Results for 'Nadine Gomez'

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  1. Essay Review The Year of Gassendi.Anthony Turner & Gomez Nadine - 1994 - Annals of Science 51 (2):285.
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    Pierre Gassendi, explorateur des sciences: catalogue de l'exposition, quatrième centenaire de la naissance de Pierre Gassendi, Musée de Digne 19 mai au 18 octobre 1992.Anthony John Turner, Nadine Gomez, Pierre Gassendi, Tullio Gregory & Musée de Digne - 1992 - [Musée de Digne].
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  3. On the Foundations of the Poetry of Life: Gerard Manley Hopkins on Self and World.J. Garcia-Gomez - 2000 - Analecta Husserliana 68:337-356.
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    Relational autonomy: what does it mean and how is it used in end-of-life care? A systematic review of argument-based ethics literature.Carlos Gómez-Vírseda, Yves de Maeseneer & Chris Gastmans - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-15.
    BackgroundRespect for autonomy is a key concept in contemporary bioethics and end-of-life ethics in particular. Despite this status, an individualistic interpretation of autonomy is being challenged from the perspective of different theoretical traditions. Many authors claim that the principle of respect for autonomy needs to be reconceptualised starting from a relational viewpoint. Along these lines, the notion of relational autonomy is attracting increasing attention in medical ethics. Yet, others argue that relational autonomy needs further clarification in order to be adequately (...)
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    Teaching business ethics.Jeffrey Gandz & Nadine Hayes - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (9):657 - 669.
    Business ethics should be taught in business schools as an integrated part of core curricula in MBA programs with a dual focus on both analytical frameworks and their applications to the business disciplines. To overcome the reluctance of many faculty to handle ethical issues, a critical mass of faculty must develop suitable materials, educate their peers in its use, and take the lead by introducing it in their own courses and on senior management programs.
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  6. Modal Realism and Anthropic Reasoning.Mario Gómez-Torrente - 2024 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 102 (4):925-938.
    Some arguments against David Lewis’s modal realism seek to exploit apparent inconsistencies between it and anthropic reasoning. A recent argument, in particular, seeks to exploit an inconsistency between modal realism and typicality anthropic premises, premises common in the literature on physical multiverses, to the effect that observers who are like human observers in certain respects must be typical in the relevant multiverse. Here I argue that typicality premises are not applicable to the description of Lewis’s metaphysical multiverse, where the proportions (...)
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    Experimental economics as a method for normative business ethics.Pedro Francés-Gómez, Lorenzo Sacconi & Marco Faillo - 2015 - Business Ethics 24 (supplement S1):41-53.
    We advance the thesis that the method of experimental economics can make significant contributions to normative, as opposed to descriptive, business ethics. We contend that there are two basic ways in which experimental economics may make this contribution, and we exemplify these ways by pointing to experimental support of social contract theory as rational foundation for business ethics. These two ways are: (1) adding psychological realism; and (2) testing some quasi-empirical assumptions present in normative theory. In order to make good (...)
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    Human rights in Cuba, El Salvador, and Nicaragua: a sociological perspective on human rights abuse.Mayra Gómez - 2003 - New York: Routledge.
    This book presents a historical perspective on patterns of human rights abuse in Cuba, El Salvador and Nicaragua and incorporates international relations in to the traditional theories of state repression found within the social sciences.
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    Filosofía, cultura y diferencia sexual.Rubí de María Gómez (ed.) - 2001 - México: Plaza y Valdes.
    Después de algunas décadas de desarrollo teórico del feminismo, el mismo perfil de la filosofía se ha transformado con la inteoducción de temas y conceptos novedosos como la perspectiva de género. Los profesores de la Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo (UMSNH) (y las destacadas invitadas que colaboran en este libro), sensibles a los avances y al despliegue de las categorías culturales que las reflexiones feministas aportan al mundo contemporáneo, se dan a la tarea (...)
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  10. Don’t forget the boundary problem! How EM field topology can address the overlooked cousin to the binding problem for consciousness.Andrés Gómez-Emilsson & Chris Percy - 2023 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 17:1233119.
