Results for 'Nafees Ahmad'

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  1.  46
    Guidelines adherence and hypertension control at a tertiary hospital in Malaysia.Nafees Ahmad, Yahaya Hassan, Balamurugan Tangiisuran, Ong Loke Meng, Noorizan Abd Aziz, Fiaz‐ud‐Din Ahmad & Muhammad Atif - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (5):798-804.
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  2. Collected Papers (on Neutrosophic Theory and Applications), Volume VIII.Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Miami, FL, USA: Global Knowledge.
    This eighth volume of Collected Papers includes 75 papers comprising 973 pages on (theoretic and applied) neutrosophics, written between 2010-2022 by the author alone or in collaboration with the following 102 co-authors (alphabetically ordered) from 24 countries: Mohamed Abdel-Basset, Abduallah Gamal, Firoz Ahmad, Ahmad Yusuf Adhami, Ahmed B. Al-Nafee, Ali Hassan, Mumtaz Ali, Akbar Rezaei, Assia Bakali, Ayoub Bahnasse, Azeddine Elhassouny, Durga Banerjee, Romualdas Bausys, Mircea Boșcoianu, Traian Alexandru Buda, Bui Cong Cuong, Emilia Calefariu, Ahmet Çevik, Chang Su (...)
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  3. Dr. Ahmad Aliakbar Mesgari.Ahmad Ali Akbar Mesgari & Hamid Gaesmi - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations at University of Tabriz 5 (8):191-235.
    The aim of present paper is to introduce the concept of ‘expressive perception’ in Ernst Cassirer’s philosophical mythology. Having Cited Dorothy Emmet’s methodological objection, the author, by recalling Kantian aspect of Cassirer’s thought and referring to the concept of ‘expressive perception’, would make an attempt to reply on his part: according to Cassirer, this level of perceptive experience is the origin of the mythical form of thinking as a whole and, at the same time, is the original and irreducible altogether. (...)
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    Abdullah Ahmad Badawi: A Malaysian Neo-Conservative?Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid & Muhamad Takiyuddin Ismail - 2012 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 13 (3):379-399.
    This article proposes an analysis of changes implemented during Malaysia's Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's administration (20032003), which displayed bias against changes and introduced schemes to justify the systems it upheld. Transmutations wrought during Abdullah's tenure may have been neither substantial nor totalizing, but within the conservative paradigm which had long gripped national politics, Abdullah's deviations were significant nevertheless.
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    New Types of Neutrosophic Crisp Closed Sets.Ahmed B. Al-Nafee, A. A. Salama & Florentin Smarandache - 2020 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 36:175-183.
    The neutrosophic sets were known since 1999, and because of their wide applications and their great flexibility to solve the problems, we used these the concepts to define a new types of neutrosophic crisp closed sets and limit points in neutrosophic crisp topological space, namly [neutrosophic crisp Gem sets and neutrosophic crisp Turig points] respactvely, we stady their properties in details and join it with topological concepts. Finally we used [neutrosophic crisp Gem sets and neutrosophic crisp Turig points] to introduce (...)
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  6.  27
    Toward the quantification of psychology.J. P. Nafe - 1942 - Psychological Review 49 (1):1-18.
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  7. An Intelligent Tutoring System for Learning Introduction to Computer Science.Ahmad Marouf, Mohammed K. Abu Yousef, Mohammed N. Mukhaimer & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2018 - International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) 2 (2):1-8.
    The paper describes the design of an intelligent tutoring system for teaching Introduction to Computer Science-a compulsory curriculum in Al-Azhar University of Gaza to students who attend the university. The basic idea of this system is a systematic introduction into computer science. The system presents topics with examples. The system is dynamically checks student's individual progress. An initial evaluation study was done to investigate the effect of using the intelligent tutoring system on the performance of students enrolled in computer science (...)
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  8. Living with Eqbal Ahmad, 1932-1999: a homage to academician, intellectual & revolutionary.Eqbal Ahmad - 1999 - Lahore: Democratic Commission for Human Development.
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    Sayyid Ahmad: A Study of the Religous Reform Movement of Sayyid Ahmad of Rā'e BarelīSayyid Ahmad: A Study of the Religous Reform Movement of Sayyid Ahmad of Ra'e Bareli.Aziz Ahmad, Muḥammad Hedāyetullāh & Muhammad Hedayetullah - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (3):361.
