Results for 'Music listening'

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  1.  10
    Infectious Music.Music-Listener Emotional Contagion - 2011 - In Amy Coplan & Peter Goldie, Empathy: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
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  2. Chapter Five Frustrated Listening: Music, Noise and Trauma Vincent Meelberg.Frustrated Listening - 2007 - In John Wall, Music, metamorphosis and capitalism: self, poetics and politics. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 63.
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    Music Listening for Supporting Adolescents’ Sense of Agency in Daily Life.Suvi Helinä Saarikallio, William M. Randall & Margarida Baltazar - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:492399.
    Sense of agency refers to the ability to influence one’s functioning and environment, relating to self-efficacy and wellbeing. In youth, agency may be challenged by external demands or redefinition of self-image. Music, having heightened relevance for the young, has been argued to provide feelings of self-agency for them. Yet, there is little empirical research on how music impacts adolescents’ daily sense of agency. The current study investigated whether music listening influences adolescents’ perceived agency in everyday life (...)
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    Music Listening in Classical Concerts: Theory, Literature Review, and Research Program.Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann, Hauke Egermann, Anna Czepiel, Katherine O’Neill, Christian Weining, Deborah Meier, Wolfgang Tschacher, Folkert Uhde, Jutta Toelle & Martin Tröndle - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:638783.
    Performing and listening to music occurs in specific situations, requiring specific media. Empirical research on music listening and appreciation, however, tends to overlook the effects these situations and media may have on the listening experience. This article uses the sociological concept of the frame to develop a theory of an aesthetic experience with music as the result of encountering sound/music in the context of a specific situation. By presenting a transdisciplinary sub-field of empirical (...)
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    Music Listening Predicted Improved Life Satisfaction in University Students During Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic.Amanda E. Krause, James Dimmock, Amanda L. Rebar & Ben Jackson - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Quarantine and spatial distancing measures associated with COVID-19 resulted in substantial changes to individuals’ everyday lives. Prominent among these lifestyle changes was the way in which people interacted with media—including music listening. In this repeated assessment study, we assessed Australian university students’ media use throughout early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia, and determined whether media use was related to changes in life satisfaction. Participants were asked to complete six online questionnaires, capturing pre- and during-pandemic experiences. The (...)
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  6. Music Listening in Times of COVID-19 Outbreak: A Brazilian Study.Fabiana Silva Ribeiro, João Paulo Araújo Lessa, Guilherme Delmolin & Flávia H. Santos - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:647473.
    The COVID-19 outbreak required diverse strategies, such as social distancing and self-isolation, to avoid a healthcare system crisis. However, these measures have been associated with the onset or increase of anxiety and depression symptoms in the population. Music listening was previously shown to regulate emotion, consequently reducing depression symptoms. Since previous studies with Brazilian samples have already shown a high prevalence of depressive symptoms during the first confinement period, the aim of this study was threefold: (i) to compare (...)
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    Musical listening and the fine art of engagement.Charles Morrison - 2007 - British Journal of Aesthetics 47 (4):401-415.
    When we listen to music, what do we listen to and for? How do we listen? How well do we listen and how do we listen well? This paper suggests that ‘modes of engagement’ are the active, operational means by which listeners experience music and that listening experiences more often than not involve multiple interacting modes rather than a fixed mode throughout. Modes of engagement may be voluntarily employed or involuntarily adopted; they may be technical or descriptive; (...)
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    Music Listening as a Strategy for Managing COVID-19 Stress in First-Year University Students.Dianna Vidas, Joel L. Larwood, Nicole L. Nelson & Genevieve A. Dingle - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 pandemic brought rapid changes to travel, learning environments, work conditions, and social support, which caused stress for many University students. Research with young people has revealed music listening to be among their most effective strategies for coping with stress. As such, this survey of 402 first-year Australian University students examined the effectiveness of music listening during COVID-19 compared with other stress management strategies, whether music listening for stress management was related to well-being, (...)
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    Everyday Music Listening: Absorption, Dissociation and Trancing.Ruth Herbert - 2011 - Ashgate Pub. Co..
    Music and listening, music and consciousness -- Conceptualizing consciousness -- The phenomenology of everyday music listening experiences -- Absorption, dissociation and trancing -- Musical and non-musical trancing in daily life -- Imaginative involvement -- Musical and non-musical trancing : similarities and differences -- Experiencing life and art : ethological and evolutionary perspectives on -- Transformations of consciousness -- Everyday music listening experiences reframed.
