Results for 'Nadine Kuperty-Tsur'

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  1.  46
    Levels of Information Processing in Reading Poetry.Reuven Tsur - 1979 - Critical Inquiry 5 (4):751-759.
    I have based my psychological hypotheses on studies in perception and in personality. Research in these two areas began independently, but by the late forties the supposedly unconnected processes came to be seen as different aspects of one process. For instance, a low tolerance for perceptual ambiguity and cognitive dissonance was found to be significantly correlated with lack of emotional responsiveness, dogmatism, and authoritarianism; conversely, a high tolerance for perceptual ambiguity and cognitive dissonance was found to be significantly correlated with (...)
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    ‘Composition of place’, experiential set, and the meditative poem.Reuven Tsur & Motti Benari - 2001 - Pragmatics and Cognition 9 (2):203-237.
    Meditative poetry has the ability to reproduce aspects of the meditative experience. In this paper we explore this ability, trying to clarify the phenomenon by pointing out the cognitive processes involved. We focus on Christian Jesuit meditation and pinpoint one of its most effective elements: “the composition of place”. We argue that three main abilities associated with “the composition of place” are responsible for the meditative quality detected in poetic meditative texts: The text’s ability to evoke an orientation process; the (...)
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    Animal Research on Campus: Reflections on My Experience in the Field.Nadine Dolby - forthcoming - Educational Studies:1-12.
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    Unraveling Resident Evil: essays on the complex universe of the games and films.Nadine Farghaly (ed.) - 2014 - Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers.
    Resident Evil is a multidimensional, multimedia universe. The essays written for this volume will focus on this particular zombie manifestation and its significance in popular culture, cover a wide range, and discuss numerous issues. Among them are game theory, the idea of silence as well as memory, the connection to iconic stories, posthumanism and much more.
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    Etude des textes en corpus et problèmes d’échelle.Nadine Lucas - 2009 - Corpus 8:197-220.
    A partir de l’étude de corpus de textes, manuelle et informatique, nous présentons une réflexion sur l’analyse de texte ou de discours à travers l’exemple de l’exposition didactique. Celle-ci peut s’envisager à différents grains. Nous posons la question de la taille du texte, de son style collectif à travers sa disposition et ses marques. Nous interrogeons la pertinence du modèle choisi en relation avec la notion d’échelle. Enfin, nous posons la question de la résolution adéquate pour des logiciels d’analyse, à (...)
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    Hegel und die Religion.Nadine Mooren - 2018 - Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag.
  7.  13
    (1 other version)Can Field Theory be Applied to the Semiotics of Communication?Mihai Nadin - 1986 - Communications 12 (3):61-80.
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    Worterbuch der SemiotikAllgemeine Zeichenlehre: Einfuhrung in die Grundlagen der SemiotikSemiotische Prozesse und Systeme.Mihai Nadin, Max Bense & Elizabeth Walther - 1976 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 34 (4):497.
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    Levels and differentials in childhood mortality in south Africa, 1977–1998.Nadine Nannan, Ian M. Timæus, Ria Laubscher & Debbie Bradshaw - 2007 - Journal of Biosocial Science 39 (4):613-632.
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    Cécile Wick. Colored Waters: Drawings and Photographs.Nadine Olonetzky & Martin Jaeggi - 2011 - Scheidegger & Spiess.
    Cécile Wick's work, oscillating among photography, painting, and drawing, is one of the most important oeuvres in contemporary Swiss art. Solo exhibitions in various galleries and a large retrospective at the Museum of Fine Art in Berne have recently showcased her prints and etchings to great acclaim. Cécile Wick. Colored Waters offers readers the first glimpse of the artist's more recent photographs and, in particular, drawings. Watercolors, ink drawings, inkjet prints and photographs are presented in series, putting media and motifs (...)
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    Ci-gît l'État.Nadine Ribault & Thierry Ribault - 2012 - Multitudes 48 (1):184-187.
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  12.  18
    Sport im Inklusionsprofil der Bevölkerung Deutschlands - Ergebnisse einer differenzierungstheoretisch angelegten empirischen Untersuchung / Sports as an Inclusion Profile of the German Population - Results of a Differential-Theoretical Designed Empirical Study.Nadine M. Schöneck & Uwe Schimank - 2006 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 3 (1):5-32.
    Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag stellt eine differenzierungstheoretische Perspektive auf Sportbeteiligung und Sportinteresse der Erwachsenenbevölkerung vor. Zugrunde liegen empirische Daten aus einer eigenen repräsentativen Bevölkerungsumfrage in Deutschland vom Herbst 2003, in der die Inklusion der Erwachsenen in sämtliche gesellschaftlichen Teilsysteme ermittelt wurde. Die Inklusion in den Sport wird mit Bezug auf die sekundäre Leistungsrolle des Breitensportlers und die Publikumsrolle des Sportzuschauers betrachtet; sodann wird möglichen Zusammenhängen zwischen der Ausprägung der Inklusion in den Sport mit ungleichheitstheoretisch geläufigen Merkmalen sozialer Lage, darüber hinaus dann (...)
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  13. ʻIyunim ba-roḥak ha-esteti.Tsur, Reʼuven & [From Old Catalog] - 1971
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  14.  10
    On the Shore of Nothingness: A Study in Cognitive Poetics.Reuven Tsur - 2003 - Imprint Academic.
    This book studies how poetic structure transforms verbal imitations of religious experience into concepts. The book investigates how such a conceptual language can convey such non-conceptual experiences as meditation, ecstasy or mystic insights. Briefly, it explores how the poet, by using words, can express the ‘ineffable’. It submits to close reading English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Armenian and Hebrew texts, from the Bible, through medieval, renaissance, metaphysical, and baroque poetry, to romantic and symbolistic poetry.
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  15. Frankfurt-Style Counterexamples and the Importance of Alternative Possibilities.Nadine Elzein - 2017 - Acta Analytica 32 (2):169-191.
    Proponents of modern Frankfurt-Style Counterexamples generally accept that we cannot construct successful FSCs in which there are no alternative possibilities present. But they maintain that we can construct successful FSCs in which there are no morally significant alternatives present and that such examples succeed in breaking any conceptual link between alternative possibilities and free will. I argue that it is not possible to construct an FSC that succeeds even in this weaker sense. In cases where any alternatives are clearly insignificant, (...)
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  16. Feminist standpoint theory, Hegel and the dialectical self: Shifting the foundations.Nadine Changfoot - 2004 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 30 (4):477-502.
    The claim that theoretical foundations are historically contingent does not draw the same intensity of fire as it did one or especially two decades ago. The aftermath of debates on the political boundaries created by foundations allows for a deeper exploration of the foundations of feminist theory. This article re-examines the (anti)-Hegelian foundations of the feminist standpoint put forward by Nancy Hartsock and argues that the Hegelian subject of the early Phenomenology of Spirit resists gender codification in its experience of (...)
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    Can Graphical Causal Inference Be Extended to Nonlinear Settings?Nadine Chlaß & Alessio Moneta - 2010 - In M. Dorato M. Suàrez, Epsa Epistemology and Methodology of Science. Springer. pp. 63--72.
    Graphical models are a powerful tool for causal model specification. Besides allowing for a hierarchical representation of variable interactions, they do not require any a priori specification of the functional dependence between variables. The construction of such graphs hence often relies on the mere testing of whether or not model variables are marginally or conditionally independent. The identification of causal relationships then solely requires some general assumptions on the relation between stochastic and causal independence, such as the Causal Markov Condition (...)
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  18. Landscape Architecture in the United States-Series: The state of the profession around the world.Nadine Gerdts - 2007 - Topos 61:97.
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    Harald Fischer‐Tiné , Pidgin‐Knowledge. Wissen und Kolonialismus, (Perspektiven der Wissensgeschichte) Zürich/Berlin: diaphanes 2013.Nadin Heé - 2015 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 38 (1):92-93.
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  20. Ghita Holmström-Hintikka and Raimo Tuomela, eds., Contemporary Action Theory. Volume 2: Social Action Reviewed by.Nadine Lavand - 1999 - Philosophy in Review 19 (4):264-265.
  21.  12
    Introduction.Mihai Nadin - 1984 - Semiotica 52 (3-4).
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    The Meaning of the Image.Mihai Nadin - 1982 - Semiotics:415-424.
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    Values in Post-Modern Art.Mihai Nadin - 1983 - Semiotics:623-628.
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    Zeichen und Wert.Mihai Nadin - 1981 - Dresden University Press.
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    Astronomical and Optical Principles in the Architecture of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople.Nadine Schibille - 2009 - Science in Context 22 (1):27-46.
    ArgumentTextual and material evidence suggests that early Byzantine architects, known asmechanikoi, were comprehensively educated in the mathematical sciences according to contemporary standards. This paper explores the significance of the astronomical and optical sciences for the working methods of the twomechanikoiof Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, Anthemios of Tralles and Isidoros of Miletus. It argues that one major concern in the sixth-century architectural design of the Great Church was the visual effect of its sacred interior, particularly the luminosity within. Anthemios and Isidoros (...)