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    Neural and Behavioral Correlates of Sacred Values and Vulnerability to Violent Extremism.Clara Pretus, Nafees Hamid, Hammad Sheikh, Jeremy Ginges, Adolf Tobeña, Richard Davis, Oscar Vilarroya & Scott Atran - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:413840.
    Violent extremism is often explicitly motivated by commitment to abstract ideals such as the nation or divine law – so-called “sacred” values that are relatively insensitive to material incentives and define our primary reference groups. Moreover, extreme pro-group behavior seems to intensify after social exclusion. This fMRI study explores underlying neural and behavioral relationships between sacred values, violent extremism, and social exclusion. Ethnographic fieldwork and psychological surveys were carried out among young men from a European Muslim community in neighborhoods in (...)
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  11. Ibn al-Haytham's Universal Solution for Finding the Direction of the Qibla by Calculation: AHMAD S. DALLAL.Ahmad S. Dallal - 1995 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 5 (2):145-193.
    This paper presents an edition of al-Hasan ibn al-asan ibn al-Haytham's treatise, Qawl fi samt al-qibla bi-al-isāb with translation and commentary. In it Ibn al-Haytham provides a universal method for finding the direction of the qibla at any location on the surface of the earth by using spherical trigonometry and accurate calculation. Ibn al-Haytham's computational solution has not been studied before, and it has often been confused with another work of his in which he uses an analemma construction to solve (...)
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  12.  47
    Travaux récents en histoire de l'astronomie arable*: AHMAD S. DALLAL.Ahmad S. Dallal - 1997 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 7 (2):283-297.
  13.  3
    Postmodernism and Popular Culture.Hareem Ahmad - 2025 - European Journal of Philosophy Culture and Religion 9 (1):1-9.
    Purpose: This research examines postmodernism's influence in social and political change and its relationship to popular culture. It examines how postmodernism changed media studies, cultural anthropology, gender studies, and youth culture. This study seeks to address gaps in our knowledge by analyzing how postmodern notions promote a more flexible cultural analysis and challenge traditional identity and representation theories. Materials and Methods: Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Walter Benjamin, Susan Sontag, and Angela McRobbie are among the postmodernists and cultural theorists explored in the (...)
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    Prediction Approaches for Smart Cultivation: A Comparative Study.Amitabha Chakrabarty, Nafees Mansoor, Muhammad Irfan Uddin, Mosleh Hmoud Al-Adaileh, Nizar Alsharif & Fawaz Waselallah Alsaade - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-16.
    Crop cultivation is one of the oldest activities of civilization. For a long time, crop production was carried out based on knowledge passed from generation to generation. However, due to the rapid growth in the human population of the world, human knowledge-based cultivation is not enough to meet the demanding need. To address this issue, the usage of machine learning-based tools has been studied in this paper. An experiment has been carried out over 0.3 million data. This dataset identifies 46 (...)
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  15. Revisiting Home in Home-Based Work: A Call for Epistemic Compassion.Ahmad Faraz Khan & Irna Ishrat - forthcoming - Business and Society.
    Acknowledging the foundational role of home is essential to understand the phenomenon of home-based work. Toward this end, we advocate the adoption of epistemic compassion in research on home-based work to move beyond reductionist views and illuminate the risks of modern slavery.
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    Understanding the atheism phenomenon through the lived experiences of Muslims: An overview of Malaysian atheists.Ahmad F. Ramli, Muhammad R. Sarifin, Norazlan H. Yaacob & Siti A. M. Zin - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):8.
    Little is known about the background of atheism in Malaysia and how Muslims respond to the phenomenon, although provocations by Malaysian atheists often take place on social media. This study addressed the gap by exploring the atheism phenomenon in Malaysia’s ethnoreligious-oriented society. Data were collected from in-depth interviews and content analysis using the qualitative method. All data were analysed thematically using the software for qualitative analysis, ATLAS.ti. The resulting superordinate themes that emerged from the analysis include the phenomenon of Malaysian (...)
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  17.  93
    Democracy and Islam.Irfan Ahmad - 2011 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (4):459-470.