    The boundary problem is related to the binding problem, part of a family of puzzles and phenomenal experiences that theories of consciousness (ToC) must either explain or eliminate. By comparison with the phenomenal binding problem, the boundary problem has received very little scholarly attention since first framed in detail by Rosengard in 1998, despite discussion by Chalmers in his widely cited 2016 work on the combination problem. However, any ToC that addresses the binding problem must also address the boundary problem. (...)
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    Yanagi, Ceramics and the Craft Values of Korean Aesthetics.Rosa Fernández Gómez - 2022 - Espes. The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 11 (2):18-26.
    The long Japanese tradition of Korean ceramics appreciation, closely associated with the Zen tea ceremony _(chanoyu), _has played an important role in the development of Korean aesthetics in the twentieth century. The art critic and philosopher Yanagi Soetsu was instrumental in this process during the occupation period, since, continuing in this tradition, he particularly valued Joseon ceramics for their aesthetic qualities - such as naturalness, nonchalance, and simplicity - akin to praised values in Zen Buddhism. Yanagi’s pioneering writings might have (...)
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    En memoria de David P. Gauthier.Pedro Francés-Gómez - 2024 - Isegoría 70:1577.
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    Frontera: una categoría del pensamiento al borde del tiempo.José Mª García Gómez-Heras - 2013 - Arbor 189 (762):a051.
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    Retelling everyday emotional events: Condensation, distancing, and closure.Tilmann Habermas & Nadine Berger - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (2):206-219.
  15. La cuestión de los vagos en Lorca entre 1775-1800.Juan Hernández Franco & Manuel Quiñonero Gómez - 1985 - Contrastes 1:73-96.
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  16. Ethical reflection on nanotechnoly; but what does "being nanotechnological" mean?: A contribution from an epistemically realist point of view.Pere Trujillo, Salvador Gómez & Albert Giménez - 2014 - Comprendre 16 (1):105-122.
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  17. Otras valoraciones del paisaje: el excursionismo militar.Elia Canosa Zamora & Manuel Mollá Ruiz-Gómez - 2009 - In Eduardo Martínez de Pisón & Nicolás Ortega (eds.), Los valores del paisaje. Soria: Fundación Duques de Soria.
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  18. Stay at Home and Teach: A Comparative Study of Psychosocial Risks Between Spain and Mexico During the Pandemic.Vicente Prado-Gascó, María T. Gómez-Domínguez, Ana Soto-Rubio, Luis Díaz-Rodríguez & Diego Navarro-Mateu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:566900.
    Context: The emergency situation caused by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has affected different facets of society. Although much of the attention is focused on the health sector, other sectors such as education have also experienced profound transformations and impacts. This sector is usually highly affected by psychosocial risks, and this could be aggravated during the current health emergency. Psychosocial risks may cause health problems, lack of motivation, and a decrease of effectiveness at work, which in turn affect the quality of (...)
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    David Gauthier and The Development of a Contractarian Morality.Pedro Frances-Gomez - 2000 - Hobbes Studies 13 (1):77-101.
    The appearance of the following pages might suggest an "intellectual biography". My purpose is not, though, to offer such a simple thing . Indeed, I would like to follow the evolution of Gauthier's thought not only to show how a thinker evolved from a particular view about a particular problem toward a quite original and suggestive formulation, but also to deepen our comprehension of moral contractarianism and its implications, by means of its contextualization. For this reason, I will focus not (...)
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    La moralidad de la eficacia.Pedro Francés Gómez - 1998 - Isegoría 18:165-179.
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  21. Logical Truth.Mario Gomez-Torrente - 2014 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Semantics vs. Pragmatics in Impure Quotation.Mario Gomez-Torrente - 2017 - In Paul Saka & Michael Johnson (eds.), The Semantics and Pragmatics of Quotation. Cham: Springer. pp. 135-167.
