‐type orthomodular logic.Graciela Domenech, Hector Freytes & Christian de Ronde - 2009 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 55 (3):307-319.
    In this paper we enrich the orthomodular structure by adding a modal operator, following a physical motivation. A logical system is developed, obtaining algebraic completeness and completeness with respect to a Kripkestyle semantic founded on Baer*-semigroups as in [22].
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    Catalytic antibodies: balancing between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.Alexey Belogurov, Arina Kozyr, Natalia Ponomarenko & Alexander Gabibov - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (11):1161-1171.
    The immunoglobulin molecule is a perfect template for the de novo generation of biocatalytic functions. Catalytic antibodies, or abzymes, obtained by the structural mimicking of enzyme active sites have been shown to catalyze numerous chemical reactions. Natural enzyme analogs for some of these reactions have not yet been found or possibly do not exist at all. Nowadays, the dramatic breakthrough in antibody engineering and expression technologies has promoted a considerable expansion of immunoglobulin's medical applications and is offering abzymes a unique (...)
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    Sobre Bíos y Éthos. Un enfoque contemporáneo.Urbano Ferrer, Arantza Etxeberria, Álvaro Moreno, Ruth García Chico, José Luis González Recio, Luciano Espinosa Rubio, Begoña ROMÁN, Margarita Boladeras, Juan B. Fuentes & Natalia S. GARCÍA PÉREZ - 2007 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 40:3.
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    We know a lot about the cerebellum, but do we know what motor learning is?Stephan P. Swinnen, Charles B. Walter & Natalia Dounskaia - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (3):474-475.
    In the behavioral literature on human movement, a distinction is made between the learning of parameters and the learning of new movement forms or topologies. Whereas the target articles by Thach, Smith, and Houk et al. provide evidence for cerebellar involvement in parametrization learning and adaptation, the evidence in favor of its involvement in the generation of new movement patterns is less straightforward. A case is made for focusing more attention on the latter issue in the future. This would directly (...)
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    Verbal interaction pattern analysis in clinical psychology.Jesús Alonso-Vega, Natalia Andrés-López & María Xesús Froxán-Parga - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Recent developments in pattern analysis research have made this methodology suitable for the study of the processes that are set in motion in psychological interventions. Outcome research, based on the comparison between clinical results from treatment and control groups, has leveraged our empirical knowledge about the efficacy of psychological interventions. However, these methods of research are not precise enough for the analysis of these processes. On the contrary, pattern analysis could be a powerful tool to study moment-to-moment interactions typical of (...)
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  38. Frege and Kant on a priori knowledge.Graciela Pierris - 1988 - Synthese 77 (3):285 - 319.
  39. A Discussion on Particle Number and Quantum Indistinguishability.Graciela Domenech & Federico Holik - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (6):855-878.
    The concept of individuality in quantum mechanics shows radical differences from the concept of individuality in classical physics, as E. Schrödinger pointed out in the early steps of the theory. Regarding this fact, some authors suggested that quantum mechanics does not possess its own language, and therefore, quantum indistinguishability is not incorporated in the theory from the beginning. Nevertheless, it is possible to represent the idea of quantum indistinguishability with a first-order language using quasiset theory (Q). In this work, we (...)
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  40.  52
    (1 other version)An Artifactual Perspective on Idealization: Constant Capacitance and the Hodgkin and Huxley Model.Natalia Carrillo & Tarja Knuuttila - 2021 - In Alejandro Cassini & Juan Redmond (eds.), Models and Idealizations in Science: Artifactual and Fictional Approaches. Springer Verlag. pp. 51-70.
    Natalia Carrillo and Tarja Knuuttila claim that there are two traditions of thinking about idealization offering almost opposite views on their functioning and epistemic status. While one tradition views idealizations as epistemic deficiencies, the other one highlights the epistemic benefits of idealization. Both of them treat idealizations as deliberate misrepresentations, however. They then argue for an artifactual account of idealization, comparing it to the traditional accounts of idealization, and exemplifying it through the Hodgkin and Huxley model of the nerve (...)
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    Epistemic Shortcuts and Unjust Diagnostic Practices.Natalia Nealon - forthcoming - Social Epistemology.