    The dominant debate on Islam and democracy continues to operate in the realm of normativity. This article engages with key literature showing limits of such a line of inquiry. Through the case study of India’s Islamist organization, Jamaat-e-Islami, I aim at shifting the debate from textual normativity to demotic praxis. I demonstrate how Islam and democracy work in practice, and in so doing offer a fresh perspective to enhance our understandings of both Islam and democracy. A key proposition of this (...)
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  18. Trend sufastaiyah (subjektivisme) modern dan dampaknya kepada ilmu dan moral.Ahmad Syukri Baharuddin - 2009 - In Ahmad Syukri Saleh, Ahmad Syukri Baharuddin & A. A. Miftah, Islam and contemporary issues on Islamic education, law, philosophy, and economy. Jambi: PPs IAIN STS Jambi.
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    La lumière de l'intellect: la pensée scientifique et philosophique d'Averroès dans son temps: actes du IVe colloque international de la SIHSPAI (Société internationale d'histoire des sciences et de la philosophie arabes et islamiques), Cordoue, 1998.Ahmad Hasnawi (ed.) - 2011 - Leuven: Peeters.
    Les etudes sur Averroes (1126-1198) ont porte jusqu'ici, pour l'essentiel, soit sur un aspect de sa psychologie philosophique, soit sur sa doctrine politique. Le premier type d'etudes se situe dans le prolongement de la reception medievale latine d'Averroes, caracterisee par les controverses suscitees par sa noetique. Le second reflete un courant de la recherche qui a domine l'histoire recente de la philosophie arabe et qui a mis l'accent sur l'etude des rapports entre religion et philosophie. Sans negliger ces deux orientations, (...)
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  20.  21
    Philosophy of Science Since Bacon: Readings in Ideas and Interpretations.Ahmad Raza (ed.) - 2011 - New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    The present volume is a collection of original articles of high quality on the Philosophy of Science by philosophers and scientists of international repute. As the title of the book suggests, it looks at the various points of view of leading practitioners, as well as philosophers on the nature and structure of our knowledge of the physical world. The present work brings forth the fundamental ideas of Bacon, Galileo, Newton, Descartes, Popper, Einstein, Thomas Kuhn and several other leading scientists and (...)
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  21.  10
    Langkah pertama perwira.Ahmad Azan Ridzuan - 2015 - Kuala Lumpur: Penerbit UPNM. Edited by MohdJuraimy Kadir & Noor Azmi Haji MohdZainol.
    Guidelines on ethics and military life for new officers of Malaysian Army.
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    A single session of exercise increases connectivity in sensorimotor-related brain networks: a resting-state fMRI study in young healthy adults.Ahmad S. Rajab, David E. Crane, Laura E. Middleton, Andrew D. Robertson, Michelle Hampson & Bradley J. MacIntosh - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  23. Decolonization and psychoanalysis: the underside of signification.Ahmad Fuad Rahmat - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Decolonization and Psychoanalysis challenges traditional psychoanalytic frameworks by revisiting Lacan's conceptualization of the materiality of speech through a decolonial lens. Ahmad Fuad Rahmat explores how Lacan's ideas about the symbolic order and its historical development are intertwined with colonial assumptions, and proposes that rethinking these assumptions can pave the way for a decolonial psychoanalysis. The book explores how Lacan uses Freud's Jewishness as a marginalized perspective that reveals the excluded dimensions of signification within the symbolic order, and examines James (...)
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  24. Genetics of emotional regulation: the role of the serotonin transporter in neural function.Ahmad R. Hariri & Andrew Holmes - 2006 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10 (4):182-191.
  25. Davoud-ibn-Muhabber's Al-Aql Book: An Attempt to analyze the Book and Reconstruction of a theory.Ahmad Pakatchi - 2012 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 1 (1):153-171.
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  26.  Knowledge In Mystical Thought of Shaykh Najm al-din.Ahmad Pakatchi - 2012 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 2 (2):15-33.
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  27. The identity theorist's solution to the mind-body problem.Ingrid Wallner-Ahmad - 1975 - Gnosis 1:28-38.
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  28. Mawqif Ibn Rushd min ishkālīyat al-maʻrifah al-Ṣūfīyah.Ahmad Bilhaj Ayt Warham - 2001 - Marrākush: Dār Walīlī lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr.
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    Global chaos synchronization of new chaotic system using linear active control.Israr Ahmad, Azizan Bin Saaban, Adyda Binti Ibrahim & Mohammad Shahzad - 2016 - Complexity 21 (1):379-386.