    I defend a semantic theory of quotation marks, according to which these are ambiguous, as they have several different acceptations involving corresponding different conventional indications. In particular, in allusion (“mixed”) uses, the corresponding conventional indication is one with an adverbial or prepositional content, roughly equivalent to “using the quoted expression or an appropriate version of it”. And in “scare” uses, the corresponding conventional indication is that the enclosed expression should be used not plainly but in some broadly speaking distanced way, (...)
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  23. La música en la publicidad.Mónica Gómez Canicio - 2005 - Critica 55 (924):60-63.
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    Una teoría personal del arte: antología de textos de estética y teoría del arte.Ramón Gómez de la Serna & Ana Martínez-Collado - 1988
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  25. Mirada antropológica sobre el (sin) sentido del trabajo.Pedro Gómez García - 1986 - Diálogo Filosófico 6:302-312.
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  26. The Progress of Scotland and the Experimental Method.Juan Gomez - 2012 - In James Maclaurin (ed.), Rationis Defensor: Essays in Honour of Colin Cheyne. Springer. pp. 111-124.
    This paper looks into two Scottish Philosophical Societies of the Eighteenth century: The Philosophical Society of Edinburgh, and the Select Society of Edinburgh. I intend to show that they were planned, constructed, and carried out according to the experimental method of natural philosophy, and that it was this factor that enhanced the influence they had in the development of the country. An examination of the minute books, discourses, abstracts and question lists of these societies will provide enough evidence to support (...)
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    Some Difficulties in Sacconi's View about Corporate Ethics.Pedro Francé-Gómez - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 42 (2):165 - 180.
    Lorenzo Sacconi's The Social Contract of the Firm (Berlin, Springer, 2000) is a major contribution to the normative theory of the firm. It contains a full-fledged contractarian explanation of the role of Corporate Codes of Ethics. Sacconi proposes a game-theoretical model of the normative structure of the firm, including explicit and implicit contracts binding the members of the organisation, and the so-called constitutional contract: the hypothetical agreement that sets the basic co-operative structure in which the organisation consists. While Sacconi's theory (...)
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    Dialectical thinking in contemporary spirituality: Reconciling contradictory beliefs through metamodern oscillations between two ways of thinking.Dave Vliegenthart & Nadine Sajo - forthcoming - Archive for the Psychology of Religion.
    Psychologists are paying increasing attention to a distinction between two ways of thinking. Cognitive psychologists discern between non-reflective “intuitive” and critical reflective “analytic” thinking. Cultural psychologists discern between context-focused “holistic” and object-focused “analytic” thinking. Both find the former strongly correlated with religious beliefs and Asian cultures, the latter with secular beliefs and Euro-American cultures. Yet, recent studies convincingly suggest: first, that analytic thinking does not just relate to secular beliefs but also to alternative beliefs that straddle the boundaries between secular (...)
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  29. El origen de la Navidad y de sus tradiciones.Francisco José Gómez Fernández - 1998 - El Basilisco 23:69-72.
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    El ateísmo hegeliano.Jesús Ezquerra Gómez - 2011 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 44:121-135.
    The Hegelian atheism is an atheism of the God’s death. If the hegelian God is the same thing that the lógos (that is to say, the rationality of the real) then the alienation (Entaüsserung) of the logical Idea in the Nature must be understood as the God’s death. That alienation is due to the dialectics of the Ground (grund) exposed in the logic of the essence: The essence is the abyssal Ground of the existence (Existenz). Said otherwise: the essence founds (...)
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  31. La Investigación Científica en la Administración Pública (Scientific Research in Public Administration).Carlos Gómez Díaz de León - 2012 - Daena 7 (2):159-173.
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    The So-Called Question of Existence in Aristotle, an. Post. 2. 1-2.Alfonso Gómez-Lobo - 1980 - Review of Metaphysics 34 (1):71 - 89.
    IN THE first chapter of the second book of the Analytica Posteriora Aristotle offers a fourfold classification of objects of inquiry He refers to each of them by means of a shorthand expression.
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    Sociedad y utopía en Ernst Bloch: presupuestos ontológicos y antropológicos para una filosofía social.José María G. Gómez-Heras - 1977 - Salamanca: Sígueme.