    When diagnosing psychological disorders, doctors are expected to take the mental anguish of patients and offer fast and accurate explanations. The pressure that comes with this often leaves doctors in need of epistemic shortcuts for faster diagnoses. One such epistemic shortcut is to lean on statistical data when offering a diagnosis. When used justly, doctors consider a patient’s testimony, exhibited symptoms and statistical data relating to the general features of the patient such as age, weight and sex to determine if (...)
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  42.  63
    Should we discount the welfare of future generations? : Ramsey and Suppes versus Koopmans and Arrow.Graciela Chichilnisky, Peter J. Hammond & Nicholas Stern - unknown
    Ramsey famously pronounced that discounting “future enjoyments” would be ethically indefensible. Suppes enunciated an equity criterion implying that all individuals’ welfare should be treated equally. By contrast, Arrow accepted, perhaps rather reluctantly, the logical force of Koopmans’ argument that no satisfactory preference ordering on a sufficiently unrestricted domain of infinite utility streams satisfies equal treatment. In this paper, we first derive an equitable utilitarian objective based on a version of the Vickrey–Harsanyi original position, extended to allow a variable and uncertain (...)
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    Following the path of Hume. Humean Resonances of the Social Intuitionist Model by Jonathan Haidt.Graciela Vidiella - 2022 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 19:43-62.
    Jonathan Haidt has exhibited in several publications a strong influence by Hume as his inspiration to build up his Intuitionist Social Model especially in reference to the emotional and intuitive roots of morals. So, this article aims to go deeper into that influence to analyze, review and compare their concepts and hypotheses in order to establish common features in both Philosophers´ programs. By demonstrating some similarities between both authors -both critical to rationalism, and compelled to investigate the roots of morals (...)
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    Humans as bacteria? Cultural immunology in contemporary Japan.Natalia Anna Michna & Leszek Sosnowski - 2025 - Cogent 12 (1):1-14.
    The starting point for the considerations in the article is the statement of Keiko Yamanaka that the Japanese know nothing about resistance to the bacterium represented by another human being. In the article, however, we put forward the thesis that Japanese culture has developed a collective immune system resulting not from individual but from shared systemic immunology in connection with the performance of family, professional and social functions. The analysis of Japanese ‘cultural immunology’ includes an examination of the ways of (...)
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  45. Alan: An Action Language For Modelling Non-Markovian Domains.Graciela González, Chitta Baral & Michael Gelfond - 2005 - Studia Logica 79 (1):115-134.
    In this paper we present the syntax and semantics of a temporal action language named Alan, which was designed to model interactive multimedia presentations where the Markov property does not always hold. In general, Alan allows the specification of systems where the future state of the world depends not only on the current state, but also on the past states of the world. To the best of our knowledge, Alan is the first action language which incorporates causality with temporal formulas. (...)
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  46. Las relaciones interpersonales en el ciberespacio.Graciela Castro - 2001 - Kairos: Revista de Temas Sociales 5 (8):2.
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    Markets with endogenous uncertainty theory and policy.Graciela Chichilnisky - 1996 - Theory and Decision 41 (2):99-131.
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    Fenomenología y hermenéutica: desde la transmodernidad latinoamericana.Graciela Maturo - 2007 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 12 (37):35-50.
    This article states the contribution of phenomenology to a renovation of the human sciences, particularly in the field of literary studies in Latin America. First, it postulates the legitimacy of the Latin American scholar’s as -suming a thought that is situated, geocultural and histori cally l..
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    Principlist and Personalist Approaches to Compassion.Graciela Ortiz - 2019 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 19 (4):569-581.
    One’s understanding of compassionate care and one’s response to suffering depend on one’s bioethical framework. This paper contrasts the principlist bioethical model with the personalist bioethical model. These emphasize different principles, definitions, and understandings of concepts such as autonomy, compassion, suffering, harm, and help. The principlist model regards euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide as acts of autonomy and compassion that eradicate suffering. This perspective fails to keep in mind that autonomous patients do not always act for their own good. Conversely, the (...)
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    The Significance of Philosophical Scepticism.Graciela De Pierris - 1989 - Noûs 23 (4):531.
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