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    Music listening as music making.Charles D. Morrison - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 43 (1):pp. 77-91.
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    Music listening in families and peer groups: benefits for young people's social cohesion and emotional well-being across four cultures.Diana Boer & Amina Abubakar - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  12. The psychological organization of music listening : from spontaneous to learned perceptive processes.Iráene Deliáege - 2017 - In Jean-Jacques Nattiez, Jonathan Dunsby & Jonathan Goldman, The dawn of music semiology: essays in honor of Jean-Jacques Nattiez. Rochester, NY: University of Rochester Press.
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    Music, Listeners, and Moral Awareness.Jeanette Bicknell - 2001 - Philosophy Today 45 (3):266-274.
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  14. The effects of music listening on pain and stress in the daily life of patients with fibromyalgia syndrome.Alexandra Linnemann, Mattes B. Kappert, Susanne Fischer, Johanna M. Doerr, Jana Strahler & Urs M. Nater - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  15.  25
    Musical listening and performance as embodied dialogism.Deanne Bogdan - forthcoming - Philosophy of Music Education Review.
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  16. Infectious music: Music-listener emotional contagion.Stephen Davies - 2011 - In Amy Coplan & Peter Goldie, Empathy: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
  17. Consciousness and everday music listening: trancing, dissociation, and absorption.Ruth Herbert - 2011 - In David Clarke & Eric Clarke, Music and consciousness: philosophical, psychological, and cultural perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    From sound to music: Listening to the political with Gilles Deleuze.Franziska Strack - 2022 - Contemporary Political Theory 21 (4):522-544.
    This article offers a sonic reading of Gilles Deleuze’s political philosophy. It argues that Deleuze adopts a sonic-musical vocabulary to account for the affective and corporeal dimensions of politics or the ways that bodies and nonconscious forces shape political and epistemological experience. Suggesting that sonic expressions operate on both the musical and the linguistic register and inflect bodies before being consciously recognized, the article thus explores how the sound flows involved in political assemblages also find entrance into philosophical concepts. To (...)
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    Consciousness and everyday music listening: trancing, dissociation.Ruth Herbert - 2011 - In David Clarke & Eric Clarke, Music and consciousness: philosophical, psychological, and cultural perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 295.
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    The Eudaimonic Functions of Music Listening Scale: An Instrument to Measure Transcendence, Flow and Peak Experience in Music.Jenny M. Groarke & Michael J. Hogan - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  21. A Qualitative Exploration of Aged-Care Residents’ Everyday Music Listening Practices and How These May Support Psychosocial Well-Being.Amanda E. Krause & Jane W. Davidson - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Strategies to support the psychosocial well-being of older adults living in aged-care are needed; and evidence points toward music listening as an effective, non-pharmacological tool with many benefits to quality of life and well-being. Yet, the everyday listening practices of older adults living in residential aged-care remain under-researched. The current study explored older adults’ experiences of music listening in their daily lives while living in residential aged-care and considered how music listening might support (...)
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    (1 other version)Usporedba spoznajnog i emocionalnog aspekta slušanja glazbe u glazbeno-pedagoškom kontekstu osnovne školeA comparison between the cognitive and emotional aspects of music listening in the context of elementary school music teaching.Sabina Vidulin, Marlena Plavšić & Valnea Žauhar - 2020 - Metodicki Ogledi 26 (2):9-32.
    Cilj je slušanja glazbe u školi oblikovati kulturno-umjetnički svjetonazor učenica i učenika te doprinijeti njihovom estetskom odgoju. U hrvatskim osnovnim školama realizira se prema tzv. standardnom modelu kojemu je težište na spoznajnoj dimenziji. Kako bi se povećali pozornost, motivacija, slušalačke navike i prihvaćanje umjetničke glazbe, predlaže se spoznajno-emocionalni pristup koji višemodalno povezuje glazbene i izvanglazbene sadržaje. Cilj istraživanja bio je usporediti utjecaje spoznajno-emocionalnog i standardnog pristupa u nastavi glazbene kulture na spoznajni i emocionalni aspekt slušanja glazbe. Sudjelovalo je 557 učenika (...)