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    Tarski on Variable Domains.Mario Gomez-Torrente - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 13:47-52.
    In earlier work I claimed that when Tarski wrote his seminal 1936 paper on logical consequence, he had in mind a now nonstandard convention, that he also used in his 1937 logic manual, requiring the domain of quantification of the different interpretations of a first-order mathematical language to covary with changes in the interpretation of a non-logical “domain predicate”. Recently Paolo Mancosu has rejected this claim, holding that it can be established on the basis of a passage from Tarski’s manual (...)
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    Les enseignants du secondaire à l’épreuve de la loi de 2005.Pascal Guibert & Nadine Le Corre - 2015 - Revue Phronesis 4 (1):51-63.
    By modifying the Education Code and the definition of «handicap», the French law passed in February 2005 in favour of disabled people has doubled the number of students classified as disabled in mainstream secondary schools. Nine years after the enactment of this act, the field practice continues to be an ordeal that teachers can relate to in terms of experience. How does this law impact on the teaching practices of mainstream secondary school teachers? Using an interactionist approach, this paper explains (...)
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    Nuevos mundos y viejas lenguas. El problema de la transmisión del conocimiento en la literatura utópica de los siglos XVI y XVII.Sara Gómez López - 2012 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de la Ideas 6 (6):3-26.
    Neither the Ancients nor the medieval philosophers were unaware of the problem of the plurality of languages, represented symbolically by the Biblical Tower of Babel. The sixteenth century, nevertheless, had to face the problem from perspectives that went beyond the traditional philosophical debate. The discovery of new territories, new languages, new natural beings without known denomination, as well as the proliferation of names for apparently the same thing, created a great problem of scientific communication precisely when this began to erect (...)
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  37. Objectivism about Color and Comparative Color Statements. Reply to Hansen.Mario Gómez-Torrente - 2017 - Noûs 51 (2):429-435.
    Nat Hansen builds a new argument for subjectivism about the semantics of color language, based on a potential kind of intersubjective disagreements about comparative color statements. In reply, I note that the disagreements of this kind are merely hypothetical, probably few if actual, and not evidently relevant as test cases for a semantic theory. Furthermore, even if they turned out to be actual and semantically relevant, they would be intuitively unusable by the subjectivist.
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    Ambigüedad religiosa, diversidad y racionalidad.Carlos Miguel Gómez Rincón - 2017 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (164):55-77.
    Se explora la relación entre las dimensiones proposicional y no proposicional de la creencia religiosa para mostrar que la última dirige el proceso de justificación y representa su límite. Se defiende que la no proposicional también tiene valor cognitivo, porque constituye una suerte de elección epistémica preteórica que no es exclusiva de la fe religiosa. Se explora la noción de ambigüedad religiosa, tanto a nivel intelectual como experiencial, y se sostiene que la relación entre la dimensión proposicional y la no-proposicional (...)
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    Religious ambiguity, diversity, and rationality.Carlos Miguel-Gómez - 2017 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (164):55-77.
    RESUMEN Se explora la relación entre las dimensiones proposicional y no proposicional de la creencia religiosa para mostrar que la última dirige el proceso de justificación y representa su límite. Se defiende que la no proposicional también tiene valor cognitivo, porque constituye una suerte de elección epistémica preteórica que no es exclusiva de la fe religiosa. Se explora la noción de ambigüedad religiosa, tanto a nivel intelectual como experiencial, y se sostiene que la relación entre la dimensión proposicional y la (...)
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    A Further Review of the Incompatibility between Classical Principles and Quantum Postulates.M. Ferrero, V. Gómez Pin, D. Salgado & J. L. Sánchez-Gómez - 2013 - Foundations of Science 18 (1):125-138.
    The traditional “realist” conception of physics, according to which human concepts, laws and theories can grasp the essence of a reality in our absence , seems incompatible with quantum formalism and it most fruitful interpretation. The proof rests on the violation by quantum mechanical formalism of some fundamental principles of the classical ontology. We discuss if the conception behind Einstein’s idea of a reality in our absence, could be still maintained and at which price. We conclude that quantum mechanical formalism (...)