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  26.  15
    Lesarten des Geschlechts: Joachim Heinrich Campes Jugendratgeber revisited.Nadine Schicha - 2014 - Bad Heilbrunn: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt.
    Der Philanthrop Joachim Heinrich Campe publizierte gegen Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts zwei Ratgeber für bürgerliche Mädchen und Jungen. Damit wollte er sie besser auf ihre zukünftigen geschlechtsspezifischen Pflichten vorbereiten. Sein Mädchenratgeber Väterlicher Rath für meine Tochter erhält in der modernen Geschlechterforschung.
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  27. Academic and artistic freedom.Nadine Strossen - forthcoming - Ethics, Information and Technology: Readings. Mcfarland and Company, Inc., Publishers, Jefferson, Nc.
  28. Carefully Orchestrated Campaign, The.Nadine Strossen & Caitlin Borgmann - 1998 - Nexus 3:3.
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    Surrogacy: A Preferred Treatment for Infertility?Nadine Taub - 1988 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 16 (1-2):89-95.
  30. Vignette : BMK's Garden : Growing Where You Are Planted.Nadine Thorsen - 2025 - In Bartha Maria Knoppers, E. S. Dove, Vasiliki Rahimzadeh & Michael J. S. Beauvais, Promoting the "human" in law, policy, and medicine: essays in honour of Bartha Maria Knoppers. Boston: Brill/Nijhoff.
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  31. Deixis in literature: Whatisn’tcognitive poetics?Reuven Tsur - 2008 - Pragmatics and Cognition 16 (1):119-150.
    This is a theoretical and methodological statement of what isn’t and what is Cognitive poetics. It is focused on Peter Stockwell’s discussion of deixis; but, I claim, much of what I have to say on Stockwell’s work would apply to some degree to the work of many other critics. I argue that Stockwell translates traditional critical terms into a “cognitive” language, but does not rely on cognitive processes to account for issues related to the texts discussed; and that he uses (...)
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  32.  22
    Some Mannerist Ingenuities in Mystic Poetry.Reuven Tsur - 2004 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 11 (5-6):5-6.
    One of the central assumptions of the present study is that mystic or religious poetry not just formulates mystic or religious ideas: it somehow converts theological ideas into religious experience, by verbal means. It somehow seems to reach the less rational layers of the mind by some drastic interference with the smooth functioning of the cognitive system, or by a quite smooth regression from ‘ordinary consciousness’ to some ‘altered state of consciousness’. In this way, the experience is affected not only (...)
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  33.  65
    The Neurological Fallacy.Reuven Tsur - 2012 - Pragmatics and Cognition 20 (3):429-446.
    This non-article explores the limitations of applying brain science in “higher” disciplines. Many brain scientists believe that it is only a matter of time that everything human will be accounted for by the findings of brain science. Michael Polányi in the nineteen-sixties and recently Michael Gazzaniga argued against such determinism. They say that while “lower-level” processes constrain “higher-level” ones, they cannot determine them. The human mind is an emergent process, and it cannot be predicted from brain structure anymore than traffic (...)
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  34. Visual and Auditory Ingenuities in Mystic Poetry.R. Tsur - 2004 - Journal of Consciousness Studies:11--5.
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    Cultural Relativism and Biological Determinism: A Problem in Historical Explanation.Nadine Weidman - 2019 - Isis 110 (2):328-331.
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  36. Neural correlates of auditory temporal predictions during sensorimotor synchronization.Nadine Pecenka, Annerose Engel & Peter E. Keller - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  37.  32
    An evolutionary perspective on the patterning of maternal investment in pregnancy.Nadine Peacock - 1991 - Human Nature 2 (4):351-385.
    Pregnancy is thought to be a metabolically very expensive endeavor, yet investigations have produced inconsistent results concerning the responsiveness of human birth weight to maternal nutritional stress or nutritional intervention. These findings have led some researchers to conclude that fetal growth is strongly buffered against fluctuations in maternal energy balance, making the fetus in effect a “nearly perfect parasite.” This buffering would appear to be a reasonable adaptive response given the high risk of morbidity and mortality associated with low birth (...)
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  38. Mapping ethical issues in the use of smart home health technologies to care for older persons: a systematic review.Nadine Andrea Felber, Yi Jiao Tian, Félix Pageau, Bernice Simone Elger & Tenzin Wangmo - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-13.