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    Shared and Unshared Feature Extraction in Major Depression During Music Listening Using Constrained Tensor Factorization.Xiulin Wang, Wenya Liu, Xiaoyu Wang, Zhen Mu, Jing Xu, Yi Chang, Qing Zhang, Jianlin Wu & Fengyu Cong - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Ongoing electroencephalography signals are recorded as a mixture of stimulus-elicited EEG, spontaneous EEG and noises, which poses a huge challenge to current data analyzing techniques, especially when different groups of participants are expected to have common or highly correlated brain activities and some individual dynamics. In this study, we proposed a data-driven shared and unshared feature extraction framework based on nonnegative and coupled tensor factorization, which aims to conduct group-level analysis for the EEG signals from major depression disorder patients and (...)
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  24. Perceiving speech rhythm in music: Listeners classify instrumental songs according to language of origin.Erin E. Hannon - 2009 - Cognition 111 (3):403-409.
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    Music induces universal emotion-related psychophysiological responses: comparing Canadian listeners to Congolese Pygmies.Hauke Egermann, Nathalie Fernando, Lorraine Chuen & Stephen McAdams - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:116059.
    Subjective and psychophysiological emotional responses to music from two different cultures were compared within these two cultures. Two identical experiments were conducted: the first in the Congolese rainforest with an isolated population of Mebenzélé Pygmies without any exposure to Western music and culture, the second with a group of Western music listeners, with no experience with Congolese music. Forty Pygmies and 40 Canadians listened in pairs to 19 music excerpts of 29–99 s in duration in (...)
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  26.  19
    A Preliminary Study of the Effects of Attentive Music Listening on Cochlear Implant Users’ Speech Perception, Quality of Life, and Behavioral and Objective Measures of Frequency Change Detection.Gabrielle M. Firestone, Kelli McGuire, Chun Liang, Nanhua Zhang, Chelsea M. Blankenship, Jing Xiang & Fawen Zhang - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
  27. On Kivy's Philosophy of Music: Listening: A Response to Alperson, Davies, and Howard.P. Kivy - 1993 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 27:1-1.
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    Shaping pseudoneglect with transcranial cerebellar direct current stimulation and music listening.Silvia Picazio, Chiara Granata, Carlo Caltagirone, Laura Petrosini & Massimiliano Oliveri - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Musical anhedonia, timbre, and the rewards of music listening.Nicholas Kathios, Aniruddh D. Patel & Psyche Loui - 2024 - Cognition 243 (C):105672.
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    Microsaccade-rate indicates absorption by music listening.Elke B. Lange, Fabian Zweck & Petra Sinn - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 55:59-78.
  31. Another Response to Deanne Bogdan," Music Listening and Performance as Embodied Dialogism".Sondra Wieland Howe - forthcoming - Philosophy of Music Education Review.
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    Eavesdropping on Adolescence. An Exploratory Study of Music Listening Among Children.Keith Roe & Cecilia von Feilitzen - 1992 - Communications 17 (2):225-244.
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  33. Listening to Music Together.N. Zangwill - 2012 - British Journal of Aesthetics 52 (4):379-389.
    I discuss the social dimension of musical experience. I focus on the question of whether there is joint musical listening. One reason for this focus is that Adorno and those in his tradition give us little in the way of an understanding of what the social dimension of musical experience might be. We need a proper clear conception of the issue, which the issue of joint experience yields. I defend a radically individualistic view, while conceding that such a view, (...)
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    Task Context Influences Brain Activation during Music Listening.Andjela Markovic, Jürg Kühnis & Lutz Jäncke - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  35.  44
    Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Adaptive Functions of Music Listening Scale.Jenny M. Groarke & Michael J. Hogan - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Perceived structure of abstract paintings as a function of structure of music listened to on initial viewing.Daniel Lindner & Michael T. Hynan - 1987 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 25 (1):44-46.
  37. Bridge of waves: what music is and how listening to it changes the world.W. A. Mathieu - 2010 - Boston: Shambhala.
    The music in here--. Music as body ; Music as mind ; Music as heart ; Feeling mind, thinking heart -- --out there--. Music as life ; Music as story ; Music as mirror -- --and everywhere--. Music on the Zen elevator ; The enlightened listener ; Living the waves.
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    Listening subjects: music, psychoanalysis, culture.David Schwarz - 1997 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    In Listening Subjects, David Schwarz uses psychoanalytic techniques to probe the visceral experiences of music listeners.
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    Listening Through the Noise: The Aesthetics of Experimental Electronic Music.Joanna Demers - 2010 - Oup Usa.