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  41. How Quotations Refer.Mario Gómez-Torrente - 2013 - Journal of Philosophy 110 (7):353-390.
    The article proposes a theory on which quotations are unstructured, context-insensitive devices that get their referents fixed by a conventional wholesale reference-fixing rule. First, it criticizes recent theories for postulating eccentric or anomalous facts concerning the contribution of noun phrases to truth conditions, the semantics of demonstratives or general syntax. Second, it notes that the proposed theory is not subject to some familiar objections to classical theories, nor to eccentricity or anomalousness complaints. Third, it shows that recent arguments that quotations (...)
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  42. Reference Fixing and the Paradoxes.Mario Gomez-Torrente - 2024 - In Mattia Petrolo & Giorgio Venturi (eds.), Paradoxes Between Truth and Proof. Springer.
    I defend the hypothesis that the semantic paradoxes, the paradoxes about collections, and the sorites paradoxes, are all paradoxes of reference fixing: they show that certain conventionally adopted and otherwise functional reference-fixing principles cannot provide consistent assignments of reference to certain relevant expressions in paradoxical cases. I note that the hypothesis has interesting implications concerning the idea of a unified account of the semantic, collection and sorites paradoxes, as well as about the explanation of their “recalcitrance”. I also note that (...)
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  43. Consciousness, psychophysical harmony, and anthropic reasoning.Mario Gomez-Torrente - manuscript
    The thesis, typical among dualists, that there are no necessitation relations between events of consciousness and physical events implies that it is prima facie lucky that in our world the apparently existing psychophysical laws usually match events of consciousness and physical events in a “harmonious” way. The lucky psychophysical laws argument concludes that typical dualism amounts to a psychophysical parallelism that is prima facie too improbable to be true. I argue that an anthropic reasoning in the space of possible worlds (...)
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    Connectionism coming of age: legacy and future challenges.Julien Mayor, Pablo Gomez, Franklin Chang & Gary Lupyan - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  45. Problemas teóricos y metodológicos del estudio de la ciudad desde el modelo de urbe global.Luis Gómez Encinas - 2005 - Aposta 20:2.
    Este texto analiza un modelo sociológico basado en el concepto de Urbe Global, de Artemio Baigorri. Se fija en la ciudad como artefacto principal de los procesos de civilización y urbanización que han sido fundamentales en la evolución humana. Su objetivo es señalar algunas críticas y proponer mejoras en atención a las conexiones e interacciones, en sus formas más sofisticadas, que realizan los individuos bajo el presente marco de globalización.This text there analyzes a sociological model based on the concept of (...)
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  46. La utopía Vasco de Quiroga.Daniel Alejandro Gómez Escoto - 1998 - A Parte Rei 2:6.
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    La doctora solo miró la pantalla.Carlos Alberto Gómez Fajardo - 2019 - Persona y Bioética 23 (2):269-270.
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    Qué hacen las metáforas en la ciencia.Javier Gómez Ferri - 1997 - Laguna 4:57-76.
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  49. Dialogue for reasoning : Promoting exploratory talk and problem solving in the primary classroom.Sylvia Rojas-Drummond, Laura Gómez & Maricela Vélez - 2008 - In B. van Oers (ed.), The Transformation of Learning: Advances in Cultural-Historical Activity Theory. Cambridge University Press.
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    La competencia reflexiva clave de la profesionalización docente.Ma Victoria Gómez Serés - 2018 - Voces de la Educación 3 (5):91-103.
    El artículo que a continuación se presenta, forma parte de la tesis doctoral1 donde se presenta una actual investigación sobre la llamada Competencia Reflexiva en el marco del desarrollo profesional de los docentes. Se profundiza en el concepto de competencia profesional y se realiza un exhaustivo estudio de las competencias de la profesión docente que han fijado diferentes países2 hasta llegar a la relevante aportación sobre la competencia reflexiva. Desde el análisis de la praxis docente la investigación consigue determinar el (...)
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