    Background The worldwide increase in older persons demands technological solutions to combat the shortage of caregiving and to enable aging in place. Smart home health technologies (SHHTs) are promoted and implemented as a possible solution from an economic and practical perspective. However, ethical considerations are equally important and need to be investigated. Methods We conducted a systematic review according to the PRISMA guidelines to investigate if and how ethical questions are discussed in the field of SHHTs in caregiving for older (...)
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  39.  16
    How do we describe other people from voices and faces?Nadine Lavan - 2023 - Cognition 230 (C):105253.
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    An auditory multiclass brain-computer interface with natural stimuli: Usability evaluation with healthy participants and a motor impaired end user.Nadine Simon, Ivo Kã¤Thner, Carolin A. Ruf, Emanuele Pasqualotto, Andrea Kã¼Bler & Sebastian Halder - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  41.  14
    Untimely Affects: Gilles Deleuze and an Ethics of Cinema.Nadine Boljkovac - 2013 - Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh University Press.
    How do the practices of philosophy and film converge in ethical and political theory? Untimely Affects is an ethical and aesthetic interweaving of Deleuzian philosophy and close film analysis to discern how thought persists productively after the horrors of World War II. In the first extensive analysis of Chris Marker and Alain Resnais' films, Nadine Boljkovac draws on concepts and images that interrogate 'what we are now living through', in the words of Klossowski's Nietzsche. Mindful of the seen and (...)
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    Guido Baselgia - Light Fall: Photographs 2006-2014.Nadine Olonetzky (ed.) - 2014 - Scheidegger & Spiess.
    The artistic work of photographer Gudio Baselgia focuses on landscapes formed by nature s forces and, more recently, on the sky with the stellar and solar movements and phenomena as we see them from earth. Celestial mechanics have fascinated mankind in all known cultures, the Babylonians and ancient Egyptians as well as the Greek and Celts, the Maya, or the ancient Indians and Chinese. Until the present day we look at the sky and keep being amazed, and try to read (...)
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    The study of lysogeny at the Pasteur Institute : an epistemologically open system.Nadine Peyrieras & Michel Morange - 2002 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 33 (3):419-430.
  44. Are nicotinic acetylcholine receptors coupled to G proteins?Nadine Kabbani, Jacob C. Nordman, Brian A. Corgiat, Daniel P. Veltri, Amarda Shehu, Victoria A. Seymour & David J. Adams - 2013 - Bioessays 35 (12):1025-1034.
    It was, until recently, accepted that the two classes of acetylcholine (ACh) receptors are distinct in an important sense: muscarinic ACh receptors signal via heterotrimeric GTP binding proteins (G proteins), whereas nicotinic ACh receptors (nAChRs) open to allow flux of Na+, Ca2+, and K+ ions into the cell after activation. Here we present evidence of direct coupling between G proteins and nAChRs in neurons. Based on proteomic, biophysical, and functional evidence, we hypothesize that binding to G proteins modulates the activity (...)
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    Freude und gutes Leben: eine Untersuchung des individualethischen Hedonismus.Nadine Köhne - 2015 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  46. Similarities in emotion perception from faces and voices: evidence from emotion sorting tasks.Nadine Lavan, Aleena Ahmed, Chantelle Tyrene Oteng, Munira Aden, Luisa Nasciemento-Krüger, Zahra Raffiq & Isabelle Mareschal - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Emotions are expressed via many features including facial displays, vocal intonation, and touch, and perceivers can often interpret emotional displays across the different modalities with high accuracy. Here, we examine how emotion perception from faces and voices relates to one another, probing individual differences in emotion recognition abilities across visual and auditory modalities. We developed a novel emotion sorting task, in which participants were tasked with freely grouping different stimuli into perceived emotional categories, without requiring pre-defined emotion labels. Participants completed (...)
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  47.  13
    The effects of high variability training on voice identity learning.Nadine Lavan, Sarah Knight, Valerie Hazan & Carolyn McGettigan - 2019 - Cognition 193:104026.
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    Cross-modal priming facilitates production of low imageability word strings in a case of deep-phonological dysphasia.Martin Nadine, Mccarthy Laura, Kohen Francine, Kalinyak-Fliszar Michelene & Berkowitz Rebecca - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  49. Le regard, la flèche... la cible: (ou Saint Sébatien selon Fiona Tan).Nadine Plateau - 2004 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 107:137-148.
  50.  92
    Psychobiology, progressivism, and the anti-progressive tradition.Nadine Weidman - 1996 - Journal of the History of Biology 29 (2):267-308.
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