    Contemporary electronic music has splintered into numerous genres and subgenres, all of which share a concern with whether sound, in itself, bears meaning. Listening through the Noise considers how the experience of listening to electronic music constitutes a departure from the expectations that have long governed music listening in the West.
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  40. Section 3. Transformations and Possibilities of the Person. Sexed Bodies / (Im)Possible Bodies / Polyphonic Bodies / Stephen Amico ; Phenomenology and Habitus in Music Listening / Andrew McGuiness ; Playing and Listening : Phenomenological Hermeneutics and Improvisation.Charles Sharp - 2023 - In Harris M. Berger, Friedlind Riedel & David VanderHamm, The Oxford handbook of the phenomenology of music cultures. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Tuned In Emotion Regulation Program Using Music Listening: Effectiveness for Adolescents in Educational Settings.Genevieve A. Dingle, Joseph Hodges & Ashleigh Kunde - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  42. Emotional Reactions Mediate the Effect of Music Listening on Creative Thinking: Perspective of the Arousal-and-Mood Hypothesis.He Wu-Jing, Wong Wan-Chi & N.-N. Hui Anna - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Listening to Music in the Digital Era.Giacomo Fronzi - 2016 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 9 (1):51-69.
    In this paper, I examine the relationship between new technologies and listening, starting from a distinction between two different levels. The first concerns the role new technologies play in the “mere” reproduction and diffusion of music materials that are not necessarily classifiable in the category of the so-called “technological music”; the second concerns the listening modes unavoidably involved in the reception of a music product, due to its very nature. To this end I shall focus (...)
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    Digital music use as ecological thinking: Metadata and historicised listening.Andreas Helles Pedersen - 2020 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 29 (59):97-118.
    In claiming that metadata possess the power to put historical awareness into the act of listening, this article examines digital music use as an aesthetic situation driven by potentialities of becoming. Working from a theoretical foundation amalgamating digital music archives and metadata as environments the article discusses Georgina Born’s notion of musical assemblages alongside the concept of virtuality, and by letting these meet the article argues for a musical assemblage built from sensibilities of becoming rather than layers (...)
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    Being musically attuned: the act of listening to music.Erik Wallrup - 2015 - Ashgate Publishing Company : Burlington, VT, USA: Ashgate.
    Stimmung in music -- The philosophy of Stimmung -- Playing in between -- History -- Duration -- Aftersong.
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    Aesthetic and physiological effects of naturalistic multimodal music listening.Anna Czepiel, Lauren K. Fink, Christoph Seibert, Mathias Scharinger & Sonja A. Kotz - 2023 - Cognition 239 (C):105537.
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    Musical agency and the social listener.Cora S. Palfy - 2021 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Music as a narrative drama is an intriguing idea, which has captured explicit music theoretical attention since the nineteenth century. Investigations into narrative characters or personae has evolved into a sub-field--musical agency. In this book, Palfy contends that music has the potential to engage us in social processes and that those processes can be experienced as a social interaction with a musical agent. She explores the overlap between the psychological processes in which we participate in order to (...)
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    Tracking Musical Voices in Bach's The Art of the Fugue: Timbral Heterogeneity Differentially Affects Younger Normal-Hearing Listeners and Older Hearing-Aid Users.Kai Siedenburg, Kirsten Goldmann & Steven van de Par - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Auditory scene analysis is an elementary aspect of music perception, yet only little research has scrutinized auditory scene analysis under realistic musical conditions with diverse samples of listeners. This study probed the ability of younger normal-hearing listeners and older hearing-aid users in tracking individual musical voices or lines in JS Bach's The Art of the Fugue. Five-second excerpts with homogeneous or heterogenous instrumentation of 2–4 musical voices were presented from spatially separated loudspeakers and preceded by a short cue for (...)
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  49.  17
    Listening to the Space of Music.Elvira Di Bona - 2017 - Rivista di Estetica 66:93-105.
    A person listening to music can be said to “hear space” in two senses: metaphorically, when the musical features of a composition, such as melody, harmony or rhythm, evoke a space (e.g., if she hears a “rising” melodic line) or suggest abstract concepts related to an imaginary spatial scene; and literally, when she perceives spatial information relating to sound sources and the spatial region where they are located. In this paper I will analyze the way we perceive space (...)
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    A Response to Deanne Bogdan," Musical Listening and Performance as Embodied Dialogism".Frank Heuser - forthcoming - Philosophy of Music Education Review.
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