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  30.  85
    Embedding the diamond in the σ2 enumeration degree.Seema Ahmad - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (1):195 - 212.
  31.  53
    The Representation of Laji’een and Muhajireen in the Headlines of Jordan News Agency.Ahmad S. Haider & Saleh Olimy - 2019 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 32 (1):155-186.
    This paper explores the representation of Laji’een and Muhajireen in Jordan News Agency. It uses the headlines of a 2.5 million word corpus of Arabic news articles in a time span of 5 years from 2012 to 2016. Chronologically analyzing the headlines shows a change in the representation of and attitudes towards refugees and migrants over the investigated period. The analysis of the headlines shows that 2012 starts with providing the assistance to the refugees then at a later stage of (...)
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  32.  48
    Comments on Skocpol.Eqbal Ahmad - 1982 - Theory and Society 11 (3):293-300.
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  33.  61
    Do Motives Matter in Male Circumcision? 'Conscientious Objection' Against the Circumcision of a Muslim Child with a Blood Disorder.Ayesha Ahmad - 2013 - Bioethics 28 (2):67-75.
    Whilst there have been serious attempts to locate the practice of male circumcision for religious motives in the context of the (respective) religion's narrative and community, the debate, when referring to a clinical context, is often more nuanced. This article will contribute further to the debate by contextualising the Islamic practice of male circumcision within the clinical setting typical of a contemporary hospital. It specifically develops an additional complication; namely, the child has a pre-existing blood disorder. As an approach to (...)
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  34. Post-partition movement of population.Kazi S. Ahmad - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann, Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship. pp. 3--201.
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  35.  13
    A quantitative theory of feeling: 1960.D. R. Kenshalo & John P. Nafe - 1962 - Psychological Review 69 (1):17-33.
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  36. al-Fārābī: ḥayātuh, āthāruh, falsafatuh.Ahmad Shamsuddin - 1990 - Bayrūt, Lubnān: Dār al-Kutub al-ʻIlmīyah.
  37.  9
    (1 other version)Consistency in Categorical Languages for Algebras.Ahmad Shafaat - 1980 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 26 (13):205-207.
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  38.  19
    Dialogue among Civilizations: Culture and Identity.Ahmad Jalali - 2003 - Dialogue and Universalism 13 (6):27-42.
    After some conceptual elaboration on the topic of the Dialogue among Civilizations, this article will give some examples of UNESCO’s contribution in this domain. DAC is intrinsically bound to the questions of identity and otherness through the role culture and civilization play in composing our identity. We forge our own identity through our culture; those who share this identity are insiders, and those who do not are outsiders. Some understandings of identity conclude in a lack of appreciation for the Others’ (...)
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  39. الالتفات في السرد القرآني.أحمد محمد حسين بشارات & Ahmad Bsharat - 2015 - Dissertation, جامعة اليرموك
    ملخّـــــــــــــــص. بشارات، أحمد محمد. الالتفات في السّرد القرآني. رسالة دكتوراه في جامعة اليرموك. 2015م. (المشرف: أ.د. يوسف أبو العدوس). يعرض البحث ثلاث قضايا: الأولى، بنية الالتفات النصّي في محاولة لإجراء مفهوم يصدق على التشكّل البنيوي للالتفات النصّي، بإقامة تقابلات وظيفية بين الالتفات ووظيفتين في الدراسات السّرديّة: وظيفة الحافز ووظيفة التحفيز. إنّ الالتفات النصّي يتشكّل وفقًا للاعتبار الدلاليّ؛ فالتصوّر الشّكلي(=البنيّة التركيبية) غير وارد في إقامة مفهوم وظيفيّ للالتفات النصّي؛ أي أنّ بنيّة الالتفات بنيّة فوق صرفيّة(=صيغة الكلمة)، وفوق نحوية(=مسند ومسند إليه=جملة)، فالالتفات (...)
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  40. Varying Evidential Standards as a Matter of Justice.Ahmad Elabbar - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    The setting of evidential standards is a core practice of scientific assessment for policy. Persuaded by considerations of inductive risk, philosophers generally agree that the justification of evidential standards must appeal to non-epistemic values but debate whether the balance of non-epistemic reasons favours varying evidential standards versus maintaining fixed high evidential standards in assessment, as both sets of standards promote different and important political virtues of advisory institutions. In this paper, I adjudicate the evidential standards debate by developing a novel (...)
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  41.  37
    Disambiguating “Mechanisms” in Pharmacy: Lessons from Mechanist Philosophy of Science.Ahmad Yaman Abdin, Claus Jacob & Lena Kästner - 2020 - International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (6).
    Talk of mechanisms is ubiquitous in the natural sciences. Interdisciplinary fields such as biochemistry and pharmacy frequently discuss mechanisms with the assistance of diagrams. Such diagrams usually depict entities as structures or boxes and activities or interactions as arrows. While some of these arrows may indicate causal or componential relations, others may represent temporal or operational orders. Importantly, what kind of relation an arrow represents may not only vary with context but also be underdetermined by empirical data. In this manuscript, (...)
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  42.  33
    Ismaele e Isacco: prospettive sui rapporti tra Islam e Ebraismo.Ahmad Abdal & Vincenzo Waliyy - 2007 - Idee 65:91-100.
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  43. The definition of motion in avicenna's physics.Ahmad Hasnawi - 2001 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 11 (2):219-255.
    A part of chapter 1, Book II of the Physics of the Šif¯ ' is dedicated to the aristotelian definition of motion . The developments to which the treatment of this question gives rise are distinctive of the Avicennian style in his Physics . By assuming the notion of double entelechy, Avicenna is following the most classical exegetical tradition. However, by setting a correspondence between the double entelechy and the double notion of motion: 1) motion as an intermediary state, which (...)
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  44.  19
    An Islamic Response to Greek Astronomy: Kitāb Ta‘Dīl Hay’at Al-Aflāk of Sadr Al-Sharī‘A. Edited with Translation and Commentary.Ahmad Dallal - 1995 - Brill.
    This study provides a detailed description of ways in which Muslim astronomers handled the Greek astronomical legacy, reassessed its cultural and philosophical implications in light of their religiously-inspired world view, and proposed to modify it.
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    Ibn al-Haytham’s Revision of the Euclidean Foundations of Mathematics.Ahmad Ighbariah & Roy Wagner - 2018 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 8 (1):62-86.
    This article studies Ibn al-Haytham’s treatment of the common notions from Euclid’s Elements (usually referred to today as the axioms). We argue that Ibn al-Haytham initiated a new approach with regard to these foundational statements, rejecting their qualification as innate, self-evident, or primary. We suggest that Ibn al-Haytham’s engagement with experimental science, especially optics, led him to revise the framing of Euclidean common notions in a way that would fit his experimental approach.
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    A Non-Ptolemaic Lunar Model From Fourteenth-Century Central Asia.Ahmad Dallal - 1992 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 2 (2):237.
    As early as the ninth century, Muslim astronomers started refining the Ptolemaic astronomy which, by this time, had been fully adopted as the framework of their research. Already, in the early part of this century, refinements were based on improved observational techniques, and included a variety of phenomena such as the length of the seasons, the solar equation, mean motion parameters, and many others.
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    Philosophy in Pakistan.Naeem Ahmad (ed.) - 1996 - Washington D.C.: in collaboration with, Council for Research in Values and Philosophy.
    At the turn of the millennium, new sensibilities are opening for the human spirit. Dimensions of the mind long forgotten since the beginning of the ...
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    Allama Muhammad Iqbal: poet, philosopher, statesman and reformer.Z̤iyāʼ Aḥmad & uddīn - 2006 - Lahore: Bazm-i-Iqbal.
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    Waḥdatus shuhūd, kritik al-rāniri atas panteisme ketuhanan.Ahmad Fairozi & Sulistya Ayu Anggraini - 2020 - Kanz Philosophia a Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 6 (2):119-138.
    This paper discusses Al-Rāniri ‘s criticism of the theological conception in Nusantara Sufism which contains elements of pantheism. This paper begins by describing the teachings of Waḥdah shuhūd in Sufism Al-Rāniri. This teaching believes in God, Allah as the only one and only being, while the universe is only a madzhar that testifies to the oneness of Allah Himself. That is why a being other than Allah is not separate, it is neither independent nor one with God. Based on this (...)
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  50. Subject sensitive invariantism and epistemic contextualism.Ahmad Reza Hemmati Moghaddam - forthcoming - Philosophical Investigations.
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